When do we put Yuifags on suicide watch?
Other urls found in this thread:
When Volume 12 is released. So never.
>When Volume 12 is released
Why when? They knew she lost at the beginning of Volume 1
Cred Forums I have pre ordered the volume 1 of Yen Press's release. If you like I can inform you once I got it how the translation is
Reminder that YuixYukinonxHachi threesome ending is the patrician's choice.
Reminder Watari, is to much of a hack to allow such an ending
A lot of Yuifags haven't accepted Yui losing. They see ANOTHER as proof of her win.
Yuckyno a shit
Man the asshurt is gonna be big on here when Yukino loses
They both have a jealous streak though.
What are the chances Sensei wins and Yahari along Chisato winning in Shinmai Maou no Testament set off on a chain reaction of Cakes winning younger men?
It's so stupid. Oregairu is meant to be somewhat a realistic approach to a introvert's mind, and if he does get a girlfriend it should be someone that understands him, and not busty bimbo that he gets to fuck
>busty bimbo
Haruno, then?
2 choices
1. she quits smoking and kisses 8man in the service club cosplaying as Yukino when she is not at school
2. She says that she is lonely and wants the 8inch
You have seen the art of the volumes.
Yui is busty as hell. It is just the anime that shrink her Yuis
I'd be happy if he fucks Sensei then gets together with Yukinoshita the same week or something.
Yui is hot, devoted to him, and she very sweet. She is a good choice.
Sooner or later since best and OTP girl winning is inevitable.
He would probably mistake her for Yukino, and at the marriage it will be awkward as hell for her to be the maid of honor
Reminder that WW's obsession with Yukino extends to other girls. so much he makes clones of her to fulfill his past, present, and future fantasy versions of her.
Yes, but user...
A sweet girl doesn't imply happiness, for our deep and edgy MC.
He needs to be happy (genuine)
That implies finding what he is looking for, and I highly doubt he will find by getting together with Yui
Isn't irl Yukino, the girl Watari liked, but could never get the intention of?
That means he had a fetish for flat chested, lolis and cheese cakes
Has anything new happened? I've been out of the loop for about 8 months or so.
I still have to read volume 11.
You forgot he made a version of her from an alternate universe where she wasn't abandoned by Hayama
OVA and Vn's coming in October. 12 is probably soon after that
Thank you for volunteering. Please do post your results.
Not soon enough. Also this:
She's going to win the Hachiman, considering she doesn't want to do cooking or cleaning while he yearns to be a househusband. Surprise winner.
IRL Watari is fucking his Kouhai.
It's Eguchi, in case you were wondering.
Awww shit. Nice. I don't think my moon runes will be good enough at that time, sadly.
She has a route in the new VN. Guaranteed to be a garbage one, since side character routes were supposedly shit in the last one.
In any case, she deserves a good end.
What is the chances of this getting translated, as a game you can play (by yourself, and not youtube)
>top right pic
I didn't realize gun shows were a thing in Japan. I approve.
They're at a carnival, aren't they?
I need to play the sensei and Yukinoshita route now
Why is Rumi honing in on him? She is a backup plan, present Yukino hasn't failed yet.
This girl has a better chance of winning the 8bowl than that ever occurring
When did 8man become the man whore of Chiba?
>backup plan
Pretty much.
He was always a manwhore.
>Ebina route
You didn't have to crush my heart that bad.
If I learn moon speak, and translate it, would I at least get some encouragement?
Of course
>Naked all male hotspring
Fujoshi route confirmed
>implying they're not wearing towels in the water
It's like you've never nippon'd before.
He is pure for his wife.
She is the only one he has any real romantic attachment to.
How come old Yukino and young Yukino's crushes on 8man are easier to see than present Yukino?
Yukino has autism. Her clones don't
Because the present is now.
Now is the current moment, and she is still having these felling that is building inside of her.
Saika route looking lewd as fuck nice!
I see no one, not even the boys, are safe from the 8-inch. If we don't stop him, this could cause an epidemic.
>They see ANOTHER as proof of her win.
What sort of delusions are they telling themselves to believe this is true? Why would the author bother making an AU where she wins if she was going to win in the real story anyway?
My club brother
Sadly both girls wont actually allow it, they are too selfish, and even less 8man with all his genuine stuff
>Haruno winning
I fucking wish, but she is clearly more interested on Yukino winning. The only way I see Haruno winning it would be with a sequel.
