why is she brown
She's from Okinawa.
Because brown is best.
As long as it's 2D, of course.
Is she going to live to be over 100?
>you will never drink with hifumi :(
>Because brown is best.
fuck you nig-
>As long as it's 2D, of course.
Hifumi is totally hitting Aoba there
But just a nigga walking with her finger on the trigger
Make enough figures until my pockets get bigger
I ain't the type of sister made for you to start testin'
Give me a Smith & Wesson, I have niggas undressin'
This chapter made me want to drink.
I actually think I'll have a small glass of whisky now!
She's trying to get Aoba drunk so she can lower her inhibitions
That's a lot of positions.
Parents did anal right before conceiving her.
Damn it user.
"Aoba-chan was clinging to you so much in the ceremony! I don't like it! Now you have to do as I say to pay for it!"
This is where I dropped it. How dare they.
Only Nenechi could manage to get in a situation where she would have a fall while wearing such a bizzare combination of clothing.
I remember my mom told me that negroes are born from buttsex. Why would she lie to a child?
I wonder why she hides her bahonkas under childish, baggy clothes
Probably to keep appearing childish, and thus avoid making Aocchi feel lonely and jealous.
Nenecchi is a thoughtful friend.
She ain't totally wrong. I mean black women takes a shit every 9 months.
Rin and Kou should just get married and adopt all their kohais
Or because she is gay and doesn't like the attraction from men.
Made for each other
So many air handjobs in this show.
What does she want Nene to do?
Is this the UmiNe worship thread?
Nene looks huge in that picture. Not attractive at all.
Perspective is hard.
She's a big girl
To think that she kept her body like this all these years to just give it to Nene.
why are you a QA cockroache Sakura-saaan?
Indeed. What else is there besides kissu and hugging?
Nah she's a womanlet.
>3 years left until Aoba can drink
>but then she'll lose part of her appeal
Can't someone feep her some of those mysterious chocolate with alcohol that can get any cute anime girl drunk or something? I need to see drunk Aocchi.
And drunk Nenecchi too.
What a crap fanart.
It's a shame, really.
Pearls before swine.
Is airsoft fun?
Airsoft is banned in my country along with pet hedgehogs thanks ausfailia.
Tits seem to appeal to both men and women.
Lesbians too love sucking on them.
The babby instincts never quite go away.
>get under the desk and service me while I point a gun at your head kudasai
>this is an essential part of your off the job training
I still don't get it, what is wrong with Umiko's name?
It's unusual.
is that it? I thought it translated to Stupid Monster or something.
>ynw service Umiko under the desk while she works
>ywn feel her kick you lightly when she wants you to lick more or less
why even live
>Big breasts
Is this a meme?
No, but this is.