It would be too soon for them to perform at Love Live in the finale, right? What are they going to do to send off S1 and build excitement for S2?
Love Live! Sunshine!!
Other urls found in this thread:
Thread Chika!
I love each and every raibu. You guys should follow my lead.
>What are they going to do to send off S1 and build excitement for S2?
Chika Flying!
I'd actually like to see this.
>dat yoshimari sisterhood
Don't really care.
Will be looking forward to more Muse, a new iteration, or Aqours only if Ruby will be part of them instead of sub-Hanayo level nothing.
Still h-hayai.
I want her to show up again. Kananfags are the cutest.
Isn't Chika the one that ordered Yoshiko to stop Ruby?
I hope Ruby shines more in S2 for you user, since I have my doubts about the likelihood of the other two things you mentioned
I was thinking back and I literally can't remember a thing You did this season other than jump off a balcony and get jealous. What made her get so popular?
Worst Sunshine
One of the girls dies
>Animated Guilty Kiss songs
Please make this happen, Sunrise.
No. She ordered Yoshiko to stop Dia because of this incident.
I think Yoshiko did it on her own. She is excited about it
For some reason that character reminds me of someone. I don't know how to put my finger to it, very skeptical.
I was thinking back and I literally can't remember a thing Mari did this season other than make stew and cry. What made her so popular?
They could have at least drawn Ruby with her thigh popping a bit out from the thighighs, but I guess sexualizing Ruby was a strict no from the staff, because reasons?
Spin to win Chika!
She motorboated Kanan-chan.
I like this meme.
>Yoshiko close to You
>Ruby close to Maru
>before anime
She was already popular before the anime. She gave off a stronger impression with the intro material. It was enough for her to coast on inertia through the season.
Training in a miniskirt and thigh highs is already sexual. Some skindentation would've been nice though
I'm just genuinely curious what people see in You. What scenes made them like her over other girls?
I don't have anything against her, but I probably would've forgot she existed before her episode if AQUARIUM wasn't their best song.
It is, if done and drawn well, like with Nico who had basically the same outfit.
In Ruby's case, there was nothing sexual about it, badly and hastily drawn and never focused on.
The fanservice and lewd illustrations.
That's usually what helps boom blooming popularity.
>Finally make up with your friend after 2 years
>She starts dating a fan right after
Was Mari born just to suffer?
I like her eyes.
She's supported Chika and the group from the very beginning and remained cute and fun even when other characters had the spotlight. Her catchphrase is cute and her uniform gimmick makes for good visual humor. Her character design is "normal" yet attractive and memorable. I also think her drama scenes were incredibly charming and handled sweetly though I might be in the minority on that one.
I want Mari to bully Dia again
>Yoshiko close to You
Not really.
I was referring to that picture.
>Kanan will never free her kanans in your presence
Why even go on
She had a really strong start as the genki and competent friend, which hit the right notes for me and apparently to other people. It's in the little things, like her handling flying confidently, provoking Chika to encourage her or that cute awkward laugh she does in awkward situations, though by the time she was signing the idol club form to join I was already sold. It helps that I find her beautiful, of course.
Why does japan dislike Mari? Because she's a gaijin?
Watching the cyaron videos right now. Chika's and You's seiyuus have so much chemistry between them.
Why they don't push it?
Because she's shit.
>I also think her drama scenes were incredibly charming and handled sweetly though I might be in the minority on that one.
I'm with you, user. Thought it would be characters acting stupid to create drama, but it was very down to earth and intimate instead.
>it's not stupid to say this shit even though immediately after joining You was helping Chika find more people
It was terrible and you are just a blind Youfag if you disagree.
Final woobies
post some lewd nozomis please
I think it's understandable for her to be excited to start and recruit for a school idol club with her friend and then ten episodes later feel a little differently about it. I agree the particular line you've cited is a little strange as it's written. Like, of course they didn't want the group to be just the two of them, since they were recruiting. I don't know whether it makes more sense in Japanese or if it's just a poorly written line, but the feeling of being further away from Chika once they became a full group is legitimate.
Acting stupid as in doing shit to one another to cause fights or misunderstandings for the sake of drama, which didn't happen.
>You: B82 / W57 / H81
>Chika: B82 / W59 / H83
>Kanan: B83 / W58 / H84
How's this even supposed to work?
Anyone else getting increasingly pissed off over the µ's bait, especially last episode?
