'tips' edition
Other urls found in this thread:
I have created a simple, MANDATORY test to weed out the anime onlys in this general. You MUST complete this test before your posting abilities will be restored. If you get less than a 90% on this quiz, I must ask you to NEVER post in the Jojo generals again.
Good luck, here's to a better thread! (no looking up answers)
1. Who is your favorite Jojo? (3 acceptable answers)
2. What is the chapter name of chapter 3 of Steel Ball Run? (5 second limit for answer)
3. What is this guy's catchphrase? (see attached picture)
4. How does part 6 start?
5. Name me ALL of the known Zepellis (and one unknown)
6. What is Jotaro's last name?
7. How is The World pronounced in Japanese?
8. What is the best part? (2 acceptable answers)
9. What is Funny Valentine's stand called?
10. Who is the best villain? (1 acceptable answer)
If you answer more than ONE of these questions incorrectly, you are out. Thank you for participating and making /jojo/ a better, anime only free space!
>1. Who is your favorite Jojo? (3 acceptable answers)
Holly Joestar
>2. What is the chapter name of chapter 3 of Steel Ball Run? (5 second limit for answer)
High Voltage
>3. What is this guy's catchphrase? (see attached picture)
>4. How does part 6 start?
Jolyne telling Jotaro to shut the fuck up and him accepting it submissively
>5. Name me ALL of the known Zepellis (and one unknown)
Mario Zeppeli
>6. What is Jotaro's last name?
>7. How is The World pronounced in Japanese?
The Earth
>8. What is the best part? (2 acceptable answers)
Over Heaven
>9. What is Funny Valentine's stand called?
Funniest Valentine
>10. Who is the best villain? (1 acceptable answer)
Leaky Eyed Luca
Dont remember
Planned car "accident"
will, ceaser, gyro, ceasers daddy, gyros dad
Za warudo
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Best to worst. Go.
So they're just a bunch of gay macho men?
To the guys thinking FF looks different than Etro. Araki just made the hair longer.
Suzie Q is best waifu, if you don't agree you're a tasteless pleb.
Shit list no old suzi q yukako reminder or runaway girl
Nobody was saying that. I was just saying that it's wearing a hat, but its actually unconfirmed.
Lisa Lisa
Suzi Q
Mariah and finally Nina because Stardust girls a shit
I can't fit Aya on the list for whatever reason
Post characters who did nothing wrong and deserved happiness. :(
Shit, I forgot about Holy
She's above Lisa Lisa
1: Jolyne.
2:Legitimately don't know, sorry.
3: He says a lot of shit in hindsight, actually, what do you consider it to be? Mudamudamuda? WRYYYY, Toki yo tomare?
4: Romeo is momentarily a sack of shit after Pucci 'n Friends orchestrate a crash that'll get Jolyne in prison for Jotaro Bait. Sidenote: That straightjacket bit was fucked up.
5: Will's father, William A. Zeppeli, Mario Zeppeli, Caesar A. Zeppeli.
6:Kujo, apparently 'Cujoh' after moving to America.
7: Za Warudo.
8: The Adventures of Gay Priest and Jolyne's fuckbuddies.
9: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, shortened to D4C.
10: How can it be anything but Pucci?
>1. Who is your favorite Jojo? (3 acceptable answers)
>2. What is the chapter name of chapter 3 of Steel Ball Run? (5 second limit for answer)
Gyro is gay
>3. What is this guy's catchphrase? (see attached picture)
Mudadardo Rora Da Ze
>4. How does part 6 start?
With masturbation.
>5. Name me ALL of the known Zepellis (and one unknown)
Dead Zeppeli I, Dead Zeppeli II, Dead Zeppeli I(2), Dario Zeppeli
>6. What is Jotaro's last name?
>7. How is The World pronounced in Japanese?
Daze Baruda
>8. What is the best part? (2 acceptable answers)
Stone Ocean
>9. What is Funny Valentine's stand called?
Lucy Pendleton
>10. Who is the best villain? (1 acceptable answer)
David Bowie
wow i dont know the name of SBR chapter 3 by heart i must not be a true jojo fan
To be fair, it's pretty easy to remember. In fact, you probably already know it. (i.e google what it is)
I skipped part 7
You're Next
Jolyne getting caught masturbating
Will, Will's son, Will's grandson, Will's alternate universe equivalent
Za Warudo
Part 6
Filthy Acts Performed at a Reasonable Price
Gay Priest
Shinobu > Pedophile Milf > Magnetic Whore > Tomoko > Titmonster > Shit > Joestar trash
>I skipped part 7
1. Joseph
2. Can't remember
3. Muda
4. Jolyne masturbating
5. Will and his dad, Caesar, Gyro and his dad, Mario
6. Kujo
7. Za warudo
8. 6 or 4 can't choose
9. Dirty deeds done dirt cheap (D4C)
10. Kira
>1. Who is your favorite Jojo? (3 acceptable answers)
Johnny Joestar
>2. What is the chapter name of chapter 3 of Steel Ball Run? (5 second limit for answer)
Johnny Joestar
>3. What is this guy's catchphrase? (see attached picture)
Johnny Joestar
>4. How does part 6 start?
With Johnny Joestar
>5. Name me ALL of the known Zepellis (and one unknown)
Gyro Zeppeli
>6. What is Jotaro's last name?
Johnny Joestar
>7. How is The World pronounced in Japanese?
Za Johnnydo
>8. What is the best part? (2 acceptable answers)
Part with Johnny Joestar
>9. What is Funny Valentine's stand called?
Johnny Joestar
>10. Who is the best villain? (1 acceptable answer)
Johnny Joestar
>number two is actually correct
1) Gappy
2) "Go Go Go Gyr-Fuck Yourself No One Cares About Chapter Names"
3) Do you believe in gravity?
4) With the car crash
5) Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, Bonzo, Jonh Paul Jones
6) Kujo
7) Suta Purachina Za Warudo
9) Filthy Acts at a Reasonable Price
10) Damo
How didn't Rohan get happiness? The only bad thing that happens to him in Part 4 is when Josuke beats the shit out of him.
>Jonathan Higashikata
>I've got Big Balls
>Dame dame dame dame dame dame dame
>Giorno and Trish giving birth to Jolyne
>Mario Zeppeli, Luigi Zeppeli and Toad Zeppeli
>Cujoh he took his wife's name
>Diamond is Not Crash
>I've got Big Balls
>Giorno Giovanna
One mistake, Funny's stand name was Slow Dancer.
Shes better when shes an old woman
>Implying it wasn't Hot Pants
>1. Who is your favorite Jojo? (3 acceptable answers)
Gorge Joestar I
>2. What is the chapter name of chapter 3 of Steel Ball Run? (5 second limit for answer)
Gyro Dies Later By The Way
>3. What is this guy's catchphrase? (see attached picture)
"damn jonathan you're hot"
>4. How does part 6 start?
pic related
>5. Name me ALL of the known Zepellis (and one unknown)
Mario, Luigi, Mario again, Mario the Janitor, Shee Czar, Led
>6. What is Jotaro's last name?
>7. How is The World pronounced in Japanese?
the world in a Japanese accent
>8. What is the best part? (2 acceptable answers)
Gorgeous Irene
>9. What is Funny Valentine's stand called?
Thirty Thieves and the Thunder Chief
>10. Who is the best villain? (1 acceptable answer)
Bon Jovi (holy's stand)
I'll ignore your original post because I heard Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap the exact same way when I first listened to the song
1. Johnny dies
2. Gyro dies
3. Kakyoin dies
4. Jolyne dies
5. Bruno dies
6. Jotaro Dies
7. Diego dies
8. Abacchio dies
9. Hot Pants dies
10. Kira gets run over by an ambulance
2.something something johnny joestar something something
4.Tom Cruise watching you masturbate
5.Wills dad. William. Mario. Forgetable jobber. Gyro. Gregorio
7. Something in moon runes
8.Not your favourite
10.Kenny G
I wonder what kind of JoJo thing will appear at the Olympics. It would be cool to see the characters at the opening. And Jhonny at the paralympics opening
Stardust Crusaders live action movie trailer
and everyone's played by Japanese actors
>avdol is a spray tanned twink jap
hol horse fucking up at the shooting event and headshotting himself
13 years old
Fun Fact: Pillar Men sighted in Mob Psycho 100%
Iggy makes me giggy.
Isn't that practically guaranteed?
They should've just adapted VA.
Iggy makes me shiggy
that's going to be the sequel
Jojo's Stardust Crusaders 2 : Golden Wind
I feel attracted by Diego and I start to jerk off on him. (I had to clean my laptop more often because of that.)
Sometimes I dream about him.
Am I gay ?
Who the fuck knows who or what arcadefag is. He said he quit but if you email him he says that he is making a trailer.
And his house burns down and he also dies
>implying they won't do DiU first
>implying there won't be a sex scene between Josuke and Jotaro to not lose the fujos before they make VA
Hes a Dinosaur Manlet Jockey whos British.
SO its a maybe.
>he also dies
When'd that happen?
Isn't the manga called just "Mob Psycho 100" ?
Like twice in BtD
I actually had a dream about Pucci the other day.
Well Venti Oreo might as well be Stardust 2. It even has Polnareff for no reason
I just hit the old scans in my reading. How fucked is it?
Why didnt rohan drive the car that killed kira?
He didn't actually die, though.
