How do you feel about anime and manga that focus on girls loving girls?
How do you feel about anime and manga that focus on girls loving girls?
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They're pretty gay.
yuri, Google is your friend
Either post something original or don't post at all.
Dumb chunni shit
Litterally the only thing worth watching every season
She would reciprocate more if it was Kongou instead of Haruna.
God we need a show with that premise on OP's pic
I'm all for a bit of yuri now and then, but put a fucking spin on it. Less blossoming schoolgirl lesbians.
Give me two cakes, or a yuri isekai.
Vary depend on the context.
Avoid them like the plague. Yurifags need to be wiped out.
Yuri is literally the best form of love.
I like discussing 2D lesbians on the internet
Reminds me of the one where the guy is fucking the zombie and the rescue squad just leave him to it.
>yuri threads on Cred Forums are pretty much dead
At least they aren't being swamped by shitposters anymore.
There's a place for people like you, stop shitting up this board.
Non-lesbian yuri is best yuri
this never happens IRL
>Spoonfeeders will be v& in OTP threads
ah yeah, now I remember why I left this shithole.
Pretty good, thanks for asking.
it's not an official rule faggot
Leave again and this time stay away.
trolled hard
I yam what I yam
Has this term lost it's meaning in the past 8 or so years?
I doubt you're going to get fucking arrested irl for spoonfeeding.
that;s the joke geek
it's epic irony
Looks like meme hounds. But I don't recognize the characters so it's probably just the same artist
They can end up hilarious like this thing.
Contrast enhanced version of this one?
It's the best ongoing, serious yuri mangaâ„¢
One's a giver while the other just takes, I'll probably die of laughter when Yuu's brain eventually clicks and she has to start hiding the fact that she likes Nanami from Nanami so she doesn't ditch her.
I feel like it has its own board and it's not this one.
Then why did you bump it off page nine?
It's the slice of life adventures of Mariel from Forget-Me-Not.
That's not Yuzumori-san
The TM is there for a reason. I can take it about as seriously as Qualia.
They have a terrible fanbase every single time.
sorry dude, I only watch red-pilled anime like Tsukihime
I like it and wish there was more that showed actual yuri and didn't keep things up in the air to avoid offending purityfags and waifufags.
oh right, because we are concerned on what is realistic
Well that's it, Cred Forums's over everyone go home
Every day is repost day, get used to it, it was a meme back in the day for a reason.