Like, jesus, either show SOMEONE from µ's or stop mentioning them every episode
>A person!
>Sunrise: hahahah you wanted Nozomi? fuck you
not to mention this fucking thing
You should feel silly for falling for the shrine bait. I know I did.
But the whole episode was about moving on from µ's, so I'm expecting S2 to tone it down.
They had to give Kanan some allure so they made her boobs bigger than they should be.
A last ditch effort to salvage her when nobody could think of anything original to use her for.
Respect the Ruby, or else.
I watched enough anime to know where this hairstyle is going
though seeing Chika take down the µ's poster made me sad
I suspect that Chika and You would both fill out bikinis pretty well too. Kanan has nice boobs in the anime but not spilling out like in some fan art.
All the sunshines in wetsuits when?
Why is everyone in Aqours so fucking bad at singing?
*knock knock*
Hey we found this girl at the park telling everyone to respect her when she got ganged up by a bunch of kids.
Here she is, please take better care of her next time and don't encourage her to be more than she really is. The real world is a cruel place
R.I.P. Riko
Yoshiko too?
Rare Chika
This is somewhat disappointing to me because I always imagined it would be easy to see down her pajama top
I wish they started season 2 with Dia and the others kicking out Ruby from the group because she's the weakest link.
>kicking out Ruby
Not even the crackiest of ships would be this out of character.
say that to my face, not online and see what happens
so uh, was this implied to be honoka's daughter?
I thought it was just a girl who liked µ's and wanted to be like Honoka, to show that the group was beloved and influential
Meme answer: Absolutely
No, they just went out of their way to make her look like Honoka to fuck with people. Also, stop writing like a fag
Yes. Yurifags BTFO.
I like the relationship between Dia and Ruby, it's a loving, doting relationship but utterly platonic. I can see in the future Ruby reeling in Dia whenever Dia gets too excited.
>green eyes
>honk hair
Tsubasa and Honoka's miracle baby?
>Honoka homeless over in NYC while her daughter is being looked after by a friend
Honoka is a shitty mother
oooohhhhh shit.....
Yes, because haircuts are passed down genetically.
It makes me so happy when people share my niche perverted thoughts
Explain in detail how that would make sense.
If Honk was gay and raibus could have daughters with other raibus and that daughter was from a raibu we know who has green eyes it could only be Nozomi or Tsubasa.
All the Kanan Mari scenes after episode 9 have been garbage. Rather than show their healed friendship it's just Mari groping Kanan and Kanan giving a tsun reaction.
It's not any different than from before their drama resolved. It feels so empty despite that little background story about how much Kanan cares about Mari. Why are they even friends in the first place? What do they have in common outside sukuuru aidoru?
>all this conjecture
Fine, carry on.
Maybe Kanan likes getting her tits groped by Mari and that's how Mari demonstrates her friendship to her.
deepest lore
The point of the last episode was that they would stop doing it you dumb Moosefag
So what are we doing after Love Live ends? We going back to being im@s fags? Aikatsu is pretty good too, you guys should check it out.
No thanks.
I should probably watch Cinderella Girls. I tried watching Aikatsu but got bored around episode 60, but I suppose I could revisit that. Hibike and SB69 are what I'm immediately looking forward to.
I don't watch any of that filth
In anime, they are.
>LOOK, they stand close to each other!
Honk obviously overshot the current year when travelling back in time from NYC, thus ended up as a younger version of herself
More than enough for most people.
You should know better than to give the tripfag attention.
It's sweet to imagine these two together, but I feel like they'd actually be too kind and sweet to each other, never fight about anything, and end up getting bored and losing the spark. I'm probably, no, definitely overthinking it, but it's where my head goes
>We going back to being im@s fags?
People actually watch that garbage?
Or is this just another Cred Forums meme?
Where do you think the hetfags come from
Licking Honoka-chan
Anyone have the page where Umi is sniffing and complimenting Nico?
hetfags are just a meme, they aren't even into hetshit.
They're just in it for the easy (You)'s.
Delicious body.
Can cook.
Is lewd in bed.
Has a soft and firm body.
Is lewd as fuck.
That's it, I want to marry Honoka and have Umi as my mistress.
>Honoka's ass
I am dying.
>Can cook.
But is probably too lazy to utilize that talent.
>Is lewd in bed.
Which doujin?