You're too far in for the shitty scans to actually matter. The remaining fights are great.
1.Jojo Jostar
2.Gyro a sleep
5.Will,SHIZAAAAA,Gyro,Dino Gyro
7.『 世界 』
8. 1
9. Humorous Valentino
>that Johnny
my god
I dont get it was the ukrainian shit real?
No arcadefag is a stand.
Oh god,
>Johnny Joester
>Car then Jail
>Will, Mario, Shiza, Gyre's Dad, Gyre
>Zey Uarudo
>Dirty Dishes, Dealt with Decreasingly Cheap
Fuck off
You fucking idiot
Nice fail.
1. Johnny Gappy Josuke
2. Who the fuck remembers
3. So many shit. mudamudamuda and some obvious shit
4. 2 Discs, a baby and an overzealous priest
5. Will. A. Zeppeli, Caesar A. Zeppelli, Gyro Zeppeli
6. Kujj
7. sigh
8. Part 7 and Part 6
9. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheep
10. Joubin
Who is arcadefag?
1. Jotaro
2. What's Steel Ball Run?
4. Timeskip to Josuke searching Kira's home and some new guy with an annoying whife
5. Shiza and his father
6. Joestar
8. Part 1
9. Who is this?
10. Cars
So correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't Yasuho only hung out with Jousuke twice now?
Where was Jonathan's ghost? Did he even die?
Thats a hard questions
>1. Who is your favorite Jojo? (3 acceptable answers)
>2. What is the chapter name of chapter 3 of Steel Ball Run? (5 second limit for answer)
Lol who cares
>3. What is this guy's catchphrase? (see attached picture)
>4. How does part 6 start?
I thought they only went up to 4
>5. Name me ALL of the known Zepellis (and one unknown)
Dead guy, SIZAAAA, and Ball Buster
>6. What is Jotaro's last name?
>7. How is The World pronounced in Japanese?
>8. What is the best part? (2 acceptable answers)
Phantom Blood
>9. What is Funny Valentine's stand called?
Questionable Quests for Quite little Quid
>10. Who is the best villain? (1 acceptable answer)
Over Heaven DIO
>Dead guy,
Which Zeppeli is that?
1. Jorge Joestar
2. Go Go Fuck yourself
3. [Gay Vampire Noises]
4. Masturbation and Tom Cruise
5. Will, The one after hime, the one after that, and the one on the horse.
6. Kujo unless you're in prison inwhich its spelled Cujoh
7. Star Platinum
8. Seven or four
9. Love Train
10. Vanilla Ice
2.fuck you
4.with a cover
5. mustache, ceasarino,gyro
6. Higashikata
7.Le monde
8.Steel Ball Run
9. Nasty bad thing done really cheap
10. Me
It could be fun a JoJo thread about drawfags
Johnny fucks up again
>1. Who is your favorite Jojo? (3 acceptable answers)
>2. What is the chapter name of chapter 3 of Steel Ball Run? (5 second limit for answer)
Johnny Joestar
>3. What is this guy's catchphrase? (see attached picture)
It was me, dio
>4. How does part 6 start?
Red indians beating the shit out of each other
>5. Name me ALL of the known Zepellis (and one unknown)
-ceasar's cool dad
>6. What is Jotaro's last name?
>7. How is The World pronounced in Japanese?
>8. What is the best part? (2 acceptable answers)
Part 1
>9. What is Funny Valentine's stand called?
Ball breaker
>10. Who is the best villain? (1 acceptable answer)
>1. Who is your favorite Jojo? (3 acceptable answers)
>2. What is the chapter name of chapter 3 of Steel Ball Run? (5 second limit for answer)
Gyro Zeppeli Farts 3
>3. What is this guy's catchphrase?
Dio is who I am!
>4. How does part 6 start?
Jolyne is dying in the water alongside her comrades, record scratches and she says "You're probably guessing how did I end up here"
>5. Name me ALL of the known Zepellis?
Led Zeppelin
>6. What is Jotaro's last name?
>7. How is The World pronounced in Japanese?
Da Ward
>8. What is the best part?
Phantom Blood
>9. What is Funny Valentine's stand called?
Evil Doings at a Really Low Cost
>10. Who is the best villain?
Wired Beck
I'm the JoJo Expert bitchesssss
>No Yukako
>No Reimi
You know what to do
>Jolyne is dying in the water alongside her comrades, record scratches and she says "You're probably guessing how did I end up here"
That girl with the blonde hair and black bangs has a pretty cool design. I don't know if it's the distance making it look like her eyes are all black, or if her sclera really are pitch black. Either way, top-notch design.
Not good enough for Joseph not to cheat on her with a Japanese college girl, apparently
>his smile and quiet life: gone
That's because Suzi was too old to fuck at that time, Joseph was horny as fuck on one of his Japan visits.
Young Suzi is best waifu.
Fuck you manga-only niggers. I have been holding back reading the manga ever since the anime adaptions were first announced, so should that mean I be the target of elitist assholes cunts that love to spoil shit? It's not my fault you stupid cunts read volume 1-3 and became bitter shits because deep-down inside you know that you wanted to experience it in anime form. Volumes 1-3 were god damn amazing adaptions of Araki's shaky material, and you know it. You god damn cunts will never know how fucking great it felt to watch Caesar die without being spoiled. Well, I'm leaving now because I know how much you fucking cum-guzzling faggots love to reply to posts like mine with lists of character deaths. Eat a bag of dicks and die from AIDS you fucking cocksucking niggers.
Listen, if you wanted this (you) all you had to do was ask.
1. Joseph Joestar from Alternate Universe first mentioned in the SBR book Josuke finds
2. Johnny jewstar
3. Good grief Charlie Brown
4. Shlicking
5.All of them are dead anyway unless you care about Gyro and Caesars siblings.
7. Sekai
8. The Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan one offs.
9.despicable demands determined at devalued costs
10. The man operating the horse drawn carriage that flings George I, his wife and Jonathan off a cliff prompting the entire series to begin.
>Joseph didn't sire like four kids
>Only one daughter, not even any sons until he fucked a gook
>Even Jonathan at least knocked up Erina in the small time they were married
What is wrong with Joseph
Huh. I just realized that any sons DIO had would be with Jonathan's sperm and not his. Unless vampire fuckery changed that.
So every time DIO was fucking a bitch, he was technically cucking himself.
>1. Who is your favorite Jojo? (3 acceptable answers)
Part 2 Joseph.
>2. What is the chapter name of chapter 3 of Steel Ball Run? (5 second limit for answer)
I'll blame the limit on this one
>3. What is this guy's catchphrase? (see attached picture)
Muda times a lot
>4. How does part 6 start?
Tom cruise?
>5. Name me ALL of the known Zepellis (and one unknown)
Ceasar, part 1 zepelli, ceasars dad and gyro
>6. What is Jotaro's last name?
>7. How is The World pronounced in Japanese?
Za wordo
>8. What is the best part? (2 acceptable answers)
Part 2
Part 5
>9. What is Funny Valentine's stand called?
>10. Who is the best villain? (1 acceptable answer)
Dio in the first universe
I guess I'm leaving, sorry guys
is he the strongest standuser?
In Jail?
Will A., SHIZA, Gyro, and Mike?
Diamond Is Unbreakable so far but I've heard good things from SBR
Dirty Deeds Done Cheap
Kira but see Q8
Dont reply to it.
>just realized any sons DIO had wouldn't be his
>>>>>>>Giorno has the birthmark
Nah this kid is.
STrongest side stand right here. LOOK AT THOSE STATS
Good one.
What is the point of this.
1. Johnny
2. I don't remember chapter names cunt
3. fuck you joey joeman
4. Tom Cruise catches Jolyne masturbating
5. Will, Mario, Caesar, Gyro, Gyro's Dad
6. Kujo
7. zah wah roo dough
8. SBR
9. Scrimminy Bungus and the Patriotic Fungus
10. Patrick Bateman
Obvious bait and bland taste.
Think of a song that's been referenced in JJBA.
Look up that song on youtube and bring back the first Jojo related comment you see.
is this satire?
Is the salt meme the worst thing to arise online past few years?
It's such a retarded deflection of criticism.
not the tumblr post but why do you post it here for "Epic tumbr sucks we good!" posts?
Vergilus2 months ago
What did I expect looking at the comments?
Jenifer Gerlach1 month ago
right, I was born in the 70's.
Mecha Tengu1 month ago
You were expecting weab memes, but it was me, Dio!
Literally the top comment on Killer Queen
If its the strongest stand, then how come it was defeated so early on?
Who cares? There's people in these threads that really need to get over their superiority complexes.
It's not the strongest but it's definitely up there. Its power is completely contingent on how much electricity its absorbed, though, which is its main drawback. It'd be literally useless in the SBRverse unless Akira could get a lightning bolt to hit it.
Akira is fucking retarded
>In a Silent Way
>"Hope you guys know that in a few years, the JoJo fans are going to invade the comments section. XD"
But who would win, RHCP or pic related?
1. Johnny
2. Josuke Higashikata
3. mudamudamuda hinjiaku monkee wryyyy za warudo
4. jolyne is found in the ground with 6 nips
5. William Antonio, Caesar, Gyro and fuckoffo
6. Brando
7. Der Welt
8. Five
9. Diforshi
10. Gappy
1. Giorno
2. johnny joestar i think?
