It's Hyuseday. Continuing discussion from the early death of last thread.
World Trigger 159 Spoilers
With Iko here and maybe Katori later (with Miura being already here), that might mean that the next chapter in two weeks will have the poll results and some colored pages.
T2 will come at some point too most likely.
I want to see Hyuse raping Katori.
Hyuse's dialogue implies he was trained in swordsmanship at the Erin household before Hyrein turned him into a magnet wizard.
Indeed. That could mean that the basic user/team level in Afto is extremely high.
Make you think for the coming expedition.
Hopefully the whole gang will get to see Ikoma vs Hyuse. I hope Ikoma doesn't lose too badly, that would be lame.
Unrelated but today is Izumi's birthday, it seems.
Ikoma is at a disadvantage without senku
>Hyuse wrecking every B-rank agent
>Ikoma getting a star
it can only get worse from here on out.
Not exactly. Hyuse is considered an elite among Aftokrator soldiers, so the basic soldiers would be below him. Not to mention Hyrein considered him problematic to keep around if he wanted to take Hyuse's master
>fujos aging up Youtaro and shipping him with Hyuse
Well Hyuse is being op. Is only using kogetsu or scorpion?
>Hyuse wrecking every B-rank agent
Meh, the only decent agent he fought was Tsuji. Miura and Tomoe are pretty low tier. And Koala is pretty trash without Okudera. Sasamori is okay I guess.
I wonder how will everyone react when Hyuse finally reveals that he will be in Tamakoma 2.
Everyone is going to hate the shit out of T2, literally most annoying team on upper B ranks.
>Osamu the incredibly expensive free point
>little miss composite bullets
>Yuma the jumping monkey
>now Hyuse
They probably already figured it out. He has Tamakoma's emblem on his uniform and as far as they know Jin isn't starting his own squad anytime soon.
You thought the "prodigy" Hyuse wouldn't be OP? Come on.
The new middle school team dumpstering the best of Border will ruffle some feathers. Look forward to some of that sweet Katori butthurt.
Hyuse is 16 though so he would be high school
Tomoe Was also using his sword when he is more of a gunner. Not saying it attributed much but its something.
does he need certain solo points to join a b-rank team? I forgot how the process is.
he can join any b-rank team with 2-3 members after that?
Ikoma qualifies to use Fujin?
I doubt it, BTs are quirky.
Just a general "Where the fuck does Tamakoma keep finding them?!"
After all at that point Tamakoma-2 will have Yuma the prodigy who can already go toe to toe with the top attackers, and Chika the trion monster who turns an Ibis into a fucking cannon.
So Hyuse would be just one more bullshit member on T-2. But since all of Tamakoma except Osamu is OP, he won't stand out too much.
Osamu's trion issues makes me think Border should develop trion batteries.
Does Reghi stand a chance against Kogetsu Hyuse?
I might be getting too convinced on Hyuse being OP from the invasion arc since his inclusion would be an easy win road for tamakoma. His OPness might because of his previous black trigger, while the reality is he is just a decent fighter with shit load of experience like Yuma.
I can't wait for the first Hyuse down as a member of Border.
Fujin is a slut
Most of Yuma's arsenal now is borrowed from other agents, so I imagine Hyuse would also spend some time adapting to Border fighting style.
Also Lampyris is not a BT
>black trigger
Horn Trigger
Hyuse's OPness might end up butting heads with Osamu's plans if he ends up going off alone like Katori
They already did though.
For the turrets and the spaceship.
Osamu and other agents won't be given batteries since they can regenerate trion while the machines can't.
Maybe if Osamu get more brownie points with Chief Engineer and get into A rank, he may able to procure a large trion battery as one of his customs.
And he charge it by attaching the trigger to Chika during off duty
That's exactly what I want to see happening, Chika doesn't need it anyway and people like Osamu and Kitora could really use them.
>I also want to get an understanding of Miden's levels.
Hyuse, at least try to maintain your cover.
>hiatus next week
welp Hyuse and Osamu had a deal though.
Hisato from Suwa unit did a small cut on Hyuse shoulder
Im so proud for him
Are we getting Part 2 of Neighbors' Hilarious Misadventures on Earth?
>not black trigger
>horn trigger
Damn, I guess he could still use that now?
>>hiatus next week
Hello darkness, its been a while too.
>Damn, I guess he could still use that now?
