Requesting Kanata from AKB0048 in JoJo style posing menacingly, with her Kirara as her stand
Luke Robinson
Patchouli studying quantum physics please.
Aiden Watson
Requesting Hato Higashikata sunbathing.
Hudson Hughes
Requesting a drawing of a cute Eureka, or as an alternative, her face in darker tones (something creepy, maybe). Anything will do, really. Here's a reference plus a closer look at her eyes.
Christian King
>tfw not sure what thread to post in
Requesting Agiri offering Hikage some marijuana.
Jason Adams
Requesting Diego Brando and Funny Valentine in an extreme jousting duel with spears, on motorcycles (Ignore the knight armors in the ref)
Josiah Adams
Requesting Princess Knight going down the stairs with a view like in the reference.
Austin White
requesting Reoko-sama headbutting someone.
Adrian Morgan
Requesting a parody of the Dark Knight Rises pic (right) with Oshiete! Galko-chan characters.
Requesting 2 ghosts lifting Teacher Ritsuko's mini skirt exposing her panties with an ashamed face like in the upper left image meanwhile Nube is watching with a crazy face like in the reference.
Very appreciate if both of her butt and crotch are being shown.
Requesting Igawa, Sakura, and Murasaki wincing at band names suggested by fans.
Samuel Hall
Requesting some crossover of I-58(left) and Haruka(right) with Sukumizu please.
Something like I-58 is happy and hug Haruka because she though Haruka is a new submarine girl/kanmusu.
Angel Morales
Requesting a parody of a skate magazine cover with Killua
Carson Hughes
Hello! I want to request this. Northwemko (left side) from Yu-Gi-Oh! wearing Tamamo's casual outfit (right side) from the Fate franchise. If any details are needed, Northwemko is just sitting in a park (bench or grass), reading a manga or just reading the effects of the cards from Yu-Gi-Oh! card game itself. Just something cute like that. That´s all, thank you!
Juan Hill
Requesting current Bossu in her uniform but with her younger self's haircut.
Just posting as an anchor.
Jaxson Miller
Requesting colors of Shion as a office lady color ref: Thanks in advance
Austin Young
Requesting Ayame Kajou as a stereotypical obnoxious internet personality on Twitch/Youtube.
Bentley Diaz
Humbly requesting Arturia in her beautiful one piece dress, basking in the sun's warm light while it makes the dress translucent.
Ryan Green
Requesting Law from One Piece cosplaying as Black Jack
Angel Jenkins
>That´s all, thank you! This part really bother me. Thank you? Why are you thanks for even nobody do your request anyway? At least thanks after delivered.
Thomas Gomez
Requesting Judai Yuki as a sentai hero himself.
Bentley Richardson
Henry King
Requesting Tamamo Caster on her unzipped casual outfit, playing with her navel.
Landon Ramirez
Requesting Rukia doing something cute or cool with a Salamence A few ideas: -Them performing a Dragon Dance together, just something silly -Them both taking a nap -Her using a TM or some kind of explination to teach it Earthquake anything else nonlewd/nongore is fine between them
Ayden Foster
Requesting Yuuna admiring Tougou's tougous.
Matthew Harris
I have the habit to do that, both when I am requesting and thanking to the drawfriend who delivered my request, in case I got it. I don't see why this should bother anybody.
Henry Ortiz
Not him but it's polite to thank beforehand mainly if you're asking for something to someone else. It's done a lot mainly if you're writing formally/professionally.
Brayden Lee
Requesting Kotoko asking if she looks "totally adorbs" while dressed in gyaru, maybe a cute, pink leopard print top.
Luis Stewart
Here to draw massive-breasted girls
Gimme one
Parker Evans
Requesting Charlotte (wearing her girl uniform) with a short asymmetric haircut based on her own hair. (The pic on the right is just a general example of the style.)
Cooper Rodriguez
Requesting Mato Kuroi(OVA version), Black Rock Shooter and Rock from BRS: Innocent Soul meeting up for lunch at a Fast food restaurant where they all try eating one of those Black Bun Cheeseburgers together!
Requesting these retarded dragon girls playing D&D around a table. Preferably with the red one flipping her shit because she lost a roll.
Jacob Nelson
Requesting lolidom with any of these semen demons.
Cameron Reed
Why is Nah there?
Dylan Kelly
Requesting a 2 panel image. The first one having Aika (left) telling drawfags to stop drawing her in with gags and have them do Neena (right) instead. The second one having Neena lying on a couch in full view with her mouth taped shut with a disinterested/defeated look on her face. Bonus points if a third panel has Aika in the exact same manner with a "not this again" expression on her face.
Jack Nguyen
Requesting Dimaria Yesta and Chronos from Fairy Tail stopping time and posing as Dio and The World from JoJo. Clothes/pose/expression as you wish, but bonus for Dimaria clicking her theet as she unleash Za Kuronosu. Thanks.
Logan Brooks
Requesting a giant Brandish μ and Mount Lady preparing to fight in front of a city.
Zachary Perez
Why are there so many vampire lolis?
Julian Gray
The real question is, why are there so many best girls?
Connor Robinson
Why do you do this every thread? Are you even an actual drawfag, or are you just someone who's fishing for fap-pics?
Isaiah Carter
Requesting Elias and Chise drawn as if they were characters from an old fairy tale book
Nolan Peterson
Nope, just some other must have me confused with someone else then.
Nathaniel Miller
>that manga It started off great and it ended horribly.
Brody Fisher
user he even posted an example of his art already
Justin Barnes
It was rushed and fated to go nowhere because no faith in the BRS media, sadly.
Nathan Lewis
BLACK BUUUUUN BURGEEEER Yeah that has a nice ring to it, good luck with a triple chara request though, I'm rooting for you
Blake James
They could've just pretended to be somebody else. There's no way to tell that it's actually their art.
Lucas Thompson
Yeah. BRS is great. If they were going to make any media out of it, they should have included all the girls. It could have been a great battle manga or something like that.
