So I suddenly only have 15 months or so to live.
Any good anime/ manga that deal with terminal illness/impending death?
I only know of Boku no Hatsukoi o Kimi ni Sasagu.
So I suddenly only have 15 months or so to live.
Any good anime/ manga that deal with terminal illness/impending death?
I only know of Boku no Hatsukoi o Kimi ni Sasagu.
Other urls found in this thread:
VNs cover the subject of terminal illness more than anime and manga do for some reason. Just sit back, laugh and enjoy Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei.
>15 months or so to live.
How old are you OP
metal recollections
Might want to go to Anyway, Clannad might be what you're looking for.
What happened op?
wild strawberries by robert bresson
Stage 3 liver cancer. I've literally only ever drank once in my life too..
Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora is a nice short watch, there's a best terminal ill qt and a best redhead nurse qt.
"Story of a dying girl" if you want to cry.
Don't give up dude, my sister got stage 3 colon cancer at 29 and survived. Being young ups your chances significantly.
Bokurano has this. Not so much illness, but plenty of impending death.
Have fun in your last months, OP. I recommend Miyazaki, but read the Nausicaa manga instead of watching any of his movies. And if you watch any of his movies, watch the slice of life ones like Totoro and Kiki.
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
There's thousands of them, but I can't think of any right now. I'm sorry OP.
I remember I should finish watching that, does MC ever fuck his hot teacher who is after his cock?
>I've literally only ever drank once in my life too
They always blame alcohol for those things.
So it is because of genetics? Do your parents have the same thing?
That sucks, like said, i recomend you "clannad" and "shigatsu wa kimi no uso". Also check the movie "Colorful".
katawa shoujo
>Being young ups your chances significantly.
Black Jack has a few chapters that involve dying.
Manga is better than the anime too.
it helps with colon cancer specifically, because it mostly effects the elderly. t. TB
Don't know if liver cancer is similar, but at least you can transplant that.
Just read The Death of Ivan Ilyich. Not anime, I know, but this is basically a rec thread and it's still up so the context is different
Legendary Gambler Tetsuya has moments like that, there's an arc in Wangan Midnight that deals with someone having a dangerous disease, but it is cured. Monster is a good one for people destined to die, and illness as well but it doesn't fit what you want exactly. I think Planetes has an arc about that, Now and Then Here and There has similar themes, Shura no Toki's third arc features a main character with an incurable disease. I think there's a character in Crows or Worst who has an incurable disease. The Black Jack OVA series probably features an episode that you're looking for, it's a very good series either way.
I can't imagine being in your situation, but here's my shitty advice, for what it's worth: Don't focus too much on the end. Focus on enjoying what you've had and what you've got left. Regardless of how long it lasts, all any of us can do is do whatever makes us happy as much as we can until we can't anymore.
Anime-wise, Aria might be nice to watch, but doesn't really deal with death. For something that does, try the VN Narcissu.
Don't give up dude, I'm only one unethical experiment away from D.N.A. manipulation.
>recommending a terminally ill person an empowerment fantasy with a bullshit reset ending where everyone gets revived because muh feelz
>people actually giving recs
Cred Forums got weak.
Manga about illness/death:
Onnanoko ga Shinu Hanashi (illness)
Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan (impending death)
Sekai no Chuushin de, Ai wo Sakebu (illness [leukemia])
Stories where dying isn't the main focus but is part of the overall story:
Tada, Kimi wo Aishiteru (illness)
Pom the Panda (death)
Deep Love: Ayu no Monogatari (illness)
Yunagi no Machi Sakura no Kuni (illness as a side)
Shiroi Kumo (old death)
Ai-ren (dying)
Anime with themes of dying:
Haibane Renmei (suicide)
Angel Beats (various illness, dying)
Kaiba (various deaths, ep 3 ;_;)
All I can find at the moment from my lists. Sorry OP.
If someone's dying wish was to shit on my floor I think I wouldn't kick up too much fuss.
what are you waiting for? It's not like you will remember the last months of your live. I recommend suicide.
That sucks user, I dunno what the survivability or the treatment costs are but I hope you can fight it somehow.
Galaxy Express 999 the film.
What are you waiting for? It's not like you'll remember anything after you're dead. I recommend suicide.
For VN I recommend Narcissu. Great game.
People wouldn't lie on the internet would they?
Just live like you're dying man. Don't watch anime. Go do everything you've ever wanted to do in life. Also
you just said pal. Prepare that knife and cut your head off.
>Kaiba (various deaths, ep 3 ;_;)
Don't do this to me user
What if all he wanted to do in life was come home and not be bothered by anyone and be left to watch his anime in peace?
That's quite the messy and roundabout way to kill yourself.
Better to believe some lying shitter than take a chance at actually being a dick to someone who's literally going to die.
I'll take my chances.
Space Runaway Ideon along with every other non-Gundam Tomino series.
Better to tell them to fuck off and go to the board designated for recommendations. Couldn't give a fuck who is dying, millions of people are right now, not even slightly special.
or hang yourself, I don't know. Just be productive for once and DO IT
Another user falls before the end of berserk
how can miura sleep at nigth?
Okay buddy.
Sorry you're dying senpai, but recommendation threads belong on /wsg/
Seriously better ask the OP of the next recommendation thread you see if they are dying before you report the thread. You wouldn't want to risk being a dick or anything and telling them to google it they might be dying.
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition.
Mob Pyscho 100 m87
Post shots of your liver or I'm calling bullshit, OP.
