With the first arc having drawn to a close as of volume 11, the Gash Bell dump continues, finally arriving into an actual plot and where the series truly becomes remarkable.
Gash bell is a Shonen action/comedy series by Makoto Raiku. The basic plot premise is that there are 100 kids from the demon world who come into the normal world to fight until only 1 is left standing, who is crowned king;
I'll be making a thread every day (can't give a specific consistent time of day yet due to IRL bullshit) and will post 1 volume every day until the whole run is posted.
>Why should I be interested? It has really fantastic art, good humor, great tactical fight's with great choreography and is really excellent at utilizing both positive and negative emotions for FEELS; admittedly the series is a little rough untill arc 2 rolls around, after that all the above starts to really shine and continues to get better; the art in particular.
>Where are your scans from? NULL's release. their site is here: n-u-l-l.net/ and they can also be found on bato.to and mangasaurus. EBJ has superior digital volumes for sale on their site, but they are japanese only, I'll be buying and ripping them eventually. There's also some really amazing quality Portuguese scans, but only for like 20 chapters halfway into the series, and, you know, aren't in english.
A-Destiny has really amazingly high res scans in english for the last 3 volumes, but they aren't publically available anywhere right now other then the last 3 volumes as jpgs on otakusmash, and the translation is generally nost as good as NUll's I feel in most cases. They also have 18-30, but thye quality isn't much better then Null's and the translation is still iffy.
>Isn't Zatch bell that kiddy pokemon ripoff? You probably saw the localized anime. The anime is pretty not great due to changes it makes and missing the last arc (nontheless, here's a link to the anime episodes: anime.thehylia.com/downloads/series/konjiki-no-gash-bell-), and the localization is fucking terrible. The manga is way better, but even it admittedly starts out only above average untill it gets into the second arc.
Justin Scott
Post 3:
I encourage you to post and respond to stuff as i'm dumping pages. It's far more fun for me while dumping if I see other people reacting to stuff that's happening and there' conversations I can reply to.
HOWEVER, please do not post images till I finish so the image limit isn't hit before then, and use your judgement for how often you post/how long what you are posting is. Don't overdo it.
Anthony Rodriguez
Brandon Martinez
Ryder Adams
I got too hyped re-reading this and had to skip ahead a bit to the beginning of the next arc, so I guess I'll see you people again in 4~ volumes.
Angel Taylor
Brandon Perry
Starting today's thread early because I have stuff to do later.
Also, obligatory WHERE'D ARTBOOK user GO?!?!
Blake Thompson
Joseph James
Isaiah Hill
Justin Butler
Easton Lopez
Was Zophise lucky or unlucky that they managed to find a bookmaster that could fuck with Brago's bookmaster?
Julian Gonzalez
Robert Watson
Well that's kind of depressing.
David Baker
Hunter Hill
Caleb Lee
Read this volume in advance because I know that storytiming this will take a while.
Koko did nothing wrong. She's the second best girl.
Xavier Hernandez
Luis Reed
Carter Myers
Samuel White
I backlogged this series. I'll bump for you but maybe you should space out threads to 1 every 2 days.
Ryder Reyes
Then I wouldn't be done with it for another month, that's not feasible. If people don't wanna read a thread a day, they don't need to check in every day.
Grayson Cooper
Anthony Butler
Owen Ortiz
Eli King
Asher Miller
Ayden Morales
Ayden Bell
Jaxon Hughes
Ryan Reyes
Jackson Robinson
Juan Perez
Easton Price
Jonathan Hill
Michael Green
I wonder if Demolt's spell is like Rauzuruk preventing him from casting other spells.
Gabriel Cox
Thomas Davis
Riou also has a "forbidden" that makes him go berserk so that's got me wondering...could it be that it's not the powers that be that altered Kolulu's personality but rather it was just an unfortunate side effect of an extreme body enhancement spell she inherited?
Aiden Murphy
Jack Johnson
Probably not. The spell you mentioned for Riou has the same suffix as Demolts: "Barusuruku", which is obviously meant to sound like "Beserker".