>Delicious body.
That's... every idol
>Has a soft and firm body.
Just said the same thing for Honk.
>Is lewd as fuck.
That's... every idol
It's like LLfags are only pretending to like the show.
and people wonder why it's dying.
What is this idiotic post
a fag!
Someone is mad that love live is selling better than his favorite show.
Cute as fuck.
How about some trio?
Love Live is actually my favorite show, these are just irrefutable facts that no one can prove are wrong.
For that facial expression she should've forgotten her swimsuit and just had panties on
I bet she wears some lacy stuff
>Sunshine thread
>μ's shitposting in the thread
Aquors a failure.
Christ almighty, we need some Aqours swimsuit official art.
Since they qualified for Love Live without Riko, they probably can't just add another member now that they're in. So they'll drop out and do the next one.
Then season 2 can be about Aqours being all nine members the whole time. Just like µ's.
Half of Ruby's birthday thread was HonoMaki/UmiNico posting.
I will marry one and have the other has my mistress. I don't know what I will Burd.
There's practically no hetshit in OG Aikatsu and a decent amount of mils yuribait. Can't speak for Stars though.
let. it. shine
Any proper lady would be embarrassed to take off their skirt.
Also please refrain from lewd thoughts of Riko. Riko is a pure lady.
At least it's not as sad as the burd/Riko birthday thread.
Two autistic samefags shitposting and dumping their μ's folders in the threads doesn't make an entire franchise a failure.
>impulse buys dozens of fetish doujins on a single trip to Tokyo
>pure lady
Beach episode was full of swimsuit art
>There is a free green ticket if you login in today
Time to get that yukata Riko once again!
Romance literature is standard reading material for a young maiden.
>Yoshiko's flat ass
I agree, she is a lovely girl. I'd just like to tease her about that so I shitpost here instead. I cannot stop lewding her, however. You'll have to kill me
>muh nicknames
Shit has been left to rot, can't people move on?
Yoshiko's VA is retarded and keep teasing them.
It's in man's nature to sin. All is forgiven if it's in the name of Riko.
What is this from?
HAAGUU, then hot action
It's not fat
Bird sure loves her haaguu
Why does she take a sniff out of Nico out of nowhere, what's her problem
no rat
School Idol Diary
Why does she call Riko Lily, anyway? Because she's a canon /u/fag?
>current year
>Cred Forums is still full of people who don't have sexual interactions with walls
Why? Do you think you are somehow better if you don't try a wall?
I'm gay and I already have a boyfriend.
Wow! You are still not banned by mods?
Go back in Cred Forums please.
But she doesn't.
what do you do?
Sorry not interested in taking pictures with Oba-sans.
Hey guys, I am glad we are all having fun here in Love Live thread but we need to start thinking about the future. I think it is time we start prepping Chika for the school presidency and get her into office. With your supports I am sure she will be a great president.
I'd take two
How lewd will that picture be?
Aikyan, not Yoshiko.
No please, Honoka as school president didn't even make sense
Why the fuck not. But I would still like one with one running away.
Oh, but Yochhan is canon right?
This. School president is the only thing Eli had going for her, and Honoka took it
Yes I vote for Chika!
About as canon as Mari being French
Speaking of which, was Hanayo really lesbian? What were the clues/signs?
Wow, It's almost like Riko's name starts with, you know, り.
Aikyan's Twitter is great.
>you will never be sandwiched between two cutest seiyuu
I don't mind Sunshine aping the original but it would be too much if Chika became student council president too I would still watch and root for her
Honestly nobody fucking knows, I just assume everyone is a lesbian
Yeah, she literally calls her Yocchan there.
Oh I get it , Riri
I think you need to brush up on your hiragana, mate.
Of course it did now let me redpill you on it.
Honoka was propped up by Eri (President) and Nozomi (Vice President) as well as Kotori and her mother. Honoka had the endorsements of the Erifags and she got their votes. Kotori's mother pretty much made sure she could run unopposed. All the other girls got support for Honoka by going into their respective clubs. Maki used her daddy to bankroll the operation. In order to make sure that the election was closed the vice-presidency and treasury positions were also filled by Umi and Kotori. Kotori couldn't take the presidency because it was against the rules due to her connections with her mother.
Now what does this have to do with Chika? Chika can have the backing of Mari and Dia and because of the way the school is run Chika would go unopposed. Mari can finalize everything and Dia can keep outsiders from entering.
