Where do I go from here, Cred Forums?
Where do I go from here, Cred Forums?
K-On obviously. Serious answer:
off a cliff
I hate the type of people who think that these are the only 2 good anime series. They're usually depressive, self-medicating faggots with a stick up their ass.
You should check out Jimi Hendrix next OP.
You go to eternity
Start calling yourself a "nihilist" and post ironic self-hating posts on social media
Kare Kano, Gunbuster and Nadia
Haibane Renmei, Texnholyze, and Boogiepop Phantom
Don't forget Boku no Pico tho
RahXephon and Zegapain
Paranoia Agent
To reddit
Reddit or Cred Forums since they like those
Madoka Magica
That's why he's asking for suggestions for new anime, chanka
That's why op is asking for more suggestions, chanka
Nothing you find will compare with NGE
Just keep rewatching NGE
Probably to
>Nothing you find will compare with NGE
Well yea, after you have seen the absolute worst, anything is better
>Just keep rewatching NGE
Only if you have masochistic tendencies and liked raping your eyeballs.
No Meduka
and then watch the third movie, rebellion
Welcome to the NHK.
It will give you a good idea of what you will become.
It was incredibly heavy handed and I didn't like it much
If a guy's a neet he's very happy because he's got no obligations and pains in the ass like a job
They're living the best life
Whatever, ignore all the tards above me. Try Ghost in the Shell, either the first movie or series. Skip the updated version of the movie. If you want more mindfuckery instead, Boogiepop Phantom. Maybe try Ergo Proxy if you like a good dose of raison d'ĂȘtre.
Darewa he's asking for suggestions for some new anime, chanka
Assuming you've watched EoE then
NHK ni Youkoso
K-On! if you're into that
now fug off
I never get people like this. You can watch literally anything that interests you.
If you like swimming "swimming anime" in google, if you like watching little boys Bokuing each other's Pico, "anime boys having sex", if you like robots "robot anime".
It's like people feel like there's a definite guide to watching all the anime in the world and it starts with Lain or some shit.
to literature because anime is for children