Germa has been a "country of science" traditionally. Judge and Vegapunk used to be illegal researchers. Vegapunk got arrested since he found blueprint of life (DNA?).
Actually World Government bought the research team, but Judge managed to run away and continued researching.
Germa soldiers are programmed not to betray their boss and don't fear death. All Germa soldiers are the clones of some excellent soldiers.
Ichiji and Niji appear. Niji expected Sanji a bit when he heard that Sanji is pirate, but now he is disappointed.
Sanji yells, "How dare you hurt Cosette-chan!!"
Sanji kicks Niji in his face, but his kick doesn't hurt him at all. Niji says. "Stealth" , appears from behind and beats Sanji wit electric attack. Ichiji says he is going to confirm their hierarchy and calls Sanji clunker.
Flashback starts. Judge says that now that he gave his sons talent they should train hard.
Judge is worried why only Sanji is weak. According to doctor, Ichiji, Niji and Yonji developed their exoskeletons greatly, but Sanji is just a human. Judge is disappointed.
Judge tells Germa66 soldiers that Sanji suffered a shipwreck. Sanji gets imprisoned with iron mask. He can't even eat and asks for help.
Judge says that Sanji was not supposed to be born. Sanji sheds tears and apologizes again and again to Judge.
Sanji's brothers don't care about Sanji at all, but only Reiju seems to be worried about him.
BM wants Germas technology to amplify her soulpower: Infinite clones = infinite amount of souls (power) she can use. If her plan succede she's going to be even more OP
Ryan Watson
best girl
reiju is PURE
Jaxon Brown
I hate this whole asspull story about sanji sorry but it comes out from nowhere and this whole cyborg clone doesnt fit Sanji AT ALL that's more a plotline you would expect being developed with Franky.
Sanji's backstory with Zeff >>>>>> this shit. This shows again how Oda lost his fucking touch.
Easton Powell
Because Sanji follows Zeff instead
Justin Phillips
I love jobbing characters.
Do you love job characters?
Jayden Perez
>Posting a fake spoiler
Henry Lewis
>judge worked with vegapunk caesar will BTFO judge confirmed
I felt like reading cyborg 009 except there's only 5 of them and they are children.
Jonathan Cruz
Sanji is not even in serious mode and he is wrecking them all, what a fucking joke, kek.
Isaiah Foster
Sanji confirmed captain-level? I'm so proud.
Chase Morales
Why are we getting spoilers so early? Second week in a row.
Bentley Adams
The site won't open for me.
Jonathan Wright
she did that in present time too after the battle with dadji
basically it seems like she went along with what she thought was just harmless bullying, but got worried when they started going too far
Juan Sanchez
>Judge is worried why only Sanji is weak. According to doctor, Ichiji, Niji and Yonji developed their exoskeletons greatly, but Sanji is just a human. Judge is disappointed.
>He later developed his legs hence diamblo Jump
Gabriel Jackson
What do you expect? These clowns aren't strong enough for Paradise let alone the New World. Why do think they are want North Blue?
Oliver Kelly
>But why does Duval look like Sanji's poster? >And then Sanji became the Duval
Jason Morris
so chapter today? pics only come out a little before the chapter
Hunter Baker
"I had no choice but to laugh" Wonder what she means by that
Kayden Garcia
I want the New wor'ld to be a challenge, Oda should not bring these fodders in the New world. The last 250 chapters have been easy enough already.
Jack Sanders
lmao so sanji is some some super soldier...why couln't he just be a bad ass chef
fuck oda
when's hxh
Brandon Parker
this arc would be better if sanji was actually stronger than his brothers. but it's just boring and hes going to have to be saved :/
Wyatt Morales
I guess she does care for him but don't have the courage to oppose her father.
Brayden Rivera
He caught them him off guard. Then got rekt.
Brayden Cox
he has no exoskeleton, Speedread
Anthony Howard
doesn't change the fact this backstory is shit. other user is right, Sanji should be a badass cook and that's it. This backstory is useless. This whole plot with Germa is useless and shit.
Dylan Foster
I still don't get how these scrubs think they could possibly take over North Blue without the Marines raping them to death.
Elijah Rodriguez
"""Year of Sanji"
Noah Murphy
>hes going to have to be saved
Saved by who? His captain got destroyed, Law and Zoro are on another part of the ocean, and he Has no way of contacting the fleet.
>mfw This is where sanji dies >mfw he's replaced by Kakarot
Jeremiah Price
That's what you get for believing the hype that the New World was a "Death World". Oda already pulled this when back in East Blue he was hyping the Grand Line as being the most dangerous thing ever, but it ended up not being that different. The New World may be full of really strong people, but that doesn't mean that EVERYONE is super strong.
Jason Diaz
The frist 200 chapters of Grand Line were a lot more challenging than what we are getting since Punk Hazard. Even East blue was harder than this.
Joseph Martin
Two years of training and all Sanji did was learning to run away and how he could run away even better with CoO.
This is a bigger letdown than Namis orange trees. At least they had some growth.
Jonathan Thomas
I miss that meme. It was real to me.
Daniel Ortiz
But if Sanji dies how are they going to face Kaido?
Adrian Sanders
Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?
Brayden Foster
That's because the Straw Hats spent 2 years level-grinding. Most pirates just go straight into the New World after going through Paradise and thus have a much harder time.
James Allen
I prefered the meme where we pretended to not know who Sanji is.
Oliver Brooks
This confirms the timeskip is the cancer of this manga and have lowered the overall quality of the story.
Brody Lewis
He said he'd be back though
Lucas Brown
stop reading it then, faggot
Charles Russell
Saved by marriage. Pudding will forbid any Sanji-bullying.
Jacob Wilson
Please. If there hadn't been a time-skip, the story would have gone on exactly the same. Oda would have just asspulled Gear 4 the same way he asspulled Gear 2 and 3.
Henry Gutierrez
>The wedding begins, Sanji gave up on trying to escape. >Suddenly this large ship followed by smaller ships crashes the island >Its Luffy;s 5600 men alliance, who heard that Sanji was getting married and immediately headed there thinking that Luffy's whole crew is there. >They came to drink, eat, party and have tons of fun and celebrate Sanji's wedding. mfw
Camden Davis
Was Sanji actually training during the timeskip?
William Jackson
what the fuck are you guys talking about it fucking says in the spoilers sanji gets rekt
Nathaniel Reed
so dadji confirmed weakest of the bunch? the kids are the ones with super powers
Samuel Johnson
He was training his sphincter.
Andrew Bailey
>fire right leg >electric left who is ready for this meme
James Ramirez
>Prophet Buggy is there too, because he wants to get back his giants
Jason Smith
>tfw by the end of the series sanji is weaker than buggy
Blake Taylor
I can see this actually happening
Luis Cooper
>year of """Sanji"""" >Oda introduces over half a dozen Sanji clones, each one overshadowing his own abilities and talents
And they said Sanji was going to get the spotlight.
Bentley Reyes
I bet Yamcha was weaker than Mr. Satan too.
Jason Bennett
Here is where Sanji's power up is: right now he can almost face his brothers, then his modified genes will show up, making him ultra powerful.
Sebastian Gomez
he was fighting Jim Carrey's Bruce Jenner clone army from hell.