Kolulu's spell is "Zeruku"
Daniel Barnes
Joseph Jones
Hunter Diaz
Luke Robinson
I remember Zaguruzemu was supposed to be dummied out in the Mamodo Battles game, but you could still cast it with a 360 motion.
Dylan Wood
That's interesting, do you have a video or anything about it? How do you know it was meant to be cut and it's not intentionally there?
Cooper Thomas
Also, I love how leila says Demolt is supposedly stupid and reckless, but even when his book keeper is out of the picture and he's in his berserk form, he's still pretty tactical, as seen in last page
Jaxon Hernandez
Jaxon Lee
Levi Allen
time for second best girl to show why she's in the spot, on top of her bants from last volume
Leo Mitchell
Sunbeam was cut out of the game because spoilers, pretty sure Zaguruzemu was supposed to go too.
Also, spells are done in a Smash like motion, directional + spell button. Zaguruzemu is the only spell in the game that requires an actual motion, 360, plus spell button.
Aaron Carter
>2nd best
Boy you'd best take that back or so help me I will spam this thread into oblivion with no survivors. And don't think I'm bluffing
Colton Wilson
Also, it isn't listed on the movelist.
Wyatt Barnes
But Cherish tho
She's got just as sick bants and she's just as much of a bass
Dominic Edwards
*badass, not bass, kek
Jaxon Brown
I have a rather specific set of skills OP That being a surprisingly large folder of Leila fan art and the guts to drive your thread into the mud.
Admit Leila is best girl or your little dump will be over. This will be your final warning
Connor Sanchez
Chill out, you fucking autist
Benjamin Reyes
You chill out, he's just meming
William Brown
That said, provided the fanart isn't porn, please dump it once I finish dumping the volume, I have zero good gash bell fanart
Jaxon Baker
How does he even know what spell does what?
Levi Torres
Adam Sullivan
demons, heartpower, ain't gotta explain shit, etc
Evan Wood
Jaxon Thompson
What would happen if Zeon used Zaguruzemu?
Ayden Martinez
Well it is good for me considering my time zone. Thanks from the dump user.
Luke Anderson
Benjamin Gomez
He and Maestro weren't in the English version because of spoilers? No fucking clue though why the Nips didn't get Bari and Gustav though.
Nicholas Clark
He probably doesn't have it
Easton Perez
Luis Long
Aaron Kelly
Brody Sullivan
Evan Cooper
Wiki says it's game only, so you're probably right
>Thinks he's stronger than Gash from base stats alone >Doesn't have Mind Charge+Thunder Reign for max damage output
Top lel
Landon Young
Gavin Powell
Gavin Ramirez
>That oh shit expression
Ryan Thomas
John White
Poor Demolt.
William Perry
Nolan Hall
Luis Gomez
Noah Garcia
Jason Jones
>Kyanchome still stands there with that fucking look on his face
Elijah Davis
Lucas Turner
Matthew Gutierrez
>Won Li getting to burn the book
Nice to see him get some payback.
Eli Bailey
Easton Young
Jace Harris
Joshua Torres
Being Folgore is suffering.
Jonathan Martinez
Landon James
Caleb Miller
Lucas Jenkins
Brago's face looks pretty shit here
Grayson Williams
Adam Rogers
Owen Hall
>Dioga Teo
Gabriel Stewart
I don't think there's another spell in the manga that mixes power classes like that
or maybe Teo- is actually a descriptor like Ganzu-, and nobody has just actually figured the pattern out yet
Dylan Nelson
Daniel Kelly
Isaac Turner
Carson Anderson
Camden Powell
Nathaniel Edwards
Jaxson Morgan
Andrew Nguyen
Speaking of the Teo- prefix, here Zophis is commentaing that Brago's giganoreis is weaker then normal, and counters it with a teoradom
Which would imply that teo IS a powerclass, and like people think, it's lower then Gigano
But it's also been noted that Gigano reis seems awfully weak and small compared to other Gigano spells, so....?
Brody Thompson
Noah Stewart
I'm not sure if the mother's tears were necessary here. Just feels like Raiku inflating his cry count.
