Best boy is back.
Toriko 388
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Oh, and it's out on MS
>person who eats the least
>gets to go to the land with the most food
wonder what relevance he will have to the story
>Hercles and Moon are trying to recover
>it is hard for bird king to regenerate
>snake king is gone for good
Well, at least Snake King has its moment.
>early wednesday release
AYYY. is this early release schedule set in stone or just a holiday gift?
>snake king is gone for good
Things have gotten faster since that garbage manga ended.
so is acacia the end game or is there gonna be a bigger guy out in space to overcome after this
Have you not been reading? This is rushed as fuck *sniff* endgame for sure
Holidays. Last week was one, this week was another one, but next week it should go back to the normal thursday releases.
Even the Japs don't know what's going on
thing was really different back then. This manga is like a legacy itself. It ran for 40 years straight and without any break (unless national holidays).
Yeah but toriko still has 2 demons inside of him to expand upon and acias odds aren't looking too hot right now
> We're getting Toriko in first now that Bleach ended
Fuck yeah.
Never really read it, but the art looked pretty awful, after so much years I wonder how long it take for the author to draw a full chapter, shit must be Bob Ross tier up to eleven.
What was Acacia implying when he thought that Toriko figured it out?
Jump Ryu is a series where they show mangaka while they're drawing, giving viewers a look into their workspace and their methods of drawing. Akimoto-sensei is one of the next mangaka to be presented.
the public (Japanese readers) even admitted this manga had a shaky start because so many things were out of places. But after a few years, things become stable and became very consistent.
the hype for the third demon is killing me
>this finally has a disclosure
oh, when will you end?
So I finally caught up from the first chapter after reading from chapter 360~ (and then rereading those).
Somehow I am not upset at the pacing as I thought I'd be. Also, what the FUCK was that ghost world mumbo jumbo about near the end of capturing and cooking Another?
which is why there has to be something post acacia. The guys had like 3 power ups during this battle already, I enjoy how crazy everythings gotten but I don't know if he should get any more
same with toriko him getting access to his other demons during this fight might be too fast for even this pace
Don't forget the rest of the Kings eating their demons.
I feel like Toriko will be soundly wrapped up and not finish out of nowhere like Bleach, at least.
The boss of all nitros still didn't appear.
The universe of the 3rd demon and 2nd demon still not be explored.
End game my ass. Acacia is just some gate-keeper for greater journey.
The other three heavenly king is now the 3 heavenly jobber
>see itadakimasu
>read it in my head as rub-a-dub-dub thanks for the grub
>the hype for the third demon is killing me
Probably Acacia didn't really eat Neo the same way as Toriko and Neo still alive lurking inside Acacia
>Best boy is back.
Fucking finally. I was thirsty for some Zebra.
>emotions bad
>me good
>dis pear
I know it was nothing new, but having it spelled out by Acacia was retarded and cliche.
>one of the final bosses fighting alongside MC
this wets my whistle
> the rest of the Kings eating their demons.
Did their demons ever get any developpement?
> they already ate their demons offscreen
Man, the author really barely cares about these 3 anymore.
rip handsome
> me good
More like "I'm 100% selfish and I totally admit it".
If anything having a final boss like that and not one with a tragic story or a goal "for the greater good" has gotten really rare.
>Komatu's penguin
that thing is 8 kings level right?
No, just a safety monster.
I love how the author is REALLY driving it home and covering every possible sympathetic angle.
>lost someone he loved
>to help someone
>greater good
>troubled background
>putting on a front for whatever reason
>for his kids
Double nope.
Don't forget the
> openly cheating
The only dubious thing is that when Acacia said that in the first place he entrusted Ichiryuu with fate but in the end he had to do that though
Toriko is the current "strongest" manga on jump, right?
most hype maybe. I'm enjoying Nerverland too.
I assume you mean powerlevel-wise in which case I think yes.
Toriko hasnt ended yet.
but when will the great demon king show up and eat the sun
Was there a shounen villain as big of a dick as Acacia is?
