why not ?
One-Punch Man
why not what?
is tatsu lifiting saitama in that image? but wasn't she having problems lifiting him in the recent webcomic chapters?
Waiting for Nggastream to translate the chapter.
Saitama is just walking funny, she's not lifting him.
What's happening in the manga right now ?
I did a break.
Did anyone like how Tats was completely tsundere in the anime unlike her manga counterpart, who is more smug?
Two pages of each chapter are being released every other month
> Did anyone like how Tats was completely tsundere in the anime unlike her manga counterpart
The opposite. It really felt like they were forcing the usual "moe" of Anime girls on her, even Murata never made her like that.
At least they kept the doodle mode.
If Saitama wanted to be lifted she could lift him.
I doubt it. He can't be lifted like you can't carry a huge rock. He wasn't particulary trying to defend himself when she tried lifting him, he pretty much said "oh cool, I'm flying".
Saitama was coming toward Genos.
Just read up on it, there's not much material. But there's this to look forward to
> his body is pretty much mout in a mouth in mouth
> even the fingers are monsters mouths
> his face is made of 3 faces
His overdetailed design makes me wonder how Monster Garou will look like. If anything I'm expecting the opposite, something much more simple looking.
Unused opening from the blurays:
that was so hilarious lmao
Murata made her smug.
Compared the "U annoy me, disappear" scene.
In the manga, Tats looked smug, while in the anime she looked not pleased at all.
I liked that they extended the Genos/Sea King fight and Metal Bat stealing the show on episode 11.
>In the manga, Tats looked smug
What? She literally never smiled aside from at the end of her special chapter.
I want to smell Tatsumaki's feet.
If OPM had a spinoff, we could all agree it should be about Metal Bat, right?
I mean she acted all arrogant toward Saitama in the manga.
While in the anime, she looked unpleased like Saitama was bug or something.
Those are kind of exactly the same you know. Either ways she was didn't like that a B class was a here.
Different reaction face to me
The Anime just made her cuter looking, Murata's mouth in this panel along with the lip shading made her look much more mature, aside from the eyes that doesn't have shade and as such looks way more intimidating. The background effect helps too.
Anyway she looks more annoyed in the manga version to me, while Anime looks like a kid trying to act big.
where the fuck is the translation?
>this scene in English dub this weekend
>English dub
Ultimateking is on vacation and I don't know why it's taking so long for niggerstream.
came out the bad day I guess, they were doing all their shonen jump chapter releases, along with that 50 pages 1st chapter of the MHA spinoff (and damn, that was bad).
Also, I bet they know King is in vacation and as such don't have to hurry to be the first ones releasing it.
this is actually an continuity error
saitama is never trying to defend himself
and wasn't also defending when they were fighing
I don't see any "continuity" error. She tried lifting him once and it didn't work.
Should I start dumping then
so was she lifiting him in the image?
Oh well, the monster that wrecked Genos is confirmed for not being Bakuzan.
metal bat beating the fuck out of everything is extremely satisfying
And seems like Psykos hold in high regards that Monster King.
Sounds like he'll survive 'till the end and will get wrecked by Monster Garou.
Kinda hope he won't be stronger than Golden Sperm though.
I didn't know she had a new doujin, kinda nice how they all connect together.
Tatsu > Blizzard
>Being stronger than sperm
>Especially nigger sperm
Black sperm will always be the most OP monster in MA
Well I'm dumping the new chapter
I want him to be. But Psykos just introduced this guy as "if you're here it will be fine" even though she's herself strong as fuck.
I hope the guy will end up being a jobber to hype the goofy looking original dragons.
The fuck is this fanfiction bullshit
This translation is weird
The new chapter, new monster
Do you think Tatsumaki is a virgin?
I want Snek to find happiness
> This translation is weird
Well, you know, it's niggerstream.
But that thing wasn't even in the webcomic. I mean, I know Murata takes liberties and does side stories which is fine since nothing in them contradicts canon and even adds to them, there's great stuff in there.
But this? Why all of a sudden this? It isn't even a new monster added to the group, it's wholesale replacing the leader, that's really major. Doesn't ONE write this stuff alongside Murata? What the hell is even happening?
>I know Murata takes liberties
So getting wrecked by Saitama humbled him
It's not replacing anything, you're worrying too much
she'd give it to blast or saitama later on though
I certainly would, yes.
So this is definitely foreshadowing the current arc in the webcomic
Which I said literally one line down. And ESPECIALLY then, why is ONE suddenly going against what he himself wrote? I mean, I can see him playing this off in a way that won't make it all too relevant to the story going forward, but jeez, that's a lot of liberty to take.
Also, it looks stupid, so I'm hoping it's gonna get one-shot early on for a gag.
I wonder about that, since the current arc is about "having a better Hero association".
This "monster king" looks like a red herring to me, he's way too overdetailed.
You're probably right. It's probably because I didn't expect it. Also because it looks stupid.
>why is ONE suddenly going against what he himself wrote?
Because it's his damn story and he will change it if he wants to. He is the literal OWNER of the OPM franchise, because in Japan comic authors keep ownership of their creations. He will do what he wants and retcon what he wants. You don't get to tell him he is wrong.
I want to give Snek a hug
When we get to him we'll get to it. You should know by know that ONE has already planned this expansion out, like the rest of the manga
Whats with the hero mangas developing their worst characters today(Aoyama and Snek)?
There's nothing wrong with Snek, he actually been kinda chill lately
she's a meme like her seiyuu
So Suriyu is S-class
I'm not saying that he can't, I'm just flabbergasted at why he's doing it and worried that he might be doing it for the wrong reasons.
>I want to give Snek a hug
Really, if anything Saitama is proof that the system works. He was getting promoted once a month and is no longer living in poverty. He just wasn't aware that the Association support existed until recently.
No shit, he one shot Max.
Not only that, he is indirectly comparing him to Saitama, who is also "bored".
>mfw ONE wants to make things more interesting by making this sandnigga another Saitama/Garou-tier monster
Pls no
>I'm not saying that he can't, I'm just flabbergasted at why he's doing it and worried that he might be doing it for the wrong reasons.
Here is something you need to know; to author is EVER truly happy with their stories, and is always up for re-writing their creations if they could get away with it. ONE is just taking the chance to recreate the manga in a way that is better in his eyes, this is normal and standard for ALL authors. It's just that for many creators they were not allowed to.
Now you know.
Or he will take part of the Hunters? It would give the group some credibility if they want to go to war with the HA.
Please, you guys know he won't be that strong, he's probably weaker than Genos. I'm expecting that the monster coming to the tournament will wreck his ass.
