Danganronpa 3
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>Chiakizuru vs Hajizuru
Will Nagito kidnap the baby?
this future seems better than what we have right now
God the ending is going to be a complete clusterfuck.
Hinanami happy ending!
>Got 2 entire bags of caramel apple twizzlers for the episode tomorrow
>you will never save Nanami Chiaki when she's on the brink of death
>you will never tend to her
>you will never see the light resurge in her eyes as her wounds heal and she regains her former physical condition
>you will never force her to sleep for extended periods of time "For the sake of her recovery" while you secretly operate on her body, pumping her full of all sorts of talents that she was never intended to have
>you will never see the smile on her face slowly die as she realizes what you're doing to her, too helpless to fight back, assuming the absolute worst intentions of you
>you will never continue adding in more and more talents to her, doing it ever so carefully so that her personality doesn't end up suppressed, ensuring that she can continue to enjoy talents
>you will never see her regain her smile as she realizes she was wrong to doubt you but asks you if she can be let go anyway
>you will never promise her that you will let her go soon and see her smile and give you a hug, letting you feel up those soft, squishy Nanamis right against your chest
>you will never discreetly hook her up to a personality rewriting machine when she's sleeping one night and force her awake just as it turns on
>you will never explain to her that you're going to overwrite her personality with your own, so that you can enjoy her body, and see the light in her eyes flare up one last time as she struggles to resist
>you will never listen with delight in the cries and moans she makes as she helplessly attempts to resist your assault, her mind in utter shambles as you force her personality to the back of her own mind and allow a superior personality, one of your own choosing, to take its place
>you will never let 'Chiaki', the full, complete, Kamukura Izuru 2.0, out of the brainwashing machine and see her give you a big smile for helping her out so much all this time
What is there to HOPE for anymore?
Kirigiri dies in both endings
AI Chiaki and real Chiaki both die
What's the point in living
Poor Fukawa, probably died during delivery.
Gonna get Vodka Drunkenski tomorrow
Tengan ships Hinanami.
Reminder to all Chiakifriends, Kirigiribros, Chisapals, and Juzoboys that this will all have a happy ending!
Remember how we saw that Izuru was able to conceal his presence for the entirety of the first killing game until the very last minute, using the SHSL Spy talent? Nobody there saw him until he decided to show himself. Junko brought him there in the first place in order to convince him of the unpredictability of despair.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if somebody else like him - say, a Izuru 2.0 - was doing the exact same thing in the Final Killing Game? Just watching everybody act like a moron, slaughtering one another with impunity, with anybody unwilling to do that either killed via NG codes or by suicide via brainwashing, and doing nothing to stop it themselves even when they have all the power in the world?
Could it be that the aim of the mastermind, whoever it was, was to prove a point to Izuru 2.0?
I always found it really unclear whether Toko or Aoi is supposed to be the mother of Byakuya's child.
Just WHY?
Was that Tengan operating the camera?
Bring it home, weedman.
He's confirmed deader then dead, man.
Sad despair makes a more happy hope!
I think current future is better for Toko as she at least got a cute waifu, while rest of it pretty much stay the same if Kirigiri isnt alive
Reminder he's only accurate 30% of the time. I'd pick Powerball numbers with him, but not put my life on the line
People assume that because Tengan is still a shady character and Junko supposedly left Nanami's body there to die when she said "goodbye class rep".
No point in living anymore
30% chance of 100% is really good.
No more lives left.
Nope, bloodloss doesn't kill immediately, if Juzo had strenght to pull the power levers, then after he lost counsciiusness should have few minutes before his body would die from lack of oxygen. Munakata can easily regenerate his blood and his arm with Seikos pills!
He got a sappy ending of him wanting Munakata to live with the ending playing and Munakata saying he's always too late. He's dead. The others have a chance due to Kodaka bullshit. Chisa less likely. I'm just unsure because I cant tell if her theater scenes are IRL or not.
You stupid bitch, continues are independent of lives.
This is actually a fun theory that I like. What if they just took Tengan's cellphone?
Place your bets bois
>Junko replacement
>Is actually Tengen, turned to despair
>Tengen actually hopeman 2.0 and just want to make an actual ultimate hope, making Naegi kamakura project 2.0
>hopeman 1.0 is actually alive and knobbing about
My suicide can't possibly be this cute.
How do you explain all the bizarre inconsistencies like the disappearing cabinet in episode 02, Munakata walking into a closed room without opening any doors in episode 06 (double-checking episode 05, they showed multiple angles of the room and all doors were shut, and there were no hints of any sort that Koichi left one open for him), without a 16th mystery person who did all of this stuff?
Plus, there were those weird ceiling-shot camera angles that people originally theorized were of the killer. Now that we know for sure who the "killer" is, they might have actually been intended to obscure our vision of somebody else on the ground.
Tengan said in reference to the Kamukura project that he wanted to "protect it". His wording, while not being quite as ambiguous in the funisubs, implies that there's a second Izuru project in the works.
There are extremely few people we know of who could have had the opportunity to become Izuru 2.0. For somebody to be capable of that, they would have to gain access to the Kamukura project facilities and be somebody who could be "disappeared", much like Hajime himself.
At this point, the suspects narrow down to a single person. There can be nobody else but them.
Is there still a chance for us to go full Delta and have Izuru 2.0 be a smurf we've never seen until now? Of course. But as it stands, the evidence that accumulates from both Zetsubou and Mirai-hen has convinced me of both the presence of Izuru 2.0 and their identity.
But why Chiaki?
Define 'why'. I outlined why it could only be her there, as she is a person in a precarious position in a particularly important place. There's no time to actually introduce anybody else for it, and she's received a lot of focus in Zetsubou-hen to boot.
The theatre scene is extremely enigmatic. There were also the film perforations during Chisa's timeskip.
Do you think these are hints like seeing SDR2.exe boot up?
Are you sure you want more hope you stepping stone? My hope would be too bright for you
Oh I understand that but why a near dead swiss cheese girl over another random?
Kanon Nakajima
Haiji Towa
Takumi Hijihara
Misaki(from Killer Killer)
Killer Killer's childhood friend
Takaaki Ishimaru for bullshit answer I know isn't true but I want anyway.
I prefer the former, as it makes Aoi out to be someone who raises a kid who isn't even hers and thus showcases just how fitting she is for motherhood.
