Out at last:
Boku no hero Academia 108
I'll be damned, Niggerstream actually came through for once.
Earthquake man is a bad person, I hope he trips on the curb
>>MHA has much more fans than some of their other series like Haikyuu or Toriko
hold on there
he wont stop.
>all of Class A passed
Next chapter test seems like it will be for the people saying the kids aren't doing enough superhero shit .
This is only the first test man.
Why not? It is just the first phase.
Huh, so the rescue part is the end of the test. I had really hoped they'd have one vs ones.
Because Hori loves them all.
Seems like guesses were right, that the next stage would be rescuing people. Makes sense I mean that is also a part of their job.
Most likely to show how much they progressed,
expect to see a lot of them fail the second stage though probably.
I thought they were going to fight the geezers.
>is the end of the test.
>And it's all thanks to Aoyama
Not even mad
>You are never too young to have a Vietnam flashback
The next chapter is going to be gud.
>Little shit kids acting spoiled while the heroes try to save them
>meanwhile, old men are groping the female heroes and the old women are complaining to the male heroes.
can't wait.
Its in the fucking chapter.
Was Invisitits using a baby or her true Quirk there?
The last page
>Tooru is literally a flasher.
Sasuga, Hori.
Aoyama was super cool.
You could say he was the sparkling star of the chapter.
>Ayoama saying merde with a star
Perhaps, atleast it seems really likely it is now. I mean lots of people myself included speculated her quirk could have been light manipulation of some sort.
It looked like it came from her center mass so either it was an invisible baby to accommodate her or her quirk has been some kind of light refraction rather than basic invisibility the whole time.
>expect to see a lot of them fail the second stage though probably.
I hope so. I'm not sure I trust Horikoshi to actually do that though.
I don't get it. What is Kemi supposed to stop doing? Going after someone, asking them a thousand questions and scratching them?
>Bakugo knows
I wanted to see rescue work for a while now. I'm not the only curious as to what USJ would have been like if it didn't get invaded by villains, right?
Now we'll get some chapters and an OVA about it.
I'm guessing those old people will either have quirks or something.
>Iida goes all boy scout
>Laser shows some depth
>Birds save the day
>Invisigirl's quirk, finally
>Teamwork, my favorite cliche
This week's chapter was great
>ywn play rescue with Froppy "Kicking off the rainy season hero!"
Why live again?
Well of course, the majority of the population has quirks.
Its going to be a factor in any civilian rescue during their careers.
Whose power are the birds? I thought sadrock was small bugs?
all animals, not just bugs
No sad rock is all animals, he was just scared of bugs.
Is he actually going to pull it off
develop the whole class room as interesting characters?
Am i a retard?
The fuck did the doves did?
One issue, depending on how you look at it, is that those who fail to get their license won't be able to participate in events that require them. I think it's been established that they can't disregard the rules anymore either with the safety measures, concerned parents, and a homeroom teacher who would expel them even if they were just involved indirectly.
I just wanna say
i WANT to FUCK Pop*Step
Sadrock finally did something useful
Sadrock speaks to all animal life forms. He just hates bugs. He is like Haji from Captain Planet.
Wait, wheres sugarman?
I definitely see Deku, Ochako and Kirishima passing this since they had the highest rescue points in the entrance exam. It might be the chance to see Bakugou's development too since he got 0 points on rescue before.
Distracted the others and allowed Tokoyami to hide for a surprise attack.
Looked cool around Tokoyami
The Doves blotted out the sun right? So Crowbro can use Dark Shadow?
That also brings up the problem that a villain with a strong enough quirk/aoe attk could just out right kill all the animals sadrock calls.
To be honest his quirk still is crap.
Mass distraction not to mention they were attacking the other contestants.
I still believe that this new policy of only letting less than 100 people pass when i previous years half of all participants passed is bullshit.
The reasoning they give, "weed out the weak", doesn't hold up to actual logic. With All Might gone they need more heroes.
He's said he's been interested in developing a lot of them in his notes between chapters but always struggles to fit them in without making them filler and red herrings.
With Mina.
Goddamnit Mineta
>bakugo knows
what a twist of fate
Numbers of asshole fodder won't make up for the lack of All Might
>>Invisigirl's quirk, finally
I must be a speedreader because I missed that.
So they can fail second phase. They aren't expelled for not passing the test so the stakes aren't high which usually means failure is more probable
I still don't know how Sadrock passed the robots destroying test.
Deku fucking told him earlier, it was weird that he didn't figure it out before now.
Love me some teamwork
Of course he knows, Deku told him ages ago.
Mina and Navel Laser aren't shipped enough
I hope Mineta fails
Do you think Bakugo is going to blow the lid on Deku? Telling everyone in the class or just letting it slip?
Of course it will. All Might's very presence served as a deterrent. Now that he's gone, criminal activity will increase, and thus more heroes will be needed to deal with it.
>Tfw you just noticed mineta staring at Uraraka's ass
That sneaky perverted little shit.
Love him for it though
But not where exactly he got it from.
He's known for a little while, ever since the whole talk with All Might that he had that probably cemented his theory, but he hasn't said anything so far. And I really, really doubt he'd ever do something like that.
He might be mad at Deku, but I don't think it'll be out of envy or something like that. I just think he wants Deku to prove himself worthy. If he ever sees weakness, he ain't going to let that go.
That would be cool, but my guess is probably not.
Baku is a grade A asshole, but deep down, he has a sense of honor.
He's not Shikamaru, his Shadow size isn't dependent on light, just how well he can control it.
>you can see the hatching for her gluteus muscles
he's dumb and buttmad enough to do something like that but deku was even dumber for spilling the beans in the first place so he deserves it
>I had really hoped they'd have one vs ones.
