How do you see the future of monogatari series?
How do you see the future of monogatari series?
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More milking
dumb waifu harem shit, just like it's always fucking been
> adapting whole story
> milking
I'd appreciate if they just finished up to like, Ougi Dark, but I don't know if that's going to happen at the rate they're going now.
Hopefully at least after Kizu all comes out they'll at least do Mayoi Hell.
> they're going now.
What do you mean?
Ratings have been going down steadily for a long while now.
Just don't know how long they'll keep making monogatari before it's canned.
The movies look like they were meant to drum up some interest again, but because Shaft are greedy idiots and split one book into three movies, people aren't really happy about that either.
hopefully more sexual lolis
I think they'll do Zokuowari anyway.
We'll see, it's basically just up to Shaft where the 'too low' line is for ratings, like I said, I'd like to see it end at the end of Ougi dark, it'd be a decent place to stop, what with most of the general plot threads being wrapped up at that time.
oh yeah I should point out that they milked it first with novels,
Non-Oishi Monogatari just doesn't do it for me.
They are not that bad. Second Season was close to Bake actually.
Nisio is not very consistent writer. It's not Shaft's fault that some stories are boring.
It's not the writing really. I just think Itamura is a really bland storyteller.
Thinking they might do Mayoi Hell without doing the rest of the book is bizarre.
Anyway, although sales have declined, they are still very high, even for Koyomi. They'll finish Owari at least, and probably Zoku.
how does koyomi survive the end of koyomimonogatari? He shows up in hanamonogatari which is supposed to be after everything.
He went to Hell and came back.
It will be remembered as an intellectual piece that makes you think. Will be remembered more than Kyoanus or Shitkai stuff.
In what world is 20k bad sales? And that was for Koyomi, even, where Shaft phoned it in to a downright embarrassing extent.
Tons of foot focused screenshots since Shaft is full of foot fetishists.
Picture related
With more anime and translated books. Shame about official subs though.
Indeed. There have been some Monogatari episodes that have been pure pandering towards foot fetishists like the toothbrush episode and bath episodes and several upclose shots of the girls taking their shoes and socks off.
I want Oishi to go super creative in Sodachi Fiasco, an arc that's fully inside the head of a crazy girl. But I see no adaptation at all.
She is so broken
It has a future now?