Time for the weekly stuff
I missed this thread.
"What do I do about this"
"Should I decide on this matter?"
"No, I should listen to the council's voices on these occasions"
"Tsuda? What's up"
"Yes. I wanted to hear your voice"
Comic 1
"Let's drink our milk and get our calcium!!"
"I heard before that there isn't much calcium in milk"
"I've been repeatedly finding that what I thought was common knowledge was false these days"
"Well, I didn't mean it in a bad way"
"But I feel that the misinformation about getting beautiful skin if you drink man juice is was something intentional"
"Don't mess with milk time"
Comic 2
Kotomi Memo
"Hey. Don't look away"
"No matter what I do, I can't listen to what people are saying"
"Is there some way to increase my concentration level?"
"Then take some vitamin C. I hear there are some in guavas"
"Pop.... Villa... C.... there" [TN: 'Kupaa' is the sound of a vagina opening, I changed it to 'pop'. 'Birami' is looking at villas, so I changed it to just villa. They're supposed to be similar sounding to what Shino said but it's off by a bit]
"You really don't listen to what others are saying"
Comic 1
"You got scouted by the swim team earlier right, president?"
"Yeah I refused though. I'm busy."
"Shino-chan's called the flying fish of Ousai after all"
That name's a little...
"It's not just you"
"I'm called the Doctor Fish of Ousai" [TN: Doctor fish is a type of fish that feeds off dead skin. They're often used in spas to get dead skin off your feet]
"What now! We got grouped together!!"
Comic 2
Rational Mother
"Let's sleep together today"
Suzu mom
"You can get in your bed, but you can't get in your pet, okay?"
"What now. She's making a face like she said something smart there"
The highlight of my week is finally here.
Reminder that Suzu won the Tsudabowl
President is CUTE!
Comic 1
After school academy
"Today's prank is knick knock ditching!"
"A soft version of ding dong ditching?"
"Knock knock"
"I created a misunderstanding, so I should apologize"
Comic 2
They're dropping
"My meatballs gone to waste"
"Oh my"
Pout pout
"You didn't have to handle your food so roughly!!"
[Endnote] The student council's activities are a part of the peaceful academy life. The president was pouting today about the disparity between the rich and poor that's hard to get through in every way.
Oh a note about comic 2 title. 'Poro' ポロ is an sfx for drop. ポロリ, which is what the title uses, is also the sound of falling but usually falling tears.
I think an alternative for 'monster' in comic 1 panel 4 is 'ghost' which actually might make more sense. I leave edit user to make changes
"What should I do about this"
"Make a decision on my own?"
"No, in these situations I should listen to the council's voices"
"Tsuda? What's up"
"Well I wanted to hear your voice"
Comic 1
"Let's drink our milk and get our calcium!!"
"I've heard that there isn't much calcium in milk"
"Lately I've been finding out that what I thought was common knowledge is actually false"
"Well, I didn't mean it in a bad way"
"Though I feel "getting beautiful skin if you drink a man's juice" is intentional misinformation"
"Don't ruin milk time"
Comic 2
Kotomi Memo
"Hey. Don't look away"
"No matter what I do, I can't keep listening to what people are saying"
"Is there some way to increase my concentration level?"
"You should take some vitamin C. I hear that guavas are a good source"
"Pop.... Villa... C.... there" [TN: 'Kupaa' is the sound of a vagina opening, I changed it to 'pop'. 'Birami' is looking at villas, so I changed it to just villa. They're supposed to be similar sounding to what Shino said but it's off by a bit]
"You really don't listen to what others are saying"
Comic 1
"You got scouted by the swim team earlier right, president?"
"Yeah but I declined. I'm too busy."
"Shino-chan's called the flying fish of Ousai after all"
That name's a little...
"It's not just you"
"I'm called the Doctor Fish of Ousai" [TN: Doctor fish is a type of fish that feeds off dead skin. They're often used in spas to get dead skin off your feet]
"What do I do?! I've been lumped together with her!!"
Comic 2
Rational Mother
"Let's sleep together today"
Suzu mom
"You can get in your bed, but you can't get in your pet, okay?"
"What to do. She's making a face like she said something clever"
Comic 1
After school academy
"Today's prank is knock knock ditching!"
"A soft version of ding dong ditching?"
"Knock knock"
"I should apologize for creating this misunderstanding"
Comic 2
They're dropping
"My meatball's gone to waste"
"Oh my"
Pout pout
"How great for you that your food isn't treated so roughly!!"
[Endnote] The student council's activities are a part of the peaceful academy life. The president was pouting today about the disparity between the rich and poor that's hard to get through in every way.
Thanks user, you got anything else?
Below freezing toilet seat
"So cold"
"Huh? Onii-chan, weren't you going to the toilet?"
