Good afternoon, Cred Forums! All waifus are amazing and beautiful, be sure to cherish your beloved today and always!
Question time, to get things rolling!
You and your waifu want to go on vacation, but you're not able to go on your grand week-long dream retreat to some faraway destination due to extenuating circumstances (money, work, etc.) If you can only go somewhere for the weekend, within the same state/just a few hundred miles or kilometers of you, where would you want to go?
Have you ever felt like you're neglecting your beloved or aren't cherishing them enough? What do you do to make it up to them?
If you could take your waifu to any restaurant regardless of price, but it had to be in your city/within a few cities of you, where would you take them?
What would your first kiss be like? Spontaneous? Planned? Where would it be?
How does your waifu handle stressful situations? How do you help them handle it?
Remember to compliment a waifu today! Yours are all absolute darlings!
Beat me to it! Good thing I double checked before posting!
We'd probably visit Toronto and get a hotel for the weekend and see stuff around the city and relax.
Sorta, sometimes it feels like I'm not doing enough but I don't really know how to make it up to her.
>food place
A big food court a short ways from here so she can try any fast food she wants. As silly as it sounds she'd likely appreciate that more than a fancy restaurant.
Surprise most likely
Not well, she bottles it up a lot. I can't do much except be there for her.
Nanami is super cute!
What do you think they'd say your biggest flaw is? Would they want you to improve that flaw or would they be accepting of it as something that can't be rushed or changed?
What's the biggest flaw you see in them? Would you want them to change that or are you accepting of their flaws?
What's the hardest thing you've done for your loved one?
What do you do to feel closer together?
Michael James
Threadly reminder that every wednesday, in a different universe waifus gather at an imageboard to talk about their anons.
Nathan Rivera
What if the user's waifu is dead in their respected universe?
Andrew Morgan
-Feel like this has been happening quite a bit more often that I'd like to admit. In any event, I know of a nice place by the beach that she'd enjoy. -I've hit that curve before. Fortunately, I'm on the upswing again. Usually I try to give her more attention than normal. -I know of a nice sushi parlor that she'd love. -Private. Some out of the way local where it would be just the two of us. -She can keep her cool pretty well under stress, but when she really gets ticked she becomes very cold.
-Severe issues regarding avoidancy and sensitivity to criticism. I can't imagine her being all that accepting of it, though she would know that it's not something that disappears overnight. Just as long as it doesn't ensnare anyone else. -She can be difficult to read when she has her aloof shield up. For someone who has trouble reading between the lines, I imagine that it would make things quite difficult at times. Though I know it would be something I'd have to work up the nerve and approach her about. -Working on my drive and trying to be more assertive for her. It goes against almost every fiber of my being, but I know that she would be crushed if I gave up without a fight. -Usually listening to her music tends to help.
Connor Nelson
>respected I assume you meant respective.
You assume the waifu only exists in one universe. There ought to be at least one universe where the waifu is alive.
Nathaniel Powell
>If you can only go somewhere for the weekend, within the same state/just a few hundred miles or kilometers of you, where would you want to go? Maybe go hiking in the near by mountains.
>Have you ever felt like you're neglecting your beloved or aren't cherishing them enough? What do you do to make it up to them? no
>If you could take your waifu to any restaurant regardless of price, but it had to be in your city/within a few cities of you, where would you take them? I don't know much of them. But my favourite one isn't that expansive through.
>What would your first kiss be like? Spontaneous? Planned? Where would it be? Spontaneous. I would kiss her.
>How does your waifu handle stressful situations? How do you help them handle it? She is good in handling them. But I would signal her that I'm always there to help her.
>What do you think they'd say your biggest flaw is? Would they want you to improve that flaw or would they be accepting of it as something that can't be rushed or changed? My biggest flaw is that I never get anything done.
>What's the biggest flaw you see in them? She is flawless. There is nothing that could be improved.
>What's the hardest thing you've done for your loved one? Don't know.
>What do you do to feel closer together? I always feel close.
What do you think about your waifu Seiyuu? How does it make you feel when other characters share the same Seiyuu?
Jackson Robinson
Thanks for making the thread -Just an adventure through anywhere natural is fun. In the mountains or by the sea or wherever. Maybe even camping in the woods. -I don't think so. Maybe that's selfish, but I can never tell how much I should give so I only give what's natural. I guess, but sometimes my "natural" means I spend the entire day thinking about her in the back of my head. -I don't know much about good restaurants unfortunately. But there's a Greek place that's really good near me, I don't want to name it. But it's got a nice family/fancy atmosphere right in the middle of the city. I think she'd like something like that. -Suprise kiss at the end of a date, I'll tell her to close her eyes because I want to give something to her. Light at first and then go in harder. -Pretty well, she's brave in the face of any danger. I'll do whatever I can, don't know what else to say. I'll throw my body in front of her, get down and crawl through the mud. I'd kill or be killed, do anything. -I'm nihilistic and don't care about a lot of things in real life. No real drive to do anything greater than protect this little life I have. Wandering through life like it's a dream that I'll just wake up from. -She goes with the flow and doesn't do what needs to be done because of it. She has the power and the drive to do things, but others get in the way and sway her opinion. -I don't know. It's not like I've given up anything. Time I spend with her would be wasted otherwise. Working and bettering myself for her is actually fun. Yukarin is amazing and my favorite seiyuu, instantly love and recognize her voice in other works. I wish seiyuubros would respond to me. eg. Suzuhafags and Nuifags. I'm not particularly jealous, they've got great taste. Sometimes I listen to other character songs by her and they remind me of Rika.
Blake Rivera
Do you ever get distracted by your beloved when you should be concentrating on other things? Have they ever held you back because you can't escape them? Have they ever caused problems for you? Did you ever get annoyed or frustrated?
Owen Hernandez
>You and your waifu want to go on vacation, but you're not able to go on your grand week-long dream retreat to some faraway destination due to extenuating circumstances (money, work, etc.) If you can only go somewhere for the weekend, within the same state/just a few hundred miles or kilometers of you, where would you want to go? There's really no where decent in the north east of England for some place like that but I imagine we'd go to a cheap bed and breakfast together in the countryside
>Have you ever felt like you're neglecting your beloved or aren't cherishing them enough? What do you do to make it up to them? Whenever I'm busy with work or hospital appointments but I just buy her loads of books
>What would your first kiss be like? Spontaneous? Planned? Where would it be? Probably spontaneous when she is rambling on about books and I just go for it without her realizing, depending on whether it would be with tongue or on the cheek I'll leave out.
>How does your waifu handle stressful situations? How do you help them handle it? Hugs and cups of tea
That is an incredibly cute thought.
What traits do you love most about your waifu? I think the way she seeks out books and can just spend hours browsing, picking or analyzing which ones on the shelf to get herself. It's very hypnotic in a way.
David Barnes
Thanks OP!