>Friendship ending
>8man ends in the same university as Haruno (Yukino and Yui going to the same is optional)
>But Haruno is also there
>Despise everthing, she still tease 8man to hook up with Yukino
>KohaixSenpai relationship at first
>As time pass they start getting close
But that would shit fanfic tier.
>Yukinos crush isn't easy to see
They pretty much bash it over your head in the last few episodes, you'd have to be more autistic than she is not to see it.
That only applies to the older one.
proofs or shitposting.
I will say it again
>Haruno route
>Japan only
>Ebina route
>I will never play them
End it all
They keep reusing the Yukino infirmary scene by just replacing Yukino with whoever. Seems pretty lazy to me and its making that scene feel less and less special.
It was different in ANOTHER, it is where Yukino gives up.
>Komachi route
Does it have lewd?
It might happens since the VITA was hacked.
But VN translation, especially on a console are rare.
Komachi is for cuddling
>it is where Yukino gives up.
Goddamn I have to read Another, but I am lazyfag when it comes to reading LN, I am reading Konosuba at really slow pace.
if Toradora could get it, why no Yahari?
>Implying after the end of Another, Yukino stole 8man, and showed Yui the after events of Volume 11
It is not as obvious as Yui's and there are still people who deny it. Maybe the LNs are more subtle about it.
Yahari translation for 2020 then
Because, as much as I hate to admit it. Toradora was decently big in the west. However Oregairu still has great chances.
Good Irohasu, everyone!
Oh fuck, the Irohafags are coming.
I'll pass thanks.
Quick kill it, before it spawns even more
Fan service. It is also to show that the 8bowl was never a contest
It was also common sense.
Yukino has to much of a connection with 8man to be scared by Yui
Lets kiss Iroha!
>8bowl was never a contest
Many series arent a contest, but if there is more than one girl, shippingfags wont stop
So let me get this straight.
8man x Yui x Yukino is the dream.
8man x Yui is for those who are delusional.
8man x Yukino is for those who are realistic.
Pretty much.
You missed
8man x Iroha for the shitposter.
Yui figuratively stepped on Yukino's neck in ANOTHER just to get at 8man
Yeah the ending of ANOTHER felt lacking.
Like it wasn't even a kiss or 8man looking forward to spending time with his new girlfriend. It was just 8man deciding to go on the "someday" date with Yui.
Yukino's family was never brought up. Sensei, Komachi, and Haruno all sort of stopped caring. 8man never found "something genuine". We don't even know what became of Hayama's clique.
Furthermore Yukino's feelings were never fully addressed. They had one scene where Yukino assured Yui that there was no problem. Exactly the same way things went down in WA2. The only way I would believe things between 8man and Yukino off the tables is if Yukino confessed and 8man rejected her, but Watari wouldn't go that far even in an AU. If you ask me the ending of ANOTHER is a ticking time bomb that Watari conveniently ended on so that we wouldn't see the inevitable explosion.
I'm onto it too, user. We're gonna make it, breh.
Just imagine the comfy inter nights reading weeb VNs by the fire.
Any Monogamy > Any Polygamy
This is a universal truth that transcends the characters involved.
Even worst girl winning solo is better than the top 2 best girls winning in a 3P.
who /cantwaittocumonyukinosfeet/ here?
>Maybe the LNs are more subtle about it
Not really. Its made pretty obvious throughout Volume 11 as well, though its easier to tell in the anime because you can actually see her get flustered. And the only people who deny it are delusional Yuifags. Shit even fucking Yui knows Yukino has a crush on 8man.
> is a ticking time bomb that Watari conveniently ended on so that we wouldn't see the inevitable explosion.
and I want to see that explosion. Cant Yahari go the same route as shuffle and have many spin offs following a different route each one?
Already pre-ordered mine.
>Even worst girl winning solo is better than the top 2 best girls winning in a 3P.
No, is not.
Saika is a meme and if you like him you are a meme too
Just watch White Album 2. It's the same thing but 10 times better.
This man speaks the truth.
Wait for me, user. 3-4 more years and I should be able to do it. Then another couple of years for the actual translation.
Yukino was happy and fine with 8manxYui. There was nothing wrong with what went down for her
This. Well, kinda.
user. I like you.
This is literally the ultimate game for our shipper heart!
I fear for myself if I ever become a buyfag. I wil never be able to stop.
Good thing I'm poor.
I'd rather watch Saekano.
user, I think that Wataru, chooses his actions very carefully when it's Yukino and Hachiman's relationship. He has built so much up to the climax of their story, and a forced AU can't change that.