There always are lower-level monsters and villains for Snek and others. HA helps organizing them.
Suriyu is all about that money
>I'm expecting that the monster coming to the tournament will wreck his ass.
And I'm expecting him to destroy that monster easily
The same Genos that got rekt by an original character?
I also know that they usually don't since your adience gets invested in characters, the setting and the story, and if you retcon stuff you're often chewed out even by your fans. Perhaps especially by them. Which is often for a good reason, mind, since it's one of the most immersion-breaking, investment-shattering things you can do.
He'll end up losing like anyone else in the story that isn't Saitama.
That same Genos that went full arcade mode by beating 7 monsters in a row, including 2 demon threats.
Well that explains his obsession with money.Plus he's got a Jew nose
A smug Suiryu is a shit Suiryu. He's just destroying Snek's entire existence
The guy dismantled Metal Knight. Metal Knight have more firepower than Genos and he's not afraid to use it.
I keked
> The guy dismantled Metal Knight
"the guy" that beat MK is unkown, most probably that Monster King, but anyway it was a monster in the MA HQ.
Genos was beaten by that other new monster which seems to be his direct underling.
>I also know that they usually don't since your adience gets invested in characters, the setting and the story, and if you retcon stuff you're often chewed out even by your fans. Perhaps especially by them. Which is often for a good reason, mind, since it's one of the most immersion-breaking, investment-shattering things you can do.
And yet it is standard for an author to make changes when the story is being rebooted, like in the case of the official OPM manga compared to the webcomic. This is a reboot, and as such it has no reason to keep continuity with the webcomic. Anyone who insist it has to are literally retards.
Also, who the fuck is his master. I really want him to get his teeth kicked in
Will we ever get back to following webcomic or will it all be completely rewritten?
Is he Murata's original or also in ONE's webcomic?
In before its Blast.
No idea, i dont read scribbles
Don't believe him to be that kinda fag.
He's ONE's original.
Sure, but when the original version of the story is still ongoing? And not just adding things that weren't shown or expanded upon in the original or changing things after where the ongoing story ends but just changing something in the middle? And it going over well? I dunno man, I'm hard-pressed to think of examples, though I'm sure they exist.
Besides, I already admitted that I'm overreacting, this just seems to come right the fuck out of nowhere.
Nothing is going to change, the only thing that could happen is that the monsters the heroes will fight will be upgraded
>it has been alright barring Genos and few others. Plus, all those casting gags i.e. Piccolo as Vaccineman, Leomon is Beast King or Hisoka as Sea King.
>Sure, but when the original version of the story is still ongoing?
And what's wrong with that? You rather that ONE just kill the webcomic entirely first? Is that what you prefer? Because that sounds like what you are asking, which is insane.
>This is a reboot, and as such it has no reason to keep continuity with the webcomic
Different user here , but if I don't see tatsumaki getting pummeled like she did by the monster association like she did in the web comic Im gonna be pissed and disappointed in one as an author from here on out.
His master is Saitama's father
>Different user here , but if I don't see tatsumaki getting pummeled like she did by the monster association like she did in the web comic Im gonna be pissed and disappointed in one as an author from here on out.
You can feel as disappointed as you like, but this is still ONE's story and he would make it his way. Manga authors are not like Western comic writers, they have absolute control over their creations.
It has been alright barring Genos and few others. Plus, all those casting gags i.e. Piccolo as Vaccineman, Leomon as Beast King or Hisoka as Sea King.
Showing why Mask is a cancer to the HA, dude cares more in doing a concert than helping the other heroes.
>He thinks he's on their level
Well, he'd probably make it into S-class but this is really pushing it
I never said anything of the like, calm down a bit.
Fanbook's data showed he's among the heroes with the most accomplishments though. He just never stop and does lots of other jobs on the side. Seeing his weird mutations he most probably doesn't even sleep.
Fucking Sweet Mask getting the background waifus. That monster is fucked
tatsumaki getting pummeled is essential to the plot of MA, there's no way it's going to change, just like the dine and dash
But metal bat is already in mob psycho
>Tatsu hips
I really wanna do things to her.
Eh, there's always going to be a disparity. He could very well be on the level of mr hero hunter but tats and saitama are way ahead
Based Rider to the rescue, oh and TTM as well I guess
>tatsumaki getting pummeled is essential to the plot of MA
Yeah, if Tats doesn't get blindsided, she takes out the MA and basically ends the arc right there.
Of course, she's going to get pummeled. It gives the other heroes their chance to take center stage until Garou steals the show and then Saitama finally arrives and cleans him up.
Can't wait til someone punching Mask's face in.
I never disputed the fact that ONE can change his manga to whatever he wants to, if he wanted too he could rewrite one punch man as a generic school shonen battle manga.
what Im saying is not every change is a step in the right direction, it's like if geogre rr martin ret con the red wedding to where the starks survived and were held prisoner and later rescued.
I as a fan would be become apathetic towards his work if I know he's going down a different direction in tone and story.
Tatsumaki will be fighting with Monster King instead
Oh, now I think about it, since she was the only one unharmed among the tank toppers, I'm really hoping Tank Top Girl is going to help them, she's also a hero after all.
I would like for TTM to defeat someone on screen, even if its a low tier Demon Monster.
Respects for Mumen Raider for helping despite being injured.
I never thought I'd see things guys again
Dude, A class already have a really hard time/can get beaten by tiger, the best Rider can beat is a wolf.
Do you guys thing those changes to the story are made because they want to have a good ending point for the next season of anime?
Which she'd trash then.
Or Orochi and Psychos vs Tats, Tats owns them(then real Psychos shows up and it continues following the webcomic storyline).
It would be very harmless.
Not gonna happen
That sounds alright +technically Tatsumaki didn't kill any monster in the original (well, not like Saitama did either), this kind of feat, even if it won't add anything, wouldn't hurt.
Mumen can help in a support role and there is also the other Tank Top bros, who despite being injured they should be as strong as the PPP group.
Im just afraid that one is going censor it a bit, after seeing lin lin get beat off screen I can't help but think if she was a male we would of at least saw a comical one panel beat down.
I've also noticed in his other work mob psycho he had mob beat the female claw member off screen and that left me a bit disappointed and I grew less attached to mob as a character for trying to show chivalry for a criminal who worked for an organization that kidnapped children( including his brother) that planned to take over the world. I was just left perplexed why her gender was even a factor in the equation.
This leads me to believe that ONE has become a little bit more sjw since writing/drawing that scene of tatsumaki getting beatdown and might try to gloss over it.