Why? It would actually make sense this time. Honk being Pres was bullshit, she's lazy and dumb as fuck, poor Umi probably had to pickup the slack.
Is it legal for girls to chin-in-hand kiss each other? Asking for a friend.
Only the voice actors are using it for some reason.
Ok but for what purpose did she become president, she's not qualified and I don't even remember if she wanted the position, same goes for Chika altough she's smarter than Honk but still it wouldn't fit
Why is Shuka such a treasure, she's honestly even cuter than the girl she voices.
That's forbidden love yousoro
Oh yeah Chika as student council president is a fine idea on its own, it would just be funny if they followed the original story THAT closely.
However as I recall Honoka got her shit together and was an admirable president as well.
>Chika wouldn't fit
She's perfect for leadership, she's already ordering Yoshiko to eliminate people. Becoming the student council president is just a step towards her goal of mob boss.
It's been a while but I thought the long minus symbol indicates a double of the k/c consonants. And Yocchan has two c's, so it's not a stretch.
That's how the rat uprising begins, I won't fucking accept it
Shame that Shuka and Suwawa got stuck voicing such shit characters. Same goes for Soramaru and Nanjo.
Just one?
To keep the Idol Research Club and Muse going and funded without having to receive approval from an outsider. The clubs were guaranteed safe as long as there were people they knew pulling the purse strings. Many of the activities that Muse participated in were illegal but they knew the right people to get it overlooked. Chika and the others can do the same based off the deep connections they have with each other. With the exception of Riko, all the Aqours girls are childhood friends or siblings. They can take as much money as they want and do what they want and nobody can stop them.
>2nd years on the cover of the S1 BDs
>1st years on the cover of the S2 BDs
>3rd years on the cover of the S3 BDs
Make School Idols Great Again
>Season 3
>Not movie
lewd Aqours when?
Who is the prettiest 2nd year? You or Riko?
Dammit user
I fapped to this scene so many times. Just sit back and listen to their heavy breathing and the fantasies come rolling.
You's tits.
Horny fags will say You. Men with real taste will say Riko.
>two cutest characters
>two cutest seiyuu
No because I don't get mad over TV shows
Riko is prettiest, You is cutest Chika is sexiest
Which seiyuu are for hugs and which are for fugs?
I like to fap to this watching certain hot Hanayo and Honk lewd pic made by certain "migchip" artist...
Dia's is for fug and marriage.
Literally who? Boring personality and average looks.
Goddess in terms of beauty, mature for her age, very talented, trophy wife.
How is this even a competition?
All of them and all of them.
All for hugs and none for fugs, you sick bastard.
This sunshine thing was not even that bad. I was pretty scared what could it turn out but after 6 hours I am totally ok.
I just don't get why the leader has to be airhead every time.
They're in their 20s, silly user.
>S1 ends with the 3rd years graduating
>Start S2 with new recruits
Help I didn't know I could fall in love with this dork so much
>not you
>not ruby
>I'm lost~
>Where is home?
How do you help loli Dia?
Tell me why you watch this show in one word or less.
But idols can't into sex without tanking their careers.
>no fun allowed
>would turn you into a henpecked husband that has to follow her every order
Because a quite girl will not bring together and form a team of idols
I'll make her a mature woman.
>I watch Sunshine for a girl that's not even in it
Bitch, this is Tokyo. Everyone one is on their own. Good luck surviving.
Shut up Nico.
Kurosawa Ruby is a giant Baby!
Forget about Ruby and enjoy You's massive tits.
Thankfully they're not really that big.
What happened?
Sports bras tend to squish boobs down a bit.
Saint Snow dindu nuffin wrong.
Then why do I want to punish them?
Did they even do something in the first place.
These things are always inconsistent. She should have moderately sized tits, but it will usually look flatter in the show and bigger in fanservice art.
I figure pic related is closer to how it should be.
That works too. Her swimsuit is probably padded, so it would look bigger in that as well.
>our life as school idoru begins here and now, let's start over our love raibu no monogatari from zero!
Yes; losing, hard
You're late.
The fuck is Yoshiko doing?
She sank into a soft mud hole
Her chest was approved by Mari which is all we need to know.