Yui is the kind of bitch that would get rid of her bestfriend to get a piece of her crush's ass
>Not really. Its made pretty obvious throughout Volume 11
Was there ever a finished decent version for this? I remember a clusterfuck of various people translating it and different PDFs coming out, some starting at the first chapter, others without it, others in the wrong order, etc.
I last read Volume 10 about a year ago.
>Good thing I'm poor.
Same here user, but that's only a matter of time, once I finally get a job, be part time or otherwise (currently just studying at university) I fear for my wallet.
I could only support this claim if Watari writes a scene were Yui lash out againt Yukino for "stealing" hikki from her.
You could just do the same I did user.
Find a girlfriend that you can move inside with. Your budget will surely skyrocket.
Why would I do that when I can buy pussy repellent that looks cute and / or lewd?
It's like you haven't seen her face when Yukino gives 8man the max coffee
I never said you had to love your 3D normie gf
Yui is too passive aggressive for that. She would just give her the cold shoulder.
Dont remember it, can you post it
Also, just making a hurt expression is not the same as confronting her and start complaining on how she "stole" the man she loved from her and fill the rant with whatever else you want.
I am actually amazed that there isnt a doujin or fanfic about Yui NTRing Yukino years later.
Koisuru Metronome has a better story than the main route.
Look into her deep eyes user.
I know you can fell her emotions
Her expression looks soo stiff there, borderline yandere.
Plus, just think of all the doujins that you'll be able to read.
I wish it was easier to learn moonrunes, it takes too long. Meanwhile in 1 month of Italian, I feel much more confident than with thrice the amount of time in Japanese.
I am not a Irohafag, but each time someone post that webm, I feel the urge to see it.
I fell you. I have learned spanish for half a year now, and it's so far much each easier then moon speak. user if I take a Jap class, would you take one too? We can post results maybe?
Hikki, why are you holding Yukinon like that?
Cred Forums I just want to say, I am glad to have a Oregairu board again. They really are one of my favorites, and we finally got of the filth that gave our board bad reputation
>surprise gory ending
>Yui kills Yukino
>Then tries to take 8man
>he kills her on self defense
>8man is left traumatized and he never make friends again.
thank you user, you just jinx ous, Iroha and senseifags will start flooding once again
Keep going user, you can make it. I know spanish and english, jap will be my third language if I don't kill myself out of frustration.
But I'm a poorfag, so I can't take classes. I learn with free resources online.
I've only learned about 60 Kanji so far, and about 200 vocabs. I need to go balls deep into grammar though.
Then he meets sensei, and she heals him back, by becoming milf Yukino
Reminder that there is something wrong with Yui and Yukino
>There are people who think Senseifags are terrible
Sensei is objectively the best and perfect.
>No Haruno
C'mon, imagine all the drama if he really loves Haruno or is using her as a replacement of Yukino.
Sense is great, the problem are her fags, they were the closest to Irohafags before Iroha was introduced.
Genki girls and spergs/edgelords often attract each other initially with a passion
Then it all goes to shit inevitably
Guys like Hachiman are best with Yukinos or Shizukas
That's where it sucks to have my education system, when you need to learn 4 languages, but I'm sure you can learn it online, with enough time. If I have ever learned anything by language, then it should be important to understand the language, then the rest should come naturally
Someone post some Sensei screencaps. I have yet to make a folder for her.
I might be a little late to this party. Please explain the shitposting, of them
>after all this time
>No having a sensei folder
Hello newfag.
Shh, user they can hear us
How immoral
I haven't watched it in ages, but I only now realised how best Sensei was compared to every other girl.
I don't take snaps anyways.
What should I use to take snaps? I'm guessing prntscrn will be shit
Based user, thank you so much.
What are you talking about, user?
Diamonds. Aoki Kanji is so good.
>They see ANOTHER as proof of her win.
Because they're retarded just like Yui
This board seems more on the Yukino side, then the last ones.
I love this, they have finally accepted the superior girl. Never rival with a girl that has already won from the MC having a flatchest and masochrist fetish
>flatchest fetish
What? Where is that implied? I don't remember.
bullshit, 8man always check boobsfirst in all the girls and the everthing else.
In the volumes. He always desribes in such detail, that it is almost unhealthy, but one speciel part that he focuses a lot at is her having a flatchest, and he never stops talking about. He has clearly developed a flatchested fetish after meeting her
Shippers can we make a contest?
Name 3 reasons why your ship is superior
average =/= retarded
Yui is probably smarter than half of Cred Forums considering that she's going to a decent school and isn't failing any of her classes.