Chiaki is filled with HOPE and she can sell BDs and Hinanami.
I want a Megaman Danganronpa crossovergame. All Ultimate Despair members are the Robotmasters and Nagito is of course HOPEMAN!
You can never have too much Hopeman
If I had to guess one reason, it's because she's proven herself beyond her one talent as a SHSL Gamer, capable of organizing various events (Despair ED), inspiring others as a leader (episode 09 of Despair), and she's somebody who clings to her dreams until her dying breath and fights for them however she can(episode 10 of Despair). She has potential to become someone even greater, in other words.
No. Even joking, we know from the stories they're in that they happen well after Despair arc ends so they can't be viable candidates if Tengan wants to make one while HPA is still functional.
Like hell he is, if anyone is going to be the megaman, it's Munakata and his uncanny ability to take upgrades from the people he kills
Which would their titles even be?
The only other characters with -man nicknames I can think of are Weedman, Fedoraman and Animeman
From Hope's Peak Academy, two Izurus were born...
I still think Munakata should be megaman, but we have him as EDGEman
There can be only one happy ending for Juzo!
After despair inducing finale, theres a time for HOPE inducing epilogue!
Hopeman is a meme master.
Izuru and Nizuru
>Taller, edgier version of another character
No, no, no, Naegi gets the megaman game.
Nagito is HOPEMAN X
The kid has the incredibly unpleasant disgusted expression on his face.
Will Hopeman ever be stopped?!
You know, relative to his size, the swimming Hopelet's ahoge is enormous.
He'd get out and fix the outside world for sure
Byakuya Togami Junior #(?) seems too weak willed to be Aoi's child
Also, Aoi looks pretty much the same after 3 pregnancies. Superior fucking genes
Does Cred Forums like ... boats?
How big will the ahoge be on their baby?
Kazuichi: Mechanicman
Fuyuhiko: Gansterman
Peko: Swordwoman
Mikan: Rapewoman
Gundham: Beastman
Akane: Fightwoman
Nekomaru: ITman
Ibuki: Metalwoman
Teruteru: Cookman
Sonia: Foreignerwoman
Nagito: Hopeman
Mahiru: Photowoman
Hiyoko: Dancewoman
Imposter: Copyman
Izuru: Edgeman
I'm really interested in what everyone saw to drive them to kill themselves. None of them simply stabbed themselves, they all fucked themselves up, especially Ruruka.
>Start playing DR2
>INSTANTLY attracted to Peko
>That's gonna be my waifu this game
We need some Hopeman as Megaman fast.
>Izuru: Edgeman
>Not boredman
When you think about, Naegi actually had a pretty pleasant despair. They blamed him, and it was incredibly traumatic, but immediately forgave him when he grabbed the knife and gently encouraged him to kill himself so that they could be reunited as soon as possible.
I don't think the anime really captured what dangan ronpa really is.
It just "explained" things that didn't need explaining.
Press H to pay respects.
Even the Ultimate Hope can fall into Despair.
Mikan should be Sowoman.
The you knew nothing/everything memes you posted every single thread failing to be funny were better senpai
Yeah, he also was about to simply stab himself, but luck saved him. I was so tense, were you really gonna kill off an MC Kodoka?
If anything it just makes me wonder what everyone else saw even more.
Peko a cute
She is the best Waifu if you ask me.
She is so cool, strong, cute and sexy!
God dammit, I am out of tokens
Do I have enough time to get some?
Even her name is cute
Oh, I'm not them, I just like posting Despair Naegi.
At least I got to max out Ibuki.
If they bring back Chiaki, it'll be a dumb ploy to sell merch and further hinanami cancer.
She hits my love of cold, stoic girls, she has a sword, mesmerizing eyes and a nice outfit.
It is a shame she goes all "muh tool", waste of a fantastic design.
Me too, so everything worked out in the end.
What thread are we using? I'm so confused.
Given the chandelier, I'm willing to guess that Chisa's despair was related to Chiaki. You know, like how she pushed her down into an elevator? The chandelier was the next closest thing at hand to compare the experience to.
Top kek
>she sees your dick
>Impliying Mitarai woulnd't get cucked
I want more Peko hentai stuff!
Meh, that doesn't even look like her.
know this feel
it really is, I find myself saying it in my head at random times in the day
I liked it, she faced her insecurities and found some worth in herself before she died. KuzuPeko moments got me bad
You're stuck in a hallway with Juzo and you pissed him off so bad he doesn't care about NG anymore, trying to tell Munakata about his cock lust won't work because he's gonna punch you (And himself) to death.
What do you do?
Right. He'll go back to masturbating over Chiaki's now rotten corpse then.
And fucking nothing about about the murder thing.
Jesus Christ, you'd think that would be important.
>those proportions
Damn nigga you won't even fight back?
Slip, step in, hug him and tell him it's alright. We'll pray the gay away together
>Fight back against a super boxer
More like make a fool of myself before being destroyed
>implying hinanami isnt da best.
Better than nothing... exist sadly too less hentai doujins with her.
>Implying Juzo merch sales haven't shot up in the past 3 days.
I mean, I'd try and defend myself but it won't do much.
There are worse ways to go.
That depends, am I a brown stacked atheltic girl in the stupider side with a huge appetite and an NG that kills me if he hits?
Because if so, I am immortal! bring it on!
If not, I start talking well of Munakata and hope for the best
now 5 people are buying Juzo merch.
This is hilarious. I'm dying.
anyone know when the ed's will be released?
I thought it was covered well. We saw got to learn the what happened at the crime scene, how the motive lead to the murder and Peko told the class to not commit a senseless murder like her's while crying her eyes out. The post trial Hiyoko vigil while unsettling was a nice touch
81 again, next time m8
I laughed really hard at everyone's reaction to Hiyoko's memmorial to Mahiru.
Specially Nagito's and Gundham's
I mean the anime. I thought it would actually go into it more.
He's only gonna get so many punches off before the poison does him in, so I just have to endure it. Time is on my side, not his.
Beat his ass
>Peko I've had a long day, get on your knees and strip
>Y-Yes young master.
fucking keked
Nagito is for making into a stepping stone of hope!
You don't have an army of normies in the hallway and blackmail won't work.
Speaking of that. FUCK this song is comfy.
I'm surprised the full one isn't on youtube yet.