Zachary Diaz
Request Choji from Naruto Shippuden as a sumo wrestler, wearing a white mawashi. Full color please
Caleb Wilson
Yup, it was very much wasted potential. The game, the manga and both the OVA and TV series could have been much much better if they just spent a bit more on each, but now it's pretty much going nowhere. Even the browser game is ded despite the cool designs and art. I really love BRS stuff, so I'm disappointed, but eh, what can ya do?
Thanks, user!
Brody Phillips
>the psp game I completely forgot about it. I didn't know there was a browser game. I loved Rock and the snake scarf in the manga.
Benjamin Torres
I say Browser, but that was technically Puchitto Rock Shooter, I was thinking of BRS Arcana.
BRS had so much potential, but there's no coming back now.
Wyatt Perez
>spent two weeks dl the ova when it first came out due to horrible internet >loved it >anime came out >it's shit Why is this allowed?
Christian Cox
Tried to copy Madoka and the "Modern Mahou Shoujo" aspect and failed.
Lucas Barnes
I hope you like.
best girl
Alexander Long
The only thing they got right was the OP. I was so hyped when it started playing for the first time. I think I was 3 episodes in when I knew it was going to be utter shit.
Luis Gray
Requesting Seiga playing a sega saturn. The top left pic is official art.
Jace Long
Requesting Migi on its little knees with his two little hands full of rice yelling in despair " MEXICAN, STICKY, RICE!!!!!!"
Bentley Reed
That's hella nice, man.
Isaiah Bell
Requesting Taiga Aisaka and Taiga Fujimura both getting fucked by tigers while making out with each other.
For what it's worth, I started in like... Well, whenever I started posting here. Started "learning", anyway.
Andrew Lee
Requesting Tamamo wearing this shorts and socks design, rollerskating on the beach while listening to her favorite mixtape (a cassette with random songs on it, NOT a music demo) using a either a sports walkman or an Aiwa TX 476
Requesting a tired, slightly hungover Masane on the toilet.
Easton Harris
Then you just have to practice harder
Christian Smith
A Rider-class Tamamo
William Ward
Requesting more lewds of this cute semen demon, Sakura Chiyo.
Naizuri would be nice.
Jack Morales
Requesting Ellen and Hayato eating at a diner countertop while the latter mutters something about recently wanting to kill his boss
Lincoln Turner
Hey ddd thanks for that great pic man super nice! love hanging down and not going to argue
John Scott
Raphtalia wearing a wedding dress please, or some kind of shrine maiden outfit please?
Jordan Bennett
Requesting Laura in an extremely lewd gymnast leotard (so lewd and transparent that it covers almost nothing at all, not even the trimmed bush above her cunt) doing an upside-down split on the pommel horse.
Carson Russell
Requesting 3 DFCs and a trap standing together at a swimsuit photoshoot. One of the DFCs recognizes that bulge.
Hudson Sullivan
Two innocent DFCs and one lewd DFC?
Xavier Fisher
I need more of Tamamo in her frilly nightgown If she were sleeply that could be pretty nice too.
Joseph Bennett
>DFC ???
Zachary Kelly
>Requesting 3 DFC ok >and a trap annnnnd thats how you fuck up a decent request
Daniel Edwards
Requesting Chris, Kirika, and Shirabe in lacy lingerie, licking each other's navels in a threesome daisy chain.
Brody Moore
Requesting Elder and Younger Li Shuwen fighting eachother.
Lucas Thomas
Requesting a simple tea party between Pixie (Monster Rancher), Angewomon (Digimon), and Gardevoir (Pokemon)
Brody Campbell
Requesting Maki wearing Lunamaria's ZAFT uniform with the Sword Impulse on the background.
Do it in portrait because I'm gonna be using it as my home screen wallpaper.
Carson Wood
something like this
Hunter Thomas
It's only one letter away from kuro.
Henry Edwards
requesting corrupted Abyssal Iowa
Joseph Myers
Is that even how abyssals work?
Levi James
Andrew Jones
Jackson Thomas
Lots of doujins make shipfus turn into abyssal ones when they sink so don't see why not.
Daniel Lewis
It was mostly curiosity. Not saying his request was stupid or that he shouldn't request it.
Zachary Hernandez
Make me a resume and I'll draw your waifu.
Jacob King
Skills: [x] can draw user's waifu
Reasons why you shouldn't hire me: [x] I won't draw user's waifu
[Contact Information Here]
References: boards.Cred
Wyatt Brooks
Requesting Bouya Harumichi riding on a giant crow - Tony would be best - with Yasu freaking out behind him.
Evan Watson
request Cutie Honey staring at a captcha with tears in her eyes. cuz she's a robot.
Kevin Myers
Sounds like a fair trade. I think I might be able to do this for you later. Do you need an email or something to discuss this?
Jason Powell
Effie with black sclera and as a full-dom but with a hint of gentleness, like a succubus.
Grayson Howard
So what's wrong with patchy being THICC?
Julian Torres
You haven't played any games she's from or read anything she's in that can be considered "official". And she isn't.
Leo Baker
Nothing, fanart is fanart.
Juan Moore
Requesting waifus high on weed.
Jonathan Young
People only say she's thicc (actually fat, not thicc) because she doesn't exercise and is really weak because she spends all day in her library reading. If you watched/read mob psycho, sort of the same. On all official works she's thin and mostly flat, not thicc at all, only degenerates see her as such.
Jayden Anderson
Requesting your favorite ghibli heroine draw in a more modern or moe artstyle
Does anyone have a suggestion for a good size to set the canvas as?
William Lopez
Jackson Brown
Draw in one of the bottom corners. Use the rest of the space for reference materials. Use around a 5 pixel brush size setting.
Evan Clark
10k x 10k
Cooper Green
I'm not an authority but I make it the same size as my monitor.
Brayden White
As large as your CPU can handle without shitting the bed. 9000x9000 here. I never use up more than a quarter of that screen real estate with the finished product. Pictures look better if you draw them large and downscale them without compression.
Jayden Price
nigga just use PureRef
for starters prob your screen monitor res height x2, move up from there as you feel you need more
Luis Thomas
Same user as last night.
Even though I finished up all my work, I'd still like a motivational Noire picture for any future work.