Suriyu is shit, Tatsu is fucking shit up, Garou has a shit-eating grin, and Saitama is just taking a shit
U reminded me PPP, Atomic Samurai never got to kill a monster either, i wonder if the redraw will give them couple of kills.
PPP can have DoS while Atomic Samurai could have idk that Gouketsu guy(if he manages to survive).
The "second strongest" Tank Topper (Vegeterian) seems to be helping the normal people leaving here If he's not helping not a chance the others are.
So TTM and Rider aside, only tankTopGirl could join them.
Lolwat, We have been seen Fubuki with a bloodied face(twice), and she is more FS bait than Tats.
Most of the Tourney fights have being offscreened, the anime has a chance of extending them to fill the episodes.
And he was one shot in the end. Snek didn't deserve this
But where did the wound come from? I don't remember seeing a panel of her head getting split open. With tatsumaki we explicitly see her get punched in the face and dropped on her fucking head.
> I can't help but think if she was a male we would of at least saw a comical one panel beat down.
You seems to forget the massive beatdown Tats gets later on. Same for Fubuki and Psykos at the end of their fight.
>Mysterious being
>not monster
I know it's mangastream, but this is just silly.
LinLin has no reason to gets badly up like Tats in the MA arc. If anything her bruises clearly showed she was harmed.
>He thinks he's on their level
He's obviously clueless. It's not like he's thinking he's on THEIR level, he doesn't even know Garou or Saitama.
Tats would pulverize him, Garou would insta copypaste his own techniques against him and Saitama would, well, shit on him I guess.
Are you a newfag? Mysterious being has been always the term used, way before niggerstream kicing in.
Both are correct. It's just a matter of translation.
Murata's redraw for the base is epic
At what chapter does the anime end?
chapter 01
Well, He's generalazing, "strong" as in "at least S class".
The thing is that he doesn't seems to understand there are people way stronger than him around, same for monsters. He'll see soon he's not invincible.
>You seems to forget the massive beatdown Tats gets later on.
I didn't forget, my entire point is that Im afraid that ONE is going to change that scene in the murata version.
>Same for Fubuki and Psykos at the end of their fight.
Who knows for sure if murata will keep the scene of psykos getting glass in her eyes.
I didn't say she needed to get beat up like tatsumaki but at least show a comical one sided beatdown it doesn't need to be as graphic or more than one panel but at least fucking show it.
Chapter 36
and when I say murata I mean the manga version! Im not saying he has final say on the outcome of ONE'S work.
At first I thought it was God
As you can see this man has achieved maximum mouth status
>no angsty backstory
>no effort put into anything
He's not Strong.
Thank you based dump-slave
Sounds like Psykos is just using him by making him believe he's the boss here.
Modern Art makes his reappearance. So it looks like it's just a martial arts monster and not Bakuzan, I hope he gets to do something. Also Zenko is cute
You're welcome
Also, to fool the mangaonly as well. Who would expect that this blob is the actual boss and a sexbomb
Why would they chain up a drone, is the chunni is monsters that strong
If you take a closer look, Genos didn't even lose his arm. He's not off yet.
>Genos jobs AGAIN
Let the man win already. Doesn't he later in the webcomic, though?
> Let the man win already
He just beat 5 tiger and 2 demons in a row, how the hell can you not be satisfied by that?
So I don't think Psykos is the boss yet, or she's basically a shadow leader.
And that's the end of the chapter, this was a good one. Since it was a complete chapter expect your next 3-page update in 2020
I don't think it is public knowledge that he uses drones.
What if Suiryu ends up being much stronger than Garou but much like Saitama just didn't really bother to make it known?
Even Fubuki gets to beat a Dragon later
He's not that impressive
> even
Great way to take things out of context retard.
It's pretty obvious that there's no person in that mangled heap of scrap though. But hey, look at it this way, at least Bofoi is gonna be happy that he's collecting all sorts of intel through this still basically functional drone.
U mad that your fuccboi cyborg got rekt again?
That's like Cookie Monster beating a Dragon-class, well, literal Cookie Monster. Or Mr. Clean beating a Dragon-class oil stain monster.
They didn't make it into the anime. What is this shit.
I don't care about Genos, but those 7 victories in a row showed his strengh and it's clearly the best feats he could ever get at this point, adding the fact that 8th monster beat him when he was heavily injured. he clearly didn't job in that case, unlike when he faced the MA dragons.
Well, technically Psykos is not a monster.
>some literally who monster is going to crash the tournament after all
>it could've been Garou and WDM crashing by while Saitama is stuck on the toilet
Also where the hell is Sourface?
Onscreen, at least.
>it's another Genos jobbing chapter
His left knee and thig he's resting his hand on look like a serpent-headed giant cock.
> ONE begins showing again all the characters that previously appeared in the extra chapters
Because Fubuki was Psychos counter, the webcomic mentioned Fubukis ultimate technique only works on Espers.
Glasses can be relevant if he decides to join the Hunters.
Who will kill Gouketsu with one hit? Saitama or Suiryu?
Sourface is getting ready to run away, or is still in shock from Bakuzan getting defeated
He did well user, let him rest
That would be cool
Would be stupid for him to go back to another group.
Suiryu, which will lose to Saitama, and everyone will think that it was because he was already weakened by the monster (since he's pretending to be bangs disciple anyways).
The Little Toaster That Almost Could
> Suiryu and Saitama are gonna fight
> suddenly the monster appear, talking about how he easily beat that S class hero
> Suiryu beats effortlessly the monster while S
> uses that occason to bash again the heroes because "a S class lost against that?", then attacks Saitama
> same reaction as when Garou tried to attack him
> one punch
>Mosquito was the strongest foe Saitama ever faced
>we've held back our main monster forces
Psykos you tease.
>we've held back our main monster forces
Thinking about it, to me that really sounds like that monster King isn't exactly part of the Monster Association, but more like an Ally that agreed to help them.
fuck, I want this to happen so badly
This comic is really well written, so I can't wait for this to happen because it sounds awesome.
The main monster forces: water, a teletubbie, an ugly dude, a mouth on a pile of lard, a hot chick, a homeless guy and a dog.
Who's gonna save the rich kid if MK's drone is kill?
> tfw the cat girl becomes an hostage too
That kid is dead, Royal Ripper is in the building
Soft guy Garou will save all kids.
Where the fuck are these pages coming from? last I read was chapter 104 on MP, where Blizzard is fighting whip lady who zombified her underlings
Check niggerstream then
>the strong
Yeah thanks ONE. Those three will be the only relevant players on the side of good in the final arc of OPM.