>animator fucking asahina first
>Implying the normies beat him when she had a bat in her hand.
What does the 55 on the back of Nagito's coat mean?
The full ones are getting deleted/copyrighted extremely fast.
For some reason they are really really strict with them.
Hopeman was right! This is a place of hope! The memorial is too much despair for this beautiful place! Hopeless items are not allowed! REMOVE DESPAIR!!!!!!!1111111
Reminder that 'Founder' is a mistranslation for 教祖 in Recall the ED that doesn't capture the full nuance of it, the closer approximation would be 'Head Priest', as it means "founder of a religious sect".
In other words, it means "Pay attention to what Junko is doing".
You realize Juzo came from one side of the bridge and normies were not only downed in the circle, but on both sides of said bridge?
Be as delusional as you like but landing a baseball bat on a pre occupied fighter is something even I could do, and I'm not a horrible plot device.
fucking delete this
This would be that beta's fucks reaction upon seeing a naked woman.
>unironically invoking demons to mourn your dead friend
ah yeah, all we saw was an angry Fuyuhiko and Peko punching a wall hard enough to cut her fist
I think the eldest one is little Munakata.
I know that feel bro
It's a shame, at least the one I have is in full quality, she's great, same can't be said for the future arc OP though, that ones kinda cloudy.
Not me.
Despair episodes drop and the thread turns into hot garbage with powerlevel fags and waifu fags.
Especially concerning since powerlevel fags should be drawn to future.
>it's gonna be a Mitarai and Tengan episode.
She has..... Swastika-Eyes!
I unzip my mindhacc anime
His Her (voice actress) best line.
And you think a normie such as yourself could land a blow on not just a boxer but SHSL Boxer who became world champion? Kek
It'd be quite easy with a bat and 1000 accomplices.
Even if I couldn't land a strike at first I just have to wait, even world champions get tired.
And also, the Hopelet's kid might just be a manlet himself and actually be the oldest one.
Being carried? That means nothing, Naegi was carried by her even as an adult
The damn despair is just a stepping stone for hope.
Hope is nothing more than an illusion. People see what they want top see and believe what they want to believe. Hope brings nothing but lies, the only way forward is to open the door of truth known as despair.
Gundham? The ultiate breeder? Pshh...
Chisa's supose to do something important according to her VA
Wouldn't be spewing that shit in front of edgy Munakata, bitch ass despair.
>Every woman in this image is now dead
Aoi needs to procreate more to ensure the survival of the human race
>tfw they stopped our boy Juzo
... WHAT(2)
Not if I had this in my arsenal.
Let's face it, the boy stopped himself. He could have asked Naegi&co. for help
His love for Raiden was more than the edgelord ever deserved
I'm thoroughly convinced by the way Munakata dispatched Maiyobot that Mukuro would be running for her life in that bout.
Biological warfare isn't fair.
Can somebody help me figure this out?
Women cant handle HOPE
When hope dies, another 2 take it's place.
Yeah, full stop, it's gonna be the Monokuma Maid. That's the only important thing Chisa could do at this point.
Munakata couldn't even defeat Peko
Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate, Hate leads to suffering.
sore wa chigau yo
Didnt tengan tell Kyoko Violence leads to Despair
Comparing the peko fight between the two is kind of retarded because
1. Peko had gotten much mopre experience killing and was an adult by the time she fought Munakata (Wasn't even edgy yet)
2.Mukuro still struggled against her
Mukuro wasn't as resilient as Maiyabot either, if Munakata got close she would get wrecked so hard it wouldn't even be funny.
Its actually this tbqh famigila, what else would she do?
You reminded me of a thing.
Ladies and gentlemen, your V3 protaganist
Dude, you're overhyping Raiden too much
Cred Forums help why does Munakata keep saying I know why to me?
I'm so confused
You know why.
Where is my nigga Hoperobo?
You seem to have posted the wrong picture
I'm going to shoot my sticky, hot, thick, ropy cum straight into Hiyoko's hungry womb!
What if Naegi goes crazy, then tries to kill everyone else. But then Junko's idea of Naegi appears with a gun, and pulls it out on the real Naegi. Only for Naegi to shoot the other Naegi while everyone else watches.
Looks pretty cute
You're asking for it user.
Holy shit my fucking DICK
Ah okay, I guess he suddenly didn't kill a missile shooting robot and go on record slicing projectiles out of the sky.
I guess also Junko was terrified of him for no reason, because if she wasn't she could have iced him quite easily like everyone else.
Just overhyping I guess.
I hope she doesn't die early, I like her.
You know why.
Junko wasn't scared of him what drugs are u smoking
But I want despair. I want to be filled with big hard dark despair.
Why bother tip toeing around him instead of killing him then?
She did that for literally everyone else.
Pick one.
Yeah, you are overhyping, Robo Miaya couldn't deal with Juzo the jobber and Munakata was on drugs when he beat her
I'm not saying he is a bad fighter but he is beneath those who have talent specialized in fighting
Lies, LIES!
remove baby gangsta
But he didn't die to adult Peko so that's false.
but you have
I hate Hiyoko, but damn it that art.
So, Cred Forums, who was the memelord of DR3?
Cause Munakata Doesn't know Her NOR HER PLAN
Kodaka's hypnosis fetish is getting out of hand and I like it
They can stop Juzo's heart but they can't stop my love.
>Image becomes MUCH more relevant after it's intended reference.
Despair is an acid that does more harm to the vessel.
>Only gets past all of the physical barriers in her way because of Mukuro
>Only gets to infect everyone with Despair because she by chance meets Mitarai, a man whom has the nonsensical ability of brainwashing people through anime
>Only gets to have a mole on the inside(Mikan) because Mitarai is a sickly person and Mikan is a nurse
>Only survives against Nagito because she befriends Izuru Kamakura, the Ultimate Hope.
>Only doesn't get caught by Munakata because Mukuro knows how to perform lobotomies for some reason and turns his girlfriend in to a remnant and just happens to find out Juzo is gay, so she blackmails him
Don't know if I should count the entirety of class 77 being a hivemind as plot convenience as well.
He didn't defeat her either
And hope is a drug, lifting the user up until crashing them back to reality and despair
I want to thank bully-kun for a job well done.
Behold, your ultimate """HOPE"""
But your argument is that he's beneath her.
In order to prove that he must LOSE that fight.
