How do you fell about romance anime/manga?
How do you fell about romance anime/manga?
Depends. I like the really unrealistic ones. Also, if there's little to no ecchi at all until the end when you get a solid sex scene, like pic related.
>romance anime
not all that much
>romance manga
they're pretty good and can suit the taste of whomever
>How do you fell about romance anime/manga?
It can't be helped.
I like Shoujo stuff, not so much the standard jump romantic comedy + ecchi formula though. And romance series that are aimed at older audiences are really hit-or-miss for me.
I'm not a fag or a woman so I don't like them unless there's ecchi involved.
Ones without love triangle shit and MISUNDERSTANDINGS are good.
It makes me want to give 3D a go for a few seconds and then I forget about it until next time.
Why isn't she wearing a bra?
Overrated and played out.
The concept of loving another person is such an abstraction for me that I can't even get through an episode/few chapters without dropping it forever.
I agree completely. Source?
As long as it's not pure romance because that's shoujo territory, also the less sub pairings/harems there to dillute the story the better.
Pic fucking related.
If a love triangle is the main conflict of it, then no i don't like it.
looks like molester man
Why isn't he?
That screenshot actually looks good, molester man looks like shit and 90 percent of the pages are filled with text.
>asking for the source after someone gave you the last page of a romance mango
kek, you better off not knowing
It's literally all I watch/read lately. Read all of Adachi's shit, Maid-sama, Lovely Complex, Dengeki Daisy, you name it. Somebody please recommend me something good and then ban me, I'm all out of ideas.
That's just the confession scene, nerd.
>molester man looks like shit
Does that also mean you dislike Onani Master?
Look up adorable love shit in the archives.
That should lead you to something good.
So is it molester man or what?
I'm feeling adventurous, I even read shoujo/josei so I'm up for anything really. If it makes me cry like a bitch it's even better cause I'm a sensitive piece of shit.
Romance mangas make up like 90% of what I read. I have a far easier time reading a mediocre high school romance than a mediocre battle shounen.
The subgenre makes a difference tho, tragedy shit can fuck right off.
Going by what you mentioned, try Horimiya and Namaikizakari.
Het is boring as fuck and only good for fapping.
Yuri for the heart
Fuck off to /u/, degenerate.
/u/fags need to go.
There is a containment board for your kind.
>girls are degenerate
Spotted the faggot
I mentioned these because they cover a wide area of the genre, I dodn't even think Dengeki Daisy was particularly good. Thanks for the recs though, appreciate it.
I'm getting tired of you fuckers. Stay on your board.
What are you planning on doing? Suck more dicks?
please do not bully the /u/
Have you not gathered that yet or made the effort to even Google the manga? You beggars are the worst.
it reminds me of the cute innocence of my high school years
Why would I need to google it when I have you here, thanks m8
Oh you mean like Inuyasha?
If you want more try everything by Enjouji Maki (who is my fav author, feel free to call me a pleb).
Other stuff I've read recentlu:
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
Taiyou no Ie
Hirunaka no Ryuusei
Love So Life
Aishiteruze Baby
Faster Than a Kiss
Seishun Otome Banchou!
Eensy Weensy Monster
Hana-kun to Koisuru Watashi (mind you the author is sick and it might be axed before the end)
Toradora was real fuckin' good
Also Dusk Maiden if you'd count that
>muh male character
Real romance stars 2 girls unless you're gay of course.
>not supporting gay shit makes you gay
Nice logic you piece of human trash.
>girls are gay
Off to /y/ with you
Wanting a cute girl to not have interest in men is gay, yes.
Depends on execution and if it is solely about romance.
>wanting a cute girl to be interested in a faggy beta teenager instead of another cute girl
Oh I'm actually reading through Love so Life now too though I haven't picked it up in two weeks. I felt the drama was kinda forced, yeah she's an orphan child so she cares for children and whatever but I think it became kinda stale after a few chapters. That might just be my idea though, maybe it picks up later.