Yes. Yotaro gets to be its keeper
I think he can undertsand basic team play enough, he gets that T2's formation is centered around threads, they protect Chika and Osamu and help Yuma kill, they're an extremely useful debuff and he can probably be arsed to protect them.
Ikoma VS Hyuse!
Place your bets!
I will said Hyuse since his level is above Ikoma and he is more serious about it since Ikoma just want to test the newbie while Hyuse is aiming for points to join T2 so he have a chance of going home.
The stake is higher for Hyuse so Hyuse will win.
>Tell Sasamori, nice shoulder cut
>That is all
Ikoma can't use Senku, so he might lose but I imagine it will be close
Ikoma wins, but Hyuse learns his senku kogetsu and uses it in the next Rank War fight.
I hope Ikoma gives him a hard time even without his trump card just so he undertsands why his future team struggled so much.
Ikoma doesn't seem that good in close combat Compared to some other attackers and Hyuse seems competent enough to be able to get there.
So he's a Kogetsu user, huh? Tamakoma-2 did need another person on the frontline so this makes sense. It also makes sense that it's probably easier to climb in points with Attacker Triggers like Scorpion and Kogetsu. I wonder if he'll pick up some other weapon Triggers like Viper or Asteroid to supplement his loadout with some versatility.
Ikoma seemed pretty solid. He didn't take any damage from Yuma until Yuma entered the wirezone
I hope it's not asteroid, just to keep some variety in attacks.
Viper would work marvelously with wires and lead bullets and can deliver catch 22 situations.
Dodge the bullet and get tripped.
Dodge the lead and get shot by viper.
Dodge everything raygust to the face followed by Mikumo down
Where can I download this?
korean scans when?
>Nips jobbing hard to western style swordsmanship
It was to be expected
He's not the type to do this. Would be very ooc.
thank you so much!
Hyuse already has enough points, he's already B-Rank that's the reason everyone wants to fight him.
He can't get points from Ikoma if he was still C-Rank either anyway, all in all Hyuse's situation is irrelevant here.
>does he need certain solo points to join a b-rank team? I forgot how the process is.
If everyone agrees not to fight him in the C-ranking competitons, then Hyuse would not acquire the 4000 points for a long time. As soon as his point total number was recognized, everyone would avoid the player with that number on the board to pick a player. People would also arrange matches with each other instead of randomly picking Hyuse.
They can't refuse to fight him since the new C-Rank initiation involves 5 rounds of a 5-way free for all.
>Hyuse, at least try to maintain your cover.
Just want to see Hyuse's master order him to bring the Golden Chick to the sacrifice altar. With the Golden Chick at Aftokrator, Would Hyuse disobey his master and family?
i see.
the pastebin is updated.
And the B-rankers can't refuse to fight Hyuse since the fighting matches use a "bubble sort" approach to picking the next opponents to compare (aka fight) with.
Where are the spoiler
At any local spoiler dealer
earlier thread with spoilers died, so check the archives.
I just realised, but Hyuse is using its kogetsu with only one hand, no ?
So he might go in the future for two kogetsu like Tachikawa.
Makes a parent proud.
No wonder he's on break next week kek
I'm hoping the break will help give him enough time to finish up the character poll.
Or he is like, maybe, fencing?
So using Kogetsu more as a saber than as a Katana?
Wait a sec, he's can use either hand with Kogetsu. Seems kinda odd. Maybe that's what Tsuji see as his strange style
Probably. Remember that Aftokrator is European in style
maybe after get A rank he will have a medieval style kogetsu, like a claymore?
He won't ever be A-Rank probably, but I'm pretty sure you can do aesthetic mods in B-Rank
>Kogetsu stab kill
okay he definitely used a double edged sword back when he was a swordsman
>that inferior japanese steel
Makes me wonder how he'd fare against Murakami.
Terrible after Murakami slept on it
>Let's teach this guy a lesson.
>Let's tell him what the wall that divides us from 3000 points means.
>I got over 4000 points now.
>This is okay, right?
Christ, Hyuse. These poor C-Ranks had families you know.
Depends on how good of a swordsman Hyuse really is. Murakami can't beat everyone with sleeping.
He is left handed, that may explain the reason since righties have trouble against us
Don't worry, that's just the three idiots talking
Soon, Hyuse will get his spread overlooking the stage map and the circle of life will be complete.
Nah, usually they age him and deage Hyuse.
Meh, just one year difference, not a big deal.
I find it funny that Hyuse is mad that Yuma is faster than him in the neighbor challenge. I hope we see the two of them spare.