I'd want more team fighting like the first test they took with all might. Bigger groups though.
I'd like to think that for all the hate Bakugou has for Deku he hates villains way more and wouldn't give out info that would help them immensely.
>Mina and Navel Laser aren't shipped enough
Are they a ship? They always seem to be in a contest for worst tastes.
You have to be retarded to think he would tell anything.
>Everyone but Deku and Bakugo does the silly YATTA YATTA waddle and dance
I love these stupid dorks so much
When anyone has shown light on it it turned really small. But when it's really dark it gets so big it's hard to control.
If he did, would anyone believe him? He's been shown to the whole class to have an ax to grind against deku, and deku could just deny it. Its not like Bakugo is extremely trustworthy.
But his power should actually be pretty useful for rescue operations. He can prevent any debris from shifting, and stick debris together for easy removal.
>Excitement and tension and action through the whole chapter
>Character interaction
>Ayoyama finally proves himself fully in a completely redeemable fashion
>Iida shows how much of a rock he is for the class
>Everyone comes together and uses their powers to pass the exam
This chapter was a fuckin masterpiece.
Deku didn't spill the beans. Bakugou is assuming Deku's and All Mighty's power are too similar.
Sun breaks, and weakens Dark Shadow though. Like how Icyhot's fire, and Baku's explosive attacks have a lot of light.
Those little moments are great.
You remember this exam is just for provisional licences, right?
Of course not. Bakugo is a jerk, but he's still a hero, and he respects Deku and All Might too much to betray them.
Mineta is best for RIOT control from mass goons.
if he didn't do it when he was at his most retarded and pettiest (after his trip in best jeanist's rape dungeon) l hope he wouldn't do it now that he had some character development
>Deku didn't spill the beans
He was told not to reveal anything and he did. Everyone knows Deku and All Might have similar powers. Tododroki even asked him if he was All Might's son.
So let me understand, did slimen demon girl not pass?
I can feel later on aoyama becoming a cardboard cutout of a generic side character. I don't see much set up for his character development. I'd like to see hori expand on the class in the upcoming test.
>everyone from the best school who have real experience passes
I wonder why.
she passed.
Read the chapter.
she passed or else she wouldn't be there.
>Tododroki even asked him if he was All Might's son.
I vaguely remember this. Was this before they were about to fight int he tournie arc?
>looks like your splitting
Yeah, right after the cavalry battle.
Everyone from the Harvard of hero schools pass? HOW COULD IT BE???!?!
>Was this before they were about to fight int he tournie arc?
I just want more Froppy. I'm so thirsty for her. She got a single side comment panel this chapter, and was only wallpaper last chapter sitting next to Todo. At least she keep getting cover pages.
Why do I think about a girl with a crush when Deku reacts to Bakugou talking to him?
Because Deku wants Kacchan to be his friend.
>Aoyama literally can not stop sparkling
>Invisigirl quirk confirmed
>Cute Mina
>Another Kaminari Jirou moment
>Deku Bakugou moment
>Pervert Mineta moment
>Iida's costume is still awesome
Was this the best chapter since the AFO fights?
we can't forget that in the end, he's still a mutantform.
Shouji is capable of incredible strength, so Sadrock could be just as strong, if not moreso.
>He can add Mineta, Todoroki, and Asui to his list
>Tfw you remember a few months ago he was a friendless nerd who everyone hated
So happy for the Midoriya-shounen
Mineta is so disgusting but i can't help but admire the guy.
He can also add Sero, Shouji, and Momo
go off
He is the plocky comic relief.
I don't think Earthquake Edgelord is going to do so good in the rescue test.
exactly what i thought about when reading it
will she try to rape Deku during the rescue operation?
>"help Deku, I need your dick I am dying!"
Did Ochako actually do anything yet
And no he is the sex maniac nobody likes and will have something fucked up happen to him every movie, just like Stiffler
Floated rocks attached to tape and helped scare off a pervert.
she was the one who trapped everyone while Deku distracted.
Yoarashi is the girl, going on her own is what she did.
Then is telling Kemi (M.Bison) to stop shouting
She teamed up with Sero and helped Deku pass. Last chapter.
>But not where exactly he got it from.
Well no, but just because he's an asshole doesn't mean he's stupid. All Might's power is declining, Deku's quirk is remarkably similar, and All Might shows disproportionate interest in Deku but he refuses to talk about why. It's not enough to confirm, but it'd be enough to lead you in the right direction once you actually accept the idea that quirks can be transferred under certain circumstances.
She Deku and the tape guy set up a combo to trap a bunch of people under some tape to win. Deku got the targets into place while the tape was attacked to some rocks that were levitated by her, at the right moment she cut her power and the rocks and tape fell trapping the targets.
>helped fend off Slime
>instrumental to Deku's plan which got them all through
>did a silly dance
She's done more in 3 chapters then most other shounen females so I give her an A+
It must had been confusing, arousing, and full of jealousy.
Rescue points were a thing in that exam also
No. Yoarashi Inasa is the wind guy. Kemi is the slime girl.
She also provided booty for Mineta to stare at :^)
So how do you think the rescue test will work? Will it be save 1 and you pass, or like the top 20 or 30 who save the most will pass?
In three panels she single handedly beat the entire VA. You miss it, speedreader-kun?
I would write a fanfiction just to selfinsert myself as her love interest.
They are talking about the guy that was turning people into meatballs. He is the only one from their school that didn't pass. Blast boy and electro boy took him out ,remember?
If it's just one person you can bet it'll be timed/ a quasi-race.
It may depend on how the people rescued score them.
