Reminder that Tatsumi will absolutely make it back to Mine.
Akame ga Kill
Also, once again, Chinese scans are out for the new chapter.
Anyone want it?
You mean the TL? Yes.
What's gonna happen now? Tatsumi turned into Tyrant and Esdeath gained an even further power up.
>A smile... as cold as ice.
>eye nipples
>Just to remind you
>I am strictly against this.
>I can already tell from Wave, but it is not possible for a person to use two Teigu at once.
>The only weapon I can use is Murasame.
>And so, the only way out for me is to dope.
He absolutely will, but nobody said that he would have to be alive
>The effects will certainly show after you take it...
>But once that happens, all the senses you developed while training in the mountains will disappear as well.
>To assassins, losing that sense could be fatal. There would be other side effects as well.
>So long as it takes effect at that very moment is fine. This is my final battle after all.
>In order to fell Esdeath, a 1% increase in capabilities is enough for me.
>If it wasn't for the fact that this will be the final battle, I would be against it as well.
>To someone as cold as Akame, using drugs to gain in advantage is unthinkable.
>If you personally wishes to do this, then I won't stop you.
>After all, Esdeath is a worthy opponent.
>After confiscating all the drugs from the Empire's assassination squad...
>I managed to distill this using my Teigu, Perfector.
>Use it when you engage Esdeath. I can guarantee it's effects, but what happens after it wears off is anyone's guess...
>The Supreme Teigu has been struck down?!
>The Empire is finished, Esdeath!
>The Empire truly is finished. As so...
>My own battle has begun!
>She had developed more techniques in order to try and kill me...
>She really is a worthy opponent...
I wish manga Akame was as fuckable as the anime version.
>She can even keep up with my attacks...!
>I must try harder as well.
>I love games like these!
>Why did he turn into a dragon?
>Tatsumi had indeed received a mortal wound back then, and his body has stopped working.
>But Incursio forceably activated again, and so he was enthralled by it from that very moment...
>Anyone incompatible with Incursio would be consumed and killed the moment they try to put it on... I never through it would be such a dangerous Teigu.
>Even after being turned into a Teigu, the dragon's flesh is still alive.
>But he's been battling with the Supreme Teigu all this time!
>Wasn't that his own consciousness?!
>Even when his body was subjegated under the Dragon's control, his raging spirit remained in control.
>It's incredible.
>But now... I just don't know anymore.
>I really wish we can help him...
>Yes... all of us want to help him!...!
>It's time for this paper-thin darkness... to come to it's end.
>Are you hurt? How are things back there?
>I'm fine.
All right. Coffee break. 5 minutes.
Rip Tatsumi, he's with his waifu now.
Oh? Incoming train wreck ending?
>In fact, I managed to save many innocent people from the Supreme Teigu.
>Thank you for encouraging me to go back.
>You saved them.
>Really...? That's great...
>Let's go. Onwards to our destination.
>Wave... are you sure you're okay?
>If I take off my Teigu now, it would be days before I can use it again.
>If that happens, we would have to cross the mountain on foot. That would take far too long.
>On the battlefield... Tatsumi burned up the remainder of his life...
>... and I
>Must move forward with all my heart.
>Ha... ha...
I came for these pages, thanks for the TL, user.
Oh no
>It's about time we get this over with.
>You still have the one-hit kill stance.
>You certainly made it enjoyable for a while...
>For this final battle... should I seek battle elsewhere...? Or create new battles?
>I won't let you...
>the end will be different
>wave and kurome get a happy ending while everyone else still dies
I'm okay with this.
>This place... is where you shall die!
>And how do you plan on beating me?
>Like this... Esdeath!
>that Esdese smile on the right
>I'm okay with this.
Count me in, they are officially safe now, that's all that matters to me. The rest can die.
>Akame, sorry to keep you waiting.
>It's all because you kept Esdeath busy, we were able to organize this encirclement.
>She knows that she's surrounded, and yet she's shown no intention of wanting to break out.
