What's his secret?
What's his secret?
He's always autistic
Being autistic.
Somehow turning depression into creative energy, and stealing ideas from shows from the 70s that nobody cares about anymore.
Crippling depression
quirk: ultimate hack
Meme magic
autism AND depression
Learn to not have artistic integrity and be pretentious as possible, ancient forms of mind control and personal issues makes it extra "deep".
THE GOAT SECRETS: coffe and fap
I had to google who he was but he just got lucky.
There's a dime a dozen wish fulfilment harem stories on fanfiction.net at this very moment.
Love&Pop was real kino.
>stealing ideas from shows from the 70s
He just got lucky, he's the Sword Art Online/Erased guy of his time
Is the rest of his filmography as good? What to watch after having seen Love&Pop?
Reminder that anyone who thinks Eva is wish fulfillment simply didn't watch the show. It's not even a matter of opinion, I refuse to believe that anyone can be so retarded that they watch an anime were every main character is a fucked-in-the-head pathetic piece of shit (especially the MC) and compare it to SAO.
I never claimed the two to be the exact same thing. That's just your projection
My b then, thought you were
he's not a neckbeard otaku pedophile
You mean how he became able to grow pubic hair from his chin? Would love to know that too
Gunbuster's ending is a masterpiece
that was insanely fast
Will you make up your mind?
neckbeards' salt
Underrated post
Being passionate enough about his trade to get insecure and depressed over it and pouring those and other raw emotions into his work?
Milk and bread