Ashido's looked better this chapter but that's down to us not having the right angle on Ochako's
So how can we get fights like Todo vs Inasa if it's about rescue?
>1v1 again
Hell no, I'd rather have teams
>To be honest his quirk still is crap.
Seems like it could be really useful in rescue situations, I don't remember if it's been confirmed if he can use animals for information gathering or not though which would make it significantly more useful.
50 are villains 50 are heroes
well maybe not admire but l thought his antics would get unbearable fast but for some reason they still make me smile
also he triggers tumblrinas and for that reason alone he should be treasured
I bet she or Invisible Girl will be the first to lose their virginity.
friendly reminder that nobody knew about rescue points until after the test was over and that half the school shouldn't have been able to pass the robots test.
Sharktoothed cutie on the first page, very nice.
The hero we all need.
You just can't hate this guy.
Nah that'll be gravity, she'll go beast mode and rape the Deku.
Why? The robots clearly aren't very strong.
>he later on turns into navel cyclops
>we got Aoyama saving the day, dorks doing the Yatta dance and everyone got to shine, especially Invisigirl
>it finally happened in Silver Spoon
What a wonderful day
I guess, but I mean specifically combat situations with villains only. His quirk would be rendered useless if the villain had no issue killing animals.
All he'd have to rely on is his natural strength which is probably weaker then Sugarman, Deku, and Shouji's strength. Two being enhanced by their quirks and one having multiple arms.
I kind of feel bad for the guy who goes first, probably she doesn't know how to control her fluids down there (since its the first time and such) and his partner dick will literally melt.
Meatboy was the one that failed.
>Shouji remedies this by just carrying a gun at all times
I don't see why learning to control your fluids in general wouldn't also give you the ability to control your fluids down there.
it's probably a ritual of the Baka tribe (Uraraka, Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero plus Mineta and Mina not shown on screen)
i see invisigirl shows off a skill for once. So she really isn't invisble at all, she just manipulates the light hitting her (passively allowing the visible spectrum to go through i suppose?).
dear god, if laser navel shot a beam at her, could she amplify it?
No, then she'd be able to turn it off. It's a separate mutation
That sounds awesome and now I'm bummed that this probably won't happen ever.
Yes, I totally fucking agree.
He's too flamboyant to be like Cyclops
She doesn't control it well enough to turn it off perhaps.
>>it finally happened in Silver Spoon
maybe she just likes having it on.
He could change and he could change up his costume. Deku changed his costume.
they're far stronger than ordinary humans which is more than could be said about some of the weaker students
Anal it is then.
I meant personality-wise. Cyclops is the serious leader type that occasionally yells about JEAAAAAAAAAAN.
You know, "that"
She's always trying to stand out and be noticed, if she could turn visible why go through all the trouble
Source on this?
Also, quirks have limits. Why waste her energy unnecessarily
I don't even read the manga, only watched the anime, but I know what he is talking about.
i don't think she manipulates the light to be invisible
rather that's her natural state but can manipulate light willingly too to some extent
maybe one day she'll learn to make herself visible, for Ojiro's delight
I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about user.
But are they? The strongest one was later shown to not be very powerful later on. Machines aren't very smart and fall for things humans wouldn't. They also have a lot of moving parts which are easy to fuck with and screw them all together (this is why printers still suck in 2016).
I doubt it's a separate mutation, she refereed to what she did as refraction. So her power may relate to manipulating light that passes through her body, as such light has to actually pass through her body for her quirk to even be a thing so being transparent is her default state. She may also not be able to become visible because the light has to pass through her for her to manipulate it.
>They finally kissed
Dont know who, dont know what, dont know how
But Already, I feel happy that this happened.
being invisible is more of a stand out than being just girl
Did invisitits use navel lazer's light to refract and blind everyone or just natural light? If she just used natural light what could she do with the navel lazer
>what could she do with the navel lazer
Lewd things, really lewd things.
If Invisitis died would anybody know?
>she turns visible when she dies
if Hori had this idea he could do some absolutely heinous things with it
For strangers maybe but you would quite literally fade into the background at work and school or even in your group of friends.
>"Were you there when we went to see [Movie]?"
>"Oh, sorry."
Especially since humans have very good visual memory and it can be hard to remember someone if you can't even see their face. Plus you've got much flashier girls like Alien Queen to contend with.
Is it possible Tooru's quirk isn't invisibility but light manipulation?
It seems Invisigirl's quirk is specifically light refraction, hence her invisibility as she bends light around herself.
Probably the downside of it is that she can't turn the quirk off, just increase it.
By increasing the refraction and having it go wild, she basically becomes a huge collection of light that blinds people.
How Ms. Joke wins battles
> MJ: "Shitty villain I could beat you without lifting a finger"
>Villain: Ha! Don't make me laugh"
>yfw she wins all her battles this
>yfw she's a top 10 hero
When will Kaminari and Jirou exchange electrical signals?
>mechas aren't strong
end your life son
From the image, the light seems to be coming from inside her, if it was as you said you'd see the light bending around her
>Kaminari and Jirou
Never, he's a traitor and she's a dyke
She still can't compete with the queen
>ywn turn in your ballbag to Tsuyu
She use refraction to blind her foes.
of course
She calls it concentrated refraction.
Here's a simpler way to put it:
Invisigirl's quirk is that her body is made of glass. Super fucking clear glass. She's like a crystal and light goes right through her.
What she's doing there is making it so that she can trap some of the light and bounce it around inside of her glass body, kinda like setting up a bunch of mirrors. More and more light is trapped in her body and then she releases it all in a moment, causing it to erupt out.
Obviously, this is way oversimplifying it, as she's not really glass, she's still clearly fleshy and organic. But that's basically what her quirk is doing there, trapping light rather than letting it pass through (whereas with normal people, light mostly bounces off of them).
