In the novels it's said that Freyja reminds Hayate of his father. She has his eyes, his attitude, etc. You think he also had a creepy laugh like Freyja?
Macross Δ
Other urls found in this thread:
How was Frontier good and Delta shit?
What kind of brain problems are the creators suffering from?
Not so smug now isn't it, Mikumo?
Better question: Why are these two so perfect together?
Frontier was planned out better. I think Delta was better for the first 10 episodes or so but it just got lost after that.
I wonder if that guy who hated her loved the last two episodes, or if he had dropped the show already.
Frontier was bad but Delta is shit. The writer and director should be banished from the industry.
See you in sunday.
Sometimes I think that Delta threads are filled with bots re-posting the same shit with slight modification in every thread.
I saw this post like 3 or 4 times.
Because they're destined for each other.
I wish something like this would happen at the end of Delta. I like how Heinz has a sort of respect/awe for Freyja because of her songs feel like "the sun"
It was steadily good up until episode 18. When episode 19 aired, shitposters took over. Show's gotten better but some still can't get over those horrifyingly boring 3 weeks.
Today's Hayate's birthday. Let us all sing for the blue haired hippy! Or just let Freyja do it.
14 is when the show tanked. They moved the climax to the midway point and were left with nothing to top it for the rest of Delta. People can't be blamed for being angry.
14 itself was a bad episode. 15 wasn't bad because it had the mecha combat we wanted, though it sparked arguments from Windy and NUNS fags. That's not bad though, those arguments are actually enjoyable. Of course most can agree 16 was incredibly nice, 17 had concerts and HayaFre faggotry so that was also good. 18 had combat once again and the threads were filled with people wanting to know more. It was 19 where the show began boring people CONSISTENTLY because nothing happened for 3 weeks. 22 to last episode is as good as the first cour. Last episode might be good too unless Freyja dies. Just saying the second cour isn't as much of a travesty as people make it out to be.
Just fuck that little hoina already.
My precious Gori Gori Princess
The apple of my eyes
The most precious
So what songs are you guys hoping to hear during the final battle besides Do You Remember Love? I want to hear Ikenai Borderline, OP2, and Hametsu no Junjou.
My sides
>UHIHIHI in a deep male voice
I can't read chinese :(
She looks really cute here actually...
what do you think hayates dick looks like?
also which walkure girl has best pusi
Album leak where
ded franchise
ded thread
yet you are here son
Freyja a best.
Good taste desu senpai
I agree. But you can a bit further and admit, that overall, the 2nd cour has lacked the consistant energy the 1 cour had, and then they put 19-21 after each other, rather late into the already noticably slower 2nd cour, which was a bad move.
I'm reminded of the time Frontier was airing, any my desire to finish watching that show was completely killed in the 2nd half. I did watch it though and own all it's BD's. I will probably end up with all of Delta's too as long as the last episode doesn't betray me.
a best indeed
Yeah, first cour is definitely better. Just that the second isn't terrible. Not bad, but lacking. Hopefully the last episode's battle will make things worth it, though to be honest, a HayaFre end is what I hope for more than anything.
Is there any occurance of pin-point punch coming from a Valkyrie in Delta? I remember Valkyries from frontier and plus have that function
Frontier = effort
Delta = no effort
Issues run deeper but that sums it up rather well.
Well, Frontier was made for 25th anniversary. Delta is just Delta.
If only a good studio like ufotable worked on Macross.
Ufotable are not that good. Bones though.
Gainax or Sunrise would be okay.
there was a gamlin kick in episode 6
Sunrise is fine. Gainax is long dead.
Windermere genocide when?
7 years ago. This was glorious payback for those evil assholes who comitted it.
That was one nuke. Genocide means lotsa more killin'. You need to be kunnin and brutal for that.
>This was glorious payback for those evil assholes who comitted it
Why can't the writers be like using Mikumo to mind control the approaching NUNS fleet, ordering them back to their HQ and just MDE heck out of everything. Isn't that better?
That would be too clever for Delta writers and beheading decentralized government does nothing.
Writers have to be clever now to pull something spectacular to savage their shit writing. Seriously.
the windermerans are a threat to the galaxy with the song of the wind and stars, they should have glassed the planet 7 years ago.
Probably because the Windies don't like the idea of using nukes or MDEs on planets.
They did not expect Windies to be smart enough to bite them back. Windies without the help of Epsilon Foundation is basically shit.