An honest question to everyone following LL since μ's beginning and also watching this. Do you not feel like you've betrayed your raibus by accepting this garbage group as a rightfull successor to their legacy? Do you yourselves not feel betrayed by Sunrise who so perfidiously murdered the actually good idols and feed you this instead? I tried to give aquors a chance, i really did. And I could actually accept them if they at least did things differently, but fuck that. It's literally the same show but with literal whos.
t. Buttmad hagfag, dropped the sunshit at ep6.
My wife You-chan is so cute!
Well said.
They are pretty smug, they need disciplinary action.
There were only four good characters in µ's as opposed to Aqours which is only dragged down by Hanamaru and Kanan.
Look at this fag.
>9-way scissoring
Fucking lesbos.
Kanan is a wonderful wife!
Replace Kanan with You, and you're right.
Edgy slut
Get FUCKED you talentless hack.
Your dancing looks stupid too.
>wearing swim cap
>hair's still hanging out
What was the point.
This last week killed me.
You are forgetting the doormat, the baby, the mole, the rat and the retard chuuni. Mari is ok tho. A fine character stuck in a shit show.
I consumed every single thing from OG without ever having a favorite raibu, so no.
I realise Nico will always be the best idol, but that doesn't mean I can't watch other idols.
All of them are better than u's, get over it
I'm impressed by your well thought-through argumentation. Sasuga sunshitter.
_____________________________ugugu desu wa_____________________________
>rat-spamming Cred Forumsedditor is a Marifag
This makes so much fucking sense.
You by a mile, not even a match. .
Post the Webm, I need to unleash my 2 week old load
Oh, that one faggot is here again. Watch him going into samefag frenzy.
But that's wrong, you fucking retard.
Some old japanese dude murders your 10/10 qt3.14 waif, brings a new one, retarded and ugly one to your place and says that this is your waif now. Do you not feel the righteous fury yet?
>it doesn't because I said so
Except i'm a hagfag and this is literally my first post ever with a word "rat" in it. Sorry, friend.
No one is forcing you to watch Sunshine, fuck off and go fap to your old and busted waifu if you don't like it.
Thanks Nicofriend
holy shit calm down alex
>my show ended, as they all do
>a new show is created, as they always are
No, I can't say I'm feeling that righteous fury. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy Sunshine
>actually good idols
>they are shit idols because I said so
You're welcome
>forced moe
>generic tsundere
>annoying cat girl
>fat nerd
>bland slav
>tryhard wota
>superstitious molester
Sure is superior
>Aqours are shit idols because I said so
Wow yeah great argument
>no you
great comeback
µ's and Aqours are both amazing.
They are shit and nothing is backing them up in a way that they are good.
That's enough faggots, one more word about which group is better and I'll do the unspeakable.
You're amazing too, user,
>make an ugly fat lard the mc
>somehow fuck up so badly that you manage to make an even uglier piece of shit mc for the second anime
How did they do it?
Dumb ratposter.
How do you imagine the fanbase for the other girls?
Lecture us in the club room?
But we're talking about Love Live, not the stories of your high school and college life.
They were original, at least. The sunshit characters are all those traits mixed and redistributed among the new characters + a couple of absolutely retarded quirks
>haha so she is kinda sorta like from the country so she doesn't know what a PC is haha soooo moe they are gonna love this haha oh and this one is like almost of legal age but she kinda like still sometimes thinks she's a demon or smthing, i don't care. These monkeys will eat it up anyway haha.
>They were original
Oh, please.
They completely erased any trace of her loving books, all she does is stuff her face now.
You might want to have yourself looked at. You seem to have lost taste competely if you can't tell which is better when the answer is so obvious.
>They were original
Is Love Live literally your first anime? All of the original cast were 2-3 generic moe tropes personified. At least Aqours have interesting interpersonal struggles and several of them can't be easily pigeonholed.
Kinda hard to read book with loud people around her.
But her hideous rat face, shitty color palette and out-of-place braid are still there, user. You didn't even try, did you?
Fixed in what way exactly?
I should've explained, my bad. I don't mean to say their characters were original, but rather that they didn't copy other characters from the same franchise to the letter. With aqwhores, you can trace precisely where every trait comes from. And with a couple of retarded exceptions, they all come from the μ's
No user why did that!
You made me really sad!
Return her genital right away you monster!