This bitch could give you cancer if she wanted.
hmm, maybe, but it may be a bad translation. I guess we'll have to wait for Hori's description
>Mineta getting a good look at the Ochako ass
He has excellent taste
Would you get cancer from Tooru in exchange of wild, hot, kinky, invisible sex and constantly see your semen be ejaculated inside her invisible pussy and mouth while imagining what her face looks like?
You first. Robot strength is variable.
Nah. Bakugou is a true cunt but he isnt spiteful or childish in that regard.
The real question here is how did the fuck did she pass the entrance exam?
Nigga, no need to imagine, you should have one thumb in her mouth so you can feel her tongue waving wildly while she rides you and her warm saliva drool onto your body.
Maybe she blinded the robots, causing them to crash into each other or something?
Blinded their cameras and pulled some wires while they spazzed out.
Don't know about the entrance exam,
but I'm kinda hoping we get to see her do more shit now.
If her power does work like that, a kind of crystal that can concentrate or let light pass through it,
she could literally shoot lasers from any part of her body like Aoyama, but without any of the bullshit and they would be heat lasers rather than propulsive ones.
>Tokoyami mask
I want Tokoyami to wear a Tokoyami mask just so he could recreate this moment
And how did she score higher than Deku in the physical exam? Invisibility and light refraction won't help you at all in those tests.
Where'd you get this glass crystal idea? it wasnt said anywhere in the chapter.
Girls are rated differently than boys? That's plausible.
Spidey will alwaya be my favorite
Right here Second panel, she's using her quirk.
Somehow, it's creating a huge bursting flash of light.
The translation used for it here is "concentrated refraction"
Refraction is the bending of light.
We know she's fucking invisible to start with.
Ergo, it seems that her quirk has something to do with affecting light. The simplest solution, to me at least, is that her power makes light either pass through, or in her new case get absorbed/refracted through, her body.
It's acting like a crystal or a prism, not that she's actually a crystal.
I dont know how to really describe Ochako's body type but all I know is that it is perfection
Miles too?
Not in this school no.
Secretly ripped
Are you baiting people or is this legit question? I swear that half of these people keep saying that Tooru's quirk is invisibility even though it isnt.
Sure they will, just make everyone think you are back at the starting line and start the race from near the finish!
Man fuck miles, He's a bendis pet character and his venom zap is ridiculous overpowered bullshit on top of all his other spider powers.
Get rid of that boring 'I Win' button that completely destroys fights scenes and we'll talk/
Miles is not nearly as endearing as Pete.
But let's stop talking about Western Capeshit and let's go back to discussing Japanese Capeshit.
explain this nigga pls. What ability is that?
>My actions follow my dreams
Damn Iida, why are you so cool like this
One day we will meet the Western Capeshit and they better meet the fucking Avengers or I will be mad.
Mineta isn't taken too seriously but his power is actually really good and would be extremely irritating to fight against. Stuns are OP.
Yeah this is basically what I'm getting from what she did too. Her "invisibility" quirk is more like extreme transparency. She seems to be learning to manipulate the optical properties of her body, either through learning some degree of direct control over her quirk or possibly through some form of complicated physical manipulation of her own body.
>there are people out there who actually dislike Iida
How can they live with themselves
It's a shock that defeats everyone in one hit. It's pretty much how miles wins all of his fights.
It won't be very effective on long-range attackers though.
You know how Spiderman is really impressive right? Got a whole bunch of abilities like super strength, agility and danger sense?
Well Bendis gave black spiderboy an extra power on top where whenever he wants to win a fight he just touches you, or touches somewhere on a surface you are currently touching, and its basically a 1-hit-ko, Fight Over.
And then he went and got some sort of SUPER ZAP upgrade which is even more powerful.
what are the chances he is the traitor?
Its the helmet, face covering helmets are cool
He kinda disproved that when we saw him shitting his pants in the forest and lasering Compact's face.
Most likely traitors are still kaminari, invisitits and ojiro.
That seems like something you could work around with a gadget. Some kind of portable cannon that stores a few balls and can launch them over long distances. That might be difficult to engineer given how they work though.
I wonder what the Fur monster's quirk is.
I always liked the theory that Sadrock is the traitor and is using his power to control the principal.
My vote is still for Kaminari, however.
i came to this thread specifically to check if someone had already posted this
Hagakure has an ideal perk for spying.
Premium Ochako.
Isn't Kouta's power just being able to talk to animals? I was under the impression that he can't actually command them to do shit, they just do what he says because they like him.
And not really an ideal quirk for anything else. I still believe kaminari is the main suspect particularly because of his ability to communicate easily without anyone knowing and the fact that if he's really not a retard, he would instantly be 100%-holy shit this guy's a villain we'll all die-tier.
I think that's for the best, yes.
Seems a bit ambiguous because he clearly hasn't bonded with bugs yet he was able to get them to cooperate.
>it was just a deadringer
**Why Kaminari?**
What the fuck?
Found our spy, gentlemen.
Anyone else think this is a tacit admission of his homosexuality?
>Momo gets her cowtits and ass groped nonstop by old men
>becomes shocked when she realizes she loves it
>nearly orgasms
>Grapes is standing by hard as diamonds
BnHA's doujin potential is off the charts and we're mostly stuck with vanilla shit.
>that visible glute
Hey man, at least it's not Fairy Tail.
They fucking practically put hentai in the manga, but there's still practically no good ones.
I really want him to go full man-mode and become Havok
When has this not been the case? One Piece and Jojo have the same issue. The truth it takes up a lot of time to do something truly different and many artists don't know how to draw beyond the things they've practiced. At least that Froppy/Deku one was bretty good and made use of her powers.
