Is this what having a little sister is really like?
Is this what having a little sister is really like?
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hell no
its more like this
It probably is but only in japan
thanks for curing my only-child depression brought on by incest doujins.
Oh fuck no. This isn't even remotely what it's like. If you don't end up wanting to kill your little sister at least once a week, then it's nothing like real life.
After having helped my mom's daycare for so long I can safely say hell no. Little kids are brats. Even if they are cute at times they are incredibly annoying more often than not.
I got and still get along with my little sister. I showed her GuP and got her into tanks.
I'm a blessed individual.
my little sister is always going for hugs and cuddling but I never really reciprocate
I think shes jealous of the my dog because of this
I'd like to see they throwing a tantrum while Onii-chan's cock is in their ass.
My little sister and I used to rub against each other a lot in the bathtub, we said it was a game called "blub blub" because it made the water move around a lot.
what happened next?
Reminds me of my little brother. I was carrying him down the stairs to dinner one time as he was having a tantrum and he tried to gouge my eyes out. Took every once of self control (you try ignoring the reflex to defend your eyes) I had not to immediately throw him off and down the stairs to his death.
My cornea is still scarred, but thankfully he missed my field of vision my a few milliliters.
nothing much, we were 10-12 so no cummies for me, not sure about here though.
I think i am a pretty lucky bastard in this situation. My sister is 2 years younger and always was a very caressing person. Even now she want's to hug and cuddle with me a lot. We also sleep together sometimes tho. It's hard to control my hormones when she want's to spooning all night
She sometimes wants hugs and kiss me on the cheek. She is pretty clingy.
Do you realize that she is craving for it?
Nah, man, it's obviously purely platonic between them. I can tell you're an only child.
Probably is something platonic. We are pretty good friends though. But it bugs my head a lot a few years ago
Me too
I have six siblings
I learned to ignore shitposters by ignoring sister's tantrums. Well it's ok now, she seems to enjoy playing those little coop games (child of light, tale of two brothers etc..).
That's very cute user. Please give her headpats, they're very soothing when sleepy.
Incest fantasies only work if you dont have a sister or if you picture a different sister that doesnt exist.
I have three younger sisters (harem?) ive seen them naked and i would rather shoot myself in the head than bang any of them.
STILL is cool to make them watch anime
They love Cardcaptor Sakura and Jojo.
I am a little brother and I just want to say to all big brothers out there. You guys are the best.
I don't know man. Call me a monster. But i find my sister very attractive cause she isn't so younger. She's only a half-sister tho, her mother it's diferent than mine
I shoulda try that sometime. But i think doing those things can be a little awkward
based manga
hina is a little shit
and is still a dream compared to real little sisters
mine is 12 years younger than me. when i was a teenager I was going through an anime phase and started being extra nice to my little imouto
that little shit is so ungrateful spoilt and stuck up. my god i don't know how these weebs want to fuck their sisters instead of strangling them to death
>ive seen them naked and i would rather shoot myself in the head than bang any of them.
Your head might be saying that but your dick might say otherwise.
It really depends on how comfortable she is with cuddling with you. When I was younger my sister used to give me headpats when I was sleeping on her in the car (long roadtrips) and it was very relaxing. It's a little thing but when we hang out and she pats me on the head jokingly or something it makes me really happy.
Yeah they suck you off in the bath when you return from work
Maybe we're kinda old for that. We're 19-17. We already are old enough for all the contact we keep having
Oh I see. That's a bit hard because there's only a 2 year gap for you whereas a bigger gap usually means more dependency and acceptance of affection from the younger sibling.
Regardless, I think it's nice that you're still very comfortable with each other.
It's more like this.
This is the dirtiest fucking house I've ever seen. Is that an american thing?
What in the world
Thanks man. Those things are really hard to talk about in a normal conversation.
Damn i miss her tho. A few months ago i have a fight with my father and we're only seeing each other rarely and talking at the phone
she has no pantsu on
There is no way that's his sister, but if it is I'm beyond diamonds
I don't know if I should save this.
I bet this happens to him all the time. Can anyone with a sister confirm that this actually happens?
Okay I'll say it if no one else is going to
Got any more?
So where did you put the bodies?
