Trap continuation thread
Trap continuation thread
back to talking about eating our cum it is
Fuck off with your ERP garbage thread.
I used to eat my cum a lot but after buying 2 fleshlights(Blue Alien and Robot one) and a Tenga Flip I rarely do it anymore.
However now I have a new problem which kinda grosses me out. My fleshlights I get lazy after masterbating so I put it back on the back of my bedbookshelf thing meaning to clean it the next day.
It sometimes goes 4-5 days not being cleaned. It fucking turns green and really runny as it collects in the cap thing. I wash it out.
At least it did, I stopped doing that after the fort mcmurray fire evacuation, out of the city for 2 months before we were alowed back...
It was black, moldy, crusty and disgusting. I ALMOST threw both of them out but now I just make sure I clean them once i'm done and only forgot 3 times in last 4 months.
I'm getting better.
I've seen a shitton of porn. A metric fuckload of porn.
But that has to be the worst premise and setup I've ever seen.
Nigga please.
what did he mean by this?
yea you need to clean those things the very next day
you dun fucked up
Post muscular traps.
This needs a serialization
Why must dom traps be so rare?
You faggots are real bitches.
>continuation thread
>linking back to the previous
>as if it was a general
I thought this was one was super adorable.
Fucking every time when there's a girl in a game.
We don't need a trap general.
Why not?
/lgbt/ exists
I want an UsaNyan sequel. Also why the fuck did Reversible and the whole magazine had to get cancelled.
yes we do
I need a manga that largely involves a trap leading a conquering army now.
I did not know I needed this. I could live perfectly fine without needing it. But now, now I need it and I'm not sure how I'll live on.
This is the gayest thing I've ever seen.
It's not a manga, but you should check out the Roman Empire some time. They were all about traps and homolust.
It was kinda cute.
Need sources
you shills never quit
Shilling homosexuality?
what is Arslan senki?
d-do you have the source for this?
>I'm Joker
>He's Cylone
Sauce of that panel, please.
I usually fap to trap doujins, but this is gay as fuck
There's a game about that.
Source me
It's time to go back to
/y/ is gay though
Got a sadpanda link instead? That one leads me to nothing.
Straight traps >>>>>>>>>>> everything else.
Thats just homo
>straight is just homo
please tell me he gets turned into a trap
Are there any animated hentai with traps, outside the 3D stuff from the studio that did that milky chan thing or whatever it was called, and the Boku no Pico studio?
>dressing up as a girl for another girl
Homo as fuck
Is it straight trap if it's Reverse Trap x Trap? Because THAT is >>>> everything else.
>but this is gay as fuck
I know, isn't it great?
shounen maid kuro-kun
I want more like it. There's been 3 really good trap doujins translated this week. I'd read a series like this, slower progression to sex, but still reach that point and be like 10~ chapters total. Now I need to go read some kaname.
I don't recall the romans being completely homo. Pre-christianity I think they just didn't care about it, it was just something people did occasionally. But still had the occasional ruler who was degeneracy incarnate and others who were all about 'Oh shit our population is not growing, can't spawn larger armies and control territory like this. Better mandate everyone fuck and have kids, or sanctions apply'.
>tfw no gf (male)
panda link?
Agree, can you source this diamond for us?
Submissive trap with dominate female (or better yet tomboy), fuck yes. Or maybe 'two girls' playing lesbian in-front of everyone, even though one is male.
Fuck off newfags
We dont need any more generals on Cred Forums
Kill yourself
>Submissive trap with dominate female
That's a plebbitor if I've ever seen one.
And no one calls him out.
Cant get more emasculated than this
>continuation thread
Fuck off and stop trying to make blogging generals.
Lurk for 2 years before posting.
it isn't even cropped you fucking idiot. lurk more
It can actually.
>submissive trap with dominant futa
>MC switches places with twin sister in all-girls' school because she was choosen to play male god for an annual dick festival and she doesn't want it
>students find out he has a dick
>they think he is actually a god
>and that his sperm is holy water
>this happens
they look exactly like girls. why.... just f a girl?lol
lurk for 2 years before posting
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Cred Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
tfw no dominant gf to make you wear girls clothes
>non-feminine dick
>click on Cred Forums after some years
>this is the first thread
It turns me on. I imagine all the Cred Forumsnons posting in this thread being feminine sissies craving for manly cock. Wish one of them was under my desk.
Was she wearing that under her skirt?