John Edwards
Requesting Justin Trudeau and Nene blazing it
Benjamin Diaz
You guys do realize 75% downscale is enough to remove brush irregularities don't you?
1.5-3k is more than enough, bigger is just ridiculous for what is asked on these threads.
James White
Depends on what you're drawing really Comic pages/full illustrations: 2000x3000 Doodles: ~800x800
Also a good rule of thumb, or multiples of your screen resolution
Liam Baker
Camden Ward
>You guys do realize 75% downscale What about 2160p wallpapers? Multi-screen 2160p wallpapers? Or even dakis? I use large resolutions because I can get away with it.
Tyler Foster
People downscale? Huh.
Angel Lewis
Not enough sponsors on the twitch overlay.
Aiden White
start at 6kx6k, crop down to about 2.5k x 2.5k, resize by about half is my usual.
Landon Reed
where's the overlay of a list of all her monthly expenses that the veiwers have yet to cover in donations
Christian Scott
You need to be a literal chicken scratching on paper to need that much correction through downscale if you're starting at 10k. Even for a 2k res wallpaper, starting a 3-4k is enough.
Also dakis don't even need that much resolution to be printed, 5k x 5k is equivalent to a square 1.8m x 1.8m for a 100% resolution.
Colton Clark
>You need to be a literal chicken scratching on paper to need that much correction through downscale Or you need to be seriously autistic about line density and pixelation like I am
Brayden Adams
I usually draw on 257 x 364 mm size canvas at 1200 dpi (about 12141.72 x 17196.84 pixels).
Anthony Parker
Just noticed i misquoted you. Meant to quote Well, truth is you work on the resolutions you feel the need to, if you feel like that suit yourself. But seriously you don't need to go so high. You only really really need to that big if you need to draw tons of fine tiny details so large resolutions help.
Ryder Gutierrez
Gavin Cruz
There you go! Perfect!
Austin Brooks
Whenever it was brought up you never said anything about her to prove you have.
Luis Smith
Like shia? or something more cute? lewd?
Anthony Myers
Definitely something cute, not looking for lewd.
Christian Sullivan
Then what do I do with my remaining unused 6 cores/12 threads on my CPU and 48GB of RAM?
Tyler Garcia
Counter requesting her getting culturally enriched by Trudeloo's imports.
Jacob Carter
Requesting Risty butt.
Aaron Cooper
A Taihou automaton version please or ditching her bowgun for a Tommy gun also requesting anal
Angel Collins
I'll need a list of all the Makoto's you know of
Jordan Nguyen
First or last name or doesn't matter
Levi Garcia
Shishio Makoto
Blake Murphy
Gumi driving a flamingo pink Cadillac and wearing aviators SeeU in the passenger seat could be nice
How about this? I use some reference for the camera so it might not 100% same as Frank's camera.
Ryan Lewis
You're no fun, user-kun
Chase Scott
>Makoto Sanjou If only you had a route.
Jose Butler
You're like the guy that googles bar trivia questions aren't you.
Noah Sanchez
Requesting Tatsumaki getting effortlessly lifted and power-fucked by a man twice her size. He has her in a full nelson, holding her entire body through the strength of his boner and his arms locked around her knees and shoulders, his hand pressing down on the back of Tatsumaki's head to make her look at the dicking she's experiencing.
Ravel wearing a babydoll or a rainbow-striped bikini, or phoenix-inspired armor.
Sebastian Brown
Are Surfaces and iPads a viable alternative to $8000 tablets?
Samuel Butler
iPads are too laggy with larger images and Surfaces have an annoying microsecond delay from input to screen movement
Leo Reed
>2050 >quantum pcs out >processors with a gorillion ram, cpu threads and gpu cores
Time to work at 10mil x 10mil resolution. Gotta make wallpapers for my 20k monitor.
Nathaniel Harris
Could I have a picture (or of them taking one) of Subaru and Emilia together (like a selfie) please? Or it can be lewd but I'd much prefer something simple and cute.
Luis Adams
incorrect, your drivers are just broken. I have a surface book, its not bad, and it works as a suitable alternative. However, professional drawing tablets seem to be better. I haven't experienced any delay, and there is a slight problem periodically with it drawing a few pixels off, but that's easily correctable by re-configuring the screen. However, I only bought it because I wanted it for reasons outside drawing. If you already want a tablet/computer I recommend it. You'd have to ask someone who's had a real tablet if its a suitable replacement though. imo, it works fine as a draw instrument and the screen is nice.
Jordan Lee
8K? What gold-plated tablets are you looking at?
Elijah Phillips
Probably ones with built-in screens. I had a 13" 1080p tablet that cost me $600. Shit broke within a month and I RMA'd it in disgust.
Bentley Myers
Rokuro from Sousei no Onmyouji wearing this outfit on the left
Michael Edwards
Not a cintiq for sure, 27" is still expensive as shit but not 8k.
Id be happy already with a medium or large intuous, still using a small grapphire. It's too small for elbow work.
Blake Mitchell
Requesting Cerberus
Hudson Clark
Even the most expensive surfaces/ipads don't hit 8K so I guess he was just having a giggle. A graphire? Do they even make those things anymore - they're not even listed on the site for me. I've got a large intuos and it works pretty well. Maybe you should start raking in that commission money?
Ayden Garcia
LED Mirage mecha musume girl please and thank you?
Parker Watson
I'd like to see Tamamo wearing Scáthach's battle outfit - Scáthach wearing Tamamo's robes will be great as well - please ans thank you.
Thomas Robinson
Samsung Tab S2 is apparently alright for drawing. I've been looking into portable options that don't break the bank recently as well. I love my Cintiq to death, but it isn't really portable.
Owen Watson
Have it for 10 years or so, bought it roughly a year before they started replacing the brand with bamboo. They're technically the same just different name.
James Cooper
>see Lancer >it's another Tamamo request
Ryder Mitchell
That anime as trash, just like your opinion there.
Julian Hill
Requesting Scathach pole-dancing
Nathan Howard
You're trash, just like Tamamo.
Owen Wright
You've managed to hold onto the same tablet for ten years? That's an achievement in itself, I would have lost/broken mine by then.