Seizon - Life
Ai Ren
Hito Hitori Futari
Heaven's Door
>Cred Forums got stronger
Let me correct you shithead. It is easy to shit on people, but it is hard to be kind to people.
Also you need to be over 18 years old to post on Cred Forums.
I had no idea there was a worksafe request board. How long has it been around?
God knows we've needed it for years
Did you do some good things in your life OP? Did you help someone in need? Did you donate to charity?
I do personally get a bit more affected by it when it's a guy my age with similar I interests. It could have been me. I've lost far too many friends already even at the age of 23. It seriously is a very, very terrible thing. When it's cancer, you know it's there in advance, when it's something else it can all happen so suddenly.
OP. I don't know what to tell you. I have no fucking idea what I would do in your situation. I can't even begin to understand it. Fuck. I'm not even sure watching anime about dying is a good idea in your situation, but if you had to watch anything then I'd probably watch Angel Beats. It's not the best of the best, but it touches upon the subject of death better than most other shows I've seen.
I'd probably watch stuff like Aria.
I'm so sorry, man. I've lost 4 friends in the past few years and I still can't handle it.
If you're still in a good enough shape to travel, go to Japan. It's well worth the trip.
Nobody is shitting on someone by telling them to follow the rules. Whether you are dying or not is irrelevant to if recommendation threads belong on Cred Forums or not.
You should really stop being so mean to me though I am dying too and all I want is to keep Cred Forums free of recommendations.
It doesn't really bother me and I am 27. I'll just remember to pretend to have cancer when I next want to make a rec thread on Cred Forums.
Do you know what type of liver cancer you have user? Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Angiosarcoma, Cholangiocarcinoma?
In his case it's almost always genetic.
If you don't mind them being actors instead of anime (but full of feelings as anime is) you could watch 1 Litre no Namida and Lost Time Life (this one from 2008:
I hope you can spend whatever you have left at your fullest and make everyone around you treasure the time you have left.
What if you are/will be in OP place: dying from a cancer at young age. Would you like it when I tell you this:
>Better to tell them to fuck off and go to the board designated for recommendations. Couldn't give a fuck who is dying, millions of people are right now, not even slightly special.
Yes or no ?
Penguindrum is a good one, it features a character with a terminal illness as well as people coming to terms with the death of someone else.
To be honest, in OP's place I'd ask for recommendations anywhere but here.
School has already started user
I wouldn't have posted a rec thread here to begin with and I'm not bothered by that statement at all. You aren't special for dying literally everyone does it and many people will have in the time we are having this conversation. Literally no reason to care about this one guy especially since he's a shitposter I have no relationship to who can't even follow basic rules.
Because you are even more of a newfag
So, did OP get stage 3 terminal cancer because he's a shitposting generalfag?
Not at all. I started coming here even before the Rozen-Maiden inspired memes started to pollute this website.
Kill yourself, rec thread.
This thread gave me cancer. GJ OP.
Close. From posting in the 24/7 Rules general.
>shit, people on Cred Forums doesn't like a recommendation thread
>let's try to make some bullshit excuse
You are all gullible fucks.
This thread gave me cancer.
Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora
Haibane Renmei
Watch, read, enjoy what you can for yourself... can you leave a legacy for the ones around you?
Now you too only have 15 months to live.
Everyone who posted in this thread got cancer.
Everyone here is cancer.
>attention whoring
>recommendation thread
Fuck off.
fight it and do the recommended treatments like TACE (transarterial chemoembolization) or the radiation equivalent with the radioactive beads if surgery isn't an option.
get the cancer under control and try to get on a list for a transplant.
best of luck, I lost my father to extremely advanced liver cancer but we found some doctors that were still willing to try treatments.
For 3DPD movies I recommend Kurosawa's Ikiiru
Doublas please go.
>lost my father
I'm sorry for your loss. How old was your father? Did he drink alcohol a lot?
>sociopath: the post
Normally, this thread ought to be reported for being a shitty trollbait.
But since the mods are busy being idiots protecting the rules-meta general, it's okay if Cred Forums burns.
>gullible moron: the post
Well at least everyone has learned today if you want to make a rec thread on Cred Forums just say that you are dying and plenty of idiots will respond.
It's just the OP replying to himself anyway.
Phoneposting easily allows one to manipulate the unique IP counter to make it look like there's more than one guy in this thread for real.
Do not give up hope, user! I had cancer with a ~17% chance of survival and I thought I was for sure going to die. As of April it is no longer in my system.
The number one thing you need to do is be hopeful. Know that you will win. If you give up then you will lose for sure.
This is op, and my third post in the thread.
Most things have been jotted down. Thanks girls.
How early did you spot it?
Just a few months before retirement age. I rarely ever saw him drink, but he did have Hepatitis C and didn't treat that disease as seriously as he should have.
I remember you from previous threads, OP.
Stay strong.
>As of April it is no longer in my system.
But it can return. You need to wait at least 10 years to be sure you are free from it. That was what doctors told my mother. She had breast cancer.
steve jobs movies.
you're the same age as me. HANG IN THERE DUDE!
I remember seeing you in a thread too.
Idk if you like Shojo but Deep Love has that. But if I remember it's STDs.
Boku no pico
well im sorry user but here are some good recommendations dealing with loss
>Kinos Journey
>ghost in the Shell
>Death Parade
thats off the top of my head, all but ghost in the shell deal with death and the meaning of things
gits is more for existentialism and the concept of a personal soul
>Boku no pico actually deals with coming of age issues
>Newfags and shitposters make fun of it
guess I could add
Haibane renmei
they all kinda fit the theme and ambiance the other anime have as well
not only coming of age issues but gender identity as well.