Ryder Nelson
>mfw based Duval will save this arc
Adam Peterson
omg, i wish this comes true
Asher Jenkins
I don't think you know what a dozen means
Grayson Adams
He said over half a dozen. He was only off by a few.
Brody Fisher
I actually would bet in the >brothers can't betray and are forced to follow Dadji's orders >just like the fodder super soldiers >sanji instead of developing an exoskeleton developed immunity to this
Screencap this
Jaxson Scott
they have "humanity" due the life gene, they are different
Nathaniel Lee
Posting Robin to remind everyone that she's the supreme semen demon.
Colton Rodriguez
Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the spoilers tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the New world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Sanji to be king and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was training well on Momoiro Island???? This is so fucked.
Connor Sanders
>ichiji pulls a sneak attack and they double team sanji kek
once again these shitters can't do anything by themselves.
Christopher Jenkins
fuck off falseflagger
Lincoln Hernandez
Be nice to your mom, faggot.
Liam Perry
implying sanji will be even able to touch them until he gets his end of arc power up
Angel Ward
is this copypasta?
Parker Carter
Is your mom single?
Jackson Wood
Why would anyone want to be user's stepdad?
Luke Baker
it's Bernie Sanders copypasta
Matthew Gonzalez
Reiju Confirmed for being a good girl. Miss fatty BTFO. Can't wait for Reiju to help Sanji
Nathan Flores
lol, yeah. It's a post some berntard made after bernie lost the primaries or something.
Colton Allen
So do they have a mother or are they all just clones of Judge?
Nolan Bennett
She'd get bullied too, if she didn't follow the pack.
Adrian Ortiz
What's with this meme asking if Sanji train during 2 years. He literally said he was going to train his cooking skills not his fighting skills.unlike Luffy and Zoro where they specifically trained to get stronger This arc is where he will get a power boost.
Levi Ramirez
So I can finally hold the moral high ground and be disappointed in somebody.
Owen Butler
He had to beat up trannies to get the recipes though
Isaac Stewart
No he did not. He had to steal the recipe. Reread his part. It was never stayed here had to beat them.
Brody Diaz
Where are all the Reiju is bad faggots?
Jace Bell
While true, I don't imagine him doing much stealing
Jason Myers
>ichiji running first, then reiju, niji and yonji power levels confirmed
Here's the inspiration for this chapter. Best boy Sanji once again linked to France
Dylan Ramirez
It was implied that his stay would imply escaping from the trannies and defending himself against their erotic advances, which is pretty physical innit?
Mason Torres
God sanji is such a fucking weak piece of shit, I really have not seen a strawhat get as slapped around as he is getting right now, aint even putting up a fucking fight man. What an absolute dissapointment, now I know what his father feels like.
Gabriel White
Maybe but the point is that he wasn't training to get stronger. It was for his cooking. All this "brothers are strong and you are weak" stuff makes it clear Sanji will get a power boost this arc. Especially with the you were created strong stuff
Easton Williams
>people actually thought Reiju was bad
Gavin Murphy
He ran and ran and ran until he flied. After that they couldn't get him. Just made him faster not stronger
Dominic Anderson
>tfw there will never be a doujin where Reiji calls Sanji a filthy ningen while examining his body inside and out, with dadji overseeing it >then it turns out that Reiji is male as well and the mecha dick comes out and Sanji breaks down and finally dresses like a girl
Hopefully Nikuringo might get on it.
Connor King
Luis Jones
Why is Yonji telling all this to Sanji? Reiju already confirmed for being good. Will Yonji be the one that gets redeemed from those 3 brothers? It seems like Yonji gets along with Sanji. Even though he is still a huge asshole.
Thomas Wood
So let me guess, Reiju was the one who helped Sanji escape from Judge.
Nolan Sanchez
It's out
Zachary Reyes
Colton Kelly
I was thinking exactly the same thing.
Eli Russell
Hudson Lopez
it doesn't make anymore sense with franky even though he's a cyborg
Connor Sullivan
They are clones after all. wew
Julian Brooks
t. nerd who got bullied by the jocks
Jeremiah Edwards
Sanji hates Zoro because his dad uses swords.
Henry Rivera
So Judge was a scientist, let me guess he's actually a really short midget hiding under a exoskeleton and gadgets underneath that coat.
Nathan Murphy
>backstory is useless because sanji will still be the same after retard
Luis Foster
Dadji did talk about their mom though. Sanji learned cooking from her I guess?
Justin Campbell
Momji is kill. She is kill guys
Joshua Young
oh shit,is it out?
Michael Ross
Rat-kun is also kill. I can't handle this much death in a single chapter.
Juan Ward
Something tells me that dadji will have to marry Big Mom himself after all of this is done.
Gabriel Fisher
being able to do moonwalk is a sign of superior leg strength which means his kicks did get stronger by a bit
Henry Cooper
Eli Brooks
H A H A H A H A H A L I T E R A L L Y N O T H I N G H A P P E N E D : T H E C H A P T E R
A G A I N ! ! !
>people will defend this chapter literally and unironically
Nolan Foster
feeding a pet really isn't the same as serving others
Ryan Torres
Niji ships SanjixCossete.
Ryan Kelly
Joseph Bailey
Camden Sanders
L O L! it's your fault for not waiting until one piece was finished retard
Samuel Diaz
Landon Carter
Wew, just a small glance inside here and I see that the threads are as cancerous as ever.
Jeremiah Rogers
Is he the worst Cred Forums dad ever? Sanji must be jealous that rest of Strawhats never met their dads.
Evan Baker
i hope sanji shows off his airwalking technique
Christian Evans
can you link the chapter?
Aaron Campbell
>I'll make them threatened Sanji so he doesn't fight back Why is Oda such a hack?
Mason Reyes
You're the reason these threads are cancer. Stop whining and start contributing.
Sorry, but when something has terminal cancer it is normal to give up on it
Alexander White
Robert Nelson
Liam Fisher
He even knee'd Sanji straight in the spinal cord to make him a cripple just like his bae, what a great brotherly thing to do.
Jonathan Bell
Bentley Wright
how long are you virgins going to keep supporting autistic shonen trash
Alexander Garcia
Don't you dare forget.
Adrian Robinson
go back to your moeshit thread, pillow hugger
Jacob Thomas
until I stop liking it
Ryan Jenkins
>implying your favourite anime and manga are not trash and you do not have shit taste
Dylan Kelly
wow just like kekkarot
Julian Rodriguez
Owen Bell
i cant wait for sanji to btfo the rest of his family
Chase Robinson
The spoiles made it look like Niji walked all over Sanji Instead he gets blackmailed again into losing Sanji confirmed the strongest ji
Anthony Reed
get lost old man you have no friends nor family
Carter Powell
> Sanji retreats > brothers laugh as he flees again > runs to Reiju's room > grabs makeup and a dress & goes full Okama "That beautiful summer day" > wrecks Yonji and Niji
Nathan Williams
Matthew Williams
Yonji looks like Zoro
Brandon Hernandez
Ian Williams
I guess sanji power up will be lightning and fire combined together to make a new element.
Joshua Diaz
Jacob Price
>Sanji is a clone >a failed clone at that
Will Sanji fags ever recover?
>inb4 Sanji's genetic modification was to be able to produce and resist fire
Brandon Miller
I blame ivankov for being a shitty teacher. He didn't teach sanji anything.