How she gonna fuck You and Riko without it?
not him but I think he's saying that all muses have their tropes and follow them religiously while aquours are a mix of all these tropes together making them a massive blob without "personality"
And you would have been able to precisely trace where every Muse trait came from if you'd seen more than 20 whole animes.
Is Love Live your first anime?
What's Kotori's tropes?
>they didn't copy other characters from the same franchise to the letter
Well yes, that would have been difficult, wouldn't it.
>With aqwhores, you can trace precisely where every trait comes from. And with a couple of retarded exceptions, they all come from the μ's
Or maybe there are only so many archetypes you can use for a cast of 9 high school girls and still have decent chemistry. Compare LL or LLS to any other idol, SoL, or even magical girl franchise and you can make the same comparisons.
Oh yeah? Watch this.
A crybaby
A chuuni
A nerd with low self-esteem
A generic childhood friend with no opinion of their own
A prude
A genki retard/leader
A wealthy ojou-sama
A strict tsundere council president
And I only saw Kaneki twice in the show, so don't even know what to say about her (twice in 5 episodes, fukken lold)
t. dropped after ep5.
Cute, kind, airhead.
Why are you even in this thread?
Cmon then, name the exact characters. Not so tough now, are you?
>A prude
What the fuck
>dropped after ep5
Good job, you missed literally all of the character development that makes the rest of your post irrelevant.
>they didn't copy other characters from the same franchise to the letter
Well no shit, they were the first characters in the franchise. They didn't copy other raibus, but they did copy every popular trait and stereotype from every moe anime ever created.
If Aqours were the first group and µ's the second group you'd be shitposting about how much you hate µ's right now.
a healthy mix of cute and hot as fuck
Bird is a 11/10
Come on guys, I need something more concrete like 'love rice' or ' is a cat'.
how can one girl be so cute?
She's a doormat.
Squeaky birdbrain
Uhh, she's a super-moe kinda girl I guess, which is only further emphasised by her voice and the fact that she's a maid.
Also, her fans are fucking dumb.
I hate Kotori as a character but love fapping to her.
I think nips tried to make her a generic MC sidekick but she ended up with this girl-next-door attitude that you commonly see in american movies.
In the end they created one of (if not the) best lovelive character by copying a western trope by mistake.
I wanna be as gay as Maki-chan, how do I become as gay as Maki-chan?
Make out with your dad.
Literally second best raibu
Go out hooking with Nico on a school night
He said gay not incest, although that is pretty hot
Please tell me you made this post in jest, Kotori is in no way the "best" of anything.
She's like a shitty Swiss army knife that's just mediocre at everything and borderline annoying.
What are they doing?
Why is Nico in high heels?
>chika fanbase
>riko fanbase
Former Makifags
>you fanbase
>wuby fanbase
Fat and balding middle aged men
Former Panafags
Babby's first idol
Dykes and /fit/fags
Dork lovers.
>nico wearing heels to show off
Aw, cute.
Comparing heights. Nico cheats.
Do they have to do it in some random street in the middle of the night?
Where are my memelords at?
How else were they supposed to do it?
>fat balding middle aged men
wow, fuck you man
i'm only 21 and not fat at all
to which of these do you belong?
They're there for a forced two shot by Sunrise for the autistic fanbase.
Fuck off fucktard.
>to which of these do you belong?
I'm a Kananfag.
should I make a folder for each girl or just for the ones I like?
They're obviously on a date, dummy.
Dyke or /fit/fag?
Enjo Kosai
Reporting in
>Baby's first idol
wasn't You? it was obvious since people notice her. You is the new Maki
It's actually kinda true
most people who just started love live get into Yohane first
>genki is the new tsundere
>we will never see Mari in that alternative hairstyle ever again
Character development when?
Next cour
They don't look too bad with short hair
say something nice about nico-chan
call her a baka
Nico-chan's body is perfect.
I want to make love to her tight body
>it's actually true
speak to yourself
Last episode made Sunshine a hag-free zone
She has a very nice girlfriend
Isn't that chart old?
Why does Yohane let Maru be so fat
Nico is a miracle of the universe.
>aquors are ranked 123,456,789th out of all idol groups
I knew this season was shit.
Youfags are pathetic, just admit your doormat idol is what most people go for
goooooo Aqours!
It means baby's first idol
That was really dumb.
That's the point, You was instantly the most popular. Babby's first idol.
You was the first I've noticed and fapped. Just her. I moved on with my life
Yohane, just very few months ago, was the reason I said "ok I feel the need to watch this Sunshine thing".