>where would you want to go? Most likely out to go fishing/camping up at the big lake where I live! We would bring all the pets and enjoy the great outdoors! >neglecting your beloved Once in awhile when I fall into low spirits, I have thoughts like that, but after a while I snap out of it. >where would you take them? We have almost no restaurants around where I live, I will have to look into it some more! >first kiss It would be an unexpected, in the moment thing that we both gravitated toward. >stressful situations? Hibiki is great with dealing with stress, but she has moments when she lets it get to her. I would simply console her and let her talk it out while being surrounded by me and our pets, and maybe her friends if it helps. She seems to do better when she has company to console and motivate her. >compliment a waifu Kagura a cute and is lucky to have such a loving husbando!
>my biggest flaw How I tend to get in my own way sometimes, Hibiki helps me with this by motivating me and telling me how she would go about handling it. >her biggest flaw I'd say her biggest flaw is her tendency to get cocky/overconfident and lose sight of things that are important to her at times. I want to do my best to help her keep sight of the things that are important to her. >hardest thing Nankurunaisa! Keeping positive and putting one foot in front of the other when things look bleak. As long as we keep moving forward and not lose sight of ourselves or what we have to be grateful for, we can take on the whole world together! >closer I try to incorporate her into everything I do, and carry her with me everywhere I go. I ask myself, "What would she do in this situation?" And do my best to live my life in a way she would live hers!
>waifu Seiyuu? Is sort of a "She sould a lot like her mother" kid of thing.
Her connection with animals and nature! It helps me to appreciate it myself.
Off to work, be back later!
Ayden Garcia
So I guess apparently my waifu's alter-ego's (grandma?) from the universe of Japan's darkest post-war timeline is a gun toting money loving spunky prostitute. Dammit Ryukishi what are you trying to do.
Landon Walker
Have a fantastic week, fellow waifubros!
Nolan Torres
>where would you want to go? Within my own state actually, there's plenty of camping and scenic outdoor things to do up north. Anything cozy with her outside of a cabin on a Fall night would be my ideal vacation anyways.
>Have you ever felt like you're neglecting your beloved or aren't cherishing them enough? Not really. I think about her everyday.
>If you could take your waifu to any restaurant regardless of price, but it had to be in your city/within a few cities of you, where would you take them? I'm not actually knowledgeable of any. I'm not taking her to fast food or a chain, so maybe it'd be fun to look around and peruse different options?
>What would your first kiss be like? Spontaneous? Planned? Where would it be? Aren't they all spontaneous? Seriously though, yeah, it'd probably be spontaneous. Equal chance either of us initiate it.
>How does your waifu handle stressful situations? PANIC
>What traits do you love most about your waifu? That she's so mischievous and funny underneath her quiet exterior.
If you guys happened across your waifu with no prior knowledge of them how do you think your first time meeting would go? How would you break the ice?
Do you do anything creative for them? Do you write stories/music, draw for them?
All waifus are very, very precious, cherish them!
Jose Young
>vacation Probably out to a cabin by the lake. I'm sure the stars would be beautiful there! >neglect I have, but a swift reminder that she's the only one for me is usually enough >restaraunt There's a great pizza place called Pies and Pints that makes the best pizza pies around. No brainer, really >kissu Spontaneous for both of us! I haven't thought about it yet >stress Wraps herself up in her futon and sulks. Once I get her talking, though, I can lift her spirits
Do you ever jam out with some music with your waifu? if so, to what kind of music?
John Bennett
>Have you ever felt like you're neglecting your beloved or aren't cherishing them enough? What do you do to make it up to them? When work and life get in the way it can happen. However, that's just the normal flow of things, so I don't get super down about it. >If you could take your waifu to any restaurant regardless of price, but it had to be in your city/within a few cities of you, where would you take them Donovan's would be nice. >What's the hardest thing you've done for your loved one? Subjective I suppose. One end, telling the family and others about her, on the other end staying as calm and collected as possible while getting poked thousands of times by a needle for our 4th anniversary. >What do you do to feel closer together? Rewatch/read stuff, skim pics, simply hugging the daki, and so on. She's pretty cute and silly. I try to tune in to nico shows to hear her since god knows when she'll pick up the role again. I just think of those characters as player 2 and 3 and so ons colors. >Do you do anything creative for them? Holiday and Anniversary setups are always joyous to brainstorm and create.
Jacob Green
Ohayou, friend.
Her VA is pretty sultry, at least compared to some of the roles I've heard her in (Chisato Hasegawa, Sakaki-san, Carrera), though it's not often that I run into others with the same voice.
I'm pretty good at keeping myself grounded in spite of my tendency to get distracted easily. That said, though, keeping my temper does lead to some unfortunate side-effects...
The warmth she shows to those she cares for. It shows that beneath that aloof exterior beats a heart that hopes for the best for you.
-Pretty much the same as any other encounter. Hopefully it becomes one of those moments where we actively try to spend more time engaging one another. -I have a small collection of tales I've written, though admittedly it's nothing more than a shoddy rip-off of the Panda-Kun classics from days of old.
I wish I could, especially considering the potential for us to make wonderful music together. Alas, the closest we can get to jamming is just listening to the work of others...or selections from her own musical library. A particularly unfortunate topic, but does your special one engage in any sort of compulsive behavior?
Hudson Ortiz
>Vacation? Possibly Helen, or I might take her to Chattanooga if we were to go a bit further north >Neglect? Sometimes I find myself preoccupied with other things, but if I am not doing anything then she is almost always what is on my mind >Restaurant? I would take her to a nice fancy restaurant for a romantic dinner. It would have to be a restaurant that serves decently sized portions though >Kiss? It would probably be spontaneous >Stress? She tries to deal with it herself but sometimes it may become too much. If that happens then I would ask if there is anything I can do to help and try to calm her down by comforting her.
>My biggest flaw? Either my stubbornness, or the fact that I tend to take some time to pick on some minor things. I'm sure she would still love me and accept that. >What's the biggest flaw you see in them? She can seem a little overprotective, but I don't really see that as too much of a flaw, and I also find it lovely. >What's the hardest thing you've done for your loved one? Don't know, but I do know that as long as I love her I feel like anything else that happens doesn't matter nearly as much. >What do you do to feel closer together? I listen to her songs every day before bed, I think about her whenever I'm not busy, and I make her the last thing I see when I go to bed, and the first thing I see when I wake up.
I can't really judge her talent but she seems very good. >other characters? I haven't seen much of her other work, but I do like Aqua in KonoSuba
I like how cute she can get, also the fact that she will do almost anything for her darling.
I edit some photos of her, such as cutting out certain manga panels or cutting out a picture of her from a group to just get her.
I have a playlist with many different genres that I enjoy listing to with her.
Questions: Where would you take your waifu on your honeymoon? Do you have any pictures of you and your waifu?
Jacob Parker
Thank you very much OP!
>vacation There's a few seaside towns/cities that I wouldn't mind visiting with her. >neglecting It happens sometimes, usually due to work-related issues. >make it up to them? If I get the time I like to hang out with her in town, either going out for lunch or to watch a movie. >restaurant Where I live isn't short of fancy places to eat. There's some I've never visited before that I'd like to try out. We'd probably settle for one of the steak houses. >first kiss Spontaneous. And she'd probably be the one to initiate it. >stressful situations? It depends. She's usually fairly calm about them, but her college entrance exams did stress her out quite a bit. >How do you help them handle it? Again it depends, there's some situations where I'd be able to help more than others, but in any case, the least I can do is be there for her.
