New chapter is out.
After tomorrow the anime will be completely caught up with the scanlations.
Saiki kusuo no PSI nan
>Another Murder-dragoram-snake
Could this man be an agent of the dark reunion?
That's all folks.
Thanks, user.
No need to thank me I just really like this manga.
What's up with the cleaning? It looks really LQ.
This cracked me up yesterday.
Who are those artists by the way?
Probbaly his assistants if I had to guess.
No idea, but I am just glad it gets semi-consistant releases.
By the way here's part 2.
Kek, they really put him to shame.
Poor Asou
o-ouph teruhashi-san
I'm behind on the anime, did they skip any chapters?
1 I think, but they rearranged some chapters, so maybe it will come later.
>Anime is gonna surpass manga this week
Translators BTFO
>Guys that picked up the manga from the beginning after 2 years of no update BTFO xD
Kill yourself
Not to mention the anime skips half the jokes in a chapter
Hi translator
Just kidding, I actually suffered through the dark age of no updates too, bless their souls.
Man, I'm just glad it's being translated regularly now.
We'll catch up someday I guess.