3. He has many, but Mudada comes to mind
4. With jolyne and her boyfriend performing a hit and hide
5. Will's dad, Will, Mario, Caesar and in the alternate universe Gregario and Gyro
6. Kujo
7. Za (Zah) Warudo (Wahr-oo-doh)
8. 8
9. Sordid Stunts Served at Small Sums
10. DIO
Not the original poster, but probably just for the reason you said.
>Pedophile milf
What? Aya?
Post songs referenced in JoJo stands or characters that fit their fights or specific arcs/chapters perfectly. I'll go first youtube.com
shinobu is fucking HOT
post self-made memes
>short range power type
>range is A
u fockin wot m8?
What do you mean, user?
>Urist McInternet3 weeks ago
>>JoJo fans incoming!
this is the only jojo related comment on Purple Haze
>caught up to the manga a long time ago
>can't even be spoiled anymore
>have to wait every month just to hear you retarded fuckers debate over who the milargo man is
this is jojo hell
This is why people hate us
I fucking hate those kind of people well at the end of the day ita the youtube coment section
That's just for how long she can move while keeping the stickers still in effect though, right?
she looks like a teenager
Pretty funny, user
I don't mind people disliking JoJo but this guy... Either he is retarded or he is just trying to troll. By seeing his Twitter, I'll say both.
Shoulda been like me and refuse to catch up until the main villain of JJL is revealed.
I don't know, the stats of half these things don't make sense, Araki even said so. He just has them so powerlevelfags can have something to argue about
She's just a young mother
It's really quite terrible.
I might be a filthy secondary myself, but at least I had the decency not to spread memes I didn't even understand at the time.
>Fuck you manga-only niggers
Muh projections
Joseph he was like so funny :)
Steel Ball Run Chapter 3
I'm a vampire roar!
DIO raises from the grave and is sent to jail by Jotoro, his daughter goes to the jail to stop any evil he may plot!
There are only 2 Will and Caesar R.I.P.
Joestar of course that's all of the jojo's last names
Za Warudo lol
Part 2!
The Lover's Valentine
Stroheim nazis are evil!
didn't notice that
sorry, user
this is how you bait, hats off
"Soft and Whetto"
>>Cred Forums
With this stando i will use soft and whetto to steal wiggo's sound barriers
100% accurate
Prove that this isnt the worst stand in the entirety of JoJo
Everyone share their abysmal taste, now
Wheel of FOrtune, Khnum, Survivor, and Yo Yo ma exist.
I think you meant to post
I bet he can suck my dick then use heavens door to make me forget
it doesn't kill its own user
>disliking either of the OINGO BOINGO BUROTHAAAAARS' Stands
shit taste
Replace Valentine with Pucci as favorite villain though, too lazy to change now.
what's so fucking bad about soft and wet?
Both of them in a sense are useless, but atleast they were good Comedy.
my actual favorite fight is Josefumi vs Aphex Twins, but that's not available in color yet
also i know Mista is a brojo but fuck you guys ok
Why couldn't he be this cute or like in pic related in the actual manga?
>implying you wouldn't be sucking his dick and then mysteriously forgetting what you were doing for the past hour
At least try you fuck.
It made me laugh actually. Thank you, user !
>favorite minor villain
>favorite fight
A+ taste
>1. Who is your favorite Jojo? (3 acceptable answers)
>2. What is the chapter name of chapter 3 of Steel Ball Run? (5 second limit for answer)
Sweaty Steel Balls
>3. What is this guy's catchphrase? (see attached picture)
"Gappy makes me happy"
>4. How does part 6 start?
With an ukrainian boy
>5. Name me ALL of the known Zepellis (and one unknown)
Plant, Page, Bonham, Jones and Gyro.
>6. What is Jotaro's last name?
>7. How is The World pronounced in Japanese?
ching chong the world nip nong
>8. What is the best part? (2 acceptable answers)
The part with the gay posing
>9. What is Funny Valentine's stand called?
cleary a trick question he doesn't have one, he learned to use hamon in the desert
>10. Who is the best villain? (1 acceptable answer)
Kenny G.
It's great, Gappy is just shit at using it
Because he's meant to be a creepy fuck and Araki is obviously trying not to fetishize him.
id fuck her brains out
The ability to disguise yourself as anybody is far from useless.
>Deadly Queen can turn anything it touches into a "bomb"
>the "bomb" stays intact when it explodes, destroying what it's touching instead
Is this some sort of mistranslation or does the author not understand how bombs work?
Well of course given the right situation It can be pretty OP, But Khnum cant copy the clothes of a person, making it a bit harder.
Why are you taking it so literally? And
>Deadly Queen
>Deadly Queen
>tfw disguise as a qt grill
People are desperate for (you)s these days.
Kira really had it good
How big and fat do you think her butt is?
Is anyone else really hyped to see the PV for RPS Kid's episode tomorrow? This is one of the episodes I'm looking forward to the absolute most just to see how fucking hype and amazing the fight will be animated, it's just one of those fights that looks like it was practically made for an anime.
He does look pretty cute in some panels. Araki tends to draw kids as kind of chubby or weird looking loads of the time. The only kid I'd say is really cute in all of JoJo is kid Diego.
>Araki is obviously trying not to fetishize him
>mfw the Tsurigi reveal
>mfw /ss/ and trap fetishes
>mfw Tsurugi trying to cuddle with Yasuho and saying he likes her
didn't feel like doing anything else
Jonathan and Jotaro
You have to be fucking autistic to remember that shit
le mudamudamuda xd
With Jolyne masturbating
Will, Caeser, Caeser's father, Gyro and Gyro's father
le za warudo ;)
Vento Aureo
Even still, it's leagues better than the power to not let anyone see your back, or to be stuck in a tower forever.
Hell yeah, i wanna see Rohan beat some nigga at RPS while flying in the air
Fucking finish it you lazy faggot.
1. Joseph
2. Dun't know (I have shit memory for most things)
3. Muda muda
4. Jolyne masturbating
5. Ceasar, Mario, William, Gyro, and Gyro's father (I forgot his name)
6. Cujoh/Kujo
7. Don't know
8. Part 4 and 7 are a close tie but I have to go with 4
9. Filthy Fucks Flung at Wild Discounts (D4C/Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap)
10. Yoshikage Kira
Definitly a bait from a random troll. We just have to look at his twitter and youtube to confirm this.
You're probably vastly overestimating its capabilities.
>What is the chapter name of chapter 3 of Steel Ball Run?
>Steel Ball Run Chapter 3
Skipping parts should be an automatic disqualification
Or he's vastly underestimating them.
My mom was just as good when I was at Shinobu's retarded son's age.
Oh I'm a stupid cunt, I thought that was Nena rather than Polnareff's waifu.
>Polnareff never finds her again after Part 3
>Never explains what the fuck happened
>Never settles down with her to live happily
>Instead becomes a twink and then a ghost living inside a turtle
Sasuga, Araki
Kinda yeah, I'm just anxious about it since it's a 6 chapter episode.
Something will inevitably be skipped or just rushed through really fast. I hope they make the RPS itself go fast enough that they won't have to cut much.
>>Polnareff never finds her again after Part 3
It's pretty hard to do that when breathing too loudly will get you killed by the Italian mafia.
I want to fuck your mom.
>Nazis are evil!
I mean, he might have put his Silver Chariot in her Soft & Wet in Egypt had Diavolo not It Just Works'd him off a cliff and crippled him for life.
>Yo Yo ma
Seriously, I don't understand why people hate him so much.
That part always seemed weird to me because it makes Passione come off like the goddamn Illuminati controlling everything, but it also doesn't make much sense when Diavolo apparently thought Polnareff was dead, no?
1. Gappy
2. I don't remember that shit it's been a while
4. Jolyne masturbating
5. Will, Mario, Caesar, Gyro, Gyro's dad
6. Kujo
7. Za Warudo
8. 8
9. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, otherwise known as D4C
10. Valentine
That's how I'd use this stand.
He probably kept an eye out (no pun intended) for him, just in case.
Alright guys, so I've replaced the green and red sheels with Steel balls and the blue shell with Sheer Heart Attack.
Any suggestions? I've thought about replacing the Blooper with Soft and Wet. What could replace the bananas?
Gappy makes me happy
That's pretty gay.
He felt Polnareff had it too good, especially since he took a lot of spot light from Jotaro in Part 3
Also the twink design is just because Araki forgot how to draw
Pol Pol doesn't become a twink, it's just the art change
When he nuts but Heaven's Door makes you suck harder
>implying his current artstyle isn't the best
What's this face trying to convey?
Hm, I guess.
Still, he spend like a whole year or two in hiding like that didn't he? Too bad Jotaro left his ass when they went there and couldn't or wouldn't find him later.
How did he even survive anyway? Look at the flashback, he got pretty much torn apart.
Why not replace the Bloopers with Whitesnake and his jizz ability?
The banana should be soft and wet bubble because it can stil the friction off the floor.
Man I'm completely fine with his current art style, but he legit forgot how to draw his old characters. I'm supposed to believe this is Jonathan fucking Joestar?
A combination of PolPol being the man, and the universe (Araki) wanting him alive so he could suffer.
Well, it is kid Jonathan.
Fucking awful design.
Meant to be funny I guess but comes across as just kind of dumb?
Fight takes fucking ages and they're all like "oh shit what's his deal what's his ability" and then it's just "yeah it dribbles acid."
