You and your little groupies Don’t belong on the stage If you want to realize your dream Then you have to dance for yourself
That’s right, /ai/ idle activities is comin’ down To my own beat, the only one worth trusting I’m comin, comin’, here to keep my promise I’ll do whatever it takes… so I’m just ready
Enjoy the next hundred episodes of her. She's cute.
Jordan Sullivan
Oops, didn't mean to reply to that.
Christian Peterson
She has assumed the position.
Ian Davis
Asher Parker
I was going to fap to Lala tonight anyway.
Ryan Sanders
Connor Howard
Brody Morales
Can I be put on the same cell as Lalafucker?
Michael Reyes
I thought /pc/ was in bad shape but after visiting /ai/ I feel much better now
Landon Sanders
>it's a Yurika-sama and Kaede episode That was maximum comfy. These two pair really well together, although I can't help but wish it was Yurika and Ran who wound up paired together.
Short hair Akari also a cutie.
Isaac Torres
>Gaara's cyalume didn't shine >the audience was more interested in tricolore ceremony than Garumaggedon performance >their loss is already guaranteed
Is this some sort of bullying?
Benjamin Evans
Carson Ward
Levi Barnes
New Photokatsu event has sexy Swallowtails.
Christopher Sanders
I got two swallowtail Yurikas.
Thomas Rivera
Blue is very pretty.
William Butler
>I can't help but wish it was Yurika and Ran who wound up paired together. So does Yurika.
Oliver Kelly
Don't say that, this was for the best.
Owen Morgan
>mfw Raichi shows up for the first time in ages and its him suffering because Aoi miss understood his text This nigga is born to suffer, isn't he? He just wants a piece of that fine Aoi-neesan booty.
Andrew Smith
He deserves it for ignoring Noelle.
Brayden Phillips
She is pretty great, excellent wing man for him. But there does seem to be a bit of interest in him on Noelles side it feels. She's playing the long con I feel.
>That Aoi asking if Raichi has grown again scene The gradual time increasing is great, it won't be long until he is taller then her if he gets the dad genes.
Caleb Morris
settling for second place isn't for the best.
Brody Evans
>Yet every foreign character has a Japanese name. Except the twins but they're haafus. Reona is a Japanese unisex name. >Who's pure japanese in pripara anyways? just Shion and Chili? i mean the main cast. Why don't you think Minami Mirei is Japanese? Or Aroma and Mikan? Or Lala, for that matter. Parents give their kids weird pseudo/full foreign names in PriPara, but there's no reason to believe a character's not Japanese if it's not stated otherwise (Hibiki, Fuwari, Ajimi, West twins).
Cooper Thompson
>Parents give their kids weird pseudo/full foreign names in PriPara It's not like this isn't a thing in real life either. They're called kirakira names.
Logan Phillips
Second place is first loser.
Aaron Cook
Kaede is YES!
William Miller
Tyler Martin
I still can't forget my weekly dose of Aikatsu. Stars just doesn't do it for me
Anthony Nguyen
I wish I could be as happy and optimistic as Akari. I wish I had an Aikatsu wife to hug and cuddle whenever I was feeling down.
Andrew Murphy
Season 3's finale felt a bit anticlimactic, but I still enjoyed it all the same. Seeing Tristar and Soleil again got me a bit misty-eyed and nostalgic; even though I've only been watching Aikatsu daily for a bit over two months now, it feels like it's been so long since season one. As much as I like Akari and Sumire and Hinaki, I really do miss the OG cast.
The biggest complaint I have with season 3 is how much it ignored a lot of the characters. The DreAca girls showed up for like a total of ten minutes the entire 50 episodes; I know they weren't the most popular, but after how big of a deal they were in S2 it really felt kinda awkward that they basically disappeared. S2 went so out of the way to pair Ichigo and Seira and make them best buds and then you never see the OG cast interact with DreAca again. I also got a feeling of loneliness when the Soleil girls went on their tour halfway through the season and were gone until the last couple episodes. I know they did it so they could give Akari and co. more time in the spotlight, but after being with Ichigo, Aoi, and Ran for 100 episodes, not getting to see them was saddening.
I'm a few episodes into S4 now and I really don't want it to end. I've only got 20-something episodes left and I don't want to imagine going without my daily dose of Aikatsu.
Also, the new potato idles are super cute.
Lucas Murphy
>Pretty Rhythm AD randomly had Buenos Aires as an important place and the climax of DMF took place there. It wasn't random. Mion was born in Buenos Aires,her dad his probably from there as he's blond just like her. There was a qualification tournament for Prism Queen Cup there which Mion and Serena fought at. And the stage rink the tournament used, which was used again at the end of DMF, is the legendary rink of the skating goddess. >Reona is a Japanese unisex name. Really? I do want to believe you but do you have proof? Never heard that before.
