>Anime is set in Italy
ITT:comfy thing in anime
Cute doggo and good thread.
Thanks user
MC is British
>mc is british
>speak japanese
>Fiat 500
Super comfy tbqh
>Anime has a fall setting
This season is maximum comfy and amplifies any and all things comfy.
>it's a World Comfy Theatre show
Poverty is much comfier than wealth. Everyone knows that.
>you will never be european
Lupin is pretty comfy show
Tfw I'll never be European and get raped by muslims daily
>The DA's breathing down my neck
>You're a loose cannon!
>Turn in your badge and gun
Thanks god.
>believing in Cred Forums memes
Lad I...
>people defending eurabia
World War 3 can't come soon enough.
>victorian England
>Autumn season
>the sound of the trees rustling
>flashbacks of the older characters, showing them in their youth
>pipe smoking (the older the character, the better)
>old japanese instrumental music
>the sun shining after episodes of cloudy, winter-y weather (or in movies, the sun shining after an hour of darkness)
I have no idea where are you lads getting the "Europe is chock-full of muslims" thing. I am from Greece, the country most of the refugees pass through, and I have never seen these in my area.
Just say "Germany", "Sweden" or "France", don't cover all of Europe under the same blanket. It's pissing me off.
>anime takes place mostly in one room
Germanfag here, also not the case here. So far everything turned out to be made up by our Cred Forumsacks.
Huh, is that true? Most of the refugees were said to be heading there or to the other major european countries.
Sure, they won't be in overwhelmingly-large numbers as Cred Forumsacks and other communities which have similar ideologies make them out to be, but if you live in a larger city, you should've seen at least a couple of them.
Yet there are rapes and murders by migrants reported in Germany almost daily it seems
>Cred Forums and Cred Forums tards ruining what should've been a good thread
This thing. Seriously, it warms my heart up for some reason.
bump, goddamn it
>only girls in the whole show
Because your country isn't worth a damn anymore, and last I checked you were Turk blooded mutts not actual euros.
I remember people in Munich sporting a distinct skin shade of shit.
Rude as fuck
>the main characters regularly drink coffee
Holy shit that's a pretty nice design.
You can never see half of this because of all the smoke
Sage and report for Cred Forums shit
>not espresso
> A characters speaks Engrish and it's not broken
>countryside setting + winter
>Mushishi winter episodes
>not tea
What a pleb.
I don't know why but I fucking love scarves, bonus points when they're on cute girls.
They're comfy and they always compliment an outfit
>there's a penguin character
>Flashback episodes with younger versions of the main cast
That just signifies goofiness; not comfy.
Penguins drinking coffee is super comfy.
that NNB Repeat episode destroyed me
>detailed shot of the background
>sakuras on full bloom
Anything with cats is comfy.
Long and scenic rain sequences