>Dork lovers.
Damm right
Isn't that exactly why hagfags are shitposting more than usual in the first place?
I'm okay with this
>just admit your favorite idol is popular
Say something nice about your least favorite Aqours.
If she gets fat no one will like her and Yoshiko can claim Maru as her own.
She find it sexy.
Does anyone have that edit where Yoshiko is blushing for staring at Maru's tits?
Chika got a cute dog.
Hanamaru would be a decent butt slut.
I like Riko's hair.
>yoshiko has bbw fetish
The day of the rope can't come fast enough.
If she truly loved her wouldn't she care for health instead of encouraging this kind of behaviour
She NTRd You without lifting a finger.
Kanan has tits
Hover hand on her waist.
Yoshiko probably told Maru about that but Maru just still keep eating foods.
Ruby tried, Mari tried but nothings happened.
Chika a cute rat
It's hard for her to lift a finger when they're stuck in Chika.
Those excess calories are still going into Maru's tits. It's a win situation for Yoshiko.
Yoshiko never tried
Here I am, making a bombastic late entry.
That's fucking twisted
She tried so hard and got so far
Will Chika-chan ever kabedon me and pull my chin?
>Today, I'm doing homework together with Yohane-chan
>she wanted my help no matter what.
What a pair of precious qts.
>mature for her age
yeah wanting to off yourself really does scream maturity in a teenager.
>dumb as fuck,
Sounds right up Sunshines alley.
But she tried, Zura just doesn't care.
>tfw they fight like a husband and wife.
Who is this semen demon?
Yoshiko really likes to cover her body.
>Riko still doesn't like You
I am beginning to think City Girl really is a homewrecker
What is the best part of Nico?
Wape Wuby! Or else!
She can be nasty if she wants to.
The way her mouth smells and feels after she's satisfied seven healthy cocks
And spankings!
Take one with her and then ask if shed want to meet up some time and then slowly make her my girlfriend and then propose to her a few years down the line
Everything, really.
Why does You dress like a dyke?
her sisters
her girlfriend
The three sisters were adorable
Her mouth shut.
What kind of vidya is Yoshiko into?
I need to know more.
I wish I could fuck them all.
Her voice. Hilarious.
The same with dia, what the duck happened
The fact that she's not in Sunshine
>Has a shitty personality
>Nobody respects her
>Dad is dead
Some idiots actually think that sad background = good character
>fucking imaginary girls under the age of 10
It's ok we got something even better now.
>kananfags are cute girls
I knew it.
Mari had silly meme phrases the whole season. Do you not see 'it's joke' everywhere?
Everything, she's perfect! I love her!
Holy shit
I just realized
Nico is Ruby, she died her hair red, put in colored contacts and joined another idol group
her father is a dyke
Ganbaruby is hundred times better than Nicoshit
She likes combat, racing, sims like, and strategy game.
I bet she's a fan of Persona.
It all makes sense now
i like Nico but
you fucking bet she is!
Ruby is adorable
>you will never be as delusional as this guy
Feels good.
Dykes can't be fathers
Ruby is Nico's daughter from the future
Good one Rubyfag.
Do you have any proof of this?
niconiggers should kill themselves already
A father by definition has to be a male.
Seconded, along with Umishitters.
>not knowing their fathers/mothers.
As defined by your ass?
>i won't acknowledge words and their meaning when they prove me wrong
Might as well communicate through grunts.
>all of them are shittier versions of the originals
i want to communicate through grunts with nico-chan
>This downgrade
You guys are just pretending to like Aqours right?
Mods support this.
All positions besides Umi, Nico, Maki, and Honk were upgrades.
I actually prefer Aqours than moose
Can't be, the Yazawa seed is strong.
Rin/you as genki?
>Yoshiko being an upgrade over Kotori
>Hanamaru being an upgrade over Hanayo
>Mari being an upgrade over Eli
>Kanan being an upgrade over ANYONE
Good one, user.
Hanayo and Nozomi are shit, so it's fair game.
>this is the go to image for people with shit taste
Thanks for making a convenient mental filter for me user.
tomboys, obviously.
Fuck off.
Kill yourself
>Being this much of a Moosefag
I'll give you the point about Kanan though
The hell is wrong with you?
You and Rin are tomboys, faggot. It is undeniable.