I would have preferred if the passing group was a bit more dishevelled, especially the girls.
No one except Mineta looks hurt or tired at all.
How old is Twice?
>never used her quirk during the villain attack, festival, or group training
>all of a sudden able to make blinding light
Something's up with her and Hori being so secretive with her quirk.
Can't be the traitor since she was injured at camp but there has to be some reveal coming.
Maybe she's related to the blinding light baby who will end up being important?
Man Hori is getting so good lately, The Shiketsu designs were top fucking notch.
The future for BnH is exciting.
I would furiously breed Ochako
This chapter confirmed it.
Aoyama is my favorite character.
It's not really a standard combat test that requires you to injure your opponents so that makes some sense.
22. Well his age has number 2 atleast.
Wow. For the first time ever since I first saw you start using a tripcode you have actually posted a good opinion
what chapter was this?
>the absolute state of Marvel
I want to impregnate Jirou and see her breasts swell up during the pregnancy.
if you're talking about the luminescent baby, it's in the first chapter
Well to be fair, her quirk would've been counterproductive during the villain attack.
You're looking too much into this.
I didn't even notice it was him. Is it really him? Maybe it's Nunnally, desu.
>Aoyama this week
I wonder what using the beam for that long must have felt like.
do you think Hori will move onto giving Class B screentime once every member of A has had focus?
Post yfw when you realized you won't be seeing a tag team between All Might and Deku. ;-;
When they're 2nd years and classes get shaken up
>tfw All Might not dying during his fight with AFO wasn't him subverting all of his death flags when he dies powerlessly in Shigaraki's hands later
>class b
>getting screen time
It's time to give up hope
>invisigirl gets a new power
Damn, i hoped she would just be a massive trickster
>she wears a cape
>people attack the cape
>she wasnt wearing it at all but was using it like a matador flag the whole time
>she is standing in place and shittalking the enemy, her boots give away her position
>they attack where she's standing
>she took off her boots awhile ago and left, theres a recorder hidden inside playing her voice
She and Uravity benefit the most from a utility belt
best ship
they actually have inice and fairly frequent interactions, so i don't even feel insane rooting for them
Just like Ochako, he probably doesn't feel as horrible as he used to after using it, but with that hyper beam his whole body must've been pretty strained.
maybe for combat but imagine how useful he'd be for intel
roaches, hawks, flies, etc
>>all of a sudden able to make blinding light
You know, there was that whole 3-4 chapters about the characters getting upgrades for their quirks. Might be a clue but what do I know?
To be fair they didn't even imply she had flashbang powers even a weaker iteration.
Well it could have been anything, because it's been thrown around a lot that her invisibility wasn't her quirk anymore than Mina's was being pink.
The legality of self defense with weapons is a convoluted shitpile in real life, so honestly it makes sense.
Her quirk is refracting light, so maybe there's something in the fanny pack or worn under her invisibility 'field'/whatever that's using her quirk to intensify light.
so yamcha?
Did we get glimpses of Vietnamese Voltron's true skill?
If this is how it operates, she could become visible as well.
If she's trapping light inside herself, then she is create a space with an absence of light in the shape of her own body - this would be a clearly visible silhouette.
The most likely explanation is that she bends light around her body.
She would be visible if it is like that.
Indirect light would reveal her position if she sucks up all the light hitting her.
I still have him up there because he was missing during the first attack and never said what he did.
user, he was hiding. He is always hiding.
Vigilante is what the main series should have been.
>There are people who actually dislike anyone from class A.
Maybe the two series will intersect at some point. One of AfO's goals is for the general public to lose faith in the established heroes.
>we will never see Yuuga, Pony, and Scales bond over being foreign to Japan
Vigilante is Japanese-flavored Cape
BnHA is Cape-flavored Shounen
I like both
Is he going to resent Deku now that he knows All Might (who he admires) chose someone he deemed worthless?
I think you seriously misrepresenting shit here man.
>would anyone believe him?
Yes class A and the teachers would. They all know Bakugo is a dick, but he's honest. They wouldn't likely expect him to lie.
>deku could just deny it
No he couldn't. If he's put on the spot like that he can't successfully lie and would likely just come clean.
You say that as if he didn't already resent the everloving shit out of Deku.
This page is actually a step away from that.
I think Aoyama redeemed himself back in the mountain training arc by hiding till his power could be 100% useful.
>the government criminalized this
who are the real villains?
He doesn't resent Deku. That page almost made it seem like Bakugou is now expecting big things out of Deku or at least for Deku to not disgrace All Might by failing with the quirk their most respected hero let him "borrow".
I hope she makes a cameo in the anime so we can hear her shitty music
I dunno man, considering how stingy this manga is about downsides to abilities, I imagine her trapping a fuckton of light in her body like that would cause some real pain/damage to her insides.
Her bending the light around her doesn't make sense. She doesn't distort anything, she is 100% see through.
That's cause the light is going through her body, bouncing off whatever's behind her, going back through her body and to your eyes.
She's transparent, not cloaked.
Dude, Aoyama doesn't want to be a hero.
He's just there for..whatever reason.
I wonder how much Folgore inspired his character.
>tooru is secretly op as fuck and able to use light like borsalino in one piece
I think because they're never really the focus and the few times they are it's incredibly short. If him being a pervert was constantly drawn out gags and had huge reactions from classmates it'd be annoying but thankfully that's never the case and instead of a walking gag he's treated more as just a kid who's kinda a pervert.
>invisible girl's power was flashing
its so fitting
thats what happens when her only character trait is being lewd
Does Invisigirl take invisible shits? Do they become opaque when they leave her body?