How is the whole NUNS organization suddenly evil, they are the saviors of humanity and now they are the big bad?
Mind controlling is surely better.
Because typical Japanese projections.
Too late. There's like 1 episode left. They tried their hardest to shove idorus everywhere.
NUNS have never been good. What macrosses have you been watching? Original macross they were assholes. Only the crew of the macross were good. 7? They were assholes, only those part of macross 7 were good. Zero? Assholes. Frontier? Assholes.
Why are you surprised they are unsympathetic assholes again in Delta?
To Heinz and co. the whole of NUNS is bad. They are dead set in destroy the whole NUNS, i don't think they are aware that NUNS is decentralize government.
they still maintain the infrastructure and spread of humanities colonies since the end of the space war.
I guess windies are too stupid to guess that hiding ancient weapons from big brother was a very bad idea. They deserved that bomb, too bad it missed the destination.
NUNS are the military forces which are still centralized.
Never said mind controlling was better, just that Windy environmentalism means they wouldn't have sent a mind controlled fleet to drop MDEs on Earth.
they can't even maintain the starwind sector without actual slaves and stolen equipment. there is also the fact the using mind control will make the whole galaxy want to fuck their shit up.
NUNS isn't the government, NUNS is spacy. The government representative complained about NUNS actions in Windermere according to the novel and he ended up mysteriously dead.
No, they are not. There's central command, but every fleet/colony armies act like separate branches of NUNS. Frontier guys, for example.
Now that's cartoonishly evil. Japs pls.
>cartoonishly evil
tbf doesn't it happen irl too
Usually in 3rd world shitholes. I don't think big galactic government is 3rd world shithole to murder it's own inspectors.
>They were assholes, only those part of macross 7 were good
>"were good"
The UN Spacy HQ turn down all negotiations with Max and they deliberately refuse to provide any assistance for the Macross 7 fleet in dealing with the Protodeviln threat. The higher ups told them to clean up the mess themselves. the UN spacy did jack shit
Writing isn't even bad. Pacing is just shit.
How can NUNS be that stupid enough to not nuke the instrument that appeared at Ragna? What a joke.
>that sinking feeling that Freyja might not make it through the last episode
I'm gonna have to avoid this place and be a wreck until the subs come out.
I guess central command are Walkure fans.
Why? The only one who can die is Roid.
Play Macross 30 anniversary game. NUNS higher up and croonies nearly fuck up the entire universe while heroic SMS kick their asses.
They are on the way to save Ragna
>There's central command, but every fleet/colony armies act like separate branches of NUNS.
No, NUNS still have a central command they take orders from, it's in Macross 30. The NUG, the government (civilian), is the one decentralized.
Weird, in Frontier president of said fleet autorized usage of WMD and experimental tech. Retcons suck.
He denounced NUNS shitty treatment and he appeared dead floating down a river. Guy accidentally fell drunk, even if he never drank a drop of alcohol.
>They are on the way to save Ragna
I mean, the war could have easily ended if NUNS concentrate half of their MDE nukes onto the Ragna instead of using all their 8 MDE nukes at the Windies. If they know Windies are setting off course to Ragna, why not blow the thing up before they reach the place?
I thought that was the fleet going to Ragna?
just like committing suicide with 2 shots to the back of the head
Anyway NUNS had all the rights to shit on windies because mr. Immelmann found something VERY wonderful hidden deep beneath royal castle.
Supposedly WMDs don't werk on ruins.
Yes, because he had to call to the central bosses to deal with military shit. The government is independent but the military is not. The ones who stirred shit in Windermere were the military forces. Windies don't know the difference because this wasn't explained to them.
It's a retcon anyway. And windies are boring and shit. It's like Eruseans, but worse because they wage war for nothing while backed up by nothing.
>Weird, in Frontier president of said fleet autorized usage of WMD and experimental tech. Retcons suck
The bad guys of NUNS stationed in Frontier are in cahoots with Grace by using the Vajra as an excuse to research and develop experimental tech. Not to mention Frontier is actually pretty much advance second on to Macross Galaxy.
No, they didn't. They weren't shitting on Windies over that. They were after their fold quartz and treating them like shit for twenty years before that until Gramia got tired of their shit. Gramia tried to negotiate and they turned it down. They brought this shit to themselves and their bullshit method made them angry enough to bring this conflict to the Galaxy.