Going back to that France discussion last thread, like other anons pointed out it's because Japan idolizes France and Paris, but it's actually esls and less the case for years now, and more and more Japanese people know how Paris is actually like. I think it doesn't reflect in PP since it's a show for kids so they exxagerate to the max. Also iirc they explicitly said Ajimi is indeed french but not Hibiki. Hibiki could have just been living there for a few years and not necessarily born there. And remember Hibiki's grandfather is probably Japanese as he's supposed to be the chairman/fondator/whatever of Paprika Gakuen. Except the show itself forgot that and never mentioned it again beside Hibiki's introduction ep.
Tyler Hughes
I want to _____.
Aaron Campbell
I want to fuck Lala.
Dylan Harris
Jason Ross
I really like Risa's design.
Gavin Roberts
I really like her butt.
Jonathan Richardson
She's Miyabi except cute.
Michael Evans
Butts are my favorite thing. I am looking forward to Risa butt.
I agree. Miyabi was okay, I guess. She never really stuck with me.
Umitsuki Reona is a great manga artist. I have most of all of her published manga.
Joseph Rogers
How has Johhny not been put in the slammer? He has so many middle school girls throwing themselves at him. Does Orihime keep him in check?
Asher Long
That's interesting. Thanks. >Umitsuki Reona is a great manga artist. I have most of all of her published manga. I know her too Yuri Mekuru Hibi is funny. Sometimes a bit too gross though.
Adrian Hill
Jonathan Hernandez
Not one of the girls view him as a man.
Dylan Flores
I can recall a few times where some students fangirl over Johnny.
Christopher Lewis
Doesn't mean he is a love interest.
Jaxson Gray
When's their wedding?
Asher Russell
In some parts of the world "likes little girls" is not yet synonymous with "paedophile". Though I have no idea why Japan would be one of those places.
Fans of his dancing.
Jacob Torres
Oliver White
Johnny-sensei has no lower age limit.
Juan Sanchez
Henry Lewis
Real life is suffering. I wish I could be an idol and Aikatsu everyday with my idol friends.
Anthony Cruz
>It wasn't random. Mion was born in Buenos Aires,her dad his probably from there as he's blond just like her. There was a qualification tournament for Prism Queen Cup there which Mion and Serena fought at. And the stage rink the tournament used, which was used again at the end of DMF, is the legendary rink of the skating goddess. By 'random', I mean they chose Buenos Aires out of any other foreign place they could've chosen. Of course it was justified in-story, I meant out-of-universe.
Isaac Jackson
I keep trying to think of scenes for the idol thing I'm trying to write, but I'm uncreative as fuck and can never think of anything.
Nicholas Rogers
> I meant out-of-universe Sorry for nitpicking but then just what is considered not random out-of-universe? And who knows if it's actually the case or not, maybe Mion's seiyuu likes Buenos Aires and asked the staff to make it Mion's hometown.
Lucas Gray
Just steal ideas like everyone else.
Nathan Bailey
Jackson Collins
Something like Korea in DMF due to the focus on Korean idols, I'd say. Still, if I had to give an out-of-universe reason for the choice of Buenos Aires, it'd be the fact that they wanted to place the ancient stage somewhere appropriate, and South America is full of ruins of ancient civilizations.
Nolan Reed
I see. And that would be a pretty valid reason yeah. Maybe we could try asking the director on Twitter.
Jace Turner
Grayson Watson
You sure love constantly posting and crying about this everytime looking for attention and pity. You got ideas before yet only choose to write the same post again and again.
>26 奪えない夢 Yuzu's happy to have Lily return to school. She'll be performing thanks to fan demand.
>27 小さなドレスの物語 Hime invites Yume and Lily over to My Little Heart's office where they watch premium dresses being made. Yume learns about Lily's big goal.
>28 ハロウィン マジック Halloween event at Yotsuboshi where the student who collects the most candy is crowned Halloween Princess.
>29 本当のライバル Roller is determined to win the audition of Utagumi's center at the Soccer World Tournament Finals' half time show.
>30 七色のキャンディ Koharu brings herself to tell Yume something important. Yume is baffled by this, and starts planning on something for Koharu with Roller and the others.
Noah Jones
Having it in the southern hemisphere was relevant because of birthdays. Though I'd have expected them to pick Brazil, as I thought there was a substantial population of Japanese migrants there.
Christian Jones
>30 七色のキャンディ >Koharu gonna get put on a boat confirmed, called it
Aiden Watson
So, Koharu is finally going to drop out?
Mason Ross
The synopsis makes it sound like Koharu could cheer up for her first CGI live, but we know that's not true since she doesn't have a singer yet...
Lincoln Ross
Why would Yume be baffled by that? Going by the title, I'm thinking she'll try to become the image girl for some candy company and the audition will conveniently be about fashion modelling or something silly without a song.
Unless she's really being Haruka'd.
Kayden White
Nice Lily focus but disappointed over the lack of Ako episodes. I hope she at least hangs out with the gang.
Ayden Wilson
Ako episode is tomorrow at least.
