Shiroe is the best "I'm stuck in an MMO." Main character. Prove me wrong.
Shiroe is the best "I'm stuck in an MMO." Main character. Prove me wrong
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A literal who. Probably a Korean too.
Why was rhe OP so good?
Middle school fanfiction character tier.
What about Ainz Ooal Gown from Overlord? The two of them are alike but i think Ainz could be even better. Let's not even mention Kirito. I don't recall any "great" MC in .hack saga.
I know it's Korean shit but the MC of Moonlight Sculptor is pretty good
Ainz began as the single most powerful character in setting he was in. You're just there to watch him curbstomp everything.
I liked it, but I think I prefer to watch a bunch of guys experiment with things and fight boss battles against their favor.
Database, database
He's ok but I'd really like to see get him broken and fail horribly, then get back up on his feet.
As Isaac said in S1 he seams kind of not really alive.
He's just there whipping out instant solutions to impossible problems and his worst failure was a slight hesitation when they were fighting the MP draining moths which was fixed fast by best girl's slap and kouhais' motivation speech.
>best girl's slap
>best girl
True. It's much more entertaining this way.
Well, not completely the most powerful, there are those dragons he mentioned as dangerous.
I meant human female. Why are you posting hobbits?
As an isekai (in his case it is more grimdark fantasy then anything else at this point) character, Dantalian is leagues above your generic otaku\NEET MC, but as a "stuck in an MMO" character - Shiroe takes the cake.
Log Horizon is really boring.
it's basically one of those shows that doesn't do anything well
it's alright to pass the time, i guess.
Mamare Touno is the best "I'm stuck in house arrest." Main character. Prove me wrong.
I think Ainz is better than Shiroe mostly because Shiroe is one of those "genius" characters while Ainz is just some normal guy who's put in a situation where he's expected to be supreme ruler. The contrast between the real Ainz and the Overlord and how he deals with Nazarick makes for a much more interesting dynamic than Shiroe's brilliance and how a solo fag learns how to play with a team again
>Prove me wrong.
He is not Kazuma
He's still a fucking jew though.
>against their favor
>literally can't die and can wipe as many times as they want
At least Ainz can actually get paranoid from his situation since he can technically still die. In LH the 'problems' are basically just getting a bunch of immortals to play nice.
Ainz is a gary stu faggot
You forgot that each time they die, they become a little bit more of an NPC.
>Can technically still die
Ainz even has a couple resurrection items on him to top his full regalia and floor guardians with him. Not to mention, the current strongest weapon at hands of the human kingdom can barely just deal what amounts to 1 damage plinks (or 1 damage after his passive regen if any).
Yeah if you die with a rate of die whenever you rez maybe. Even Crusty who died quite a bit as a front liner merely lost his memory about the name of his cat.
>human kingdom
There's a lot more than just the kingdom. The fact that he could have died to Albedo betraying him if he didn't change her settings is already proof enough that it has more danger than LH where by the end of S2 they were focused on getting back to their own world and dealing with AYYY LMMAAOOS using their chuuni snowflake abilities like ninja turtle. Shiro has died 1 fucking time across 9 volumes or so, I doubt he even lost any memory besides being on the moon.
You're basically comparing Berserk to Maoyuu and saying Maoyuu is more dangerous cause Hero can die from bullets. The very nature of Log Horizon as a light novel never emphasized death as anything huge, just something to be avoided if possible. There's more danger in real life smoking weed for the first time than dying in Log Horizon. It's pretty ridiculous to even argue this.
>proving him right
Is the second season really that bad?
I enjoyed the first quite a bit but DEEN and other people's word worries me.
More of the same
>I'm stuck in an MMO
This is bait, but fuck it.
isnt Ainz loosing his humanity as the serie progress? basically the only factor that remains from him is the mindset that if he ever show weakness he belives everybody is going to turn on him but now he looks down humans, dont have a problem with doing genocide and other villian stuff. He is now just a overlord with some paranoia about his public image.
Get this Cred Forums shit out of here
It was so good they used it for 50 episodes without changing it
I don't watch .//hack ripoffs.
Did Cred Forums have any influence on keeping it?
>thinking that nips care about what any gaijin has to say
Well, Mamare did pay Cred Forums a visit.
he is one in a million
Different character design, whereas the first half of S1 was better than the second half, the opposite is true for S2
>Different character design
Ah this is why Minori looks so much prettier in the second season
Why are stars in names still unfilterable?
Yeah, completely ignore all the pain, gore and depressing effect of death LH world.
I always laugh when people ignore the effect that pain and gore have on people. The series even point this out multiple times.
is he still being waterboarded by the Japanese government?
Shiroe literally get trinket which prevents this.