>your biggest flaw? She'd most likely say that I can be lazy at times. >Would they want you to improve that flaw I'm trying my best to do that, for her and for myself! >biggest flaw you see in them? She's not exactly the sharpest light bulb, academically speaking. >Would you want them to change that I don't mind, her strengths in other areas counteract that. >hardest thing you've done Taking that first step. >feel closer together? There's a few things.
Kuwashima's great! She's done very well for herself in the VA business. It's not too odd for me hearing her in other roles, she hasn't really used her "Kagura" voice in anything else as far as I've heard.
My mind does drift to thoughts of her at times, sometimes at inopportune moments. I wouldn't say those thoughts have ever been a negative in my life though, except for when I first fell for her and tried to deny my feelings.
Charles Lopez
>vacation A fancy hotel in the capital >neglecting Pretty much any time I'm not with her. There's no such thing as "enough" >first kiss I wouldn't want to plan it, just whenever it feels natural. She might have other ideas though >stressful situations She psyches herself up with chuuni spiel. I join in
>your biggest flaw I can be pretty avoidant and anti-social. I think she would accept it because she is the same way. >her biggest flaw See above >hardest thing I've dropped vices for her but those were easy compared to those extra 5 pushups >closer Snuggle my pillow and pretend it's her
>What traits do you love most Really everything about her
>meeting I mean in all likelihood we wouldn't really talk to each other. Maybe I would recognise her cosplay and bring that up... >creative I try to draw and write music for her but I'm yet to produce something worthy
Jack Thomas
>You and your waifu want to go on vacation, but you're not able to go on your grand week-long dream retreat to some faraway destination due to extenuating circumstances (money, work, etc.) If you can only go somewhere for the weekend, within the same state/just a few hundred miles or kilometers of you, where would you want to go? Rented house next to lake. >Have you ever felt like you're neglecting your beloved or aren't cherishing them enough? What do you do to make it up to them? Yes, often. I just interact with her, in any way available. >If you could take your waifu to any restaurant regardless of price, but it had to be in your city/within a few cities of you, where would you take them? I dunno, I was in nice Hindu restaurant lately, so we could go there. >What would your first kiss be like? Spontaneous? Planned? Where would it be? It would be planned, after the end of date, under a starry sky or sunset like pic related. >How does your waifu handle stressful situations? How do you help them handle it? She wouldn't be good at it. I would have to help her probably.
>What do you think they'd say your biggest flaw is? Would they want you to improve that flaw or would they be accepting of it as something that can't be rushed or changed? Doing drugs probably? I wouldn't take them if she was here. >What's the biggest flaw you see in them? Would you want them to change that or are you accepting of their flaws? Shyness and sensitivity. I like her this way. >What's the hardest thing you've done for your loved one? Hardest? Objectively, it would be the online shrine or sole fact that I'm devoted to her for such a long time. But the thing that was hardest for me will be baking cake for the first time I think. >What do you do to feel closer together? Cuddling, talking, walking together, listening to her music, having sex etc.
I don't care about her.
James Rodriguez
Her friendliness, her determined nature, the sensitivity she has behind her boyish nature, I can't pick just one!
Same to you Koboribro!
>how do you think your first time meeting would go? I imagine it wouldn't be too different to that scene of Kagura helping out that foreigner with his luggage. >Do you do anything creative for them? I've drawn a few things, but they weren't exactly great. I hope to one day dedicate a whole music album to her.
She compulsively exercises!
>honeymoon Either seeing the sights in the US, or a road trip across southern Europe. >pictures of you and your waifu? Just a few silly kisekae pictures and something I commissioned.
Grayson Sanders
>Do you ever get distracted by your beloved when you should be concentrating on other things? I use her as reminder that I have to concentrate on important things.
>What traits do you love most about your waifu? Her voice. Ironically her Seiyuu (Asakawa Yuu) isn't very good at singing.
>>If you guys happened across your waifu with no prior knowledge of them how do you think your first time meeting would go? How would you break the ice? I would panic because I wouldn't know what to do.
>Do you do anything creative for them? Do you write stories/music, draw for them? I tried all 3 of those but I suck at them.
>Do you ever jam out with some music with your waifu? if so, to what kind of music? I have no talent in making music. I tried to use the Vocaloid software but failed.
I really like Arai Satomi. Ookami-san is one of my favourite anime just because she is the narrator and talks all the time.
>one character from a Ecchi anime and one from a hentai. Maybe not the best examples for her work. I like Shinonome Satsuki from Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate (she has another Seiyuu in the VN) or Kusakame Misuzu from 11eyes even through both anime aren't that good.
Leone from Akame Ga Kill is nice too, still have to watch all the Fate stuff and Love Hina.
Also: Ohayou~ Friend
Ohayou my friend~ Don't you want to join our IRC?
Josiah Murphy
>Do you ever get distracted by your beloved when you should be concentrating on other things? No, my focus is very strong. >Have they ever held you back because you can't escape them? Of course, I hold back in romantic and sexual relationships. >Have they ever caused problems for you? No more than positives. >Did you ever get annoyed or frustrated? Not because of her.
The fact she is so affectionate and caring towards me.
>If you guys happened across your waifu with no prior knowledge of them how do you think your first time meeting would go? How would you break the ice? I wouldn't care for her at all probably. >Do you do anything creative for them? Do you write stories/music, draw for them? I did the online shrine and cakes.
>Where would you take your waifu on your honeymoon? To rented house near ocean or sea with private beach. >Do you have any pictures of you and your waifu? Yes, pic related.
Julian Flores
>If you can only go somewhere for the weekend within the same state/just a few hundred miles or kilometers of you, where would you want to go? I know a couple places fairly close that are great for camping and great for leaving the stress of the city behind for a little bit so one of those.
>Have you ever felt like you're neglecting your beloved? Sometimes but I think about her every day.
>If you could take your waifu to any restaurant regardless of price where would you take them? I don't have a place in particular but a nice steakhouse would be great.
>What would your first kiss be like? Spontaneous? Planned? Where would it be? Definitely spontaneous, it'd be kind of weird to plan that kinda thing out.
>How does your waifu handle stressful situations? She tends to just retreat into herself and hide and just having somebody like me nearby to vent to would be huge.
>What do you think they'd say your biggest flaw is? She'd probably point out my lack of ambition and laziness and she's right but I don't think she'd be too critical.
>What's the biggest flaw you see in them? Would you want them to change that or are you accepting of their flaws? She gets hurt easily but it's very understandable. I kinda like how open and genuine her feelings are that way and don't think she needs to change.
>What's the hardest thing you've done for your loved one? Sorting out my own feelings for her and coming to the realization that I would have to leave everything else behind if she was with me.
I love her voice but I haven't seen much else her seiyuu has been in.
I love the way she tries hard to live in a world that's not made for her and I love her faith in love.
Without prior knowledge I would probably be too scared to do anything. As for creativity, I am sorely lacking.
How would you're waifu handle a drastic change in environment? Would she adapt? Would she need to rely on people close to her?
