The polls have spoken. We will be singing Asterisk for the Bleach Cred Forums sings. We will be switching to the TV size version in the interest of actually getting something decent. Depending on interest at the end of the project I would be very happy to mix D-Technolife and Ranbu no Melody since those were the runners up and there was at least some interest.
Also, did the poll include Number One as well since it wasn't an OP? Because I feel like Number One would win against Asterisk
Leo Nguyen
I cant be the only one thatthinks that the TV size version of *Asterisk is better than the single version. The single version is just too busy and has too much background noise..
Michael Edwards
We are doing the tv size one user
Asher Rivera
I realize that, I just wanted somebody else's opinion so that I can justify my own flimsy stance.
Gabriel Cox
We still only have one submission guys
Charles Harris
If you wanted it that fast you shouldn't have given a 4 day deadline.
Owen Lewis
This. Give at least a week.
Justin Turner
Are you guys fucking retarded? This has been posted for over a month
Angel Gutierrez
Yeah you two must be new here
Austin Brooks
you westerners can't rap in Japanese that fast.
Parker Young
that's what (you) think
Eli Young
No, I agree. I don't really like the intro and the bridge to the single
Liam Allen
bumpin for justice
Ethan Roberts
Just give up already, it's obvious nobody wants to sing this.
Christopher Bennett
>No Ranbu no Melody >no fucking chAngE 0/10
Ryan Lopez
People wanted to sing it a month ago
People didn't vote for it, the poll is in the OP
Ethan Williams
>no one cares about rolling star
Adrian Edwards
I'm with you there. Not going to take part in this singalong, because I like the song too much to butcher it though.
Good luck fellas.
Justin White
Most people agree that TV size versions are better in general
Oliver Smith
Fuck Bleach
Adrian Mitchell
>Velonica only got 12 votes Guess I won't be participating.
Ayden Thompson
I love how everyone bitched about not wanting to do Asterisk, voted to do Asterisk, and once again are bitching about not wanting to do Asterisk.