Fight isn't exciting at all. It's just them fucking around on a boat while Yo-Yo Ma memes on them and then the user dies and that's it.
And the frog thing made no fucking sense. I know it's JoJo any there's only so much sensibility I can expect but what sort of shit is 'making a Stand think it's a frog because its brain was the pointy arrow shit on its forehead'?
That's meant to be him when he's a teenager.
Very good taste, but I have to kill you for insulting my feng shui waifu anyway.
Who is the better character - Josuke or Kira?
Thats a good idea but it needs to be big enough to be noticeable. Also bananas act as a shield, can the bubbles do that too (havent read Part 8 yet)
Thats a way cooler idea than mine
0/3123321, finish your shit
r8 n h8
Josuke is great but Kira is just such an amazing character
holy shit i cant believe rohan would just fucking kill a kid
Current art style is pretty beautiful but I think Part 5 was its peak because Araki had really got the hang of drawing pretty boys but hadn't forgotten how to draw muscles yet. Polnareff and Joseph being so skinny in that photo seems to be a weird exception, because he draws other muscular characters like Diavolo just fine later in the part. Whenever he draws Jonathan, Joseph or Star Platinum now I wanna die.
Nope, that's him as an adult. He even draws him with the rest of the JoJos the exact same way
This is his attempt at Joseph, who canonically looks exactly the same as Jonathan bar his hair
Has anyone got a blank one? I finally caught up I want to make one now
What? Gappy is massive compared to Giorno. Araki has even said that he has the same build as Jotaro.
I still want to see Valentine and Gappy done with his late Part 4 artstyle.
Pretty good user, but really, of all the Part 5 stands, Aerosmith?
Diavolo looked malnourished and weird as shit. I found Valentine and naked sailor Josuke's a lot musculature more natural.
Only recently when I went back to read part 2 there are a lot of times when I kept mistaking Joseph for Jonathan
here you are family
Don't talk shit about machine gun plane, it gets points for fucking shit up without being a punchghost
Kira is the real protagonist of part 4
he looks like Michael Jackson
What's wrong with that? That's a normal size for a 19 year old.
>Nope, that's him as an adult.
It actually is kid Jonathan. It's sort of based on the first volume cover and the back has Dio and Danny.
Adams is the real protagonist of Jorge Joestar Over Heaven Feedback Another Day.
I had a dream where I was hanging out with Daiya, Hato, and Damo
But the plot twist was that I was Dio
Am I still Dio now that I have woken up?
>favorite animal
Jotaro actually has a smaller build than Jon, Joseph and Star. Pic-not related, just more of his modern art style ruining Jon and Joseph
Araki said that was intentional in his JoJonium review of Joseph's character design. He was intended to be "JoJo" and not so much a new character. Jonathan and Joseph have the most similar designs to date because after killing off Jonathan he wanted to play it safe and have a familiar design be the protagonist for Battle Tendency, yet at the same time wanted a new, more colorful character to write for
So I'm reading part 8 and I'm really confused. In the beginning, that surfer said that he had kept kira prisoner until he escaped three days before Gappy was found.
Then we found out that three days ago he got caught by the stone men and killed
What was up with that?
So making the characters a more realistic size is "ruining" the characters?
Araki can say whatever he likes but it doesn't change what he's drawn, and what he's drawn is Gappy being kind of lanky.
True, Valentine's musculature did look good.
I guess what I should have said is "Araki forgot how to draw huge guys" instead of "Araki forgot how to draw muscles." He can still draw muscles alright but now he can't (or maybe doesn't want to) draw huge dudes. And I can appreciate that that might very well be because JoJo has long since moved on from being a parody of bara, but considering that Jonathan, Joseph, Jotaro and to some degree Josuke were actually *meant* to be way fucking bigger than average and their size wasn't merely a result of art style, stuff like
just doesn't feel right.
What? It's a pretty common thing to put FF there.
What's your issue with that Joseph?
I dreamed of Funny Valentine.
Am I pregnant now ?
Jolyne looks perfect in SBR style
Bear In mind I'm only at part 5
Not there yet
Not there
William Antonio, Caesar Antonio are the only ones that I know because I'm behind in the series
Za Warudo
Currently part 4
Not there yet
Can't decide between kira/dio
I don't care what I get, I don't post here anyway
>"Araki forgot how to draw huge guys"
Does he need to? Just because the first 4 JoJos were drawn big doesn't mean they actually were big. That's just how he drew bodies at the time, and now he draws bodies with a smaller frame.
Yes because the characters were already designed the way they were. Why do you think the anime or the games copy Araki's old art style when dealing with older parts?
Jonathan's entire character is that he's incredibly strong and well-built. This is the fucker that manhandled Tarkus. Hamon or not, it's not believable if he looks like a twig
>it's not believable if he looks like a twig
He's still pretty muscular. Martial artists aren't even that big, are they?
>doesn't mean they actually were big
Yes it fucking does. Everyone comments on the size of the first four JoJos at some point.
Nigga if Jonathan is toned down so is everyone else
Use your head
Araki should redraw the first 3 parts to shut all you barafags up
>kind of lanky
He's not cartoonishly exaggerated the way they used to be, but I definitely wouldn't call this lanky.
They do? It always seems to be about height more than body mass.
Goddamn I dont think jotaro looks bad in any of araki's artstyles. He's just such a good designed character
I'm only here for the pastebin. Turns out my manga source hasn't translated any chapter 5 pieces since sex pistols and jumped straight to stone ocean
Use bato.to
Jotaro is muscular too, but he has Star Platinum pull the same impossible feats that Jonathan could do naturally. Joseph should be more twiggy considering his character, but his design was pretty much Jonathan 2.0 so I let it slide
But I don't mind Araki's new art style at all. I just think when drawing the older characters they should stay big
Jotaro was the point Araki really started coming into his own rather than copying FotNS
>Naked Gappy on a Building with SEGA
Fucking nice
>but his design was pretty much Jonathan 2.0 so I let it slide
Yeah, thirty years ago.
good one.
Damn boy I hadn't actually seen that stronk Gappy before.
They are tall, yes, but they're broad to go with it, or else they'd all look like sphagetti. Josuke I actually can't remember ever having his shirt off or arms out and he just goofs around, so he might very well just be tall rather than huge, but considering that Parts 1 and 2 were all about the astonishing physical feats of Jonathan and Joseph, why on earth would they not be huge dudes to go with the fact? Jotaro is meant to be very strong too, regardless of Star Platinum, and at the time of his creation I imagine 'fuckin big' was still the distinctive JoJo trait, so I don't see him being a lanky boy.
Well even in Diamond, Joseph was still pretty goddamn big, but we aren't dealing with the original universe anymore
I just think the style should be unique to its own Part rather than unified. It helps contrast the difference between Jonathan and Johnny on how they're almost practically opposites in every way
Even now Araki intends for Joseph to be the spitting image of his grandfather with spiky, shonen hair
if arcadefag worked with some one who can pose models he coud have made some acceptable sprites. not good just acceptable.
Wouldn't a skinny guy doing the shit they did be more impressive than huge muscular men doing them? Every JoJo, even Jolyne, has been muscular in every artstyle and every part.
>It helps contrast the difference between Jonathan and Johnny on how they're almost practically opposites in every way
And doing that through characterization is much better in my eyes. So what if one is massive and the other is skinny?
Lovers Of The World
>Sebastian Maron2 weeks ago
>turn the video back 6 seconds every 30 seconds for true man's world
Look dude it's just fucking canon that Jonathan and Joseph were really big
I do not know why you are aguing this
Is it canon for Joseph, though? Jonathan would be pretty muscular since he was a rugby player, but I'm not sure about Joseph. He's a pretty lazy guy.
Anyone got that pic of the part 5 gang getting gay in the car?
>i don't fucking know
top kek
It adds to that, characterization is obviously a primary which is what differentiated Jon and Joseph in the first place. But in the end they were still doing the same things, directly fighting
But Jonathan and Johnny looking as different as they are as personalities really reflect how far Araki has come in terms of making the characters completely unique. Johnny goes through similar things as Jonathan, but he really isn't Jonathan at all. He's Johnny
Jonathan should be Jonathan, Johnny should be Johnny. Jonathan was just designed really fucking big
Everyone comments Joseph is the spitting image of his grandfather, so despite his personality that's just how he looks too
Even Araki says Joseph looks exactly like Jonathan bar the difference in hair
Well finished Part 3 today, any expectations I should have for Josuke?
That could mean anything. They could be talking about his face, for all you know.
GER has an incredible design
I don't even care if it's an asspull. That nigga shot out a fucking scorpion
You want spoilers, maybe?
iirc Smokey is astonished by Joseph's size when they first meet, Jotaro claims Joseph used to be well built before getting old, and given that Joseph is meant to look a lot like Jonathon it would make sense for their builds to be very similar.
Also it's not like every single male in Parts 1 and 2 were drawn as the exact same size and build as the JoJo. The grotesque size of their muscles was a quirk of Araki's art at the time, but they were clearly still meant to be bigger than other people.
1.Josuke, Gappy
2.Johny Joestar
4.Jolyne Cujoh is having a loveydovey ride with her asshole of a boyfriend which will later turn his back on her accusing her of a faulty traffic accident
5.William Anthonio Zeppeli, Ceasar Zeppeli, Gyro Zeppeli Super Mario Zeppeli Bros.