>What a battle manic...
>Najenda! It seems as though you have some secret Teigu you can use against me!
>I have heard your intel!
>So you know...
>(The intel was all lies...)
>The secret weapon was just to cover for the fact that she wouldn't use Mahapaedma...
>Good, everything's going according to plan, Akame.
>Hide amongst the soldiers, and find a chance to kill Esdeath. Don't rush yourself!
>Although it's strange she haven't used Mahapadma yet...
>But now's not the time to think about that!
>If we want to bring down Esdeath... we need at least ten thousand elite soldiers.
>As well as more than 10 Teigu users, plus Akame.
I'm not sure if I translated Mahapadma right. It's a name that I'm unsure of.
Pedo-clown is a pedo-tanuki now?
Thank you for your effort OP but you should really stop caring about this turd, just like everyone else.
>All the conditions have been met.
>We number almost a million for the moment...
>You really are happy, Najenda.
>It makes me want to wipe that smirk off your face right away.
>The Empire's soldiers have all surrendered. The corrupt officials are dead and the Jaegers are no more.
>The only thing left are your ice soldiers, right?
>But they have been immobilized already. They won't be able to come to your aid.
>If we want to bring down Esdeath... we need at least ten thousand elite soldiers.
>As well as more than 10 Teigu users, plus Akame.
They actually followed that in the manga, but just quantity over quality here. One night raid teigu user is probably worth all those 10.
And it was mahapadma as well in the other translation.
Of you truly stopped caring you wouldn't even come to these threads.
>This is now a battle of attrition!
>Be destroyed by our mighty army!
>Come and fight us, Esdeath!
>This is simply an army. Do you really think you can defeat me like this?
>Let me show you the true trump card that I have saved for this battle.
>implying he is not a little attention whore shit
>This is only effective because there are no allies left for me to hurt...
>This is...
>The ice soldiers are all melting... are they going back to Esdeath?
>Everyone, attention!
>I have been saving the Ice Soldiers for a long time now.
>In one stroke, I had reclaimed all the power I spent in creating them.
>And now...
>Grand fortress of Ice!
I suck at translating names.
>W- what...?
>>This is only effective because there are no allies left for me to hurt...
Best girl. Even in this kind of situation she still cares about her allies.
But not the entire population of the country she "defends".
>Even in this kind of situation she still cares about her allies.
Not that all the jeagers (save the faggot doctor) were not the same...
>Have you heard of the term checkmate?
>This would be it.
>Most of this country has been covered by ice and snow already.
>Not just here, I will crush all your soldiers in this country in one go.
>Enough with this talk of "battle of attrition".
>Put your life on the line and come at me.
>Your forces are still fighting in the West!
>Are you planning on killing them as well?!
>They are outside the spell's range.
>As well as their family, I have arranged things already.
>But... seems like it wasn't necessary after all.
>The Supreme Teigu... is a weapon capable of destroying cities and towns...
True, but Esdeath is the only one where you'll get a bunch of dumbfucks arguing otherwise.
>But she had turn this whole country, this whole world...
>Into a target of her weapon.
>Esdeath... you truly are
>An inhumane monster from the day you were born.
>Reminder that Tatsumi will absolutely make it back to Mine.
Sure, after Esdeath brainwashing him and making him believe Night Raid is his enemy. Then once he returns, he will behead Mine, who is carrying a child in her belly.
>In the face of storm, and winter, only the strongest may survive.
>The weak can only suffer the fate of death.
>Those that can survive under such grueling circumstances should see it as a cause for joy.
>Only through this experience, can people grow stronger.
>This is a natural disaster created out of my own will.
>This is bad...
>Everyone attack!
>If we can kill her, this storm will end!
Okay, so this is going to turn into Tyrant vs Esdeath then.
Reminder that only faggots like Tatsumi don't want to protect this smile.
People still care for AgK? That's quite impressive.
I hope it ends soon, because it just gets worse after each chapter.