Excluding King of course.
thanks nigga
Is that Garou?
>what Im saying is not every change is a step in the right direction, it's like if geogre rr martin ret con the red wedding to where the starks survived and were held prisoner and later rescued.
>I as a fan would be become apathetic towards his work if I know he's going down a different direction in tone and story.
If you don't trust him then get off the manga now. It is his manga, not yours. I have no idea why you felt you know more about OPM than the author, maybe you read too many Western comics?
>I didn't forget, my entire point is that Im afraid that ONE is going to change that scene in the murata version.
If he decide to change it than he will. That's the end of it. If you feel entitled to the webcomic version exclusively then you should stop and just read the webcomic.
Yes, after his haircut.
I gotta ask, what are you on about? Why are you making this about things that it's not about? Why is this suddenly about not enjoying the manga as it is now instead of looking at new developments with a wary eye, thinking about the future? Why is this now about knowledge about ONE? What's western comics got to do with it?
Just chill, we're talking in hypotheticals here. We trust ONE, he hasn't disappointed us yet, but with the surge of popularity around his two big works it'd be understandable though regrettable if he did something thoughtlessly, hastily or out of the wrong motivations. Which, again, is a hypothetical we are really hoping won't happen.
I don't know what exactly you're trying to argue, but being antagonistic isn't gonna help get your point across.
>If you don't trust him then get off the manga now.
Trust me I will when One proves to me that he's going to deliver me an inferior product. That's basically what my post was alluding to. Thank you for for bolstering my point.
> It is his manga, not yours. I have no idea why you felt you know more about OPM than the author, maybe you read too many Western comics?
Im not sure where going with this strawman but if you're just trying to troll , I'll let you know right now im not impassioned enough to get into a argument.
>If he decide to change it than he will. That's the end of it. If you feel entitled to the webcomic version exclusively then you should stop and just read the webcomic.
Why bother replying that if you're going to essentially say the same thing that you did in the other post?
But the tournament is one the way to be interrupted, One is gonna troll everyone by interrupting right when Saitama is about to fight Sourface.
I recognize those crushed testicles. That's Space Jin.
Everyone is overlooking the panel of Suiryu saying he hasnt trained in years, so if he gonna be relevant, he has a chance in becoming stronger.
Okay im a little hyped.
>including 2 demon threats
Genos couldn't do shit to Awakened Cockroach while getting his ass beaten left and right. He only won the fight by using his last resort trick that trapped the roach.
So? The cockroach was all about speed, and he found a way to counter that by himself. He won.
>those forearms
That cat's the only MA member so far I've actually found somewhat creepy.
Why do girls like forearms so much
And Genos implied that by using it he admitted to being outclassed by Cockroach.
Yes, in speed, that's it. It's still one of his weapons. He fairly won, cockroach was just careless and too confident.
What about that Sludge creature
Cokroach also blocked his strikes though.
He sure stopped that last attack.
Love the cameo
He escaped at least.
I think it makes sense that they treat him as an individual, since the Monster association has two fully robotic members (the speedster brotherbots)
Silly mob, the esper is a quarter to your right!
Really liked this chapter, the slow pace and releases were annoying but I finally got some interest on the tournament and Suiryu.
Plus the MA finally appeared.
>English dub
You're not supposed to be here.
>blocked on copyright grounds
>Metal Knight didn't kill Elder Centipede
God dammit, It's gonna be a goddamn mess if Garou has to fight Elder in that fucking playground.
The pacing hasn't slowed down at all, only the releases
I don't see how, He'll just replace Senior. And it will justify why Garou got wrecked so bad
Huh, I didn't notice.
The chibi effect really looks funnier in the manga since the previous panel looked dignified for Tats.
I like both versions of Tatsumaki though.
I fucking hated this chick so much
It's for the best.
>He'll just replace Senior
Don't you remember Elder's size? Just him coming out of the ground would turn the entire playground into a hole, and more than ten seconds of him fighting will erase the whole block.
Do remember that there's a little kid there and would get squashed.
>And it will justify why Garou got wrecked so bad
It made perfect sense that he got beaten up by a demon triple team. What will really feel odd is him getting triple teamed by 2 demons and a Dragon, and fucking killing the dragon. Sure it might make Genus' speech about breaking limiters look more epic, but honestly its too soon to show that level of strenght on Garou. It will cheapen out him oneshotting Royal Ripper and beating Rover as it would simply be expected. though in the positive side it would make Darkshine look hilariously more broken by wrecking this new hype inflated Garou
what changed?
did the glorious booty and no pan when you over?
I want to marry Tatsumaki, take her virginity, fuck her every day and get her pregnant with my seed
I'm almost as hyped for Darkshine as I am for the Serious Table Flip.
She'll send you flying
Rate Saitama's super moves from best to worst
Joke's on you. That's not what happens in my self-insert fic.
1. Table flip
2. Side Hops
3-sideways eight. everything else
1. One uninterested punch
2. Multiple tiny punches
3. One midly interested punch
I hope your prepared for your dick to be ripped of when you don't satisfy her
user please. She would be so satisfied with my amazing thrusting abilities that we'll have 10 children together
>Final Mob Psycho fight has Saitama show up for assistance
How apeshit would you go?
More like one after she dies from childbirth
It's not the same world.
>Controlled/symbiotic ???% Mob and serious Saitama vs G O D
cesarean birth exists, she can take it
I just want a show about mumen rider
I thought season 2 was supposed to be out by now
>no date nor confirmation given
>supposed to
I hope you enjoy being cucked by Blast then
it will be around 2020 if were lucky
I wonder if Monster King is a replacement for Golden Sperm.
My dick will give her amnesia about Blast
Next time she sees blast she'll be all ahegao-ing over my dick while asking "who?"
A man can dream, can't he?
Yeah, it's more like, "Is anyone else APART from S class necessary?" Since, as we've seen, the heroes are being taken down by not even Demon level monsters.
The answer is yes, anyway, but this is a pretty low point for the heroes.
Why would she ahegao all over you when she gets multiple orgasms a second with One Thrust Man
tatsumaki vs ???
no one post this?
>sex drive
Er. It CAN'T have been Garou and WDM, user. They're in a different city. This has been brought up every time someone thought this.
kill her with kindness
Yeah, sure. Even Genos thought that Metal Knight was some sort of robot or cyborg until the meteor chapter where Metal Knight told him that he'd be fine even if he couldn't escape the meteor since he was only using a drone body.
