How 3DCG had grown...
How 3DCG had grown
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Godamnit, that animation with the head turning looks 10 times better if you put the speed at x1,5, what the hell is their problem with low FPS?
It looks perfect at x1.5.
it definitely has
although I still don't think it'll ever beat hand drawn anime (especially cel)
I don't get why the people working in Anime think that's a good idea and looks better.
Anime Video games don't do that and some like Jojo ASB and Naruto Storm looks great.
Same for this one.
Still, they're improving for other stuffs, I guess they don't put any texture so that the quality can stay optimal when zooming?
I thought the advancement was in erection modeling technology from the thumbnail
Almost there, another decade or so and the nips will have perfected 3D that looks like 2D.
Just imagine that, a day when anime video games can allow full 3D rendering of 2D scenarios. Imagine combining this with next generation VR technology and bodyscan to allow you to actually put yourself into anime in real time.
The 2D age is coming anons. Get ready to say goodbye to 3DPD forever.
CG and hand-drawn have different strengths and weaknesses.
Truly great animation comes from combining 3DCG and hand-drawn in a way that plays on the strengths of both.
This talk is also really good if you're interested in the tech wizardry behind Guilty Gear
>I don't get why the people working in Anime think that's a good idea and looks better.
They're trying to mimic the way 2D anime looks because it's animated using twos (Ie. Standard PAL at 24 fps meaning characters move at 12)
Right now they feel increasing the speed of the movements makes it look more artificial.(Noticeable use of 3D models rather than mimicked 2D) I'm also guessing the only reason the videos looked good at 1.5x speed is because they've slightly distorted the model which each keyframe to trick your brain into not noticing it's a 3D model because of slight imperfections.
There's really a lot going on behind the scenes here.
Doub it will ever replace 2D.
3D still take skills, even if the discoveries of new techniques becomes more used the animation and expressions of characters can't work as well as 2D depending on what you do.
For recent examples, that fight of MP100 is a very good example.
That distorted animation and those lines looks great. Highly doubt it'll be ever possible to mimic that in 3D.
> They're trying to mimic the way 2D anime looks because it's animated using twos (Ie. Standard PAL at 24 fps meaning characters move at 12)
I get it that they put a lot of though into it. Except that in the end this choice of limiting FPS looks like garbage.
What's of interest here is progress towards seemlessly integrating hand drawn animation and 3d animation. 3dcg can't beat 2d animation at being 2d animation, but what it can do is make certain tasks less cumbersome and thus expensive. It's one of the reasons it gets used in mecha so much, lots of detail that you want to stay on model in the midst of action scenes.
user, you are thinking too small.
I am not talking about replacing 2D animation for the purposes of TV shows. I am talking about creating a 3 dimensional scene that you can freely move around in and that from every angle will still look 2D. I am talking about 2D IN 3D.
That's what I'm saying though. You're talking about 3D being able to look flawlessly like 2D, which I highly doubt will ever happen.
And not saying it won't be "good". If it's just about waifu-ing/porn some stuffs that are being done now looks already fine.
It's right in that article.
> 「サンジゲンでは、アニメーターが好きに顔をいじることを昔から奨励してきました。その結果、手描きアニメの『ゆらぎ』みたいなものを3DCGでも再現できればという期待があったからです。礼央子様の場合は特にそれが顕著で、話の後半になるほど、すさまじい表情を見せてくれるようになりました」(鈴木氏)。
Aside from that bug with the hand movement, left looks way better.
This picture is 100% 3DCG.
I like the limited version better.
I wonder if they'd be able to emulate extreme poses and distorted squash-stretch for intense scenes
The problem with 3D trying to mimic 2D is that sometimes it looks too perfect, which leads to uncanny valley and feeling of "fakeness." I'd love seeing something like this done with 3D for example
Wonder if they'll ever be able to make bodies that looks great in 2D but terrible in real life more acceptable with this kind of realistic 3DCG.
That's because of the concept itself of 2D and 3D. For one you draw every frames, while for the others you animate a model. So while the second can be more adapted for lots of stuffs, it can't copy a good exagerated animation made in 2D.
cause 60 FPS looks kinda unnatural
Well, we can at least have good faces now
Live2D is pretty much another concept. It's much more 2D with a little bit of 3D.
this. sidonia damage on the robots was a selling point. imagine having to draw all the little scratches every single frame
depending of the style 3DGC is actually worthy
That 3/4 realistic style works really well. It manages to keep is slightly stylized with the faces while not making it looks weird. Good animation helps a lot.
Would like to see some "cool" looking female faces with it, both Reika and Anzu have puppy shinny eyes.
Shading is still very CG. There was a game a few months or years ago that blended 3D graphics with a 2D shader/render effect that was very pleasing. It did facial, body and clothing well (as designed by the physics engine), but hair behaved 'too realistically' for the often static nature of most anime characters hair. If studios could license or develop a system like this where they can just create new model/tweek physics on a per series basis I think they could do better CG based series with aesthetic people are looking for.
The hardest part would be developing the engine and training the animator/filmer in their use. Heresy to talk about 3DCG in a positive light, but if they could get this and have 3D animators (which there should be fucking thousands of) production quality in some series could improve tenfold. It's not like there would be no room for hand drawn/current digital work, but that use the tech to streamline, speed up and improve the quality.
VR will be beautiful.
It works for 'reality' set works. Their mouths still seemed plastic to me, could just be the 'too perfect' skin tone/texture. That issue was mostly from the girls, the close up of the old mans eye was decent, wrinkled and dirty.
Dreamworks doing a proper action movie with grit when?
>There was a game a few months or years ago that blended 3D graphics with a 2D shader/render effect that was very pleasing
Naruto Ninja Storm?
asian have a very robot like apperance. It's easy to make it 3D.
Most white people have mongoloid characteristics and make it difficult to make it 3D
The advantage of 3D is it allows for the kind of action that would be prohibitively expensive and difficult to make in 2D.
See for example: the Naruto games.
Speaking of CGI, here's an interesting pilot film that was just released. Directed by Shuhei Morita, design work by Tatsuyuki Tanaka.
That looked impressive. Those smoke effects were in 2D though right?
Yeah, looks that way. 1:19 - 1:24 also looks 2D.
>3D still take skills
I wouldn't really notice if I didn't know it was CG... but the area covering the lower nose to the upper lip does look a bit fake.
Other than that though...