>Even in this storm, I can still counterattack.
There are only 3-4 chapters left and there is still the fight with Esdeath. It's either power of love saving Tatsumi's mind end or start of the journey to save Tatsumi end.
Mine can protect his smile
>Akame makes a brief appearance in The Adventures of Tatsumi and Esdeath
>Quite the expression on your face, Najenda.
>This is quite fun. If you people can't defeat me, you can still achieve your objective.
>But now, if you don't kill me, this battle will drag on forever.
Which asspull will Tatsumi pull to defeat Esdeath?
She can:
>freeze time
>create a shitload of ice warriors
>freeze the whole world
>Before this power...
>May all of you freeze and shatter!
Chapter 75, Kill General Esdeath
All right, done.
That's a stupid looking teigu she has.
He is tyrant. He can do anything
Thanks op.
Another brown girl dead.
>This is only effective because there are no allies left for me to hurt...
And all those haters always say she is a monster without a heart...
>the doctor created a medicine to revert Tatsumi from being destroyed
Fucking bullshit.
Esdeath will die: october or november?
Mine will die on Christmas this time.
>Ruining Christmas anymore
>Tatsumi did not want to cuddle and snuggle this at nights
No he didn't, the drug from the beginning of the chapter is just a buff for Akame.
November or in the last episode, no way she dies next chapter.
>Not only her soldiers, she protects their family as well
I understand why they would die for her sake.
Takahiro doesn't give a fuck anymore. He just wants to end it as quickly as possible.
What if the author pulls a Trigun and another magazine picks it up to serialize?
How is Zero anyway, I've been curious about it is it worth a buy?
November. I hope. I don't want to see her face in the last chapter.
She either dies last or the chapter before it. My bets is that she will take Tatsumi with him, he has way too many death flags.
The moment Kurome and Wave return to the battlefield, Kurome is gonna be so dead or they will attempt to use TNJ on Esdease.
>Esdeath will die
Next year, in the epilogue, after she spends her happy life with her husbando and dies of old age.
If Akame kill Tatsumi. Mine kill herself or before that she will try to find Akame and kill her.
Thats a Profecy.
Maybe November will be Kill the Profecy.
Love or Death
Nah, she will die in october THEN Tatsumi will die in the last chapter.
He is clearly gay, thus he chose Mein, the closest thing he could get to a man.
It's a really bummer how he has basically forsaken this series for the sake of his other projects. It has been decades since the minatosoft staff has commented or made cute drawings for AgK, furthermore, the latest entry in the YuYuYu franchise is fucking similar to how AgK work, with relics granting special abilities and all that, and this gives me the impression of full-time abandonment of AgK by their side.
I really thought we would get an AgK Visual Novel with different routes.
>Tatsumi not being killed by Esdeath
There is a limit to how much of a disappointment an author can be.
He did cry the most the when Bulat died.
I'd liek to read this super sugoi fanfiction fampai
The thing is, he realized he had fucked up when he killed 90% of the character 30 chapters in, so he just drags it along for 50 more chapters with the same people and nothing really happening.
I mean, the last named character ""death"" we got was Leone's and she is probably alive.
If I take off that Teigu, will he die?
She is dead, Jim.
The hug of death like in the anime. Hope Mine appear and cut esdeath hands and save tatsumi when thats happens. Tatsumi probably being just unconscious this time.
Even the doctor doesn't know.
This raises an interesting question, did Esdeath genuinely care for Tatsumi or could she just sense the beast growing within him and wanted to tame it?
No "Members Remaining" means no death. Of course, she's not gonna survive, but she's still alive.
She is going to choke the minister with her guts.
Mine is going to sleep forever, delusional user.
You got it wrong. Yuki Yuna was originally planned as exactly that, pretty girls fighting with relics, which is also very similar to Akame ga Kill.
In fact, considering interviews and early designs, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the concepts in YuYuYu, if not some characters themselves, have a root in rejected AgK ideas.