Brandon Martin
They are not clones you speed reader.
Parker Bennett
it's gonna be oh so satisfying when sanji kicks the shit out of them in the end
Adam Sanders
What? Ichiji never did anything.
Charles Walker
>He didn't teach Dani anything Sanji wanted to get better at cooking an he did. he never trained to get stronger you speed reader.
Lincoln Cruz
Zoro is just Sanji with short hair and a frown anyways.
Noah Long
>genetic modifications >"my best creations" >""""""dead"""""""""" mum
No, I just dont have autism and I have regular reading comprehension
>b-but he DIDNT EXPLICITLY SAY they were clones >b-but he said he had a mum, he would never lie about something like that
Jayden Russell
i always figured he got way stronger by fighting those monstrous okamas
Lucas Lewis
He won't
Andrew Smith
I don't think it makes much difference. Niji seems to be faster than sanji.
Xavier Brown
you're dumb as shit, not even that guy
Brayden Fisher
>Sani and Dadji are both normal humans >Dadji has the same eyebrows as Sanji
Alexander Clark
I still think Sanji will beat both Ichiji and Niji up once their alliance with Big Mom is cancelled
Daniel Phillips
they may not be clones, specifically, but they're almost definitely test tube babies
Tyler Scott
>this meme again Sanji had to steal the recipes. Not by defeating those faggots. That's why his thing is observation haki.
Owen Wright
delete this
Jack Reed
Sure, brah :), and his mum had quintuples and decided to name them by number, its just a coincidence that she was dead and not even her sons and daugther know her and that his dad is one of the two world experts on cloning.
Boy, I reading comprehension and being able to understand the context of a situation sure are weird abilities these days.
Angel Kelly
oh look it's another week of OPhaters nitpicking the shit out of new chapter and throwing feces at everything that's happening anymore in this manga
Liam Richardson
They have a mom. Only because their bodies got modified does not mean they are clones.
Landon Martin
wow another chapter of absolutely nothing.
Benjamin Stewart
What a great reaction image
Brayden Cox
so sanji was cooking just like his mom used to do but she didn't exist?
Michael Sullivan
where they quintuples or quadruplets and a girl?
Elijah Thompson
>I reading
dun goofd nerd
Alexander Nguyen
lol you literally don't even know what clones are
Isaac Williams
>I reading comprehension
yes, you sure reading comprehension alright
Ryan Torres
she goes and saves sanji
hell she saved luffy
she is a nice girl
i want to cum in her and make sanji and uncle!
Jordan Campbell
Reiju is good. Where is miss fatty? Did she killed herself?
Matthew Peterson
Little Reiju is cute
Ryan Lopez
he literally learned the moonwalk which means his legs got way stronger, which implies that he had stronger kicks.
Colton Barnes
What the fuck is Reiju and her purpose? She wasn't even mentioned by the scientist, as if her results didn't matter even though she was just as good as Ichiji, Niji and Yonji.
Leo Kelly
oh shit Toriko is out
fuck this joint
Samuel Lopez
moe is on the unforgivable faggotry list along with shonen and mech and edgelord seinen
Colton Bailey
They could be the product of a same embryo that was divided/clones on 5 different embryos.
Charles Anderson
AntiReijufags BTFO
Aaron Nelson
I said they were test tube babies, not clones. Just because they have a genetic mother, doesn't mean they grew in her womb. It would have been much easier to modify them before birth if they had the mother's fertilized egg growing in a tank instead of inside her.
Joseph Ortiz
>implying I care
Easton Allen
It makes the fight with Big Mom personal, so it has value, dingus
Jayden Johnson
Sure is strange that sanji doesn't have any talent when he was a kid. After he joined the strawhats. He was keeping up with luffy and zoro well enough during pre timeskip.
Noah Rodriguez
Fuck toriko. What is so good about it anyway?
Kayden Nguyen
He will get close to them again after this arc. Maybe the same depending on the boost he gets
Kayden Harris
Well, it seems they were tested and challenged, not really trained, his brothers and sister had they abilities already developed and the such, probably he just needed to train to unlock them.
Zachary Murphy
felling bad for Sanji desu
Tyler Edwards
the last page mentions 5 pillars, maybe the translation for the previous pages is incomplete
James Reyes
Reiju is still a bitch and a coward. She was afraid of getting bullied so she joined in and laugh at sanji as well.
Jordan Gray
>implying I give a shit about faggots like you
Tyler Barnes
I think Patty said during the Baratie arc that he was the disciple of Zeff's "red shoe" Toriko is pretty fun
Jason Howard
>damage control Butt blasted miss fatty
Xavier Davis
>Sanji is a clone/testube baby >a failed one >his dad faked his dead >had to live on an island full of degenerates >virgin
Why does Oda hates Sanji?
Jordan Anderson
only a real human bean like zeff could train him properly
Jonathan Lopez
>sad back story means he hates him Are you new?
Jacob Jackson
best loli
I want to sniff loli Reiju
Cooper Gutierrez
They are genetically modified humans
Elijah Adams
I, for one, pray to Lord Jesus for this to happen. It would be glorious.
Jeremiah Evans
Oda seems to have taken a liking to lightning and clones lately. The minks also uses lightning.
Ryan Thompson
Yes, also clones.
Adam Lee
Won't happen
Hudson Parker
it's called cheap foreshadowing for when she'll rebel and help Sanji/SHs beat the crap out of Germa, imbecile
Julian Ortiz
Explain how he was able to keep up with luffy and zoro during pre time skip if he was really a failure?
Owen Flores
Clones of whom?
Samuel Baker
it turns out that the genetic switch to unlock sanji's hidden potential was exposure to ugly trannies
Isaiah Ward
I hope it isn't, I don't want retards to shitpost about Oda copying Fairy Tail
Brody Lopez
You can't be this delusional.
Bentley Diaz
Not him but Oda will explain that soon. Just wait.
Ethan Diaz
>He forget Enel >He forget Nami Tempo
Hunter Robinson
Why are you so cock sure, user?
Hunter Williams
Just imagine, if buggy didn't have that makeup and nose he could have been known as blue-hair buggy, an analog of red-hair shanks
Michael Clark
Camden Torres
screenshot my post, as well as your pledge to suck your own dick when it happens
Charles Myers
Because the only thing Sanji learned from them was cooking not fighting skill. He was training his cooking. Speed reader
Justin Fisher
Actually it was both.
Brayden King
>miss fatty still calling people delusional How mad are you after BTFO?
Chase Harris
>Dragons from Punk hazard >Wolves and other beasts from Impel down >5 years to grow Kuma clones >Artificial Devil fruits >Feeding Zoans to non living objects >Is effectively a prisoner of the WG >was making cyborg animals as a kid
Vegapunks eventual reveal better be the best in the entire series
Blake Rogers
stop forgetting about moonwalk you fucking actual speedreader
Joshua Barnes
Who is miss fatty?
Easton Fisher
>both Show me where Sanji said he was going to train his fighting skills? All he said was his cooking.
Angel Thompson
Yes they are. Genetically modified clones
Dylan Bell
I hate the current events so much, but I know it's all buildup for when Sanjo can finally fight back.
It's gonna be the originnal Luffy punching Bellamy spread all over again, and it's going to be glorious.
