Was that a mistake to release Koe no Katachi so early after Kimi no Na wa? I can't help thinking KyoAni should have waited some more time.
Kimi no Na wa has been a huge success over there and is still talked about pretty much every day. It's currently 2nd in the top Cinema ranking, 9 billions yens, Star Wars ep. 7 being 1st (with 11.5 billions or so I think). On the other hand I haven't seen Koe no Katachi getting much attention.
In many years it'll be hailed as a masterwork, no need to get hung up about the sales of today. Kimi no na wa is nice and all, but it'll be forgotten as soon as the next flavour of the month shows itself.
Lincoln Perry
>In many years it'll be hailed as a masterwork You mean Koe no Katachi right? Well I'm not sure, who knows.
Jonathan Kelly
>In many years it'll be hailed as a masterwork
Tyler Price
It's getting enough attention since Koe is in 2nd place and selling well
People talking about X doesn't mean they aren't talking about Y as well, especially when both are successful; being compared to one another.
Shigatsu live action is 5th over there at the moment.
Blake Collins
That's not to say it won't affect Koe no Katachi's sales though, that'd be incredibly positive to think it wouldn't actually.
Apparently theater tickets over there are very expensive ($17+), and your average person who's not into anime won't necessarily want to go seen another anime movie in a while after having just seen Kimi no Na wa everyone's been over. Weeabs like us will for sure, but not everyone is like us.
Jacob Brooks
>A Silent Voice debuts in a distant, but strong, second place. The anime film is also playing at just 120 locations, making this debut all the more impressive. And since Monday, the film earned ¥411,126,450 ($4.0 million) on 310,083 admissions. Shochiku has another small-scale anime success on their hands here, and I wouldn't rule out a potential run at ¥2 billion ($20 million).
Tyler Long
Blake Scott
So you posted an image that shows that Koe no Katachi placed second in the weekly ranking, it also just got released, and then proceed to say that you haven't seen it getting much attention.
Man, what is this? Why do you have to make 6 billion threads of this shit every single fucking day. Can't you just go and do something elese with your time? Just go watch anime or make a thread about something you actually like to talk about.
Noah Gray
Why are anons constantly trying to pit these two against one another?
John Rogers
Kimi no nawa would be forgotten, sure. But they probably don't care since they got away with 9 billion yen.
Nolan Butler
The problem of Koe no Katachi is that it have a popular source that is the manga, there's no reason to watch the movie if you have read the manga already, the manga is better than the movie.
Samuel Scott
Nice try.
Nathaniel Morales
>the manga is better than the movie
Blake Phillips
Nothing better to do honestly. This shitty season hasn't ended yet and the next one is still far away. There's nothing to do these days.
Jason Jones
Yeah the behavior of these kyoani haters are very annoying isn't? But do you know the group of people who's very similar back in the day?
Tyler Cox
>back in the day Like when
Ryder Ward
>Was that a mistake to release Koe no Katachi so early after Kimi no Na wa? I can't help thinking KyoAni should have waited some more time.
Maybe they would get more views otherwise but KnK is still doing good it will probably still be among their best sold movies.
Bentley Myers
>MAL Cred Forumsermin detected
Dominic Watson
Ever since mal came to Cred Forums its been shit. We have aniplex guy shitting on anything aniplex related, we have studio wars, and people who talk about sales. Why wont they go back.
Camden Kelly
But it's true. The manga came up with the story of KnK first. Kyoani did nothing.
Michael James
This is such a retarded mentality.
Connor Brooks
It's always fun to see what kind of retarded things shitposters can come up with.
I get Kimi No Na Wa getting ranked, because it had a chinese leak with eng subs. But Koe no Katachi getting a good ranking when not even a raw is out is pure nonsense. As expected of MAL.
Cooper Cruz
Kimi no Na wa and Spirited Away are flops.
Blake Gonzalez
Sales threads and studio wars have always been here, it's mostly us vs them boards (like Cred Forums) that turned them into constant cancer dens for crossboarders
Alexander Ward
How is Kimi breaking so many records in Japan?
Charles Edwards
What do you mean? It just is.
Chase Williams
Everyone thought that deaf note was going to sell decently for an anime film. I never saw anyone predict Kimi would be doing 1/4 as good as it is.
