All men must love queen historia
Shingeki no Kyojin
Other urls found in this thread:
Annie is love
Annie is life
I just want Annie to smile again
Annie a miracle of the universe
Annie might've done some things wrong, but she's still a beautiful person inside and out
Annie > All other girls.
There is nothing disgusting about my beloved waifu.
Jesus, Annie makes my heart go doki-doki.
Ymir is alive and will be reunited with blondie soon.
Best girl is dead.
Status chart pls
>famous k-pop star loves Bert so much she makes a song about "being in love with a anime character". Read Bert.
Has your shingeki stepped up his game?
>unfunny shit
Leddit out.
How fucking new are you? Christ.
Older than you, I'm sure.
Obviously horse shit if you think status charts are reddit
>thinks status chart is from reddit
>claiming to not be new
wew lad.
>Implying they didn't stole it and everyone just give it up
>imgur filename
Reddit pls.
That looks more like Armin.
All other girls > Annie
Yea you're old enough for 2 things, gobbling cock and killing yourself.
Annie is the best.
You first leddit.
BRA did nothing wrong. They fight for the sake of humanity.
>didn't stole it
>Implying you've never taken an image from imgur
Fuck off
How long until power armour?
That armour is Xenos tech and has no place in SNK.
Never. Only get outside images from twitter and pixiv.
>Village - Loyalists
>Walls - Traitor Marines convinced their right.
>Scouts - Imperial Guard.
This cunt knows it.
Post your factions.
Who Eldar here
Pre Heresy 3rd Legion, now and forever.
Xenos and pretty boys. How disappointing. World Eaters or nothing. Each world eater is pretty much just Levi.
Cred Forums? Seriously? You might want to try that again.
Apart from the mass murder. Sure.
user pls
Good choice, and they do basically have ackerpowers, but I need to hate you on principal because of what happened on Isstvan.
LM soon.
YH a cute
Where can I hear this song?
Your side were involved in the atrocities too, you're responsible as well.
Very soon hopefully.
BRA are the best. They sacrificed safe, luxurious lives just to protect their homeland
Not all of the 3rd though. You bombed us and then went to war with us. Fighting back was the only possibly choice.
“You fuss too much over making the "right" choice Gaius. All we need do is make a good choice, see it through, and accept the consequences.” - Fulgrim, Lord and Primarch of the 3rd Legion.
Oh it has to be a monkeigh faction?
Emperor's Children
A fair point. We fucked you up though.
Pre or Post Heresy? Also, your favourite Shingeki?
Good taste if it's pre-heresy
You fucked us up? You couldn't do fuck all until your men closed the distance, even then Solomon made short work of your lot in close quarters. You lost hundreds to the guns alone in charges.
And Annie is my favourite Shingeki.
God damn waste if you ask me.
Best girl.
Orders are orders and loyal World Eaters do as their told. Angron said charge, so his men charged. All that matters is that we still won the battle, and depending on your outlook, the war. Levi for Shingeki.
Annie is for raping.
Forever and ever.
Loyal World Eaters are mindless violent drones. Don't think I don't know about The Butchers Nails.
I don't think either side won the war. The Emperor is crippled and his Empire isn't what it once was. But you're being led by Abbadon, who is Jobber number one.
You shut your mouth.
Okay, I'll rephrase it. YOU lost the war, because the 3rd sided with Chaos and that kinky fucker Slaanesh. Levi > Annie
I like both.
On that we can agree. The last of The Emperor's Children died on Isstvan V if you ask me. The Chaos aligned abominations don't deserve to wear the Eagle.
Annie > Everyone else
I just want my cat Vinny to be okay.
You should be purged for supporting Heretics.
Is Ymir a Heretic if she stole from the Village and fled?
Fock off back to v you losers.
How handsome.
See you in The Eye of Terror, 3rdfag.
You mean /tg/ you raging newfag.
You are beautiful too, Anniebot.
You won't be seeing me there, Heretic.
It's nice knowing there is another Warhammer 40,000 fan in here.
You're disgusting. Annie is for loving and protecting.
This is the nicest thing I've heard all year, thank you, user.
It's my favourite.
You a shit, user.
It's not heresy if they're cute.
Can't wait.
You have excellent taste user.
Cuteness doesn't excuse Heresy.
Thoughts on LH?
I want Levi to read his new shifter baby a bedtime story.
I don't really ship Levi with anyone, but out of the ships he's in, LH is by far the cutest.
He deserves to survive and open up his tea shop.
But there's no female shifter on the wall peoples side. Is he supposed to rape Annie?
I love the queen!
Absolutely not.
I'm talking about Armin. I want him to take Armin to bed and read him a bedtime story and then kiss his forehead and say goodnight.
AM is love.
UK is so canon and perfect. I love UK!
Wow, that picture is pure cancer.
friend of mine wants to start watching and reading snk
post some of that shippig cancer
post your worst
Forgot your trip, DisgustMan.
Good taste user, it's by far the cutest.
Not him, will never be a disgusting tripfag.
Can confirm, LH a cute.
>not liking uriken
What are you, a homo?
This shit is child porn and its freakin me out
I love that picture.
>child porn
nigga what
What the fuck are you talkign about?
That's Uri, not Armin kek.
Holy kek the reddit-tier shit taste in these threads are unbearable, no wonder all the good anons left these shit generals.
that looks like armin and he's undergage
>child porn
What? Don't tell me you think that's Armin. Disgust Man...
