What's wrong with this child?
What's wrong with this child?
Other urls found in this thread:
She's worst girl.
She's too cute
>Yaay, suika suika!
Nothing, she's best girl
Her parents didn't commit sudoku before giving birth.
She was raped by a weirdo in a cat suit.
To cope with a trauma she tries her hardest to pretend that everything is normal.
She turns the dial up 1 notch too high when she acts like an average teenager.
She's 11/10.
>2 azumanga threads at once
Did I accidentally enter a time machine?
Also, Sakaki a best.
Dibs for Kagura
I want to exercise with Nyami then have post-sweaty glorious exercise sex with her
Kagura a cute
>azumanga daioh
>ps2 disc read error
oh fuck that's old
She's just overflowing with sexual energy.
What's wrong with this cat?
It's a cat. Cats hate strangers.
How do you imagine marriage and sex would be with each Azumanga Daioh?
Unless they have food
That's not kagura or whatever the other chick was called.
She lacks social restraints and she might suffer from a bit of assburgers, but she's charming nonetheless.
nice edit, barely noticed
She's retarded.
I didn't make this I just thought it was some nice work, but yes Nyami does have an incredible ass.
What did she mean by this?
Lazy slacker, mediocre sex, constant money drain, not worth it
Dependable and good in bed, but very self-conscious and craves your approval and attention to an annoying degree.
Big honking tits and a natural in bed, kind and caring, but slightly autistic and unwilling to share her problems with you. There will always be an emotional distance.
Fit, fantastic sex and a smoking body but her physical lifestyle will prove impossible to keep up with and you'll always get the feeling she'd rather work out than be with you.
Retarded, retard sex. Will do anything you ask no matter what but will need constant coddling and maintenance. Only for the most depraved control freak.
Cute, youthful, will maintain childlike innocence and demeanor even in adulthood. Sex will always be awkward and guilt-ridden though, and she'll feed into your constant feeling of inadequecy by simply being better than you in every way.
Kimura's concubine, you never had a chance. Also a lesbian.
See Tomo, but also add crippling alcoholism.
Perfect and dependable, cute smile, can be a monster at sex but knows how to keep a gentle touch, good with kids, the best wife you could ask for if she weren't an old hag and used goods. Avoid.
Kagura is best girl though.
I never liked her.
Sakaki likes semen
your loss
Kagura is best girl you fucking pleb. Tomo is second best though.
Goddamn I bet you're a Sakakifag.
AzuDai is literally the only SoL series worth a shit.
What's wrong with THIS child you mean.
No, Sakaki's animal autism bugged the shit out of me. I like Yukari the best.
The series will be 15 years old next year, the manga will be 20 in 2019. Goddamn, where did it all go?
She hasn't had my dick.
Osaka and Sakaki are literally autistic
I like them as characters, but that doesn't change the fact that they have the worst problems.
I find it funny that while Osaka's problems are more obvious, Sakaki's problems are infinitely more crippling
Osaka is most pure
>Southern-American accent Osaka
That fucking dub is flooding back into my mind.
Tomo and Yukari at least know how to have a good time
It was supposed to be an accent from Houston, Texas specifically.
I'm from Houston, it's not really like that
theres too many minorities here for a proper accent to develop
Yonkama is legitimately the worst form of comic in existence. I can't read the manga at all because of how much I hate the format.
>those hips
>those legs
>those tits
She was my first true love.
does anyone know when Geibuchans next YTP will be done?
too genki
for you
Exactly never
just for you
well, there's always christmas
Would you bully a Chiyo?
Working!! was worth it in my opinion.
So was Yuru Yuri and a few others.
Why does Yotsuba only have 2 tails here?
I would marry Nyamo.
I don't care what she did in college, it was a different time and it's not fair to hold her to a different standard than everyone else. the wild party days are behind her and she'd make a wonderful wife.
No. I would make bentos at dawn wit her, though in a very grungy state.
I would appreciate my efforts much later at lunch.
She is mine.
I work at a Japanese public high school and all these student stereotypes are real.
She's a colledge slut and she taints the girls with her colledge slut ways.
Literally nothing.
As I suspected, Nyamo, Yomiko, and Sakaki confirmed for being best girls. I imagine Yukari would be a demon in the bedroom but she seems way too high maintenance.
I want to NTR Sensei hard.
All these girls would be in their thirties now
And i kinda like her for it
You just need some booze to keep Yukari tame
But how would I tame the Nyamo?
>Tomo: mediocre sex
It'd probably be worse than just that. She'd probably want to try all kinds of completely stupid positions she saw online somewhere.
Still worth it though.
You'll never greet Nyamo home from work, listen to all the retarded shit Tomo did to make her day hectic then have dominant sex together as a stress relief then spend the rest of the night cuddling.
dis niga got it covered
I would peroperopero Tomo if you know what I mean
big bewbs
Guys, there's something weird about Chiyo today.