Juan Russell
He was a failure compared to his brothers, he was just "normal", you could argue Zoro, Luffy, Akainu and everybody are also "normal" people who achieved their strength and powers by training and yada yada yada
a - His dad
b - Of each other, a same embryo/early fetus cloned (artificially replicated) replicated to work on them and have many test subjects with the same DNA.
The only thing that points to a mother/embryo donor is their sister, because they at least needed to get a another X chromosome somewhere, but who knows what Oda is going to do.
Joseph Hernandez
big mom and most of her children but in the process he strengthened his legs and learned the airwalk. Plus he had to fight off the trannies from forcing the dress on him. It's like you have no reading comprehension.
Ayden Long
>calling me a speed reader I'm sorry did the okama teach that to Sanji or did he learn that himself? Oh that's right, himself. Kill yourself speed reading faggot.
Xavier Reed
>'' While "Attack Cuisine" is not denied to outsiders, and is in fact freely offered, only the people who have gone through the "Bride Training" and have become users of the Newkama Kenpo are told the 99 vital recipes of the Attack Cuisine. '' >
Nathaniel Brown
luffy and zoro are also just normal humans like sanji, he is a failure compared to his siblings
Asher Diaz
Well sanji did that all on his own. Rayleigh teach luffy haki. Mihawk teach zoro swordmanship. Ivankov did nothing at all.
Asher Carter
You just now that Sanji will kick the shit out of his family by the end of this arc.
Austin Torres
OK, since I'm pretty bored, and I feel like doodling something OP related:
Post ending in doubles will tell me what I doodle.
Asher Powell
You do know invakov told him if he could steal them he was going to teach him too cook right? That's why you shouldnt use the wikia
Easton Brooks
>sanji will probably get a powerup we are living in the year of sanji RIGHT NOW
Juan Wright
This is what everyone expects to happen hence it won't happen.
Xavier Watson
why would you make an argument like that and not say that he didn't get stronger? what was your point? I thought you were saying he didn't get stronger. Fucking kill yourself for arguing specifics in a pointless way.
Jacob Ortiz
Too bad oda is taking his sweet time. We have been waiting for 5 years now.
Connor Ramirez
Some delusional shipper that claimed Reiju was bad. As you can see she went into hiding like the pussy she is. Or probably killed herself after being BTFO
Colton Fisher
>cyborg clone what? he's just genetically modified. no, actually his siblings are, it didn't work with him.
Colton Jenkins
Adam Ross
Eli Stewart
I am not too sure about that. His latent powers will probably awaken in this arc.
Luis Davis
He still had to fight 99 newkama kenpo masters to get it, so in conclusion he still fucking went trough the training.
It's still fucking plausible he'll maybe use Newkama kenpo during this arc.
Isaac Phillips
dubs confirm that your gay
Adam Taylor
So Sanji was a late bloomer?
Parker Myers
My point is that Sanji didn't get any of their abilities not related to cooking. But I guess the Sanji haters are just shit posting
Austin Butler
But Luffy has a Devil Fruit and Conqueror's Haki. Zoro lifts weights and train nearly all the time when he's not sleeping. We never see Sanji train or even do anything other than cooking and flirting.
Probably a powerup like his true potential awakens or some shit like that. Probably when Purin is hurt or some something. Calling it.
Xavier Hall
yes, but he's still not a cyborg in any way.
Ian Sanchez
was acting like total shitlords a side effect of their genetic modification?
Jace Diaz
Yes and no. Sanji desire was to cook when he was young. He doesn't fight much until he join luffy crew.
Blake Russell
>He had to fight There you go speed reading again. He had to steal them not win them faggot. It won't happen
Jayden Hughes
This. That's why it was impressive that sanji manage to keep up with them pre time skip.
Josiah Gray
Probably Judge's genes are dominant.
Cooper Cox
>purin is hurt Haha no. He will just get black mailed again just like he did with cosset
Eli Lopez
Yeah, but he did train as much as the others, and the dude was saying he has "0 potential". Is that even possible?
Or maybe he didn't really have minset to become strong back then?
Anthony Flores
so he didn't get stronger at all over the timeskip even though he was able to destroy a pacifista alongside zoro, with them doing an equal share of work?
William Howard
>Clones >Genetic manipulation >Considered a failure among his brethren So Sanji is Solid Snake?
Camden Clark
>Ivankov did nothing at all. You don't know that for sure. Sanji spent 2 years there. He had plenty of time to impress him and make him change his mind.
Camden Morgan
Big mum is the real problem here. Luffy will need to somehow negotiate or make a deal with big mum not to target zeff.
John Barnes
his potential was unlocked after zeff had kicked him enough. kinda like how you kick your tv to make it work. exactly like it
Colton Sanchez
>I will be stronger once this is finished
also Sanji was born into the world to lead an army, when did he become so horny and unable to hit a woman?
Leo Sanchez
wasn't Liquid or Solidus the failed ones? It's been a long time since I played through Metal Gear Solid
Aiden Hernandez
Sure he did. But not from something he learned from the okamas. Just like Skywalk he learned it himself. he gained observation haki because he had to steal the recipes so he had to know where the faggots were.
Brody Ward
How about you stop being a faggot yourself and give me a source for your claim? At least I tried backing up mine.
Gavin Turner
Different user. He did get stronger but it isn't enough.
Nicholas Gomez
token strong womyn
Isaiah Parker
what's with Oda's obssession with science since Punk Hazard? it was already fully developed during Punk hazard with Ceasar clown, then we get this Judge guy coming out from nowhere and we haven't been introcuded to Vegapunk yet. I'm sick of this shit it reminds me of Naruto.
Luke Myers
being told they were better than everyone else their entire lives made them like that
Kayden Wright
> after zeff had kicked him enough
He was bullied all the time when he was a kid though. Doubt Zeff hurt him as much.
I guess that's because he gave him a motivation to become strong? As in protecting women and others instead of just become strong to lead an army.
Colton Barnes
lack of females in his life
Angel James
Oh ouh, it's a classic redflag. She dead nigguh, she dead. Calling it now, she'll sacrifice herself for 3ji, awakening his latent GMO powers. Also, Vinsmokes have a copy of sanji in development, perhaps even a ready one just as a backup.
Adrian Wood
And he also fought at least some of the faggots you stupid faggot.
Jacob Richardson
>try to steal them And of course he will be stronger faggot but not because of what those faggots teacher him. Sky walk is a good example of that.
Chase Murphy
Isn't she 0? Wouldn't that be the highest ranker?
Caleb Brown
different ways to power up different characters he's strong just because gets boring after a while
Noah Turner
Solid is the actual failure, everyone else had gotten the good genes.
Jackson Thomas
Here someone posted the page
William Price
Was becoming strong to take down stronger seafood part of the plan? Fighting for cooking would have been a great motivation for him
Zachary Nelson
And now we know why. Imagine if he took Garp's suicide training course when he was young. Well actually never mind he would have died without guys like Ace and Sabo to look after him.
Ryan Lewis
Fighting to protect the crew should be enough for him.
Henry Ross
Sanji had said even he didn't know why he couldn't hit woman, so I doubt it was Zeff that taught him that. It was probably something he inherited from his mother's genes. I would laugh my ass off if she is a reverse trap/okama.