If they had left Windermere alone, they would have been contently farming their apples and trading their fold quartz. Instead they went full retard early morning cartoon villains and got their asses exploded.
We don't know shit about other fleets sans 7. 7 had fold tech.
>The bad guys of NUNS stationed in Frontier are in cahoots with Grace
Only Leon in TV and neither in movies. And the result aka Durandal and fold tech were worth it.
>If they had left Windermere alone, they would have been contently farming their apples and trading their fold quartz.
They would subjugate to humans sooner or later. Humans are superior. Zents learned that.
>Supposedly WMDs don't werk on ruins.
Then why does Major Valak even plan to ironically use 8 nukes to blow the protoculture ruins at Windies knowing that WMDs don't werk on ruins?
>forgetting former White Knight of Windermere was a SMS member who fought Galaxy Lucifers
NUNS exploded a hero who helped to save Frontier and stop Galaxy. If Adria had been alive, none of this would have happened.
Yeah, thats what I am saying only those part of macross 7 fleet were good. Max et all.
NUNS are drooling retards shitting their pants every fucking day. What did you expect, competence?
>If Adria had been alive
He'd execute Roid on spot for treason.
Zents are failures.
I don't think he would have let things go out of control. He would also probably notice Keith was deeply disturbed by the explosion and have a chat with him because his father is a failure.
>Zents are failures.
Not so much. Overly agressive, yet capable warriors. Too bad protoculture was Thrint-level retarded.
Windermere were made to shit on them. It's a meta way to say that Mirage was always going to lose to Freyja.
And he would probably properly negotiate with NUN(S) and everytime there'll be flamenco playing in the background while he's onscreen.
And they failed to shit on zents. Cool batteries, but nothing special.
>Only Leon in TV and neither in movies.
>And the result aka Durandal and fold tech were worth it.
Didn't Leon in the movies use fold tech implant to control the Vajras? How is he not evil?
>using non-sentient bugs as a tool
Kinda works. They have hivemind, they are one big organism.
I think being a SMS member would give him connections to weed out the bad apples of the NUNS in the zone because he could have denounced they were being framed. Losing him meant the planet became isolated when the evil NUNS leaders pinned all their fuck ups on them and the idiotic cluster planets believed those lies.
>And they failed to shit on zents.
How? They can easily fuck them up according to every official source. Kawamori hates Zents, and he's taking a dump on them with Windermere, his new precious species.
It's less being an SMS member and more of being not-retarded. Was it REALLY that hard for windies to phone the central goverment on Earth?
Too bad zents were doing wars n shiet while windies sucked some dicks with no useful protoculture tech left and with very short lifespan.
>The only one who can die is Roid.
You know what? Maybe we will get a MUH friendship scene between Roid and Keith and no one die.
Earth did send people there and the NUNS killed them off. I mean, they died tragic incidents. They were just too far and peripheric when the new shiny issue to deal with was the galactic wide var outbreak which began after the Vajra left.
We already got one, it was gay as fuck. Killing them both would be even better. Too bad fighting will be at Ragna, now Windermere. No cold and snowy day.
No, Roid will definitely die. Maybe Keith too if he pulls a Brera and kamikazes Roid in his protoculture ship.
>Earth did send people there
And windies never sent an ambassador to the General Assembly of NUN? Weird. If you want muh peace, then do muh peace.
I'm pretty sure the novel spoilers posted here said it was Earth's government that was fucking around.
Windies tried to negotiate before the war and got their attempts cockblocked (thanks to NUNS). In general before the show gave a turn (Yasuda changed his mind about the antagonist), Roid's reason to take the cluster was to negotiate with Earth without interference. Keith believed that, he has no idea Roid turned down negotiations because nobody told him they changed the script.
No, it was the NUNs. The military forces stationed there (and yes, depending on Earth central office but it's not the government branch, it's the military one). The representative of the Earth Government who denounced this shit met a tragic accident.
They negotiated with local NUNS branch. Sending an ambassator to General Assembly would be much easier than buying some planes and fighting an uphill battle while feeding your infant prince/king to the machine. AC4 was back in 2001 and Eruseans are much better antagonists. Did 15 years somehow kill japaneese ability to write?
Him saying that Earth never made a fair trade agreement with the Windies would seem to be indicating that he was criticizing the Earth government, not the military.
Is Freyja technically reaching cake status?
No. Their aging is unnatural.