Kill yourself Esdeathfag
But Mine is the second most girly character in the series, losing only to post nerf Kurome.
>using a shitty gif from the shitty anime
>garbage taste in general
Yes, you first, Minefag.
So is he running back to the battlefield or away from it?
Away, but he was unfortunately caught in the ice storm and frozen.
Esdeath will die alone so kill yourself user
You're only allowed to marry one.
For me it's a very tough choice between Esdeath and Scheele.
Away from it, he says "onwards to our destination" which means either the hotsprings or some faraway place.
One happy ending is confirmed.
Always remember
>second most girly character in the series
With that boyish body? I bet she has a feminine dick too.
She will with tatsumi, delusional Minefagger.
Insecure minefags really are pathetic.
No wonder she got so mad.
Esdese is literally a force of nature now, it makes no sense if she could even be killed.
Are you saying traps aren't girly?
OP here.
Apparently, the move Esdeath used to freeze the world was named after the Winter War or something, the decisive battle between Napoleon and Russia where the French Army froze to death.
So Najenda is basically Napoleon in this scenario.
No, they aren't.
Esdeathfag still desperate.
He already has Mine at nights
I wonder what cuddling and snuggling Esdeath at nights together would be like? Magical I hope.
So this means that Najenda will end up on a prison island somewhere and empire confirmed for victory?
So najenda is going to die ??
Then who is the PM in this analogy?
Not to mention it's after the empire was the destroyed, so argument on her doing this solely to raise her reputation is void.
>Reminder that Tatsumi will absolutely make it back to Mine.
So Esdeath will win the war and become the first Tsar of the new empire? Cool.
>so few TatsumixMine fanart with decent quality
>tons of good WavexKurome fanart
Not that I mind the latter one but why?
>All empire soldiers surrendered
>All rebel soldiers are frozen to death
>Esdese's own army remains intact
Guess we already know who is the real winner.
>Tatsumi begins devouring Mine
>Mine slowly wakes up as she is halfway through Tatsumi's jaws
I just want Esdeath to have a happy death with no regrets, is it too much to ask for?
Leone will sacrifice to bring tatsumi back to his senses?? After she kil the PM of course
Is this a nee-san for ants?
Killing most of the population certainly won't raise her reputation regardless. The small number of survivors won't be able to maintain the production chain working plus animals and crops will die as well so most people will die regardless of strength. Most will probably just run away to other functional countries, that will not even be able to help those inside because they'd have to fight Esdeath.
The latter is cute. The former didn't get to do much.
The PM already ate her, buddy.
Wrong. This is for ants
>Tatsumi and co agree that since Mine is probably never going to wake up they put her out of her misery, Tatsumi uses his danger beast form to eat her
>Mine wakes up and nobody really realizes it, either because too much noise going on or something despite Mine's cries for help
>Tatsumi keeps eating her anyway, one of the last panels will be a close up on her face as her eyes slowly open beforehand
Thats brutal!!
Yes, it's too much to ask for best girl's death.
How do you imagine being in a relationship with each Agk girl would be like?
She's sleeping now
Just like Esdeath said, only the weak will be killed and the strong will become survivors. The strong admire those stronger than them, and Eseath is the strongest. All survivors will worship her as they new goddess.
So she is what and Overlord??
It would be extremely painful.
Ssh, she is sleeping now.
He can't anymore. He will stay half danger beast forever. Look the positive way Tatsumi and Mine will have dragon kids.
He promise to her.
>Mine's cries for help
She is a good waifu and would respect her husband's wishes.
Kill yourself Esdeathfag
He will protect her
>the strong will become survivors
Or mostly nobles who can afford heating tech and have anti-apocalypse shelters and large hidden non-perishable food reserves. Strong people in terms of fighting won't survive if they have no food, even stealing food has limits if there is no production for those who will use whatever it takes.
>no one ever plowed her
Oh God.
Shut up with that communist crap.
Wait a minute, I just thought of something, doesn't Esdeath count as a cake or is she nearing the right age to be a cake?
