You haven't forgotten your real queen, have you Cred Forums?
You haven't forgotten your real queen, have you Cred Forums?
I always liked her beautiful ass.
Who? Looks like some generic moeblob
That OP is still shit.
Probably the hottest Shaft girl ever.
>seasonal trash
You can be glad I still remember it.
>doesn't know Erio
>doesn't even use an anime image
Lurk more, please.
Oh no, someone criticized your post. Don't worry, you'll live.
Best Jojo wasn't Joushuu. It was me, Dio!
S2 when?
Anyway - Erio is love, Erio is life.
Ryuushi a cute. A cute!
In our dreams
>Dio forced a woman to kiss him
>Joshuu did THIS
>implying everything wasn't seasonal trash at one point
Tomoko is masturbation right.
why was she so annoying ? we all agree she is the worst girl right
Best Meme.
i agree she was the worst girl
definitely autism but still the cutest
DOMO Sandwich Woman desu
I want to fuck this nurse.
>party van exploding.gif
I wonder which shitty board started that shit.
jesus christ I remember when this first aired like it was yesterday
I remember reading about the ending and being disapointed no aunt end.
Was the Loli space cadet really an alien?
Nope, just a delusional weeb that needed a good dicking to come back to reality.
shit story , good character development.
High quality drawings for a shit show
I agree.
No, and why didn't you post her?
Also, denpa onna a poop.
Cred Forumsermin pls
Why would I ever?
Where is the sexy gif?
I'll take your bet and raise it with a beautiful snek.
I still can't believe Shinsei Kamattechan was the band behind that OP. Felt bizarre finding that out after listening to their early stuff.
Also I remember almost nothing from this show, except that Maekawa > all.
And the ED > OP
What gets me going is her painted nails that the anime sadly didn't have other than the OP/ED
It's been so long that I can't remember many of the episodes, but at least her various figures have them.