Asher Butler
Jeremiah White
Hey know, this is Gash Bell, not Steven Universe
Michael Price
Kayden Cook
William Garcia
Easton Turner
Getting back to the whole Teo- Gigano- thing, Gigano Radom doesn't seem to be any different from Teoradom size wise
Is there any other demon in the series that has both a Teo and Gigano version of the same spell even?
Grayson Edwards
And now here's Gigano Radom being cancelled out by Giganoreis
man i'm too tired to make sense of this shit
Bentley Anderson
Caleb Reed
Cameron Bennett
It would have been such a good twist if Zophis really wasn't manipulating koko and she actually did it
Nathaniel Sanchez
>Those bedroom eyes from Koko
Oliver Clark
Parker Ortiz
Juan King
Liam Rodriguez
Thumbnail name made me think she was holding up panties
Jose Myers
Austin Campbell
Damn OP vol 17 already? I'm late again.
Hudson Rivera
I'll be busy later so I started early
Hunter Smith
Jayden Phillips
Noah Green
Charles Garcia
Jonathan Evans
Nathan Gomez
Liam Ramirez
Deck him I am loving this.
Hunter Murphy
Connor Robinson
Julian Rogers
Zachary Gutierrez
Parker Gonzalez
Lincoln Cruz
Adrian Lewis
Leo Myers
Man, that is such an inside job, or those cops are useless as shit. She has fucking solid alibi, her tenth birthday where she's apparently the certain of attention and nobody can vouch for her? Did she slip out for five minutes and totally demolish a room?
Oliver Hill
Julian Lopez
for a second i thought those were sherry's panties
Nolan Harris
Austin Reed
Brayden Gomez
Hah, eat shit.
Ethan Baker
>Zophis "what the fuck just happened" face.
Owen Ramirez
Landon Diaz
John Barnes
Dominic Butler
Michael Adams
Chase Foster
Josiah Barnes
hey, for this past page (118), does anybody have the viz release they can compare it to? Or any other translation?
I remember one of the panels being different
Sebastian Rodriguez
Carter Foster
Andrew Watson
>demon child
Man, what kind of family did Zophis come from
Justin Wright
Jaxon Hernandez
get fucking rekt
Ethan Mitchell
Hudson Morris
Jaxson Miller
Blake Foster
>Zophise spells are explosion related >and he can fly >also he can just make all sorts of fucking crystals gems rocks whatever
Angel Howard
Asher Hall
Thomas Gutierrez
Nice Belmont.
Lucas White
Julian Myers
Or he had Koko go to a jeweler
Jason Hernandez
Landon Nelson
she's finally become a super sherry
Isaiah Price
Adam Walker
Nathaniel King
It also mentions that he made the moonstone in the last thread's storytime, unless that was a mistranslation.
Liam Flores
Thomas Morgan
Colton Collins
Juan Allen
love the
Brayden Ramirez
Carter Smith
Levi Sullivan
Not even once
Jaxson Richardson
Matthew James
Angel Harris
Looking pretty Akuma there.
James Johnson
Gavin Peterson
Cooper Lopez
Joseph Watson
Parker Perry
Did we ever find out what Sherry meant here? Can't have been Faudo, there's no way she or Brago would know about it yet.
Jaxson Robinson
probably just mean "next you'll have to fight us"
Aiden Sanchez
Adrian Anderson
I thought she probably means "But next is our battle"
Austin Ross
I doubt it, or Kiyo wouldn't be acting suprised
Robert Perry
Hmm, I got mixed feelings about it being Brago that not only snapped sherry back to her senses in the fight but also being the one who ultimately "saved" Koko
Austin Lee
Jace Sanchez
Easton Rodriguez
Christian Baker
Evan Wright
Best girl.
Adam Stewart
>crawled on his arm just to kiss him in the cheek
isn't she like.... 8?
Dylan Phillips
Jeremiah Jones
Leila is best girl because she's sluttiest girl! Slut! Slut! Slut!
Leo Gutierrez
Thomas Morales
The demons are NOT for sexual
Adrian Morris
Even Won Lei?