Elijah Perry
>Ako episode is tomorrow at least. It's a Yume episode if you're going by the Wikia's mistranslation.
Owen Cruz
The cutest.
Liam Hughes
>Koharu must do an audition >They discriminate against idols with glasses >They ask her to remove her glasses or she won't be able to do the audition >She refuses and leave >Doesn't understand what's happening >Gets into depression and is traumatized >Decides to drop out of idoling >Ends up killing herself by jumping off the school's roof >She leaves her glasses instead of her shoes
Blake Flores
Ako is in it at least.
Lincoln Cruz
Koharu reveals to Yume her intentions to surpass S4 and the great keikakus she's got under her sleeve for this purpose. Yume realizes she's way too dangerous an opponent and "starts planning on something for Koharu with Roller and the others", a way to undermine her plans, that is. They won't succeed.
Oliver Reyes
It does sound serious, but not enough to write her off the show.
Full translation: Koharu wasn't able to tell Yume something important even though she's her childhood friend. However, she can't keep quiet about it forever. Koharu makes up her mind to tell Yume. Yume is baffled by this unexpected talk, but decides she can't be sad about it, and puts a certain plan for Koharu into motion with Rola and the others.
Ethan Garcia
They don't succeed because while Yume and Roller organize an ambush on Koharu, turns out she's much stronger than she looks and beat them up. It's revealed Koharu is actually male. Now that her secret is out she decides to join the male section.
Jordan Phillips
Ai! Katsu!
Chase Mitchell
Ethan Butler
Gavin Reyes
Josiah Hall
>replace with Yurika
Owen Davis
Which idle would you marry?
Elijah Smith
None until they graduate.
Nathan Bennett
Hunter Parker
Who will replace Koharu as Yume's roommate?
Andrew Sanders
Serenon to the rescue! Thanks for reading.
Liam Morgan
>Yuu actually being relevant
Chase Gonzalez
One of my lecturers has one of these on his office door, what the fuck.
David Jackson
Jace Cook
Joseph Hall
Thomas Jones
Justin Powell
Brayden Cook
Oliver Johnson
Surprisingly adorable, and also technically Yozora-senpai.
Liam Campbell
Levi Kelly
>It keeps happening
Colton Watson
Lucas Gonzalez
Don't post sad things, user.
Landon Baker
i would never want to be in a car driven by ichigo
Sebastian Bell
Robert Hughes
she doesn't seem like she would be a responsible driver
Connor Price
Idle D would be a good show.
Jacob Sanchez
She'll take you to the rape fields.
Liam Gonzalez
Meet me on the touge and let's see whose Aikatsu is the most passionate.
Nathaniel Ramirez
I want to be driven by Ichigo.
Andrew Harris
This already exists user
Hudson Hall
Blake Bailey
anybody can give me tips for the pripara game? i start yesterday and i dont understand the menus
Joseph Thompson
Koharu is leaving to America, they're planning a farewell party.
There's a picture with menu translations but you'll have to go check the archives because I'm not at home to upload it.
Keyword: doodles. I mentioned the word doodles when I posted it if I recall correctly.
Zachary Harris
I've seen a few of those posted. They should be uploaded to imgur then added to the guide, but guide user seems to stop by only on rare occasion, I've actually been the one filling in for him now and then.
Kayden Jenkins
I don't have the need to upload it anywhere but people are welcome to do whatever they want with my picture.
Logan Ward
Owen Flores
I will cry during the new Aikatsu Stars OP since Koharu will be nowhere to be seen.
Tyler Gutierrez
Stop putting everything in spoilers.
Christian Wright
Koharu-chan will show up before Roller in the OP.
surprisetext whoa!
John Ross
I wish they just didn't post more than a week of episode previews in advance.
Sebastian Thompson
Can't be helped, that's how they do it in the megazines for this kind of stuff.
Jayden Young
The Kasumi family is Koharu's harem.
Lincoln Phillips
Wouldn't it be cool if instead of that, they had kids write in about what they predict will happen next, or what they want to see? The magazine writers could even give their opinions. And another option is to include things in the show itself. Precure sometimes posts drawings the girls send in, and PriPara put actual videos in the ED. I can only remember Aikatsu doing something similar in the ending of the Music Awards movie, but it was just the game avatars, not anything really creative.
Juan Hernandez
>/ai/ episode previews are ten times more exciting than /pc/'s What went wrong?
John Morgan
>not anything really creative. To be honest I always felt Aikatsu is just a bunch of old dudes in a suit thinking in ways for girls to buy their products, while PP looks like the staff doing the show and products are actually having fun doing it since in the ED they show little girls dancing and in the annual stuff they mention how PP helped little girls to make new friends, Aikatsu feels pretty "cold" in that sense, that it must be why it doesn't feel really creative on that department.
Brandon Howard
Well it's their fault I had to hide a bunch of this thread. Can't they think about the overseas ojisans?