6.Either Kujo from his father or Joestar from his mother
8.Balls of steel, Battle Tendency
10.Yoshikage Kira
Joshuu makes ME happy
>JOJO: the main character of the story shifted from the first generation, Jonathan Joestar, to the second, Joseph Joestar. In retrospect, I get the impression that a lot of people think the two of them look almost identical. The thing is, at the time it was being serialized, it was unthinkable to let the main character die in a Weekly Shounen Jump series. From the readers’ perspective, a different main character makes it a completely different series. It was a difficult hurdle to overcome. Then the thought occurred to me, maybe I should change his personality without changing his appearance. And that’s why Jonathan and Joseph look so similar. But, as I draw each successive JOJO now that we’re in the 8th installment of the series, the fact that there’s no difference between the first and second generation… is actually rather painful for me (lol).
Source: JoJonium
Meh. Just spin it as the Joestar blood being more and more diluted throughout the generations.
It's Julius Caesar.
Honestly that one image of fan art you just posted is the only time I've ever liked GER's design. It's much too busy and overdetailed for my taste with all those slits and circles and stuff everywhere
Get out of the threads and just start reading part 4. It's my personal favorite and you're bound to have a good time
I would recommend the colored scans because they're actually really good for part 4
4.Jolyne masturbating
5.WILL, Caesar (and gyro), and ceasar/gyro's dad
7. Za Warudo
8. 7/2
9. Filthy Acts at a Reasonable Price
10. DIO
How is Joseph's current body not "well built"?
I guess I can understand your point now. I still don't think it's that bad of a thing that Joseph isn't huge now, though.
what about here?
I like the new art style except with the pillar men. Yeah they look buff but they don't give off that god vibe. For some reason it reminds me of teenage Hercules from disney
I think they look pretty good. They look more like greek gods, rather than fitness gods.
Eh, its not all bad knowign where its from. its probably one of the only good iggy ones though.
>Is it canon for Joseph, though?
It's a visual series
You can see the fucking characters
What about girl version?
>you might live long enough to see this actually animated
So how come Gappy and Jotaro look completely different in their respective parts but are supposed to have similar builds? It's all stylistic.
What's your tumblr again?
Araki's just an inconsistent artist. He looks pretty similar to Jotaro in the fighters
Don't get my hopes up, user.
We don't even know if we'll get 5 or 6.
Looks like a cheap dirty slut with saggy boobs.
Well different tastes I guess. The muscles plus the way they bended added a bit of a non human factor for me instead of just gods
Not him, but its Lewd Lewd Deluxe
Bad meme
we will definitely get 5
not 6 though
Kion's art makes everything look ugly but arousing, I feel ashamed
Don't be dumb, it was just a countdown to Jonathan through his descendants. They weren't even sure if they would be able to do part 3 at the time.
I love how people come up with convoluted excuses and rationalizations for any of Araki's inconsistencies
He's a lazy mangaka who writes about gay men punching each other in the soul while doing poses, not a mastermind all whose actions are strictly and coldly calculated
But it's a boy. Boys don't have breasts
Maybe it's because you're trying to point out plotholes that aren't actually there?
>Le gay men meme!
>Le posing!
>Ora Ora am I right guys?
Go home you animeonly
If Part 4 of all things can be confirmed, 5 and 6 should be a shoe in. The real question is whether or not the quality will be consistent
I wonder if Araki will ever find the time to "remaster" his older works a.k.a. redraw them with his modern style like Kiyohiko Azuma did with redrawing Azumanga Daioh
Part 5 should have more of a budget, but Part 6 will pretty much just be crayons on toilet paper.
Does your dad work at David?
I wouldn't call it lazy, but he has said multiple times that he just starts drawing and comes up with things along the way
he's also said that he writes himself into a corner sometimes by making the enemies too strong
Hopefully not.
Any more recent pictures
Jojo has a shitload of plot holes. Being self aware doesn't mean it's not lazy writing
I'm reading the manga, thank you. At part 7 right now, I read it whenever I have nothing to do and don't want to play videogames
I doubt it. I'm sure that when he's finished with Part 8 or Part 9 he'll straight up retire and live the rest of his life happily.
>more of a budget after every season has been selling lower than the last
I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you.
the body looks ok but the face man.
>Being self aware doesn't mean it's not lazy writing
And having plotholes (mostly in the earlier parts) doesn't mean that it can't be well-written and defendable when something questionable shows up.
>yfw by the time part 8 is finished the anime will have caught up to it
Sorta yes
Bubbles can steal a quality from anything. So yeah having a bubble on the back of the cart to block attacks would work great.
>retire and live the rest of his life happily
>live happily
>without drawing JoJo
It doesn't help that David keep fucking up. If they weren't so bad at budgetting, they wouldn't be in this mess.
And Part 5 is apparently really popular. Part 6 not so much, and I doubt we'll see Part 7 (I don't think it would suit an anime, anyway) since that's also not too popular in Japan.
He has like 5000 hobbies
>not here'sjohnny.png
David's budget game has been good aside from some fuck-ups earlier on, Quality Queen being the biggest one, though honestly they made up for it with the episode right after. I'd give them the benefit of the doubt and wait till AOBTD or Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable to judge whether they're still shit at budgeting or not.
Hope the anime doesn't pull a dbz and make filler arcs. What filler do you think they would make if they actually did?
What did Araki feel watching this lads?
> making the characters a more realistic size is "ruining" the characters
God damn do they need to make steroids readily available so you can understand what men should look like
Joshu goes window shopping
All of which he puts into drawing.
I do think he'll end Jojo but he will never stop drawing shit
There's also the entirety of DIO's World, but David have definitely improved since then.
David are like Araki in that they're improving as they go along, but they still need a decent budget from Warner to unlock their potential, so to speak.
They could animate Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe or Purple Haze Feedback
Men should have fucked up proportions and long faces?
>it's got inconsistencies that means it's bad and lazy
I wonder how many of you have actually read or seen anything outside of Shonen manga/anime considering how you treat asspulls and plot holes like they are the sole factor that determines the quality of a story. As if you couldn't criticize anything above the painfully obvious surface level.
Discussion Idea:
It always bothered me what stands could have been even with a Potential level of only D, it's only seen with Tusk it went down from 'A' to 'E' at part 4 showing that it had reached full max potential. I don't know why but I think this "Act" or stand growth more interesting than Requiems which are just straight up going from powerful/decent stands to just plain OP just for plot. Now, what I want to get you anons opinion on is how do you think stands who canonically are at 'A' to 'D' potential could have possibly advanced, whether through Acts or other means. Please no one try to dry those Reddit Over Heaven things, just... no
List of Stands at 'A' potential:
-Red Hot Chili Pepper
-Echoes Act 3
-Killer Queen
-Sheer Heart Attack
-Another One Bites The Dust
-Heaven's Door
-Achtung Baby
-Gold Experience
-Chariot Requiem (Why?)
-Beach Boy
-Notorious B.I.G.
-Green Day
-Stone Free
-Weather Report (it doesn't say but it could be Heavy Weather it's is full potential, or it could be another "stand" like BtD or SHA)
-Made in Heaven
-Soft & Wet
-Nut King Call
'B' potential:
-The World (both)
-Ebony Devil
-Death 13
-Love Deluxe
-Sex Pistols
-Purple Haze
-Foo Fighters
-Diver Down
-Goo Goo Dolls
-Ball Breaker
-Scary Monsters
-In a Silent Way
-Cream Starter
-Tubular Bells
'C' potential:
-Star Platinum: The World
-Silver Chariot
-The Fool
-Crazy Diamond
-The Hand
-Bad Company
-Pearl Jam
-Ratt (both)
-Boy II Man
-Earth Wind and Fire
-Highway Star
-Stray Cat
-Moody Blues
-Spice Girl
-Little Feet
-The Grateful Dead
-Manhattan Transfer
-Highway to Hell (I don't even know what to do with this stand it's like a worse Lovers)
-Marilyn Manson
-Yo-Yo Ma
-Tomb of the Boom
-Boku no Rhythm wo Kiitekure
-Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap with Love Train
-20th Century Boy
-Ticket to Ride
-Paisley Park
Also Dead Man's Questions
Gappy fights several stand users vaguely reminiscent of part 4 villains, with slightly altered stands.
Honestly think that part 4 has had some of the best episodes in the entire adaptation, if the finale has the godlike directors/animators that Rohan 2 and Quiet Life 2 did it will be one of the best fucking things to watch.
Still willing to argue that Rohan 2 is the best episode in the adaptation as well, I can't stop rewatching that episode.
'D' potential:
-Hierophant Green
-Magician's Red
-Dark Blue Moon
-Yellow Temperance
-Hanged Man
-Wheel of Fortune
-High Priestess
-Sticky Fingers
-Oh! Lonesome Me
-Catch the Rainbow
-Those with "?" as Development potential
-or "NONE"
-or "N/A"
-Baby Face is "Depending on maturity" (ew)
>1. Who is your favorite Jojo? (3 acceptable answers)
Jolyne it's how I first looked into all of this
But when I started playing it was Joseph
Then when I started watching it was Jotaro
But from what I read I might like Johnny but i'll leave him out until I read more
>2. What is the chapter name of chapter 3 of Steel Ball Run? (5 second limit for answer)
>3. What is this guy's catchphrase? (see attached picture)
*frog noises*
>4. How does part 6 start?