Average is relative.
Isn't right side girl the one that gets cucked? I never finished that.
Sometimes google is just to accurate
Google-kun is just a really obnoxious Yukinofag.
Left side is getting cucked as well
8man in university is going to look something like this
Yukino got cucked hard in ANOTHER.
Wait a second I thought the whole 8man in college hooking up with Yumiko thing was supposed to be exclusive to Cred Forums. That's clearly from pixiv though. What's going on here? Did someone steal that idea from somewhere else?
Where is SakiSaki?
... Really?
You're gonna use a non canon AU as your crutch?
That's super pathetic, like holy shit you suck.
If sensei doesn't win, I think I might kill myself.
Still asleep at 8man's apartment. The night before was really tiring for her.
Meme magic is real.
Could you record it?
>Irohafags are still alive
>"Well, unfortunately I already decided that I'm only giving up my virginity with another virgin."
This line confuses me, because why would 8man care if someone is a virgin or not?
Maybe it's something sensei cares about. Or she's trying to connect with 8-man, which doesn't make much sense given that fact that they are about to LITERALLY be connected
It's obvious as hell. It can't be more obvious unless you're one of those trolling Yuifags.
>He's trying to connect with her
God damnit, I can't fucking type right now
I wasn't talking about book smarts which you're too retarded to understand and you happen to be a Yui fan. Oh the irony. Anyways thanks for proving my earlier point and since you're too retarded to remember which point I'll green text it for you
>Because they're retarded just like Yui
>make a 10/10 woman
>doom her to cakedom and laugh at her.
two nukes weren't enough
Why must so many cakes fall into this category? It's unfair
Because Japan loves bad comedy
It's sickening. Cakes are literally some of the best women in chinese cartoons, and I can only count 2, possibly 3 times when a cake has won
>the whole 8man in college hooking up with Yumiko thing
I honestly wouldn't mind this if it was somewhat fleshed out. I love MC hooking up with the unexpected girl. Its the reason why I love OMKs ending so much.
Yumiko and Sugawa are pretty similar as well now that I think about it
Senseifags have entered the thread, suddenly the thread goes to shit. And you wonder why people compared you to Irohafags.
Poor Maya-sensei. At least she got a route in one of those fan releases or whatever.
The true OMK end is with this fair maiden.
Sensei and trapfags were first season's cancer. Irohafags simply took over from there.
Thank god for small miracles, I guess
Fuck off Yuckynofags
>Yumiko gets a route in the VN
>It will NEVER be translated
fuck this gay earth
That's bad Yukino-chan. You shouldn't eye rape some random guy you don't really like. Unchaste.
I give you an Cred Forums for effort, user. If I was a Yuifag I might have been offended.
That's because if he continued he would be sued due to it being an almost exact copy of WA2.
I'm on it. It takes forever jesus christ.
Learn it. Learn it for her.
That's the sort of smile that's worth more than human life.
Y-yes. It will all be worth it in the end, I just need to grind more grammar and never stop doing my repetitions.
Don't you know it
Good luck
>delusional Yuifag
Everyone gets a preggers ending
Even Saika
Why are Yuifags so delusional about Yui? They think she is some kind of perfect, sweet angel and completely ignore what they don't like. They deny that Yui is only in the club for Hikki and that is her main motivation, they deny the recipes because it makes her look like she is selfish, they ignore what she truly meant at the end of vol 11, and they deny that Yui will leave the club over 8man not picking her.
Stages of denial and loser syndrome
She shouldn't be afraid to stop dying her hair and wearing those contacts.
She looks wonderful as a blonde though. But she's still cute naturally
>they ignore what she truly meant at the end of vol 11,
Did even Yukino know what Yui meant?
Yui came back in vol 3. She helped Yukino the best she could in vol 11.
This would be the greatest doujin of all time if the art wasn't so shit
Yep, sadly it's the only 8man X Hiratsuka Doujin that's been translated into english on the Sadpanda, so us Senseifags have to make do with what we've got.
At least she has a doujin and it's one that's filled with loving vanilla.
>Haruno route
It's just not fair
The people who deny it are just social misfits who can't understand basic interaction. It's so obvious she likes him
Nothing in life is fair.
What was stopping them?
I would become an Irohafag for this
Reminder that Polygamy is a thing in Shinto-ism.
I'll also add the club member that always denies her feelings even when not asked.
not towels, men wear little wash clothes in the spring in the land of the rising sun
Are all of Yumiko's rape or what?