But by windie standards? She was supposed to get married at 14.
That does not make her a cake. Anyway the lifespan will be fixed.
Where was the first album leaked?
I mean who leaked it last time.
dunno, it just appeared on nyaa. not sure if there's where it appeared first
>ywn be Rei Rei
Early cancer doesn't make you a cake.
Oh that's just nice.
It almost seems like they decided to rewrite the second half at the very last moment. There's such a stark contrast between the two cours than I'm suspecting there was some executive meddling from behind the scenes.
Someone get this toddlercon the fuck out of here.
Reminder: Mirage is so irrelevant that even her birthday is outside the series time frame
I like this.
Kawamori hates zents? Is this why Mirage is such a failure? How could he hate such magnificent giants?
Walküre Trap and second OST leak fucking when
>hayate's walkure costume
damn it actually looks good
The plan was 13 eps and a movie.
Loli Freyja is fucking precious.
>Even Chuck is more relevant than her.
How can Gamlin NTR Mylene for Basara?
Humans are retarded apes proving again and again how stupid they are. All the shit that happens in every Macross is their fault. Remembr that time they unleashed the Protodeviln? Or tried to play with giant bugs and got millions of people kill?
Vajra are the master race, even Protoculture agree.
Get outta here shitty tyranid ripoff.
aren't the vajra stronger than them?
vajra master race
So what if Freyja really does die? What if the future of Hayate and Mirage's relationship is left ambiguous? I'm one of those guys that doesn't think the second cour is downright bad and that the show as a whole is pretty alright. An ending like this would actually ruin the entire thing for me.
>Final battle.
I doubt we'll get anything close to being an actual battle. Most we can expect is a schoolyard scuffle.
They wont be getting my money if they do that
I mean they COULD do it...but it's a risky move and many of the fans would be upset since Freyja IS the fanfavorite, the MC, the Idol, the face of Delta, the Delta cashcow and one half of the Triangle OTP.
It wouldn't be that well received. I personally plan to purchase the BD's once Delta has finished airing but only if the final episode is good and Freyja gets a happy end. If she doesn't, I won't invest my money in it.
t-translations, senpai?
You know, I've always loved how Hayate and Freyja act like playful idiots when they're together. S'cute.
It wouldn't be such a risky move if they actually developed Mirage and didn't stall Hayate and Freyja's relationship for the sake of exposition episodes.
>posts talking about Freyja's fate in the anime
>"I have to bring Mirage into this!"
Really now?
Well look at Kaname, Messer, and Arad. After Messer's death, Kaname has been all about trying to get over it and move on. Don't you think the same thing would apply for Hayate if Freyja was lost? Jokes aside, the next person he could move on to would be Mirage.
Freyja's complaining about not getting her runerune on, and Hayate is like "come, i'll give you a ride" and then Messer is like "oh you brave to be trying that shit in front of me a second time" except it was a different kind of ride
If Freyja was lost, Hayate would go back to being the broody lost asshole that Mirage didn't like.
I think he mean that the post is talking about Freyja's fate not the triangle's resolution desu senpai.
so cte. Thanks for translating.
>Jokes aside, the next person he could move on to would be Mirage.
So you want Mirage to be Hayate's second choice/consolation prize because "he can't be with Freyja"?
I swear to god some of you shippers are cancer. Kaname is moving on because guess what...She never had romantic feelings nor a special close relationship with Messer so if she ends up with Arad or someone else, it won't be a consolation prize for her.
I am so done with this mentality of "Freyja will die so Hayate will go to Mirage." This is fucking ridiculous.
We've been repeatedly shown that Hayate views Mirage with respect as his superior and as a FRIEND. To wish for Mirage to be Hayate's fucking consolation prize is disrespectful.
To be honest I think they're going nowhere with AraKana and Kaname look so obsessed with Mikumo.
Mikumo will win, friends
HayaMira shippers fail to realize that the reason Mirage fell for Hayate is because of the person he is thanks to Freyja. It makes 0 sense for Mirage to win.
wew lad, way to go and ship a girl who loves a guy because of his personality that's thanks to the girl he likes.
Yurifag please. Kaname is the team's mom, of course she'd be worried over her baby daughter.
Kaname's not obsessed with Mikumo. That's just the instinct of a mother trying to look out for her little big daughter.
I love them. Hayate and Freyja are such dorks. They'll be the end of me.
Thanks user.