Ian Myers
They don't even care about their own ojisans, Why would they care about the overseas ones? I doubt they even believe in our existence.
Ryder James
Joshua Adams
Daniel Hernandez
I don't agree. Even if the producers are trying to sell stuff and make kids play the arcade game (which they are), the writers and directors involved with the show love it. There's care put in to make an interesting, immersive world with lovable characters and a gripping story, plus each individual episode is entertaining in its own right. The smooth transition from Aikatsu to Stars shows they aren't just following some template, but actually understand what makes a good show.
Tyler Baker
Koharu's face will appear in the sky in a shot with Yume, Rola, Mahiru and Ako looking up to it.
Kevin Williams
I want to fuck Akari's armpits.
Isaiah Flores
Does anyone even post them there anymore? In the past year or so I was the one who posted them and have since ceased to check /pc/.
Stars wasn't even supposed to have boys, what makes you think there will be canon couples?
Joseph Lopez
>what makes you think there will be canon couples? That isn't gonna stop the shippers from doing their shit.
Luke Wood
Give it another 60 episodes for anything significant to happen
Grayson Martin
Is this it?
Jonathan Garcia
Whoops guess I gave that guy the wrong word
Mason Mitchell
Lincoln Fisher
I need to finish watching s2 since I dropped it midway.
Landon Johnson
I suspect the dress design competition entries we see Cosmo and Ajimi flick through were fanart.
Nathaniel Baker
I think RL had fan designs featured for one episode
Gavin Brown
Are we living in the "golden age" of idol anime? There are more than ever. The 80's and 90's have less than 10 idol anime combined. Now we get 10 per year.
Cameron Ramirez
Is a golden age defined by quality or quantity though? I'd rather have 1 Aikatsu a decade than 10 love lives a year. Feel free to replace Love Live with another idol show you don't like, I'm not specifically hating on that show, I just don't like it.
Carson King
Wasn't one of Aira's dresses in AD designed by a little girl?
Brayden Collins
Is there any reason to suppose they don't correlate? More shows means more chances to make good shows.
Jaxon Robinson
The male idol series are inflating the number. Back in the days, dudes were rock stars.
Andrew Murphy
I want to fuck Koharu.
Blake Diaz
You better hurry.
Cooper Evans
Adrian Stewart
I'm horny.
Nathan Price
You can fuck me.
William Roberts
Fuck off.
Ayden Gutierrez
I'm shy around girls this pretty. I'd rather frig Yummy.
Adrian Gutierrez
Fuck on.
Grayson Peterson
¡Que buena Rola, Rola!
Ayden Mitchell
Fuck sideways.
William Campbell
It's not the same.
Jaxon Allen
Where is the pretty girl that you're talking about?
Jackson Bennett
I want to hug a little girl.
Colton Martin
You can hug me.
Andrew Edwards
Are you sure? i may never let you go.
Mason Sanchez
She's right here in this picture. She's the one on the left!
Anthony Morris
Stars is good.
Noah Ward
It's gotten pretty good.
Adrian Johnson
It's always been good.
Joseph Gray
Please hold me tight.
Joseph Harris
Adrian Martin
Akari was nowhere near as cute with short hair.
Liam Howard
>ローラ この ばか
Matthew Lewis
Oh, stage left.
Kayden Davis
Please refrain from making personal comments.
Luke Evans
Maybe this will help with your color blindness. L-E-F-T.
Michael Turner
Yurika belongs with Kaede!
Noah Parker
la mejor
Ryan Davis
Not a personal comment if I'm stating fact.
V > III > VI > I > IV > II
Elijah Brown
I want to stroke あかりIII's hair.
Eli Martinez
I wish they didn't use white for the face highlights. Makes them look plasticky.
Henry Evans
Idols can't help but 輝く.
Hunter Mitchell
About spoilers in magazines, I think It depends show by show I remember Pretty Rhythm episode previews in magazines almost never ever said anything that could make you guess what would happen in the episode, and the episode titles were actually different from the real titles, so you couldn't tell by that. I don't think there was but I may be wrong. idem.
There may have been design contests during PR's run, but I think they only started showing them in the show starting PriPara. And even then they only show them for a split second. I'm still disappointed the plane dress from the 1st contest before PP began didn't get more screentime.
Grayson Sanchez
Oh wait, I was thinking of one of Tsubomi's dresses in heartcatch rather than Aira.
Asher Sullivan
Anyone got Tundra pics?
Nolan Flores
The dress Makopi wore when she sung to Regina was also designed by a little girl.
Hudson Miller
It depends on the animation director of the episode. Someone likes making them awfully shiny.
Anything less than white won't be as noticeable due to their pale skin, though.
Ryan Adams
I liked messy hair Akari because it reflected how she herself was a mess. Then when she got her act together and her hair all braided up and pretty, cheering for her stopped being as fun.
David Sanders
Zachary Roberts
David Gonzalez
No! I'm talking about the new pale albino hotty!