Elijah Campbell
Xavier Allen
Grayson Sullivan
I love how smug a bastard Zophise is
Nathan Cruz
Brandon Lopez
of course Raiku managed to sneak in Big Boing in one of the panels.
Noah Young
Jason Howard
>Patti's book keeper finding a job
Good for him
Matthew Green
She is 7. She and Pamoon are a grade higher than Gash.
Cameron Wright
Grade =/= age. The wiki says Leila is 6 and Pamoon is 10.
Henry Hall
I confused Folgore and Won Lei for a second there
Brayden Peterson
Aiden Hill
She's 1006 guys It means she's 100% legal The sexual tension juices she stored up from being in stone for 1000 years must be unmeasurable.
Jace Parker
Ayden Jenkins
Thomas Martinez
Oliver Nelson
Colton Parker
William Peterson
Zachary Smith
holy shit
Jordan Mitchell
Sorry Brago but your name isn't in the series title... Just sayin' man
Anthony Rogers
Poco-loco wins the Steel Ball Run, not Johnny. Anything can happen!
I wonder if Brago's shirt is magic or if they actually had to go out and buy another one
Jayden Rivera
It's never explained in regard's to HIS shirt directly, but the topic of how demon clothing in get's repaired after fights will come up eventually
William Williams
Benjamin Adams
It works like Kenshiro's shirt, it just magically reappears again.
Logan Bell
Parker Reyes
Jose Harris
[Forshadowing intensifies]
Ryder Sanders
Strangler strikes again.
Hudson Foster
Jack Hughes
Only one I can't remember is that right pair. One of the enemies in Faudo?
Angel Robinson
From right to left: Fango, Ted, Elzador
Adrian Hernandez
Noah Foster
Mid is Ted, but not sure about the other two
Adrian Sullivan
Ted and Jido?
Austin Rodriguez
Ethan Perez
Sebastian Price
vile gets away with everything?
Samuel Ward
He didn't even do anything
Michael Morgan
Justin Powell
Jaxson Walker
Levi Gutierrez
Angel Barnes
Isaiah Myers
Joshua Watson
Jason Morris
Noah Martin
Chase Myers
Jaxson Jenkins
Parker Peterson
Anthony Diaz
Henry Bell
Landon Butler
Austin Edwards
Jose Brooks
Plus he uses gravity attacks. Characters who manipulate gravity never win in the end.
Ian Torres
End of volume 17
With this the Ancient Demon arc draws to a close. Next volume is the start of the third arc!
The new OP would still have spoilers at this point though, so it'll be another volume or 3 before that gets posted
Joshua Bailey
cute u t e
Aaron Peterson
fuck forgot the file
Liam Foster
Really enjoyed the dump OP is the second arc as good or even better?
Liam Ward
Not much of a Brago fan but this is definitely one of my favorite moments in the manga.
Gabriel Thomas
I mean the third I guess sorry.
Easton Reyes
The next arc I would say is as good or a bit better as this past one.
IMO, it goes
3 > 2 > POWERGAP > 4 > 1
where 1 is volumes 1-11 2 is volumes 12-17 3 is volumes 18-midway into 29 4 is second half of 29 to 33
Juan Parker
Thanks for clearing that up user. Looking forward to the next arcs.
Jayden Cox
Her dress isn't purple?
Much thanks.
David Baker
Thanks OP!
Luke Bennett
>you will never have this
Ayden Garcia
OP do you have a certain time frame that you dump? Every time I feel I've got your time down you end up being halfway though the volume already.
Ryder White
It was in her first apperance, but when she shows up at the ruins and fights Zophis it's a different dress.
I've been aiming for 5pm EST but today I had to start early because of IRL shit, which is sadly a common issue, hence
>can't give a specific consistent time of day yet due to IRL bullshit
In the OP
Liam Hall
So honestly what's the point of this? She's so powerful, and the world's clearly not going to be at peace. Why not stick around till the end to help out?
Jack Martin
Does anybody know exactly where the anime and manga started to diverge?