>fate/extra fox tail and /extra:last encore >shitty spinoff manga >anime doesn't even have release date >Cred Forums drawthread >6 tamamo requests
Jack Price
I prefer not having my hand in the way of what I'm drawing.
Easton Roberts
>start a request >never looks like the character
Jose Butler
I'd like to do things to her scat hatch, if you're picking up what I'm putting down.
Joshua Brooks
I was just about to make a Tamamo request on Cred Forums.
Daniel Hall
This Tamamo meme needs to die already.
David Scott
I just try to copy the eye shape as closely as possible and make the jawline the same. Most of a character's visual identity is in the shape of their eyes, their hairstyle/color, and their clothes - without that, keeping a semblance of the original character becomes very difficult.
Ethan Johnson
Just do it What was it?
Michael Murphy
I'm pretty sure it's just 1-2 dedicated autists that keep spamming tamameme.
Connor Martin
Tamamofags just need to go to Cred Forums thread and dethrone aegis from being the memelord
Wyatt Bailey
Nicholas Russell
>Just do it Sure then. >What was it? Don't worry about it.
Brayden Gomez
Just like 1-2 for shitposting yourself included.
Logan Thompson
>thicc you're on the right track, Cred Forums sure seems to like it
Asher Green
best i could do senpai.
Jayden Hernandez
>Just like 1-2 for shitposting yourself included.
Benjamin Rogers
Draw my waifu, NOW.
Leo Roberts
Wow, this is super pretty. Nice work.
Nicholas Ross
Draw your waifu as a catmaid
Anthony Allen
You know, I absolutely love Nasu's stuff (that's where my namefag originates from) and that includes Tamamo. But like... I'd like to see some Fate requests that involve some of the other characters too.
If you can guess my favorite Fate character, I'll do the relevant request you put alongside it.
Hint: it's a servant in the 5th grail war.
Speak of the devil, that's great. Draw my wifu please.
Dominic Gonzalez
Luis Cook
Lewds or suggestive please
Lucas Thomas
How about her crosdressing as emperor Lelouch, making state that gook's shit is not allowed in Cred Forums.
Eli Russell
>If you can guess my favorite Fate character, I'll do the relevant request you put alongside it. Artoria. Draw her enjoying some cake.
Julian Peterson
>5th Hah Caster? Better not be Rider or Saber.
Carson Hernandez
Who is your waifu? >user stopped dead in his tracks. Now he'll never draw her.
Nathan Morgan
>Hint: it's a servant in the 5th grail war. True Assassin? Rider?
Levi King
Zachary Reed
Hey, what's wrong with Rider? But yeah, it's caster.
You didn't put a request tho, what do you want?
William Price
Well actually it is I didn't think it actually was right. She was okay, nice taste.
Brandon Long
John Reyes
Are you retarded? Oh the humanity
Isaiah Hill
Requesting Fin E Ld Si Laffinty from Rinne no Lagrange as a male, and being taken advantage of by Madoka and Muginami.
Xavier Butler
I think its pretty clear.
Benjamin Hernandez
There's always Fate waifus in the WWD but you probably don't want to go in there.
Adrian Sullivan
Adam Russell
I'd rather go there than here. At least there's a variety of requests instead of just Tamamo this and Tamamo that.
Tyler Davis
That's some denial, there's hardly variety there
Cooper Perry
Requesting Ayano
Noah Morales
Hey user, same guy as before. I sent you another mail since I think there's was a problem with my current address.
Ryder Murphy
Caster is great and possess a depth most characters don't have in Fate.
So you want Caster as a Lancer?
I actually tried going last weekend but some mod banned me for some reason, which is funny since I only post here really. Just kinda killed my motivation. I might be there this weekend work permitting though.
Colton White
What do you expect from a waifu thread?
Daniel Brown
As a Rider, not Lancer that's some other one, please. I think the game would've been better if it were Caster, going by the hypothetical intro I remember seeing a while back. And sorry to hear about that experience.
David Collins
>some mod banned me for some reason By "some reason", did you mean "shitposting"? In which case, good riddance.
Zachary Fisher
Whoops, dyslexia gets me sometimes.
I don't actually know, I think toudou must have been a mod's waifu.
Evan Reyes
This. I prefer the variety here of "girl getting fucked", "girl being fat", and "request that's been posted for over a year now"
Xavier Ross
Same, though everyone that i see using a cintiq uses it with some pillow between their hand and their screen, the heat from the screen seems annoying though.
The only damage it has so far is the cable that turned green for some reason and some cat bites on the acrylic cover. My only issue with it, might be just wacom drivers being shit, is the constant driver death.
Jose Allen
Gore isn't just allowed I think, even light amounts
Oliver Cruz
Don't forget "Tamamo drawn like this pic / wearing another Fate character's outfit".
Logan Peterson
Replace Tamamo and Fate and that's most WWD stuff, barely any different from here. Stop using Tamamo and Fateshit as a scapegoat
Carter Thomas
Sebastian Barnes
>replace tamamo and fate So literally everything else that isn't tamamo or fate?
Hunter Carter
Tamamo isn't actually a Fate character. She's a divine goddess - omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. She is the reason that we are all here, the reason that we were born, and the way to live everlasting.
In Tamamo's name we pray, Amen.
Dominic Fisher
WWD is better, easy single character requests, guaranteed (you)s, and you know your drawing will absolutely mean something and will be treasured.
The General on the other hand, mostly porn and beast, usually more than one character per request, complex poses, and very low (you)s, and you just know the requester doesnt care about the character!
Owen Nelson
This post is correct.
Joseph Murphy
I worship my own goddess.
Landon Johnson
Then go to the wwd. Why do you feel the need to discuss it here?
Oliver King
Between all of the retarded "drama" and bickering about fictional characters, yeah
Daniel Flores
And yet waifufags scare all drawfags away with drama and discord circlejerking.
Thomas Moore
My request is pretty simple. Boring since it might not involve characters people know but simple.
Justin Thompson
>Why do you feel the need to discuss it here? Because he's saying the general needs to raise its standards as to what requests people make and take.
Elijah Cox
And yet you're talking about drama right here, so there goes half of that already.