This. You notice how all her clothes are either baggy or lack sleeves.
Depends on if invisibility is an active or passive skill.
So if her power is light refraction, does that mean all the xray penetration stuff is non-canon now?
Her power is transparency. It was stated as such in the databook. Her invisibility is merely a side-effect of her powers.
>He doesn't resent Deku.
only retarded fujoshits believe that
What do you think Hakugure would look like without invisibility?
>next stage is rescue
>groups are divided between heros and villains
>todoroki, bakugou, and deku are part of the villains
would be entertaining
A slut.
Just when I thought I couldn't love Jackie Chan any more than a do now......
>most op quirk revealed
>literally had targets on a silver platter
>still failed
Looks like the copycat guy from class b got major competition.
>thinking she still has her virginity to loose
To make that remotely fair and productive they would have to do the exam twice with stopwatch (Group 1 plays hero for one round then roles are switched for the next round and Group 2 has to beat Group 1's time).
>that fucking Mineta
Nope she was born a normal girl then one day she started fading more and more then
Her actual powers is not concentrating light inside of her, it's manipulating and bending light around herself.
The way the light shone out of her it seems that she has some level of control over light and simply uses her body as a way to focus and manipulate it.
would be but it'd also be stupid. They're testing response time and approach to rescue. The kids have to run out immediately.
>Momo worried for Iida.
And we had a TodoxMomo OP a while back...
Always liked the idea of iida/momo more than shouto/momo
shouto/momo just seems so boring
>iida is class pres
>mono is vice pres
>probably spend a lot of time doing Pres related shit for the class
>both went to save bakugou as the responsible ones
>both come from respected families
Ohhh boy.
>implying Iida doesn't belong with Mrs. Hands
Realistically him not being there is a bit odd. I was surprised that I didn't see him taking one of the first positions with his speed.
What did he mean by this?
Was he referring to the fact that it's not All Might's power but him after training and developing it to turn it into his own now?
Was he even congratulating him, though.
How do you shout RIGHTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT when the repeated word is a T?
More characters need to be Folgore inspired
With passion!
>bakugou can no longer pass up all might as no.1
>realizes Deku now has All mights quirk
>later on finds out ofa is stronger in deku than it ever was in all might
>Bakugou starts thinking if he can't pass up all might he'll do the next best thing
>wants deku to make ofa his own
>beat deku at his best=beating all might
>now he truly is the best
I'm just imagining a scenario later on where even deku can't beat a villain while he's pretty much already mastered ofa only to have bakuogou have his moment where he really did become the best if only for a second. Sort of like Vegeta blowing himself up to kill buu.
When can we expect the horrifying fetish art?
There's already 2. With Bakugou making out with potatoshima
Hey it is not all about the quirk it is also about the person that is using it.
I mean you can give a gun to a retard and he will shoot himself in the foot. So an idiot with an awesome quirk is still an idiot.
No you dyke.
No get your clit boner for swole bitches and get the fuck out.
>it's all going to be fujo art
is it so hard for me to want to fuck a lumpgirl?
Just as God intended.
It's just be like masturbating with an ugly onahole.
But I too would like that, and have a penis.
Wait, so is Bakugou just talking about Deku's tendency to copy other people's moves?
Or does he now believe that Deku got his Quirk from somewhere else?
yeah, but it would be an onahole that was not only once a cute girl, but is still perfectly aware of what's going on
plus she wouldn't be ugly, the lumps are cute
So why did Kouda put on the mask?
I know hes a big guy, but seriously, whats it for? Only thing I can imagine is just so nobody can stop him from talking or something.
Did you read the chapter? It's well explained there.
Guess the provisional license plot will probably start to wind down in the next 5 chapters. I thought this arc might deserve a bit more chapters but it maybe for the best.
have you ever seen Hori's sketch of his face?
Shouji probably feels really bad about how he likes, and uses the mask to be able to leave the house. He probably had some experience where people just sort of generalized him or otherwise feared him over his mutantform appearance, and it stuck. In essence, nobody cared who he was until he put he put on the mask.
Something to make his voice reach farther maybe? or change the pitch so only the animals can hear him, something like that
Whoops, missed that. Need to be more careful not to speed read.
oh fuck, I'm a dumbass.
Kouji probably put it on so nobody could tell when he's talking or be able to read his lips, I guess.
Take that back, the couple could work considering todoroki unlike sasuke could use a socially productive woman who can help him be more cooperative with people.
Todo needs a alpha woman that makes him stronger than he thinks.
>make his voice reach farther
Well that seems obvious now that you say it. He managed to get that horde of birds to show up.
>all members of the no-name school passed
>all of shiketsu didn't pass
grow up, faggot
What do you mean no-name?
UA's prestigious as fuck.
I remember that Deku told him that, but at the time he didn't believe it.
I'm wondering if recent events have somehow changed his mind. He has noticed that Deku and All Might have some sort of special relationship
>No name school
Its literally supposed to be the best of the best. Both All Might and Endeavor went there
Are you doing this on purpose?
talking about based shindou's school, ketsubutsu
>everyone from Harvard got into prestigious firms
>yet my associates from my county college didn't get me anywhere wtf???
This is you right now
Honestly though, it doesn't matter where you go as long as you work hard at what you do and apply yourself
speedreader, i'm referring to ketsubutsu
why didn't AfO just sew all his noumus together into an artificial human centipede and kill all might with it?
>I'm wondering if recent events have somehow changed his mind. He has noticed that Deku and All Might have some sort of special relationship
Pretty much. Deku and All Might shrugged it off as something he dismissed and forgot about way back but Baku's smarter than most think. Once he saw how Deku reacted to All Might's "You're Next", he seemed to piece things together.