Or am I not being clear enough for you to understand?
Talents aren't the end all be all in DR but if you still can't understand that I can see why you're in the predicament you're in now.
>still nothing on the meeting of Izuru and manlet
>still nothing about Jabberwock and 'the ships are coming guys!!!!'
>somehow Hopeman forgot his homo moment with Izuru
>Weedman didn't do jackshit even though he got previewed as a' participant'
>The 16 survivors count in the beginning despite Weedman being outside
>Cure W and the 'kirigiri is still alive' meme
I'm ready to see Junko being the mastermind again because what a ride has this one been.
Brother no
Most OP talents
Ultimate analyst= capable of making the plot bends towards your will through deductions
Ultimate luck = Ultimate plot armor in low levels (Naegi) plus ability to bend reality to your will (Nagito)
Does anyone here besides Komaeda like boats?
>Remove Despair from the world
>Hope becomes the new Despair
There's no shortage to DR3 content in that regard.
This makes my DAIKONrock hard.
Delete this
Get this gross midget away from my wife
I'm not in any predicament here, we didn't see their fight, we just saw them clashing the sword once and then separating
I'm just saying that someone like the Ultimate Soldier or the Ultimate Martial Artist would most likely beat Munakata because of the power granted by their talent
I want to play Mega-Chiaki
But user, she secretely yearns for the DAIKON!
Why keep it from her?
Who is this Monokuma Maid everyone keeps mentioning?
Is it a character from Danganronpa Zero or some other side story I didn't read?
Sleep tight Chiakers.
>Why does Junko get away with all of this?
Because no matter what she does she will be forgiven afterall she is beautiful.
He obviously didn't lose otherwise he would have been killed, that should be a no brainer considering Peko is a mass murderer, Chisa has 0 fighting skills and Munakata didn't know Tengan was worth a fuck, so he didn't know Tengan could fight.
Also, as I said, talent helps but it isn't the end all be all, Munakata proved this against Peko and Gozu, and if Tengan is some freaky fuck it'll be even more proof because even IF tengan survived, he still got trounced by Munakata.
sleep tight Chiakers
Casting [Wheel of Fortune] Reversed on tomorrow's episode.
Let us see what happens.
Despair 11 will feature Mitarai growing some balls and try to confront Junko. He'll fail because Chisa betrays him and gets brainwashed into an Ultimate Despair. However his despair side is a hidden alternate personality just like Genocider.
Tengan knows this and recruited him into Future foundation.
The message he gets from Tengan will bring forth his Despair personality.
His alternate personality counts as two people, thus the erroneous survivor count.
You bet she will.
God I fucking hope not I'm fucking tired of Junko
It's funny to look back at the beginning when Gozu died, and people said how they killed off the only interesting Future character. Now you've got Juzoboys, Seikobuddies, Munakatamemesters, Chisafriends, Koichimen, Tenganjiisans, Miayadefenders, ... I'm sure the others have some fans too. Except Ryota. FUCK THAT PUSSY.
>His alternate personality counts as two people
No. Fuck this. If this turns out to be true I'll fly to Japan and punch Kodaka myself.
/r9k/ was right.
People making comments on the entire show after episode 3 have no fucking clue what they're talking about, news at 11.
So when did you guys give up hope on kirigiri coming back?
I gave up when i realized the survivor counter is likley an out of universe plot device so juzo cutting off his hand is irrelivant to the counter
After she died
In a perfect world we would of gotten this.
>giving up hope
>Tengan said in reference to the Kamukura project that he wanted to "protect it". His wording, while not being quite as ambiguous in the funisubs, implies that there's a second Izuru project in the works.
Yeah. He also said he started that project after his change of heart when he realized you cannot extinguish despair with war alone. Which happened like years later.
>Implyng Ryouta doesn't have fans
He is the third new character with more favorites MAL and he gets a lot of fan art.
I like him too
Rurubros report in! FOR DEWICIOUS SWEETS!
He knew Tengan could fight. Did you watch episode 5? Tengan saved him in Munakata's flashback
I said we don't know what happened in that fight because we don't know, maybe he lost but was saved like Tengan saved him before?
He didn't beat Gozu and Gozu wasn't even fighting to kill him so idk what you are talking about
Honestly if you think Munakata can handle the likes of Sakura and Mukuro when he had to drug himself up to beat a jobberbot, you're delusional
damn Ruru you a bitch and I hate you but the pussy game ridic
I haven't, not even a Kirigirifag.
What is wrong with Mitarai again?
its a character from DR0 Secondary scum She's most likely Chisa behind the mask
user, I...
fixed that for you
Forget Chiaka and Kyoko, it's the Hopebot ones that are delusional.
Why would I give up at this point? It's when things look the most hopeless that you gotta keep hoping. It's just one more week anyway.
I've just noticed he specifically says he's here for meeting with Tengan, not Naegi's trial.
So you're essentially trying to imply that Izuru was created after the Tragedy?
Take your Penn memes and put them where they belong.
As a kirigirifag who gave up after ep 11, may i ask why you think that? Everything seems pretty conclusive atm.
I don't understand why miaya has fans. We know nothing about her.
Neagi's trial was what the meeting was about.
Nah. I prefer Toko alive.
Also. Without Fukawa and without Junko dying. Komaru would not be getting any happy end either
He can't keep getting away with it.
Come on~
So I'm watching this show but I thought Chiaki was robot
Drawn scenarios that would have been interesting to see but that we'll never ever get to see.
He knew Tengan could fight. Did you watch episode 5? Tengan saved him in Munakata's flashback
"I thought you lost your fangs"
Also the rest is straight headcannon assumptions.
We've seen Munakata fuck shit up.
We've seen Mukuro job
We've seen Munakata hold his own against Peko.
If you think Peko could handle Edgykata you're crazy.
If you think Mukuro wouldn't get shitstomped against edgykata you're even crazier.
Mukuro hit her peak after Fenrir, she was just praying on security guards and kids after that.
Now let's see what other headcanon you cooked up to try and refute factual evidence.
Not him, but the reason I haven't given up is because it's Dangan Ronpa. If the games have taught me anything it's that the most important things don't happen until the very last minute.
I'm projecting Usami's awesomeness on to the qt therapist and I like her hopebot quite a lot
> Literally ZTD 'there was a guy behind you the entire time that no one noticed, talked to, or mentioned'.