Which makes all the more perfect for her that you don't believe that
>Yeah, it's more like, "Is anyone else APART from S class necessary?" Since, as we've seen, the heroes are being taken down by not even Demon level monsters.
The issue is that monsters started out as Tiger back when Saitama was a civilian. It's not that anything below S are not needed, it's that monsters have started being so powerful that anything less than A is a waste of time. You can't just have S level because they can't possibly cover the entire continent on their own due to low numbers, the A class is basically the ones doing the daily tasks. S is for emergencies.
A policeman can't stop an army, but that doesn't mean we don't need the police.
Really, the issue is that heroes are not getting any stronger but the monsters are now ten times more dangerous.
user, I'm literally fucking Tatsumaki right now and have since the beginning of time and it will lasts until the universe implodes
no need to be jelly, that's just facts
I demand sauce
here you go...
If you want to fuck a piece of paper I'm not the type of person to judge
So, Gouketsu will defeat Suiryuu and, of course, Saitama will destroy the monster
She's not real user
You are not real. Fuck off
Now user, there's no need to be...upset
Next year IMO.
Which makes lineup excellent.
2017 will have:
JoJo Vento Aureo
BNHA Season 2
SNK Season 2
Berserk Season 2
Probably: MP100 Season 2, Black Clover
By then it will probably be the webcomic part(Chapters 52 to 95).
This first invasion seems to setting up a predictable outcome in the heroes forcing the monsters to retreat, end credits end with revealing the Dragon Monsters, teasing Season 3.
Who is dis?
Hey friends, I'm reading ONE's manga for the first time and I'm really confused because all of a sudden Garou's fighting monsters to save a kid and Saitama never went to a martial arts tournament. What happened?
This reminds me of that silly theory of Saitama, Tatsu and Fubuki being siblings.
The MA arc is getting expanded if this isn't bait
Yeah, and the so called "filler" is going to end by the end of the year.
Once Season 2 is confirmed(should be set for Fall 2017), Murata will be back in covering the webcomic.
I think I got it how Season 2 will end it.
This Gouketsu guy might be revealed as Orochis son, he will get killed by Suiryu or Saitama, which pisses off Orochi and he heads to the stadium in order to avenge him.
He defeats Suiryu then we get Saitama vs Orochi for Season 2 finale.
Saitama wins and forces all of the monsters to retreat.
That's why I said the answer is yes to that question of whether or not they're needed.
And I wouldn't say the monsters are "now" 10 times more dangerous. They're just simply showing themselves in the public eye now for some reason. The monsters in the MA, we know, have been in hiding for years to prepare for their invasion. The Underground, Sea, and Sky King? They just suddenly decided it was time to invade, starting with the Underground King whose death pretty much led to a domino effect. The House of Evolution? Also like the MA; constantly biding its time and power.
If Psychos isnt bullshitting, then King Orochi is Dragon+ level, which is Base Boros level(who took a punch from Saitama).
How did you come to that conclusion
the ma arc has a really jarring and low-stakes opening in the webcomic. it's also incredibly muddled with the garou arc and the heroes vs monsters arc occurring at once.
this arc actually contextualizes that in the world, and sets up future arcs. it also gives the monsters association some sort of stake in the game+characterization, when they were pretty much all just eventual jobbers.
it is a bit too muddled because of the tournament+20 monster fights occurring at once, but that's just amplified by the month in between updates and the viewer's desire/impatience to see what's already happened in the webcomic happen.
Its logical thinking?
Main Monster Forces are Hobo, Black Sperm, Water, Ugly Fuhrer etc) aka the Dragon level monsters
And ABOVE them is Orochi.
you are literally making up headcanon because you're paranoid one is turning into a sjw
reevaluate your life
Which ties into the webcomics, where Vegetarian is one of the Tank Toppers who quit.
Don't you mean when?
he would be above golden sperm as well which would probably be the strongest or second strongest dragon without a + sign monster so far.
Either him or asura rhino
Why what? Your question doesn't make sense.
Asura Rhino is definitely overrated, he was probably the same strength as Beefcake and Vaccine Man.
I hope Orochi also has some kind of sick transformation.
>it's a weak should fear the strong chapter
Japanese comic writers should really change the disk.
That gentle smile and average face with those THICC eyebrows really melts my heart every single time.
How many times has she appeared in the manga now?
Thick eyebrows is elder god tier
>One Punch Man
>Volume 10 Now On Sale
Now on sale is written as "hatsu bai chuu", the last part, chuu also sounds like the onomatopoeia for "kissing", and well, they actually wrote it like that instead of using the kanji. That's why Tatsumaki is posing like that
Well if he sees TTM getting btfo again, then could the reason why he quit as a hero.
>Monster King Orochi
u wot m8
He's new
>u wot m8
Orochi is THE Japanese monster. It is the most powerful monster of Shinto lore. So it makes sense that Planet Saitama, being almost but not quite Japanese, would have an Orochi as the king of monsters. Orochi is meant to be an eight-headed dragon/hydra/snake, so that's why the monster has so many mouths.
Is Tatsumaki big enough to survive childbirth?
She's got big hips so it's possible
The threads have been surprising good lately. What happened, Reigen's meme magic
so is this what psykos was afraid about in her premonition?
Tatsumaki-chan is for rape and marriage.
No. That had to do with humans. Don't bully Tatsumaki
How big do you think Psykos' breasts will be?
Leave Tatsu alone.
As big if not slightly bigger than Fubuki's.
I wonder what kind of training Psykos did in order to become a dragon level psychic considering Fubuki was presumably the more powerful one during high school.
>Still no updates for Genos requesting a spar against Saitama again
>Still no Blast in present day
>Still no full appearance by all the Hunters
>Still no direct confirmation that Bofoy is the leader of the evil robot organization.
Really, unlike everyone else ONE actually drew her with a rack. I think insanity plus a little monster mutation pushed her above Fubuki
>Still no updates for Genoa
It's mostly not going to amount to much
>Still no Blast in present day
Don't remind me. It still hurts
>Still no full appearance by all the Hunters
It's going to happen soon. They just need a centre stage
>Still no direct confirmation that Bofoy is the leader of the evil robot organization
People expect this so much that I'm thinking it's going to be the exact opposite
muh dick
It would be a nice red herring if he actually wasn't involved. Some people think it's Dr. Stench (or whoever you call Genos' doctor) but honestly unrelated 3rd party seems more likely than him since we've never been given any hint he was anything other than good.
>saitama making it in time for the special sale
oh come on, how far must I suspend my disbelief?
let him go user, his autism has consumed him.