Thomas Morales
They opened it in 300 theaters and Toho was predicting 6 billion yen so they were expecting it to do well to begin with. It just managed to surpass even those expectations
Carter Sullivan
Tickets sales on Wednesday
1 120160 Kimi no Na wa (week 5) 2 32869 Koe no Katachi (week 1) 3 32022 Rage (week 1) 4 20974 Suicide Squad (week 2) 5 16204 Godzilla (week 8)
Chase Cook
Still not as bad as kyoanuslicker
Gabriel Powell
koe no katachi had a limited release. kimi no na wa had a wide release with likely 5-10x the screens
Carter Walker
Angel Bailey
>koe no floptachi
Brody Torres
It's going to climb up higher in the second week.
Christian Nguyen
I wonder what a movie would do with all the 3000 screens all dedicated to it. Should sit comfortably above Anthem of the heart and the HxH movie before it ends its run.
Mason Robinson
Not need more screens, only 30% fill rate for Koe no Katachi today.
Julian Martinez
>masterpiece manga got axed lol way too fucking cheesy, melodramatic and try hard edgy. The beginning was fine but the author didn't imagine to go this far and just messed it up by dragging unecessary shit out.
Joseph Thompson
30% fill rate is like all the evening screenings sold out, if you assume most people aren't going to attend morning and midday screenings because of work and school.
Robert Perry
Koe has 1/3 of the theaters kimi no na wa has. Do you think Koe would beat it with so many fewer venues in a week? A comparison of both is pretty much shitposting. Saying Koe no katachi is not getting much attention with the pic you posted only reinforces the bait. Not even a Kyoanusfag.
Nathaniel Morgan
>way too fucking cheesy, melodramatic and try hard edgy
Hey there, big guy, you don't get to bring buzzwords.
David King
It's almost astonishing just how out of touch Cred Forums is with popularity and success in Japan.
Isaac Thompson
I honestly and unironically blame the MAL community coming to Cred Forums to shitpost in the most asinine and retarded way about anime.
Robert Watson
Correct me if I'm wrong, but 63k people rated KnK without even seeing it?
Fucking MAL
Dominic Davis
>look mom, I posted it again
Henry Sanders
>Was that a mistake to release Koe no Katachi so early after Kimi no Na wa?
Not at all. They're both finding ways.
Jackson Perry
It's the fourth most profitable KyoAni movie.
Andrew Jackson
>fighting over peanuts
Call me when your shitty film sells over one billion dollars, you loser weebs.
Jeremiah Mitchell
No, only 656 votes.
Bentley Mitchell
The funny thing is how Frozen got the least amount of money per screen since a long time for Disney. They went for a humongous release to compensate for it.
Oliver Cooper
Business as usual. Today is a workday son. Check the calendar.
Gabriel Scott
Connor Hughes
I believe most ppl that wanted to watch it already watched it. Kimi is rare in where it has legs but after the first-week things fall. It happens to all movies. Its end run is going to be no higher than 600m
Charles Diaz
>Its end run is going to be no higher than 600m
It will do that easily. Hell it will probably do that before the weekend.
Juan Lopez
>Japan will never achieve america's CGI quality It hurts.
Easton Wright
>reading blogs
Brandon Miller
Avatar is one of the most successful movies but it has been forgotten.
Nathan Flores
why does it matter
Aiden Kelly
Weak Wednesday, probably because tomorrow is a public holiday. All movies dropped from 30 to 60% compared to last Wednesday except Your Name steady with -3%.
Leo Robinson
What's the source for that?
Gavin Taylor
It's never been about "beating" the other one, only about doing well enough.
I'm not baiting nor I'm a KyoAni hater, I actually really like them, and it kind of makes me sad to see their new movie being overshadowed, especially since KyoAni really does shine when making movies as opposed to their latest series, they deserve more recognition.
Daniel Sullivan
Too bad the flop meme will keep getting spammed regardless of how much it actually manages to make.
Nathaniel Gray
If you are not working at kyoani why should you give a fuck. They wont go out of business cause of it so who cares. You will still get your moe animus.
Jack Lopez
Really makes you think
Liam Peterson
Benjamin Garcia
ANN is a blog?well is full of fags anyways.
Noah Nelson
>On the other hand I haven't seen Koe no Katachi getting much attention.
It's already second place in the weekly Cinema ranking, what kind of "attention" are you talking about here, you fucking faggot?