Dr does try to pull the darkest before the dawn trope alot but i think the dawn in this case doesnt involve kirigiri's survival.
It's makes more sense if you simply overlap Usami's personality onto a cute girl like Miaya. Personally I waifu the fake version because she's a sick ass robot and a cute girl.
I'm saying whatever mysterious second project Tengan was talking about was obviously started after the apocalypse already happened.
to be honest. I don't really want her to come back
Still. I think she might get a magic revive regardless though
Never Believe in the Kirijunko
What would an A.I. know about hope?
She did nothing wrong
Literally anything fans can come up with will be much more interesting than what we got in despair arc, mind h a c c my ass Kodaka.
Low quality bait.png
I just think the counter is supposed to be misleading, and I believe in Chekov guns (aka CureW).
Hey, at least this time there were hints instead of it being dropped on you all at once.
And I'm tired of people who keep saying they are tired of seeing Junko
The only truly last minute twist dr pulled was hinata being the mastermind. Kirigiri coming back has more things preventing it than how late it is though.
Not so fast
You know, when Monaca said she didn't know what was happening and took off for space, I believed her. Now I realize, that was terribly naive.
She was clearly in on it. Fully. She didn't get info on the NG codes from hacking into the system after Monokuma took it over. She had them from the start.
When Naegi realized that the Monokuma on the monitor was just a recording, it clicked: Monokuma had been playing back prerecorded messages from the very beginning. He never directly interacted or spoke to anyone.
Except for one person- Gekkogahara. He 'hacked' into her system and altered Monomi, and there was some arguing back and forth at the time.
But once you realize that that was a recording, then that whole scene goes right out the window. Monaca was the one in control of that whole event, and delivered her lines perfectly to create the false impression that Monokuma was speaking to them live.
Does this make her the mastermind? Probably not. In the words of Toko 'I used to think she was an evil bitch, but now I'm starting to think she's just an idiot.' But she definitely WAS colluding with the mastermind.
Yeah but Tengan seemed surprised that he showed up. Also Munakata was the one who called the meeting, right? Tengan was just a figurehead and mostly just let Munakata take care of everything.
Even an SoL anime about class 77 and class 78 goofing off constantly?
>So when did you guys give up hope on kirigiri coming back?
>she will never feed you sweets via kissing.
Truly despair inducing.
I know nobody wants Junko to return once more. But after she's been involved in the end stage at some form for DR1, SDR2 and DR:AE it would feel odd if she were missing from DR3's conclusion. You could chalk it up that "Junko's influence" is what caused all this (hence the Junko eyes on the knife in the OP). I wouldn't mind a short Junko re-appearance.
Huh, interesting, maybe I'll give it a read later, thanks.
B-baby Junko?
My heart...
Never, she will live.
do the Snakemen count as kids cause they jobbed pretty hard to Mukuro
I really wanted to see some class 77 SoL with Hajime.
I'm not a girifag and I'll be fine with whatever happens to her (there are things about this anime that make me angrier than that potential asspull would), I'm just saying I'm not about to rule anything out until the final episode airs.
wtf I like Juzo now
Considering Kirigiri held her own against them and Kirigiri got stomped by Juzo, yeah.
I bet Ryoko will bump into Chisa, and Ryoko will be all, "Aaah, e-excuse me, ma'am!" then Chisa will reply with those bedroom despair eyes and a smile, "No no, it's my fault. Do be careful from now on."
Honestly, yes. I'll be really happy seeing my favourite characters doing cute things together.
The counter is misleading but misleading is different than outright lying.
GOOD choice!
Suicide video being pre-recorded =/= it's all pre-recorded
>Yeah but Tengan seemed surprised that he showed up
Maybe he really didn't have an NG prepared for him since Tengan wasn't even expecting him to come to begin with.
Mitarai just can't do anything right.
Should I just pretend Despair never happened and keep to my fan theories of why 77th class fell into despair because its a hella lot better than what we got.
we will never have an anime dedicated to loil junko getting shota Matsuda and her Onee-chan Mukuro in trouble
>Nakahara points out that in despair, Yukizome is not all “I’ll make you despair, hahaha!” but more like “Let’s do our best to dye the world in despair!” Cute, she says.
Whether in hope or despair Chisa prioritizes cuteness above all. CHISA IS CUTE. CUUUUUTE
I do.
>I know nobody wants Junko to return once more
Speak for yourself.
>kirigirifags still in denial
>Sakura will never give you a rough handjob and make you cum into her coffee for a healthy infusion of protein.
>They have a laugh about how sad it is that Yukizome seemed to be putting up a fight with no chance of winning
Even the cast think Chisa is a wasted character.
Fair enough
Did they have to make her suicide look adorable?
It won't be a lie, I trust Kodaka to find a trick to it.
Gundam hijinks is all I need in my life.
>nobody wants Junko to return
Delete this
Why not? Nothing that happened in it seems canon to me.
Ill join you denial bro. Ill stay delusional till the very end.
Where are you getting this form?
Count me in as well.
Put this in the collage.
Go watch that entire fucking monologue at the beginning and tell me when Monokuma directly addresses, answers, or in any way acknowledges anyone at any point, except for the fucking Despair drone.
Not once. Not even once. That was 1000% a recording. At no point in this entire game has there been an actual person at the wheel. The mastermind has been in the game and subject to the same rules as everyone else the entire time.
Yes they did
So how are the rest of you guys dealing with despair? Pic related for me.
Fuck, please bring back Chiaki Hajime you meme loving fuck. You need to protect that smile.
How is the Ryota fanbase called?
And yeah, he's immensely popular on tumblr because cute defenseless boy.
>nobody wants Junko to return
The only problem I see with Junko returning at this point is that I don't see how she and Tengan are related without the show pulling out a last minute bullshit twist. And I don't believe for a second that Tengan is innocent. Even without the phone message this week there's a mountain of evidence against him.
Random theory, but what if tomorrow's episode focused on the Warriors of Hope and the Towa Group? After all, Towa Group was making the Monokumas, and it might be an interesting prelude to the Tragedy which will probably still mostly happen off-screen, because I feel like trying to cover the whole start of the Tragedy using a whole episode could be pretty rushed.
Also because UDG as a whole seems to have been mostly irrelevant to DR3.