Damn that was great, I really feel gay now though.
>posts in the gay thread
>not gay
I have quite a thing for traps but I don't consider myself gay at all.
is in the link, take that out
>I have quite a thing for guys but I don't consider myself gay at all.
I just see them as girls with feminine dicks, and the realization that they're just feminine guys makes it taboo and is in the end rather exciting.
I still don't feel any attraction whatsoever towards guys on the other hand.
Things don't have to be as extreme as either hetero, bi or gay.
Because the world is a sad place.
Even when the trap starts as a dom sometimes they'll switch halfway through. Sensei in Josou Gakuen was damn hot, but then you unlock her dere side. That was annoying, though at least you still have her bad end.
Sauce pls cant find it anywhere
Has Cred Forums heard of bisexuality?
Pretty much. Saying that someone is gay for liking traps/futa is akin to saying you're into scat if you like asses/face-sitting/anal.
And from what I've seen real gays get very upset when someone claims they're gay just because they jerk off to 2D traps and call him a fake.
>Things don't have to be extreme as either hetero, bi or gay.
Yeah I agree but you said it's not gay AT ALL which is obviously not true. You do feel attraction towards guys because that's what they are.
If you like asses you like asses.
If you like feminine guys, you like guys, since feminine guys are guys.
I don't consider myself bi either, that's the thing. Of course there probably must be different degrees to that but to me bi means being more or less equally attracted to both gender; I am not. Standard guys, men, boys, don't do anything to me, if anything they repulse me.
A trap on the other hand to me is a girl with a boy body but still mostly looking like a girl, it's exotic and fun.
>akin to saying you're into scat if you like asses/face-sitting/anal.
I love these 3 things and am absolutely not into anything involving poo.
And I'd probably understand why they'd get upset.
Mmmm, they're more like half guys half girls to me... but if people really want me to say it then I'm perhaps 99.9% hetero and 0.1% gay? Still a dumb number, and still doesn't make me bi. What I like about traps is their feminine side and the exotic thought of them having a boy's body, not their male side AT ALL.
Worth pointing out that 2D >>>> 3D when it comes to traps. I have very rarely seen 3D traps that'd arouse me, a lot of them just feel too gay.
>Yeah I agree but you said it's not gay AT ALL which is obviously not true
He said he doesn't consider _himself_ gay at all, he didn't talk about anyone else.
And I agree with him. After all, outside I don't even register men as potential relationship partners, and I don't stutter and lose my nerves when being alone in the same room with another man.
I do that for women though. (sadly)
All in all it's a fetish, and the dick is an accessory to the fetish. Like cat ears, you wouldn't say you're into bestiality if you like girls with cat ears, do you?
>If you like asses you like asses.
Regardless of sex? So you'd consider yourself straight for fucking a male ass because "it's okay I only like the ass not the guy"?
>If you like feminine guys, you like guys, since feminine guys are guys.
No, if you like 2D traps you pretty much like girls with dicks drawn on them. There's a reason we have the "draw a girl call it a boy" meme, they're not anything at all like boys.
The slippery slope is real.
I started like that and ended up moving to shota. Now I masturbate to everything except baras.
>All in all it's a fetish, and the dick is an accessory to the fetish. Like cat ears, you wouldn't say you're into bestiality if you like girls with cat ears, do you?
Girls with dicks are fun, and I like anal so occasionally not having vagina to fuck isn't a problem. Nothing gay about traps.
I like shota x neechan. I don't think I'd fap to anything gay though. Yaoi romances can be cute but whenever it gets to the sexual part I feel nothing towards it. Gay shota porn is kinda gross.
Males and females both have ears but only males have a penis. It's gay, no need for mental gymnastics.
Why can't you fags just like what you like? there's no point in labeling yourself especially when most of us are headed towards being wizards anyway.
Only good trap.
How do get into butt stuff? I don't feel like fingers are enough to make yourself orgasm without having to touch your dick. I'd order lube and a toy but I don't live alone.
Well you could tell me where you are and I'd make sure to use my hard throbbing cock to make you cum from your butt.
Yaoi romance needs to be more like prunus girl stuff for me. Muscle/twink/bara (insert manly man gay here) kills boners. I just like traps, and only ones that are 'pleasing'. So I understand this point of view. I'd say it's on the bi spectrum, not gay because I'm not exclusively into males, which is what gay means.
>not liking twinks
you're definetely gay
Will he ever get fucked by his teacher?