Ayden Roberts
Miss fatty on suicide watch
Asher Parker
Luffy survived that training before he met Ace and without a devil fruit
Justin Ramirez
Yeah, but I mean the "motivation to become strong", Zeff could have made him understand that. Why else would have become so strong after he joined him? Or he understood that himself when pirates attacked the baratie.
Leo Cooper
He indeed did say it. But that doesn't mean Sanji didn't fought some of them.
So my point still stands.
Austin Miller
So with this chapter, Sanji X Cosette is confirmed, right?
Blake Johnson
Well that's your headcanon. That will never happen though. Sanji will get a power boost this arc but it won't be that.
Colton Bailey
Did he? I forget. I thought he only went through the training after he went with the mountain bandits.
Alexander Thomas
When you're a king you just gotta have a princess just in case of some political marriage well, I guess it's Sanji this time
Brayden Cox
Logan Walker
I think Sanji is supposed to be Jean Valjean so I think not. Instead, he'll probably save her or something.
Ethan Garcia
> Luffy was born from the strongest family, he is a D and he the chosen one > Sanji comes from a scientist family with enhanced humans > Franky is a cyborg > Usopp use cheat weapons > Chopper take drugs > Nami use weapons from Usopp the hack > Robin and Brook don't matter
Zoro is the only one who got stronger by himself withoout using cheats. He is the only one who got stronger trough effort and hardwork. He is the only one that matters, all the others are either cheaters or born with super blood.
If Oda make Zoro a cheater like his father was the world greatest swordsman or something else I will drop this fucking dumb manga.
Nolan Edwards
Why do you use words that you don't know what they mean?
Adam Powell
nah it was definitely before he met ace
Grayson Jackson
Ugh. How many of these covers are we going to get before the next cover arc? I always found the interim "fan request" cover pages to be boring.
Nathan Hill
Bentley Martin
>>Usopp use cheat weapons The fuck? >>Chopper take drugs Drugs that he invented himself. >>Robin and Brook don't matter Hahaha >>Franky is a cyborg Only by circumstances.
Parker Gonzalez
What if Sanji actually knows Okama Kenpo but is just too embarrassed to use it?
Jose Miller
I enjoyed this one >he doesn't have a pot of honey instead of a bible in the main story JUST
Nathan Allen
>Usopp use cheat weapons >Nami use weapons from Usopp the hack
Landon Bell
Owen White
Because Zoro is represented to be Japan and you know that the nips are full pride and hardwork, that's why he is like this
Nolan Hall
>iron mask
sanji a big guy confirmed.
Luke Foster
This one is pretty nice.
And weren't we getting covers about how other characters are going until not too long ago?
But I agree some new cover arc would be neat. Which one could be the MC? A Mingo pirate that managed to escape and wil try to free the crew?
Wyatt Reyes
What would it mean then if Sanji actually got trained in a life or death environment from the start?
Henry Johnson
Training with mihawk is kind of unfair since mihawk helped him a bit so you can't really say he got stronger by himself.
Andrew Scott
Those bees are about to be blown the fuck out
Kayden Martin
Yonji decides to help Sanji only for Ichiji and Niji to beath him to death (4 being number of death in japan).
Isaac Roberts
Are you 12? Einstein is a plagiating Jew nobody.
Brandon Gutierrez
Probably he's an expert at it by the time but we can't see it because that old geezer that they have as a hostage
Gabriel Perry
Literal pottery.
Jonathan Edwards
> Franky is a cyborg
Except his body and weapons comes from himself. You can hardly call that cheating, it's not like Genos who have a scientist doing everything.
Angel Cooper
>sanji is a genetically engineered super soldier >still magnitudes weaker than zoro
Lucas Gutierrez
Won't happen. Sanji haters just go.
Ian Baker
Grayson James
David Bennett
Sanji was a mistake. The Ultimate Jobber.
Ethan Stewart
Could have just said yes I am.
Blake Scott
Is there a reason Reiju moves differently from her brothers in the flash back?
>When they run she's the only one who doesn't have the blurring leg movements >When they jump she's not the fastest but the highest >When they swim she might be the fastest
Is this somehow related to her butterfly wings? Just wondering if it's another one of those show don't tell parts that manga slips in here and there between all the spoon feeding.
Joseph Phillips
only a 12 year old trying to fit in would buy Cred Forums propaganda
Zachary Diaz
>He missed the part where it says Sanji is just a regular human > Maybe you shouldnt read the manga on your phone faggot.
Oliver Reyes
Yeah but ducks of the world 2 was literally the same as decks of the world 1. Except they added the revolutionaries (who we saw in a chapter anyway), kuzan, and shanks.
Daniel Howard
I'm a different user but nice bait man, I couldn't help but bite
Thomas Baker
So with all those new details to his past does Cred Forums agree on
Sanji > Zoro
Looks like he had a way, way, way more tragic childhood and way more depth. And let's not forget, he literally chose to not fight with his hands or use a sword. His potential is endless.
Sanji would stomp Zoro any way without weapons, even though he DECIDES to not use his fists.
Jonathan Barnes
Shit if you showed this to a guy who never read One Piece I bet he'd think this guy was bad ass. Just look at that design.
Dylan Turner
What are the chances of Sanji redeeming himself through some sort of his potential coming out? Since the fight against Vergo he seemed pretty weak to me.
Christopher Wilson
Seems only one to hate Sanji here is you.
Ethan Williams
Release day threads are fucking cancer Fucking crossboarders
Christian Price
Yeas, he will learn fire with lighting making him stronger.
William Nelson
>People predict Sanji is somewhat France >He actually Germans
Jason Rogers
oh so this is just a Cred Forums meme, thanks for the clarification user
Henry Gutierrez
>propaganda Not going to spoonfeed you.
Robert Ramirez
If he fights back they kill Zeff and destroy Baratie
Jace Anderson
>sanji is a regular human Yet he turned out to be stronger than his brothers and is the only one that can use Haki according to Judge, almost like he wasn't a failure, just a slow start. Read slower, stop sucking Sanji's dick, and realize vinsmokes < Sanji
Cameron Powell
yeah but at least there's lots of posts compromise and say he's france occupied by germany
Grayson Barnes
Nathan Collins
Duval is a badass though.
Luis Edwards
>turn out to be stronger But you are wrong >judge said he can only use haki. Stop reading manga on your phone
Hunter Edwards
If he started using haki and new kama kenpo that would be enough already. Hes not going to use the tech his siblings are using.
Thomas Powell
Did I miss something?
Kevin White
oh no! i will have to google and read about it on a blogspot page, this is unacceptable.
Easton Russell
>sanji has never used his fists to fight since joining Zeff >"no no he'd be GREAT with his fists in a fight!!" do you ever think or do you just shit on the keyboard and let spellcheck do the rest
Cooper Kelly
>more tragic childhood
Well, that not that hard
>Oh man i'm a girl and i can't be a swordsmen because tits >Btw i just died offscreen >Now Zoro is sad
Zoro literally has worst origin story of all the Strawhats
>Compromise and say he's france occupied by germany >Sanji is weakest brother P O E T R Y
Adrian Ross
>People predict
You stupid fuck, Oda said that himself in one of SBSes
Xavier Wright
>yet you think he will just shit from faggots he hates more You are dumb, stop shit posting
Alexander Stewart
What I'm saying is he has way more potential or had at one point.