Kill yourself
It's not Armin you twit! Uri is not underage, he's dead. He died an old man.
UriKen is pure and legal. PURE AND LEGAL!!!!
The blatant samefagging here is sad.
>leddit damage control
As expected.
Who do you think is samefagging? DisgustMan? Probably.
The fat Arminfag of course.
no shit i'm samefagging i'm using a trip code
Do you even know what samefagging is?
Uh the Codex Astartes clearly states:
>She who beith adorable, be it via cuteness, beauty, or moe be exempt from heresy.
In his mind.
EMA deserve death.
This, especially Shitmin.
You wouldn't lie to me, would you?
Anyway, I love these two. I want an OVA dedicated to them ravishing one another while forcing a disgusted Rod to watch.
Stop posting this shitty Tumblr art. It looks fucking awful.
I think it's cute art. If you don't like it, you're free to leave.
Just ignore the tumor, it'll get bored and fuck off eventually.
Stay mad. UriKen is love, UriKen is life.
Of course not, brother.
We must embrace the reality of this shitshow whether we like it or not. The sooner we all can stop being in denial, the better.
>Kenny stuck with Uri
AM confirmed.
I'll be keeping an eye on you.
Thank you for screencaping this.
No matter how much you try to force this theory, Arminfat, it won't become true.
>force this theory
Time to kill yourself.
No sweat friendo
Holy fuck.
Eren mean saint, not soldier. Armin name means warrior.
Armin's name literally means army man, aka soldier. Eren's name was probably supposed to be Arin/Aaron/Aron/Erin which is a much more common spelling but the translators just went with how it's spelled in nip.
>Armin name means warrior.
Not really. It means the Great or Strong One. Reiner means something like warrior.
>Armin is a German male name. It means protective, but can also be translated as soldier. Also an ancient Zoroastrian name meaning "protector of Aryan lands".
>Also an ancient Zoroastrian name meaning "protector of Aryan lands".
Teutonic translation means warrior. Hebrew is high place. German is soldier/guardian/protector. Persian is TRUE ARYAN MASTERRACE PROTECTOR
Comes from either the name Arminius or Herman; Arminius meaning universal/wholesome/holy, while Herman meaning army man.
>same as アーロン or エリン
What are you trying to prove anyway? That Isayama can't google some random foreign names for his manga?
Hey now...wait a minute...
It's all pronounced the exact same way. Also
>TIL Armin is pronounced Are-mean, not Arm-in
>germanisch ermin/irmin bedeutet groß, gewaltig
>Meaning of "Armin"
>Hebrew name
>In Hebrew, the name Armin means - High place.. Other origins for the name Armin include - Hebrew, Israeli, German.The name Armin is most often used as a boy name or male name.
>Hebrew Name Meaning - High place.
>Origin - Hebrew
>Alternate Origins - Israeli German
Armin jew confirmed
>this fucking thread
>It's not shipping or finger pointing, ergo it's shit
Fuck off
>is most often used as a boy name
>most often
Which means it's a name also used for girls kek
>that nose
Please. Also pretty much all names come from the same 50 proto names which started in the middle east, at least European names.
The only time it isn't used for girls is for mudslimes since Armin means "garden of eden" or some shit in sandspeak.
Armin is a pure Aryan, defender of Aryan lands, and hopefully not a Reiss.
So far every name Isayama explained why he picked them was not because of their meaning.
But clearly there was focus on meaning for some of them, ala Reiner and Erwin.
>pronounced in the exact same way
Yes, but only in case you are retarded.
Isayama you madmen
How did ErwLfags react when beast titan BTFO Erwin?
They retaliated by wanting Isayama to kill Levi off so he could reunite with Erwin in heaven.
We all knew it was coming, so acceptance.
Had a dream last night that Bert and Reiner showed up outside my house in an RV and the three of us went to a local fall festival and carved pumpkins.
Then the outside of my pumpkin slipped off. It was an orange the whole time.
user, stop saving things on google before checking twice
>Then the outside of my pumpkin slipped off. It was an orange the whole time.
Fujos feast on tragedy, I bet there is ton of tearjerking new doujins already, with angsty flashbacks to yaoi porn.
you think?
Bert took it back and got me a new one but I woke up right after that.
Certified cute.
That's adorable user.
You mustn't be a hardcore shipper then. That's good.
t-thank you
Eh you forgot the post of "Armin's grandpa stole the book/was a gift from the Reiss".
I think this is going to happen. Armin will search documents and will find this information that his grandfather worked with the Reiss or something like that.
>Mikasa's Asian came from the ocean.
>She is literally the last descendant of the Sea clan.
My God.
>Armong is a person
Holy shit Ishiyama you absolute madman! Bazinga!
It will happen.
Yes I know.
If you don't reply to this post, your mother will get eaten by a titan tonight
Jokes on you, she's already dead.
Persian, before they went full towelhead
the Aryan part refers to Persians, friend
We all know that's a lie slutty.
Soft Mikasa > Fit Mikasa.
One is real, the other isn't.
How do you think Levi bathes Hange? What do the subordinates he brings along do? does he do that so they know he's not being a pervert? is he actually a pervert?
I want to kiss Eren until I'm out of breath.
Neither is real.
What happened since Kenny appeared? What's OP's pic context? Why are BRA lol-redeemed?