Joseph Hughes
Jace Barnes
But she's cold, she's far from hot.
Aaron Martinez
Believe it!™
Josiah Evans
Only by necessity.
Christopher Ortiz
>not "Cool!" you had ONE job
Isaac Reyes
Levi Baker
She did a good job.
Brody Sanchez
Cooper Green
By fate.
Blake Brown
Kaede loves Yurika in ways that Ran never did!
Andrew Torres
The fate of a broken heart, always split in half. Her love being a double edged sword, in they no matter who she goes with, she will always get hurt.
Levi Reed
>outfit with a swimming tube REMOVE those outfits
Ethan Bennett
Those high waisted shorts and baggy top do funny things to me.
Charles Rivera
Matthew Bell
and everyone else here
Ryan King
Demn smug and sexy Idols.
Leo King
>clipping in sophie's hair I'm disappoint CG team.
Carson Morales
I love idle butts!
Cooper Turner
Because Ran is oblivious. Yurika loves Ran in a way she'd never love Kaede.
Blake Brown
Idle butts are the devil's playthings.
Joshua King
good catch
Logan Powell
That must be a recycled performance or something, I mean, it's Salami Smile.
Lucas Walker
It's "loved".
Austin Martin
I want to make idle butts my plaything.
Joseph Cooper
They are absolutely not sexy.
Joseph Rivera
The girl in the top right is especially sexy.
Jason Wright
>pale skin I guess you have a point. I was thinking of how the Conan anime highlighted lips, but it turns out they also use white. Everyone in Aikatsu is so pale that even characters with slightly darker skin tones like Tsubasa and Mahiru look tan when they actually aren't.
Jace Gray
Why are the Solamis so lewd? Their choreographies and outfits are just dirty. Now that I think about it, the other teams aren't like this. It's just them! Is this part of Mirei's plans?
Robert Taylor
Fuck off.
Dylan Stewart
Who would even want to do such a terrible thing like sexualize the idles.
Parker Williams
Fuck on
Joshua Ortiz
Fuck off.
Liam Walker
Asking with their feminine penis too, right?
Jaxon Powell
Fuck me.
Cooper Brown
Akari's butt is far too erotic.
Joseph Garcia
Why are you telling my to fuck off when I'm saying that wanting to do lewd things is absolutely wrong. I mean just look how pure they are having fun together. Seems to me you are the one having lewd thoughts as you respond as such.
Colton Campbell
What the hell where they thinking when they dressed up like that?
Jayden Howard
>ah ha ha ha ahahaha Everytime.
David Butler
F-kun is always like this. You post an innocent picture of idles in bikini and he's like "THIS IS SEXUAL FUCKAWWWFFFF". He's rotten.
Chase Ross
Zachary King
I love your butt.
Bentley Morris
I love Madoka
Gavin Torres
Alexander Adams
Eli Ramirez
Me on the left.
Carson King
Fuck off you degernate fucks.
Christopher Jenkins
Is f-kun a girl? Or maybe a parent?
Jason Price
The swimsuit performance was specifically really lewd. I loved it.
Isaiah Jackson
Which other aikatsus have butts?
Brayden Reed
All of them, except Sumire. She lost her butt when she fell on it.
Cooper Brown
This is a indirect indirect kiss?
Isaac Ramirez
All of them have butts. It's pretty much an anatomical requirement.
Lincoln Mitchell
No. It's still really gay though.
Christopher Taylor
Don't worry, she may have lost it but I found it.
Jeremiah Richardson
Not if you don't poop.
Isaac Nguyen
I'm skeptical. Do you have any pictorial proof?
Jordan Martin
I'm sorry to inform you that idols poop.
Evan Gray
Canon proof of idle butt.
Cameron Jenkins
>/ai/nons sloshing.jpg
Landon Carter
This shot always activates muh dik.
Lincoln Price
Not enough tears.
Lincoln Brown
We wouldn't need to cry if we were sloshing together like that.
He should be more concerned about his rudeposting habits. Rudeposting is not ok.
Jose Cruz
W-what's wrong with that?
Carter Sanders
She gave birth to that Dyson looking vacuum cleaner.
William Carter
That's rude to Rina-chan.
Henry Cooper
As you should be more concerned about your lewdposting habits.
John Hughes
Hopefully soon I'll be able to marry my hypothetical future wife and ask her to wear tons of cute clothes like this for me.
John Morales
sou desu ka?
Aiden Flores
I want you to fuck off.
Kayden Collins
Rinne awaits you in the afterlife.
Robert Myers
Austin Cooper
Ryan Brown
I want to wear cute clothes and not look like a disgusting pervert when I do.
Logan Lopez
Why? When did lewdposting become a bad thing? We've been doing it for the last 4 years or so. Being rude was never ok, take that attitude back to /aikatsu/.
Noah Myers
>"Shio-[chicken]" kek'd
Colton Russell
There are thousands of other otakubait shows out there, go sexualize one of them instead.