That's gold
this mangaka an his stupid dancing pose mc.
art is kinda meh, but he's pretty funny
that butt is too dangerous
>when u only have an older sister and she's a complete cunt
This thread needs more incest
Blog time, because 3d imoutos are over rated as fuck. I have two little sisters, and HOLY FUCK do I feel cheated by the universe. One is a year and a half younger then me, the other is 5 years younger. The younger one is a lazy fatass that reads and watches TV all day, and the older one is a disappointment of a human being. She's a blonde god-tier swimmer with a decent chest and ass, great legs, overall 8/10. She doesn't straight up hate me, but she doesn't like me either. She's a hardcore feminist though, so it's impossible to talk with her. I don't get any imouto love, no cuddles, no nothing.
>She doesn't straight up hate me, but she doesn't like me either. She's a hardcore feminist
All of these things can be fixed by giving her the dick
Oh shit is that you Jackson, you are supposed to be at work.
What having a sibling is like depends a lot on how much of an age difference there is, along with tons of other factors. There is no single experience of having a little sister. Though I'm pretty sure it's never like in incest manga.
This man gets it.
my little sister respects me a lot, but is also a gigantic normalfag who thinks clubbing and getting wasted are the highlights of life.
>Though I'm pretty sure it's never like in incest manga
Then explain
>my little sister respects me a lot, but is also a gigantic normalfag who thinks clubbing and getting wasted are the highlights of life
Use your cock to fix her
he should be the one getting fixed
When she's old enough to work and still dependent, I'd abandon her right away and let her rot outside. Little selfish cunt doesn't leave the house because she's watching sports.
I took a bath with my sister when she was 8. It's too bad I was only 3 at the time and I didn't know I was going to grow up to be a pedophile.
I have a little sister. Essentially the only real emotions I have towards her are the following:
>ensure she is physically safe
>make sure people don't hurt her emotionally
>head pats
That's about it. I don't have a very complex emotional state though.
>head pats
Patting her crotch with your dick isn't that much different
I have two sisters.
One is 2 years younger than me and way too much of a Stacy. She is also prone to throwing insults and acting all high and mighty so it's kind of hard to deal with her. Like, she is my sister and I want to be a good brother to her but she can be such a bitch.
The other sister is more chill. I love annoying the fuck out of her all the time like a good big brother.
user with sisters, do you read incest doujin, i just want to know
I fap to incest all the fucking time but I don't feel anything weird towards my sister.
I would rather eat my own dick than let anyone find out about my fetishes, though.
>tfw your younger half-sister is super cute, super smart and just your type
truly heaven does exist
all my cousins are super hot too but they all got pregnant at 16 tfw third world country
Little sister hugs are the best. I recently moved away for uni, so when I come back she hugs me and sometimes pats my head, so nice.
I don't intentionally
I read incest doujins a lot, but I don't seek them out. I'll fap to some good lolis regardless, and the incest is kind of like a bonus to me. I do0n't really find it that weird or anything, no attraction to sisters. Sister saw me watching OreImo and watched it herself later, so I don't really think she cares at all if she saw what I fapped to.
I'm triggered.
Youngest of 4 boys here. My brothers were all abusive pieces of shit.
They don't make me feel nearly as awkward as mom-son doujins though haha.
>Sister saw me watching OreImo and watched it herself later
did anything come of it?
I know how you feel, man. I'm an older brother.
No, and it's painful to remember. She said that she "wouldn't find it all that fucked up, but it's still a bit odd" if two siblings got married.
I have watched oreimo and yosuga no sora with my sister
That honestly sounds like a hint drop and I really don't mean that in the "cmon user fuck your sister" way. I can't think of any other reason why she would want to say something like that to you.
>"wouldn't find it all that fucked up, but it's still a bit odd"
She wants you user
YnS is a bit sexual for watching with my sister, but I would watch the hell out of oreimo with her.
>she wouldn't find it all fucked up
>still a bit odd
That's your cue, you little MC shit.
to have a relationship close to what doujins and anime/manga portray is really rare.
You'd have to put in work at the very beginning (most people won't even be aware of such a relationship at this point) and you have to wait if the work bears fruit (which in this modern age is much more extremely unlikely than it was before).
>she doesn't think two loving siblings getting married is that bad
>that means I have a chance at getting with her
Please don't make me feel any worse then I already do.
I remember certain user here eventually getting in the sister fiddling because of this series.
Ask her if she wants to watch Yosuga no Sora
I grew up with 2 older sisters and a younger sister. We get along fine and even though I appreciate they're what you would call "hot" the thought of having sex with them irks me kinda like when you're straight and read yaoi. Had my first time with my oldest sisters friend during a party and my youngest sister just got out of the "I can't stand you phase" so it's all good.
tell you what: if this thread lives until she comes home from practice, I'll vocaroo me asking her to watch it with me.