They only see the room number, the Trigger used, and total points. They don't see a name so they wouldn't know unless they stalked him to find out what room he's in.
pretty much to avoid people being cowards and bullying weaklings only.
I like that simple line. Makes it seems like he is more competitive than he lets on.
This thread lacks a proper sports team.
If TLAnon is around, that would be great to have some kind of translation of the text, even if it's probably nothing.
My fucking sides
You should check the pastebin.
Btw thanks Tlanon.
God, sorry! My coprehension skills are too bad.
Didn't get at first that you're talking about scan.
>Probably one of the weaker B-rank captains
>Snatched all the most promising recruits
>Includes a Trion monster and two A-rank-level attackers to carry him into the upper ranks
To be honest, to the average Border member, Osamu must be pretty annoying.
Let's surround that super noticeable person and defeat him.
Maybe I might leave an impression if I join the same group as him.
According to some tl around, the first sentence come from boys and the second from girls.
The canadian is already conquering nips.
Villain with glasses
He isn't called B-rank harasser for nothing.
If he pulled some Lelouch-like mannerism and speeches everyone would hate the shit out of him.
Wow, the new C-Rank girls are sluts
How many new C-rank recruits joined because of Osamu at the press conference? Do you think he has fans?
Osamu was fairly popular after the press conference.
So the chances are pretty high.
Hyuse is literally a LN protagonist.
>teleported to another world
>surrounded by high school students obsessed with their "rank"
>everyone wants to knock him down a peg because he's different, but he's too cool for that
Get ready for the harem.
>Osamu doesn't have a harem yet
This makes me mad, he's a bishie
To be fair, only the C-Rank guys want to knock him down a peg. The B-Rank guys just want to see how strong he really is.
He's average in-world.
Kitora would still allow him to tell her to ride his cock.
>Hyuse is literally a LN protagonist.
I cannot unsee this now, user, thanks.
Let's not forget
>have a reason to go back to his world.
>have a group of allies, including a midget (ok three).
>have a strong rival (S) who plays vague to him.
>use a sword.
>have an uber cool secret weapon
Don't forget present Meeden is probably like medieval fantasy to him since his world is far more advanced
Now, all he have to do is walk into Konami or Usami taking a bath at the branch office to seal the deal.
The world may be, but their society is ass-backwards feudalism.
Which reminds me that I hope it has some kind of inquisition.
Nigger do you want fujoshits to murder Ashihara?
To be honest i don't really care if WT never gets romance.
It would be nice to see Osamu interacting with more people though.
In any kind of way.
Be it actual training for his basic skills/raygust or shooter training with Izumi, Nasu or Nino, or just general SoL of his school and Border life.
Yuma will never be repaired
>raygust training
Wire-guided raygust thrusts when?
Raygust wire surfing when?
>put wire on enemy and raygust
>start thruster
>Enjoy absolute chaos
You absolute madman.
I hope we get a kogetsu rapier out of this
So when will Izuho ask Osamu to introduce her to Kitora so she could get some tips on Scorpion? Izuho's family have a Karate dojo right?
Izuho should probably tighten up her sniping first
I can see her using a Raygust or a scorpion when she makes it to B-rank.
But till then she's kinda stuck with being a sniper.
I think she will become a offensive sniper with hand-to-hand style when she is cornered.
But yes, first she has to level up her sniper skill.
>Hyuse will soon wield a customized left-handed rapier
So, if we can agree that Osamu will get a black trigger somewhere along the line, what will it be like?
Congratulations, Ashihara!
I would go for a slimy spider thing. Something he can jerk out everywhere and will capture and damage his ennemies.
Something undetectable too.
I wont like it if osamu gets a black trigger.
It would be a waste of trigger.
I bet it'd be at the tail end of the story, and that it'd be a very strong support trigger. Osamu is not an OP hero type. He's the kind that's awesome by making everyone else better.
Yep, Osamu is a leader first, and a fighter second
>a fighter second
Actually he's a distraction in second place.
Then a bullet sponge and Meatshield.
Then a worrywart.
Then way to serious.
And then comes the fighter in 6th place.
What about Wire zone architect?
Completely forgot that.
So fighter only comes in 7th.
Korean scan is up
>that glorious Hyuse fanservice
>Next next week I'll only write out the scene description lines and no dialogue.
Please do this.
Just for the sake of this.
Hyuse seems to be having no fun whatsoever.