Forever Virgin
People with strong combat prowess can raid nobles' house for food.
How often does she itch the ditch?
Esdeath is 20, she is a young girl.
I thought she was supposed to be mid 20s.
25 I think
I'm wondering how old are these characters anyway? I know that most of them are over 20, but I'd want to know the correct numbers.
No, Najenda is Mid-20s, Esdeath is younger.
>You'll never shower with Esdeath and do mild lewd in it before she drags you to the bedroom, then the two of you indulge in the most passionate sex you can imagine
Why does it hurt?
>She'll never ask you to join her bath.
Nobles will likely have structural defenses and paid guards in their fortresses (that may or may not kill their boss), but the infighting over quickly dwindling resources will get them if the hunger doesn't (and then when the resources are over it will be the hunger again). That's assuming they are in the capital or the largest cities where there are lots of nobles, the empire is shown as a continental sized country after all.
Mine late teen and probably 18-19 right now
and Tastumi 17-18
I imagine bathing with Esdeath together would be so comfy, especially giving how you could rest your head on her breasts as if they where a pillow before you do some slight lewd things.
>/ss/ with esdeath
Esdese-sama would have been a supreme waifu with blonde hair. I cannot stand unnatural shit.
>Blonde hair
She looks fine as she is now but would be superior with black.
This manga has gone to shit ever since worst girl ended up with MC
Akame is literal perfection and should be with Takumi. It would also be a great contrast to her sister and the other fag. But no, the author has to be a fucking retard and pander to shit taste.
There a lot of meat around, whose flesh are forever fresh in Esdeath's colossal refrigerator, hunger isn't gonna become a problem to them.
>This manga has gone to shit ever since worst girl ended up with MC
Esdeathfag delusional
Early twenties actually. Wave and Seryu are 20.
I'm a Chelseafag and I agree with him.
Even if it happened this way, the ice age is temporary since Esdeath has to be actively maintaining it and it seems to cost her energy.
>everyone who doesn't like Mine is an Esdeathfag
Nice to see Minefags are as sensitive and insecure as always.
>This manga has gone to shit ever since worst girl ended up with MC
Mine x Tatsumi are literal bullshit, but every other option with Tatsumi would have been the same. The only good otp in this shit is Wave x Kurome.
Keep saying that when your waifu die in the next 2 chapters
This. Thats true
It doesn't seem like Esdeath is creating an artificial winter, she just makes it come sooner and last longer. She even stated that in this winter, the weak will perish and the strong will remain, implying it would last at least long enough for that to happen.
I want to wake up on Christmas morning with Leone nee-san under my tree.
>Mine x Tatsumi are literal bullshit, but every other option with Tatsumi would have been the same. The only good otp in this shit is Wave x Kurome.
Would be the same with every girl. Some people like her others hate her. Maybe if he stay with aniki would be better???
>liking generic tsundere #233523
Truly Minefags are the cancer of the AkG fanbase
Is the manga even worth reading?
>Truly Minefags are the cancer of the AkG fanbase
Same something we already haven't known.
>Truly Minefags are the cancer of the AkG fanbase
Always remember:
It's alright especially reading without spoilers and it's not very long.
She will wake up and protect him from Akame or Esdeath??
She's sleeping
So the manga can't be salvaged, but how can Akame herself be improved?
Esdeath a shit.
I lost interested after the shitty anime ending and, for what I've heard, the manga is going the same way.
I understand the series is called AKAME Ga Kiru, but still, this one had potential to be good, and totally ruined it on the first season.
Kurome and Wave are still alive, including Mine and Tatsumi. Is not the same
Last chapter I read ended with Tatsumi recalling the past Night Raid members and goind "I'll be seeing you soon", just before blasting into the Emperor. It seemed a but obvious you know, but I guess they could throw a swerve there.
He is unconscious. Akame or Mine will wake him up. He needs to remember Mine
Epilogue??? nahhh
Christmas Wedding
Tatsumi's reptile form looks fucking sexy as fuck. Dat spine.