I know it's this upcoming arc, but I don't think it's next volume, is it?
Mason Allen
Sherry is cute!
Mason Harris
Chapter 212, episode 137
Lucas Martin
I wouldn't powergap 3 and 4, and also 4 has one of the best conclusions of all time, so that brings it up a lot in my eyes. Sorta like how MGS4 is pretty questionable quality, but the last fight is so good you want to love it.
Nathan Ortiz
Could Zeon's lightning spells proc off of Gash's Zaguruzemu?
Gabriel Collins
>pls no bully
Jeremiah Reyes
Imagine if Gash and Zeon weren't born as twins, but as one person. The power wouldn't be split between them and the resulting demon would get Baou from the start. He'd probably be the strongest Demon behind Clear.
Gabriel Perry
What if Saifojioo had just been an actual sword?
Parker Nelson
Riddles would be bisected
Isaiah Martin
I'd say yes. Zagerzumu is described as just applying an electrical charge, I don't see why who uses the electrical spell from there should matter
It's not even really clear (heh) if Gash kept Zeon's powerboost or not. Personally, I don't think he did, since Baou in the clear note arc only seems to be as big as it was inside faudo's brain
as a result, i'd actually say Gash with Zeon's power is just straight up WAY stronger then clear, like on par with his ultimaye form/whatever you call the possessed shin kurea senssou form
Jayden Torres
Isaiah Edwards
Zeon? Dragon clan children? She probably could have just meant there are still stronger guys out there
Jaxon Walker
The cutest Belmont.
Jose Brown
Is there anyone more alpha than Brago? I really wanted to see some interaction between him and Zeon or Barry
Levi Stewart
Well Sherry is rich she can probably get a custom made replacement easily or It's magic like Gash's and Zeon's is
Jonathan Evans
The poor bastard. To think, Gash and friends consider themselves the good guys yet here they are, making grown men cry. How cruel.
Robert Roberts
He dindu nuffin. He wuz a gud boi
Nathaniel Butler
Josiah Murphy
Sherry's mom seems like an asshole so it's not hard to believe it could have been an inside job
John Rodriguez
Vore fetish pandering
Jack Wilson
oh fuck we're already at this part? I forgot how much better tha manga pacing is than the fucking anime's, it was so much more dragged out and slow
Jayden Morris
>Yeah... sorry.
Eli Reed
>That dress >That hair >Those legs >That pose >That tiny bit of ZR Koko has a really nice design.
John Lewis
I always found this funny. How the book owners just fuck off right after their book gets burned
Robert Ward
Well, make sure you read all of last volume, maybe you missed some pages
Well what else would they do?
Your demon is gone, but your enemies demon is still there and can fuck you up.
Austin Lewis
>Looks like Sherry's fond of your clothes Sherry has excellent taste.
Gavin Brooks
I guess it makes sense that the only ones that stayed around were they got their books burned were friends of Gash since they wanted to help him. Most other pairs worked alone so they had no one to help. I just found it funny how they fast they leave. I wish some of them stayed a few panels more since I feel like a lot of them could have used a bit more panel time to not be such non characters. the pages with the various owners receiving the letters were fucking great.
Jack Moore
This picture was pretty exploitable.
Chase Adams
Now THIS would have been a great twist!
Charles Perez
He's still a complete dick but I get where he's coming from
Owen Torres
Gabriel Harris
Best girl
Asher Stewart
Fucking amazing
Brody Gray
Ok, so everyone thought she was holding a pair of panties then. Good to know I wasn't the only one.
Oliver Perry
Professor Riddles really was a cool dude.
Parker Cook
>Zophise's arm being crushed by gravity You know For kids
Ryder Jones
Man, with these mediator skills, Brago would be one hell of a good king
Oliver Murphy
Tsun as fuck
Camden Torres
I've looked through the archive but I'm too dumb to find it... Does anyone remember a link to the OST of a Gash Bell game that was a precious medley of the anime OPs?