Kinda sad.
I wonder what happened to the scanlator
why do i feel Hyuse beating Tsuji is going to bite him in the ass later?
Also, Canadians are hot it seems
Could be having a terrible hangover again, I hope he's ok.
Or he's waiting for its raw provider, instead of having to deal with this marumaru nonsense.
I'm waiting as well. Not going to use the Korean scans though, even if they came out first. Not ever again.
Okay I guess
>Hyuse seems to be having no fun whatsoever.
I'm sure he should be having fun while Hyrein is NTRing him.
It'll mean Ninomiya Unit will have data on Hyuse before the rematch
It's okay nothing can't be fixed by a lead bullet to the face from Chika.
Koala is pretty hyped over that not complete loss
Well he hasnt met anyone that strong. Ikoma might beg to differ
So Ikoma just walks up and pokes Arashiyama for no reason?
Ikoma is such a legend
Let's not forget that they are all fighting him with blade only no sub triggers
So hyuse still isn't stronger than them yet
It wouldn't be as decisive, but Hyuse would probably still kick the shit out of Miura, Tomoe, Sasamori, and Koala with their full sets. Sasamori is the only one who isn't a mega jobber solo, but still.
They wasted Sugita on Kageura
Ikoma should have been voiced by him
Ikoma must be popular to immediately appear after his match
If this were a LN he'd have to fight Kitora or Katori and they would list after him afterward.
Not as popular as Oki tho.
Osamu already has Kitora, but Hyuse can have Katori. It all works out.
Among fujo ?
Man it's 2:30 am in UK and am all happy with spoiler. Waiting for chapter tho
What are you talking about? Osamu already has a harem.
His mentor!harem.
" You said second? I'm doing it again. "
The guy is such a poor loser. It's gonna be funny with Yuma.
What exactly is Ikoma doing here?
The match is over. Maybe he wants to say hi to Arashiyama?
He has that "I'm from a far more advanced society" complex and probably dosen't want to be outdone by those he considers primitives.
Let us first get a second season.
That said they can always just use him again.
Or find someone else as well suited, Toei's casting was very good, I'll give them that.
everything about the WT anime was a waste
>Says hi by sneaking up behind him and poking him in the cheek.
The voice casting was good. And the soundtrack was good despite having poor direction. The quality of the final stretch after the filler was also pretty solid.
I'm not going to knock the animation team that hard since no studio could probably do WT's long and complex fight sequences justice.
Osamu will die by pushing his limits too far, and Yuma will sacrifice himself to save Osamu by giving Osamu Yugo's trigger.
I'm not going to knock the animation team that hard, but not for that reason. I'm not going to knock them because it's really clear that Toei gave them five bucks and told them to make it last.
There were some really amateur direction flubs, though, especially at the beginning.
The beginning stretch overall was just abysmally handled which kneecapped the series right off the bat with audiences. Everything after that was just the typically Toei "None of our employees are happy so they aren't going to work efficiently for the time frame"
I just want someone to explain to me why Toei thought it was okay to to do that.
>The quality of the final stretch after the filler was also pretty solid.
On the last fucking episode.
I remember being entertained by how they slowly kept pushing the OP further and further back until it started playing about halfway through each episode.
Probably Shueisha or whoever heads SJ.
>This series is kind of popular. Do whatever to try and make us more money. You don't have to tr to hard since the author is a cripple and will probably bow out here in a year.
My money is on Yoshimasa Hosoya for Ikoma. No one else feels like they can live up to him
It would be great to see him and Miwa go at it
Not really. The Rank Wars were actually well done. The Invasion Arc should've been faster, but at least it didn't look like garbage. Only really the filler was a waste. I was slow and looked bad.
Nah fuck you, I loved it.
That Invasion arc in the anime is really hurt by THAT moment.
You mean the AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH shit? That was fucking hilarious. The best thing Toei's ever done.
My main gripes with the anime aren't even the animation quality, it's pacing and censorship
>The speed lines
This is hilarious
Almost none of the action sequences really look good, maybe competent at best and the fights seem even slower in the anime than they do in the manga. Even in the non-filler episodes there was a lot of time filler in the form of blank gazes with slow zoom-ins or otherwise bizarre breaks in dialogue that destroy the flow of conversations. When you somehow manage to make anime dialogue slower and more static than it already usually is, you know something's wrong.