I'm waiting for an "official" translation although I read it about it on the wikia a long time ago when I first got into all this
>5. Name me ALL of the known Zepellis (and one unknown)
Caesar is the only one I liked
>6. What is Jotaro's last name?
It's Jotaro "Kujo" Joestar
>7. How is The World pronounced in Japanese?
za warudo toki wo tomare
>8. What is the best part? (2 acceptable answers)
Phantom Blood/Battle Tendency
>9. What is Funny Valentine's stand called?
「Dirty Deeds Done with Sheep」
>10. Who is the best villain? (1 acceptable answer)
pic related literally me
They've definitely hit their stride with the 39 episode length, which'll be even more helpful with the next two parts.
did you know arcadefag gave his models away?
It's yo
Definitely, if they keep the 39 episodes runtime for part 5 and 6 the pacing will not only be perfect but much easier to budget than 48 episodes.
Where can I find them?
heh true
Speaking of Warner, I don't suppose SC airing on toonami is going to to net them some dosh that might trickle down and help David or something?
I think the only thing that money will affect is whether or not we get more dubs of the anime.
they are starting form the beginning of the anime tho so part 1/2
>1. Who is your favorite Jojo? (3 acceptable answers)
As of this moment I consider Gappy the best but Jonathan is my true favorite
>2. What is the chapter name of chapter 3 of Steel Ball Run? (5 second limit for answer)
Don't know don't care
>3. What is this guy's catchphrase? (see attached picture)
>4. How does part 6 start?
Jolyne masturbates to Tom Cruise
>5. Name me ALL of the known Zepellis (and one unknown)
William, Gyro, Gregorio, Cheeser, Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi
>6. What is Jotaro's last name?
>7. How is The World pronounced in Japanese?
>8. What is the best part? (2 acceptable answers)
Jorge Joestar
>9. What is Funny Valentine's stand called ?
Thirty Thieves and the Thunder Chief
>10. Who is the best villain? (1 acceptable answer)
Pic related
Are they Re-redubbing Part 1-2?
There's also the Joseph arms behind his head thing at 0:01 at the very left.
not sure if they said but if there's one thing i hope for is Joseph still have his same dub voice i liked it way more than the sub
On his drop box.
here is johhny.
>William, Gyro, Gregorio, Cheeser, Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi
I wish I thought of that
It's going up on Toonami, so it'll probably be the WB dub
Whats arcadefags dropbox?
Jojo is a prime example of style over substance. Most the serious moments kind of fall flat because Araki doesn't know how to write drama, so it ends up feeling like a rough draft. I kind of liked Part 1 in that regard because while it feels like a rough draft as well it completely embraces it and plays along in earnest, rather than the asspullmania that is Araki trying to write intelligent characters
It's still enjoyable precisely because of the "style" bit (being a visual medium helps a lot - if it was a novel I'm going to bet it wouldn't even get published, but that's only one part of it).
Take in mind most of this doesn't entirely apply to what I've read of SBR, but it still has Araki's random infodumps and lack of buildup in general - a lot of it sounds like rambling
I have nothing to do and don't want to play videogames
Eh, I suppose we just have to count on the nips to not completely lose interest.
Although I honestly get a bit depressed thinking about how it might get canned by some of that shit that manages to outsell it.
i want the 2nd OST right the fuck now
>style over substance.
Really? It's more style with substance, than anything.
1.The second pair of balls of gappy
2.Didn't pay attention to that chapter name
4.With a car accident
5. The gay zepelly of the moustache, the gayer zepelly of under a rock and the zepelly who plays with his balls
7. Za wardo
10.The mona lisa's hand
its not a dropbox its on google drive.
Part 5 is pretty likely, and at that point they might as well just make Part 6.
Part 7, though? Not going to happen. It'll need too much of a budget for a part Japan doesn't even like.
I never liked the term "style over substance" because it implies there's no substance in style.
I am back with grades. Remember, if you have failed this test, you MUST leave and never come back. Thank you to everyone that participated, this general should be a much better place now!
Failed all wrong
Almost, didn't know #2 and didn't give me an unknown Zeppeli FAIL
Incorrect #1,2,3,7,9 FAIL
FAIL for skipping parts and incorrect #1,2,3,6,8,10
incorrect #1,2,5,8 half credit FAIL
Kill yourself
incorrect on #1, 2, 8 extra wrong, 9, 10 FAIL
incorrect on #1,8, and 10 70%, best so far FAIL
incorrect on #1 for multiple answers, 2, 8, and 10 60% pretty good but FAIL
incorrect on 1,2, 7, double credit for getting both right on 8, Bringing you to 80% HIGH SCORE but FAIL
incorrect on 1, 2, 8, and 10 60% FAIL
incorrect on 2, 4, 9, 1/2 credit on 10 65%, better than most and you haven't even read enough to complete FAIL
Half credit on 1, half credit on 8 HOLY FUCK, someone passed 90% PASS
incorrect on 1,2, half credit on 8, 10 65% FAIL
1. Josuke, Jotaro, or Johnny
2. Johnny Joestar (you could have cheated, that is what Joseph would have done)
3. Muda, Roadarolla, wryyy, it was me, etc.
4. masturbation
5. caesar, will, gyro, mario
6. Kujoh
7. Za Warudo
8. 4 or 7
9. D4C
10. Yoshikage Kira
Based on the results I have found from this exercise, I think these generals should be banned. Only one member of your entire fanbase can answer a simple quiz correctly. I have no faith in /jojo/'s collective intelligence.
I bribe with boobs
Ok then. Whats his google drive?
Oh christ, are you fucking serious? I'm going to have to ask YOU if you have ever read anything outside of shonen if you think Jojo is some amazingly deep postmodern masterpiece.
>incorrect on 1, 2, 8, and 10 60% FAIL
If we manage to get 1-6 adapted, I think we should count ourselves lucky.
You're probably right about 7 though. It probably wouldn't even fit the regular anime format well, but who knows, maybe one day.
Your list is SHIT. S-H-I-T
>amazingly deep postmodern masterpiece.
Nobody is saying that, but it's still written very well and tells some interesting stories.
Do oc creators get a free pass?
I'll take soft and wet
You actually taking this shit seriously? Nigga no one here needs to prove anything.
Tried to do the most awkward running animation i can possibly make.
>style over substance
Style IS substance in it's own right. A lot of times, a series's substance exists in it's style.
>the asspullmania that is Araki trying to write intelligent characters
>a series has asspulls therefore it cannot have any intelligent substance or characters
Pleb-tier criticism once again
no, they are even worse because they are usually attention whores
I honestly wouldn't mind if they skipped Part 7 and went straight to JoJolion. It's not as action-packed, so a high budget isn't needed, and I already prefer it to SBR
>5. caesar, will, gyro, mario
You forgot Gregorio and your grading privilege is thus rendered null and void.
>didnt do a naruto run.
Quality wasn't consistant for the new dragon ball shit, it wont be for Jojo.
>Johnny has to chase after Slow dancer
>you think Jojo is some amazingly deep postmodern masterpiece
Never said that either. You sound awfully ofended.
I wonder if I might have struck a never there by saying that your criticisms of JoJo are those of a person who has not had enough experience in literature to think that inconsistencies in logic are truly the biggest problem a work can have.
What's with these super popular series having low budgets? You'd think it'd be the opposite.
You misread or misinterpreted what I meant by intelligent characters. I was talking literally. Araki's way of showing you a character is smart is by having him asspulling his way out of trouble with no coherent reasoning or foreshadowing
This was taking to an extreme in say, Joseph vs ACDC which was basically a playground game of pretend where the kids go "NUH-UH I DID SOMETHING WHILE YOU WEREN'T LOOKING"
They aren't low budget: they are just extremely long, so they cost a lot more than classical series.
>posting anime
>while trying to prove you're not an anime only
>being this autistic
holy shit i thought it was just a shitpost
i can't believe you actually went through all of those, even the joke ones
Adaptions like these are mostly for the fans. Niche as fuck
>Using Battle Tendency as a reference point
Do you actually read the manga?
>posting examples from Part 2
That was easily Araki's low-point when it came to writing. Most characters from Part 3 onwards only survived because of their smarts, and not because of asspulling.
>Jolyne is dying in the water alongside her comrades, record scratches and she says "You're probably guessing how did I end up here"
Logical inconsistencies aren't necessarily bad. They are most likely bad when they're there because of the writer's lack of skill, which is literally the case here: Araki writing himself into a corner and using seemingly the first solution he can think of
>I'll be contrarian to the contrarians
>that'll show them
>I am fucking superior
kek, he even admits to liking moeshit
It's still prevalent on 3 and 4, though. I used Part 2 precisely because it was the worst
SBR was good but I like JJL more
Is it, though? Part 3, maybe, but it still had the excuse of being the first part with Stands.
>I used Part 2 precisely because it was the worst
>In a series with 8 Parts
>Only mentioning 3 and 4, not even bringing up the flaws with 5-8
Yare yare, you're definitely a tryhard
This has to be bait. Would JoJo have been better if it began after Dio turned into a vampire with no build-up? Fuck no.
Makes fun of "animeonlys" 2nd question is basically
Didn't they fugg at some point?
They were best friends so maybe
Holy shit nice
very fast johhny running at incredible hihg speed
Is this Johnny relearning how to walk. Also we need a big fall
>Didn't even list Gyro or Caesar's siblings, Gyro's Dad, OR Will's Dad
Embarrassing, brush up on your trivia.