Sauce for the love of God
>tfw faggots post pictures but no sauce
Genki trap or shy trap?
Stop cropping your shit, makes it a pain in the ass to do an image search.
To get a rise out of anons like you probably, all those artists are instantly recognizable.
Did you really just imply that I don't know how to copy and paste?
Fuck off crossboarder
You generalfags ruin everything
so two posts deleted for asking sauce on op
I've been able to find sauce for every single picture in this thread apart from op, what am I supposed to do now
boys CANNOT be girls, when will you pinheads understand that?
Disgusting, SJW-level.
how do i get into nipple stuff?
Don't ask for sauce you fucking newfag
Do you mean by yourself?
why not
Yeah like how do I make my nipples more sensitive?
Wait, aren't traps just guys with dicks?
>dom traps
>mfw its another "breeder confuses top with dom" episode
Well for the longest time I had no idea my nipples could have any use sexually until I decided to masturbate hand free. I won't dive too much into it but you need to have a good control over your body and mind, that or if you're into hentai audio (check the voice thread over /h/).
To get back to your question... If you get horny and plan on masturbating, don't touch your cock, at all, unless you want to put it into a good position, like at first, but that's all, don't do anything else to it. Lying down is best. Touch your nipples softly with your index fingers, or middle fingers, whatever you like best. Normally it'll start feeling pretty good and you can even masturbate that way (if you're really good you can even come that way but well). Once you start pre-cumming, get some on your finger and rub your nipples that way, it'll start feeling even better.
Once you get to the point where you're really horny and just want to fap then fap, but keep one of your hand rubbing one of your nipples. Alternative left and right (i.e. if left hand on dick, right on nipple, and vice-versa). You'll realize it's awesome with a bit of practice.
You just need to get started and experiment really, but at first follow my guidelines. If you start touching your dick straight up your brain will have a hard time finding nipples sensation that arousing, it's a buildup thing.
And to add to what I typed, since then, my nipples have definitely become more sensitive. If right now I'd start rubbing them I'd very quickly, if not instantly, feel all funny and start having a boner. Kinda like a girl I guess.
You aren't very smart, are you?
Girls don't get boners user
>ruining that cute sweater with cum
Being bisexual implies being attracted to at least two different people, in other words: being a slut.
They do have an equivalent to a boner. You'd know if you had ever talked to a girl.
>most of Cred Forums has more than one waifu or a seasonal waifu
Where the fuck do you think you are, normalfag?
You can be a failure at life and NEET and still not being a virgin user, the two aren't mutually exclusive, even if that's what you like to think.
The wise words of a ex-normalfag. I salute you
Would you let me suck on your nipples as we rub dicks?
>Falling in love with someone because of his tight ass
That's not how love works. Sex != love.
Maybe you could read the doujin.
But sex can let you discover parts of your partner you love that you didn't know they had, such as a nice tight little ass.
pick one
What is love?
Two Cred Forumsnons spooning.
I pick both.
I figured if I am gay its nothing to worry about since most guys in real life aren't cute like the guys in hentai, and if I do meet a guy thats great too, of course thats the day I'd have to accept my faggotry.
But I think people just overthink this shit, you can fap to furry and not be attracted to animals, you can fap to loli and not be attracted to real kids, and I think the same goes for traps.
Because it hot to tease "straight" anons while you're riding him.
>Lol lol lol lol
she is a futa you mang
If I were even slightly attracted to real people instead of just idealized 2D perfection, I'd definitely be a huge slut, yeah.
Manga AND anime adaption
>boy bullied into dressing up as girl for student council
That may be true, but boys can be as cute as girls
Well, the raw is
>tfw no trap to drag me out of the closet
>tfw reading Kaname inspired me to become a trap and now I hook up with guys on /soc/ while crossdressing in cosplay
What went wrong with my life, Cred Forums?
Just be safe and selective dog.
You went on Cred Forums and lied.
Why aren't you hooking up with me.
Post pics of your ass, slut.
Funny how the two trap brothers have straight shippings but the other guys are all gay.
Why do you fags always try to bring 3d into
You're going to get trap threads banned on Cred Forums
>implying that board is useful
You could at least pretend to check the board. There's a thread up right now that I made before going to bed asking for the OP source and I woke up to it answered. Kill yourself you worthless piece of shit crossboarding scum.
Did you do any lewd stuff in bed, user?
so tell me what the source is
Only if you become my boy prostitute.