He has way more potential strength but just chooses to not use it.
Juan Evans
We still don't know about his family. Expect flashback in Wano arc.
Carter Turner
What the fuck was Dadji thinking with that stupid ass plan? One Piece isn't the real world where humans are sissy scrawny hairless chimps. The One Piece world is full of people who can bench press a house.
Dylan Anderson
>can't attack my argument so just attack the fact I read it on a mobile KYS speedreader
Ryder Moore
Then Oda is wrong.
Sebastian Ortiz
You do know he uses fire already right? Kill yourself faggot
Alexander Wright
this... this CAN'T be coincidence right?
Jose Williams
And even more full of people who can't.
Jack Powell
I'd like to see him use his knives again, and the big mom islands would be a good place since they are food themed but I doubt he'd do it since there haven't been any actual food enemies who aren't scrubs
Bentley Wilson
And now sanjifags are resorting to baseless claims. >"b-but if he DID use his hands he'd TOTALLY beat Zoro! Here's the evidence that if he trained his hands he'd be better! Um... Uh... Because I said so!!!"
Noah Brooks
>the brothers called sanji out on his homosexuality >he constantly overcompensates saying how much he loves women >every straw hat went to their dream island >his was filled with faggot cooks
Benjamin Morgan
He should have been italian then.
William Long
With Oda? No.
Easton Davis
I would be disappointed as fuck by Oda if he gives Zoro an EPIC past with an EPIC father and family too now. It's just Naruto tier writing.
With Doflamingo he just proved that an incredibly strong and relevant character can have a random piece of shit father just like in real life.
Nicholas Gonzalez
How does that say Sanji is the only one? All it says that he is surprised Sanji can use it. Do you know English?
Matthew Green
>cosette >man in the iron mask >cooking >smoking >iron mask he's french, his family is depicted as german though
Ian Moore
Zoro's swords do a lot of the work, it's not really just doing it all by himself...if you remember, the swords anyone could get broke...he had to be gifted special swords...and he got training from the best swordsman who could have killed him (and almost did), meanwhile anyone else would have just gotten killed
None of them got where they are through their own power except Franky (Robin did for most of her life until she met Crocodile and Luffy)
Jaxon Gutierrez
Are you retarded or something?
Colton Jenkins
reiju confirmed good
yonji confirmed irredeemable
Justin Kelly
>luffy's dream island was filled with women trying to rip his dick and balls off, and he's never shown attraction to any girl ever
Justin Miller
What if Judge IS their mother?
Parker Adams
Because he can already hold up with Zoro without even using his hands and Zoro needs weapons to not be a shitter. That's why.
Bentley Johnson
>kys >doesn't have reading comprehension are you like 14? this is why one must avoid the thread on day release
Jayden Price
Bullshit. Zoro lost his waifu. That's like 100 times worse than any other tragic backstory.
Josiah Gomez
Nah, he looked very poor in childhood. Maybe his parents died too early.
Jaxon Ross
No, Oda is wrong. We were proven right.
Jaxson Mitchell
Yes but it's not like there's a limiter on One Piece humans the same way there's one on real humans. Fuck, it was even stated that everyone can learn CoA and CoO if they try hard enough.
Josiah Campbell
>Naruto tier writing Hey, in Naruto they started off saying you can beat inherited power with hard work and then started going against that by giving the characters badass bloodlines, in OP it's always been about inherited will and shit.
Andrew Nelson
I think even if sanji goes all out. His brothers and judge will still be slightly stronger than him at the moment until sanji gain his power up.
Brandon King
his dream island was filled with women feeding him and capable of taking him to save ace
Ian Morris
Or maybe, just MAYBE, Sanji gets that very needed character development and decides to use Kenpo shit because even if he maybe despises Okamas, I'm pretty sure he hates his family more.
But dunno, continue being retarded about all of this or something.
Jack Brown
You do know he uses fire right? Don't tell me you don't retard. Kill yourself
Jonathan Moore
Seems more like they were both afraid of getting the sanji treatment so they just tried to fit in.
Jackson Martin
Let's hope so.
Not every main character needs an epic line, past or super important father.
Charles Rogers
So what are you saying? No mooks at all is better than having these somewhat superhuman ones?
Jeremiah Cooper
>I was just pretending to make fun of you Reiju is still a bitch, faggots
Asher Wilson
>another nothing happens: the chapter
Grayson Morales
Doesn't help that oda is taking his sweet time to give sanji a power up or give him some decent portrayal.
Luis Sullivan
>the next chapter shows Judge going all Mrs Doubtfire for the first 3-4 years of the quintuplets' life to make them grow with both a mother and a father
Jose Sullivan
nah I'm pretty sure Rayleigh said that some people tried to learn haki and just never were able to.
Aaron Hall
Chopper's parents at least will always be just reindeer. Unless it turns out they're Santa's reindeer.
Brayden James
his father wasn't shit, he was just retarded
Julian Wood
I do know that, but i'm still asking you if you're retarded because you use things like "kill yourself". I'm glad preschoolers like you will be banned in the future.
Jaxon Lopez
That flashback was pretty early after all, Oda wasn't really good back then.
At the moment, yeah, it's a terrible origin.
Benjamin Ross
Nice headcanon. Zoro trains everyday and can lift tons while Sanji only got strong legs from running after beautiful girls.
Isaac Reyes
Keep thinking that. You will just be mad as fuck when he gets another power up that isn't that gay shit.
Carson Peterson
Jace Rodriguez
>Tashigi and Kuina are both genetically enhanced clones >one of them was sent to train under a master swordsman in the East Blue, the other one was to train in the marines from early on >the reason one of them was sent to the East Blue is because the child of Dracule Mihawk, Zoro is a disciple there >Zoro reached his limits and bonded with Kuina and the teacher decided to kill Kuina to make Zoro reach his maximum potential
Liam Ramirez
His plan was stupid because there are plenty of real humans miles stronger than his sons
Jonathan Ward
Isn't it obvious that Tashigi and Kuina are the same person though?
Jose Ortiz
yonji is all happy when theyre told he's died though
Wyatt Ortiz
Pretty sure he said the opposite, that everyone had it to some degree or at least the potential for it CoC being the exception
Joshua Lewis
Funny how he's the opposite of "SAY MY NAME".
Lincoln Hernandez
I prove you wrong and you decide to attack me for saying to kill yourself? Seems like you are the underage here kid.
Parker Cruz
I don't get what you're saying. So because he couldn't make his sons Whitebeard tier, he shouldn't have made them at all? We're talking about leaders for armies of mooks, not people who have to fight on their own.
Joseph Ross
>yfw Sanji's gourmet cells awaken
Dylan Watson
That looks like a fake smile just like Reiju though. Yonji is showing Sanji around, he got introduced with Reiju too
Dominic Smith
>still can't refute Nice projection with that 14 year old stuff though. Isn't it time for school? You should hurry to class before you miss pre-algebra.
Henry Hughes
Okay guys 5-to-1, Sanji is an exact clone of Judge unlike the others which have improvements. He expected Sanji to stand out and be the leader, 3 being the middle number and center of their super sentai team.
Kevin Mitchell
His plan was to make super people. And he failed because there are many people stronger than his super people.
Austin Robinson
Everything was hinted that it really wasn't her.