Eli Sullivan
Wow. Did not expect this to be done. Thank you ddd for making this extra hilarious!
>Took that long for Okuma to follow
For some reason that amuses me for the wrong reasons
Aaron Gomez
Maybe because they and a few others here want to improve the general drawthread?
Hudson Murphy
Nah, Cred Forums autists think she's too Cred Forums.
Aiden Wood
They can start by not comparing it to the wwd. Also, no matter how you spin it, the "drawing will absolutely mean something and will be treasured" is misplaced happiness since it's basically required to reply nicely for a food reputation. I vaguely remember a Friday delivery being called shitposting because it wasn't good enough or something.
Camden Gray
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Gavin Howard
>I don't like X thread because of all the drama! >but I don't mind Y thread where we still keep discussing all the same stupid drama.
Dylan Rivera
WWD drama escalates worse than some faggot asking for dumb fetish porn being called out and the threads are almost becoming a general 2 with how corpsey they are and artists noping the fuck out
Noah Smith
Whatever the reason, even if some drawfags get driven away by shitposting, bottom line is that the WWD produces much more deliveries than the general. Either the WWD is doing something right or the general is doing something wrong.
Brody Ortiz
>misplaced happiness since it's basically required to reply nicely for a food reputation. Or, you know, people actually like things they get.
Landon Jones
Requesting any of these 3 milfs wearing Wicke's outfit and glasses:
1 - Hoshizora Ikuyo 2 - Iori Rinko 3 - Katsuragi Mari
William Diaz
Again, stop comparing the general to the wwd. The general DOES get deliveries. Never said anything against that, but have you seen any "negative" reply go unnoticed? People get shit for even short and simple replies.
Hudson Wood
There is nothing wrong with comparing one drawthread to another to point out how shit one is. For example, Cred Forums drawthreads may be rife with shitpost requests here and there, but at least they don't let people make beastiality requests.
Carter Lopez
>beastiality requests lol wut
Hudson Walker
Cred Forums drawthreads repelled beast requests and other off-topic shit at one point too, but I think people here just gave up at one point trying to stop shitposters because of how hopeless it's become.
Isaac Baker
Attention, probably. You're guaranteed to get more compliments/requests from posting your work in the WWD compared to here, and to build upon what said, you're pretty much guaranteed to get a long winded 'heartfelt' reply for your little doodle, regardless of quality. Probably because of the reputation factor, I guess. It's not like there is anything inherently wrong with that, everyone likes compliments on their work, but all up I feel the average quality of the replies from the WWD to here are vastly different.
Ryan Jackson
Monstergirl requests are supposed to be /jp/ only.
Dominic Collins
/jp/ doesn't do requests.
Christian Johnson
Not if they're from an anime/manga.
Michael Phillips
It is when the two threads contain roughly the same demographic. It's considered the "waiting room" on the weekdays, and I'm inclined to believe these wwd requesters are the ones making these shitty requests, ycake aside. The special general snowflakes are just shit ie. a sort of colorfag.
David Richardson
The monstergirl threads do. I made a few for them. Got too autistic for me so I came back here.
Jack Phillips
>Doesn't like monstergirls, but dog fucking is totally okay
Hunter Roberts
It gets to a point where it's just too tedious to play warhawk, because the posters never learn, and those that point it out are more likely to get shat on. I mean, there are a fair few requests in this thread alone that should be sent to the /h/ drawthread instead - but pointing that out won't solve much.
Hudson Roberts
Speaking as a WWDfag, I try and keep requests sfw here too, and encourage others to. Of course, then there's posters like asoc who are just incorrigible.
Dylan James
I have a feeling that asoc isn't the original asoc but just 1-2 autists that are using asoc's name so that their requests stand out more.
Just my tinfoil hat theory.
Austin Miller
Isaac Rodriguez
Weiss Schnee riding a giant icicle. Tao Bai Bai Style.
Brandon Campbell
Reminds me of this.
Brandon Cook
Haha oh wow!
Adam Adams
Too cute.
Jackson Peterson
Tamomomomomomo is Cred Forums
Nolan Mitchell
Might as well stop and ask him.
Why do you make Precure look bad with your presence?
Logan Ortiz
Did Arcana ever came out? I don't see people posting vids of the gameplay or anything.
Connor King
>released on November 21, 2012 >game's service on Mobage will discontinue on June 28, 2013
short lived
Daniel Sullivan
As a drawfag I autofilter every post with his name. I've actually skipped over a few of his semi-decent requests because it was him.
Anthony Torres
>Kanagawa dorm - Mahime's room - Morning >One bed room. A room that looks like it belongs to a princess. >On the soft and fluffy canopy bed, Maihime is sleeping. >Next to her pillow lies an old-fashioned pocket watch. >The phone next her pillow starts vibrating but is quickly switched off by Hotaru who is standing nearby. >Maihime hazily opens her eyelids. >Maihime: Huh, Hotaru-chan, why... this is my room, you know...? >Hotaru: Yeah, I know >Maihime: So you already know... >Maihime closes her eyes and slips back to sleep happily. >Hotaru creeps into Maihime's bed.
Sleepy face Hime please
Nolan Wright
And requesting more girls wearing suits and looking cool as fuck. Any girl you would like! But if you need someone to draw, how about Clarion from Kōkaku no Pandora (aka Pandora in the Crimson Shell: Ghost Urn), since she's basically a prince for Nene.
If you pay for it your waifu is just payday. If she is drawn for free that means that something special you see in your waifu was also seen by that artist.
Zachary Mitchell
>implying I didn't already
Gabriel Brooks
Not really, I just use requests to practice.
Zachary Gonzalez
Tyler Brooks
Requesting a pregnant Chisa Yukizome with huge lactating breasts.
Owen Morgan
Requestion a picture of a banana i feel like the artist here have not drawn enough anime fruit girls
Justin Martin
requesting Lycoris-hime eating banana in a lewd way.
Jayden Long
Mechanic/Engineer Nepgear
Ryan Parker
Got your requests ready?
Christopher Johnson
do mine pls
Chase Gutierrez
draw maihime!
Eli Morales
Thomas Adams
what is his drink? it looks tasty?