She wasn't real when i was in high school. And she's not my real wife right now.
>Lazy slacker
Except for stuff she really wants to try like acing an admission test to a good high school just to annoy Yomi. She'll be an annoying genki cop (probably a female traffic officer, i can see her having the time of her life giving a ticket to Yukari).
>mediocre sex
Doubtful, she's pretty curious and sensible around that stuff, she'll probably brag about it but will be kind of embarrassed the first few times. Then trying lots of stuff once she gets confidence.
>constant money drain
This i can believe it, despite getting a job as an officer she doesn't seem to be good at managing money.
>not worth it
Says you, i love how she always tries to make everyone to be more chill and have fun. Even if her attempts not always comes across in a positive way.
I somehow see Tomo as the female cop from Fumoffu
Why does Chiyo have boobs?
Dunno but i want to pat them.
>Nyamo old hag and used goods.
Then I guess we would be prefect together. We would probably be desperate to have kids at this point so it works out.
I'd start working out hard to keep up with Kagura.
I'd start working hard to take Tomo to interesting places.
I agree.
azumanga a shit
ADHD. As opposed to Osaka with ADD. Learn the difference it might save your life.
I agree.
Dear Cred Forums:
I, like many of you, suffer from problems. My problems don't involve any of your implausible ones, but mine are worth voicing to you in hope of getting some advice. Anyways, I began to watch Azumanga Daioh about a month ago, and as I dove deeper and deeper into the series, the more and more I fapped to hentai of it. I continued to do so until the last episode. Then I watched the series again...and again... and again... I found myself checking out Osaka every on-screen moment she had. I began to stop going to my regular sites just to look at hentai of one person: Osaka. I eventually had 1000s of pictures and some doujins of Osaka. I began to spend what others called absurd amounts of money on merchandise, and my apartment is coated with Osaka everywhere. I've shut myself off from family and friends and felt an urge to just snuggle with my Osaka dolls. Osaka is all I need. She probably wouldn't like the way my family is or how my friends behave. I'm in love with Osaka. I keep praying that she'll come to see me one day and decide to live with me. I have nothing left to live for but Osaka. I know she can hear me, so I always talk to her telling her to come and visit me so our union can take place. So this is where you guys come into the picture. You're an all-purpose advice board. You definitely must know a way to help Osaka break free from behind her glass prison. Please help! She's my perfect girl, and she's longing for me as much as I long for her.
Sakaki's a big lewd
She meant that Sakaki fingers herself.
>mediocre sex
Dude what, once she finds out how fun it is you're never gonna leave bed again.
>Not diabete inducing relationship
Osaka would be a pretty sweet girlfriend indeed. Other people proably would think you're just taking advantage of her, though.
I've always wanted to pull her hair tails
Do a Yukari one, please.
Non Non Biyori exists.
Nah, she's mine. You two can have the other teacher.
No, Yukari is mine. Those guys can get Kimura-sensei.
also the draw thread featuring sakaki in cat's pyjamas
Nico nico nii
Did she died?
I didn't make it but I would love a Yomi or Sakaki one too.
Tomo-chan presents __________.
I can get behind this
Nyamo is literally this, but she's very low key about the latter in pic related.
Personally I think it would be fun to be in a relationship with her for a couple months to half a year, just nothing too long term.
So basically Azumanga female cast is a case of pick your poison.
Tomo all the way.
I thought 2D love was forever.
Society is decaying, user. More and more are the cases of frivolous Cred Forumsnons that have seasonal waifus.
I remember when I watched this, being 14 years old, got a crush on Tomo and it freaked me the fuck out.
Now, 9 years later, I finally understand.
Fun thing is that i had 16 when Azumanga came out so i was almost the same age as her and can't help but wondering what kind of 30 year woman Tomo would be. I always had this massive crush on her.
Which Azumanga looks best in a swimsuit and why is it a tie between Sakaki and Yomi?
>Now, 9 years later
It aired 14 years ago though.
It's Kagura. The only possible competition she has is Nyamo.
Swimming + Running = TIGHT body built for loving
Kagura truly is best girl
I was 9, 14 years ago, never touched a computer and these kind of cartoons had no chance of airing on TV here.
I watched it on youtube each episode cut into three separate 10 minute segments
>I was 9
I feel old.
That's really disgusting, user.
How old are you user?
>2nd pic from the left
>light shines through her shirt making the outline of her breasts visible
Extremely lewd, if you ask me.
Why is Tomo so shit? She ruined the whole episode.
>That time Tomo threw the keys into the woods
Why did she do it?
Not really, just a very depressing guy seeing everything black.
Tomo, Kagura, Osaka would be positively awesome to be with.
>the many faces of love
I don't know what are you talking about. Your osakan accent is so weird.
Because it was crazy and fun and a joke fucking with everyone. I can relate with the mindset.