People are seeing it and it's not flopping. That's all it matters. Most likely, they're both going to be forgotten about. Especially Kimi no nawa, the mainstream's memory span is short as fuck.
Kevin Taylor
>weeaboo That's not what that word means.
Ayden Hernandez
Maybe because we care about KyoAni being rewarded accordingly for their talent and hardwork?
KnNw was #1 and had over 10k votes before the rip was released. KnK has 656, which is a plausible number for people that might have watched it in Japan. KnNw's votes were just people circlejerking about Keit-ai and meme bullshit and probably also to troll KyoAnifags.
Joseph Jenkins
>On the other hand I haven't seen Koe no Katachi getting much attention.
Thats because Kimi no na wa was more for a general audience while Koe no Katachi was more for Anime audience.
Parker Jackson
For all we know, Koe no Katachi is going to get more viewers because of Kimi no na wa, riding on it's waves or something.
It's not necessarily a bad thing that they got released at the same time.
Christopher Howard
Of course the thing they like the most is Neko Ueno. Japan is weird.
Jack Peterson
>KnNw was #1 and had over 10k votes before the rip was released
Fucking Mal trash falling for hype.
Easton Brooks
>implying frozen was even particularly well animated
The cutscenes in any modern AAA-title fucking blow it out of the water
Easton Turner
>this whole post
Matthew Gomez
Frozen is a film from a few years ago. The other day I saw zootopia and disney only keeps getting better and better at animation. Too bad the script is blatant propaganda.
>The cutscenes in any modern AAA-title fucking blow it out of the water Can you post an example? I'm not sure if you're talking about movies or videogames but either way I don't know what you're talking about.
Elijah Taylor
KyoAnuslickers are just having sour grapes over the fact that Koe no Katachi's getting beaten badly in the box office.
Asher Turner
>When have you ever heard someone call a movie "an AAA-title" on a video game board, genius? This is the anime board user. >You should know examples I don't play videogames.
But you dropped some titles so I'll watch some cutscenes on youtube.
Brandon Williams
How does GodAni always find a way?
Wyatt Thomas
People from Cred Forums are actually so dumb
Josiah Watson
Not even a fan of post-Free KyoAni, but if you think KyoAnuslickers keep bringing this up, you would be wrong.
Lucas Walker
Good karma for kicking out Yamakan.
Benjamin Smith
God-like powers.
Jason Williams
>People talking about X doesn't mean they aren't talking about Y as well
Cred Forums doesn't understand this sort of approach....like at all.
Justin Robinson
I think it's getting kind of funny at this point. Absolutely everything on Cred Forums must apparently revolve around Kyoani, Shaft and Fate/Stay Night now with the occasional ironic waifu shitpost series like Re:Zero inbetween.
Jason Long
This really. The entire Western anime community feels like it's been stuck in 2011 all decade.
Logan Fisher
White Fox and Trigger have a go at it every now and then but you're pretty correct. I'm not sure why anime studios are at war like Cred Forums's console wars but I guess people really love their teams instead of just liking good quality manga and anime.
Adam Nguyen
Japan typically saves its best CGI for video games. Look at Metal Gear Solid V. It's fucking gorgeous. Plus we got Kingsglaive this year, which looks better than anything else Pixar has put out.
Isaac Hughes
That's exactly how it is on the nip side. Only way more worse than it is here.
Ryan Sanders
Oh wow... A Disney movie made a lot of money despite being overrated trite shit that pandered to SJWs and tumblrinas. What a shocker.
We don't care about your Mouseshit. Now fuck off back to/co/.
Jason Nguyen
>Kingsglaive Now that was beautiful. If only they could use that for a film that wasn't as retarded as advent children.
Ian Cox
Japan is good or at least way better at the "realistic" kind of CG. I remember that Resident Evil movie looking alright. Appleseed too. Too bad they mostly flop or get forgotten less than a month after they're out.
That movie was the worst piece of shit I have ever seen all year. Whoever wrote it, should be shot.
Cooper Green
Watch Advent Children Complete. It fixes the story and is much more enjoyable than the original release of Advent Children.
Henry Russell
Avatar, i love that anime.
Kayden Allen
All of them Kyoani posters?
Nicholas Price
Doraemon and Shin-chan stronk.
Asher Walker
Agreed. Kingsglaive was impressive on a technical level but its story and characters were so disappointing.
