Opinions on dubbed anime, Cred Forums?
Opinions on dubbed anime, Cred Forums?
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Not as autistic as the picture you posted.
It's shit
I prefer subs personally, but I do enjoy dubs if the voice acting is good.
>Crystal treatment
What Did He Mean By This?
For some reason americans in this board try to convince themselves that some dubs are okay
no dubs are okay, unlessthe dubbers just took it as a joke. i have a brazilian friend that always say that the br yu yu hakusho dub is a fucking masterpiece because its funny.
Amerifats love their dubs, baka.
>unlessthe dubbers just took it as a joke
I was just watching Baccano's dub, and while it suffers from the typical stuff dubs do, there was something that helped it a lot. I directly compared the subs for a lot of scenes and found that the dub's dialogue let the character's personalities shine through a lot more. Now, I'm sure the Japanese audio does that, but I don't speak nip.
When Jacuzzi is cornered by thugs, they're surprised the guy on the wanted poster is such a wimp. His response in the subs reads "We are indeed villains" dub dialogue is something like, "We're serious contenders... for our weight class"
Kind of made me appreciate the idea of dubs for the first time in a while.
That being said, Funimation has a ridiculous monopoly on localization right now, and dubs will never get a better slot than Adult Swim until someone cuts them down. The quality will remain mostly stagnant.
It's literally the only way to watch 80s / 90's OVAs.
You know, American movies get dubbed for Asian, European, and South American countries all the time. There's no stigma against the dubbing process for them.
Why is groriousu Nihon the only nation whose works are ALWAYS tarnished by dubs? And while it's true that other localization companies should step up to the plate to provide better quality dubbing than Funimation and their crop of twelve VAs, I don't think dubs are beyond help.
Check' em
I hate dubs. The constraint of mouth flaps and lack of 1:1 translations between Japanese and English means there are never going to be engrossing and accurate translation of acting and meaning at the same time. This will only get worse as CGI becomes more prevalent and mouth flaps become lips actually forming the Japanese syllables.
That said the only passable dubs I have ever experienced is Princess Mononoke. Using Hollywood actors takes the acting to another level than Funimation can provide. I still prefer Mononoke Hime to Princess Mononoke but I wouldn't hestitate to recommend the English dub to normalfags.
Check the rules you fucking GETscripters
The German dub of DBZ is better than the english or jap version.
I feel like American dub directors just hire people from the street and then tell them to sound as condescending as possible.
I see what you did there.