The way she started to helplessly try and crawl away while crying for help in vain after seeing her clean virgin royal pussy getting cummed inside by an old ugly fat traitorous minister.
The way she started to helplessly try and crawl away while crying for help in vain after seeing her clean virgin royal pussy getting cummed inside by an old ugly fat traitorous minister.
Bump for Alicia
Extreme orc penetration is great.
I need more Kuroinu
I like Kuroinu but that shit sucks.
Her sister is better.
For me their statuses make the rape even hotter.
>high dark elf
>literal goddess reincarnate
>high ranking female knight
we can also discuss this shit on Cred Forums newfaggot.
>goddess was a total slut
This turned me off. It wasnt even rape at that point.
Guts raping a defeated helpless goddess in front of her people is also but I agree she should've at least showed resistance and pride like Olga did before becoming a cock retarded whore.
is also hot*
But /h/ is a slow board and needs more traffic. This is clearly /h/-related content.
lurk more.
still having hope they will make a prim episode. why?
Dressing like that is just asking for rape.
>first penetration pops her hymen like a balloon, dick status: MUH
>over in an instant
>public toilet mode: engage
>facial palsy switch: ON
The studio just gave up at that point.
So every girl died in the fire?
Never played the VN, what are you talking about?
This was my favorite episode.
Fuck everyone who considered it the shittiest.
I've always said episode 2 was the best. I just think they couldn't handle the foreplay.
Wrong hentai, but yes