It gets my approval for being what got me into the manga, for having a good voice cast, for having decent music, and for being unintentionally weird at times, but it's just a standard, lazy Toei adaptation.
Average how? He's a mix of cute and hot.
Anyway he's still in middle school so no one would be interested for the time being.
>You will never poke Arashiyama in the cheek.
Is this a new fujo ship?
How did the Japanese react to Osamu being shirtless in that filler?
Damn user don't say it like that, you'll make us think that he was shirtless.
I like it better than the ArashiyamaxJin one which is popular for some reason. I don't get it, is it the hair?
>Is it the hair
Aren't they old friends? Plus the similar look of course.
So.. chapter when
No idea but girls like Osamu a lot, he's always there in the valentine poll
Not to mention he was also first on the popularity poll.
When Ashihara reward us all by drawing him shirtless?
Osamu works hard and sincere. Girl like it. I know, I am a girl
Ikoma can do what Miwa cant
> I know, I am a girl
We are all little girls here user, there's no need to emphasize it.
Ikoma's only ranked #6?
We know Tachikawa, Kazama, Konami and Murakami are top 4, but 11,000 is close to Murakami's 12,000, did Yuma move up to 5?
No scan yet. LittLe girl is sad
Remind me guys, are these the same age?
The only attacker we don't know is Yukimura of Katagiri squad. He dual wields RAYGUST. Unless Ashihara decides to go with Terashima the former attacker being the #5 but I doubt that.
There is though. You mean English translated scans, right?
Working on it.
So With Murakami being a 4th with 12k and Ikoma is 6th with 11k. If we include all of B rank and A rank who is left?
We still have Jin, he's probably in the tens right now
He's functionally #7. There's probably a gap in points somewhere between #3 and #6 because Kageura keeps losing the points that would otherwise mark him as a top 10 Attacker.
Of the attackers onlyOr they could be an all rounder with a high score in the close range trigger.
Ah so then the cheek poking is fine and cute.
You guys still out there?
Thank you.
we are and thank you
Ikoma would be jelly of his always ready pose.
I missed this guys.
Hyuse's isekai LN life continues.
I wonder if he actually beat Yuma's record.
Wait, was it all guys who got bodied by Hyuse during training? It's hard to tell with all the C-Rank gals having short hair.
Nah there's a couple of girls.
Does this really need two whole pages?
In short, yes.
Link will be up when the batoto mods approve of it. Yep, we're back to that stage again. As you can probably guess by now, I'm forbidden to use that "other" account to upload and attach that "other" group's name to this series. Other uploader is having technical difficulties it seems.
The author has had to have a free week, so I'm willing to cut him some slack and spending pages on simple stuff.
I'm hyped for their match and the inevitable Hyuse loss.
Thanks a lot.
And how can Ashihara make someone so easy to like? I hope that Ikoma wins.
Guy needs some cool pose to recover his dignity since his screentime is mostly eating ramen in front of the tv for quite a while.
Still C-rank and getting wrecked by another T-2 neighbour, how brutal.
We need more Hyuse-with-chopsticks action. I want to see him go eat at the cafeteria and other agents to comment on the weird Canadian with unorthodox techniques.
Also getting trolled by all the members of Tamakoma.
Really curious how Hyuse will develop as a character.
>and the inevitable Hyuse picking up senku
Desu. And then, he'll BTFO shooters next.
Man how does he manage to be so bishie easily?
So cute, yet so cool and handsome.
Wait, so this means that Ikoma poked his cheek for no reason?
Well it is no surprising that Hyuse uses Kogetsu. My side effect already told me so
I earnestly think Jin is bullshitiing everyone about his "side effect" and his "predictions" only come true because people just do what he says thinking he knows everything.
Shouldn't it say "First to 5" rather than best out of 5? best out of 5 go untill the first person reaches 3 points, right? Or am I overthinking this
Why is Ikoma poking Arashiyama's face?
But his predictions is too freakishly accurate. Like how he dodges all attacks throw at him.
Yeah you're right. I wasn't paying attention. Going to go fix it now.
Just messing around with his bf
He used to be the second best attacker in the organization, and this was before he got the black trigger, so that has to count for something.
Jin also seems like the type to pretend to do something like this.
thanks user
No Shields, Kogetsu only, Urban City B.
Let's fucking go.
Fill the rest of Hyuse's triggers.
Stop posting your shit taste already.
screw batoto (=ε=)
upload it to somewhere else to get back at them for taking forever
After all the serious and casual shit alike he's foreseen, if that was the case, people are doing the right thing because he really does know everything.