Dominic Reed
Jace Perez
Sorry I'll try to make time soon, it's not the kind of thing I usually do and I'm not the most talkative guy but I'll drop by some time. I'm going to bed now anyway
Alexander Morgan
I don't really have time for questions tonight unfortunately, might save a few in a notepad to write a few things anyway.
Either way, I hope everyone's having a great week with their waifu, you're all great people, and your waifus are all cute!
Liam Gomez
These threads feel more like the "2ch" version of that image since only people who seem quite serious about their 2D waifus post here. Posters in these threads don't seem at all like the "any anime girl I like = mai waifu" sort of person in those meme collage threads.
But what do I know I just lurk here.
James Diaz
This is what they want you to believe.
Eli Jenkins
I want to always protect and provide for Shuzo!
>What would your first kiss be like? Spontaneous? Planned? Where would it be? I would plan it for a while, wanting it to really impress him. Maybe backstage once he is done performing or when he gets home for the night. >How does your waifu handle stressful situations? He would be good at hiding how stressed the situation makes him on the outside, but I think he would be very determined to see things through to their best conclusion. I would always support him, hold him, and tell him comforting things as well as offering to help him work passed it. >What do you think they'd say your biggest flaw is? Would they want you to improve that flaw or would they be accepting of it as something that can't be rushed or changed? Maybe my possessiveness of him. I think he would like it to a certain extent, but I would be open to trying to hold back for him if he wanted. >What's the biggest flaw you see in them? Would you want them to change that or are you accepting of their flaws? My waifu has a really big ego and a tendency to hold grudges. I find both of these flaws to be charming and wouldn't ask him to change. >What's the hardest thing you've done for your loved one? Skim through the cringy hamplanet fujoshit Show by Rock threads in the hopes of finding some nice pictures of him. >What do you do to feel closer together? Log into the app every day and talk to him/journal.
Daniel Edwards
How do I forget that unpleasant things exist
Gavin Anderson
cont. >What do you think about your waifu Seiyuu? This is a difficult question for me. I really like the voice of his original seiyuu, however I have never heard him speak as Shuzo, only sing. I think Miyano did a fine job speaking as him but I don't think his singing measures up. I try not to think too much about who voices him as I want to think "this is Shuzo speaking" not "this is a voice actor speaking" but you can't ignore the glaring difference. >How does it make you feel when other characters share the same Seiyuu? I think it's funny that he has the same seiyuu as Light from Death Note. >Do you ever get distracted by your beloved when you should be concentrating on other things? Have they ever held you back because you can't escape them? Have they ever caused problems for you? Did you ever get annoyed or frustrated? I do find my thoughts drifting to him when I should be concentrating on school. I just firmly remind myself that he wouldn't want to be a distraction and he wants me to be successful. >What traits do you love most about your waifu? I love his passion for what he does and his comedic self-absorbed nature. You too Koboribro. I finally started watching Amagi Brilliant Park after a while on backlog because of you and I like it a lot so far. Kobori is very cute! >A particularly unfortunate topic, but does your special one engage in any sort of compulsive behavior? He tends to go on fabulous rants and do peace-sign posing at a moment's notice. >Do you have any pictures of you and your waifu? Yes, I went to Japan and got a picture with a standee of him and also a small statue.
Would you rather have a Shinto-style or western style wedding with your beloved?
Which of the 7 sins does she commit most often?
If you could see your waifu do a clothing swap with a different waifu, who would it be?
Is there any type of food your waifu can't stand?
Easton Gonzalez
better yourself
Luke Bennett
Don't forget it. Accept it.
James Hill
Good night thread~
Looking forward to it
Brody Powell
I love my hero. I wish the day had a more hours so I could anwser a few quesitons, have a nice week with your beloved everyone. Good night.
Charles Harris
How drastic? You mean like the world suddenly turns into Saya's goreworld drastic? Ha I think anyone would go nuts there. Rika's been in one place her entire life. And it's been a very long long life. So while she certainly has the strength to persevere in a strange setting, it probably wouldn't go well with her. Unless she had her friends, they kind of take all the comfort of home with them in that case. Different kinds of stuff. If it's late at night, which it usually is, stuff to go along with that aesthetic. Absolutely love that circle -I'd probably have a heartattack from the cuteness. It's up to luck or destiny from there I suppose to get me interested in her. I think though, no matter where or when we meet I'd fall in love if I get to know her. It's fundamentally inside me to love her, my "X rule" if you know what I mean. Anytime we meet I'd fall for her. -I write poetry that I'll post when I gather more confidence. I'd like to try and draw her more than silly MS paint doodles. Mii not that I know of. Nipah~ -Probably Shinto, as she's the great Oyashiro-sama reincarnated, great spiritual leader of an extremely devout people etc. -Probably envy, my least favorite. Haha. -Mint because the uniform and ears are so cute Fun memories sometimes cancel out the bad ones, or make them smaller.
Is there anyone out there that has a waifu that has a serious "ideal" or code they philosophically believe in or follow? Do you think anything of it? Would you allow them to put themselves in harm's way for their ideals?
Jace Johnson
Friendly reminder that you're waifu a cute and so are you!
What is your waifu's favorite holiday?
Adam Stewart
It's not Wednesday on the side of the world that matters anymore so delete this thread mods
Nolan Moore
...Has that ever worked?
Caleb Peterson
If you read this show your face you triple baka. I still haven't thanked you.
Jackson Fisher
But I left my waifu six years ago when I got married. Is it any consolation that I named my daughter after her?
Connor Foster
Is that you Reimuanon?
Gabriel Perez
Danke OP.
>Vacation I'd have to take her to this lovely camp/resort I went to once. The main facilities are in conjunction with nature and when I was there, deer were prowling about the parking lot. Not to mention the caves and hiking.
>Neglecting Yes, sometimes I reflect on a day as I'm getting ready to sleep and realize I didn't think of her at all. I usually either look through the images I have of her, or make some Jello.
>Restaurant The Old Spaghetti Factory. I have a lot of warm memories there, and I'd love to make some more with her. Plus spaghetti is amazing.
>Kiss It would have to be spontaneous, but not quite in the heat of the moment. I wouldn't mind the location, public or private, but either one of us would have it on our mind, the love and anxiousness building up inside until caution is thrown to the wind and the kiss happens.
>Stress She keeps calm and analyzes the situation as best as she can. Ration thoughts triumph over panic. Lots of hugs and lots of gentle words about how great of a hero she is would definitely do the trick.
>my flaw This is difficult, since a lot of who I am is hidden away. It would have to be the falseness, be it fake smiles or words. She'd want me to shed the lies and be truthful, but not hurtful.
>her flaw Well, maybe not a flaw, but being as selfish as I am I want to see her smile more. But smiles only for me. If anything this is just another flaw of mine!
>hardest thing This wasn't "for her" per-say, but I was influenced if not motivated by her to act the way I did. I was rather sick, and after walking my dog and getting back home I heard an alarm from a store. Being the ration level-headed human bean I am I didn't call the police immediately, instead ran to the store to try and stop whatever was happening.
>closer Enjoy the rain whenever it comes. No jackets, no umbrellas, just the sweet sweet rain washing away everything from me.