Ethan Wright
Most of Cred Forums's Shinkai fans are just celebrating Kimi no Na wa's success and not really talking about Koe no Katachi. It's just Shaftfags false flagging as Shinkai fans to diss Koe no Katachi as a distraction from the fact that Kizumonogatari part II didn't so well either.
Jonathan Cox
Half the board is currently shitting on Kyoani and you fans still have the courage to jerk each other off in defeat. You guys are so cute to look at.
Christopher Morales
A small hate circlejerk can't stop GodAni, my boy.
Leo Kelly
>it'll be forgotten as soon as the next flavour of the month shows itself Just like Summer Wars was forgotten - and Mononoke Hime - and Spirited Away?
Hudson Reyes
>Half the board >Implying isn't only 3 people samefagging
David Turner
>Summer Wars wew, forgot that exists
Eli Collins
Exactly that, no one is discussing the movie, they're just bragging how much it sold. It's essentially a mediocre movie that happened to sell a shit ton out of nowhere, it'll be forgotten in no time.
Cred Forums will always be home of kyoanifags and shaftshitters.
Sebastian Reyes
>Summer Wars
Never heard of it. You mean Our War Game?
Evan Johnson
If nothing else, nobody expected the movie to do as well as it is, so there's not much they can do about it. Release weekends are lined up way far in advance.
But yes, all this faggotry about pitting them against each other and failures, etc. is out of hand. This is the exact same kind of trumped up fake controversy I avoid in mainstream news. Don't bring that shit here.
Ethan Nguyen
There's nothing to discuss with Kimi no Na, it's just a typical Shinkai wrapped in a better animated package. Koe no Katachi's movie will have discussions for years to come.
John Diaz
But you and me are the only two people in this thread. I'm just samefagging a lot.
Christian Thomas
What more is there to discuss with the movie? The story is pretty straightforward and it's already been discussed. You'll see a lot more discussion of it when the Blu-ray comes out and those who waited patiently get to see it for the first time.
Easton Gray
That makes it not that good of a movie. The movie's success is more interesting than the movie itself.
Mason Torres
inb4 Aniplex-kun claiming Kimi only sold well because Aniplex bribed theaters to not carry Katachi.
Charles Bell
Japan sure hasn't, they have summer screenings every year
Blake Green
>it'll be forgotten in no time Maybe if you stop saying this over and over it would come true.
Sebastian Cox
>Thats because Kimi no na wa was more for a general audience while Koe no Katachi was more for Anime audience. Can't understand why people keep saying this. KnK doesn't feel made for anime audience at all to me, it actually seems way more relatable to general audience than KnN
Josiah Ortiz
Oh please. Do you see anyone here still having lengthy discussions about Oshii 's Ghost in the Shell, Akira, or any Miyazaki movie?
No, you don't, because there's nothing left to discuss. That doesn't make them bad movies as they're all beloved classics.
Same for Kimi no Na wa.
You're retarded.
Here's your (You).
Asher Bell
my friend are you calling Shinkai's latest piece of poop a beloved classic?
Austin Myers
Kimi no Na wa is doing better because it IS better.
Joseph Williams
No, its success is an unfortunate accident.
Henry Thompson
Not yet since it's still in theaters, but it will be considered a classic in years to come. Deal with it you contrarian faggot.
Dominic Moore
Unfortunate for KyoAnuslickers like you.
Isaac Collins
Unfortunate for aesthetes and those who pray for the flourishing of the arts.
Nathaniel Hall
Austin Reyes
Kimi no Na wa >Brilliant storytelling >Excellent animation >Nuanced characters >Complex plot >Beautiful OST >Unique setting
Koe no Katachi >Flat characters >Ugly aesthetics >Poorly animated >Forced drama >Samey OST >School shit
Wyatt Miller
@147540182 (You)
Hunter Carter
GiTS and Akira are beloved classics and have been discussed for more than 2 decades. Also, interesting is the fact that they weren't box office hits in Japan, heck Akira outright flopped. They had to rely on their quality to carve a place for themselves. Kon's movies are same as well.
Kimi no na wa is neither a beloved classic, nor will it be remembered for its quality. It will be remembered for its performance in the box office.
Not being contrarian here, just being realistic. It's an alright film, nothing more.