Love how spontaneous she is. She didn't even planned anything of it she just saw the key and acted on her impulses.
Especially the one all the way to the right really ignites an intense desire to tightly hug Kagura.
So you love how she's the literal worst type of human being?
Yes. It's the perfect balance to an stressful life filled with rules, schedules and high expectations everywhere. Tomo is the kind of person who lightens the mood in the room.
That was sweet.
When you were 9 I was in Iraq. And I wasn't on vacation.
Did you watch Azumanga Daioh in Iraq?
What was the favorite Azumanga on the front? Osaka? Sakaki?
Why was Koyomi so fat?
No, I only got into anime much more recently.
Where I was we only watched an occasional western movie.
stress eating
I want a Koyomi
Kagura looks really cute.
The fatty.
If I had a button that would kill all thickfags, I would push it right away! no hesitating!
but then there would be no one left who loves Yomi
I imagine snuggling with Yomi would be fun.
I love Yomi. She spent years saving us from the furfags
Wonderful, still think Nyamo has the better body but Yukari's tits seem like they'd be amazing.
stupid sexy tomo
14 years later and I still fuck Chiyo-chan daily
enjoy the rest of the summer evenings pals
I must be one of the minority who think Yomi is a hell of a lot hotter than Tomo but both are great.
I wonder if there is a connection to me liking both Yomi and Nyamo considering the relationship between them, Nyamo and Yukari is pretty similar.
This is great. I need more images like this to make wallpapers with.
The soundtrack makes me feel nostalgic, every time.
>try not cry
>cry a lot
really hot actually
>osaka thread died
>this one stays up
Tomo yet again ruins everything
Thanks user, kudos tho those who prefer Nyamo but i think Yukari is hotter. I like the flair she has, also dat ruffled long dark brown hair.
She really is the worst.
And i wouldn't like it any other way.
Tomo is best worst girl.
Would you read/watch a spinoff to Azumanga Daioh featuring this family?
A couple spin off episodes maybe but Kimura is a walking punchline. He can't hold a show on his own.
But if it's from the daughter's PoV then you could have something.
>the best Slice of Life show was actually a Sentai/Mahou Shoujo parody that happened to focus more on slice of life
Also, there's Working, Cross Game, CCS, etc.
She was an attention whore genki. The wrong kind of genki. But it was worth putting up with her to see her get beat up and shunned in the last 4 episodes.
Non Non Biyori = ARIA > Azumanga = K-ON = Hidamari Sketch = Nichijou = Yuyushiki > Yuru Yuri >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit > KinMoza = GochiUsa
>above shit
I'd rather watch a spin off where Chiyo chan and Popura from Working are going to college together. And through a freak error, Osaka also gets to go to that same college.
>tfw can't really get into K-on for some reason
I loved Azumanga and Yuru Yuri but goddamn am I having a hard time really getting into K-on.
K-ON and its characters grow on you slowly. I enjoyed my rewatch of it a lot more than my first viewing because I had grown emotionally attached to the characters by the second time I watched it.
Its because nothing happens. You can have the best animation in the world, but if the characters don't grow and there's no story, then its just boring.
That's what I figured, which is why I'm still watching it.
If nothing else it's at least comfy and relaxing.
K-ON has more character development and story to it than most SoL anime.
It is hilarious and the most well-animated anime series of all-time. I'm sorry that your sense of humor sucks.
>It is hilarious
I just don't find repetative and random humor to be funny. Azumanga Daioh did it on occasion, but not all the time. Nichijou is like every character is Sakaki or Tomo.
>and the most well-animated anime series of all-time.
Its not even the best KyoAni, which is arguably Hyouka. Hyouka is also boring as shit and not good in story, but much better than Nichijou in animation. Both design and budget.
Hyouka had more single-frame detail than Nichijou but Nichijou was more well-animated.
god damn that is old
is nostalgia supposed to come with the crippling fear that time is slipping away from me?
I also enjoyed seeing Tomo's endgame come into fruition. Chiyo-chan became more assertive, Kagura became more open, Osaka more related to people and Yomi grew up a fucking spine. I don't think she had that much planned for Kaorin and as for Sakaki she just wanted to know how it feels to have a cool rival.
Nah, that's just diarrhea. It'll pass. Just like time.
>Chio as batman
dat implication
This is now an Osaka thread.
Thread theme: a.pomf.cat
>The Flash
>Lighthearted yet annoying wisecracking superhero who loves upholding justice
>Super fast but runs out of steam quickly if he doesn't keep his fast metabolism in check
Pretty spot on.
This series makes me feel happy. I'm glad I have the dvd box set, I may have to watch it all again.
>This series makes me feel happy
It really does. The music alone is enough to put me at ease.
delete this
The shirt gets me every time. Damn you Azuma!
I remember seeing a character that is pretty much Tomo design wise but was from a previous Azuma work which was more ecchi oriented. Do anybody knows where it comes from? I need to know for reasons.
