New chapter. Scangroup lost translator so we might stop getting so many chapters.
Mai Ball
>stop getting so many chapters.
more like stop getting any at all
And it gets so much better as the manga goes on. this is a horrible point for scans to stop
>Scangroup lost translator so we might stop getting so many chapters
This is the only sports manga I've ever read in my 15 years of reading and watching manga and anime.
Come on, there's gotta be someone who knows moonrunes and wants to translate another forty chapters.
How do you 'lose' a translator? That thing is really big and hard to overlook.
I don't know what happened. Ask the group.
The pace they've been doing has been pretty cray. Classes have started in most places by now, too.
>back to school
>yurishipper pissed of at the cocklust in the last chapters
take your pick
what did she mean by this
She's going to win.
doesn't lust after the coach
RIP in peace. I really liked this manga.
Stop posting, Nic.
They're holding hands while wetting themselves thinking about the same guy. There is no fucking reason why threesome end won't happen, but you know it will never go that route anyways.
>that faint nipple
>dat mitsu
I'm tired of that faggot.
I don't care if is not the girls plaiyng. I don't read this manga for the sausage.
This turns me on more than the nude scenes in the manga.
She's not a slut.
Why not? It has already go pretty far into the childhood friend route.
>102 pages
picked up, hope it pulls a love lab.
AFAIK is harem with dense male protagonist, nothing like LL.
>dense male protagonist
He isn't dense about the situation at all though.
Even the manga shows how he is unaware of everyone feelings.
He's not the protagonist just the love interest. As for being dense, I'd say he's more obsessed with soccer and indifferent to everything else
Not really, read the latest chapters. They outright say that he knows, but intentionally doesn't take the bait.
Coach isn't the protag, jesus christ you are dumb as fuck. Mai is the MC.
he's aware. He likes Mai but his liking Mai is tied into making her play soccer because it's his world.
Mai wanted to make him like her more than soccer or separate but equally but his mind isn't wired that way. Hence her declaration to become synonymous with soccer in his mind
It's pretty clear in chapter 33 that he only thinks about football, what are you talking about?
Him thinking about soccer, doesn't somehow negate that he knows about the girls flirting with him.
But he think it's just teasing, he isn't aware that all the girls are in love with him.
>But he think it's just teasing,
That's literally never said.
Then how does it works? "He only thinks about football, like a child, but is also aware of other people's romantic feelings"?
>He only thinks about football, like a child
That's only the case when Mai's trying to bait him. We saw that he can think about her as a girl as well in other situation. For example when he kisses her and has to make clear how its meant and stuff.
>That's only the case when Mai's trying to bait him.
The "He only thinks about football, like a child" was used by the manager when talking about how he deals with all the girls flirting.
It must be a sad experience to start a genre with haremshit instead of classics like Touch.
Yet we literally saw him getting flustered from them telling him their sizes. The manager ain't know shit.
Does the mangaka draw smut? I feel like he probably does.
Even a child gets flustered at girls. And it's not only the manager, all the girl have the same opinion and are aiming for Kunimitsu with that in mind.
>Mitsuru "One trick pony" Adachi's manga.
>Even a child gets flustered at girls.
But this literally disproves that he doesn't always think about soccer and therefore is aware of what's going on.
He also think about food, I guess.
It's more like soccer takes precedence than he only thinks about soccer
He likes Mai. He likes Soccer. In his head this translates to Mai must play and like soccer
Taking it even further, I think the reason he likes her in the first place was because she helped him get good at soccer and also he saw that she had a lot of untapped soccer potential.
>shitting one of the most influential mangaka of the 20th century over some ecchi haremshit
wew lad
What chapter are the raws up to for this?
>one of the most overrated mangaka of the 20th century
Fixed. It doesn't even have anything to do with comparing it to other series. Adachi has almost nothing to offer once you read one of his works. Even for those that aren't about baseball, most of them feel as flat as the others.
There are 9 volumes I think.
Amerifats btfo
>Art cards
Anyone who likes collecting extras like that, this image basically shows the 3 main stores that offer them consistently.
Toranoana, Comic Zin, and Manga-Oh
Unfortunately, the only one that does international shipping is Manga-Oh. Other two you would have to use forwarding. Manga-Oh is also the one that has the least number of the art cards. I picked up a bunch of titles last year from Comic Zin when I was in Akiba and almost every series and volume had an art card.
I want to take this Akane home.
So we're all in agreement that she's the best?
>adachi has nothing to offer
>says haremfag
wew lad.
She's a cute dog.
I think it's rather sweet actually.
Only sport I've played actively was soccer for five years. Everyone played soccer back home. I was never good though.
>Cutest crush
>Cutest swimsuit
>Unlimited energy for sex
>Again talking about other series.
>No actual arguments.
I won't move you from there, right?
So it's freed up?
From what?
Is there even any other group willing to touch this? Mai Ball was going on for years before it got picked up.
They just need a translator though.
I can see if someone else wants to pick it up. Or I can if it comes down to it
They've got a pretty massive backlog of chapters. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot were chased off.
So I did some checking and found that they finished volume 5. It's about 20 pages per chapter, 7 chapters per volume, 4 volumes left. It's not a bad load.
Yeah, nearly 40 chapters left before catching up and it's still ongoing too. That's pretty daunting.
28 chapters, 500-600 pages.
probably shouldn't sell it like that though.
Volume 10 also comes out September 29. So tack on another 7. Plus mags.
Is this manga cute or sexy?
Honestly, I might be M enough to try doing it. But let's see what happens.
Does anyone have raws?
I might take them up on their offer.
Don't you love it when a manga chapter reveals how the author came up with the title for the manga?
Always smart
Twins are cute CUTE!
Hes a major improvement over other male characters. Fuckers like you really need to chill out.
Up to around the 60s. Current chapter had them meet two players from an opposing team but they are really vicious in their style of play.
>realistic football
Sexhair is gonna explode from that swimsuit.
I went and asked them if they needed help. Might as well see how they're doing. Besides, free raws.
Never mind. Need to sort through schedule first
I want to cut their strands.
I'm not even mad
Well, it's shit anyway.
It's not even a sports manga. It's a cute girls doing INSERT RANDOM ACTIVITY manga, where the activity happens to be association football.
Kill yourself
How it feels to sleep in the middle of that?
Probably stinks like fish.
Who is this?
Like shampoo and home cooked food.
going by hair colour I'm thinking a close relative of Reika's but who knows for sure
Maybe it's the new player I heard they're getting?
And vanilla...I love vanilla scent
She's Dute Serbanov. a Russian international student playing for one of Kijikita's major rivals, who, if I remember where the translations are up to, are their next opponents.
I might throw Based Anons a message about picking this up if another user doesn't do it, I was thinking about translating this for ages before it started getting translations so I'd gladly pick it up if needs be.
Best ball