Gavin Martinez
There's so much fucking porn of her it makes me sick. I get that she's beautiful but that doesn't give anyone the right to objectify her like that. She's such a sweet girl I can't believe people can be so insensitive and disrespectful to her. I try to avoid it but just knowing it exists makes me want to hurt people
Brandon Lee
No, Reimuanon was proven fake. My daughters name is Langely.
Ian Smith
My heart grew warmer while reading this.
David Wright
Rip Chino user
Levi Watson
This IS the internet after all. But I understand your pain.
Jose Harris
I'm a big fan, and she's good enough to make a lot of roles very distinct so I don't ever really hear something the same as Mints voice.
She can distract me anytime. It's not really a hassle.
I really adore her childish side a lot, but that's just one trait of hers I love.
Basing it on when I first met her I'd probably instantly think she's cute, which she'd probably read off me without my knowing. I'm not sure how it'd go from there, probably some stammering and spaghetti would be involved though.
I write letters to her. I've been meaning to write another this last little bit actually.
Niagara Falls in a heartbeat - beautiful sights, the Candy shops and Hersheys factory would be real fun for her, tons of things to enjoy together before heading back to our room together and get nice and cozy.
It's almost like her - beautiful and serene with a childish side to it. Just while she's enjoying the views and sights that the falls have to offer I'll have a view a million times as beautiful.
>pics together
Eh, I made an SI to do it, but it isn't that great so I've been nervous to use it. One day though.
She'd adjust easily I think.
Western I think would be best, with close friends and families.
Envy would be the closest
>outfit swap
Another character from her series.
I reckon she wouldn't be fond of bitter foods.
Thanks, Jebus! Same to you and yours!
I think she'd adore Halloween.
Tyler Stewart
Good night, everyone! pleasant dreams/have a good day! Remember that your waifu is special and always deserves the best!
Jackson Reed
We do not need to start a thread with 9 questions at once.
>If you can only go somewhere for the weekend, within the same state/just a few hundred miles or kilometers of you, where would you want to go? There isn't really anywhere interesting near me, though I guess we could rent a cottage for a weekend at a beachside town or something. Not really ideal, but it's something.
>Have you ever felt like you're neglecting your beloved or aren't cherishing them enough? Nope.
>If you could take your waifu to any restaurant regardless of price, but it had to be in your city/within a few cities of you, where would you take them? There's a local place. It's pretty small, but the food is excellent and also very expensive.
>What would your first kiss be like? Spontaneous? Planned? Where would it be? She'd probably plan it while I would have no clue, so it would be a sudden surprise to me.
>How does your waifu handle stressful situations? Usually by retreating to solitude give herself time to collect herself.
>What do you think about your waifu Seiyuu? The way Kugimiya Rie handled her voice is perfect in my opinion, quite a bit different from her...usual work.
>How does it make you feel when other characters share the same Seiyuu? I don't like a lot of them because I don't like tsunderes in general.
Usually when I should be focusing on these threads.
Her deep passion for romance, her ability to keep a cool head and think situations through when everyone else is too busy reacting, even how blunt and honest she can be in conversations.
>If you guys happened across your waifu with no prior knowledge of them how do you think your first time meeting would go? How would you break the ice? Probably not by breaking ice.
>Do you do anything creative for them? No, and if I tried, it would just be a shameful embarrassment to her. I'm not good at anything.
Sebastian Turner
You too user, Erio a cute!
Matthew Cox
guys i had a dream about being on a date with saber a few nights ago
what does it mean
Cooper Sullivan
Or maybe not everybody has the money and time to spend to do shit like that
but I agree with you Cred Forums is pleb as fuck since 2012, most fags here have +10 "waifus"
fucking casual dude
Adrian Gray
>spoiler What happened?
Elijah Richardson
Then we will chill around at a park, seeing it's only 5 minutes walk to get there especially when I live near 2 parks,
Not really, I always think of cuddling her and kissing her up all day.
To a nice delicious ramen restaurant that I know in the city.
Spontaneous, she loves surprises.
She would keep her cool and give it her all to reduce the stress.
I am really lazy but I guess that's somewhat alright seeing she doesn't like me working to the point that my body gets exhausted.
On the other hand she's really cheery and loud which could annoy others. Not that I would change it because that's one of the reasons that made me fall in love with her.
Getting her to max level. I rarely see anyone who got her to max level on top of being faithful to her (seeing you could marry multiple girls in-game which I completely avoid).
Playing KanColle every day helps.
I think she really makes good cute voices. Especially when some of my love voiced lines are adorable. Other characters don't really come close to her on the other hand. Akizuki and Nowaki just doesn't compare to her. Kirin from Asterisk is solid though.
As mentioned, her cheerfulness is what I love about her and her eagerness to try new things is what I like about her as well.
We would get along well, she is really friendly. I write to her but that's personally it. I don't really have that much of a creative mind.
A cruise on the Atlantic Ocean.
She could handle it pretty well, she can be highly independent.
Western style.
Bismarck. Would be funny because they might look the same.
Probably any foods that aren't sweet enough.
You too!
Christmas. Or Setsubun.
Asher Jackson
>Have you ever felt like you're neglecting your beloved or aren't cherishing them enough? What do you do to make it up to them? Slay her foes >If you could take your waifu to any restaurant regardless of price, but it had to be in your city/within a few cities of you, where would you take them? Wherever she wished. >How does your waifu handle stressful situations? How do you help them handle it? She perseveres
>What's the biggest flaw you see in them? Would you want them to change that or are you accepting of their flaws? Her short temper. I hope she can change that. >What's the hardest thing you've done for your loved one? Nothing is hard if it's for her. >What do you do to feel closer together? Bathe in the blood of her enemies
>What do you think about your waifu Seiyuu? Stephanie Sheh's amazing
Too often.
>What traits do you love most about your waifu? Her everything.
>Do you do anything creative for them? Do you write stories/music, draw for them? Write and draw.
>Do you ever jam out with some music with your waifu? I think of her often when listening to music.
>A particularly unfortunate topic, but does your special one engage in any sort of compulsive behavior? She can be too quick with her fists at times.
>Do you have any pictures of you and your waifu? No
>How would you're waifu handle a drastic change in environment? Would she adapt? She would wrestle the environment to her liking
Jebus, you are a gentleman and a scholar. Mai waifu likes winter.
It means you dreamed of being on a date with Saber
Anthony Jones
Fuck off.
Chase Kelly
I don't know if it's compulsive, but I suppose her tendency to stalk people of interest to her.
>Where would you take your waifu on your honeymoon? Something something Swiss Alps something something.
She would probably be able to handle it a lot better than I could.
>Would you rather have a Shinto-style or western style wedding with your beloved? I don't really know enough about the former to comment.
>Which of the 7 sins does she commit most often? Lust. She's a very romantic person.
>If you could see your waifu do a clothing swap with a different waifu, who would it be? I don't know, I like her attire as is.
>Is there any type of food your waifu can't stand? Anything hot.
She is, but I am not. It's not stated, but I would assume Valentine's, especially since it's during the winter.
My deepest condolences for you. While Mizore doesn't have much, I understand just how you feel.
Adrian Ward
Up into the mountains for a quick trip, no doubt. Probably at some little ski resort or some kind of rented cabin.