If it's anything to go by my favourites so far are Chihayafuru, H2, Bokura ga Ita (turns to shit midway, still enjoyed it), Kimi ni Todoke (only the Ryu/Chizu parts, lately the Ayane/Pin parts too) and Aku no Hana (not sure if romance but still an absolute masterpiece imo)
Thanks for the lengthy list
Them cute girls been entirely wasted and would both probably despise you.
>Thanks for the lengthy list
Don't thank me, you just called boring one of my favourites and named three mangas I didn't like, so chances are you won't like much of what I suggested you.
Yurifags will be the first to hang on the day of the rope.
Oh... Sorry about that, I haven't read much of Love so Life so I'm probably in the wrong here anyway.
I give you BgI and KnT but you simply cannot dislike one of the other three.
I'd be glad to beat the shit out of a beta faggot like you. Go self-insert into faggy teenagers more
I thought Chihayafuru was boring as fucking shit and the last chapter of H2 ruined it for me (otherwise I loved it like all the rest of Adachi's work, tho even without the last chapter it's not high on my ranking of his works). KnT was meh as fuck and I haven't read the other two.
I think Chihayafuru works better as an anime because it's mostly karuta with a tiny bit of romance in the mix, H2 did indeed have a bad last chapter and I still don't understand why Hiro didn't end up with Hikari, plus he treated Haruka like trash essentially. It's not my favourite of Adachi's either but I haven't actually read Cross Game so ai didn't mention it, Rough was really good too but that had an even worse last chapter. I agree KnT is meh but I like the side characters what can I say.
See, our opinions don't differ that much. Definitely give Aku no Hana a try, it's unique to say the least.
Shittiest taste ever desu senpai. The best ones are those that have love triangle and misunderstandings.
This should have been a straight up romance between the cake and MC. Fuck that stupid childhood friend loli.
is this translated?
>I agree KnT is meh but I like the side characters what can I say.
I liked baseball guy and his girl, but I disliked the rest.
Also I really liked Rough and I didn't mind the last chapter either (because it allowed me to think that it ended like I wanted) but sure it was a coward's way out from the author.
I will read AnH, looks interesting.
Are there any decently good romance series that aren't harem bullshit, or copout nonsense where the two leads never even kiss, much less fuck?
>copout nonsense where the two leads never even kiss, much less fuck?
I will never not be mad.
I like the ones not set in high school. Actually, that applies to anime in general
have you seen eureka seven? It's kind of long at 50 episodes with no plot break, but a few romances are developed and it's paced perfectly (no one agrees with me on this.)
They do kiss but it's within the last 10 minutes of the series.
If you've seen it, it's better the second time.
yeah i prefer MANime
I absolutely love how MGX took on the noble endeavor of portraying a high school romance that doesn't depend on sex to carry the story, only for the author to employ every fetish imaginable because no one would read or watch it otherwise.
Yes. I just finished it this afternoon.
The last few chapters will trigger you if you prefer cake over all.
Thats a comedy you fucking sperg
I'm just about to start this after catching up on Nomi Joshi.
they make me feel bad but I watch them anyway. the best ones are visual novel adaptations. shojo mango is trash.
why is it the one who puts the most effort into winning the harembowl always loses
i love romantic comedies
sometimes like adult love stories
fucking hate teen romance
Because Japan's stuck in the 40s and girls are only desirable when they're overly-submissive doormats.
I quite liked it
But that's not wrong though.
Poor /u/fags. It must suck being raised by a bitter single mother and being brainwashed to hate yourself and your own gender so much.
Where can I find heroines like pic related?
>fucking hate teen romance
because you never had it and are poor scared to go get it
It's fine if it actually goes somewhere other than 2 steps forward in one episode then two steps back the next
That's not the symptom of being raised by a single mother user.
I turned out fine. Well, I ended up here, but that's beside the point.
>school setting
I hate romance everything, especially in anime, since it's so poorly-handled and rarely realistic. I feel as though anime as a medium is so much more capable of making fantastical scenes, so wasting it on below-average - shitty romance is a waste of resources.