I don't think that Yumiko even has a Doujin on the Sadpanda, Vanilla or otherwise.
There's 3 pages of lewd with her and Ebina before Yui gets gangbanged.
>There's 3 pages of lewd with her and Ebina
One of these day's Miura's gonna get a bloody lip
violent, smoking, alcoholic, obsessive stalker used goods. 11/10 am I right?
You must learn how to search.
There's also this pic.
this is what a girl whose heart just died from being cucked by her best friend looks like
Sensei isn't used goods but, yeah that's what a 12/10 looks like
Sensei is going to die a lonely virgin surrounded by empty bear cans and cigarette butts.
She's had live-in boyfriends, user. It was revealed during her rant when Hachiman said he wanted to be house-husband and she retorted that was just being a gigalo. She then complained about former boyfriends and their (using plural, happened more than once) sponging off her for a while then leaving, stealing her furniture.
>Hachiman said he wanted to be house-husband and she retorted that was just being a gigalo
Oh the Doujins that can be made out of this one
eh, I think the WA2 is coming in the main series, Hachiman and Yukino being lovey-dovey while Yui watches and her soul is crushed and bunred into ashes.
Poor Yui, the major mistakes she made that will lead to her downfall are:
1. Never bothering to get to really know Hachiman. Even Yukino notices things about Hachiman that have gone right over Yui's head
2. Several times running away from Yukino and Hachiman to be with her superficial clique where she is just treated as slave and spare
3. Trying to trick Yukino into ceasing to pursue Hachiman. That one will really cost her in the eyes of Mr. Genuine Seeker
first image links to board in IGN. it was becuase of the actual brain problems girl.
and this is is actually a list of cool characters from kotaku, with yukino on the bottom.
Can anyone explain this Nippon marketing strategy of NOT translating popular games?? Like how hard is it to just code some fucking dialog game in java and post it in steam.
hmmm, in the top 20 girls of anime of all time, most of whom have superpowers or fight with weapons or are aliens. Yukino sure is impressive.
user, half the people in Japan watch anime. Fucking tens of millions of fans there. You are wondering why no translated game for the perhaps 20,000 english speaking fans of OreGairu (being very very generous)? At least translated subbed youtube videos of the game being played will eventually pop up as they did with the first VN.
here's the rest of the list if anyone gives a damn. i ain't linking to kotaku.
20. Yukino Yukinoshita (My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU) 166 Votes
19. Kagura (Gintama) 167 Votes
18. Riko Aida (Kuroko's Basketball) 170 Votes
17. Fujiko Mine (Lupin III) 181 Votes
16. Shiki Ryougi (Kara no Kyoukai) 185 Votes
15. Morgiana (Magi) 193 Votes
14. Haman Karn (Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam) 198 Votes
13. Sinon (Sword Art Online) 203 Votes
12. Yuu Kashima (Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun) 226 Votes
11. Touka Kirishima (Tokyo Ghoul) 257 Votes
10. Akane Tsunemori (Psycho Pass) 267 Votes
9. Revy (Black Lagoon) 333 Votes
8. Tsukuyo (Gintama) 377 Votes
7. Mikoto Misaka (Toaru Series) 380 Votes
6. Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail) 383 Votes
5. Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell) 392 Votes
4. Saber (Fate series) 498 Votes
3. Celty Sturluson (Durarara!!) 518 Votes
2. Asuna (Sword Art Online) 525 Votes
1. Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan) 743 Votes
>2. Asuna (Sword Art Online) 525 Votes
aww, they where doing okay up till then. Not great but decent.
DIAF Yukinofag. Yui did nothing wrong.
>someone will confess, he/she will be rejected
>lone end
If Yukino confess, 8man will reject her because she is being insincere with their way of doind things and he wants her to be more independent.
If 8man confess, Yukino will reject him because of Yui feelings and some other bullshit she will create.
If Yukino and Yui confess, or 8man confess to both of them, or no one confess at all: no one will be hurt and everybody will be happy since this is what 8man was expecting from the beginning and the girls will be happy to not create conflict and ruin their friendship.
I doubt WW will try to WW2 the end of the seires. The only realistic pairing i can imagine is 8man and Iroha, and i am not even a Irohafag. I can imagine the series ending with a fake lone end and after the credits appears a picture of 8man and Iroha together and small text explaining how they got together.
Being a Yukinofag from the beginning of the series i can not even try to imagine a scenario of Yui and 8man confess to each other but i am sure it would not work either.