Asher Green
If a film has room for discussion 30-40 years after its release, that's how you know it's a classic. People will talk about GITS and Totoro for decades to come. No one will remember Kimi no Na wa past 2030.
Nicholas Morgan
Kimi no Na wa >terrible storytelling >excellent animation because muh freelancers >generic characters >cliche body swap plot >mediocre OST
>Koe no Katachi >delicate storytelling texture >excellent character animation >complex, realistically portrayed characters >beautiful minimalistic OST and experimental sound design that adds weight to the deafness theme >will be taught to schools all over Japan, resonating wonderfully with the shared setting
Henry Gray
Also a landmark in digital technique.
Mason Murphy
Ethan Gonzalez
I think a classic can be lesser known or talked about if it has historical value as well (old Toei Doga for examples), but I think if Kimi no na wa makes it into the books it'll be nothing more than "made a lot of money in 2016"
Jace Stewart
Shinkai is a big fan of KyoAni. I doubt Yamada wishes Kimi no Na ill will either.
"Fans" are idiots.
Jacob Perez
Shinkai is a pretty nice guy, also he's very humble. He even said that KnN being a super hit has taken him by surprise and that all the sales and records doesn't reflect his true ability.
Charles Stewart
Maybe he'll study Yamada's films and learn a thing or two.
Christian Williams
Jacob Jones
And what's your reasoning or evidence to support your claim that Kimi no Na wa won't be remembered in the years to come?
Ayden Mitchell
>Koe no Katachi's movie will have discussions for years to come
user, i hate to break it to you but KnK actually has a manga and before you came here we had a lot of discussions about it already. Those were the times..
Logan Ward
Because only great shows tend to be remembered after decades pass.
KnN has unexplained and random amnesia, unexplained and random time travel and bullshit gimmick bodyswaps. The plot is a mess and it is shallow character-wise and thematically. Basically it's a mediocrity and not even a glorious trainwreck the likes of Code Geass.
Jonathan Miller
yes my friend
eat my poop my friend
Alexander Miller
user, I hate to break it to you but there's more to art than narrative.
Sebastian Bennett
I'm not your friend, buddy.
Caleb Green
>pray for the flourishing of the arts.
Hear hear o brother. Amen.
Let us pray.
Robert Wood
I was here for the manga threads. The movie is going to offer a different experience.
Alexander Gray
>two movies about two highschoolers and a cheesy lovestory between both of them plus drama >either of them art you guys are kidding me right? The Mappa movie is going to be the real masterpiece
Noah Price
I predict Yamada > Katabuchi > Shinkai
Ethan Morales
Stop replying to your own post. I've never seen someone frame a quote on Twitter that is essentially nothing more than a complement. You seem to not be having your mental faculties right.
Jayden Flores
KnK isn't a love story.
Kayden Ortiz
>I've never seen someone frame a quote on Twitter that is essentially nothing more than a complement. You seem to not be having your mental faculties right.
If we're gonna accuse anyone of being mentally challenged, let's start with your paranoid delusions.
Jonathan Gonzalez
>people put fake quotes on images all the time and he cries about an actual quote
Okay then
Michael Jones
Nice paranoia, ESL.
Parker Cooper
Agreed. Art gets you to places, people.
Like for instance, had it not been for my art degree, i would not have found the fast food restaurant i work in.
Evan Torres
Fuck off cancer
Nolan Long
I dunno what you're trying to say here, user.
Josiah Clark
>it'll be forgotten >close to 10bi yen in sales
Aiden Flores
I'm just saying that art sells.
Just make art the focus of your life and you'll be rich and happy. Plus you'll win every argument.
Leo Powell
pretty sure that is a review of the movie
and if you go through Shinkai's twitter history, he literally comments on every single Yamada related video, he even comments the PVs, guy has a huge crush on her
Christian Edwards
I imagine Shinkai, being a millionaire can get the attentions of many women he wants at anytime. He doesn't always have to chase after a poor excuse of a director like Yamada.
Ayden Myers
Who gives a shit. Koe no katachi was fucking trash and kimi ni na wa may lead into an age of shitty as fuck mainstream anime movies.
>buying whores with money great western mindset you got going on there
Brayden Moore
> He doesn't always have to chase after a poor excuse of a director like Yamada. But he doesn't think she's a poor excuse of a director, evidently
Henry Ross
> Western There's nothing exclusively western about that, it's in every culture
Zachary Thompson
Sorry, should've put on a trigger warning for you.