If its an in universe counter you can pull a truck with juzo cutting off his hand leading to the bracelet not reading his heart beat. But if its out of universe then theres no way to explain the counter going down by 3 without just being a lie.
Trivia time!
Did you know that Chiaki and Junko are the only two heroines to have canonically suffered multiple executions over the course of the series?
Furthermore, that they are both the heroines with the greatest physical endurance shown? Interestingly, there's also a bit of an odd parallel between their virtual and their real world selves.
AI Chiaki and Real Junko died in relative peace, satisfied that they were able to achieve their goals even if they weren't quite able to overcome their trials.
Meanwhile, Real Chiaki and AI Junko died in misery, cursing their fortune and dying in regret after being just about as completely destroyed as they could be.
Could it mean anything for the grand finale?
Maybe not, but it is food for thought.
Nope. This was part of the plan Miaya helped to come up with. Monaca killed her and took over the bot after that, and thus got access to everything Gekkogahara had stored in the bot.
Im sure things will work out
i want her in v3 so much
No more UDG please
>loil junko
closest thing to that was this design, I believe
Why is he naked under his coat?
Japan likes Cute boys, Nothing new with that.
If Ruruka and Hiyoko managed to get fans is not weird that Mitarai has too.
She's a bitch but I bet she's a beast in bed. Her insecurities are relatable to be honest, I feel like everyone can understand having an insecurity you know is bad for you and it's harmful but you can't help but let it take over you.
I kinda want it all to be a simulation so she's back alive.
>Black Junko
Aw yeah!
I find hilarious how pretty much everyone wants Junko's appearance even if just a fanservice fueled sendoff
Its possible Tengen was the one who brought Junko to Hope's Peak because like Jin he's obsessed with talent. He only didn't approve of Izuru because he's artificial.
It won't. The tragedy really doesn't mean much for the plot, the real focus will be on Tengan and Mitarai for certain, and possibly Izuru 2.0.
The two first despair episode are still my favorite from this arc, I'd be totally okay with this
>True Gyaru Junko
If only Chisa and Chiaki passed by Hajime when he walked past Class 77-B.
I dont know how to deal with it
Im retarded and still think cure w will happen.
can you post a pic of you cumming on that drawing?
I'd kill for Juzo's beta and final designs.
would not mind more UDG stuff. Komaru getting kidnapped or Monaka meeting Junko
But... i doubt they will show that.
Hey guys, check this out!
I've always wanted her to appear in DR3 Future as a farewell to Hope's Peak before moving onto new content in DRV3.
Me two.
Still cant get over kirigiri really being dead
I'm coming soon
>But if its out of universe then theres no way to explain the counter going down by 3 without just being a lie.
I like the Juzo hand theory but if it's out of universe bullshit we want:
Counter went down by 3 because Kirigiri really died but her body survived thanks to Cure W. Junko's personality inside her is the 16th participant who is still alive.
wtf I hate hope now
>But if its out of universe then theres no way to explain the counter going down by 3 without just being a lie.
I mean if the bangles are unrelated and it's an out of universe thing then it probably means it was just counting Hagakure all along.
As long as she doesn't suffer anymore I'm okay with it.
Munakata is mighty powerful however. His talent isn't even combat-based but he was actually pushing back Gozu, who is a beast. He's not a jobber like Juzo. Then after his upgrades (Tengan chuusen, Seiko drug, Izayoi sword) he's one of the most powerful DR characters barring Mary Sues (coughIzuru).
I know that feel, user.
Knowing that she was a nasty toilet clogger made me change my mind.
what am i looking at here?
wtf I love despair now
It's actually "SS" cuz he's a nazi.
Oh god shut up.
They said in the games it was brainwashing.
>tfw no Nanagiri
I just want the two best girls to share some love with each other.
Imposter Ryota is better! The Imposter is often better than the original if you ask me. Better than the shitty real Byakuya for sure. Imposter is a cool and nice guy.
I think there's an artbook coming with the first BD/DVD volume, I hope someone scans it
Fanservice, user.
I mean, why else would he be so obsessed with talented people, aka Übermensch?
Junko's talent isn't combat based either yet in DR0 she had the strength to twist someone twice her size's neck.
To put simply just because your talent isn't combat based doesn't mean you're definitely incapable of fighting.
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Despair Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
Tell my waifu I loved her
Classes 77 and 78 interacting would be pretty cool.
>Hagakure and Souda doing utter stupidity together
>Hagakure avoiding Fuyuhiko like the plague while Fuyuhiko just can't seem to remember who he is
>Akane, Aoi, Sakura and Nidai doing exercises together
>Aoi doing her best to make Akane wear a swimsuit to the pool
>Ibuki trying to recruit people from class 78 to her band while ignoring Leon
>Nidai pestering Leon about going back to baseball
>Awkward apologize-a-thons involving Mikan and Chihiro that only get worse when Owada shows up
>Naegi and Nagito still never meet, but class 77 starts getting paranoid about how similar they are and come up with crackpot theories
>Nagito visits class 78 and Togami tells him to tell people things on instinct
Just one beach episode would have been nice Kodaka you hack.
No, Because even the fucking game said that they were brainwashed.
>I kinda want it all to be a simulation so she's back alive.
This is just Mitarai's brainwashing anime commissioned by Tengan to increase cohesion in the FF.
People like you pretend canon things in shows aren't just because they don't want to accept it happened disgust me. You're all just bitter that they killed off your favorite characters anyway. Everybody in these threads was hype as fuck about the show until Seiko died, then people started to hate it. Or at least pretend too.
I think it was an interesting peak into just how fucked Naegi's head is right now. Basically all he's running on right now is hope and Kyoko's last words to him. You take those two things away and he crumbles pretty fast.
jokes on you I've mindhacked the anime already
>A mere few months after Hiyoko attains this perfect form, she will have a growth spurt and become shit
I realized but in the entirety of Despair arc we haven't seen Junko once not be the cartoon villain and act as a normal student. I mean, she was a student there after all and acting normally with class 78, plus all the fashion jobs she had as an in-demand model. But the anime portrays her as someone who has Tourette Syndrome and can't help but have random crazy outbursts. She should be able to control her demeanor. I want to see that in the last episode, where she acts sweet/innocent like what despair Chisa has been doing.
I'd just like her to appear and just have the survivors act condescending and friendly
>was this really necessary Junko?