Benjamin Hill
since we'll never have a doubutsu no kuni thread I just wanted to say
holy shit these end pairings. Capri actually won
Asher Jones
>Best girl didn't win I'm still mad But holy fuck, that one Kiritobi fight is still amazing no matter how many times I read it
Nathan Cook
I read that whole sequence as Sherry running out of steam, then recovering. Since book owners are heart batteries and all. Classes are not that rigid after all, just look at later low-level spells
John Cooper
i was waiting for this page
Jonathan Hall
>that fucking face Priceless
Jackson Brown
I enjoyed the tiger fight a bit more, just because of his backstory.
And the hippo made me tear up
Henry Nguyen
>All this goddamn volume Perfection, Brago is a motherfucking badass.
>The savage one wins Based Raiku.
Adam Reed
This is such a great page. Fucking goosebumps man.
Carson Clark
>Steven Universe
How dare you OP
Cameron Brown
I still can't fathom how Jyu and Riemu happened.
Jaxson James
Lets face it user Reimu didn't have a lot of options. I wouldn't be surprised if they wife swapped as well.
Unless they came to terms with the fact that the human race is doomed due to the lack of genetic diversity and they want to enjoy the final few generations as families.
Christian Perry
Legitimately my favorite moment of brago
Jose Allen
Riemu was pretty slutty desu. She was even turned on when she saw Giller
Mason King
>Grandma feeling that baby bulge
Nolan Long
>I wouldn't be surprised if they wife swapped as well If you put it that way, it doesn't sound too far-fetched
Eli Ross
Honestly trying in vain to save your dying species seems the more painful route I kinda hope they just enjoyed the last years they had.
Blake Sullivan
>Suzy has kiyo senses
And you people keep telling me she isn't going to win the kiyobowl
Jose Perry
>He fell for a little more than a dioga spell meme He was pretty shit
Ayden Johnson
Too bad it gets her nowhere
It really is a shame
James Lee
And then there were this many.
There's a rando here I didn't cross off, it's because I'm fairly sure he's a one-paneler that Brago knocks out to make it an even 10 left.
Blake Nguyen
Well, they straight up say at the end that the minimum viable population might just stop mattering. Given that they already had the Earth deciding to bring Tarouza back to life, I don't think it's too far fetched
Nicholas Roberts
Who the fuck is the ugly jellybean faced loser behind Sugino?
Luke Morales
Clear Note
Nolan Howard
The guy behind Ropes? yeah
Kevin Walker
Oh right, I forgot about that whole thing
Charles Carter
Patty cutting off her hair and attaching it to rocks is still the ultimate ruse
Michael Hill
I made a thing.
Zachary Cruz
I think is prefix for wide blast
Owen Williams
That's Raaja though
Angel Scott
Christian Howard
The general hospital of....France. The country. It is almost as good as the US hospital of hospitaling and the italian hospital of italy...
Isaac Evans
Why does every adult have a child with them? This is separate from Gash Bell isn't it?
whoops we made a demon baby Guess it's time for sequels
Colton Fisher
No order Ted Barry Ashuron Schneider Leila
As a bonus, my favorite partners Sherry Gustav Dufaux Cheeta Elly
Thomas Rogers
>kolulu #1
Fucking really
Mason Watson
I always read that with as an implied comma after France
Daniel Parker
This page always give chills
Bentley Perez
What a grat ending for this volume. I love how there were clearly 2 separate final boss battle, but the 2nd one didn't drag forever. I was afraid Sherry character would pretty much be done after that, since she finally got what she wanted. However her motivation to help Brago more than ever was nicely done.
Can't wait to see what's next.
James Moore
No real order:
Ted Barry Gash Brago Rodeaux
Special mention to: Belgium EO, Victoreem, Alm and Unko Tin Tin if you consider him an individual.
Adam Clark
Next is fun as fuck.
One of my favorite jokes happens next arc.
Jose Watson
Big Boing's boing Umagon Won-lei Kanchome Ted Momon
Jaxon Smith
Is there anyone in the world who doesn't like Ted? He's the fucking best man and his power is so cool yet so simple.
Aiden Kelly
Next volume has best demon
Jackson Barnes
why is it that pompadour thug-type characters are always so cool?