Flustered Daddy Erwin is making me feel funny inside.
Oh my goodness, Erwin looks incredibly handsome in that picture.
Ymir a shit.
I want another AM drawing.
It's the beard and the lack of composure. Definitely an especially handsome Erwin!
It's is known.
me too
Holy fuck.'re more clever than I thought.
Why is this picture making me feel things?
I don't think it's a coincidence. I feel something in my heart.
It's coming onto you. Embrace it. Accept it. AM is endgame after EAr is confirmed to have been real. Once Eren dies, and him and Armin kiss and hug each other lovingly for one last time, Mikasa and Armin will marry and have a qt3.14 daughter and live in a seaside house together.
It will happen.
Levi a best. A BEST!
Every time.
Every fucking time.
Every time I see this goddamn panel of Armin I want to shoot Isayama because what started as a fucking joke theory is proving to have actual basis in it and now I'm starting to wonder if it was all there from the beginning because LOOK AT THAT FUCKING PANEL, HE LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE A CROSS BETWEEN HISTORIA AND URI!
Armin is worst shingeki.
That's not how is going to happen. It was always Mikasa, since the beginning and Armin knows it.
You a shit.
Cross fingers that it won't happen. We already have Historia.
No, it was Eren. But maybe he had a crush on Mikasa when he first met her that becomes rekindled when Eren dies/leaves for titantown.
On an unrelated note, I'm listening to the SNK drama CDs and even though they're not canon, this one is about Mikasa's stolen muffler and Armin's stolen (dirty) underwear. The culprit was Levi and Erwin, unintentionally, and in the final few minutes of the CD Levi realizes that he mistook Armin's panties for a wash rag and used his dirty underwear to clean the entire mess hall kek.
No that's the problem, we have fucking Historia and when her and the SC get called in to talk about the discoveries something will be mentioned that makes them realize that they're related and that Armin is a Reiss.
Just fucking end it all.
Hopefully this awful drawfag never comes back.
Oh yeah, it was funny. Mikasa takes off her muffler because it was "too hot" when Armin and she were at Erwin's office.
So we discovered Mikasa is related to Levi
Now we found out Zeke and Eren are related
Then we'll discover Armin is related to Historia.
It's happening.
No, that will make Armin the king and that's so... stupid. It won't happen. The MP should already find him and would try to take him instead of Historia.
In the game, where the FUCK are Reiner and Bert in the "Idol" mission where you take back Trost?
I can't find shit.
WAKE ME UP (wake me up inside)
It won't make him king unless he marries Historia, right? He probably wouldn't want to be king either since they already have Historia!
This whole family shit is perhaps the single most retarded thing in the manga and should have never have happened at all.
Well, Isayama did say bloodlines are extremely important in the story...I can tolerate it more than muh mind wipes at least.
It kinda explain why just an insignificant portion of humanity is inside the walls while everyone else is having fun outside of them.
Disregard this I just found them
I honestly blame the warrios and Zeke for being bad guys. They're the ones to blame here because they're aware of the situation inside of the walls, all the mind controlling and memory erasing shit that made people believe whatever the fuck they were told. Meanwhile, people inside of the walls have no idea what the deal is and BRA were aware of this.
There are no bad guys you fucking normie.
Annie isn't a warrior.
They are because they know more about the world than their enemies. That's why Annie felt like shit and that's why Reiner became crazy. They can't bear the weight of their won sins.
He truly is. Is there a version of this picture without the roses?
This. I don't think BRA should even be a thing anymore. And now that Bert is dead, it's just R.
Yes she is. Her having a stumble doesn't change what side she's on.
"Warrior" is clearly a designation within the Village. Their "War-chief" is Zeke, Bertolt and Reiner were Warriors and Annie had to prove her mettle to them. In her eyes, she failed in that test, thus she isn't a Warrior. How we view it is amoral, it is what it is. She failed, and doesn't consider herself a Warrior.
I was about to make a Jeantron joke but then I read xirselfs latest Ieddit post and now I feel bad.
Post BRA to cheer me up.
Fuck off.
What? user, it won't happen. Armin isn't a Reiss.
so, the anthology was any good?
I want to believe he isn't but fuck, the evidence is startin' to stack up against us. Fuck me. I don't even hate Armin or anything. Not a particular fan of him but it'd just be so pointless, you know? Even his fans don't want that. I mean sure who gives a fuck what the fans want but.
Hey, what if Isayama makes an endgame where all the houses stick together in the end?
Eren and Ymir will have a child, Armin and Historia will have a child, and Levi and Mikasa will have a child. And once again, history continues to repeat itself with these houses battling one another.
I cancelled my order because I'm that autistic about tumblr nose.
Commit suicide.
I don't know why people keep trying to push that retarded theory.
Do you think Hange will tell the authorities Levi let Erwin die?
Because it fits.
Not likely.
I think this is most likely
It doesn't fit. You only think that way because he is blonde and has blue eyes. We don't know about his family but I think that's because he is from a normal and humble family.
Fuck off.
>Because it fits.
>Vague physical resemblance and headcanons.
Let me guess, you also thought Zeke was Erwin's dad?
>Blue eyes
>Parents sent to their deaths conventionally keeps his ancestry unknown
>Shares no physical similarites with his grandfather
>Nearly identical to Uri
>Feral Titan form is nearly identical to Uri
>Like Uri, displays a sharp wit and intellect
>Family owned book that shouldn't exist
>Let me guess, you also thought Zeke was Erwin's dad?