Coincidentally both are shit too
>not girlish
Is this a meme too?
>LL doesn't have males
>using an archetype with boy in its name
Some of you are fucking mental.
What isn't a meme at this point?
Here is the reply you want so much
I meant her black hair and red eyes appear to be dominant genes, if her siblings and mother are any indication.
Ohh, like that.
My bad.
Aqours 1st years > µ's 1st years
Aqours 2nd years < µ's 2nd years
Aqours 3rd years < µ's 3rd years
Honorable mention to Dia the 3rd year MVP
I can agree with this.
>Lick You.
Can we just stop with all this hate posting? It's Love Live, not Hate Die.
All Idol's get equal love.
>Yoshiko+Ruby vs Maki, easy win for Aqours
>Aqours 2nd years have nothing going for them compared to the god-like µ's 2nd years (You is the most overrated girl in the series)
>Nico's design and memes along with Eli being a better background idol than Kanan puts them above Aqours' third years
There you have it.
>nozomi touched Maki's tits
>mari touched You's tits
>tfw they will never touch dicks
I agree with this.
Hanamaru is actually more popular than Ruby
Hanamaru is shit, this isn't about how popular they are.
>not actually popular
What are those then?
The amount of people who already dropped this or lost interest and are here just to shitpost can only increase each week. Maybe when the show ends and the kids go back to /llsifg/ we can have nicer and preferably intermittent threads.
His opinions
>retarded genki
>literally no personality moeblob with shitty helium voice
Umi's okay I guess
This makes no sense whatsoever.
it makes sense especially when you look at their training outfits.
I bet you think You is the daughter of Eli because both are blue, right?
Do people actually believe this?
No, You is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Watanabe who have nothing to do with any of the raibus, you delusional fucking faggot.
Yes we believe this as much as you believe you are married to a cartoon character you fucking idiot
You is the daughter of Eli and Pana. Chika is a clone of Honk. Riko is the daughter of Umi and Maki. Dia and Ruby are the daughters of Nico and Maki. Maru is the daughter of Pana and Rin. Yoshiko is the daughter of Kotori and Umi with donated Nico DNA. Mari is the daughter of Eli with Nozomi. Kanan is the daughter of Eli and Umi.
Don't act as if there weren't people delusional enough to do both
Seek help
In a world where people believe they are starkin I wouldn't doubt anything.
Forgive me, I'm lost.
You're not as lost as I am.
Shall we seek the way together?
Remove Riko because her mom showed up.
Also, no need to put nico on Yoshiko's category.
>Yoshiko is the daughter of Kotori and Umi with donated Nico DNA
Sure, why not.
Nicofags pushing it too hard.
would make sense if it was nozomi.
How else would you explain her mental retardation if she didn't have Yasawa genes in her?
>her mom showed up
That's obviously her adoptive mom, Umi and Maki had to put Riko up for adoption because she was the result of their secret affair
>not kotori
Kotori pretends to be retarded, Nico pretends to not be retarded.
>mental retardation
are you okay?
Umi was kinda retarded at times
You tell me, Yoshikofag.
Yoshiko is smarter than nico, how does this make you feel?
I say they both are retarded.
Still part of the nu-Baka trio
>tfw artist is a fan of kotoumi fir yoshiko's birthday.
Thanks for reminding me
There is literally nothing wrong with being mentally retarded
i'm glad you accepted yourself. user
Still smarter than your 3rd year hag.
Nicofag pls.
>yoshikofags getting triggered
You're Umifags all over again.
I think most Nicofags are also Yoshikofags since she's the closest to a Nico
Yoshiko has more fans than nico, though.
I find that hard to believe considering Nico has an older fanbase and is one of the most popular idols
And the award for the dumbest post in the thread goes to this user.
I love Yoshiko and all but she's definitely not more popular than Nico.
It's just that Yoshiko is more likable character and she doesn't like "no fun allowed"
These threads have gotten so boring I've started to samefag as a Niconigger. Maybe I should go get a job or something.
Get your facts straight, user. Dumbest post was this one
Are you on drugs user
Don't bully the ESL
Now you're the dumbest post.
Look how edgy I am posting Tubmlr, dummie
Can't handle this much edge
>no fun allowed
Nico is a thousand times more fun than boring ass irrelevant Yoshiko. And Nico has more popularity in her toe than Yoshiko has at all.