Luke Jenkins
Easton Scott
nature and draw threads are brutal!
Alexander Phillips
plssssss ;_;
Landon Kelly
Requesting this image with a different character.
Jack Gray
Cute as hell! Got a blog?
Jaxson Wood
Chase Turner
Xavier Howard
Requesting Nero in the shirt on the right.
Gabriel Sanchez
Beautiful my comrade, seeing the lovely Saber basking in the afterglow of the sun is such a treat, especially when one wakes. I thank you, what you have given me is grand and I appreciate it.
Joseph Scott
Really pretty
Jason Russell
Das cute brofamski.
Carter Gonzalez
Don't worry, I just wanted a camera in there because Frank isn't Frank without one. And thank you for cleaning it and fixing the arm. The hand has a better shape now, although fingers still look kinda weird. But don't worry too much about it, I don't want to keep bothering you with that. Besides, it's better to move on and try do it better next time than keep fixing the same work. Again, thanks a lot drawfriend!
Kayden Sanchez
>Commission MDF some months ago >2 or 3 months pass >In the mean time see MDF drawings several time for Cred Forums >Send several emails asking what's up >No reply
What are che chance that I got fucked over?
Daniel Howard
10 considering he did the same shit to me.
Why open your fucking commissions if you're not going to do them and just go dead silent when emailed?
Bentley Fisher
Serves you right for giving money to a hack artist
Michael Gonzalez
Have you brought this up before? If its true this needs more attention than the usual drama.
Brandon Lewis
I wish I can get better anytime soon and gives satisfiying delivery. Also thanks again for critism.
Christian Lewis
Did you actually pay him? Because there are a few artists who accepted commissions from me but never got back at me again that I didn't pay and I just gave up on them.
Gabriel Peterson
At least you didn't have to pay him yet
Kayden Fisher
I think he has some personal problems he's trying to work out, and then when he gets some breathing room, he opens up commissions and then bite off more than he can chew.
Blake Martinez
Not those guys but I already payed him and no news at all.
David Anderson
How low can one get. Scamming fellow waifu bros is horrible.
Austin King
Earliest ones in the queue I presume? That's still problematic on his end.
Isaac Sanchez
No I had the common sense to not gove him any money yet. He put me in a queue but I can't imagine it's any better for the people that DID give him money.
Then he should at least keep contact. It doesn't cost anything to sent a two or three sentence email explaining that there are issues and he might take longer than expected.
At this point it'd be easier to just find someone to emulate his style, and they can probably do it for cheaper.
Samuel Howard
How much did it cost you anyway?
Thomas Morgan
Does anyone have references for these Taigas?
Anthony Reed
Requesting Poplar wearing Lucy's clothes the sweater and jeans. here's the opposite
Kayden Gonzalez
Requesting someone wrap up HTT like the girl on the right. SD proportions is fine, and probably easier.
Jonathan Jenkins
That means you chargeback, duh.
Brayden Richardson
That makes me wonder, is there an "ArtistsBeware" equivalent for artists that aren't furfuckers?
Eli Bell
/r/ Homura taking drawfriends delivery after the headshot.
Josiah Morales
This. So fucking this.
Zachary Lewis
>Rekindling an argument from last night You're late.
Christian Campbell
Sorry, i just reacted.
Samuel Brown
I'm still here.
Chase Morales
Requesting Patchouli drinking 20oz can of Redbull.
John Rodriguez
>replying from a post 12 hours ago
Landon Cooper
MDF isn't a waifufag is he?
Josiah Hill
Requesting Nero flashing her big tits with inverted nipples.
Benjamin Scott
who is MDF? Google does not help here.
Jaxon Williams
Lurk more.
Gabriel Butler
Pm you the answer
Joseph Cox
Brandon Cox
Last weekend I asked a streetpainter if you would do a pic of my waifu. When I showed him her image he gave me a weird look and declined. So sad...
Asher Rivera
What picture did you show him?
Xavier Miller
If your interaction wasn't:
Excuse me, do you also draw cartoon characters? My daughter's favorite character is from a cartoon and she loves all types of art and drawings of her. She collects them as a hobby and I think she'd love one of your pieces of this character!
Then you fucked up.
Joshua Adams
just a worksafe full body image.
Daniel Kelly
eyes are tilted incorrectly and she has no nose
Brayden Miller
>Hiding your love pathetic desu senpai
Lincoln Torres
I go for A4 at 300 dpi
Jackson Brown
Illya is cute.
Bentley James
>Willing to do anything to get something of your love >Pathetic At least I have a drawing of her, fampai.
Bentley Rodriguez
Be honest with us user. Do you have autism?
Jeremiah Barnes
How fat are you
Jonathan Lopez
I guarantee you that he thought you were asking him to draw a portrait of your wife, not your waifu.
Owen Carter
But she is his wife.
Logan Bailey
But the artist was a normalfag. If you show a normalfag a picture of a cartoon underage girl and call it your wife, he'll think you're insane.
Dominic Hall
he probably felt trolled.
Oliver Richardson
I've been commissioning him for a few years, and sometimes it takes a little while. Sometimes you get stuff back within a month, sometimes not. I'm not awfully bothered by waiting but your mileage may vary. I'm kinda worried he might've bit off more than he can chew since I've been seeing people saying they're like 20+ on the list, but I dunno how many of those are just sketches since he can crank those out pretty quickly.
Elijah Powell
Kevin Murphy
Not him but I don't mind the wait. I completely expected that. What bothers me is the fact that he doesn't reply to anything. I'm more likely to get a reaponse from him posting on Cred Forums than a direct email.
Ryan Jackson
Requesting Nami wearing a shirt with the words "Treasure chest" on it
Daniel Davis
Gabriel Sanders
do they have drawthreads in other fora or is it just a Cred Forums thing?
Parker Carter
>artists are lazy >this is news None of you have waited 4-6+ months to get any sort of news back, even after sending payment. I've learned to just live with it over the years, I've seen one stream nothing but their other things and chat requests for a week after I've gotten our payment out of the way.
Tyler Rogers
>None of you have waited 4-6+ months to get any sort of news back, even after sending payment.