I think he is the only one so far.
i guess midway into ANOTHER arc they told him to rush the ending because he was going to be canceled soon they began skipping stuff since there, starting with the cooking tournament in the shell continent
>mfw Acacia tries to be the biggest dick possible so that Neo can't get any despair out of anyone, only anger and hate
This guy is pretty close.
I really liked the moments where Acacia kept flexing his hand and tightening his grip before actually using his "Gourmet Crush" (working title) as if he had to do some warm up.
Also the "How about tasting my fist?" part was comedy gold.
My brain would explode out of my ears.
I love how Toriko said how earth seems so small. How is it still in one piece for fucks sake.
I don't see what the point is in having Bambina and the other 8 kings come back. I mean what can they even do at this point?
A happy(-ish) end.
Gourmet World is made of gourmet cells.
The Earth is a living being, and the biggest agglomeration of gourmet cells in the manga, the Earth itself is one of the most powerful beings in Toriko.
Probably some power up on Toriko which involves eating god with as many people as possible.
>he will die from overeating and/or diabetes
remember pacman?
when was it said that earth is a living being? gourmet cells are the founding blocks of the stuff in toriko, but not living beings
demons as well as bird guys are made out of gourmet cells so they are living beings
meanwhile oridinary humans are not made out of gourmet cells
They fell into the Earth and started to grow since then, eventually the Earth became more than 3x bigger. Looks like a life form to me.
I take it eating god by itself is a power up.
Yeah, it's awesome. Nowadays it's always the same with some bullshit villian that have some bullshit sob story for being a shit. While it is interesting to see many of them are are so shitty done that it's just garbage, especially in shounen.
Finally we're getting pure scumbag villains that are just pure scum, being evil just to be evil like the good old days. Hell, I'm actually glad Shima is such a big fan of dragon ball cause Acacia is straight out of Frieza.
I just hope that none of this is an act or anything and Acacia is just pure evil on his own.
3x bigger? Uhh, I'm pretty sure that's just the human world itself. Bambina's country was supposingly the size of our earth, being 840 million square kilometer.
If anything their world is pretty much a smaller scale versions n of Jupiter.
Hey, can one of you provide me the image of him floating in the water or at the beach or something? I don't read this, but I remember a hilarious image involving one of the characters from this manga at a beach.
A reminder Fairy Tail is better than this manga, that is currently at the level of EoS Bleach.
How so? I follow Fairy Tail weekly and it doesn't seem to be nowhere near what you say at all.
I don't like how Fairy Tail is essentially endless
Toriko is a series with a clear ending but an absolutely crazy desire to outdo itself till that very end. It's a wild ride
>"The earth seems so small"
>yfw they start jumping planets
Aside from the feats, its basically at the same level as FT.
The way Toriko got handed GOD was very generic and Acaccia is more boring than Zeref, Acnologia and the Spriggans.
user. If you have a 2x2cm square, the area of that square is 4cm²
If you have a 6x6cm square, the area of that square is 36cm²
A planet 3x bigger has way more than just 3x the ammount of square kilometer. The world of Toriko is 3,33x bigger than the Earth.
>being forced to follow your appetite
They kinda seem to try that angle, but the whole "openly cheating" part crushed it flat
it has 9 times more surface, the surface area of a sphere is 4 pi r^2
How is Acacia (a throwback to actively evil and irredeemable villains like Dio, Frieza, etc etc) worse than "muh lost love, muh curse", "edgy mcEdge" and "we're supposed to be cool people but we aren't and we'll never ever do anything worthwhile because we'll all get defeated by the main characters while they won't suffer any losses at all"?
Toriko also actually has cool moments and nice figthing scenes while Fairy Tail's best moments don't even come close to Toriko's worst.
>They kinda seem to try that angle, but the whole "openly cheating" part crushed it flat
I don't really follow, how is he openly cheating?
When he didn't even bother to hide his affairs from his wife
Openly cheating on his wife he means.
He didn't only leave everything behind to focus on his lust for food, he just is a massive asshole.
Ah right, I forgot that. I thought you meant cheating as in fighting dirty or something like that.
Well the way he killed Jirou seemed kind of dirty, but when he's the one who taught Jirou all his moves I suppose it's fair
I think the difference between the FT fighting scenes and Toriko is that despite asspulls most of the time the villians were ACTUALLY a match and was more than just bullshit power of friendship. I give up on Fairy tail during that magic game when Natsu just magically took down rouge and sting, despite all the hype that they were much stronger.