We'd have to start calling him Zhuge Jin.
Where does Mario-chan go?
No if he was lying then Kuga will know
What if his side effect also just a bluff.
Nah it cant be
If I was another unit I'd be so pissed at Tamakoma-2 just recruiting every super talented C rank. It's beyond unfair
B Rank actually
Some dude got into A Rank because he was really rich. Also, Tamakoma-2 struggles against high ranking B rank teams.
He's going to be so obnoxious in the making of its T2 uniform.
>Tomoe is gunner
>Kanzaki and his genius underlings
Why doesn't he just unleash them and enjoy his top tier ranking.
We need to know more about Hyuse first. Right now all that is immediately apparent is his loyalty and his superiority complex.
Chapter is up on batoto :
Thanks again to the Tlanon and its partner.
Shouldn't it be 125 points instead of 120?
He also got points from a non descript training exercise.
I can't wait for Ikoma to beat both of T-2's aces in one day
Don't forget Yotaro, still not sure how to describe them.
A whip.
So, T2 will stomp the next team they go against, right?
Harem of Yanderes and TsunTsunDeres with yan tendencies
Get ready for suffering
guys dont bite me, but why is hyuse called canadian?
Neighbors are gaijin looking so Canada is Tamakoma's cover up country to say where that person came from
Reminds me of Osamu Tezuka's characters for some reason.
This page was really funny.
Friendly reminder that I called hyuse using kogetsu. Now he will a viper gun. Screencap this
I doubt it seeing as they barely made it out of this last match with tricks and they will be going up against the top teams
And get burned by the excessive amounts of sunshine? Ikoma is probably the only being capable of poking him.
I kinda expected
>Solo Points: (1)1337
I believe everything you say, random person on the internet
Viper and Lead bullet. Maybe Grasshopper.
Because he has googles. They protect him from the AraSUNyama
This makes Ikoma thinking him as worthy opponent,
Koala? What?
Koarai->koara=koala in jap.
Koarai sounds like Koara which is Koala. It's a name joke Ashihara has for the character
>Asteroid (assault rifle)
>meteora (assault rifle)
I though Kotaro was an all-rounder?
Not yet
>How many new C-rank recruits joined because of Osamu at the press conference? Do you think he has fans?
It's not just getting recruits that matter. Osamu was popular with the general public too. That's important to a privatized military company such as Border if it is to maintain good relations with the Japanese government and the voters as a whole. As a private company, Border could be in a lot of regulatory trouble if the voters hated it.
>Wire-guided raygust thrusts when?
>Raygust wire surfing when?
Spiderman type wireweb usage when?
You have to hit a certain point total with both an attacker trigger and a ranged trigger before you're officially considered an all-rounder, even if you already effectively fight like one.
>Heard about him from Jin
Does he actually know Hyuse is a neighbor? How many know?
No, the last 80 points comes from acing the weekly training exercises.
>I just want someone to explain to me why Toei thought it was okay to to do that.
As was mentioned in how Toei funds One Piece, the same problems probably occurred for World Trigger. Toei uses a pool of funds with an agreed amount of budget for each episode withdrawn from that pool. If one episode needs more animation due to fighting, then the other episodes have to use more still frames and pans or do more "empty waste time" type operations to use up the clock. Or talking heads. Toei also does creative bookkeeping, so if you were an outside investor, you'd have to be very careful you are not funding other parts of Toei with your investment since Toei finds ways to charge those to your show. That was seen with one of Toei's overly expensive movies where it milked (bilked) the investors.
sound like a lot of companies I know of.
>sound like a lot of companies I know of.
Toei claimed one of their movies cost 100 million USD equivalent. Some investors got mad because any earnings the movie makes will go to pay off the claimed expenses first before the production members get their normal scale instead of the adjusted scale. After the government got involved, that 100M was shaved to 76M, 48M, something in the 20's. Then after more lawyering, Toei was forced to admit to 18M or so in actual costs to make the movie. But without all that official government involvement (which is not normal in a lot of civil court cases), you as an investor would lose out due to corporate hiding of information, deletion of records, i can't remember your conversation/agreement, etc.
>next issue, hiatus
>WT will taking break
Aw no
Wow, Toei is an even bigger piece of shit than I thought.
Not saying what they did is okay or anything.