>this much butthurt already
Isayama said he wanted to betray his readers. This is the perfect way to do it if you ask me.
I would honestly be fucking platinum if shitmin won the Hisu.
You forgot
>both gay
Yes, but not in legal terms, after all, Manlet was entrusted by Erwin, he even made clear it was not only an official responsability but a personal one the choice Manlet was going to make once on the Battlefield. The problem is with EM, they should be punished for insurrection.
I would literally kill Isayama if he did that bullshit. LM fine but HAr should only stay as a familial bond and nothing more. EY is fucking delusional.
But that belongs to the new Commander.
You just want to feed your delusions you LMfag.
Eren deserves better.
>Shares no physical similarites with his grandfather.
We don't know how his grandfather looks like. And no, it doesn't prove anything.
I can't believe Hange is new commander now and will get to wear that stupid bolo tie. Please keep her safe, let Levi break her legs so she doesn't have to risk her life.
I can kind of see HAr too because Armin thought she was cute in canon, but then again so did Reiner and Jean. EY is totally out of left field I know, but for some reason I can see Isayama doing it anyway, I mean the madman confirmed Hange > Keith.
Damn LM really triggers the fuck out of people.
It's an anime plot point, so not really relevant, but I chucked it in anyway
You mean worse.
You are the most retarded poster I've ever seen in these threads, Shitminfag.
>Damn LM really triggers the fuck out of people
Inbreeding isn't well regarded anywhere.
Agreed, Levi will certainly protect the new commander.
Someone post the other image that compares their titan forms.
Shit. It's happening.
This was very cute. They had no reason to protect each other's backs, yet there they were. LH soon
Things that trigger /snk:
>Anything involving Armin, especially AA and the Armin-is-a-Reiss theory
>Mind wiping
>Grisha being a shit father
Being an Ymirfag is suffering.
>they had no reason
What the fuck part of observing your territory from all angles don't you understand? Are you retarded? No, I don't even need to ask that. You are.
Technically wouldn't be inbreeding because they're so distantly related. LM will never be a thing though and that's why the butthurt about them is surprising. You people get upset about something delusional fans created.
It actually fits as a lazy plot. Is sad, but it seems special bloodlines solving everything is better than humans trying their best to win against monsters.
Now, it would ruin Armin as the character with the pure dream. Armin Reiss would be an awful mistake, and would actually make Erwin's death useless and also insulting. Because if Armin Reiss is a thing, that means Isayama killed Erwin as the representation of the regular man fighting the impossible. While Armin Reiss the shifter would be a slap in the face saying "only the special ones can solve things".
Kek, they're barely even related. They're about the same as the wall race.
>Newfegs will believe this
They feel threatened by it because there is a chance of happening. They should be very scared.
LH soon yes.
>getting this triggered.
Things that trigger /snk/ threads
>You posting facebook pics
>You trying to fit
>Arminfags pretending THEY ARE amazing because their fictional fave characters is Isayama's pet
here's your (you)
Probably because of your shit taste.
But Hange is not his liege.
Yeah, they could've done that in a way where they weren't back to back like everyone else.
Things that trigger me
>Shitminfags that try too hard
Gas yourself, Arminfat.
Yeah probably user. I just can't help but love this piece of shit character.
Come on user. Eyes don't prove anything. I mean, they look nothing alike.
Because of your scat fetish.
She will become soon.
So? He's not going to leave the SL high and dry much less the new commander just because Erwin isn't running the show anymore.
I am agree and that's why I think it won't happen.
You know that's not true. They are butthurt because LMfags are self inserting girls that reflect their fantasies.
>They don't look nothing alike
For God's sake. Only because he is blonde and has big eyes? Leave it.
LHfags this triggered. Hange is a good friend and Manlet is a hero, he is going to protect everybody.
>Everyone is dispersed
>Hange and Levi standing together in the middle for no apparent reason when Erwin isn't even there with them
He's retarded, there's no point.
I literally said
"He's not going to leave the SL high and dry"
but ok I guess.
Because Just like all other theories, we can leave it when it's disproven.
Dubs confirm.
OK guys.
>Armin may be or not a Reiss.
We are not sure.
But at least we can agree that Armin being a Reiss would ruin him more as a character and would fuck the plot beyond redemption.
I used to think it'd ruin him and the story but I can see it being done well.
Pretty much. I could live with Isayama yanking his dick to Eren and Mikasa, maybe Levi too. But Armin? Never.
>Leave it
I miss when anons could talk about crazy theories here without faggots getting triggered. After LM and EZ relation reveal it's only natural to theorize about Armin's roots.
He's not a Reiss, and he's already a terrible character that ruined the manga.
>member when we thought Mike was Burger king's son?
>member when we thought Armin was mom eater?
>member when we thought Manlet and Mikasa were siblings?
What other berries you member oldfags?
Look at those beautiful trips telling the truth.
For me, nothings ever gonna top Dark Marco.
>Burger King
Refresh my memory
>Dark Marco.
I remember some user making a theory about Marco being an amnesiac Berick Marcel.
Yo yo yo, I don't need you to tell me who Berik is.
When we only saw some pics of the fake king, and people were making some theories about Mike being his son and how Burger King was going to blame Erwin and demote him for letting his son die.
