Is there any other manga/anime that centered around kebabs?
Is there any other manga/anime that centered around kebabs?
Don't compare to guys to those shitskins today.
they are also fuccboi according to japs
dumping the last chapter
oh boy..
I read the whole thing thanks to OPT, hope brown grill appears again soon.
>Christians running away from turkshits
>No glorious winged hussars chasing the turkshits away from the walls.
Next you are going to tell me the turkshits are the good guys.
irony is their fellow christian "bretheren" returned their gratitude by partitioned their country up while only the Ottomans supported them in their dire times
>slavshit still mad
Don't worry boy. We'll make you and rest of the balkan races into our personal fuccbois soon.
>turk saying yeehaw