Wouldn't mind her getting some developement, but waiting so long to say "IT REALLY WAS HER ALL ALONG" is Tobi tier lame.
At least if that happens I hope it means her getting suddenly super strong.
Alexander Green
>mfw patiently waiting for people to write "nothing happens: the chapter" when Luffy talks to Roger's force-ghost on Raftel and all the secrets of the world are revealed
Aaron Myers
Stay butt blasted fatty.
Xavier Cox
Yonji lead sanji into a trap. All three of them are gonna " remind him of the hierarchy" now
Isaac Lee
of course that's the case. we knew that was the case before this chapter. the reason he hides his mask is his eyebrows are the same as sanji
Oliver Hughes
Sanji and the siblings are altered humans I think, not clones.
Aaron White
>to be super, you have to be stronger than all the other super people Okay?
Mason Turner
There was a corpse. Oda literally drew them taking her body away to a funeral. She is decaying under a gravestone on Zoro's home island.
Gavin Garcia
If he was trying to take over the New World this would be an issue, Good thing he's aiming for the North blue then
Caleb Butler
So kid Reiju helped kid Sanji escape is practically confirmed
Jonathan Rodriguez
Sanji wanted to go where they were retard. >all three of them What???? What's your point? If Reiju was there he would've have said all 4 of us. Don't be retarded
Evan Carter
Sounds to me like you have some issues.
Matthew Cox
Sanjimom confirmed irrelevant
Foreshadowingfags BTFO
Adam Murphy
>tfw there will never be doujins of the vinsmokes sodomizing sanji in turn, to show him the order (in which he gets fucked)
Lincoln Gray
One doesn't exclude the other.
Liam Lee
But the others are not super people, they're real people. If Judge wanted to make actual people he should have started with DNA that wasn't complete shit.
Tyler Garcia
What if she came back to life but lost memories?
Ian Turner
Now you're not even making any coherent points.
Gavin Foster
>Judge: "I'm gonna pretend Sanji never happened!" >Germa 66 sentai pose against enemy >Ranger 0! Ranger 1!, Ranger 2!, and Ranger 4! >enemy: "but where's Ranger 3 tho?" Judge surely didn't think this through.
William Evans
His family are masterrace aryans, Sanji is a pussy ass french that's why he is a failure and a disgrace for the family
Brandon Morales
Only thing you proved is that you are 100% autistic about Sani and Newkama.
Christopher Sanchez
Won't happen because tashigi was created before Oda went full hack. At least with Sabo they never found the body, and he showed Dragon finding someone and bringing them to his ship to take care of them. But Kuina? That'd be some DBZ/Bleach tier asspulling.
Justin Turner
This, we already have Luffy with the world most searched criminal, Ussop with one of the members of Shanks, Robin with his mom that could read the poneglyphs, Franky with Tom as a master and now Sanji with Sith daddy
We still don't know about Brook past if there is something important to know and Zoro and Nami parent's inb4 Nami is Bim Mom daughter
Joseph Kelly
What do you mean, "come back to life"? Like Brook's fruit? We know nothing else that could do this. And the "losing her memory part" on top of that makes it more likely that she is a clone using Germa technology. Yep, gonna be a supporter of the "Tashigi is literally a Kuina clone"-theory now.
Ryan Brooks
Was Judge really going to let Sanji starve to death Why not just shoot him
Zachary Harris
He managed to forcefully make them naturally strong, while otherwise his kids could just have been "normal".
Doesn't means there aren't ton of other naturally strong people.
Jason Perry
sanji is a clone i knew it and a retard here said it would be impossible AHAHAHHAH Cred Forums is a joke
Ian Brown
Yes it does, depending on the definition. Clones are just exact extra copies of another person while gene altered humans are born normally.
If you want to compare it's like the Clone Army from Star Wars and the Les Enfants Terribles from MGS.
Isaac Diaz
they are clones of daddy, mom does not exist
Thomas Price
there's funny teases like maybe she got a brain injury which is why she has no memory of the past and is also clumsy and forgetful but it just wouldn't make much sense, and even if it was true it'd be pretty weird and bad.
Robert Watson
Reiju is a good girl. SAWASHIRO ONEGAI
Christian Jones
Daddy doesn't have curly eyebrows
Cameron Walker
Not my fault you're too stupid to understand. Dadji's whole reason for the plan was that humans are weak yadda yadda so he's going to make them better. Too bad that's blatantly untrue in the One Piece world where quite a few humans can run faster than a car and can make their skin super hard just by wanting it(kind of like your dick when you think about your mom). So he goes and creates these "super people" who then turn out to be weaker than quite a few "normal people". His plan is a failure and is fucking stupid, again, just like you.
Oliver Mitchell
Well then she suffocated inside of her coffin six feet under. Pretty nasty way to go.
Angel Cooper
So you are retarded. Kek
David Kelly
>confirmed cloning Remember that one guy who kept saying they're just healing pods? kek
Kayden Morales
machspeedreader please go
Justin Cruz
why oda hates "Mother" so much?
Eli Hill
William Parker
That's why they still haven't conquered North Blue yet.
Adam Scott
It's 100% clear that his mom used to cook. Now one could argue that Dadji could've just ordered a maid to pretend to be their mom.
Chase Ortiz
Gavin Gomez
What's with Oda and clones?
Connor Allen
Mothers are the antithesis of adventure. This was in an SBS.
Isaac Hernandez
I can tell English is not your mother tongue.
Brandon Cruz
>Now one could argue that Dadji could've just ordered a maid to pretend to be their mom. That's what I was gonna bring up. The "mother" might have been the wet nurse and/or maid, and Dadji later got rid of her. Not that I believe that or anything.
Asher Walker
see you on the """"big reveal""" thread user ;)
Grayson Bailey
>Dadji is so evil that he purposefully hired a fake mom to form attachments to children and weed out the ones that feel love because love is for weaklings
Connor Wood
Where does it confirm a mother exists. The kids were genetically engineered. Judge in this chapter mentions their "mother being gone", but considering the kids didn't know about their origin until at least after Sanji left, this could pretty damn easily be a lie.
Samuel Lopez
Okay, please Oda.
I want Sanji to win a battle!
I want Sanji to kick so much ass effortlessly and keep his gentlemanliness throughout.
Please let him defeat the entire super sentai squad including Judge, excluding Reiju.
Michael Thomas
Except Dadji says Sanji is acting too much like his mother, which means he can't possibly be a clone of him. Because if Sanji was a clone of Judge, he wouldn't be doing that in the first place.
Xavier Brooks
It's easier for a hack to draw the same exact characters over and over.
Julian Miller
haha fucking speedreader, it's implied around the page where sanji is feeding the rat his cooking
Christian Gutierrez
>there are strong normal people >so dadji is wrong to give his kids every advantage he can you're stupid beyond belief, there is absolutely no guarantee that his kids would be stronger without genetic alteration, in fact it is the opposite. you're just hung up on it because garp can pulverise mountains, but not everyone is garp.
Parker Gray
>that projection
Ryan Barnes
>It's 100% clear that his mom used to cook. I was thinking something along the same lines. He possibly could have taken after his mother and was just a slow learner.
Henry Hall
>Momji is just another generically kind dead mom but this time a chef too
Lame If you're going all out with this clone nonsense at least make Momji cool too Oda
David Cook
How? He literally got one shotted by Ichiji I think? One kick was able to smash him to concrete, bloody him up and was staring at the ceiling.