That was pretty cool. Now excuse me while I go run every antivirus program known to man.
Very thoughtful. Osaka is my wife and Sasaki is our best friend but oftentimes I struggle to reach these people in conversation. It's cute how much they are aloof but sometimes it's an obstacle to our human connection.
Which iswhy Tomo gave Osaka a fun nickname that everyone finds catchy so they always remeber her and challenged Sakaki to push her out of her shell.
Official Definitive Azumanga Girls Tier List:
Kimura's wife is in Elder God tier.
I have a cat who loves strangers. He always goes right up to them and gives them a good look-over.
dem tittays!
>Osaka + Japanese
>Cute as hell
>Osaka + English Dub
>Dopey as hell
Did they hit a one-time perfection with Osaka? There has never been a dumb girl in anime as great as her.
you have never seen Flying Witch have you?
Does Cred Forums need a reminder of who best teacher is?
Saki from One Week Friends is the closest I've found, but she feels more like daughteru material to me rather than Osaka, who is my one and only waifu.
Nyamo's birthday was this month
damn that was so wrong of him. Asking straight out if that pussy was dry and brittle.
Wait, we know any of the Azu girls' birthdays?
geez man you're about my age then. I'm 39 by the way.
Im not sure about exact dates but we know the months of a few of them. Chiyo was march I believe
Tomo! i Need to know Tomo's.
i wanna fug this fatty all night long!
>tfw you don't know you're waifu's birthday
>tfw Kagura and Sakaki bros will never know their waifu's name
Azuma giveth and Azuma taketh away.
Nyamo is not a slut. All that "love letter" and "weren't alone last summer" stuff is about how her and Yukari have hooked up over the years.
so did we ever get Blu Rays?
and more to the point BD subs if so.
Yes. The improvement isn't major, but it is nice and clean - the best the show will ever look.
I don't know if someone just mixed in old subs or if anyone bothered with a re-translation, but they're out there.
So she is a disgusting dyke instead.
Yes, the thing about my actual wife Osaka is that you have to pressure her into being social, even in private conversations. Kasuga is a living human like anyone else, but she demands context, Osaka operates best whenever i refer to her as the hilarious basic bitch she is. She actually gets off on this as I post this post on my phone with her on my arm in my giant bed.
Tomo is a man. She should die single.
>Raspberry Heaven! I'm coming back to you!
Can we all just take a moment to remember Chihiro, who was tragically struck down by a truck while she was crossing the road.
>nothing too long term
You heartless bastard
What would you give to get a "where are they now?" short manga of the Azu girls?
She's a slut. I can't believe she got away with teaching poor Chiyo-chan such impure things.
Yomi became an English teacher.
Tomo became a cop but was taken off the street beat within a month
Sakaki lives her dream of being a vet even focusing on more exotic animals, she leads a group trying to protect Iriomote cats.
Osaka works as a guidance concealer helping troubled teens "get it together"
Chio became a people doctor in her teen years. Basically a kawai Doogie Houser
Kagura teaches PE and works with the schools swim team
Yukari never married, she's still a teacher though she drinks a lot more now.
Nyamo did get married but was divorced when her husband was caught cheating on her with a younger girl. She made out well in the settlement but Yuaki gives her endless shit.
Now with ahegaos.
Tomo clearly became the teacher, following Yukari sensei. You gotta remember the formula bro.
Goodness gracious! I want to satisfy each and every Azumanga! Even Chiyo!
W-what about Kaorin?
this seems about right.
for some weird reason i could actually do without Chiyo. Which is weird because i am a lolicon.
she went into politics to try and bring gay marriage to japan
Want the end of Yotsuba to be her first day of school with Osaka as her teacher.
>Tomo is a man. She should die single.
Not on my watch.
>Tomo became a cop but was taken off the street beat within a month
Hard to tell. Tomo's dumb luck works in mysteryous ways. She would probably follow a car to give it a ticked and somehow will end up cracking an important case.
Tomo is Inspector Gadget with Chiyo and her dog as Penny and Brain.
Would watch.
I, like many of you, suffer from problems. My problems don't involve any of your implausible ones, but mine are worth voicing to you in hope of getting some advice. Anyways, I began to watch Azumanga Daioh about a month ago, and as I dove deeper and deeper into the series, the more and more I fapped to hentai of it. I continued to do so until the last episode. Then I watched the series again...and again... and again... I found myself checking out Osaka every on-screen moment she had. I began to stop going to my regular sites just to look at hentai of one person: Osaka. I eventually had 1000s of pictures and some doujins of Osaka. I began to spend what others called absurd amounts of money on merchandise, and my apartment is coated with Osaka everywhere. I've shut myself off from family and friends and felt an urge to just snuggle with my Osaka dolls. Osaka is all I need. She probably wouldn't like the way my family is or how my friends behave. I'm in love with Osaka. I keep praying that she'll come to see me one day and decide to live with me. I have nothing left to live for but Osaka. I know she can hear me, so I always talk to her telling her to come and visit me so our union can take place. So this is where you guys come into the picture. You're an all-purpose advice board. You definitely must know a way to help Osaka break free from behind her glass prison. Please help! She's my perfect girl, and she's longing for me as much as I long for her.