I'm more pissed that the redraw is taking so long
>X king
>not getting offed like all the other X kings
You retarded bro?
subconscious association with dicks. Thats why veiny forarms are attractive
y-you s-stay away from her, y-you hear!
You know what would be an amazing troll chapter. We just watch random schmucks fleeing the cities. Then there's like one guy who just has to go on a business trip to somewhere else and we never catch a glimpse of his face. Monster attacks airport, but is mysteriously defeated.
Then we just never know who did it.
>Years later
Reveal the dude as Blast who was doing his day job during the crisis.
I didn't make anything up and I provided examples. I expressed my fears of where one might be going with the redrawn manga and if you don' care for my thoughts that's fine .
And? They can travel distances between cities pretty fucking fast in OPM. Garou was in a different city like 5 minutes ago, now he's in Shibuya hunting WDM.
Makes me wonder why no one did a Tatsumaki x Fubuki doujin yet.
I'm proud to say I sat and watched this page get made for 4 whole hours on stream the other day. Really enjoyed chatting it up on his feed lol
Not so much that as it is "only the strong can survive", as the basis behind Suiryu's philosophy is that there isn't anyone strong enough to stop what's coming.
This guy is a monster in disguise. Calling it now.
I don't think monster mutation was involved at all. I think it's like what Fubuki said; Psykos focused a lot on gaining more power rather than "control". I suppose that lack of control is what led to her having such a violent vision that caused her to go crazy? It also seems to be related to doing stuff like Tatsumaki's "tornado".
So long as this "monster king" isn't the real leader and it is Psychos, I'm fine with it. Their whole "leadership" being flawed was a pretty big point of the MA (where Fubuki takes on Psychos just fine and all the other MA people call her shit and she's no longer leader).
I'm going to be pissed if they can't use Golden Sperm because of the implications though. Only thing that I'm still happy with is that it's still saying "can't do shit vs the really strong" and "what is a hero" so that Garou can get it all fucked over at the end.
No, she saw something in the future that was so shocking that she needed to do something to change history. Hence why she was suddenly disgusted with humanity + was silent when Fubuki visited her after capture.
Garou met Metal Bat in S City. WDM is stationed at Q City. The Super Fight tournament is taking place in C City.
People travel "fast" between places, sure, especially if they're super human. But there's no reason why a battle taking place in one city will somehow transfer to a city farther away than, perhaps, a few cities' distance.
That's all ignoring the fact that WDM is territorial and refuses to leave City Q.
Real life midgets do it all the time.
>No, she saw something in the future that was so shocking that she needed to do something to change history. Hence why she was suddenly disgusted with humanity + was silent when Fubuki visited her after capture.
We know as a fact that even though prophecies work in OPM, they are not set in stone and as such could be prevented. It is very likely that she saw the doom of humanity, but not realising that Saitama would be there to prevent it, if only he was put in the right place at the right time.
Nah, it's gonna be epic. Garou won't straight up pull him from the fucking ground like Senior but he can manage.
The scene is about pushing your limits after all.
Well, I was bullshitting around and meant that it was Psykos' lack of expertise that led her to seeing that vision. If she had better control over it, perhaps it would not have affected her so somehow (perhaps giving her a better understanding of what she saw or letting her keep her cool better?).
The way prophecies work in OPM is a bit vague.Like, did Shibabwa's visions already come to pass in her visions and she simply tried to change that future? Or did she saw it only "approaching", which would allow them to prepare? We don't know if visions are absolute or not, but if it's the latter case, there's enough vagueness left in the vision to allow people to try and do something about it.
Because this
Serial killer/rapist in the making, noice.
>We don't know if visions are absolute or not, but if it's the latter case, there's enough vagueness left in the vision to allow people to try and do something about it.
Visons that are absolute is actually useless. You need prophecies that are accurate but not so accurate as to be inevitable. Because if you can't change anything, then you are not really any better knowing than not knowing.
I gave the latter example of
>Or did she saw it only "approaching"
As an "absolute" prophecy that can be avoided. All you'll know is that it's gonna happen, but you don't know how it's gonna end.
WDM is pretty much becoming the mascot for "shitting on monsters", isn't he?
All my money on Saitama casually oneshoting this guy while walking home from tournament.
So, it's pretty obvious Suiryu is the type of guy Garou hates the most, right? I mean, he's the most popular guy in the arena and he has fun oppressing others.
The Snek bullying need to stop.
>(where Fubuki takes on Psychos just fine and all the other MA people call her shit and she's no longer leader).
It's funny when you remember that Psychos was actually the MVP of that fight for the MA. She's the one who blindsided Tats and held Bang down so Homeless Emperor could blow him up. Had she not been there, Tats and Bang would have raped the hell out of the rest of them.
>JoJo Vento Aureo
>You'll never have a nice tanktop girl peel a fruit for you when you're sick
As awkward as that would make the webcomic events I can see it happening
Yeah, that sounds alright.
This orochi guy was introduced to be the "boss of that MA intro.
why man, just why? I know more will be revealed about him soon, but how many "I'm simply strong because I'm strong" characters do we need? What the fuck is his super power?
>why man, just why? I know more will be revealed about him soon, but how many "I'm simply strong because I'm strong" characters do we need? What the fuck is his super power?
He is just another martial artist. We already have Bang being number 3, and hi brother Bomb who likely is almost as strong as he is. Bomb's very existence is proof that there are at least several S class warriors in the world who deliberately didn't join the Hero Association. So this guy is just another martial artist who didn't care about being a superhero either. This isn't news, Bomb's presence makes it obvious.
> super power
Like most of even S class he's just superhuman.
Maybe his superpower is being Murata's self insert just like Saitama is ONE's self insert.
The fuboobies are for grabbing.
>It's funny when you remember that Psychos was actually the MVP of that fight for the MA.
Psychic power is extremely utilitarian. It's just that Tatsumaki is so powerful that she has no reason playing Support for anybody else up to now. We saw how Fubuki was handy against that Spider monster's split form. Tatsumaki had no reason teaming up with any hero in S class because if she can't handle the threat alone, no one else in the team could either. So she had no reason assisting the other members of S class. But if she could Assist, she would be very good at it.
why does a midget have such nice legs/back??
why is this allowed
I'm just wondering what the significance of yet another OP martial artist guy is.
Did he say before who his master was? Or is this the first time a master was brought up?
Are they pure virgins?
>I'm just wondering what the significance of yet another OP martial artist guy is.
The significance is that there are a LOT of people who could be superheroes, but refused to take the job. This is a theme explored in this arc as that was why the Association tried to hire mercenaries and criminals to fill the gaps caused by the injured heroes. The Heroes are not the only powerful people in the world, it's just that they are the only people who signed up.