Probably because I'm not retarded. If I pay you you better be starting within two weeks at the latest and show me some progress. This is a job, you're not being paid to jerk yourself off at my expense. Don't ask for money if you have no intention of starting work.
Easton Torres
I can tell, you don't commission from the legit professional artists. Not saying MDF is among those people.
Evan Ortiz
I request nanoha! Nanoha wearing glass slippers please! Thank you!
Jaxson Thomas
>147578940 >drakeposter You don't get a (you)
Elijah Nelson
>was placed in the 20s on MDFs queue >was just for a sketch >haven't payed yet >this was about two months ago >don't even mind
I do plan on requesting larger stuff from him later but that'll be another time.
James Harris
As long as MDF isn't Orta, it should be fine.
Jaxon Russell
>sent an email enquiring about a commission >already scared
Help me
David Green
@147579000 I wasn't the original guy anyway but it's true. You gotta take risks sometimes Here's your non(you)
Isaac Young
>EVen after sending payment That's why you send them a mail asking what happened. If there's no response you have two choices.
1. Wait it out to see if they respond or get the work done.
2. Tell them that you'll chargeback/request a refund if they aren't going to communicate or do the work. If they do not respond or have no intention of getting the work done then you chargeback the money you paid/go to paypal for work not garnered. If the artist is particularly bad about it and the art you asked for is lewd/porn then they're basically fucked if you want to be an asshole about it because if you were, you could quite literally ruin their livelihood by reporting them for making R-18 content and selling it on Paypal. It's really really easy to take part in commission business as a buyer, especially if an artist has guidelines and especially if they tell you things and don't get the work done based on it and charge you upfront.
Jordan Butler
Don't even get me started on Orta, Jesus Christ.
Jack Parker
What'd Orta do?
Liam Powell
Since you're on the subject anyway, you might as well tell. Is he someone we should know?
Christian Smith
sounds like you were the problem
should have got in that stream chat and told him to stop fucking around after taking your money
show some damn backbone
Cooper Kelly
>Orta who?
Adam Allen
>He hasn't been here long enough to know Orta WEW
Xavier Turner
>Not knowing Orta or the shit show that is her commission progress
Isaiah Collins
If you don't know who she is, don't bother finding out. Took commissions back in december, had people pay in advance, drew two pictures, and then went dead for months without contact. Still nothing.
Nicholas Scott
>back in december This past December? Because I've surely been here longer than that. Dunno how I missed that though.
Chase Lewis
>tfw emailed p-chan >It's been 4+ months S-She must be doing a train arc! Yea! J-Judy like Popl ;____;
Lincoln Ross
I will commission an SI orgy collage, who wants in?
Henry Fisher
She hadn't been active on Cred Forums for ages before that, user. She didn't advertise the commissions in the threads after all.
Adam Campbell
P's dead, I already took them off the list of people I expect to make payments to for commissions
Jack Scott
I'll wait as long as it takes if I didn't pay the artist. If I did though, better make sure I get what I paid for or give my money back especially if you give me an ETA or timeframe for it to be done within. I understand if an artist has life troubles or issues at some point and it stops them from doing commissions, but communication is key in that scenario, and keeping quiet about what's going on after you've taken my cash is absolutely unprofessional and terrible.
Jackson Nguyen
Grayson Hernandez
Which drawfags have shown to be doing commissions fairly fast? Or at least didn't take much time before showing progress?
Cooper Carter
Really nice and cute
Evan Taylor
I want to comisson Kiriririn.
Charles Parker
This is wonderful.
Charles Rodriguez
sounds terrible.
Alexander Evans
Taking tightsuits requests.
Jayden Cruz
This. It's all about professionalism. If you're "professional" enough to demand payment upfront then you should also understand that you can't be an autist that doesn't speak to the people paying you.
Samuel Turner
Me too, but she doesn't take any.
Dominic Brown
Can you light them all on fire at the end?
Justin Rivera
Jayden Edwards
Genos trying out Saitama's suit, maybe ripping it a little
>Requesting your favorite ghibli heroine draw in a more modern or moe artstyle
Mason Butler
Who needs to be seen as a well-aged MILF with breasts large enough to drown in, a body soft enough to snuggle in, and hips wide enough to pull children out of? >inb4 characters suggestions that already are MILFs
Andrew Reed
Evan Carter
Daniel Edwards
Elijah Parker
Anastasia from Idolmaster
Joshua Morales
Pretty cute
Jack Brown
Requesting Tamamo cosplaying as Shiranui Mai from the Fatal Fury/KOF series. References of Mai's outfit here:
Jonathan Morales
Requesting shierke awkwardly trying to be seductive in a nightgown.
Juan Clark
Can you commission my SI suiciding instead?
Xavier Cruz
post yer SI
Josiah Campbell
Xavier Hernandez
You have to guess.
John Thompson
>draw a generic Abloo Bloo Bloo faggot nah
Michael Miller
Does your autism know no bounds?
Oliver Hill
a cute gyaru who wants to die.
Andrew Perry
Draw Tamao driven into suicide because all those disgusting fans.
John Hernandez
her and keep her killed forever
Jose Rodriguez
Adrian Jenkins
Not that guy but im interested in doing this.
Cooper Green
Drawfag here.
What's the story witn tamamo and the shitposting? it reminds me the same shit with Elspeth in Cred Forums.
Jacob Rogers
Tamamo would live on, even if she killed herself. Tamamo is divine.
Austin Nelson
she just gets spammed a lot and triggers the autism of haters.
Josiah Ward
She's just requested a lot and some people are tired of it, I guess.
Evan Powell
>If you don't know who she is, don't bother finding out.
Holly shit. I'm intrigued.
Carson Evans
People spamming requests about her, and drawfags drawing them literally non-stop because the joke has gone out of hand.
Jaxon Hill
Is Tamao number one in the delivery leaderboard?
Bentley Bell
Thankfully no
Henry Bailey
Nah, I think it's Akari or Stocking.
Zachary Cooper
Unless she suddenly gets a 200 delivery jump, nope.
Carson Bailey
Shitposters from the IRC channel control the general and spam it with their shitty memes that no one understands but them.
