This is an American in Japan.
This is an American in Japan
This is a Japanese in America.
>that jewish propaganda to keep the white man enslaved
>4K HD dildo camera
>trash dyke hair
>trash tan skin since whore love tan
>dress like a prostitute begging for cocks
I say pretty accurate
>No more adapted Futabu.
>Annoying dyed trans nigger with no sense of shame
Americucks love niggers so much
this episode was disappointing 2bh what a let down after that milf futa hotspring episode
This is a russian in Japan.
No new futabu to adapt
>no futa that they are willing to adapt
This is French in Japan.
Considering that Queen Bee did the most recent one, I think it's probably a good thing.
Making a filthy slav a nigger is kinda an upgrade desu
Just fapped to this again last night.
PERFECT & beautiful
That episode was easily the worst of the main 4 episodes (I'm not counting that Queen Bee one).
Episode 2 was the best.
Futabu is overrated anyway, Bosshi's best work is Futaimo.
Yeah, but that hasn't been animated. We take what we can get.
no, making slav a dirty nigger is not an upgrade
impossible, she's too fit
You sure? He's not squatting so it's hard to tell
But it isnt a downgrade either since you'd just be paiting his skin brown. More like a palette swap.
I wish all americans had dicks this big.
Hers is smaller than the Japanese president's
But Japan doesn't have a president.
But it's still bigger than a typical american's.
>Ellen and Aya's scene with the foreskin sex
Did this hit anyone else's fetishes really hard? I wasn't expecting much from the Futabu adapatiations but they turned out pretty good somehow, ended up cumming buckets for every episode.
The vertical plunge with Mao was great
this is an average american boy
s2 never