Can a female be a self-insert MC for males?
Can a female be a self-insert MC for males?
Why is Karen so shit? she ruined the whole episode.
If you consider yourself a girl then go ahead.
Only for faggots.
wat is watamote
A shit anime and a shittier manga.
You mean a shit manga and shittier anime.
I know what I said, faggot.
This little shit.
That's exactly the reason its such a perfect insert for Cred Forums
No, user. Everyone can use girls to self-insert - not just you.
If you are a female what do you even self-insert?
What do you mean?
Girls can self insert into any fantasy they want, just like guys.
Why would they need to? Life is already so good for them. They have no need of escapism.
Ummm yeah no I'm a grill and I need animes because I haven't even sucked a BBC for two weeks life is hard
if only
There's always someone happier out there. As well a someone sadder. If you think "life is already so good" for someone then you just don't know them well enough.
Yes? I always insert 'myself' into Karen.
Overall life is easier for women though.
-Someone who reads a lot of shoujo
There's at least 2 people in the world that that isn't true for.
I self insert as Chika so yes
What the fuck did you just say about me, you little shit?
Top kek
>they have no need of escapism
You can tell that to the fujos.
How can you even survive like this. It blows my mind.
If you aren't a cute little girl you should get the fuck out of Cred Forums.
stop using self insert like that it doesn't mean what you think it means use proper words you fucking mongoloids REEEEEEEE
Fuck off
Yeah, see
Friendo you might wanna get your ironydetector checked, it's malfunctioning.
B-but I was following the joke, senpai
Yes but only if they are bad ass like konata.
Men and women are different.
But some men can do that and that usually means they have certain tendencies.
Most men who watch female lead stuff oft look at it in a detached who gives a shit manner.
It's why ensamble cast stuff is so popular with males while single female lead stuff unless she is able to attract males in certain ways is not. She has to appeal and be someoen to care about instead of be someone they wish to emulate. That almost always fails.
Yeah, especially in gender bender but more commonly yuri and self pitying shit.
W-well I was too.
Yes, I am Cocoa.
As Chitanda so I can be with my precious Oreki.
Only if they're fine with resign their freedom to men. Otherwise they had to fight a lot to be taken seriously. We may had it rough living up to higher expectations but at least we can actually choose what expectations to fill. Women in modern society don't have any choice.
u wot
women are the ones who can do whatever the hell the want and always be guaranteed a comfortable life and men are the one who have to be either a successful alpha or deemed a loser by society.
>and always be guaranteed a comfortable life
As long as they accomodate to the expectations society have from females. What said is true and also applies to real women. Nobody gives a shit for landwhales, dykes or crazy cat ladies, etc.. because they reject the expectes female model from different standpoints. No one will tolerate them. But if a woman works on making herself desirable and don't cause much controversy THEN she gets privileged but only as long as she fits the mold.
The "female easy mode" is a sad illusion.
Even ugly women can benefit from all the woman only perks society offers. And they still have men clamoring for them, the men are just on the same level of attractiveness as them.
And regardless of how "hard" any woman no matter what tier of society she's in has it, she has it way easier than a man of the same tier.
Who had less personality--Alice, Yoko, or Shinobu?
Shinobu. Her blonde fetish is her entire character.
I self-inserted as Ryougi Shiki because I'm a closet chuuni and I want to be an OP edgelord supernatural assassin that is actually a nice person.
>As long as they accomodate to the expectations society have from females
more like expectations of men who derive them from societal standards and it's exactly the same the other way around
>Nobody gives a shit for landwhales, dykes or crazy cat ladies, etc.
you haven't seen enough fetishes and do you think being a fat neckbeard is somehow better?
>But if a woman works on making herself desirable and don't cause much controversy THEN she gets privileged but only as long as she fits the mold.
>The "female easy mode" is a sad illusion.
it's not that stuff just gets handed to you while you never have to lift a finger if you're a woman (though in some cases that's true)
it's that most of the time a man would be in a better position (in terms of opportunities) if he was a female
Why would you self-insert as a boy instead of a girl? That's just gay.