Just that I know quite a lot of companies doing creative accounting for the benefits of the owners or dept leader by overcharging investors in certain projects or by giving the contracts to their friends whom all overcharge, giving a ensemble of fair price, despite annual audits by outside companies as required by the law.
Get those crystals ready
Is this game easy to play?
I want to play but I don't know japanese.
Will their battle be about who makes the best poses for the camera?
It's fairly intuitive. I only use a translation for chip effects and what events are coming up.
>Katori above Konami, Mira, Shiori, OsaMom
Which translation is that?
Is there a guide somewhere?
>left handed
>just like his new captain
Maybe Osamu can snag some friendship points over this
Osamu doesn't even like Hyuse. The only reason he recruited him is because it was necessary
I'm guessing most A-Rank people are going to know. It's not like it's a detail that will be hidden forever.
He'll be fine, he just needs a well earned rest
It's a turn based tower defense game with interesting slingshot elements and cool animations.
And it's a lot easier than the description implies. You only really need to know what buttons to press and how to drag the trajectory lines
Don't get too invested girls, he's still a Canadian.
>19. *32,402 *,282,655 World Trigger Vol.16
This is the lowest selling volume we've seen in a while.
It will drop from the ranking next week too so we'll never know if it reaches 300, well I think we will when they put the best selling manga of the year(if it ranks) but still.
Well not exactly. It's Second and Third week are better than Volume 15, but the difference in first week performance is still what is holding it back. Its legs could carry it to the same position as 15 though
What do you mean?
>tf accidentally deleted game
>missed free black haired Yuma and other goodies
Should I start playing around halloween and hope for a ghost Konami costume?
it went from 105k last week to 30k this week, and that was because the first ranking was only 3 days sales.
It won't rank again.
But that's on par with performance for the series. I'm talking about sales overall since volume 16 has had better legs than volume 15
Osamu will sacrifice himself to heal Yuma by turning into a trigger.
It's useless with his amount of trion.
He probably can't even make one since people without side effects have the lowest chance of making one
He needs to have high Trion to even attempt it. A stat of 2 doesn't mean high Trion, so Osamu doesn't have a chance in hell.
Imagine when he starts wiring people to his thruster and to each other.
Like, he will just send people into space just so Chika can snipe them mid-air. Like with Yuuma and his grasshopper shield.
Just Cause 3 was a game about Osamu
God, that would make T2 the biggest jerks ever
Especially since he will be the guide in the Neighbourhood
Did you miss Arashiyama unit being drowned in the paperwork last 2 fights because A CERTAIN FUCKING MEGANE made people come to BORDER en masse and they have to do recruitments each month instead of every 3?
>Konami B
>Milfmom B
>Sakurako C
>Hatohara D
You are all fucked up.
Wich makes me think that when the fucking megane comes later, a whole lot of C Rank will cheer.
Yeah it was rushed as hell but nobody cares because why bother with c-rank?
Hyuse is there to chew on Trion and to fuck girls and he is still not out of trion.
> We got 5 chapters of hyuse execute dozen of C-Rank
> C-Rank who were involved in the Invasion getting PTSD
Yep, now im sure Tsuji will have a countermeasure for Hyuse the next time Ninomiya unit faces Tamakoma unit.
Damn Ashihara with the Kurumada-ochi
That's pretty much what happened with Chika. Yuuma probably would've done the same thing but around his enlistment the invasion happened/he was more interested in Earth-stuff, not just Border stuff.
ha, Koarai's just looking for someone to beat Hyuse
Despite his obvious autism Tsuji shines most at support. The true test is going to be Iko
>Koarai running from attacker to attacker till they find someone to beat Hyuse
I love how the B-rankers basically just want to gauge how good Hyuse is, instead of trying to put him in his place.
Why is he so perfect?
Goddamnit he's becoming my favorite already
I feel bad for most of the rank war teams, after the expedition starts we're not seeing them again until it ends.
>not seeing them again until it ends
At least we'll get more A ranks screentime
I want some quality OsamuxKitora time, even if it's just training.
Knowing their true value, they willingly sacrificed their own points for the greater good of Earth. This trio can truly be called the squad of enlightened geniuses.
B-rank Captains meeting when?
It makes sense, I mean they may be rivals in the rank wars but ultimately they're all on the same side.
So who was that girl with the group in the first chapter ? I thought for a split second Konami but no feather hair.
Well at least a good amount of B Ranks will be going.
I have a stupid question, I might have to read over the beginning but was it explained why Yuuma's trion body would self heal?