>Best guess for this image: female
What is sauce on this
[Mogiki Hayami] Yukino-kun no Sukina Hito (Koushoku Shounen Vol. 05)
I will make sure next time i talk with a girl to ask that.
I lack social skills, didn't know is quite a normal topic of conversation with girls.
It's an american thing, they want to divide the world into straights and gays.
The complexity of human sexuality is disturbing for them.
In that case why not just read het romance? It's basically the same thing as long as it's non-H.
No search engines are finding it faggot, help a fellow faggot out. this is one of my actual fetishes
>tfw everyone in these threads reads these for the traps but I read them to self insert as the trap
tfw no Cred Forumsnon to spoon you
I will only if you're the small spoon.
only if your taller
>tfw you post this and you already found an Cred Forumsnon
>Meanwhile my back is cold
How tall are you, user?
We're around the same.
good enough
Hope you like getting your earlobes nibbled and your neck kissed.
I'd warm up your rear if you know what I mean.
Have you tried searching related tags on sadpanda? It's probably one of the first results.
Go on.
I feel retarded now
Maybe I could even prepare breakfast for you then wake you up with a nice lovey kiss.
that would be nice
Not as nice as waking up next to you would be.
you're just saying that
Id make sure your boipucci was never lonely ever again.
Use this experience as a lesson and you'll never have to waste your or anybody's time asking for source.
I mean, it gets "lonely" pretty often, are you sure about that?
I have a really high libido. I fap like 5 times a day.
>5 times a day.
>All that cum
The first 3 times comes out really thick and creamy.
>tfw user will never use my tongue as a cumrag
>tfw will never be fed his cum while I keep my mouth open nice and wide for him
>open trap thread
>full of blogging and ERP
Every time.
Maybe I will.
Being a trapfag is fucking painful when the roleplayers show up
Literally the fucking worst thing about trap threads because this ALWAYS happens
It wasn't utter shit until about an hour ago, at least. Still not good, but it wasn't shit.
You need to leave
Not enough ass.
{spoiler}couldn't agree more{/spoiler}
My cock is throbbing.
I want those panties.
Need a hand with that thing?
More like a mouth or a butt. Yours would do. I'm leaking precum like crazy right now.
Mouth first, and butt if you can last long enough, sound fair?
I'm used to edge for hours so I'm sure I would last quite a long since I have fapped already so I dont cum fast.
I love cute and sexy traps.
Looks like I've got my work cut out for me, but that's fine. The longer the work, the bigger the finish, right?
>this thread.
I would love if you milked my cock with your delicious ass, user.
Stop the 3D homolust and fap to some 2D gay porn.
pedophiles go home
When your cock is hard you gotta do what you gotta do.
You can just go buy girls clothes, you don't need an excuse. You are fine. Just be a girl, you will be happier than whining on internet forums about it.
Who cares if it's gay or bi to fap to traps? Just fap to whatever is cute, dick or no dick, balls or no balls, it doesn't matter what matters is how cute it is.
whats the point of wearing girl's clothes if you dont have a cute gf to peg you though
Why is this garbage ERP faggot thread still up?
Why don't you blogging cancer fuck off back to /trash/?
I can peg you with my cock as I bully you for being a poor excuse of a man.
3D fucks always ruin perfectly good trap threads.
now were talking
RP fags make me kimochi warui.
You wont be able to talk anymore unless I order you to since you'll be too busy biting the pillow taking my cock like a good girl to even think about opening your whore mouth to do something other than suck my cock.
Why are people trying to kill general threads when threads like these are obviously the real cancer of Cred Forums?
As an adequately successful, somewhat outgoing individual I agree completely. However being a NEET human failure is a hundred times more pathetic than being a virgin in itself.
>Hiro will never make an RP board so all the gay ERP can happen there instead
>ERP will stay here because /trash/ is an absolute cesspit
Hey look more cancerous normalfags. Why don't you fuck off back to facebook?
Dressing up as a girl to fuck a girl isn't gay at all, that's just pragmatism.
Why don't you fuck off back to /trash/ and /lgbt/ where you mentally ill blogging fuck belong?
Shut up before I fuck you, faggot.
Settle down autist.
No you fuck off and stop shitting up Cred Forums with your mentally gay fantasy.
Watch out guys, we've got a closet homo over here.
this is some classy bait
Was that hard? Now fuck off.
Why did you come into a thread full of dick and balls just to complain?