>dat Jellyfish
Wasn't she the first hayamira shipper?
Poor Mirage.
Bridge bunnies love gossip so they ship every couple.
Ah, Jellyfish girl, always being a cute.
Can someone give a quick summary of what it says?
>feel relieved at my laugh? (laughing and smiling is the same word)
>did you feel relieved?
>Oh, Hayate-san, I forgot to give it to you earlier, but there was also a letter from your moth-....
>furious clicking
>Eh ah no, you see this is uhm
>Hya hyaa..
>This is also part of my job so don't mind me.
>This was then spread throughout the galaxy in less than minutes....
That's kind of a tradition too. The first shippers' ship is doomed to sink. A few Macross civilians shipped Hikaru with Minmay. Ded. Milia shipped both Gamlin and Basara with Mylene. Both ded. Michael and Sheryl shipped Alto with Ranka. Ded. Now we have bridge bunnies and MakiRei shipping Hayate with Mirage. Yeah, it's ded.
Cute. Thanks senpai.
>Milia shipped both Gamlin and Basara with Mylene. Both ded.
Mylene literally sunk her own ship.
This is the last time we'll be waiting for an episode preview.
Unless they release some teaser or preview of a Delta movie. Depends if it's announced after the last episode or not.
Yeah, but I meant like as of right now, in this time frame. If we do get a movie, we'll have to wait who knows how long, maybe two years or so. I'm talking right now, no waiting for a preview next week.
Go back to your insect rape cave Ranka
Imagine this week's episode ends with a cliffhanger and they tease a movie continuation in the end. But that wont happen since Papa Kawamori is already enjoying his new project funded by Chinese sponsors.
Do you think the star song works on Vajras?
Freya's laugh is cute not creepy
I think Delta will benefit from Freyja dying. They can finally develop other characters for the movie if she dies,
>kill off the MC and the one who the plot mostly revolves around so the supporting characters, who the plot wasn't about get developed
Are you for real?
>I think Delta will benefit from best girl dying
Nope. Hayate needs his precious hoina.
When is the new CD coming out again?
Officially, on Monday. We should get the leak during the weekend.
Is it confirmed that we will be getting DYRL for the final episode?
Officially, on Wednesday (28th).
Also I did a quick research of previous albums leaks by that uploader:
With power of regexp and excel I managed to find that almost all of his leaks are uploaded either 4 days before release (and it's usually Saturday) or 1 day before release (usually Tuesday).
It's on the CD, so yes. I doubt it'll just be because of that 1 minute version of the piano playing.
the piano version is on the OST
Thanks for correcting me. I thought it was on Monday for some reason, dunno why.
So we are either getting the leak on Sunday when the final episode airs or on Tuesday, one day before the release.
Then the vocal version is on the final episode since it's listed as the 12th track on the Walkure Trap album.
Here's my prediction:
Mikumo loses control of herself because of what she did and because she doesn't know who she is anymore. She established the galactic network link, making everyone fall under mindcontrol. Freyja sings DYRL to override the link (burning out her lifespan in the process) in order to reach Mikumo and "make her feelings of happiness reach everyone and there would be no more reason for war" (something Freyja has stated twice in the anime). Mikumo manages to wake up and come to herself, she cures Freyja, and then Walkure as a whole sing Absolute 5.
JUNNA looks like she's suffering.
I think DYRL should be the final song for the battle. I have a feeling we'll hear Giraffe Blues again when they try to reach out to Mikumo.
Need to fit Zettai Reidou Novatick in there too. Muh toberu no ai no kiss de saihate e link is definately gonna happen
Reminder that Freyja will live.
I won't allow anything else.
At least Freyja won.
Actually believe in a fake picture of frejya carrying her child. How delusional frejyafags can be.
I wonder how many people here are both a Remfag and a Miragefag. Must be tough.
Get your "Mirage will win!“ screencaps ready for Sunday. The time for Freyjafags to rejoice is upon us.
I have seen this type of couple in tons of shoujo manga.
What are they saying?
Ching chong nip nong.
Well to be fair, Remfags have a reason to root for her.
I wish this happened in episode 18.
>So what songs are you guys hoping to hear during the final battle besides Do You Remember Love?
Hear The Universe by Rasmus Faber & Walküre
Mirage was a mistake
She's a cute mistake.
cute as fuck but clearly wasted in Delta
Remember when this came out and Freyjafags lost their shit and Miragefags were like
>lel Freyjafags being this delusional again, falling for bait. Mirage is going to win.