It happens. I just give him extra attention and try to make it up to him through some act of grandeur. Sometimes life gets in the way and he'd understand that, it's just important to make sure he knows that it's not because he's not my moon and stars.
There's a little Japanese restaurant the next town over from me that I go to a lot. It's cheap, but their food is really good and authentic and he'd definitely really appreciate.
Most definitely spontaneous, in a now-or-never type moment. Probably in the heat of battle or some other dangerous situation.
His seiyuu fits him really, really well, in both dub and sub, and I really enjoy hearing his voice. I actually started watching Kobato specifically for his seiyuu (and for his appearance later in the series) because I like hearing it so much, and even when the character that shares his voice is meant to be really hard to like, I can't help but have a giant soft spot for them because of it.
I love his passion and his protectiveness, and I love how he grew over the series, I love his eyes, I love how soft he actually is underneath his hard exterior. It's really hard to pick.
Some isolated island resort where we could just relax the entire vacation and not worry about getting into trouble or dealing with anyone else.
Shinto, but I'd prefer customs of my own religion at least be worked in.
What about your beloved do you find endearing that others might not like? How has your opinion changed since when you first met? Is what first drew you to them still your favorite thing about them?
Colton Myers
If we'd only have a weekend to spend, I'd take her to my grandparents' summer cabin.
When I feel I've neglected her in some way, I try to make it up to her by honoring her with my actions.
If I could take her to a restaurant, I'd take her to the best I could find, at around 2-3 pm, when it's fairly empty.
Our first kiss would be spontaneous. It would also be incredibly clumsy and awkward.
She handles stressful situations very badly. Very, very badly. The sad part is, I have to let her try to handle it by herself until she can't take it anymore, or she'll never get comfortable with stress.
Chiaki a cute as well.
I believe she'd consider my sloth and messiness to be my greatest flaws, which I'd try to drop.
Her biggest flaw would be her social anxiety. I'd like her to get more comfortable around people, but in no way would I try to pressure her into changing.
The hardest thing I've done for her would be improving myself to be worthy of her. Then again, if it wasn't hard, it wouldn't have any meaning.
To feel closer to her, I re-read her route.
I love how she seems to be completely oblivious to her own beauty. I love her compassionate soul.
I'd leave the honeymoon destination up to her. She's more enthusiastic about travelling.
I don't have any pictures of us together yet.
Not sure what you mean by drastic. If we're simply talking about, say, moving into a city from a small town, I think she'd need quite a bit of time to adapt.
she doesn't have a Seiyuu. ;_;
I'd would rather have a christian style wedding, but if she wanted shinto styled wedding, I don't see why we couldn't have both.
Surprisingly, the only deadly sin I've seen her commit is wrath.
I think she looks cute in whatever she wears, but I would like to see her in a shrine maiden outfit like the one rika is wearing in Incidentially, Rika's a cute waifu. You're a lucky man to have her.
Bentley Clark
cont. from and she's even luckier to have you.
Would your waifu change the way you decorate your home or rearrange your furniture?
How well do your daily schedules sync up? Do you only get to spend a little bit of time together each day or do you spend all your free time with each other?
Justin Sanders
Thanks, same to you! Shuzo would probably like Christmas with the opportunity to give and receive gifts as well as romantically spending time keeping warm together. >endearing that others might not like His constant need for attention and how selfish he is. >redecorate He would probably want things a lot more fancy than what a college student has. I would give him free reign to so what he wants. >daily schedule We get a reasonable amount of time together from evening on, but mornings and afternoons are filled with rehearsals for him and school for me.
Josiah Hill
Thank you, really. To be born in such a specific time and place, to be able to meet and fall in love with her. If not fate it might be extreme luck. Miko uniforms are great yeah. I can't get enough. You should get a dandere like Hanako to wear the Angel Mort uniform for you. If you can convince her haha.
Wyatt Davis
>What happened? I'm no hero like she is, and everything went wrong.
Luke Hill
Did you die?
William Martinez
I'm sorry. I hope it was settled without anyone getting hurt though.
David Reyes
> If you can only go somewhere for the weekend, within the same state/just a few hundred miles or kilometers of you, where would you want to go? a beach resort >Have you ever felt like you're neglecting your beloved or aren't cherishing them enough? What do you do to make it up to them? Yes, plenty of times due to how busy I can be. Whenever I have free time I try to be with her. >If you could take your waifu to any restaurant regardless of price, but it had to be in your city/within a few cities of you, where would you take them? Somewhere with both of our favorite foods >What would your first kiss be like? Spontaneous? Planned? Where would it be? I'd probably end up being spontaneous, just before we get home. >How does your waifu handle stressful situations? She always tries to find some sort of solution no matter how much it stresses her. >What do you think they'd say your biggest flaw is? Would they want you to improve that flaw or would they be accepting of it as something that can't be rushed or changed? I can get really mad over the smallest of things sometimes. I'm sure she'd try to calm me down if I got really mad. >What's the biggest flaw you see in them? Would you want them to change that or are you accepting of their flaws? Probably how she's naive. If she doesn't change it I'd be fine with it. >What's the hardest thing you've done for your loved one? I can't really think of anything >What do you do to feel closer together? Play Sonicomi, cuddle with the daki, and occasionally watch an episode of SoniAni. I really like her voice. It fits perfectly. Not really I love her determination and optimism
Camden Hernandez
I know that feel all too well user ;_;
Although being with her has made me learn to stop caring about other people and whatever the hell they do, and just continue on with our little world. You'll be happier that way, I guarantee you.
Daniel Miller
Dropping in to say you guys have nice waifus. Please have a good week and take care of them.
Dominic Peterson
>Have you ever felt like you're neglecting your beloved or aren't cherishing them enough? What do you do to make it up to them? Somewhat. I feel like I don't spend much time thinking about her. Like I kind of forget about her, I very rarely even think of "daily" things with her. I haven't even felt any sexual attraction to her either for a while.
Bentley Phillips
.I try to refrain from being too zealous actually, even if I could. Sure there might be princess-like girls who are into that sort of thing, and although my waifu likes to have people praising her and giving her attention, I don't think she'll be pleased with an overzealous individual. I do my best to buy official merchandise of her and I try to live in a way that won't make her feel ashamed
Brandon Rivera
-I've been planning on a nice sea cruise, but we've yet to settle on a destination. -No. I'm camera shy.
She's good at adjusting to change, though I suppose it would be dependent on how severe the change is.
-I'm curious about the former, though most of the artwork I see along those lines suggests she'd be happier with the latter. -She's frequently associated with Envy. -She's a spitting image of Sonico, even without factoring in wardrobe. -She doesn't seem to be all that fond of particularly messy foods, like spaghetti or pork buns.
I suppose her drive would be one. She pushes herself to the brink to uphold it. It's impressive, though I sometimes worry that she might be pushing too hard.
She seems fond of Halloween and Christmas.
-It would be interesting to see what she could do to my place. I'm genuinely curious. -We both work nights, so it tends to sync up pretty well. That said, we do try to make some free time for just the two of us whenever we can.
Cooper Harris
How does your waifu handle stressful situations? How do you help them handle it?