>not World War II the end of the series, it would be great
Why Iroha likes Hachiman: he does things for her and can be manipulated. Nothing "genuine" about their relationship (and she still pursues Hayama anyway and rejects any romantic feelings for Hachiman). Verdict: NOT GENUINE
Yukino will solve her main problem of not going for what she wants. Besides taking control of her future, part of going for what she wants in life is Hachiman. Yukinon has some things in common with Hachiman, they can relate to each other. Hachiman has been concerned about her from the beginning. GENUINE END
Yui: he saved her dog. she admires the way he wants to help people. but, she can't talk in meaningful way to him, has nothing in common with him. If Hachiman wanted only sexual pleasure she'd be the one. She has nothing else to offer. She enjoys non-genuine relationship with her clique, where she is treated as errand girl and decoration. NOT GENUINE.
>So never.
Why never?
Volume 12 is a choose your own ending.
>Yukino ending
>Yui ending
>imouto ending
>Saika ending
>Zaimokuza ending
>Iroha ending
>sensei ending
>Haruno ending
>Yukino's mom ending
>Yui's mom ending
>Hayama ending
>Ebina ending
>Yumiko ending
>Rumi ending
>Tobe ending
no Saki ending though
>The only realistic pairing i can imagine is 8man and Iroha, and i am not even a Irohafag.
Come on man, you have been doing this too long. Everyone knows you are full of shit.
I pick the Yukino's mom ending
There is no need to the genuine thing to be a romantic relationship, from what i know, what he asked and what Yukino and Yui accepted was to make their friendship real.
>no Kaorimoto
It's shit
>Yukino ending
>sensei ending
>Yumiko ending
>Rumi ending
All at once.
you are correct that it is the way it can be in life, but it is also true that in this story Hachiman will get the genuine relationship along with romance.
>perhaps 20,000 english speaking fans of OreGairu
I mean you're just translating dialogue how much money could it be? I kind of get it for PsP only games since its not that big here but there's no excuse for the PC VNs.
It can't be that expensive to just pay a couple guys to translate a VN- they have less words and are far less complex than books.
When thinking about Yukinoshita's family fortune being in heavy construction, and that Yuki-mom wears the pants in the family, I have this suspicion about Yuki-mom's high position in the hierarchy of Chiba society, and it isn't an elected one....
>they have less words
Oh no no no no no. I have read books and VNs and I can tell you a lot of VNs are longer than 800 page books.
eh there would be developer time too for extra language track, then time of sales and legal making contract with whomever is going to distribute thing to foreign market, then marketing time making ads and spending money to place them...total for all that is easily going to be $400K or more. On a $65 retail game what is PS's net profit? Multiply that by units sold. Probably very much NOT worth it for Sony
Moonmen on 2ch made WA2 jokes about ANOTHER specifically.
You should read all the side stories and Progress. Asuna is quite good and is a developed character.
Yukino is a fucking whore and I will laugh so hard when she loses. Chances are that after losing the 8bowl she will run into Hayama's arms.
>That get
Hayama is going to fuck some Yakuza princess pussy
At least we get some Yui and Yukino jealousy
I highly doubt Yukino will run into Hayama's boring normie arms. She at least has some decency to be a loner.
At least you have that, and that harem one where 8man does it with club, sensei and saika
Haruno and Iroha have nothing translated. Last month Yui got 4 doujins translated.
Why bother with either of them?
One's a ditzy slut and the other's a know it all bitch with an inferiority complex.
What happened to cursing youth and embracing the eternal loneliness of a NEET? I really fucking hate it when people pull that shit. If you're going to be a sad sack of shit all by his lonesome then commit to it. Not go off with the new hottie. Fuck fags who do this.
I don't remember Iroha triggering YY's jealousy.
I could do that one but it is mostly Haruno liking sex with him a lot and becoming attached and 8man being dense to Iroha despite being balls deep with no protection.
Maybe if 8man rejects her she will run into Pan-san's arms instead.
If 8man doesn't want to go out with Yui then why doesn't he confess to her, give her a warm smile as she is lost for words, and whisper sweet nothing into her ear while she is teary eyed. She will accept, maybe they share a kiss. She will go home happy, go to sleep happy, and wake up happy. Then the day next he pretends none of it happened. That would send her the message that it isn't going to happen and that she should give up.
As a Yuifag I would love to see her happy for a bit.
kinda reminds me of school days
>An ending that's actually unexpected instead of something destined from page 1.
Yeah that shit isn't happening. This is japan we're talking about. That entire country is made up of shit taste.