>you will never squish Arashiyama's cheek
It's self maintaining basically. Possibly since it's a black trigger specifically designed to keep him alive.
No! I thought it was over!
It's Konami. She is the only one it could be.
Chika's thighs must smell amazing...
I can't blame him for the harem. Attractiveness is a passive perk of all magnet wizards.
Yuzuru you should stop posting.
Wonder how good Ikoma is with just Kogetsu. We know all his kills are with Senku and he's unique in that he operates in the mid range as an attacker
that hop already got "animated"
I doubt he is the number 6 attacker without strong kogetsu fundamentals.
>Ikoma can use Fujin
>The guy that can already sword laser can use the sword that lets you sword laser.
I'd like to imagine he would just shoot them all at once
Hopefully before the expedition
I think Fujin fits Kitora the most out of the guys in there.
Sure they're all amazing, but Kitora seems to be the one of the most versatile characters and she's really smart too.
Either Kitora or Kazama, I don't see the rest being as good
That always puzzled me. So someone like Ninomiya with 14 trion, but no side effect would have less of a chance making one than someone with 7 trion + side effect. How does someone having a side effect correlate to the success of making a black trigger?
We ´haven't seen anything from Kako yet.
And Kou would probably be amazing after a few sparring rounds with Fujin.
Though Jin will always be the top with Fujin.
Is Osamu's dad a S class border agent?
Humor me
She wouldn't be able to create many blades though with her trion level
Not unless Amo is his dad.
But we've never seen them interact, so you might be on to something here, user.
His dad builds bridges overseas
What if Osamu is half-Canadian?
Like Hyuse and Yuma are from 'overseas'
His dad is actually Yugo, who left his mom for a hotter neighbor wife. Yuma and Osamu get along so well because they are half siblings.
Osamu got fucked in the trion gene pool then
whats up with that rear
Aritist can't ear- problem?
I wouldn't really mind that to be fair senpai. It's not like you get superpowers by being the son of someone in WT.
Of course that's impossible and it would kinda make Kuga and Osamu's relationship cheaper but still.
By the way, Osamu gets sex hair as the manga keeps going, he had it like a nerd at the beginning.
Just looks like he misplaced his hairbrush to me.
He probably dosen't have time to
Yeah but it looks cooler. This is nerdier
End this shit inmediatly.
That second shot look disgusting.
She reminds me of one of those disgusting cartoons, the one with the red ass monkey
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I barely graduated of my class in the Border C Rank Agents, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Aftokrator, and I have over 300 confirmed deaths. I am trained in shooter warfare and I’m the top spider putter in the entire Border Defense Agency. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Miden, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across Mikado City and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your trion supply. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be 360 quickscoped anywhere, anytime, and I can keikaku you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare glasses. Not only am I extensively trained in raygust combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Tamakoma Branch and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the neightborhood, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit Asteroid all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
He seems confused on the subject of bragging about being good or bad at warfare.
Osamu is just sincere.
He'd currently be a carbon copy of Karasuma if he took off his glasses
Hyuse is cute. Cute!
Way too manly to be cute.
Now i wanna see a threesome between those 3.
When will he learn Yuma was the fastest
Hyuse vs Yuma, 10 matches. What's the final score?
3 to 7 probably.
Among those three.
It would half-explain why Miwa likes to hate him.
I thought it was hates to like him.
It's thighs, not ass
Maybe Papa Mikumo is currently working on a construction project in Meeden Canada
You "can be 360 quickscoped anywhere"? Is that when you just stand there so you can get sniped through a wall with a cannon? Use a bagworm you fucking moron.
He'd get Kogetsu'd before he even had the chance to activate his cool looking dragontail trigger.
Otherwise, he'd definitely have a shot if Hyuse doesn't bother equipping anything else.
Which chapter is this from?
Chapter 98
Hyuse bullying is fun, but T2 doesn't really look like they'll do that.
Yuuma could. I am dying to see Hyuse and Chika interaction.
Osamu will probably just ignore him unless he tries to ruin the teamwork
I want to see Osamu go onii-san mode and protect Chika from him.
Chika is a doormat, what will she say?
Maybe she'll learn to shoot people by shooting at Hyuse
Is Jin the strongest person in the border?
That would still be either Shinoda or Amo.
He's certainly the most annoying one to fight though.
Shinoda is definitely the best with normal triggers but including the black trigger bois.. not sure. He's still gonna be the best in my heart tho.