>didn't you like the new game Naegi?
>I liked it better with the trials
>but the bracelets were fun at least right?
>they were bullshit, Bandai was doomed from the start
>waaaaaaaaaaaaah, you're mean
No it didn't. In SDR2 it said that Junko using her charisma and manipulative skiils, brought people into despair one by one. Why do you think so many people are disappointed with 'brainwash'? Because we were lied to.
I really wanted to see Ruruka stuffing her mouth with sweets.
She really hated herself.
Even better is when something happens that throws off the genre savvy tards who think they can guess everything and suddenly everyone is mad they were out witted, so to justify it they go on rants about the writing quality and how nothing out of their imagination or rules about "Flags" should ever happen.
OR the people who come into a fucking DANGANRONPA anime and complain about character NOT GETTING ENOUGH DEVELOPMENT.
Easiest way to tell they've never touched DR before the anime.
What does her nectar taste like I wonder?
Waifufags are cancer.
I never care about them but Kirigirifags becomes worse than the Mikanfags after E9.
Complaining about a character dying in a franchise about characters killing each other is dumb.
She must be really annoying to attend classes with.
No wonder everyone just keeps covering her face all the time
Well yeah, that's a part of Junko's character. She's a huge fucking liar.
Juzo's never looked more attractive to me than in this picture.
How kinky is her and Izayoi's sex? I wonder if they like shove candy into each other's assholes and try to each each other's asses to try to get the candy. After they eat the asshole candy, I wonder if Ruruka regurgitates her asshole candy to Izayoi's mouth. I wonder if they make Seiko make them painkillers so they can shove more and more cany into each others assholes.
Didn't Naegi say something to the effect of 'Kyoko would hate me if I killed myself now'? Would've been some neat pottery.
That was a file written by FF Information Head and Remnant of Despair Chisa covering up the Despair video and making Junko Seem impossible to beat
>like what despair Chisa has been doing
That despair smile that Chisa did was so lame though.
Junko also probably committed random mini acts of despair while with her class to keep herself from getting bored. Like how she flipped over that big puzzle she was working on.
welp, time to wedge myself into a wall
She also said that Izuru killed the entire council and we know that it was a lie since DR0.
She is known to be a liar
thats cause she has to go through being Ryoko before she actually attends class
Matsuda didnt have anything to do with Izuru project did he?
Hifumi tries to be friends with Fatarai
Celestia tries to win Sonia's castle from her through gambling
Teruteru stalks Sayaka
Word of God is it's Aoi's.
It's not that he killed my favourite character who is basically in coma right now anyways, what we got is simply not as good as it could've been. I'm perfectly fine with brainwashing, but the fact that we'll not get any dr0 moments, class 77 interactions with Hajime and literally anything with class 78 is plain sad. I guess I'm just salty that they tried to make the retarded trio interesting and made Hajime into 'How dull' character so early.
They specifically said it was brainwashing (and this is coming from the actual Makoto, not Junko's fake one).
And they talked about the shutdown sequence and how it would still undo their brainwashing, it would just leave them with their original memories and not the ones from the game. It couldn't have been their own choice if they can just simply undo what made them become Ultimate Despair.
After DR3 I can't actually deny this now, because its now true, but before DR3 existed Junko had never outright lied about anything but she didn't tell the whole truth either.
Why would class 77th interact with Hajime or class 78th? Also, You shouldn't have expected DR0 when they are skipping things that we already know.
I forgot to mention that it feels like 18 people are actually students in HPA which is fucking wrong no matter how you look at it.
Here you go, friend.
>The mastermind has been in the game and subject to the same rules as everyone else the entire time.
Oh really?
Then pray tell, what is Mitarai's forbidden action?
>People like you
>disgust me
Ooooh abloobloobloo
Literally the only reason this anime exists is because Kodaka thought the absurd hope vs despair conflict needed a resolution for some reason but wasn't willing to put in the work required for making a proper game. He isn't even writing the fucking scripts of the episodes, he's just in charge of plot supervision.
He's not gonna be offended because some people don't like a story he himself isn't really invested in. He just wants to move on to V3 already.
>DR3 existed Junko had never outright lied about anything but she didn't tell the whole truth either.
-Flashback with Matsuda
-DR1 case 5
-Survivors would die if they fo outside!
-Izuru killing the council
Literally why not, every single character could somehow end up in coversation with him and watching FTE anime edition seems good to me.
She accepted Makoto as the one guilty of killing Mukuro Ikusaba instead of punishing the whole class.
It would be funny if Nagito is in the 78 class and not Makoto. The class trials would be awesome for sure.
Letting his balls drop.
Nah, it wont. Kodaka said Zero would be plot relevant too but all we've seen are a couple cameos for a few seconds, while UDG basically had an entire episode devoted to it. I think that one episode is all UDG will get.
>Flashback with Matsuda
>DR1 case 5
Monokuma is its own evil autonomous entity
>Survivors would die if they fo outside!
Everyone will die eventually
>Izuru killing the council
We dont know this yet
That'd take way too much time. Maybe of despair had 24 episodes, but it'd cut into too much time from the rest of the story. And in all honesty, interaction always took 2nd place in terms of priority with this series.
/h/ is pretty slow. I really hope a good artist draw some hot and lewd Hiyoko x Teruteru stuff.
Tin foil hat fitting you alright user?
>We dont know this
Did you just completely miss the episode where the student council is shown killing eachother with Izuru only killing one of them in self defense?
I guess I was expecting too much, at least I had plenty of Komaeda's moments to compensate.
Those are Naegi's eyes. The hair bangs are literally the same. I know because I autistically compared several shots from the opening a few weeks ago.
DR1 says otherwise. She lied multiple times to try and execute Kyoko.
question . . .
did Chisa ever smile before getting Despair'd?
Nevermind, I'm retarded and completely misread the post. Carry on.
>-Flashback with Matsuda
That was from Matsuda's pov.
>-DR1 case 5
The only thing she did wrong here was to execute Naegi and you never know maybe she was the one who installed AE in the execution as she was getting bored and wanted to put an end to the killing game.
>-Survivors would die if they fo outside!
That was actually true, until Towa Group purified the toxins.
-Izuru killing the council
Until DR3 all we knew about that killing game was that Izuru was the winner and one person survived and Junko was behind it.