Asoc and several others frequent the channel all the time. There's always one of them there talking about Tamamo and/or sex with animals.
Asher Phillips
Soon she will be at the rate people spam her and get deliveries.
Caleb Lee
I guess I forgot to post this last night. Anyway, here's this. Keep requesting your Tamamo thing since it's obviously not the same thing.
Jeremiah Harris
That is so good, and those tits are delicious, and we could always use more bunnygirls. Thanks a lot!
Josiah Jones
the fuck? Who is down voting everything at drawfriends?
Nicholas Taylor
Is that a WIP?
Michael Rivera
So if I full force spam my girl I will get deliveries but she will also get hate?
decisions decisions
Austin Hill
What the hell are you talking about user?
Levi Hernandez
More tits please
Carter Davis
Is that Caster? Nice. She looks hot.
Carson Flores
She somewhat already does
Kevin Reyes
>Keep requesting your Tamamo thing No, they should stop this, along with everyone else requesting Tamameme.
Nathan Harris
She has to be a well liked character for it to work. It doesn't just work out of nowhere, look at Mimifag.
Daniel Ward
Requesting some cute Tamao.
Cameron Campbell
Tamamo is at least pretty and easier to understand why someone would like her.
A random broad from a show about card games can't compare.
Jeremiah Parker
Akarifag holds that title and won't let it go anytime soon.
Jacob Watson
That's literally what I just said. She has to be a well liked character for it to work, you can't just request anyone and think it will work.
Nicholas Anderson
Ren won in the end for marring Jeanne. Lucky son of a bitch.
Hudson Young
there are much prettier foxgirls.
Henry Martin
Can the mods on there do something? It's getting ridiculous.
Nolan Clark
There's nothing special about her, as said. But when every drawfag involved keeps drawing her because people's reactions are funny, this is what happens.
Adrian Brown
I did this for another user who requested something for Kotoko.
Does it do anything for you?
Camden Fisher
I'm agreeing with you, you didn't have to reply.
Andrew Gomez
>Tamamo is at least pretty You were already wrong at the start of your post.
Cameron Jackson
It worked for an unremarkable background character from SZS, so it's definitely not popularity that decides it.
Tyler Russell
Yep. Caster a best
Man, whatever. I just want to draw things.
Nolan Rodriguez
Hunter Sanchez
Visually speaking, Tamamo looks interesting and has a literal waifubait personality to hook anyone willing in. Sure it's not entirely her personality but it's a good part of it.
Zachary Powell
You said the exact same thing that I said as though I didn't understand what I meant by it.
Easton Long
Compared to Mimi? She's divine.
Brody Rodriguez
The foxgirl from LoL pretty much rapes Tamao in every aspect.
Gabriel Ortiz
Tamamo is about as blad and generic as a character gets. It's because she's so generic that drawfags draw her simply for the reaction that people give. She's just a meme.
Ian Howard
New thread:
Austin Stewart
>Says someone who has never played Fate/Extra
You mean that ugly wannabee korean monster?
Elijah Hill
You mean Ahri?
Jeremiah Peterson
What's the best way to get my waifu's butt crack drawn without people judging me for being lewd?
Sebastian James
Asher James
Commission it
Dylan Flores
>pretty much rapes Tamao in every aspect. More like every hole Foxgirls are meant for BREEDING
Jayden Richardson
>dr/a/wthread >not dr/a/wthre/a/d
Austin Martin
I played F/E and it was shit. Only decent thing about it was the Servant fights. Tamamo is blander than white rice. Your meme girl isn't interesting.
Jace Russell
>New IP Yes, I'm sure you have.
Julian Rivera
>being this autistic Sasuga, Fatefags.
Christian Price
Please don't lump Tamameme with the other fate girls.
Noah Scott
Tamamo is great, so why all the hate? She makes us all wait, that unforgettable gait. Let me elucidate your meme doused elusive hate- anta wa waifu's in an undelivered state
Eli Rogers
Requesting Tamamo (in Tamamo form) wearing Tamamo and riding a Tamamo made of Tamamos who are also wearing Tamamos, using a Tamamo to Tameme Tamamed Tamamos at another Tamamo (in Tamamamamamo form) who is floating in Tamamo and Tamaming Tamamo of Tamamos to Tamamo herself, Tamamo and Tamamo. All while a thousand Tamamos (in Tameme form) have a Tamamorgy in the background and a Tamamorchestra of Tamamos riding on flying Tamamos plays Tamamusic on their Tamemenstruments. Can you do that please? Please reply
Eli Cruz
It's Tamamo you shitter
Caleb Cook
You fags know she's a jackal and not a fox, right?
Julian Harris
liking animal girls is kinda furry desu
Asher Morales
>this nigga
Asher Foster
Ok, I'm on it. It may take a few days though.
Michael Russell
Hay, fuck you. Just because one guy shits up the thread doesn't mean you can lumps the rest of us up with him.
Joseph Barnes
Mimi is a slut
Jason Reyes
10% not furry.
Easton Cox
Why all this sudden shitposting against Mimibro?
Mason Ward
>Mimibro Fuck off, Mimifag.
Lincoln Cox
That's his artist name...seriously where did the hate for him come from?
William Robinson
>pen broke >no replacements on sale Well, fuck my life.
Cameron Butler
Fuck OFF, Mimifag.
James Lopez
There were two anons who wanted to talk about exileable fetishes, are they still here?
Ethan Green
Draw analog.
Henry Green
Brandon Cook
Some people just want to bring down innocents for some reason. Ignore it, it won't do anything.
Colton Smith
Ask again in the weekend threads and I'll link her right away.
Dylan Taylor
I swear I've seen this happen before.
Jack Evans
That's fine, I can wait.
Jonathan Ortiz
All memegirls will eventually be forgotten by the cold sands of time.
Ayden Lee
But I've gotten dependent on ctrl+z.
Nicholas Clark
>tfw there's a memegirl in my waif series Feels good knowing that
Chase Cruz
Don't, the itch will wear off. It never wears off.
John Fisher
it's called an eraser you nerd
John Nguyen
These memes are hot enough that the cold sands of time will melt into glass.