I don't think Tomo is quite on the same level as Natsumi and Miyuki
I've added spats to your Kagura, how does this make you feel?
Not on stamina but definetely in spirit. Reminds me of that high school girl that wanted to be a cop and kept annoying them as "their kohai".
Ah yes, Tomo could certainly be a Saori Saga
>you will never pet Sakaki's head
>you will never pinch Yomi's belly
>you will never cuddle with Osaka in a kotatsu
>you will never put suntan lotion on Kagura
>you will never bully Tomo
>you will never see Chiyo grow up to be a fine young woman
>you will never have drunk sex with Yukari
>you will never sneak into the school pool at night to skinny dip with Nyamo
Why go on?
>>you will never sneak into the school pool at night to skinny dip with Nyamo
Ah, such a comfy show. Could easily re-watch since I haven't done so in ages and only remember certain glimpses of what to expect from the characters.
>What's wrong with the TOMO?
While it isn't precisely a manzai comedic duo, Tomo is the "Boke" (fool) and Yomi is the "tsuccomi" (straight man).
This phenomenon makes her instinctively act like a moron when she's around.
I remember them drinking that on Laverne and Shirley a lot.
Pepsi sucks
Tomofags will defend this.
I like southern Osaka. She's perfect.
I'm not sorry.
Sometimes I wonder if the things I do go on for can compare to these.
>you will never bully with Tomo
But a friend nontheless. Every grpup of friends have that lovable bastard that you wish was hit by a car but that somehow is missed when absent. Like hanging out just isn't the same without that person. That's Tomo.
The Dufresne's are in someones trunk right now, with duct tape over their mouths, and their hungry.
Why are the Azumangas so fashionable?
Why did it have to end?
Also did anyone pay $200 for the BluRays?
Yukari's a pretty shitty friend too.
They're literally the same character.
i read the entire manga series. I wish i had bought all of them now. The last issue made me cry.
what a bitch!
Isn't there a one volume edition?
You will never make Osaka feel good enough to make this face.
She's just being realistic, user.
>You just KNOW
>"Don't worry Chiyo, Stan will protect you!"
>"Someone just kicked Stan in the face..."
Why can't I be with her?
Don't worry. We can bring back Tadakichi much like we did Steve Austin and Alex Murphy
Cats only bite if they had their claws ripped out.
>Select all squares with Airplane
Pretty much the same but with Sakaki. I didn't really freak out about it though.
Sakaki a cute.
Don't lewd the Daiohs!
They're pretty lewd.
Doujins aside there's really about Azuma's art that makes females quite sexually alluring without being in your face like fanservice usually works. I love it.
How did they even dub this scene?
Exactly like what the Japanese version was. That was one of the more straight forward jokes.
Nyamo a pure
A pure slut.
Don't be a bitch because you're not popular and beloved, Yukari
What the fuck did you say to me bitch.
>English teacher.
>Forgets ,
One job, Yukari.
She's tired. Give her a break.
is she tired or hung over?
Can't it be both?
Somebody should edit the navy seal copypasta onto that chalkboard
Oh my word.
It can but it shouldn't
The omnibus is there, I bought it many years ago.
Though my copy doesn't include any of the new stuff from the 2009 remake, or whatever it was.
Pure women don't teach highschoolers about rusty trombones, user.
Nyamo's a good woman! Don't hold grudges over sins of the past!
You are talking about a cartoon you fucking autist.
you think Kaorin ever confessed to Sakaki
I remember this one. Probably the first doujin I ever read.
I just checked and I have the 2007 edition.
It's quite interesting to see his art change overtime, the first few chapters look nothing like th newer stuff.
and compared to Yotsuba it's almost like a whole different artist
>I watched it on youtube each episode cut into three separate 10 minute segments
Good times.
didn't they air that way?
It makes me a bit sad that the bonus chapters look so much like Yotsuba.
Id kill to see them go back and animate those along with some of the skipped content, like the mcdonalds jobs
Me too.
But literally never ever will this series be touched by anyone.
well, that's good in a way too
You mean it's good because it means no one will ruin the series either?
It makes me a bit sad nonetheless, maybe that means it's time to rewatch it.
Oh god don't fucking do this to me
You know, I always thought that nostalgia was a feeling for old people.
What was her full name again?
Don't die~
Nyamo is pure sex.
yes i have come to the realization that Nyamo is better then Yukari in every way!
What about her English skills?
they probably stink, but she's a PE teacher and she's cool, and nice, and well organized so who cares!