"I forgot to turn on the toilet seat heater. So I'm waiting until it warms up"
"I see"
"Since just waiting is a waste of time, shall I warm your ass for you?"
"Your help is unnecessary"
Chapter 393
I'm feeling a bit under the weather so I'm gonna call it a day for now.
Do you have the 2nd page for 127? I can't find it on the previous thread.
Comic 1
"I like sticky things"
Like nattou
"That's nice. When you eat sticky things, they say that you'll have a sticky personality"
"I also eat sticky things often"
Like yam
"You shouldn't do that"
Not to mention your sweat
"'Sticky' seems so perverted and obstinate"
"What a double standard!!
Comic 2
Spirit of self denial
"I actually have stage fright"
"My body shakes when I try to do something in front of people...."
Shiver shiver
"But in order to bid farewell to such shyness, I will undergo intense training to raise my courage!"
"What kind?"
"For the time being, these kinds of porno will serve as exemplars"
Coerced Scatology [TN: Right porno]
Outdoor exhibition [TN: Left porno]
"That doesn't cast shame away, it just makes you feel pleasure from it....."
missing the "That name's a little..." in the 2nd panel on the right.
Thanks for the missing page and pointing out the missed line. Fixed it here.
Also I'll work on the imouto chapter some other time.
Comic 1
Letter of dreams
Fidget fidget
"Kinjou, what's with that letter? Could that be a love letter by any chance?"
To Santa
".....do you.....know the address?"
I looked it up. On the internet"
"Umm that....."
Comic 2
Container of dreams
"A knitting book? What're you gonna sew?"
So maiden-like, so pure
"I only have navy blue kneesocks so I thought it would be hard for him to fit presents in...."
"I'm gonna say it already!! Saaaaaayiing iiiiiiiit!!"
Comic 1
"They arrested the pervert who was exposing himself.... lots of weird guys out there huh"
"That sort of thing is scary"
"I'll teach you a way to deal with those kinds of molesters when you encounter them."
"Laugh in front of his face"
Comic 2
Dangerous weapon nearby
"To think there was a thumbtack here..."
"You okay?"
"There are dangerous things laying around the house in everyday places. It happened to me too before...."
"I forgot that I left a vibrator on the sofa. When I unknowingly sat down on it, it went in my ass...."
"Go put that in a safe"
Okay I have to do some shit early tomorrow so I'm calling it a night. See you all Monday for catch up and Tuesday for SYD
Never mind. Might as well do one petit tan since I'm getting close to ending it
"To celebrate our senpai's departure"
51: Confession
Today is the farewell party for the third years
"Thanks you guys"
"Thanks for taking care of us"
"No no"
"That's so true"
Munch munch
"Someone's not supposed to be here"
"So I'm saying good bye to you all. I'll get lonely"
"Me too"
"This dorm is filled with three years worth of memories"
"Like the stain on this floor..."
"Was from the time when Cocoa spilled stuff long ago"
"That's right"
"And the gash on this wall..."
"Was something I made when I was waving around an SM whip"
"What were you doing!?"
"I'll now do some side shows!"
"I'll take some disposable chopsticks and the envelope"
"I'll put it in"
"Now I'll break it here"
"That's amazing, how'd you do it?"
"I'll reveal my trick here a bit"
"The breaking sound came from my ass"
"That takes some skill"
"Why's that"
"Can I stay next to you?"
"Oh sure..."
"There we go"
"Too bad about your exams. Are you gonna try again?"
"Weelll~ I guess not~"
"I'll help out with my uncle for a while"
'Then I'll think about my future from there"
"I see..."
"You go confess"
"Wh when did you"
"Don't you think today'll be your last chance?"
"I can't..."
"It's embarrassing and I don't think I'll be even able to see his face"
"How about taking off your glasses and doing it?"
"No no, then I won't be able to see anything, let alone his face"
"You don't get it Hikari"
"There'a a purpose to taking off your glasses"
"It sounds like you're saying something wise but it's really not, okay!?"
"There's something I wanna say..."
"I... I..."
"I have always"
"Liked you!!"
"You serious!?"
Wrong person.
Clap clap clap
"Don't clap for me!!"
And done for the night. Next chapter's the last one. I'll do it Monday then get back on Imouto. See you all Monday.
Later user.
Is that all user?
Typeset user, I don't think you ever uploaded page 4 of chapter 393 of SYD. You seem to have mistakenly posted as the last page of the chapter.
Will they announce season 3 soon?
Any minute now
Ah shit my bad, was feeling dizzy so I uploaded the wrong thing.
Suzu is cute!
Why are these threads always so dead?
W-wait, SYD manga still going? if yes, WE NEED S3!!!!
But there's still OVAs to come - and we don't even have good subs for all the existing ones yet.
Best girl.
That's not Suzu.