Joshua Brown
Maybe in order to something cool, he needed them to have a natural born mother.
The implanted egg could still not be hers. Queue, magical maternal love changing his nature in a way that science can't explain and making Sanji a better and stronger person.
Jordan Nguyen
They have leverage on him.
He can't fight back fully.
Christian Taylor
>ichiji rainbow
Kevin Hill
Again, daddy germa don't have curly eyebrows. They are not clones.
Alexander Price
Just stop. Even MGS's theory on how genes work is a more credible idea than yours.
Joshua Ward
>judge LITERALLY says something guys! He MUST be telling the truth! I mean it's not like genetically engineered kids can be mad without a mother! No, no mommy, I'm not talking about you! Yes, bring me my morning tendies!!!
Lincoln Foster
You said Sanji was not going to use the tech his brothers use but when I told you he already uses fire you couldn't reply and started insulting me like a little kid.
Andrew James
Yeah, we really need scientific credibility in this fictional universe with magic.
Joseph Phillips
>we still haven't see his face but I must shitpost stop replying with the same comment
Dylan Morgan
I know that but the damage he took looked serious. Like he was fighting a high tier opponent. The scratches and blood was the alarming part but that could just be Oda showing off how strong Iciji is.
Jaxon Taylor
If someone holds you in place and hits you with a strong/named attack whilst you put up zero resistance I fail how you could up anything other than bloodied and face down on the ground even if you're as strong or stronger than them
-ji brothers are not Les Enfants Terribles they are raidens
Josiah Wright
He put his brother through a wall too...
They reminded him of their leverage before he could get back up.
Jeremiah Cox
Lucas Hughes
t. tranny chef Sanji
Luis Scott
What? Being a clone of someone doesn't mean you are going to act exactly like him. Also in real life you still need a womb to make a clone.
Grayson Collins
he's talking about sanji taking after his mother in his love for cooking how do you not get a shonen manga
Cameron Ross
Don't need them, if you're using Zeff.
Christopher White
why did you spend time writing that dumb comment
Juan Reyes
>Even Sanji's pet rat gets killed This is getting ridiculous honestly...
Joshua Taylor
Have patience my child.
Easton Sullivan
just riffing off that image, but goddamn those swords are cool. Wado ichimonji, sandai kitetsu yubashiri then shusui. Definitely the best part about Zoro for me.
I really hope we see nidai or ichidai kitestu on wanokuni.
Tyler Lewis
Sanji is a direct unmodified Dadji clone, that's why Dadji is so nervous about him and doesn't kill him.
Nicholas Morgan
No curly eyebrows brah
Mason Miller
Sanji usually breaks some of his bones during a fight, so I doubt this blow was that big of a deal.
Even against his father, it felt more like Sanji gave up on the fight when he realized Judge was willing to sacrifice his men.
William Price
Stop being autistic please.
Blake Brooks
So what did we get out of this chapter >judge is not only jobber but a failure as a scientist >all the brothers are the same and are just as jobber as judge the vinsmokes are all disappointments definitely 2 and 4 >reiju isnt a bitch I'm glad >judge wasn't lying when he said sanji was feeding rats. Which he shouldn't do since they're filthy creatures.
Liam Lee
It was on kick with electricty yet you are acting like it was a donflamingo's air slice attack that actually hurts severely. Sanji has been the punching bag post time skip.
Nathaniel Johnson
mom is just a fake, a maid or something, Dadji did that in order to show them that if you are kind you will die or suffer
Blake Barnes
But we just saw the clones, they don't need a womb. And unless you're saying Judge and his other sons/clone has never hit a woman, then Sanji being a clone makes no sense.
Elijah Stewart
Hudson Miller
New thread
Thomas Perry
Not this shit again.
Luis Smith
Sanji keep adding girls into his bowl after time skip. >Violet >Pudding >Cossete >Reiju (maybe) Good. He's improving.
Joseph Davis
>Sanji got fucking iron mask on him and locked in a dungeon Oda, plz
Nicholas Ross
and 2 of those 4 are just liars
Isaiah Price
Nah, the spiral energy of his chi just flows in the opposite direction from the other siblings. That's all.
Isaiah James
so after dadji kills reiju he'll unlock his bankai?
Zachary Anderson
Why didn't he sympathise with Duval then?
Samuel Hill
Why is Yonji the only quintuplet not looking like a teen idol?
Hunter Evans
Same reason you wrote a dumb reply
Gabriel Adams
we can't see completely his face, if this was supposed to be a prove or something this is just embarrassing user
Caleb Garcia
Lol I'm not that user.
But you claiming he was insulting you when you told him to kill himself is pretty much fucking retarded, pal.
Christian Howard
the key point isn't how strong the attack is but him taking it in a compromised position whilst NOT RESISTING and being held in place
Do you think Zoro would shrug of an attack in similar circumstances because he wouldn't
Isaac Kelly
It's an analogy to why water spiral in one direction when flushing in Europe and in another direction in Australia. Australians are literally Europeans but eventually became their own entity after going on their own after a while.
Brandon Thompson
no but your reply was literally retarded, especially coupled with the fact that sanji had a mother. You're just mad that I'm right and that you're a fucking retard
Jonathan Williams
>yfw Momji were actually a giant fat blond momma Only this can explain her holding five babies at once.
Cameron Gonzalez
>tfw one piece went full MGS with clone armies and MC being the "inferior" clone himself LIQUUIIIDDD
Jackson Morales
B-but muh Coriolis force is completely negligible!
Aaron Lopez
How would they react if they knew about Sanji Adventures in Tranny Island?
Caleb Morris
>there is nothing to be gained by following the legacy of the dead would be top kek if sanji kills dadji and as he's dying he repeats those words back at him, and then blows up his retard factory
Michael Perry
Why is Reiju number zero?
Parker Rogers
women don't count
Jack Long
You're right viola and reiju. It's such a shame
James Collins
Levi Price
>He later developed his legs hence diamblo Jump That makes sense. Always thought despite how cool it made a entry, it was pretty much an asspull for him to powerup. But if he developed his legs secretly without telling anyone details then it all fits in perfectly.
Alexander Wright
because 0 is actually the best number
Blake Moore
Germa actually will win in the end. >they take over Big Mom alliance >the sweet nation and all of it tech are theirs >sanji get a 4-way gang beatdown >cosette is crippled >reiju was a actual bitch all along >pudding is married with dadji >luffy, sanji & cia need to run away
Jonathan James
Caleb Smith
He'd be called "red nose" Buggy
Luis Hernandez
Why the fuck do you faggots want some fucking epic back story for every character? Every strawhat does NOT need an entire arc describing what happened in their past and all that shit. I like the fact that zoro is strong and had a boring backstory.
Jackson Adams
>Some Dumpling Gook fatty is gonna smash Sanji and reverse his chi while almost killing him >Sanji will then become SSJ
Carter Garcia
Well, I remember Brook talked about being from some army.
Isaiah Ramirez
John Russell
Ryan Sanchez
What if Vegapunk is invited to the wedding, being old pals with Judge and all? Maybe he can also meet Caesar again.
Alexander Brooks
Every day in Cred Forums is fucking cancerous these days.