Then it would just count as one noumu? Why not just make one really good one? He did have a noumu like that and the other noumus used were supposed to be just as strong but they weren't ready yet.
shindou is actually pretty beefed up
And it was just 3 months ago.
And he heard Tsuyu and Todoroki comments about All Might and Deku.
>you can still feel everything while being a meatball
Have they checked his home?
I wouldn't be surprised if he had his own meatball onahole collection hidden somewhere?
Because one of the Class A members can command animals.
witness the power of Sadrock
Because you're a speedreader
It's still apparently a ludicrous idea though. AfO and OfA seem totally unique and unreported in being able to cause permanent quirk changes in people.
I'm kinda with you on this, unless niggerstream fucked up the context as usual I don't see how
>...Kemi! Stop that!
could narrow down to slime girl. For all we know it could just be Chewbacca having something like Dark Shadow and he calls it Kemi. Any rawfags around?
when you're near
Wait for Monday.
My quirk was not handed to me.
I have earned it.
I wish deku would say that to bakugo
Well no, it was handed to him. It's not like he's the only person ever to foolishly run toward danger. The earning came after the offer.
for example, vigilante man is just as worthy, really
and he's got the sick ass sliding power to add to it
I don't trust Viz much either now that we've debunked that they even got the first fucking chapter wrong.
>laser boy got time on the spotlight
fuck yeah
But how does it work? Can you see your dick while fucking or your dick becomes invisble? I'm leaning for the second one because nobody is disgusted to eat next to her.
just like me
Do you think the rest of class A pester Momo to make them equipment or clothing?
If we can't see her organs then you can't see your cum inside her
Nah, I was talking about the raws.
You see food going down her throat in the camp chapters. I figure people just get used to it, like they do with mutants like Tsuyu.
Raws aren't available right now? I sometimes forget niggerstream has their own private source.
I still remember all the people who tried to deny this by saying the food was on her cheek or some shit.
That may not be in her throat but on her cheek. Otherwise things would get very disgusting if you could see the food travel in her invisible insides and turn into "floating" poop.
See what I mean?
Logically you'd be right to an extent, since people usually have food or liquids they consumed in their body like more than 50% of the time, and having those things magically go transparent after a certain stage of digestion seems silly.
But remember, this is cape shit in a shounen. It doesn't have to make sense, just like you know, everything else so far. Hori just has to say
>How high tech!
>It's magi-err quirks I ain't gotta explain shit
Or any random silly explanation and it'd be fine. There's a reason the mortality rate in MHA due to gun wounds is even lower than One Piece you know?
I'm not denying it but rather say we can't know for sure which of the two options are real.
it'd be more interesting if all the examine-es are villains and the retirees are heroes
Didn't she got naked in order to be fully invisible at some point ? If everything she eat is visible it would have been pointless since digestion takes a lot of time wich means you spend most of your time with food somewhere inside your body.
My guess would be that everything inside her body also becomes transparent.
Actually, if we could get confirmation on this, it would kinda help solve this issue of whether light bends around her or passes through her.
If light bends around her, then everything put inside her body disappears.
If light passes through her, then foreign objects should still be visible yes that includes your dick
In that case, clearly her insides and internal fluids would just have the same transparent trait, so by "magic" logic it could just transfer that to food she eats when it hits her stomach acids.
Have we ever seen her barf? Would her barf be see through?
Would her shit be see through?
>Would her shit be see through?
She could set up traps with invisible poop, more terrifying than Ashido's acid.
You can plainly see the food going behind her collar. It's in her throat. proof is right there.
For all we know, her powers are a product of something like bodily fluids. Her saliva/stomach acid soaks the food, It turns invisible like her. We're probably only seeing it this far in because she's eating fast.
Or it does take a while and people are just used to the sight of it, like all the other weird stuff quirks cause.
How many guns have we seen so far? They were fortunate that Tetsutetsu was around to deal with Mustard. You would think you'd see a couple more since durability has been established as something not guaranteed to be included in your power. It makes sense why heroes would refrain from using them most of the time, but the villains?
Also with haki being a thing now a rifle user who can infuse haki into their bullets would be one of the deadliest things in OP.
He'll fuck all the girls ala Nudist Beach and end up with the vicepres.
Im not really buying the thing with saliva/stomach acids somehow turning the food transparent. Most of it would still be a foreign object, thus it would stay somewhat visible. So essentially when she is naked you would see all of the shit clogged up in her colon at something like 50% opacity.
That would mean that coating something in saliva would turn it invisible. An ability so useful you'd think she would have used it by now.
Also, the stain might jus as well be over her jaw and side of the neck. It's possible to do that without staining your collar.
My theory is that everything inside her is transparent as well, and that there may o may not be some exceptions regarding her mouth and throat that would be arbitrary.
>How many guns have we seen so far?
We literally saw an entire platoon of police SWAT members gunning the noumus with exposed eyes and brains with machine guns and they all failed miserably. Are you blind or something? How can you not understand that this is cape shit and therefore modern conventional weaponry will always get shat on because otherwise there's no reason heroes would be the occupation it currently is. Everyone would just have fucking hi-tech robocop shit with taser guns or whatever.
I was strictly talking about One Piece having the pirate die in chapter 1 and Nami's 'mother' die from Arlong shooting her. That's it. I won't even count Corazon cause he lived long enough afterwards to get saved if given the chance.
But MHA? Fuck that even if you had a sniper rifle aiming at a hero sleeping in their bedroom from the window you'd fail cause Hori is writing for you know, a fucking shonen magazine?
I don't get why people just can't accept it. That's how it is, and it's enjoyable so long as you don't get autistic about it.