(Someone made it b and w for me but it still counts!)
4 has less on the way of "lel I trol u" and more towards using Stands as a crutch
Whose the gayest couple?
Josefumi x Kira
Johnny x Gyro
or X x X ?
>Requiems which are just straight up going from powerful/decent stands to just plain OP just for plot
as opposed to tusk act 4 which is... just straight up going from a powerful/decent stand to a plain OP stand just for plot
SBRfags continue to be worthless, more on this perpetually because this is /JJBAG/
Josuke and OKuyasu. No doubt. EVeryone else is a close second.
>Logical inconsistencies aren't necessarily bad.
>They are most likely bad when they're there because of the writer's
>lack of skill
I am forced to repeat once again: logical inconsistencies are par for the course for works of fiction. At some point, they become so prevalent, that you are forced to look outside of them and into other aspects of the story to truly determine it's quality. It's common for shows and series, even the best ones, to put aside logic for the sake of a story.
Stating that JoJo is lazy and poorly written because of said logical inconsistencies is laughable.
I'm not excusing Araki and I don't think JoJo is entirely perfect, I'm pointing out how, if you're going to call him lazy and unskilled, you will have to go beyond the "asspulls" meme.
The Buccellati Gang and Stone Ocean escapees
Actually it's scientific fact the larger the main crew, the gayer they are
>GER which came out of fucking nowhere
>Tusk Act 4 which was the final achievement of the spin throughout the entire story
>OP stand just for the plot
>Lost to Alternate Dio
Avdol and Joseph, its not even close
What's the original of this? Someone might get mad at me for asking that.
>Not posting the superior cancerious version
Honestly i couldnt tell you. and if this was a set up for a juicy meme punchline, im lost on that too :(
>GER which was the culmination of the entire 2nd half of VA ("the arrow is the win button, get it because it's the only way to win")
>Tusk Act 4 which was the culmination of 30 seconds of Johnny thinking "oh shit maybe i can shoot while i ride a horse"
>both stands are OP because you need to pull OP shit to defeat the big bad
>Johnny's also a little bitch boy who can't even win with an OP stand
That's okay. I just thought it might have been from a TV show, or something.
user, I don't know if you read my previous posts, but I literally said I haven't finished 7. From that you could gather I haven't started 8 at all. The only other part that I particularly take issue with and would be relevant to the discussion is 5, but that's a crock of shit that will extend the shitstorm even more, mostly because of Giorno
>Stand that brings things to life
>Becomes Stand that's just "I want to win"
GER isn't that bad of an asspull to me, I just felt the progression should've been a little more consistent. Also actual foreshadowing could've helped since the beetle arrow is literally brought up in the last four volumes
>not posting the cancerous version requiem
Haven't finished reading yet but I'll attempt
1. Who is your favorite Jojo? (3 acceptable answers)
>Joseph Joestar
2. What is the chapter name of chapter 3 of Steel Ball Run? (5 second limit for answer)
>Not there yet
3. What is this guy's catchphrase? (see attached picture)
4. How does part 6 start?
>on part 5 senpai
5. Name me ALL of the known Zepellis (and one unknown)
>Will, Caesar, Mario, Gyro
6. What is Jotaro's last name?
7. How is The World pronounced in Japanese?
8. What is the best part? (2 acceptable answers)
>Diamond is Unbreakable
9. What is Funny Valentine's stand called?
>Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
10. Who is the best villain? (1 acceptable answer)
>Dio Brando (Phantom Blood) or Kira
>people who read/watched the first three parts and assumed jojo was a manime and not a story spanning multiple genres
Stick Niggas roll out
post your stand
In all fairness, Joestars getting BTFO'D when Dio's around is a given.
>manime fags will leave by part 5
Part 5 really is JoJo's pleb filter
my friend still thinks JoJo is a shitty meme manime made in 2012 and won't watch it
>Venti Oreo is the story of Giorno's struggling sexuality
>The more members that leave or die, the straighter he gets
>Soon the Joestar Sex Drive will take over and he'll truly become a man
It's only a shame the Part has such a weak protagonist, but it definitely does a good job and that
I was barely understanding how the fuck kiss works at the moments like when Hermes locked her sister's murderer in a pipe. Seems like she learned to control how exactly cloned object detaches from original one so I guess with further development she would be able to just kill anyone with one sticker by ripping apart person from inside with his copy.
I like Gappy a lot, but c'mon, he's not really best joJo material.
So many stupid comments under Killer Queen, but I should have guessed as much. But first comment is "this is the taste of a liar"
I'd argue about the weak protagonist, but yeah part 5 is some of Araki's best.
Shame too, Missing out on the Good fights that go from part 5 and onwards.
Johnny Joestar (don't know why i remember this)
Jolyne masturbating
Will, Caesar, Gyro, Caesar's dad.
Za Warudo (or Sekai)
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
Enrico Pucci
Shinobu > Suzy QT > Erina > Holly > Aya > Lisa Lisa > Tomoko > Mariah > Nena
These two
Yasuho and Tsurugi
>Norisuke is the best and most beautiful jojo daddy. If you disagree you have shit taste and should not be trusted
>Abbacchio is 6'1"
>Probably taller if he fucking stood up striaght
Sexiest passione
That explains why so many people here hate Part 5 then
jojo detective game where you play as abbachio and use moody blues to solve crimes
I wouldn't say best, but nearing the end it feels like Stardust Crusaders done better in terms of fights and themes. I just don't care for the characters as much
I just can't really pin point my issue with Giorno though
Pretty sure that's Silent Library. Judging from the two asian dudes (Silent library usually has white guys on it besides the host) It's probably the japanese version, that silent library was based on.
Can he solve the crime of his broken heart?
You cant go back
>cold blooded, determined fucking killer with a clear goal in sight
>goes from a douchy moron to a still slightly douchy grown up
>begins as a hopeless cripple and literally learns to walk again thanks to Jesus and a couple of Italian magic shabangs
>one of the very few JoJo's with a serious character arc and some progression, as opposed to gay men and punch-ghost mary sues
Johnny is best JoJo. Debate me on this.
>Moody Blues shows you how the crime played out, but the real challenge comes from finding evidence to prove what happened
Isn't that done by Downtown, though?
>unzips dick
Taking into account how Sticky Fingers works that should mean that he's DETACHING his dick. Which is rotten anyway.
>That Buccelati
>Mary Sues
I like Johnny but you lost me right there
>VA translations are more than halfway done
>its still shit
hmm,really makes you think...
*unzips duck*
Post more
Who needs good fights without even gambling arc?
>that you are forced to look outside of them and into other aspects of the story to truly determine it's quality
Let me begin by reminding you I already literally said I like the series and the visual aspect mostly makes up for the flaws in writing.
However: The characters are cardboard, the pacing ranges between nothing to write home about to stilted thanks to Araki's tendency to run his mouth with trivia and pointless details AND there's often a lot of buildup to important and relatively complex subplots which for the most part are solved by anticlimactic asspulls - this is the whole reason I take issue with them, and why they're lazy writing. They're not in a vacuum. You literally just asked me to overlook the bad and focus on the good while trying to do a criticism about the story as a whole.
>part 5
I came here to laugh at you
Some things but be exchanged for a gambling arc. Instead of a Goodo we got Di Molto
Why is Some-Stuffs taking so long to translated this episode?
Part 6 had Mirashon, GUUDO and all.
I found it entertaining, but comparing the old scans to the real deal I don't seem to see a noticeable drop in quality
So yeah, the meme seems to be wrong
>mary sues
Nah. Also, Gappy is best JoJo. Fight me.
Gappy's pretty amazing, but I still like Johnny more.
Favorite JoJo Panel?
Reminder that this mosaic never finished.
>suffering through part 5 faggotry
>all these people saying part 6 begins with jotaros daughter flicking the bean
I know what Im reading today
Holy shit
I know it's a whole page, but it's still one of my favourite moments in the series.
Is Kosaku the biggest JoJo cuck? He gets killed by some autistic David Bowie wannabe who then proceeds to still his face, identiy and family, satisfying his wife both sexually and emotionally more than he ever could.
Kosaku? More like Cucksaku
Every time he fucks a woman, he's basically just watching Jonathan fuck her. He basically stopped being able to have sex with people after he lost his body.
Yes because his entire character exists to be a cuck
>tfw Shinobu never birthed a Kira Jr. and wondered why her baby looked Aryan as fuck
people hate part 5 because it has a pure almost perfect shounen protag surrounded by literal faggots
>You literally just asked me to overlook the bad and focus on the good while trying to do a criticism about the story as a whole.
I asked you to actually criticize the writing parts of JoJo outside of using a term that by now has become a buzzword for Cred Forums children to look smart.
But you did, and it's nice of you to do so. Now we can actually talk.
>The characters are cardboard
I strongly, strongly disagree, and I'll say that, out of all things, JoJo is much more focused on character than it is at story. But I can illustrate this point better if maybe you have a specific character in mind. I'm sure you do.
>pacing ranges between nothing to write home about to stilted thanks to Araki's tendency to run his mouth with trivia and pointless details
I personally see problems with Araki's pacing particularly in the first parts but not because of trivia and pointless details, but due to misuse of priorities.