Or, 'was' I suppose is more accurate
I don't want that to happen and I am sure that it won't happen. Armin is special because he came from a normal family.
I thought for a long time that Alma's official name was Rosa.
Gargoyle titan
Her nickname is from the mom from Umineko.
>Marcel and Marco are siblings
>Rod is the big bad
>Sasha is a shifter
She's such a bitch.
I am interested in what was up with his family though. I'd like to see how inevitably adorable his parents were.
Or again, 'was' such a bitch.
It'd be wonderful, actually. With Eren being related to Zeke, who's the enemy. Mikasa being an Ackerman and an Asian, making her immune to the memory powers and Armin being a fucking Reiss, the ones who created the walls and are responsible for everything.
I can see it happening and I actually look forward to it.
>Sasha is a shifter
I wish that happened. Isayama downright refuses to make JSC plot relevant.
So, since it's very likely Jaegers are royalty, would you say that Zeke is the king beyond the wall?
Is actually awful. And falls into the regular shonen trope. No humans fighting on their own but snowflakes being snowflakes. Awful.
Jean is relevant. Isayama makes him shine in every arc. I don't like him but he is important.
If it wasn't for Jean Hanji would be dead so he's miracle of universe in my book.
user predicted Zeke and Eren were related. Now he's saying Armin is a Reiss. I won't doubt him.
I hate to admit it but it makes sense. Isayama already linked EM to special bloodlines, so I can see him going all the way by linking Armin up with the Reiss family.
I'm willing to believe anything at this point. If Isayama is willing to resurrect Armin, make him a shifter, and make EZ brothers, I don't see Armin being a Reiss as completely implausible. Unfavorable to most, yes, but I lost almost all my faith in Isayama as a writer so I expect bad writing.
I am not denying it but saying it would be awful.
That doesn't make him plot relevant, though. I'm not saying this was always the case but the majority of the story is hardly affected by him.
Isayama did warn you. He said to read this shit with low expectations.
so minor I forgot her existence
Her voice was fucking awful.
her voice was sweet as an angel piss off faggot
Her voice made my ears bleed, she sounded like an old lady. I'm glad she's dead and her corpse thrown away to rot alone.
I'm glad she's dead but fucking hell her voice was sweet
Actually I'm the user who predicted EZ were brothers and only one other user believed me. Armin being a Reiss is a shit theory and would bring nothing to the table.
Actually, I predicted EZ were brothers and I'm telling you Armin being a Reiss is quite plausible.
Fuck off and die.
Don't get so triggered.
Yes, I remember that. Only one or two anons supported that theory. I am also the user who predicted that Hange was going to stop Mikasa.
Kill yourself Arminfat. You're not fooling anyone.
Remember the user who said Mikasa would support Levi and kill Armin?
That was terrible.
I remember that, the delusion was real.
That's allahfag.
Kek. That was fun.
It was an Erwinfag I think.
Erwinfags were saying Manlet wouldn't let a child dying for his husbando.
No, they were delusional as fuck and seriously thought Erwin was getting a titan.
Every thread. Every single thread you do this
I wanted to believe that user so badly because Isayama's writing in painfully predictable. I wanted him to do something no one expected. But since it was too OOC I couldn't trick myself into hoping for that.
>Mikasa is gonna help Levi look at her eyes, she's looking past him and at Armin she knows she has to kill him for the greater good!
To be fair Isayama made the cliffhanger look like it was going in that direction. Mikasa wasn't looking at Levi at all, at least that's how Isayama drew it with his shitty art.
Yeah because she was looking at Armin who was there and thought he was going to die.
This is why some anons thought she would finish Erwin off.
Mankasa could have saved the manga.
It's weird that she drew her sword and then continued to look at Armin though. The scene wouldn't have attracted stupid theories if Mikasa kept her eyes on the man she meant to threaten.
Took a while to find that one. I need to sort my folders out.
How mad were fujos when she attacked the shitlet?
I wanted this to be true. Mikasa could have put the manga back on track
She was in shock and thought she was going to lose Armin. Mikasa thinks she can resolve everything by force so that was her first reaction.
If you really thought that'd happen then you don't know nor respect her character at all.
I didn't think it would. But I wanted it to happen. Same as Erwin V Armin for the serum. I wanted it to be Erwin, but I knew it wasn't going to happen.
She is tsun for Historia then, she saved her twice. I doubt she would make much effort to save Ymir though.
I get that part. But if I was about to oppose humanity's strongest man I wouldn't take my eyes off him after I drew my sword at him. She's lucky he didn't feel threatened immediately attack her first while she was distracted.
Well, Eren was quite literally all over him, he was the immediate threat and he took care of him efficiently.
this is one of my favorite moments. You'd never suspect Eren would do this against Levi of all people. I'm so glad
I think this one came from the same person that made
Mikasa was ready to fight for Armin. She grabs her sword unconsciously.
I think the people who wanted that to happen did respect her character because they wanted her to do something different for a change. Her entire character is summed up to "muh EAr" and most people are bored with that. I rather her have an OOC moment than another autistic fit about them. Having said that, I didn't believe that theory for a second, but I did pray she'd do something unexpected for once in her life.
The endless headache posts.
I despise EMA so much. EM especially are selfish pricks.
Oh yeah, I remember anons trying to say Mikasa was crying because she was having a headache and not because she saw Armin like that.