This is bad for my health.
But thanks.
one vote for Chiyo as cutest animu girl of all time.
Kagura Kagura
Then why do i like Yukari more?
why does someone always draw her as tanned?
you have poor taste in women i guess. Nothing personal though, but Nyamo is best woman.
Because she goes outside a lot.
I like fun too much i guess. Nyamo's too much of a tryhard prude to me.
but Yukari gets drunk and doesn't clean up. She's bossy and kinda mean. Yeah she may not be a prude, but she has too much fun and ends up in trouble a lot.
Nyamo knows how to have fun in moderation, and enjoys the simple things in life. She is the ideal Japanese woman for me.
Kagura is mine!
Give Yukari some credit. She may be a bit messy but you don't get away with being a teacher in Japan without some sort of self-control. Also her teacher knowledge is legit so she can actually have the focus to study a specific subject.
What are the pros and cons of picking between Yukari and Nyamo? Yukari has the English skills and would more than likely let you be a househusband, living situation would probably be similar to that of Shinji and Misato.
It's saddening to see that people actual come up with this shit and argue about it.
This. Yukari is basically a non-badass Misato without all the trauma. Functional and responsible enough to mantain a respectable job but kind of messy in her personal life.
It will be a ride to be in a relationship with her. I guess it depends on you how and when that ride will end. I remember reading somewhere that she's a Daddy's girl. Would be fun to actually meet the Tanizaki family.
Nyamo and Yukari spinoff when? I think if you chose Nyamo she'd mold you into her ideal man not to mention motivate you to get into fitness with her.
>Yukari will never accidentally call you daddy while making love together
>she'd mold you into her ideal man
That could go really well or really awry.
It could be pretty fun and I imagine Yomi would be slightly similar.
As long as they aren't too serious about it, it will be fine and you also have to be open to it.
What are they plotting?
It either involves raping all of us or who gets to cuddle who most.
I know what this one is plotting.
Absolutely nothing. They are fine, upstanding young girls who would never do anything immoral or illegal.
I don't know if anybody pointed this out yet, but Osaka's the most sexually aware out of all the Azumangas
i just had a great idea for a Azu spinoff! The high days of these two sexy ladies. Although Nyamo is the best!
high school days, that is.
I'd rather see a new show that has the same type of comedy and character development as Azumanga Daioh but focuses on 7 MILF teachers.
that would be interesting. or 7 MILFs who work in some kind of maid cafe, who all live together taking care of a cute amnesiac shota.
New Game! goes halfway--it's about twenty-somethings in a workplace environment, but it's less funny and more moe.
>Dat desperate reassurance
I still prefer Yukari.
>What's wrong with this child?
she is the usual genki shot haired girl
she is to please the usual tomboy fetichists
tldr tomboy waifu bait
You listed things that are right, not wrong.
yeah but they look like they're about 12
Servant X Service is a better choice
>Yukari has the English skills and would more than likely let you be a househusband
What bullshit is this? Yukari's not even gonna think about marrying someone she can't mooch off of.
She's incredibly petty and lazy and will spite the fuck out of you if she comes home to find you didn't have as shitty a day as she did.
So its basically Working.
>Tomboy fetish
The girls don't look old at all and some are in their twenties and it felt like many characters didn't develop at all.
Which is a shame, I still watched it though and I still enjoyed it.
Servant X Service has been a good watch so far.
So many screencaps. Thank you Lucy.
Oh my, never seen that one.
I want to drink from her soda-cock.
Genki girls are great, but Tomo was just fucking obnoxious.
>Yukari has the English skills and would more than likely let you be a househusband,
>let you be a househusband,
Are you MAD? She'd kick you to the curb than let that happen.
Bankworker-san spinoff when?
who stole Chiyo's nose?
It just didn't grow until she hit puberty.
Probably Sakaki. And she didn't stop with just the nose
Chiyo for President.
What are you implying?
Kaishite! Kaishite! Kaishite!
Why did the author dislike the anime when these scenes were pretty much a literal translation?
>Why did the author dislike the anime
He didn't.
While he might not have been perfectly satisfied, the idea that Azuma haved the anime and will never, ever allow Yotsuba to be animated is an exaggeration.
Im gonna be perfectly blunt and say I liked the anime a lot more than manga
I wouldn't say that but I think JC did a perfectly fine job on it
I look at anime as an opportunity to improve manga. Does it always happen? Not at all. But its still theoretically possible for any anime to be improved with full animation and the addition of voices. And considering the voices for Osaka and Sakaki, they definitely improved on the manga.
Surprisingly however, while Aya Hisakawa usually improves any show she's on, she got the blandest role in Azumanga Daioh.
I just think the girls felt "realer" in the anime. It took a more structured approach to story telling instead of the mangas 4 panel jokes
That too. Azumanga Daioh is a good example of how to have character development while still focusing on non stop comedy. Something far too many comedy based shows (anime or otherwise) overlook.