Cameron Flores
calm down
Carson Roberts
No. I have no idea what you're doing on /ai/ if you don't like it the way it is. You're only here because nobody else will talk about these shows with you, you don't actually care about /ai/. Why don't you just join the pp wiki or something? You'll get better discussions there, probably. Don't come here and try to change things.
Andrew Scott
I'm not F-kun, and I'm not trying to change things. I've been here from the start, but I've never liked lewdposting.
James Rogers
I like Kii and I would never sexualize her.
Jeremiah Clark
I love Kii and ship her with Yurika.
Thomas Martin
I'll do it for you.
Dylan Garcia
I like Yurika and I would never not sexualize her.
Jonathan Scott
I like Yurika and ship her with Kii.
Gabriel Rogers
twitter sauce?
Cameron Sullivan
Justin Peterson
I'm a guy who ships crack pairings, and YurikaxKii is too weird even for me.
Benjamin Hill
Benjamin Myers
Why Yurika?
Cameron Moore
I love Yurika and ship her with myself.
Brayden Hill
Daniel Rogers
Blake Jones
Jack Diaz
PP is full of womanlets
Thomas Miller
Faruru and Hibiki are the perfect coulpe, Fuwari is an eyesore.
Brandon Bennett
Hunter Thomas
Good job on taking the bait.
Joseph Rivera
Sailor Moon Falulu is an eyesore.
Adrian Sanchez
Is that you Kii?
Luis Ross
Yes, I'm a cute idol and producer. Please have sex with me.
Jacob Ortiz
I'm pretty sure most of us ship our favorite idles with ourselves.
Nathaniel Cook
I see you're a knower of the menes.
Daniel Brooks
>garuru style
Anthony Hall
>Mizuki's internal feelings
Mason Martinez
Samuel Price
I love Kii's butt!
Julian Adams
Gavin Rogers
Which song?
Ayden Murphy
Cooper Davis
>>>/tumblr/ >>>/facebook/ >>>/reddit/ >>>/hell/
Matthew Reyes
Alexander Young
Hey Little Girl
Jeremiah Bennett
Mason Murphy
Is that the real snowflakes?
Thomas Fisher
I'll bet that was an /ai/non.
And stop this.
Gavin Bailey
Julian Myers
Liam Butler
Benjamin Hughes
I'm the real snowflakes.
Adam Gomez
Ichigo's bunny butt.
Julian Moore
Hudson White
Ichigo's ass is fat and flabby and full of mayo.
Ayden Mitchell
There is nothing wrong with fat butts!
Luis Ramirez
Connor Phillips
Ethan Hernandez
I want to bully Hibiki by making her wear cute clothes.
Nathan Nelson
The atmosphere was homosex.
Adrian Morgan
I miss the homosex. At least season two had Yurika being gay a lot of the time.
Jack Ward
Nolan Fisher
That's mean.
James Jackson
I bet Ichigo, Aoi, and Ran have kinky threesomes during their off-time.
Cameron Morris
Shut up, fatty.
Nathaniel Wilson
Fuck off.
Ethan Morris
>you watch the same show than these retards
Kayden Young
Hey F-kun, is it okay if I ship Yurika with Kii?
Luis Powell
Does anyone have a gif of Sophie doing the pshuuu dance?
Nicholas Adams
Asher Butler
It's "as", not "than".
Dylan Taylor
Little girls are not smart
Zachary White
My mayo.
Alexander Stewart
Cooper Peterson
I may be a little drunk don't bully.
Kayden Thompson
Christopher Sanders
You're bullying too.
Liam Baker
Is Falulu like Cell? Absorbing the most powerful catch phrases from every strong aidoru?
If you only care about raws then grab KS-W releases for 1-39 (and turn subs off I guess) and these BD raws for the rest!WB9XhYQS!WhFBi3sXDakPpr74aWdxMA If you want subs you could also grab Ai-dle for whatever we released, but we had to rely on pub raws so they are filled with banding (still used better raws than Zero though).
Kevin Myers
Not Kurosu but that boy's name is indeed Aroma, is one of the gopri fairies.
Ethan Wright
Nothing is stopping you, user.
Benjamin Phillips
Why boys are so gay?
Isaac Hernandez
Is there a batch for KS-W stuff? I was gonna get that torrent simply because it was easier, and there's barely any seeds for the subbed releases either way. But yeah, I don't really care for subs. Are Zero raws really that bad?
Lincoln Turner
I look disgusting. I should just die.
Austin Howard
Me too.
William Morris
From my comparisons they were probably the worst looking of the 3 available sources I checked (2 of which are only available through non-torrent sources). Anyway all Ai-dle releases are still seeded from my server at least, but your download speeds will depend on how well you peer. Also this is a DDL location for subbed stuff:
Brandon Collins
Posting from the third world here so I don't peer very well, sadly. In any case, I definitely appreciate the heads up and the links. Thanks a lot for the help!