And I think it's safe to say this one was shot down.
That's what makes her character the way she is, it's always been like that. Mikasa isn't Mikasa if she's not worried about Eren and Armin. What you want is your own version of Mikasa, instead of rooting for what she's always stood for, protecting and staying with her loved ones.
You might say is pathetic, but despite that she managed to be one of the most relevant, interesting and strong characters of the manga.
>and not because she saw Armin like that
I don't remember anyone saying that. The popular theory is that she gets headaches every time something tragic happens to her. So the headache was caused by Armin.
Mm I guess if only because basically no character in SNK is interesting
Found a Keith compile too, fuck me I didn't even know this was a thing I saved
I remember when everyone thought Mikasa was hiding a secret, and that she was possaibly the one that sabotaged Eren's gear in training.
I also remember the spoilers saying she stabbed someone on the way to Shiganshina.
A character shouldn't exist just to care about other characters. There's uncountable characters who have overly protective traits but they still have their own free will, other concerns and dreams in life. Mikasa doesn't and this is why she is badly written. She is one dimensional and predictable.
Why would someone make this.
EH is canon.
>A character shouldn't exist just to care about other characters.
That's almost all heroes in shonen. Anyways, tell me, is there any other character, aside from Armin, who has their ow dreams and follows their free will?
Beats me
Feels good.
Kamina existed almost exclusively to care about and be a heroic example for shimone.
He has almost nothing to him outside of that.
>That's almost all heroes in shonen
Not really. MCs care about people but their life doesn't revolve around only that. You're right about many of the characters not have dreams, but that's a fault of Isayama's writing because every character should have a unique goal, but at least they don't have only one defining trait like Mikasa. If she wasn't an MC she'd be fine the way she is, but she is and that's why I expect more from her. This is why I liked the few scenes where she put her missions before EAr and the time she saved Historia instead of going right to Eren. If Isayama did stuff like that on a grander scale it would improve her character so much.
If they make her into the heroine people will see how shallow and 1 dimensional she really is and the series will tank.
No one wants your unique OC, probably bi or gay, idea of her for the same reason no one wants every other genric as fuck super tuff super stoic female lead.
And no the one or two examples that were lucky to be hits do not mean there is a big market for them.
Who is that with him? It can't me misaka
Because it's bad writing. Lazy, actually. Even simple characters should be somewhat complex, have goals of their own and more than one defining trait. If you like Mikasa the way she is, good on you, but for me she leaves much to be desired.
>If they make her into the heroine
Where the fuck did I say that? I'm criticizing her character for being lackluster. How would giving her a goal or something else to care about make her shallow heroine? That would make her more human.
>No one wants your unique OC, probably bi or gay, idea of her
That's some wild fingerpointing. Again, I'm criticizing the way she's written. I actually praised some of the scenes I liked and that's what you come up with? Wow.
>genric as fuck super tuff super stoic female lead
That's literally what Mikasa is.
>do not mean there is a big market for them
So making Mikasa more human wouldn't be marketable? Got it.
It's weird to me how Armin sucks the character development out of all other characters he's around except for Mikasa. Isayama implied in the guidebook that even though it'd be hard for her, she'd have to let Eren go (to the titan village) sometime soon and stick with Armin, and her separation from Eren and her being around Armin will eventually lead to her becoming more normal.
You can hate Armin all you want but you can't deny that most of Mikasa's better moments are with him or at least when she's not around Eren.
I agree with you completely.
My nigga.
Isayama didn't say that.
>Combining what I’ve said, if I were to draw the separation of Eren and Mikasa, I feel like my portrayal likely won’t be satisfactory for readers, because Mikasa would have to endure the strain of being stuck between Eren and Armin. Even though she can sympathize with Armin, who considers things from a “globalism” perspective, it’s possible that she can’t just let the more self-focused Eren go.
He's saying while Mikasa can sympathize with Armin, she probably couldn't let Eren go.
But then he also said that being away from Eren will allow her to become the girl she used to be. He is literally saying that even if she can't let Eren go, she'll be forced to.
If I like Mikasa, it's because of how she is when is around Armin. She is different, more soft, more sensible, vulnerable. I think they will be fine together.
So your only reason is for shipping purpose. Shows how shallow Mikasa's character is
I only like her when she isn't arround either of them.
>I think it is pitiful if Mikasa’s life is only about staying together with Eren. However to Mikasa, it is a wonderful thing to be with Eren forever.
Isayama just confirmed that despite finding it pitiful, he recognizes it is what makes Mikasa happy.
It's the opposite user. I want to like and respect her character but she keeps doing stupid shit. Same can be said for Eren.
Yeah, that implies they will separate and I agree with you on that. But I wanted to correct you on that one part because he didn't directly say she would let Eren go and stay with Armin.
She's quiet as fuck when she's not around them.
Better than being around them.
And she's a retard around EAr.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, EMshit.
Because he made her that way. He could have her act like a normal human who finds happiness in other things too but he rather her stay undeveloped.
>Shows how shallow Mikasa's character is
Same with Eren. Only delusional shippfags like him, because he talked to their retarded waifu.
I'm so happy.
No, I've learnt to like Mikasa. It's kind of strange that I like her with Armin but I feel her more genuine around him.
>However to Mikasa, it is a wonderful thing to be with Eren forever.
It is true.
