Why did Kizu pt II flop? Are audiences tired of seeing capeshit?
Why did Kizu pt II flop? Are audiences tired of seeing capeshit?
Because splitting a movie into 3 parts is a retarded idea, no matter how you try spin it.
How did this "kizu flop XD" meme start?
Used to be kinda cute, but now it's just annoying since it's spammed in almost all Monog threads.
It's The Hobbit of anime
Initial D movies were alright.
They didn't simply split it, they also added shit filler.
The first movie was full of stretches like the metro scene
Because the movies are underperforming a whole lot. I mean they got A List freelancers working on the first two parts and they don't come cheap.
The fact that KyoAni's movie did more in its first weekend more than the 2 parts together did in their first weekend just adds insult to injury. It's kinda ironic actually that an otaku multibillion franchise would be outperformed by an award winning otaku hated manga.
Now that Monogatari is flopping, maybe they will finally work on more meguca.
I personally disliked the movies take on many scenes. The book was way better.
Looks like the monogatari series' milk is finally running out
Monogarbage flopped despite a steady stream of exposure. Madookie's last exposure was 3 years ago. Aniplex doesn't want to continue either at this point.
This plus delaying it for years, I don't know if it is Shaft or Aniplex responsibility but it was such a fuck up not releasing the movie when the popularity was at its highest.
Still made more money than all KyoAnus shit combined.
The movie isn't the issue, aniplex is.
No, it just seemed that way because there was no narration. Those "stretched" scenes were scenes from the novel with Araragi's narration.
Aniplex really doesn't seem to think much of it's fanbase and that it can get by releasing mediocre shit for popular franchises, splitting up movies that don't need to be split up for maximum gouging and relying exclusively on event tickets and benefits like the short novels they got Isin to draw for the movie. They also seem insanely fixated on the guy and Akio Watanabe as it pertains to their Shaft branch thinking getting them involved is the solution to everything.
It kind of works sometimes but it's not nearly the surefire thing they seem to think it is and at this rate all they're doing is devaluing various brands of late. For example KEY is basically worth nothing as an otaku friendly brand anymore and their lead character designer for forever is actually leaving the company now while Jun Maeda is dying or something. Lately half the people that have come into contact with or are heavily affiliated with their shows either seem to be ending up on hiatus due to "health" reasons or calling it quits and moving on to retirement or going freelance as well. Just lots of bad decisions overall.
More like they're afraid of continuing it without Gen Urobuchi and even his name doesn't hold the brand power it used to anymore. It looks like he's trying to finally move on from Aniplex affiliation for anime projects as well this year with Godzilla.
They probably still make back that money if their BD sales continue being strong for the other movies.
I read the fucking novel, that long metro part isn't in there. In the LN he simply meets Kissshot bleeding under a street light, some thoughts cross his mind and he saves her by letting her feed on his blood, everything happens pretty fast even in the LN, there was no need for that scene to be that long in the movie.
Oh the subway scene, I thought you were speaking in general of the overall quite scenes that seemed like nothing was happening.
Also the crying baby noises were obnoxious and unnecessary
I think they tried too much to be deep. I had to force myself to finish the movie even if I loved LN.
Continuing Madoka without the butcher is a death sentence. It will be bashed worse than P-P 2.
Anne Frankly I think the skeptics are right in thinking it might turn out like PP2. Whether or not you like Gen, his absence will stick out like a sore thumb.
This is actually the most fitting description
Its fucking stupid they split it up into three movies
Those greedy jews
Aniplex especially likes to experiment in novel jewish scams. Imagine if they actually got away with it, other publishers would mimic them and we'll be getting more shittier movie adaptations.
You can't just release the beginning, middle and end of a movie separately, each nearly one year apart and then ask the consumer to pay 3x.
The metro scene exists in the novel, user.
If the first """"movie"""" is anything to go buy, they're not fucking movies at all
How long they were?
They run for 1 hour each. The novel should have adapted into one movie. Aniplex tried to milk it and failed hard.
Do you have the data about its profit?