She might just be a messy eater. If she eats with her mouth open, some light from the food might still refract out of her mouth.
Iida risk "career" for his peers. True SENTAI hero.
>Also, the stain might jus as well be over her jaw and side of the neck. It's possible to do that without staining your collar.
He was also the most apt for the role as well given how once the exam gets super chaotic near the end, people will no longer target UA strictly thereby allowing him to use his speed very easily to tag people. I doubt even Deku has the stamina Iida has.
Who team Iida Tenya here?
That's another thing I thought as well, the walls of her mouth are probably thin enough to allow that to happen.
I prefer that stretch to claiming that her bodily fluids turns everything transparent, completely disregarding the fact that it either wouldn't be completely transparent (making her quirk useless since her digestive system would be visible at all times) or that such a useful ability was never used to hide items and other things.
Isn't Bakugou offering Deku a backhanded compliment here?
He's more or less acknowledging that Deku has finally learned to stop using the All For One quirk in All Night's style; but has instead adopted his own techniques with the ability.
Keep in mind Bakugou has a huge chip in his shoulder over the fact Deku has repeatedly sacrificed himself for Bakugou's sake. This despite the fact Bakugou has been a twat to Deku since childhood.
I think Bakugou's mother is emblematic of Bakugou's character: foul mouthed and abrasive as fuck with a heart of gold underneath it all.
Well, we can see her fluids leaking.
But I totally understand that. It was an observational post, not a debate. Touchy.
You started your post with how many guns have we seen. That's a poor opener considering we saw many guns already, just most of them in one arc. And they were actually used in a story where so far no one has tanked bullets without a quirk unlike One Piece.
Let's just chalk it up to horseshit that will never be explained because it's more convenient for everyone
Works every time
Susan Storm basically.
I said it might something like that. Could also be that she has to concentrate to make it invisible, which she was too hungry to do in that camp shot.
Like really. We're talking about a world when somebody can paralyse people by tasting their blood or turn them into meat potatoes without permanent damage. Anything is game.
I asked that because I genuinely didn't remember every instance of guns in the manga. All I recalled was Snipe, who actually did something kind of useful, and Mustard.
That just proves how useless guns are if you can't even remember when they were most prominent, which is intentional of course.
Snipe's gun is only useful because it's wielded by a hero. Otherwise it'd just miss all 6 shots. And even Snipe missed a few shots against basically a guy who wasn't moving.
Healthy needs to fly straight
Is it weird if I find her painted on mask attractive?
Look at those dorks.
More Kaminari, Sero and Ochako hanging out when?
The weird thing is that One Piece might have to make guns useful in the late game if Black Beard's sharpshooter and some of Shank's crew survive long enough to be relevant to the main plot. (Unless this has already changed since the end of Dressrosa. I take long breaks between OP arcs so I have a lot to read). They won't kill anyone of course, since no one dies outside of a flashback unless Oda pulls another Ace.
Curious what would happen if Eraser Head nulled invisigirl's quirk.
It could be a mutation meaning she won't be anymore visible if he were to do that than Sadrock would stop being Sadrock.
given this prove her quick is light refraction and not a mutation. then she will be visible
the catch is. if it really is light refraction then even if he tries, he cant see her. so no. EH cant cancel out her quirk
I want to bum Ochako.
I want to pat her head.
Oxford now. Caltech second, Stanford third and Cambridge fourth. Harvard is sixth after MIT.
Ochako wants to bum Deku, but Toga will beat her to it.
Haki bullets. Don't ask how it works, it just does. Or seastone, those are rigged.
It must be hard to take care of your appearance when you can't see yourself.
Plebs. All of you
>Tooru goes to the dentist
>Tooru goes to the OB/GYN
Reminds me of this
I'm in love with Ochako
Miles was a mistake, Bendis just wanted to push his "kids are racists, so I made a black spider man" Agenda.
That's because it's funny
Any one get the alien ones
Genuinely laughed. Such a childish joke to that works so well.
nice trips. Read more Perry Bible Fellowship.
They long to be
You can have this. Now stop spamming Ochako.
Oops, forgot pic
Baku x Deku OTP?
I'd hit it if I had a regeneration quirk.
Remember that Deku was enduring the pain of exploding his finger with OfA after throwing the ball. Kinda hard to give your all if one of your fingers is totally fucked.
That's what I thought too
You realize these people are probably quirk useful for rescue training. One of the oldies can probably multiple himself for shear numbers rescue points. Little kids can probably crawl super fast, and you gotta catch him. Or some silly thing liek that.
This is what I think it'll be.
What does the sign mean?
request for bareback sex
I don't believe you.
How many Newtons?
6 fig.
No, i like the fact that this is paint arther than a regular mask.
Volume 10 Omake FA Edition:
nice ty
I need to fap to the mental image right now and I'm in public, fuck you user.
why so sexual?
So what's up with that NOT!Punisher spin-off? BnHA so popular they already making serialized spin-offs?
So many heroes to sex, more of her and Momo hanging out when?
Will Ochako have a better romantic ending than pic related?
I want Kendou to spank me bare bottom!
Aoyama is clutch
>arr spank me arse lass
speedreaders leave
Are Kamui and Mt Lady lovers?
all girls love some hard wood now and then
The viz translation here is so clunky.
Mustard shot the piss out of TetsuTetsu with a small calibur handgun and fucked him up pretty bad for him being a metal man.
Really, guns would take care of like the majority of BnHA's cast but it'd be kinda boring to have the kids have to deal with gun users over and over and over.
I could imagine All Might being able to dodge/no-sell bullets in his prime. Everyone else though...edge shot I guess would be really hard to hit.
>Does this look like the face of mercy to you