The flashback with Matsuda and the sand casttle
>Monokuma is its own evil autonomous entity
Nice argument
>Everyone will die eventually
She said that the air is shit and will die for it after a week, We learn that it was a lie with the future games
>We dont know this yet
Yes, We knew, DR0 was released before DR2.
He didn't even technically kill that guy, he fell on his own damn chainsaw.
He killed one and we dont know if he killed any off-screen. Still counts as killing some of it.
Kirigiri is alive!
No problem, my friend, this was one of the things I wasn't really sure about at all and my eyes were killing me so I HOPED somebody already did something about that.
>Until DR3 all we knew about that killing game was that Izuru was the winner and one person survived and Junko was behind it.
Read DR0.
Too bad.
Every episode
But in DR3 Makoto doesn't know about brainwashing videos and asks Ryota if that's possible.
Just give it up, brainwash purists.
It could be that Izuru told Makoto they got brainwashed but didn't specify the method.
Literally 3:36 of Despair episode one.
In the games, though, even the characters who died early got development via FTEs. Even Leon and Junkuro got a bit of love in DR1 despite having only like 3 events (and I'm not counting school mode because that didn't exist in the original release). I think that's what people mean when they talk about a lack of development, because there's only so much you can do in a 12-episode series with such a large cast.
I don't disagree with the other things you said, though.
That's giving me even less reason to trust you.
Ibuki friends, report!
Why do you love this beautiful musician?
Excited to see her again tomorrow?
She blame Neagi in Case 5.
How is that not a lie?
Your Dragonronpa waifu will never make ugly faces to celebrate your reunion with her
>counting self-defense as murder
Where is this?
I have and that's all the info you're given.
Speaking of things that are in the OP...
What would be Nagito's best laughing scene?
so what the fuck is with that Title then? Shouldn't have been, "Chisa doesn't smile like a fucking psychopath"?
>That despair smile that Chisa did was so lame though.
It was a bit unnecessary. The shadow over the eyes was enough. But it was to clue in the braindead idiots. Not like anyone could've seen it. Plus can't help but smile if you manage to expertly fool everyone.
>Kodaka isn't even writing the anime
>Gets proven wrong
>b-b-b-but he use a leddit link it doesn't count
So who is this?
Just a title name.
Calm down my man.
I still haven't gotten an actual answer to my question yet. Why was Kirigiri's orientation completley reversed when the time limit activated? She fell forward TOWARDS Naegi and Mitarai yet is found on her back, AWAY from Naegi and Mitarai.
As I said framing Neagi in case 5 is literally the only time she lied in DR1 and this was because she personally got involved in the killing game as the remaining 6 refused to kill anymore.
> Chisa! Takai takai!
Who is the purest dangan?
It was probably more symbolic of something else. What exactly, I'm not sure of. I might think of something later.
scene-by-scene continuity isnt one of this show's strongest points
Did you forget? She wasn't trying to kill Naegi, she was trying to kill Kyoko. Because Kyoko had stolen the master key.
It's Juzo.
Any other answer is a fucking lie.
It's still Naegi.
It was symbolic, she doesn't smile from her heart after being brainwashed.
I want Junko back.
As the Ultimate Neurologist he was likely involved. The Steering Committee seem to entrust him with a lot of shady dealings.
Sakura, Chihiro, Impostor
Posting for 0's that Chiaki is alive
I'm going now goodbye
I want to lick her pussy.
In life or death, real or electronic, the answer is always the same.
>Hiyoko and Fukawa insult each other until both break down from the mental damage
>Aoi admiring Sonia for being a really feminine princess
>Peko and Mondo bonding over talking about dogs
>Chihiro and Chiaki in a heated conversation about games, except for Chihiro is mostly about the programming and Chiaki talking about gameplay
>Mahiru chastizing Ishimaru, asking him to get it together, and him taking her 100% seriously
>Teruteru making Aoi blush into a puddle with dirty talk and then getting beat up by Sakura
>Mikan freaking out over Sakura trying to treat Asahina with protein after she is wounded
Really, we could do this all day, with all the FTEs and stuff, DR gives us such vibrant characters...most of the time
No I didn't forget, you're right. After master key was stolen, she decided to kill Neagi and frame Kirigiri for his death. Kirigiri caught her in the act, so she had to change her plan to using Mukuro's corpse and blaming Kirigiri for that. She only went with Neagi when Kirigiri ratted him out.
My bloody sides you motherfucker
She frames Kirigiri, but its not a lie. She never says Kirigiri was the murderer. She just sets up the evidence to make it seem most likely to be Kirigiri, and let the other students come to their own conclusion.
Of course, they go with Naegi because Junko didn't know about the Togami having the key.
The browns.
Juzo is a maiden in love
Akane has the sexual awareness of a toddler
Aoi gets embarrassed over being seen with her hair down, spaghettis over stuff she says herself by accident and blushes into mush over as much as the implication of lewdness
whats with that scar? did i miss some FTEs?
You user!
>living in a pharmacy until the age of 10
So who wrote it? Seiko or Mikan?
I don't think Hajime's very pure anymore, user.
Chisa. Search your heart, you know it to be true.
You forgot Sakura and her pure love for her husbando.
Chiaki's already been penetrated senpaitachi
Just a tattoo.
probably Seiko then
Girl would know about disappointment in life
>ywn lick Seiko's braces
So what does this have relavance too at all.
Probably what's in the bracelet to make everybody go nighty night.
No, They show how some students are killing each other.
Which prove that Junko was lying about Izuru killing everybody.
>Mukuro lost against the Ultimate everything
>"She jobbed"
Are you retarded? I bet you're just memeing at this point
> Then after his upgrades (Tengan chuusen, Seiko drug, Izayoi sword) he's one of the most powerful DR characters barring Mary Sues (coughIzuru).
Holy shit you're delusional
The drugs only make him capable of fighting someone like jobberbot, the sword and the chuusen are just weapons
Someone who is specialized in weapons (Mukuro) or in bare handed combat (Sakura or Kenshiro) would wreck him completely
It means she merely took sleeping pills
He will name it Hope
Double 0 for the future
Too bad, bit check this for hope
how did the meme of doing horrifying but strangely arousing things to Chiaki even start?
>Brainwashing is what caused all this
It kinda undermines the whole point of the series if it isn't really despair doesn't it?