Evan Myers
Carter Price
Ethan Gutierrez
Yū I like Yū
Dominic Cox
I wish she was actually relevant.
Angel Cook
It's a stupid and meaningless metric.
Daniel Flores
Aiden Bennett
So, should I ask that tag do be downvoted or not?
Blake Jackson
I will never understand why Banrise literally assassinated her, but she will always be one of my favorites.
Ayden Sanders
I wish she was in my bed.
Eli Cruz
Too bad, you are not Akari.
Tyler Reyes
Hudson Cruz
Noah Barnes
>never had a chance to livewatch OG Aikatsu >Stars airs to late for me to watch
Asher Gonzalez
Robert Lopez
Yuu focuses spin-off when? Following a travelling idol would make for a really fun show.
Hudson Miller
Good little girls don't stay up past 9pm
Luke Gray
Samuel Cook
Grayson Lee
Just wake up early.
Gabriel Hill
big, monster "poyo"
Julian Flores
Colorful Shion-chan is my wife.
Caleb Campbell
Aikatsu Stars episode 30: NANAKURA KOHARU DIES IN MAGMA
Wyatt Smith
I wish I would die in magma.
Nolan Foster
whoa bro, u crazy
Blake Anderson
If Koharu really left would you miss her?
Levi Cruz
Benjamin Jones
>tfw been staying up until 3 AM every week for almost 3 years for Aikatsu
I will never understand how some Chinese little girl cartoon has this kind of power over me. Luckily I rarely need to get up early on Thursdays.
Anthony Sullivan
Not really, I never cared about her.
Nathan Hall
Lincoln Lewis
A match made in heaven
Levi Garcia
She can't leave, i need someone to fuck.
Jayden Gonzalez
Yes, she's one of my favorite Stars and I really hope that spoiler doesn't end up the way it's most easily interpreted. Or if it is, I hope she still has some kind of significant role afterwards.
Xavier Morgan
Ako and Mahiru would.
Ryder Murphy
Koharu should be replaced in the show by a dog.
Adrian Rodriguez
If Koharu really does just suddenly leave the show without any proper character resolution, it really would just be a waste of the build up and screentime she's gotten up to this point.
Granted, I don't really think that's what the episode synopsis is implying. I hope it's actually build up to her finally getting a performance.
Ayden Rogers
Haruka will save the show.
Kayden Jackson
Written off the show
Adam Johnson
Risappe has style!
Mason Ramirez
No, that's not how it works.
Charles Campbell
After I finish Aikatsu I was planning on watching Pretty Rhythm. Is there a recommended batch of downloads I should grab for the Pretty Rhythm seasons? BakaBT has Aurora Dream and Rainbow Live but I don't know if there are better or more updated versions.
Jace Jackson
Those at bakabt are the best ones, grab them. Dear My Future's subs aren't finished yet so there's no batch yet.
Joshua Lopez
Like a poor man's Nina.
Isaac Flores
Thanks! I'll grab the BakaBT batches then.
Cameron Allen
>chest tumors poor girls
Carter Morgan
Sebastian Williams
The Emperor of Mankind's diva queen
Camden Morgan
Isaac Gonzalez
Would Hibiki dump Faruru for superior Hatsune Miku?
Colton Turner
Landon Powell
I would first DESTROY HIBIKI
Robert Fisher
>making idles go against Nana That's so freaking unfair.
Brayden Long
Nono butt.
Juan Nelson
Ok, I teared up a little on this episode. Also I'm glad Garomageddon finally got a new song.
Matthew Wright
That little Garmageddon arc is top-notch. It's really satisfying to see everything come together the way it does.
Ryan White
The best S3 episode so far. The episode before and after it were great too. I'm glad I got caught up right after it aired.
Sebastian Russell
Akari, PLEASE cover that fat rump of yours!
Samuel Taylor
Gaarmageddon is the best unit for all of /ai/ and I'm glad this is now a fact instead of an opinion.
Eli Davis
Speak for yourself
Not watching PP because I'm too lazy to git gud but they do look cute. They can't beat Soleil though.
Hunter Morris
Yup, just finished ep.106 as well. The whole arc was great down to the last moments.
Jace Bell
Apples and oranges. I love both just as much.
Carter Young
Disgusting orangefags get out, apples are objectively best fruit
Logan Rogers
I think oranges taste better, but they're fucking annoying to eat so I never bother.
Samuel Robinson
Strawberries are better than both.
Brandon Smith
What seiyuu is /ai/ expecting for Taiyou Pepper?
Christian White
Find a flaw.
Kevin Watson
Except "Jululu" was a name Lala gave her out of Jululu's incoherent babbling of her real name before she had any conception of her connection to Jewlie. Please learn to logic and storytelling, stupid child.
Aiden Harris
Colton Torres
Caleb Thomas
Adrian Ramirez
Too poor to afford the name brand. So sad.