I was pleasantly surprised this pair gets pretty good art, on twitter
I don't like any ship involving the main trio but at least you can say Eren has a character to him. He also developed.
He is restating what we already know, yes.
But you are also forgetting that Eren sees her as his mother and that they will separate soon.
Jesus fuck people are still doing this charts?
I thought /snk/ circlejerk couldn't do anything past tumblr pasta anymore.
i feel old
Eren is cute! CUTE! I like how pretty he is.
That moment with Sasha was cute. I wish Isayama let them become friends. I feel like a girl friend would do her a lot of good. I always found it strange how EAr made new friends but she never try to involve herself with anyone else.
Because ELfags like it for some reason and they got a lot of experience in drawing delusional ships.
Who is that handsome guy on the left
Mikasa might legit be autistic.
>Where the fuck did I say that? I'm criticizing her character for being lackluster. How would giving her a goal or something else to care about make her shallow heroine? That would make her more human.
That is what you are implying. Every single person in the fucking manga are just as flat as her. You want to give her another dimension when none of the others have it at all.
>That's some wild fingerpointing. Again, I'm criticizing the way she's written. I actually praised some of the scenes I liked and that's what you come up with? Wow.
You want her to act like you want her too, something that is completely out of character..and the first thing that pops into your head is saving the liplstick lesbian?
What about after eren died when she became the defacto leader? What about the moment where she, determined to survive and protect everyone at any cost she was willing to fight to the death? What about that?
Nope, it was the time she saved historia instead of saving eren.
Who are you kidding?
>That's literally what Mikasa is.
Yes stupid. That's my point.
>So making Mikasa more human wouldn't be marketable? Got it.
You don't want her to be human. You want her to be your OOC who totes ignores eren and armin and saves historia like a bad ass ma..i mean woman because that makes her deep and human.
And what about what Eren wants? Oh right, EMfags don't care about Eren's feelings as long as Mikasa gets what she wants.
Thanks for proving my point, EHshit.
Guess they just like Eren with short people
Eren feelings for Mikasa might change once he gets over his edgy stage and becomes more mature.
They are actually fine with shipping Eren with anyone. It's the opposite with manlet, they get angry if he's shipped with Erwin the most.
Not that user but why do you think he is implying he wants Mikasa to be some kind of lesbian just because she saved one? They were just using an example of her protecting someone outside of her usual social circle, and it's an odd circumstance too because of the history between Reiss and Ackerman plus how hostile she acted towards Historia. Of course there's other examples too.
Calm down.
>the history between Reiss and Ackerman
Neither Mikasa nor Historia know really anything about that.
I don't get if ELfujos are mostly erenfags or levifags
You just made me realize why I hate EM so much. Don't get me wrong, I find EMA deplorable, but I always thought EAr had a much better chance and can tolerate it much more. Why? Because unlike with EM, it's not one sided. Eren likes to be with Armin and Armin likes to be with him. It's mutual likeness and they have things to talk about and can be comfortable with each other.
EM is just forced awkward shit.
I understand that, but I mentioned it anyway because it is true that the Reiss are responsible for the Ackerman's suffering, so I find it amusing that she saved her a few times even.
>Eren feelings for Mikasa might change once Isayama gets reminded he needs to force the non-existent romance subplot.
Here, I fixed it for you.
Well Kenny and Uri were already on good terms as well.
And Eren thinks of her as his mother anyway. And it's probably mutual, Mikasa in canon thinks of herself as older than Eren (she is) and she already thinks she raised Armin.
Didn't start off that way, plus Uri acknowledged how the Reiss wronged Kenny's people and took pity on him.
That doesn't wash, all.
Ok, what?
>it was the time she saved historia instead of saving eren
I used that as an example you actual retard. I also said I liked when she put her mission before EAr like in pic related but you completely ignored that.
>You want her to be your OOC
No? I want her to get development. That's a normal thing for a reader to expect. Usually characters change and grow over the course of the story. They develop new relationships, make friends, focus on more than one goal, you know, like normal humans. Mikasa doesn't and that is my criticism.
And stop making wild assumptions about me. It's no fun to discuss differing opinions if you're just going to act like an immature faggot.
It's probably a buttblasted Mikasa shipperfag who can only view her character through a shipper lense.
I need a hug, anons. Like 50 full, big, bear hugs.
>And it's probably mutual,
You don't blush when you're talking to your kid.
But you're ugly and obese.
Soldier Mikasa could have been an interesting developing. We could have seen her interacting with her superiors, Manlet, Hange and even Erwin. And we could also have seen her learning the world is bigger than EAr... But it seems Isayama only has one panel and he used it to show she can take care of Jean... I assume that counts as "Mikasa shows she cares for other people outside EAr".
I think it's realistic to have someone who only cares about a select few people because that exists, but the issue with Mikasa is the way she is written makes this frustrating to read about. I think a character who was handled better in that respect was Bert despite the abrupt end.
Funnily enough it was only Mikasa who understood Hanji's words, while Eren continued with abloobloo muh Armin.
How about you kill yourself instead, landwhale.
>Isayama: As his committed caretaker, she also thinks at times, “Ay, what a worrisome child.” (laughs)
She must have a mommy-son fetish then because it's beyond weird to treat a man you like romantically like that.
Also Armin blushes at Eren too. Blush =/= love.
Eh, if you knew anything about stereotypical women it's that they like to baby their men. But you are just a neckbeard with no experience with females outside of Haruhi doujins.