>her butt in the top left frame
they fucking changed the plot.
MA was supposed to be a hidden organization but this time MA are attacking in broad daylight.
are you gonna cry?
It was definitely a good, easily the best OPM one so far, but can't say I like how he's making Tatsumaki heavily blush and having that "about to cry" expression, it doesn't fit her at all. And same for Fubuki, while I can see her blushing, the "about to cry" doesn't fit her much either. She isn't supposed to always have those puppy eyes all the time either.
Really, Cred Forums? Fanboying a stolen design?
Definitely experimented on each other.
t. has siblings
Something like that.
>I'm just wondering what the significance of yet another OP martial artist guy is.
Remember that the webcomic implied that a rival hero association is being created. This means there HAS to be a lot more S class people out there available to recruit.
>that pressed cheek
I haven't read OPM for a while and can't remember what chapter I was on.
What number is the chapter where Metal Bat beats the two centipedes and then the third, bigger one appears?
shit, wanted to quote
>the monster king of idiots captured "Metal Knight"
>meanwhile he's collecting petabytes of data on Orochi and his lair
I bet Metal Knight is giving lair's position to everyone. Any leader with brain would've destroyed the robot then leaved the place at one for another lair.
Can't help it. They've been underground for years. Completely computer illiterate.
But seriously, Genos didn't know Metal Knight's drone body wasn't his actual body either. It's the body he presumably uses for his hero work, so I suppose most people think it's actually him. Guy is pretty secretive.
I still hate this artist for doing that shit.Also when is anyone gonna scan pic related?
That's Pepsitou, right? Didn't know they did a OPM x Mob doujin.
Nah, it's Inomaru
Whoops. Thought it was Pepsitou since
was the only image I ever saw of it. The hair looked like it got done by them. Got any more samples?
I think Mob needs an adult right now
She is an adult
Oh, and you can see all the samples here
Fuck. I accidentally clicked the right button instead of the left. Now I can't see it. What to do, what to do.
I'm pretty sure Fubuki should be way taller than mob.
> that Dimple
She kinda fits her seiyuu in that aspect too(Aoi Yuki is 4´8" iirc)
And Garou is next.
Is Fubuki still second in popularity?
>can't unhear ONE PUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNCH every time he busts
This is a really sexy comedy
There is way. By using a tool commonly used to bind people together.
I remember all the asshurt after chapter 2, nice to see the redemption though Tatsumaki scenes ruin it.
> macho macho maaaan
I just noticed they finally uploaded the Viz version of OPM Volume 9.
It came out 5 months ago dude. Volume 10 should be out soon I hope.
>ONE discovers the Roomba
dammit ONE
Yeah. I'd like to get a translated version of that power level chapter, since it has new pages.
In most sites OPM is being taken down, so I just noticed the Viz version on Mangatraders.
The redrawns are godly, u cant deny that.
> not using "that" site
> The redrawns are godly, u cant deny that.
Where did I ever imply that. Physical version of that volume came out more than a year ago already, been owning it and its collector version since then, I had the time to see all the redraws off it.
Shouldve kept the ASDFGHJ
I want Fubuki to laugh at me like that
Oh, so thats why we never see TT Girl fight along the other Tank Top bros.
Well. They're all themed fighters. She and Tank Top Master are the only ones with a vanilla style.
Yes, because Tats doesnt want Fubuki to have either friends or bfs, and who would want to be with Tats, who is mentally unstable?
I can see Madhouse adding more scenes like this when the Sister chapter is adapted in the anime.
do you need to be only wearing the tank top or can you wear someting over it to unlock the power of TANKKU TAPU!?
I can imagine Tatsumaki wanking for fun people from far away with her powers.
>wear someting over it
>unlock the power of the TANNKU TAPU
You don't understand how to utilize the tank top's power at all.
I would TANKKU TAPU TTG's butt if you catch my drift.
>saitama starts wearing a simple white tank top under his suit because they were on sale
>instantly become tank top grande master unlocking power beyond even TT master
>saitama doesnt even notice the difference and just thinks the tank tops are trying to recruit him like fukibi
Then she shouldve been able to detect Fubuki being hurt by Sonic, but that was PIS at its finest hmm.
I like the MP100 resembles, Tats and Fubuki relationship is a bit similar to Mob/Ritsu, its just that poor Fubuki got traumatized since very little.
How old were the Esper sisters in this pic?
Oops i meant in this pic
Gong by the lack of a uniform, I'd say Fubuki's not even in middle school yet.
Not sure if Tatsumaki ever went to school myself, actually. Wonder if she's actually even learned basic math.
Yeah, Fubuki must have been like 9-12, while Tatsumaki would be 13-16.
>The only thing Tatsumaki taught her sister was to be a bully
Worst girl
So at most she's 17 during this flashback, yeah pretty sure she's a dropout. Maybe she kept up his studies alone while she was in the lab, though I can't be sure. Probably even Serizawa is at a higher math level than her.
I guess she still knows the basics. She also went to school normally until 8 years old.
I recognize that dog and frog.
Isn that the same dog Mob protected in the Mogami Arc?
She will change once she sees Blast again, I hope One doesnt use the Kabaneri plot and make Blast/Tats relationship like Biba/Mumei.
Yeah, we just need 6 more chapters like this and there is already material for Season 2.
Ironic that the end of the latest chapter kinda resembles Boros introduction(Episode 10).
Who's stronger, her or Saitama?
Why is this even a question?
Can't she just ESP-teleport the baby out?
Tatsumaki only uses psychokinesis.
You haven't read the comic have you
Tats can't beat the power of the cock so Saitama
Do you also believe Tats has also ???? like Mob?
So how many more chapters do you think we have left
We need this to happen in the webcomic too.
>Thinking Tats could handle the baldy without experience or tits
Fubuki's got this
Looks like One Hurricane is once again worth checking.
Psychic blowing when?
Why does ONE always draw Tatsumaki like a retard? Is there a single panel where she looks good or serious?
If only Blast appeared in the Murata manga, we wouldve seen in OH Saitama getting NTRd.
>Orochi defeats Suiryu then we get Saitama vs Orochi for Season 2 finale.
Yeah, that seems quite appropiate.
Thing is though, main MA + Garou won't be enough to fill a whole season 3, so if Garou is to be 3rd season finale, expect more original redraw intraarc.
Maybe she was always supposed to be ugly?
All of his females look terrible. Even the ones on Mob Psycho where he draws seriously.