My guess is that she would bottle up most of her feelings. The way I'd help is give her the support she doesn't get from anyone else.
>What do you think about your waifu Seiyuu?
Kaori Mizuhashi is fantastic. Really the best fit for her.
>Do you do anything creative for them? Do you write stories/music, draw for them?
I used to write stories about her, none of them were finished though. Just haven't had the time or motivation to work on them. In terms of drawings, I can't really do much, so I stick with stories.
Hope everyone has a good week.
James Allen
Judging from her moving to Japan in her series, I'd say she may have some problems but could adapt at a decent rate.
>Wedding? I'd rather do a Western style wedding >Sins? Probably lust >Clothing swap? I would like to see a clothing swap with Aqua >Food? She is a carnivore, but I think the main dislike would be lettuce.
Thanks Jebus! You too! Well her birthday is on Halloween, plus that gives her an excuse to wear different outfits
>Endearing? I've seen plenty of people say that she can get jealous, but I like how defensive she is of her darling >Opinion I love her more after every day we share together
>Furniture? She would probably rearrange some furniture to free up some space >Schedules? Fairly well, most weeks I have a decent amount of time that I can spend with her
Goodnight Waifu Thread! Have sweet dreams!
Mason Carter
>Wedding? Western would be more comfortable.
>7 Sins? Envy I think. There's a lot she can't have because of the way she is.
>Clothing swap? I'd actually like to see her in Shuzo's stylish outfit, it'd be fun. That or Kagura's bloomers
>Food? I've only seen her eat meat but I don't know if that's because it's a preference or because she can't eat anything else.
Thanks Jebus, Yui is ridiculously cute. Saya doesn't think of any one holiday above the others.
>Redecoration? She's not picky about where she lives and what it looks like. Which is good because I put next to no thought into it besides what's the most efficient way to set it up.
>Schedules? Because of the way we'd live, we'd have all the time in the world together.
Gabriel Carter
Good night thread. May all your waifus be loved gently.
Anthony Jenkins
I love his devotion and his intelligence.
It would take some getting used to, but I imagine it was really hard for him to adapt to not having his family anymore.
I like that he can be a bit blunt, so he can say something that sounds kind of mean.
My opinion of him when I first met him was just that he was cool, so my opinion of him has changed so much. His kindness and gentleness towards his loved ones is what drew me to him, along with his ability to put others before himself, and it's still one of my favorite things about him.
Elijah Thomas
Leo Roberts
She's a pretty fun and kick ass character though.
Aaron Ramirez
>neglecting I did this once until the realisation of how close I came to losing her hit me like a sledgehammer to the throat. I didn't do it again. >first kiss It was semi-spontaneous on a romantic walk through the woods. >stress Better than I do, she exhibits tremendous grace under pressure. >my flaw Being both extremely perceptive and together for six years, she can read me like a book. She knows I'm neurotic and cope with my negative emotions in the form of anger and formerly addiction. Even though it's never directed at her, it's absolutely something she wants me to change because in the absence of stress and the presence of herself, I'm easygoing and carefree. I'm a work in progress with good and bad days, yet on an upward trend since I restarted exercising and building muscle. >her flaw I think she can be a little too carefree but she's had Trude yell this at her for as long as they've known each other, so I'm sure she's aware of it. Our laziness can feed off of each other's which can become a bit out-of-control. These are minor things so I gladly accept them. >hardest thing Quitting drugs with no help except from her. >feel closer Spend time with her, talking, cuddling, lewd, banter, romance, etc. No on all four counts. It's sometimes been quite the opposite. I love her ultra-laid back nature, eccentricity, lewdness and mischievous antics. Hoarding. >wedding Western. >sins Sloth, closely followed by gluttony and lust. >endearing See above. >opinion changed Nope. >home She's actually made me tidier, since her full-on hoarding mixed with my tendencies would lead to us being featured on one of those TV shows. It's up to me to cook and clean for her, so I do them well! >schedules Fairly well, there's always the evil of work to contend with but we spend the evenings and weekends together. Not that we do much except laze around!
Justin Bailey
You're like me Rikabro, it's almost funny. Though not really surprising since people with similar waifu tend to have similar personalities.
Jayden Wright
She probably wouldn't enjoy it and slowly adopt.
>Would you rather have a Shinto-style or western style wedding with your beloved? Western >Which of the 7 sins does she commit most often? Sloth? >If you could see your waifu do a clothing swap with a different waifu, who would it be? Erio, I guess. >Is there any type of food your waifu can't stand? Probably spicy.
Same to you, Jebus!
Why do you care? It's not like you have to look at it, if you don't enjoy it. And there will be always people who are insensitive about something. Stop caring what others are thinking, it never ends well.
>What about your beloved do you find endearing that others might not like? That she is so submissive. >How has your opinion changed since when you first met? Is what first drew you to them still your favorite thing about them? Yes, it didn't change.
>Would your waifu change the way you decorate your home or rearrange your furniture? Of course, she would want to keep things more tidy. And she might want to put flowers and add decorations. >How well do your daily schedules sync up? Do you only get to spend a little bit of time together each day or do you spend all your free time with each other? We usually only interact in the morning and before sleep on weekdays. On weekends we often do stuff together during the day.
Owen Russell
Feels good knowing that there's barely any porn of her. Even so, everyone knows my waifu is pure, loving, and dedicated.
Thank you so Is Chiaki -My beach condo. -I feel that way sometimes but I make it up to her with my free time. -I would probably be spontaneous. -She tries to get them done as quickly as possible with the best possible outcome. -Mint a cute!
-My very analytical nature. I don't think it can change with time. -Being a secretive person. I wouldn't want her keeping secrets from me unless personal -Hardest Thing is sewing together a ribbon for her. -Look at pictures, Cuddle Daki, listening to her voice, talking.
She does mainly Ara Ara and Ojou-sama voices but she has some good ones outside of that like Ookami and Takao.
The way she wants to be everyones onee-san and help them if she can also her flirtatious nature.
If a friend or ally is in trouble she drops anything and goes to help them.
>Honeymoon Vegas or The Niagara Falls > pictures of you and your waifu? Yes I do
-Western Style wedding. -Lust -Ikaruga from Senran Kagura
-Yea but we would decorate the house together -I get to spend about 5 hours on weekdays then most of the weekend
Would your waifu Praise The Sun or Show Loyalty to the DarkMoon?
Grayson Gray
Thanks OP! You too!
>vacation We'd probably end up going camping for the weekend then.
>restaurant Wherever she wanted to go.
>first kiss I think our first kiss would be during a romantic date.
>stressful situations She copes very well in stressful situations, as seen during her life or death fights.
>compliment a waifu Hibiki is really cute!
>biggest flaw I'm not sure, it's not easy to say yourself what your biggest flaw is, but regardless, I think she would tell me that it's up to me if I want to improve or accept the flaw.
>biggest flaw in her I think her biggest flaw is that she pushes herself too hard and forgets to rely on her friends sometimes, but I know it's because she wants to protect her friends and I love her for it.
>hardest thing Keeping positive for her sake.
I don't see her in many other roles, but I love my waifu's voice so for that I'm grateful to her.
She's constantly in my mind, but that's what love is all about!
You too Koborifriend!