Liam Gomez
Jason Nguyen
Space food was excellent. Too bad they don't make it any more.
Julian Sanchez
Kisaragi Tsubasa want down!
Ian Morris
What's sad is that Hinaki has to eat space cat food.
Nathaniel Russell
Space Cat Food is blue.
Henry Martin
Cocotama is over, Aikatsu KONO ATO SUGU
Jace Gonzalez
>/vp/ is posting Stars now Bandwidth!
Oliver Jones
I don't get it?
Gavin Davis
Here's some clue: tv tokyo, 5pm JST,, stream, user
Benjamin Lopez
Thanks, but no thanks.
Tyler Fisher
Mahiru and Ako are so cute in this episode.
Jeremiah Robinson
When aren't they?
Asher Rogers
>Koharu just vanishes. Jesus christ, at least have them wave her off.
Hudson Morgan
Ako's fluffy cat butt.
Lincoln Phillips
Too expensive.
Josiah Stewart
I want to touch it
Grayson Bell
She says "Don't."
Parker Mitchell
Too late
Oliver Gonzalez
Off-time episodes are always nice. Good episode.
Cameron King
Next ep isn't a Koharu ep, the preview is a lie. It's never a Koharu ep.
Isaac Gutierrez
Have I not been paying attention, or was this the first time in a group live where the auras actually combined to surround the group, instead of staying personal and becoming a clusterfuck of ribbons obscuring the view?
Austin Ortiz
I am calling the cops!
Parker James
>Off-time So that's why early perform.
Joshua Perry
Wanna bet?
Michael Edwards
Even if it is a Koharu ep, its a drama ep so probably still no performance.
When will Koharu's suffering end?
Juan Carter
Reminder that we got loli Yume today
Cameron Wright
Nolan Hernandez
And this is all we'll ever get of Koharu singing.
Chase Bennett
Daniel Garcia
My dick is now fully erect.
Robert Scott
Jack Mitchell
Ryan Collins
UNACCEPTABLE although I was sure somebody would make that edit.
James Wright
I love Legina!
Hunter Lopez
Carter Watson
I'm also very happy we're getting someone from Africa as a main character, though probably not for the same reasons as these people. I almost wantto catch up now.
Owen Roberts
I was hoping next episode would be about the Theater Class, but Koharu is good too.
Dominic Wright
Koharu is cosmic ded.
Asher Mitchell
I don't know anything about video quality, but I would still always be grateful to them because I remember at some point during PR's run they were the only ones still bothering releasing raws. And I remember a period near the end of DMF there wasn't any raws at all, at least not in the next few hours after an episode aired, and I would watch the show on streaming sites like himado.
Gonna download these and delete my zero raws thanks.
Some years ago I would have probably kept the raws to brag about how I've been watching PR back then, but thankfully I'm not like that anymore.
Charles Walker
Remainder that Otoha isn't gay but only Itosexual or Berusexual.
John Russell
>Itosexual You mean heterosexual?
Eli Diaz
>Itosexual There's nothing special about a girl loving a boy.
Jace Ross
Jacob Hernandez
Cameron Peterson
She is.
Jacob Powell
Logan Morales
Alexander Rodriguez
How was the episode?
Samuel Evans
Brayden Smith
I'm scared now. Next week being a Koharu episode makes me thing they will really send her off in 30.
Justin Green
I hope they don't. I haven't caught up yet but Koharu is the only thing I like about Stars.
Grayson Ortiz
>So this is spiral power...
Joseph Lewis
They started building it up this week with Koharu's family meeting hinting she may have to move away.
Jayden Diaz
Yup, I got this impression too. Did they say anything specific I didn't catch?
Jack Garcia
I would have to quit Aikatsu if that happened.
David Rodriguez
Grayson Phillips
Hunter Price
She's the cutest.
Parker Gomez
>you'll never get fed cake by Falulu, Garuru, or Aroma
Xavier Baker
Nobody talking about last episode?
Joseph Rivera
Not watching Stars, but if I did, I'd feel like stopping as well. If such a predictable development actually happens, and it turns out to be the reason why they never gave Koharu a CG until now, while they could have gave her one anyway to make her seem as important as the others and less obvious she'd leave instead of cutting corners, then I'd feel like stopping the show too.
Brayden Barnes
>instead of cutting corners gotta save money
Alexander Garcia
The show is worth it, with or without her.
random delicious Hime pic
Elijah Robinson
Xavier Ortiz
Her parents asked if she had told her friends.
Joshua Watson
This episode was kind of weak. Part of it was just that the art was below par with everyone looking wide and squishy, plus there are a lot of reused cuts that don't really fit over time or look bad like sitting on Yume's bed and Ako smiling down at the crying Reina. And they just reused the performance from the movie straight up. Going back home episodes are usually good, but I feel that having every single character plus a new one all together spread the focus too thin, so it ended up diluted.
Where was this? I just rewatched it from about 17:35 and there was nothing there.