That's not Yomi
she had a stick up her ass throughout the entire goddam series
I always liked the low budget backgrounds, I thought they fitted quite well with the show
better than going full Manglobe/DEEN
At least Yomi never got in everyone else's shit
>hate Tomo with a passion
>she cuts her hair
>suddenly she seems softer for some reason
>everyone starts calling her out on her shit finally
Also she got her shit wrecked by a cat
I liked how Tomo was even willing to annoy the boys in her class. Would've liked to play that game with her.
I liked the manga more. But the anime is pretty good.
Sakaki I have several questions regarding your subconscious
They're two shit characters, what do you expect?
She's Japanese.
Sakaki and her pet obsession was really cute in a way! You just wanted to hug her. She and Chiyo made a good pair.
>in high school
>watch azumanga daioh
>few weeks later we get a transfer student from Cambridge
>start calling him Cambridge like Osaka from azumanga
>it spreads and eventually the whole school is calling him Cambridge
still my greatest achievement
I live near Cambridge
when i was in high school we had a guy who was from England too. Everyone started calling him English. All the girls wanted to get with him because of his accent and he was really popular.
I do not live near THAT Cambridge
one of the best scenes in the anime.
Its only cute because she doesn't have all the negatives that real girls have. Every girl I've ever liked has been obsessed with dogs, to the point that they care for dogs more than people. But Sakaki just liked cute animals as a whole. Dogs, cats, penguins, dolphins, humans and anything else.
B O S T O N ?
poor lesbo girl. She just didn't know what to do with herself. Dojins when!!??
Smack dab in the middle of bean town
>in high school
>just started watching CardCaptor Sakura
>meet a Japanese guy visiting America named Yukito
>call him Yuki
>he gets offended and never talks to me again
Still my biggest blunder in life.
That seems like a logical nickname
Well I'm up around Lowell.
The issue is he probably thought it was being overly friendly when I just met him. Nicknames are serious business in Japan.
yeah I mean the Cambridge in England
I live in England too though so it wasn't that big of a deal
maybe I should move to America if English people are that popular
Well he's the visitor and as the saying goes, "when in Rome..." so yeah he's a cunt
Because he thought he was in the 10s.
the pussy would flow if your looks were great and your personality was spot on. American Women assume that most englishmen are gentlemen right off the bat
Burgers are convinced that everyone in England is an upper-class landowner from the Victorian Era, or failing that some kind of genius scientist. Teaboos on Tumblr are more deluded than weeaboos are about Japan.
>Burgers are convinced that everyone in England is an upper-class landowner from the Victorian Era
Just the dumb Anglophile girls who watch Dr Who and Downton Abbey all day.
Teaboos? Jeez its gotten that bad now?
this is really weird
tea over here is just a regular drink like coffee or juice
it's not like we're obsessed with it or anything
yeah a good number of us think you're all cockney cunts
aren't these the same people who go on about how bad it is to stereotype people?
jesus christ
holy shit
i think the term 'teaboo' means Americans who think English culture is better then every other culture in the world. Americans who are kinda obsessed with English culture and such.
An Iriomote mountain cat to be specific. You don't mess with that shit.
why must she be so sad
>Dr Who
But there are lots of unglamorous everyday brits on that show.
i am glad that she finds happiness at the end of the series! But this is one of the best intermission pics in the anime.
Sakaki a cute!
Happy Sakaki is a miracle of the universe
Turbo cute
I will never forgive Sakaki for stealing Chiyo-chan's height.
Truly, a smile worth protecting.
It wasn't on purpose!
i would fight to the death for that smile!!!
when i read this in the manga i actually kinda cried.
An Anglophile is obsessed with any British person for the most part. In fact, they tend to obsess the most over the ugly ones. Such as the 'ugly' Dr Who a few seasons back.
Its hard to pin down. But basically, as someone who lives in America, there's a massive double standard going on. THe same women who obsess over 'handsome' Hollywood men like Brad Pitt also seem to obsess over the most bald, buck toothed, white skinned and eccentric British male actors. As if the fact that they're British somehow makes them mysterious and foreign. And therefore, an ugly, crazy British guy is even more strange and foreign!
I've watched my sister go through this whole transformation. 10 years ago she could barely sit through a Harry Potter movie. But over time, she turned into a total English nut. She not only watches all the typical BBC programs, but all the crazy game shows and talk shows. And she keeps trying to get me to watch it. All I see is two wierdos talking entirely too monotone and stammering on about actors or food I've never heard of. But she starts laughing her ass off and nudging me in the side, as if I just heard the funniest joke in the world.