>there's often a lot of buildup to important and relatively complex subplots which for the most part are solved by anticlimactic asspulls
I personally think a lot of times people criticize JoJo because it doesn't go in the directions people want it to go (remember that "Yukako should have died and Rohan should have driven the ambulance" copypasta to see what I'm talking about) but since you specifically mentioned subplots, I'll have to ask you to provide examples. A subplot in the series you felt was important but was solved in an anticlimatic way.
>vest is drawn on
This shouldn't be giving me a boner
welp, someone had to post this
It's a page, but fuck you it's cool.
I personally think Part 4 and 7 had the best panels and art (well Part 4's middle-late art)
>Every time he fucks a woman, he's basically just watching Jonathan fuck her.
As if that doesn't turn DIO on.
Pages are fine
Part 8 has the best art, in my opinion. Late Part 3 was fucking stunning, though.
Literally the first comment
Vitamin C?
>Every time he fucks a woman, he's basically just watching Jonathan fuck her
Actually, every time he fucks a woman, he's basically tricking them into having sex with a dead man.
He only really started to show such promiscuous lust and have orgies after he stole Jonathan's body.
If anything that would turn him on more than anything.
Part 4 had some great panels/pages. Especially when Kira is invovled
I was about to post "This time is only mine!"
Good taste
I wanna fuck Johnny Joestar.
>"You can thank JoJo's Bizarre Adventures for my appreciation and awareness of this. OK, well maybe not my appreciation. That comes from Keith Emerson being a madman on keyboards."
I want Vento Aureo fags to fuck off.
Your part is trash
It has always been trash
It will always be trash
You are more obnoxious than DIO posters and you spawn the most autistic faggots like Diavolomemers and Naranciafag
Please do a world a favour and erase yourselves.
Nobody in this series looks their age
Valentine, Kaato and Norisuke are supposed to be in their 50s
And Joseph in SDC is supposed to be in his late 60s
>you spawn the most autistic faggots
>says the guy most assuredly wearing a fedora and wiping off pizza crumbs while jerking off to the idea of kira as a ~*~*~*super serious and real and accurate depiction of a real serial killer.*~*~*~ trust me, i would know, i'm also a creepy loner who nobody likes because i'm disgusting
Knock it off Kaks
The World is B on potencial because he could evolve into The World: Over Heaven
and in EoH he does, so yeah.
>VAfags erase themselves from the timeline but result stays and all jojothreads immediately hit bumplimit with non-existing naranciafaggotry shitposting
In Valentine's defense, his power does revolve around switching with alternate versions of himself, of which we see a wide variance in age.
are you feeling insecure about your favorite part user?
Have we become the super retard ourselves by delving into too many of these levels of irony user?
If you're going to bait, bait part 7 over 4. you'll get more (You)s
>Nobody in this series looks their age
Including the author.
>le fedora ur fat lmao
Assblasted VAfag, pls, you can do better than that.
Here's your reply. Take it.
Savour it.
Get mad at us.
Hate us.
It's the most you really can do until the Part 5 anime comes out and a new influx of Part 5 lovers untainted by the translations come in.
You might as well enjoy it while you can.
Useless useless useless
Caught madturbating by the tom cruise looking guy
Led Zeppelin
Za warudo
Part 7
Filthy acts done at a reasonable price
I always though developmental potential meant how creative you can be with Stand powers, not weather or not it can evolve.
So I never understood the placement of SHA, BTD, and Green Day
I'm gonna laugh hard when people drop the anime in hordes and those who read the manga and didn't like VA will still come to the conclusion that VA is trash.
Enjoy your delusion while you still can.
>that doppio
>1 acceptable answer
If (You) wanted some (You) could've just asked nicely
>One right answer
Sure buddy, sure.
I mean animeonlys are bored outta their minds with Part 4
Part 5 might reinvigorate them since it has an actual plot from the start and does not do a sudden stop to do Sol fuckery
in one of the many alternative universes she might have done so
I say might because the one thing I 've seen consistent with the parallel universes is that Dios theory of 'gravity' was a thing, I mean whenever Valentine traversed to one the characters always knew who he was, cus' he could of randomly traveled to one dimenson where he wasn't the president or where he never got to meet johnny, and so on.
>Not liking Based Bossu
>Needing constant action to keep interest
>Characters don't actually mean shit
Explains a lot about VAfags
>plot from the start
>"huuuurrr I'm DIO's son, but the story never does anything with it! I guess I'm going to become a ganster, because drugs are bad lmao"
why cant we all agree that every single part is good in its own way
Pillarposting should be a bannable offense.
Puttyspics pls go
>Plot from the start
This. Every part has its faults and every part has its great moments.
Better than having it to start at the half way point only to stop shortly after to fuck around
>Characters don't actually mean shit
>Needing constant action to keep interest
>implying the crew in 5 isnt one of the better ones and every fight moves the plot foward
Even though part 5 is one of my least favorites, anime is going to be very good.
>GioGio's Bizarre Fashion in animated colorful glory
>boipussies with sexy gay voices
>even david quality is better than shitty scans
>no autistic comedy fillers where the main plot is completely abandoned
Already better than DiU and SC animes.
>implying the first half of DiU is good
I get that hating on part 5 is the hip meme here but this is some weak shit.
People are divisive and petty that way.
No because faggots need their daily (You)s
if you are going with that, who come Notorious B.I.G. have A on potencial if his user is dead?
I think Araki just makes up Stand stats on the spot and they mean jack shit
>every fight moves the plot foward
Do you seriously believe that yourself?
Stand stats = DBZ power levels
They kinda meant something at the beginning but they stopped doing it a long time ago
It develops to its full potential through its users death.
The main plot isn't really introduced in Diamond until Kira shows up, and thanks to David swapping Cinderella out the pacing became eons better and the early episodes were used to develop characters to set the up against Kira
Stardust already had the plot from the get go. The point was how they got there, not what happens
In Part 5 a lot of shit just kind of happens. The worst part has to be Fugo just outright leaving
part 5 was quite boring t b h
Blame Araki for getting depressed on that. He didnt want his original plan to happen with Fugo Betraying the gang (and probably kill someone) and Fugo dying himself.
>It's a "Lets meme why X Part is shit" thread
OR, maybe, just maybe
he is actually setting up stats for a Jojo based action-rpg where you can take control of every stand so far, and the stats are actually a super complex fighting algorithm that sorts you out by a totally skill based match.
or maybe this.
Basically. Stats were always just a vague notion, and while they TRY to make sense (EG: Echoes having A in its development all the way through, Tusk having A until act 4, etc) They usually don't (EG: The World and Star Platinum both having C-range, but The World has a range of 10 meters while Star Platinum has 2).
Fugo at least stated his opinions of why he leaves the group
Betraying the boss over a girl they just meet is a stupid idea
and he was right considering half of them died
Part 10 isn't out yet dummy.
does this video explain KC? youtube.com
My nigga.
Guess that explains how redundant Green Day was
Giorno and Bruno were planning on betraying Diavolo anyway, so that was on them. Fugo only had like one fight and just dropped out of the gang and it came off as kind of meaningless
Same guy
I mean the scene were "we are betraying the boss, who's in and who's out" would've been very meh if everybody was ok with it and joined in
I'd say either this or the panel with *that* Pucci pose.
Not really a massive fan of Part 5 but this spread made me stop reading for a solid minute out of confusion/hilarity.
It would've, but it's kind of a less impactful death scene. It just comes off as empty in the end
Rate my taste anons
It's your taste.
Everytime I see that Joshu face I just want to punch my monitor
>A subplot in the series you felt was important but was solved in an anticlimatic way.
The wedding rings served as a justification for Joseph to train, but they were barely mentioned until solved as an aftethought. Before that, Santana is defeated via contrived coincidences and never comes up again.
Both D'Arbys being stared down by Jotaro was almost annoying (the second was excusable since there was a legitimate reason for Jotaro winning other than being scary). Justice was defeated by Star Platinum spontaneously gaining a new power, as was Dark Blue Moon and also DIO himself later.
Aqua Necklace was reminescent of Part 2. I almost put Sheer Heart Attack here, but it's an actually good twist.
Everything to do with GER, though I admit it's very arguable if it's anticlimactic
I couldn't immediately answer so I'll put the rest on a different post
hey guys arcadefag here. im here to say that the game is gonna have faitalitys in. this is joshus faitality.
some one get josuke!
jotaro meet jusuke !! part 3
guureto daze
As for flat characters: JONATHAN. I actually quite like him, but he's very bland and has no personality other than being good, pure and determined from the very beginning. Jotaro is similar in being strong and almost flawlessly stoic on top of having one of the most powerful Stands from the beginning
Naranciaposting will resume to full schedule soon.
>ywn be given permission to marry Jolyne
Damn it Jotaro!! I WANT TO HUG KISS AND MARRY JOLYNE!!!!!!!!
How do you feel the about fact that Jolyne showed her dirty asshole to those two prison guards?
Your taste is garbage.
While I agree with you on part 3 jotaro, I feel that his role in parts 4 and especially 6 are significantly better.
Part 4 because jotaro being the strong, knowledgeable mentor is a way better position for him than the protagonist. SHA jotaro is way better than 90% of part 3's jotaro.
Part 6 because it actually takes a realistic approach to jotaro's weird autistic loner coolguy-wannabe personality (IE: He's a grown, 42 year old man with no friends, nobody around him likes him, with a broken marriage and an estranged 20 year old daughter.)