Hell, half the time Toriko lost to the villians but still gained something out of it which is pretty damn awesome. The sheer brutality is also pretty amazing, especially the whole Tommyrod and Starjun fight.
It's just a shame that it was Toei that animated it. Any other anime studio would have done a bit more decent job.
I think that was more of just to piss Midora off. Whther he did or not doesn't matter really but just watching his fuck with his most emotionally unstable and spson with oedipus complex was pretty fucking funny.
Not gonna lie, I probably would have done the same.
The Acacia/Midora banter was 100% gold.
>we will never see any of the crazy stuff done by NEO, Acacia, The 8 Kings or Toriko and friends animated by madhouse or any other good studio
Don't remind me
remember how eight kings reck the main casts and their allies?
>Heracles effortlessly recks Toriko and his blue demon power up
>Bambina recks 4 heavenly kings, before and after the training and still not takes them seriously.
>Despite doesn't have any direct confirmation, Moon is able to influence the entire area 6 and other Gourmet World.
>Zebra and Brunch would be stomped by Deer King's minions if the minions were distracted by Neo blob.
>Snake King left some massive twisters in area 6, and those twisters would have killed the casts if not some rescue.
>Bird King could have kill Coco and Tyran if it is near their location (valley that makes people lose the ability to think&emperor shadow)
>Guinness stomps Toriko and Star, twice, not to mention the second in command already takes care Toriko before hand.
>Last Derous' fang knife proves to be a game breaking item even before Toriko enters the gourmet world.
Something killed toriko's 3rd oni, so they are nowhere near the strongest in the universe.
>Bambina still alive and kicking and probably way much stronger than before having eaten God
Fuck yes
Also I do think Acacia has to eat Earth, otherwise he stands no chance against Toriko now.
It isn't even a match.
I am pretty sure now that Neo, in his own universe, is nothing but a pleb tier being.
lets hope Moon can spit Snake King out. We need to see all the eight king reunite again.
Please, Spandam was the comic relief.
Bambina and the 3 other HK ate God, should give them a huge boost. Remember it's what allowed to resurect Neo's strengh, just before, neoAcacia was struggling with any of them.
Dropped fairy tail at the friendship power up near chapter 100 (some kind of crystal tower and the story was Ezra focused, think an owl guy was one of the generals).
It's so cliche and executed so badly.
He is a slightly less boring version of Ywach, Shima needs to learn from Kishi, who can a least make good villains aside from Kaguya(Obito, Madara, Nagato).
Both blue and dotted demons were shown looking at Red's powered up form.
this is literally many of manga nowadays
>the said antagonist is a god or a being above it
>suddenly can't beat a little brat who uses power of friendship
You keep being wrong again and again. Ywach and Acacia are nowhere near the same kind of archetype. Not only that, but Obito, Madara and Nagato were all badly writen characters no matter how you want to put it. Their characterization presented multiple contradictions and the execution of their story arcs was amazingly bad.
You gotta read more manga if you don't want your opinions to be ignored again and again.
Yeah, and FT pulled it off poorly. I could handle friendship power ups in other series of all kinds like shonen and kids shows, but man.
Hors d'Oeuvre
BB Corn Popcorn 35
Soup Soup
Century Soup (Komatsu's version) 60
Fish Dish
Ougai Unknown
Meat Dish
Neo (yet to acquire) 22.000
Main Course
GOD (yet to acquire) 10000
AIR 6200
Rainbow Fruit Pudding 12
Drink Billion
Bird Egg Below Level 1
Man, some Ingredients of Toriko's full course really feels out of place. Does finding a better one to replace it never happens for a full course? I have a hard time believing they couldn't get better ingredient to replace the early ones.
It's not about being the best ingredient of all time for that specific category, otherwise everyone would have Acacia's course.
It's ingredients that resonate with the character in question and for Toriko every one of those ingredients is something special.
Look at it this way: A strawberry from your garden can be the best in the world, despite there being more expensive or harder to acquire strawberries.