Wow, you really are a virgin.
Strangely enough I usually love over-protective characters, but Mikasa hardly makes an impact on the actually story unless she's fighting and that's why I find her dull. She barely even contributes to conversation. If she did she would seem more present and involved.
Finding a neckbeard like you disgusting makes me a virgin is fine with me.
>Strangely enough I usually love over-protective characters
Same. I actually like it with YH
Kek, whatever makes you feel like you won the argument.
If you can't accept Mikasa's romantic feelings for Eren then you're beyond delusional.
I find it slightly interesting that the muscle of the group is a girl but after a while her character feels very stagnant. Personally, I don't like Eren, Mikasa, or Armin in general for a number of reasons.
That was because we could see him often worried and full of dispair despite his abilities. Also, we could get a grasp about how his relations with the two people he most cared for, were fucked up.
While Mikasa is often too strong, too one dimensional, and her best friends never questions her. Eren's behavior were at most comic relief, but we never got to see his attiude like a way of criticising openly Mikasa as a part of the trio.
EMA relations have never been questioned, and when Isayama brings it up, is going to feel it came out of nowhere.
I guess daddy didn't give you two enough hugs either. Or the wrong kind of hugs.
That's cute, a mother worrying about her son.
And I'm not a guy. If you knew anything about the traditional stereotype of women it's that they act motherly and doting.
It actually would be odd if she called him a men, since he clearly isn't. He's a childish, annoying kid.
You couldn't be any more wrong about me, user. You're also very wrong about women too and you likely never met one. You have a lot of nerve to insult people when you like literal shit like EM. Kys.
Can you say the same thing right now? I don't think Mikasa cares about Eren in that way anymore. That's good.
Fuck you, I hate the stale shit of EM and EMA. Also follow the convo you blind tard
I'm not either user. And I'm telling you your worldview is incredibly skewed.
Also, you're still a virgin.
Maybe because YH are important to each other but they can still care about others and Isayama fleshed them out of the muh Ymir, muh His stages.
I said before it's a stereotype but evidently you cannot read. And I'm fine being a virgin, user.
Women treating their significant others like their children is not a stereotype. Maybe in certain doujins and manga with that fetish, sure. But that is not normal.
People ask me, whats the appeal in Armin? Simple.
Ruffling his hair.
Cuddling with him.
If you're a virgin you're not even qualified to talk about how women act in relationships. And if you think EM is "stale" then why the fuck did you defend them and call me a neckbeard for what I said? You're obviously a butthurt EMfag.
I hate Eren and I hate Mikasa. And you can still be in a relationship while being a virgin, not everyone is a filthy skank.
Yes it is. Especially American-Italian women.
Nobody ask you, shitminfag.
I fucking hate EM but I think that's a LMfag.
Explains their mental deficiency.
This. user is obviously sheltered and gets all her knowledge about relationships and human behavior from manga.
>not everyone is a filthy skank
So you think having sex means you're a skank? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Fuck off with your finger pointing. How am I a LMfag for saying this ? That's what pissed off that user in the first place.
I simple love him. His big eyes, his expectations, his essence, he is precious to me.
Ah, you're the retard Arminfat. The one with no friends.
They have, assblastedfag.
He is a beautiful boy.
I find Armin to be the most unattractive male next to Connie. Actually, even connie is better looking.
He is still a boy. I guess you like mainly guys but some don't care about appearance.
Actually I tend to love even traps and girly boys but armin's design is so annoying and shitty.
EMA is shit. Try again.
You're annoying and shitty. Nobody asked what you thought about Armin.
I don't care. I'll post my opinions as I wish.
Does any here know how to work with .ass files or subtitle a movie?
>with .ass files
Appreciate the view.
Ewww. Disgusting.
>not wanting those buns
Sorry. I really find Reiner disgusting and Bertolt isn't my type.
This is sacrilege. Sacrilege.
Sacrilege, you say?
You know you want me, babe.
press F to pay respects
so fucking rude
Why does Levi hold his tea cup like a fucking retard?
Isayama explained why in an old interview.
He's traumatized from holding it normally.
I don't want no scrub
A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me
Hanging out the passenger's side of his best friend's ride
Trying to holler at me
YH a cute.
Ironic since the biggest scrub of all is Eren.
Fucking kill yourself already, Ymirfat. I know that you're in an Alliance with Armintellects so you're obliged to whiteknight them whenever they post shit and are called out on it, but if you ever try to say that I am an Armincomplex again, I will teleport behind you and behead you with my dual wielding scimitars.
This this this this this (a thousand times). Hopefully yes? Soon!
No, Historia will make a crusade with all the male orphan children to the titan village just to save her beloved Ymir. She will save Ymir even if it takes a million of (worthless) cishet little boy lives.
Not this!
That pic makes me want them to kiss each other and be happy together.
remember to put yumikuri in the OP of new thread...
new thread when?
Titan's have their own brains seperate from the person who formed them.
What if being a mindless titan is when the titan's brain takes over?
Why does Isayama like to draw characters looking at the horizon?
is ymir black??
That's pretty obvious.
That's pretty obvious.
Actually she will. Isayama said she will stuck between Eren and Armin. Why she would do that? What do you think? She will stay with Armin on the Walls while Eren goes to the village.
That's pretty obvious.
kys arminfats