Did you ever completed a trash anime just for a single girl in it?
Did you ever completed a trash anime just for a single girl in it?
Yes. Pic related.
Wrong girl, OP.
Shinka thread?
Pic releated.
Not a girl, but.
I did it for Yurine.
Yes. I love Felli but still, it wasn't worth it.
Yep the last two episodes hurt....
Pic related.
I'd never even start watching Re:Tard if not for this angel.
Seems like you're a Re:tard yourself because that isn't even best maid
>best maid
>takes clown dick
Pick one and only one.
I pick >
Normally I wouldn't watch a show just because of a cute girl - they'd have to be someone particularly compelling in one way or another, like Lelouch - but Zone of the Enders was an exception. It just so happens that the girl was a giant robot, but still, she was a cute girl.
Non-clown dick everytime.
No one cares about your shitty self insert OC, faggot.
Though crazy imouto also made watching a bit easier.
I wouldn't say the series was trash, there are certainly worse series, but I did start watching Phantom World and finished watching it just for Mai.
This pretty much.
multiple times, dumb eslposter
She's literally a blood thirsty demon
I found punchline enjoyable and fun.
I didn't even finish Punchline. I honestly couldn't keep going, it was just that bad
I understand this is an old bait joke, but how is Subaru's dick better than a clown dick.
Subaru is a good guy.
Never really understood what people found in Butcher-chan, I mainly watched it for Swallow and his meido, but Inori was fun too.
I actually completely seriously had fun with this series.
It wasn't great but it was entertaining considering what it was made for.
It's one of the most recent guiltiest pleasures that I genuinely felt bad for enjoying once the entire cast was assembled. Fantastic OP/ED though. Best girl won as well.
What, Tokyo Ravens was awesome. Kon is only one of many reasons to have watched.
All the fucking time, it's no coincidence, they know that putting in a perfectly designed character will make people endure a shitty plot.
thats not a grill
Because the clown is the major villain of this story. Maybe even more so than Nutella.
Please kill yourself fucking waste of oxygen
Whose dick should I suck to make them do a second season?
I was madly in love with her at the time