Yeah, but would there really not be other ingredients that resonate even better? Anything you find in the human world is supposed to be cheap as fuck compared to the gourmet ones.
And talking about the human world, since Setsuno was already out of commission since Midora's return, I have a hard time believing the attacks from the NeoAcacia vs Midora/Toriko didn't harm it.
Also for example the Billion Bird Egg wasn't just a simple egg, it came from an animal that was praised for its existence for the first time and it showed all the gratitude it received in form of its eggs.
Toriko's full course is essentially "Gratitude".
I think Gash Bell is one of the manga that can handle power of friendship, at least making it meaningful and not some asspull.
In most mangas, you might see
>the antagonist is so strong and none of protagonists' allies are matches to antagonist
>protagonist(s) suddenly have power up and making the existence of other supporting characters completely pointless
Rub-a-dub-dub thanks for the grub would be much better than itadakimasu
Imagine the double spreads you could fill with that sentence
Who was that cat guy?
it is also a parallel to Midora as well. Midora's full course is also focus on gratitude and admiration.
That's Handsome's pet, I think
Mansam's pet, Rikky. We never know what happens to it after the time skip.
Toriko may or may not be "a" garbage manga, but it is most certainly not "the" garbage manga...bleach or naruto.
Ah I see, thank you.
I think he's saying that since they were living beings that had to die before being reincarnated as Toriko's appetite, that something must of killed them...idk why.
>toriko's daughter is the next mc
Would you read it?
I thought it was implied that gourmet cell demons had to die to end up inside a human host.
Either way something forced the thing into that can so....there are bigger fish out there.
Only if it will be revealed in the final arc that she's both chief and bishokuya because Komatsu ate PAIR again and Toriko could legally be "no-homo"
>Rin carves the scars into their daughter so it's a family thing
Toriko might want to rethink that marriage
Holy shit that's actually true. Never thought of that.
>Komatsu, Ume, and Ootake all prepared God together
Yessssss, I've been hoping these three would do this.
this nigga really gonna eat neo
Didn't he already eat a part of him back then? Or it didn't work because it was before the latter ate Center and God?
Ain't on the menu yet, and the hand was acacia's at the time
It seems like something happens with Acacia and Neo (at least I understood it like this) and it seems like they will switch places with Neo eating Acacia for full revive + power-up. Then he can eat true Neo and not Acacia hand with Neo cells in it.
yeah, so similar to Chrona eating the Kishing at the end of Soul Eater?
> Expected final boss appear, "unexpected" character eats it and becomes the final boss, but actually not really and the expected final boss doesn't take long to get back
Okay for Crona, misremembered. Kishin was a typo.
>Ain't no shame in Kishing like a Kishin
Another one is Medaka Box, with the final boss possessing one of the protagonist's friends and then that protagonist then proceeds to convince said friend to punch the part of them that is the final boss into nonexistence.
don't compare Gourmet Earth with some sissy ass Earth
Did the author ever draw Naruto for the 10th anniversary? I know he did a minor character for one of OP's anniveraries.
How fast would you need to travel in this fashion to leave orbit?
>The world seems so small
>Giant fucking hand about to crush the planet
>Toriko approaching full on buddha
I really fucking hope it happens. I want a Buddha and the monkey king type deal.
>Wukong fucking shit up constantly
>Buddha tells him to stop that shit
>Wukong thinks he's better than buddha
>Buddha asks him to try to jump out of his palm
>Monkey jumps fucking galaxies, tilll there's nothing left but five pillars around him
>Turns out they ain't pillers, they're Buddha's fingers
>Buddha drops the monkey like the sack of shit he is
Now just do something like that, with Toriko and Acacia.
didnt we see people replacing parts of theyr full course?
Probably but honestly I miss when toriko was more about the adventure and food than the battles.
Well, we are on the final arc and it is a shonen. We still saw plenty of fights against the weather right up to everyone splitting up for the ingredients.
translate the moon rune weebs
Shame for Rin he will become detached from worldly desires.
>implying it's not a ruse and acacia is the good guy
He hasn't slaughtered them yet an is actually keeping NEO at bay.
This is all an act.