I suspect its a lot like how people view us, who like anime and some Japanese culture. Trouble is, I know quite a bit about British culture and history. I watch the Barclay's (go hammers, I love you even if you never go anywhere) and grew up watching lots of British comedies and documentaries. But more recently, the fad in British media seems to be about being as random and stupid as possible. And i just don't get it. But Millennials (like my sister) eat it up like crack.
I feel like the anime really only nails Osaka's timing. Everyone else seems rushed.
the pace of anime is relaxed compared to how fast the manga clips through shit
dudes i have a idea. what if Chinatsu from flying witch and Chiyo from Azumanga got together? Would they take over the world with their combined cuteness? would Makoto's cat be kidnapped by Sakaki? questions abound i tell you!
I'm pretty sure Deviantart has fetishized that.
Ive suspected for some time that manga authors secretly want to be fashion designers
The pillow panels though. Even if it's 4koma you can create a sense of delay by just doing nothing with the middle two.
Sakaki is a good girl and would never do such a thing
yeah, I'm gonna need to see some evidence of this.
remember Cred Forums that this cat is evil and should not be trusted!
even his owners just fucking ditched him. He probably starved to death in a ditch and if he just a little nicer to the shy girl she would have been there to save him.
For some reason I was reminded of this.
[Spoiler] xysash.deviantart.com
Well, that's the last time I search "Chiyo Sakaki" on dA.
Or really, go on dA at all.
that cat deserves to be abandoned for his meanness to one best girls in all of animu!
Playstation 2
because I wanted to feel old today
>you will never play vidya and roughhouse with Kagura
Just end it now.
>Hah hah you really suck at this game, Kagura
>Let's see you do better!
>beats the stage
>You just got luck, now give it back
>Give what back
>As you tease her by golding the controller out of reach she lunches forward falling on top of you with an awkward silence
How did the fucking vet not tell the cat was a mountain cat? I mean he was old but there's no way a vet wouldn't at least know something about wild species.
He saw right through them. He just played along with the girls because he knew the girls would take good care of him.
Read between the lines, man.
sakaki>the rest
I think when you shorten it Yuki it's a girl's name.
My girlfriend is called Yukiko and I shorten it to Yuki and it's fine.
A thread of GOAT with almost 500 replies?
we have our good days
threadly reminder to never get in a car with this woman.
speak for yourself, pleb.
This is one of those shows that always seem relatively recent to me. Not that I think it's come out post-2010 or anything, but I guess I just remember it being new quite vividly. Then I check out old it actually is and feel ancient myself. Same with TTGL. Can't believe it's the 10th anniverary of that next year. I still remember photoshopping Kamina's glasses onto that rock someone threw in one of the episodes...
>You will never get in the back seat of a car with this woman
I think what it really is is that they're lonely souls. They sit on the train or in the park and they see some girl go past or sit nearby. They get a little brief obsession with her and start soaking in all the details and then recreate her (or at least her clothes) in their manga. When they do it for guys they're drawing how they wish they dressed instead of a plain white t-shirt over their fat belly and faded jeans.
>inb4 projecting
sorry dudes but i like living way way too much!
Yuki's a boy's name as well.
He was probably more offended that user shortened his name, period, not that it became a girly name.
To be fair, there's only been one full Playstation lifespan since then.
I want to smug that Sakura.
If AD was released now, it would have loads of Chiyo lewdness pandering and a shota trap character.
>sorry dudes but i like living way way too much!
What are you doing on Cred Forums?
I think that is unlikely.
living the dream man, living the dream.
very very unlikely
Analingus for hours.
Underrated fetish.
Yukari is a fuckbuddy, not a girlfriend.
she's also the type who would key up your car
don't dry up now. we can hit 500
fine Ill do it myself
My waifu is making this face. What does she mean by that?
Shh, Osaka is sleeping.
I don't even like these games
Riku a shit
so perfect fit for Tomo
Maybe it's just because of the era it was from, but I feel like Azumanga has some of the highest amounts of crossover art of any anime.
Azumanga Daioh was basically patient zero for internet memes and cross over art.
well that's over 500 gg thread
10/10 ending
I thought her folks just work a lot for the typical anime purposes of empty house for cutscenes? And to give her a background on studying hard.
I did not read the mango yet.
Until she gets past 30 and her instincts make her seek something more stable. I know plenty of former party hard women to know this is true.
It's less about her being party hardy and more about her being a petty self absorbed lunatic. Which I don't see changing.
I also know lots of former petty woman children. Life is a harsh mistress and people change whether it want it or not.
Yukari is childish but also lives an adult life semi-properly and at some point she'll realize she can't just go bumbling around forever.
Good morning everynyan
Yukari is more belligerent and short fused. Tomo usually means it all in fun or self expression.
or just to be a bitch. she seems to enjoy pissing people off.
Osaka thread when?
She's just being care-free is all. She's even worse in the manga but you can't help but want to see her try the next crazy thing.
I just wish she got her comeuppance more
Good bye.
Great thread, hope we can do this again some time in the future.