Im still waiting for One to agreeing doing a OPMxMP100 Crossover(OVA or Movie).
It would be funny seeing Reigen attempting to do his usual tricks vs Monsters instead of evil spirits, and King plays the straight guy.
>Dragon+ level
Can we call it something else, like Hydra level or Balaur level?
Would Reigen be fooled by King's reputation?
42 chapters long was the MA in the webcomic, add Murata redrawing and there is material for Season 3, it will also depend if One will agree in including the Sisters Arc as part of Season 3.
Why call something that doesn't exists?
Nah, once he hears the King Engine, he will feel intimidated like some of the S class heroes were in OVA 6.
i noticed the guy who does eren in attack on titan as the scientist's younger brother that turned huge (basically into a titan look a like) in the first ep, could be mistaken though
This is incest
Does the Director's Daughter even have a name?
She's still the cutest. Her and Zenko should have a playdate
>King of the Skies
>King of the Sea
>King of the Earth
>Now we have the King of the Monsters
He should be at or near Boros level of strength, yet still weaker than Garou since Garou is the strongest villian in the series so far. This is a great addition to the manga too, since it opens up tons of possibilities for more scenes, arcs and character development. For example, we all know how Saitama was under the earth fooling around with Silver Flash, while the other heroes were fighting the MA up top. Now there is a possibility that Saitama fights the King of the Monster while the others fight the MA members, explaining Saitama's absence as it all goes down. Or, they could leave Orobochi for later in another arc after the MA finishes.
>Guys I'm so thankful, we've really come far
>Yo I found about Roomba yesterday, pretty cool
Never change, one
Strongest Monster, as its name implies, he has to be around the level of Monster Garou and Boros.
I wonder if he has some kind of special ability that makes him very strong.
Garou had his techniques(God-slayer attack), Boros had Meteor Burst+Regeneration.
Saitama defeating him in this first Invasion(2nd Season) is the perfect excuse for the monsters to retreat and then have a mini timeskip in which we should have:
HA deploying a plan to invade the MA.
Garou healing his injuries after the asswhooping WDM will give him.
In the anime, this whole "filler" can live up to the hype Season 1 had.
Zombieman, that guy is more badass in the webcomic
Both her and Fubuki aren't very attractive in the webcomic, though they look good sometimes. It's Murata who has the problem, he's physically incapable of drawing a female character who isn't sexy as fuck. It actually sort of annoys me, since now the only thing people like Fubuki for are her tits and ass. There's a reason her popularity shot up so much when her Murata version came out, since before she was losing to Tatsumaki in popularity polls.
Whale-chan if you actually read the webcomic instead of speed read you'd know people considered Fubuki good looking to begin with, so it's canon.
Yeah I never said they weren't attractive in canon. I just said the way ONE drew them they aren't that attractive. And it's a fact that Fubuki's enormous tits and ass gave her a huge popularity boost, it's pretty much all people talk about when Fubuki is mentioned.
Tatsumaki is supposed to look like a young lady but murata draws her as a loli. I'm okay with that though, my dongus doesn't discriminate.
>as its name implies
Are you stupid?
This so called monster king will job in the most hilarious manner to Psykos, Saitama or Garou himself.
And Garou will breeze through irrelevant dogman to keep on hunting other heroes.
She is a very sexual legal loli.
>Strongest Monster
Nobody said he is you retard. Just because some random guy calls himself a "monster king" doesn't means he's anything like the strongest.
I highly doubt he's stronger than Sperm. This guy is just some jobber to hype Psykos as the real MA leader.
>he's physically incapable of drawing a female character who isn't sexy as fuck.
While ONE is physically incapable of drawing a female character who is sexy.
And not like she's the only sexy character. She's not only popular for that, don't be stupid.
Or it could also due to Tatsumaki being revealed as the worst sibiling ever since Itachi?
There are rumors of Tatsumaki being sexually aggressive. Anyone can confirm?
>This guy is just some jobber to hype Psykos as the real MA leader.
I don't buy it, let me lay my opinions on you as to why.
>Psykos is literally looking up at the king of monsters
>king of monsters is sitting down aka a position of power like Boros
>Psykos is giving him a report, thus suggesting they are the underling
>Psykos' heart is going doki doki as they look at the king of monsters
>King of monsters is clearly giving Psykos orders
Firm girls require two things; a strong back hand and a stronger dick.
>>king of monsters is sitting down aka a position of power like Boros
If you looked more carefully you would recognize that the seat Psykos is seating on is the leader's. It's exactly the same place where they welcomed Garou after saving him from Bang.
It's just that this Orochi guy is way bigger, so of course he'll look more impressive.
The rest is just classic misunderstanding, who would think the fat blob is the actual boss?
> Psykos' heart is going doki doki as they look at the king of monsters
Are you stupid
Their interaction kinda resembles Geryuganshoop and Boros.
Psychos looks fairly sexy in the webcomic when she fought Fubuki).
You can't be this retarded.
There is nothing to doubt, It has been stated many times Psykos founded the MA and was the boss of it.
This guy will probably be just fodder for Tatsumaki once she enters the MA HQ.
Her personality?
In the anime she is too much of a tsundere, and less arrogant, in the manga is viceversa.
But I guess they did that in order to appeal to the casual fans.
>being into big tits and older looking women
>somewhat finding Tats way more appealing than Fubuki
When the fuck are they going to go back to Garou and Watchdog man, god damn I want to see what the doggo can do
> older looking women
Tatsumaki gives off a very mature look even if she's small.
She resembles her
This fucker is all the wrong kinds of smug, not like Garou at all.
Also, why doesn't Sonic enter tournaments like these? Surely he'd consider it free money
That logic is very flawed. So what if this guy he's strong. What matters is 99,9% of the other people that can't defend themselves.
I doubt he has any money problems.
I just want an excuse to see his butt again
Because he is training to face Saitama again? Why would he waste time facing most of this guys who are scrubs?
I wonder where suiryu ranks in the world of heroes. Every s class hero should be able to beat snake and Max in one shot
What's stopping her from giving him a brain tumor? Or cancer? Or brainwashing him?
Psychic power >>> Raw physical strength
So far I'd guess stronger than Atomic's disciples but not as strong as Sweet Mask. The manga seems to imply he'd be an S rank though.
Read the webcomic.
Murata is god.
Probably top of A tier or bottom of S, but I'm just guessing
This guy's hilarious, I like him.
>implying it wouldnt be mumen rider
>having this shitty o taste
>he's physically incapable of drawing ANY character who isn't sexy as fuck
I want to touch his back
Sexy trips.