They have posted a teaser for the OAD and at the very least it seems that it will have Itagaki's style.
Do you gusy think it will be original content or they will animate Baki vs Yuujiro?
They have posted a teaser for the OAD and at the very least it seems that it will have Itagaki's style.
Do you gusy think it will be original content or they will animate Baki vs Yuujiro?
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I'm down. Anime is severely lacking in martial arts shows and has been for the last few years.
baki a cute
signed i wish there were more anime or manga with muscle bound men
do nip girls dislike muscles?
Honestly hoping for original content. The father-son fight would probably be pretty lackluster animated.
>yfw they're going to animate the Retsu / Musashi fight
>You lived long enough to see Oliva and Memetobe properly animated
That ancient gladiator arena makes it seem that it will be original content,probably written by Itagaki himself.
I wonder if it's going to be some Hanma bloodline backtracking.
W-why did I pop a raging boner?
I have no faith in TMS desu lads,i would have rather preffered David or Madhouse to animate Baki.
Strong is beautiful
Fuck it, I'm just copying what I said on westbound.
The PV kinda concerns me, because it shows Baki in a few fights/scenes that aren't in the manga. He's shown to be in Rome briefly, which isn't in the manga. He never fought Doppo, Shibukawa, or Katsumi. He never walked past Yuujiro at any point. And there's too much effort in this trailer's animation for parts of it to not be included in the actual OAD.
I do hope that they didn't make an original story. Baki seems to be in his 17-19 age in the PV and they showed a certain focus on Yuujiro as an enemy, so maybe it'll be an adaptation of the last arc of the third series. I just pray that it isn't a direct adaptation of Dou or something. Ain't need no animated Muhsashi for a long time.
It's likely going to be original content based off what we see in the PV,or rather i would expect it to be a retelling of the Yuujiro vs Baki in Rome.
Is that even Rome though?It coudl very well be a roman Colloseum in the Levant where the Hanma bolodline originates from.
>He never fought Doppo, Shibukawa, or Katsumi.
That was clearly imagination training, their bodies aren't actually transparent, cloudy and colorless.
It was still animated, which tells us there might be a bizarre training scene in the OAD that wasn't in the manga. Dunno.
He never fought them in his imagination either.
You never saw him do it, but it's obvious we didn't see every single time he trained. It's an original scene, but one that makes sense, if he trains by fighting imaginary opponents he wouldn't skip out on some of the best fighters he knows. It's also a good way to include some popular characters in the OAD without bending the plot backwards for them.
Wait, didn't he fight Katsumi at one point?
Also, is probably right.
The last scene is from Baki Dou, I guess.
Full remake and adaption when?
This, does this mean anything about having a new Baki anime series?
I'd just start from the prisoner arc though.
Holy shit I didn't expect that to hype me up so much.
Why don't they make a new anime adaptind Baki Dou?
Baki is one of the best selling manga ever. Albeit it's also been running forever but still
Jumping straight into Dou would be retarded,i would rather have them adapt the convicts arc.
I brainfarted there.
I meant Baki.
I had this idea about how you could have a prologue episode with Baki fighting the Shinogi bros and Yujiro vs Doppo, then start the Maximum Tournament right away using flashbacks when necessary. Don't know if a starting with full tournament season would be good to attract newcomers, though.
It's just an OAD though,sadly we probably will never get another season.Fuck it anyways i'm glad we're at least getting this.
>sadly we probably will never get another season
Why, though? Isn't the manga pretty popular?
If they really want to do a TV series they should start from the very beginning and go for over a hundred episodes
The kid saga is skippable though. There's a pretty big tone shift compared to the rest of the series, and all you need to know is that Yujiro killed Baki's mom and Baki fought a gorilla.
is it ever explained why baki is such a manlet when yujiro is 6'5?
It's not skippable. You can't just skip several volumes while adapting something unless it's one to two cour, neither of which is ideal for Baki
The kid saga got butchered in the first place too.
And there is no big tonal shift
The point of the kid saga is that "13 year old Baki is a very strong dude who rubs shoulders with the best in the world but he's not even an ant compared to his father"
well shit
goes to show not to trust fan wikis on things like height/weight
That's simply Itagaki not knowing how the fuck the imperial system works,he stated numerous times Yuujiro is 190cm.
190cm = 6'3". You can see the 3 inches mark on that cover, that just means Yujiro isn't standing completely straight.
Granted the horrible scanlation quality may be a factor here
but it seems like the series is really boring when it actually focuses on Baki for an extended amount of time instead of Retsu or Orochi or whatever. All this imagination training and shit is not interesting
The prison arc was pretty good.
I wonder if the raw for this will be uploaded since most OAD which a bonus for manga don't have the raws uploaded.
That part was alright. I'm at the bit where they're leading up to Baki vs Yujiro rematch with brief bits of Retsu doing some boxing on the side, and I'm losing the will to continue reading.
>Musashi losing to Memetobe
He lost?
I want off Motobe's wild ride
He didn't lose yet though.
Just as a heads up, Telecom was supposed to do a adaption of the Avatar:TLA comics because of the Rocko & Hey Arnold TV movies that Nick is green lighting and other reboots as of late, Nick did green lit the idea and was even cool with spending $3 million a episode to make sure that the quality was up to snuff, the issue is that Bryke did not want anything to do with Avatar anymore so it was rejected for the time being, Telecom needed a replacement and Baki-Dou was that replacement.
As for Teiichi Takiguchi directing this, back when Telecom was planing the Avatar thing Toshihiko Masuda was going to be the chief directer, when they switch to Baki-Dou Masuda was rejected for wanting to much money, Yuichiro Yano asked for the roll but he was also rejected for the same thing as Masuda (Yano's bid was lower however), they ended up with Teiichi Tachiguchi as the director and Toshiyuki Yamashita as the chief director.
A non porn video just gave me an erection
Isn't this just an OAD? You make it sound like a series.
Bahi-Dou is a OAD only because they did not have enough money to make it into a series.
Since it took between February to July of this year it make it it seem that they wanted a 13 episode series but they only had enough money for a few episodes so they just did 1 OAD for quality reason.
Thanks Famicom
So how long do you suppose this OAD is going to be?
That was not from Famicom you diot.
No idea, I'm expecting 22-30'ish minutes, a hour tops.
So what are your expectations? Looking at that trailer I can't imagine it being anything other than Baki training a bit then having an inconclusive fight Yujiro.
I was hoping for a reboot but the trailer looks promising.
And what I am supposed to make of this?
Why the hell would you want that?
Reminder that retsu is dead and motobe is meme tier.
You say it like those are bad things.
not him, but I would love to see Baki get a proper anime adaption like JoJo has been getting. They're both gay as fuck, manly as fuck, long as fuck, and bizarre as fuck.
Yes, I know that means I'm inviting a wave of secondaries and casuals and tumblrites to swamp the fandom but I don't care I eat that shit up. I just love to see things I love appreciated by a wider audience, especially when that audience has no power over the source material since it's already in the past.
I am hype.