But it is evident that she is shit, as you can see. Here's hoping that he moves on from that tramp. Even a 100 yen slut from the red districts would be better than her.
Anthony Turner
I hope someone translates this down the line, I'd like to know what she says.
Evan Williams
Wew, somebody is assravaged.
Adam Watson
Besides the first Toy Story movie, all Disney CGI movies have been terrible, let's be honest here. How can they even compete to beautifully crafted 2D animation?
Dominic Green
Goddamnit user, you almost got it. Now you've lost because you're accusing me of being assravaged when i didn't attack you or anything. I win.
Take notes, friends! This is how you make a Kyoto Animation fan cry. Just say a few bad words about their favourite director Yamada and wait for him to rage.
Robert Harris
It doesn't hurt. In 10 years time Frozen will look like it's aged terribly. People jizzed in their pants when Toy Story or Nemo aired.
Jeremiah Evans
Zachary Murphy
CG just doesn't allow for the same kind of creative expression as analog animation. Or, if it does, I've not seen anything like that yet and I'm not convinced of its possibility.
Full retard
Hunter Mitchell
Another two victories.
Bentley Clark
Just finished Kimi No Nawa, it was good. But the ending was such an extended tease.
Jaxson Flores
Frozen already looks terrible. Disney/Pixar only knows how to make wacky faces. Still better than most full CG anime though. It just feels too clunky and rigidly on model.
Christian Moore
I'm hyped for the side characters.
Ryan Russell
>Look guys, I "BTFOed" some KyoAnifags, look at me, look at me, I'm invincible
Caleb Foster
Japanese video game CGI is better than western CGI to be honest.
Japan already surpassed the west in 2D and 3D animation.
Parker Phillips
Give her a break. It's the only attention she gets.
David Lewis
>Japanese video game CGI >24 fps
Jonathan Ross
Fucking b8. How was it different from some shitty american romance drama except for the tons of plotholes?
You guys lost me, I thought we liked japanese stories because they were genuinely just far more interesting. But you take anything 2D no matter how much western trash it is.
Brayden Long
>implying there's women on this board
Bentley Hernandez
>But it is evident that she is shit, as you can see wtf i hate yamada now
Kayden Barnes
>I thought we liked japanese stories because they were genuinely just far more interesting
Evan Sanders
>You guys lost me, I thought we liked japanese stories because they were genuinely just far more interesting
It was always about the waifus. Nobody would give a shit about anime if they all looked like aku no hana, not even if they had godly writing.
Grayson Williams
>I thought we liked japanese stories because they were genuinely just far more interesting Speak for yourself, I only watch anime because the cute girls, I don't give a shit about your 'deep stories' and 'complex plots.'
Jack Martinez
It was about the waifus and getting away from western trash. I take any moetrash before melodrama trash inspired by the west.
Alexander Harris
Japanese writing is very melodramatic, from the doramas down to the porn games. I don't think melodrama is the right word to describe it.
Grayson Ross
> melodrama inspired by the west You don't know shit about Japanese stories and how they love tragedy and suicide.
Anthony Taylor
but Kimi no na wa has neither tragedy nor suicide
Brayden Rivera
Doesn't change that Kimi no na shit is fucking trash in every single department. No you don't get western trash with it. You get the shit rehashed the west abandoned already decades ago since Japan will play catch up all their lives.
Zachary Powell
I liked kimi no Na wa. Mitsuha didn't looked better with CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT though.
Ethan Martin
You're mistaking evidence with opinions faggot.
Leo Lee
MAL ratings are broken
Jackson Sullivan
>implying he wasn't talking about Yamada
Parker Murphy
You know what's a mistake? Anime. That's right i've said it.
I come up with it even before Miyazaki even thought out about it.
Asher James
While Yamada lurking Cred Forums sounds funny, that does not really make sense with the chain of replies.
Kayden Ross
>Look guys, I "BTFOed" some KyoAnifags, look at me, look at me, I'm invincible Sounds like Yamada to me or at least the events that happened.
Blake Baker
I don't see how that makes sense
James Wright
What are you talking about?
Owen Perez
Guess I have to work on my humor.
Aaron Flores
Lucas Clark
You're no comedy central material, but i believe you'll get there.