I mean, I have a little sister myself, and I'd rather suck a gorilla off, but nigga just read those lines ten more times again.
>Had my first time with my oldest sisters friend during a party
You truly are my hero, user.
Based Onii-chan.
Warning, I can life support bump this thread for the next 3 hours because I'll be in a computer lab
Imouto thread is getting new user content finally? It's about time? Better not flake out user.
My sister was more pissed that we had lost our virginity before her than that I fucked her bff. My middle sister couldn't look me in the eye for days when she found out.
I don't think you know how I feel, unless you had several older brothers that beat you and lied to your parents.
alright boys time to post unspoilered lewds for this man
she only watched the first girl route, and Sora and Nao route
That was the joke.
I think he implied doing just that
Yes, but just like every other doujin it's more of a fantasy than anything (though i can't read mother-son without feeling gross).
I never feel anything torwards my real sister.
>implying the mods won't delete this thread
I can't post lewds because the professor can see my computer screen using his monitoring software
Only once a week? For me it's daily.
nudes are bad but browsing this blue board is fine?
So he knows you are browsing an imouto thread on a chinese cartoon board?
Mods, we need you more than ever.
>implying the professor doesn't want to jerk off to imouto hentai as well
I'm your professor, give me those lewds, you faggot.
taking a good risk there, unless you and your prof share fetishes once a week at a coffee shop
every time it looks like Onii-chan is crushing imoutos right leg
I have two younger sisters and had 10 years or so gap. I get along well with the youngest, the middle one not so much but I managed to get her into some anime like NouCome, Haganai and Nisekoi. She's a massive Onoderfag and Kobatofag.
it's the norm to prevent your prey from escaping
Your imouto has some seriously good taste.
No it's more like
>Imotou blames you for some shit that's pointless
>Gets violent
>Starts scratching you
>Don't hit back because she's a girl
>Ends up scratching you until your skin is raw
>When you bleed end up punching her
>She cries to Mom and Dad saying user HIT ME playing full on victim
>Parents yell at you
>Show them scratches, they gasp, but say you still shouldn't have hit your sister
>She smiles at you from behind their backs
For your entire fucking childhood. And then she grows up and votes for Bernie Sanders.
>My middle sister couldn't look me in the eye for days when she found out.
She wanted the oniichan D but got cucked by the older sister's friend.
Truly a tragedy.
>Ends up scratching you until your skin is raw
guess she just wanted you to feel the bern
It's the other way around for me.
I annoy my little sister by pinching her in the cheeks over and over again, licking my finger and touching her face with it and stupid shit like that and the moment she tries to do the same I get mom's attention and she scolds her for being so unlady-like.
Pretty hot desu senpai
I'm surprised your sister didn't end up here instead of you.
She is a few steps away from becoming an user. My only hope is that watching how much of a fucking autist I am will scare her from taking that path.
It also helps that my other sister (who is older than her but younger than me) is as much of a normie as possible.
>She was even the one who got me into anime with Oh My Goddess
>at one point she wasnt a complete cunt, even though i was a little shit
>she talks to my parents weekly, but we havent talked in months
>trying to repair the relationship hasnt worked
I don't know it's just a reaction image I use a lot.
Absolutely. I have a nee and an imouto, and I hate them both, but god damn do I like incest doujins. The nee is a disgusting fat feminist, and the imouto is a lazy asshole who sits on her ass watching Onision/Dan and Phil videos and generally being a retard.
>Older sister got you into anime
This boss. For me it was fruits basket and kyo kara maoh. She also showed me please teacher, the first thing I properly masturbated to.
Luckily for me we still get along fine. I'm going to be the best man at her wedding to another woman next year.
nice family you got there
>to another woman
If you had given her the dick this wouldn't have happened.
yuri wedding is best wedding
Shes dating a chink in NYC now, and has shown no inclination to anime at all.
God I wish my sister wasn't a cunt, but she expects perfection out of me, and throws a shitfest when I dont.
I never felt a need to hit my siblings. If they started to annoy me I would just tickle them until they stopped. They would do the same until we would be out of breathe.
I know how that feels. I was a fuckin whiny ass kid who needed a good asskickin. I wouldn't be surprised if she hated me, but after my dad got tired of all the shit I would put my older sister through he spanked the shit out of me and changed my ways. 15 years later she seemed to not think about all the shit I did to her and we get along. Not close to each other, but that of acquaintances. I don't really know how to get close to her.
Sure. And i have a very close relationship with my imouto. She's only 2 years younger than me and we do all things like cuddling and sleep together
I don't regret anything and don't feel any guilt.