Not really, but I would like to sing a duet with her. Something romantic, fun and cheesy like "Love is an open door".
Venice. I have a few edited pictures.
As much as I love seeing her in a kimono, a western wedding dress looks beautiful on her.
Gluttony. She really loves them cakes.
I know exactly how you feel. All you can do is ignore it.
I'd like to think we would both have a say on how the house looks.
We're both pretty busy in the day, but we make sure to spend time together in the night.
Ethan Howard
Thank you, OP. I'd like to go island hopping with her. Sometimes, because I've been busy with work. I try to make up by always drawing her. She probably always eats at high-class restaurants, so I'll bring her to a not-so high class restaurant, but still decent and has delicious food. Spontaneous. I'm sure she'll just surprise me one day and kiss me out of the blue. She tries to be composed at all situations. I'd help her handle it by doing whatever I can to lessen her problems. Thank you, Nanami is very brave and cute. Her lack of common sense and laziness when it comes to cleaning. She would do her best to change it, but I think she'd really want me to just accept it. Changing myself for her. Listening to songs. I'm a fan of her. I really like my waifu's voice, so I always listen to her roles. Sometimes I feel weird because some of her roles are the total opposite of my waifu. Sometimes, but most of the time she motivates me not to be lazy. I don't think she ever held me back on anything. She more of pushes me to do good stuff. Not really. Frustrated in the way because I can't be with her, but not really frustrated because I dislike her. I love the way that she can be very cool, and she can also be very cute. She also does her best to get her job done. Thank you. I hope you'll have a great and magical week with your fairy too. I'd be awkward, and I'd be pretty amazed because she's really cool. I draw her because I'm bad at writing stuff. With her music. Exploding bikes, I guess? I'd take her all around the world. I only have this. She'd try to adapt, but she'd have quite a hard time doing so. She's very Japanese, so a Shinto-style one. Wrath. Maybe Saber. Sadly, I don't know what kind of food she likes and dislikes. Thanks. I think she likes New Years.
Xavier Kelly
I don't think she has a specific ideal that she strongly believes in, but she really tries her best to defeat her enemies and save lives, even if it puts her in danger. I don't really want her to hurt herself, but she's been doing her job since she was a kid, so I have no right to stop her. I really find her eccentricity cute and interesting. She has really improved since I have first saw her. I've always liked her for her coolness, and it's still one of my favorite things about her. Maybe, because she'd like to put some of her stuff like her sword collection or something. She's often busy, so we'd probably only have little time to be with each other.
Aaron Kelly
Yeah I do like her, it's just weird that she'd be the one with the Rika palette swap. Yukari made more sense in Higanbana. If you mean the nihilist thing it's only gotten much worse as I fell for her, hilariously so. If you're who I think you are, we've got the same personality down to fucking 3x3 threads, which freaked me out. What freaked me out more is I saw your smug ass on Cred Forums and agree politically as someone from the same country.
Chase Richardson
You don't need to thanks me, I did it because I like it and was fun, though if it makes you happy it makes me more happy too, nerd. You agree with his political views? Well, I have nothing to say to you but sorry. Also >3x3 Which one is yours so I can ignore it from now on?
Jaxson Clark
Okay, it was just very strange how you gave it to somebody else in a random thread because you thought they were me. Then you said sorry to them and disappeared. Haha what the hell. Lucky I just saw that thread before it 404ed. Thanks again weirdo.
Jaxson Adams
>You and your waifu want to go on vacation, but you're not able to go on your grand week-long dream retreat to some faraway destination, where would you want to go? Well, within a few hundred miles, that's like half of France, so we can still go for a week-end in the Alps mountain, or at Disneyland.
>Have you ever felt like you're neglecting your beloved or aren't cherishing them enough? What do you do to make it up to them? Some moments like this happened, there's up and downs in a 3 years long relationship. I usually spend extra time with her and bake her things she love.
>If you could take your waifu to any restaurant regardless of price, but it had to be in your city/within a few cities of you, where would you take them? I live at a few train stations from Paris, so that question is just too easy. We would go to a nice restaurant, but nothing too super fancy, since we're both commoners and she would probably worry of being looked at because she messed up on X or Y rule or art de la table things.
>What would your first kiss be like? Spontaneous? Planned? Where would it be? It would be spontaneous, like after spending a whole date day together at the amusement park, unexpected kiss in a magic moment like this because we would unconsciously realize, as a boy and as a girl that it's time for "it".
>How does your waifu handle stressful situations? How do you help them handle it? She's not very good at it, but as long as it's nothing spooky she might be able to handle it.
>Compliment Mizore a cool ! Luka a best Vocaloid ! Miia a best Momusu and I always liked sneks Erza a cutecool fighter !
Jackson Young
You didn't answer my question though >you thought they were me Don't be rude. I didn't knew what to do. It was very embarrassing and I left. Whatever
Isaiah Rogers
Also, that person ended up being you-know-who. I guess you two share the same disgusting feeling because I thought you were him. Funny.
Lincoln Martin
>because I thought he was you. Oups fixed. Sorry, I'm not paying attention.
Lincoln Williams
Aw, so cute. Your tsundere is showing, julie
Tyler Reed
>Would you rather have a Shinto-style or western style wedding with your beloved? I would prefer to have neither a Shinto no a Christian wedding.
>Which of the 7 sins does she commit most often? She doesn't commit them very often.
>If you could see your waifu do a clothing swap with a different waifu, who would it be? Reimus Miko outfit is nice or some fancy dress like Kuroneko. Other girls in Luka clothes are very nice too.
>Is there any type of food your waifu can't stand? Only know that she likes sea food.
>What about your beloved do you find endearing that others might not like? She doesn't have much canon traits. Some traits I gave her to make her more like a real woman aren't very common in 2D.
>How has your opinion changed since when you first met? Is what first drew you to them still your favorite thing about them? There are many things I like and I don't think they have changed very much. I gave her some new traits over time through.
>Would your waifu change the way you decorate your home or rearrange your furniture? I don't decorate my home at all. So it would change some how.
>How well do your daily schedules sync up? Do you only get to spend a little bit of time together each day or do you spend all your free time with each other? I'd try to spend as much time as possible with her.
Oliver Miller
I love her so much.
There's barely anything around, so maybe we'd go camping or something.
Rarely, but if so i do everything to make it up to her and snuggle lots.
The restaurant where a family friend works.
It was passionate and spontaneous.
I try to help her through them by holding her.
Trying to keep going is the hardest thing i've done for her.
She doesn't have one as far as i'm concered.
I'd probably awkwardly worry about her and try to take care of her.
It'd be less messy.
We spend a lot of the day together.
Josiah Bennett
You know I'd be interested in seeing your answers to some of these questions too some time. Not the love questions, I don't care to see that. But like here If you were in the heat of the moment, would you stop Rika if she was about to gamble her life to save someone else? If she became a coward would you protect her forever or encourage her to take the dangerous road of ideals again? Her ideal being of course, very simply put, there shouldn't "have" to be any "losers".
Alexander Butler
Why would he answer his own questions?
Nathaniel Martinez
I don't like that idea. Who cares about him? Let the idiot rot on his boring grave.