It's actually worth it just to appreaciate best girl Esdese
Mine is the best girl
2nd best. Pic rel is the best. Even best boy is agreeing with that.
as a dragon
He will be a Suu like living teigu when he recovers full control, and Mine will accept him gladly.
Not him
Her sister's better.
Would you a Najenda?
Akame forever alone
She has meat-kun.
Meat is everything
I want to cook Akame a nice meat dinner.
It's true.
she stocked power on her ice soldiers, to re absorb them later to regain all that power at once
something like
>spend all energy on creating 1 ice soldier
>rest, regain power
>when full spend all that energy again on aother soldier
>repeat until the desired amount for an emergency power storage
>absorb all of them at the same time
>get more power that what she could generate on her own
she didn't create all those soldiers at once
time stop is still a bigger asspull
Tatsumi will become an immortal half dragon half human at the end of the series. I hope
I forgot it exist. I've been reading it since chapter 2 or 3 and put it on hold when it got official translation. Are we near the end?
3 chapters left. Shit is ending in December.
Wedding chapter
Another Christmas Tree?
Yepp, everyone will die except the PM, because he is Santa.
Anyone have that Wave cover?
Oh boy.
>esdeath stll haven't even used Za wordo
Chelsea, no doubt
She's preparing her bed for tatsumi on December
I think she is basically his only support.
For regain his consciences yes.
They need happy ending this time
I thought that was Solar from twintails. Hair is too red.
Takahiro must give us a happy end.
The true winners of AgK
It was worth reading this garbage because of these two.
You forgot the Mine and Tatsumi user
Is pink to me
Thanks for the TL user. Esdeath looks way too strong right now, not sure how are they going to defeat her without an asspull, I just hope that Takahiro give us at least one more great moment and save christmas for the last time.
>Mine is the best girl for people with shit taste
>I have shit taste
She is the best girl for people with good taste as well. Since it's objective then it doesn't change depending on particular tastes.
I like most of the girls anyway.
This. She is the cutest
Everyone can die for all I care, I just want the author to save his last sadistic streak for PM's death. Anything short of lynching wouldn't be enough.
>Wave and Kurome still fine
Manga is doing well as far as I care.
Definitely Chelsea
Youshould die to
You have shit taste. Mine is the best
I'm amazed that they actually got the good end.
Considering Wave never killed anyone and always had good intentions and Kurome was drugged against her will into being evil it's fair.
The mangas not over yet, let's not be hasty.
Mine And Tatsumi deserve good too
>Mine And Tatsumi deserve good ending too
There are some reverse ass pulls and this is one of them. For fuck sakes Tatsumi just eat her out already.
Mine will appear in the next chapter to wake up Tatsumi and Mine hug him and take him away from everyone to protect him
I don't care if it's out of character or an asspull, I want them to survive.
>stopped reading like 6 months ago
>Esdeath is STILL not dead
How have you people not managed to drop it all this time?
managed to not drop it*
No idea what happened there.
shit taste salvaged by these suprior taste of mah niggas
tatsumi just got hotter in his dragon form
This is literally Tyrant's original element. All he ever cared about was staying frosty.
The ending to this isn't that much different from the anime one.
Also, this manga is still really stupid.
didn't all the characters die
Esdeath, Kurome, Wave, Mine, Najenda, Akame, Leone (I think), Tatsumi are still alive
This. I hope
No countdown, no dead.
It is not longer Tatsumi.
He will become half danger beast.
still no longer Tatsumi.
If the author said he still alive and hybrid forever. then he still ALIVE. !!!!!!!!!
That is pretty bullshit-scale power.
If she's inmune to murasame then tatsumi could eat her
It's been more than two years and there will never be another moment like this.
Maybe the last chapter
>No countdown, no dead.
I've always wondered. What in the world are those black things hanging out from esdeath?
Can you translate AgK Zero too?
Wave please.
Tatsumi please.