Ah, the sweet smell of vindication.
>he thinks Freyja is going to win
I think it would have been fun if Mirage was the MC. She'd be like Hikaru because the person she likes only sees her as a friend. Even though she'd be destined to lose the Hayatebowl, they could give her a more laid back personality. I remember concept art that showed her smiling and lauging. She could have at least rivaled Freyja for the title of best girl.
She is the best girl in my heart
I wasn't her fault really
Ah yes. Your memes are all you have left.
Don't you have some chinks to scam?
Nah, she's a nice subversion of the "older girls win" tradition. People may complain that the triangle's always been obvious as fuck but that clearly wasn't the case when Freyja was getting all the typical loser flags.
Add to the expectation of her winning another one of being the ace and genius pilot when people irl and in universe were mocking her for being weak which dealt a great blow to her confidence.
sasuga unmei-san
>Freyja was getting all the typical loser flags.
And she dodged them all like a champ. Hoina truly is best girl.
>dodged them all
Delusion is one hell of a drug.
To be honest, Mirage got the worst loser flags when she's a female Jenius. Mylenne even lost the triangle she was dead center. You need a special loser gene to perform that badly.
No knife fight no winner
>Macross Frontier - Itsuwari no Utahime (Central Anime, 720p) [F42806C8]. mkv
someone seed this for the love of christ
That's the Jenius Curse. Wouldn't be surprised if they took advantage of this in a future love triangle and have the Jenius win despite carrying hints of ending up like Milia, Mylene, and Mirage.
No, not even close.
Why? Nearly everyone has seen it.
I haven't, and I autistically want the same subtitles as the rest of frontier that I got.
>both guys run off together instead
Isn't it sad, Mylenne?
Memoirs of a Freyjafag: The Suffering Never Ends
Come to think of it, even Freyja shipped Hayate with Mirage.
Even frefags aren't dumb enough to think she's really gonna die.
The more I think of it, the more I think its increasingly likely that Freya and Hayate will die together. She needs to sing, he needs to fight, and one of her song's lyrics literally states they will burn out like candles.
Is this your first Macross series by chance?
No, but having space alien magically heal everybody and make everything a'okay like every episode before this one didn't happen would be pretty awful.
Nah. I don't think Freyja will die. She'll sing DYRL which will fix her resonance with Hayate and at the same time, she will connect with Mikumo. Then Mikumo will heal the Hoina and say something like "You deserve to live until you're old and wrinkly"
I don't care if it's magic voodoo, I want it.
To be honest, I don't think Hayate has romantic feelings for Freyja. He loves her, but not that way...
I don't know how it'll happen, I just know that it'll happen. They hinted towards the short lifespan of windfags being some sort of curse or burden they were stuck with, implying it wasn't always that way. Maybe through some bullshittery Freyja will be cured.
Debatable. She changed him to a better person and even if its not romantic love, she has the most influence on him. If he ever falls in love and that person is not Freyja, his girlfriend won't have it easy because the way Hayate acts around Freyja and his relationship with her, can lead to his girlfriend to be insecure.
I think he does love her romantically, or else he wouldn't have blushed for her. It's just that HayaFre romance is depicted as innocent/pure so we don't get these huge declarations of doki doki and sexual tension.
Its the most likely ending. Someone sings on the alien protoculture death star thing, suddenly all Windemere gets cured of space leprosy and maybe even have their hair cancer thingies fall off.
>and maybe even have their hair cancer thingies fall off.
Please no, the runes need to stay.
These looks he gives her certainly look romantic. I'm just surprised they haven't showed their feelings for each other in any physical manner. No kiss, no hand holding, not even a hug. They could be saving it for last episode, I hope. I hate this purity bullshit.
We could've had so much more but stupid writers had to go and stall HayaFre development bc MUH FEEL GOOD TRIANGLE so they purposely through plot problems at Hayate AND Freyja to keep them apart.
I heard there was supposed to be a dance episode between them. Whether that's true or not, I don't know. But it would have been insanely cute.
Lokks like shit. Just like Mirage.
Cheapest and low-quality figurine for cheap and low-quality character.
But in all seriousness, do they really believe Mirage is going to sell?
Her face looks weird. Hopefully it'll look better once painted.
So since we got the Freyja one and the Mirage one, I'm guessing we'll be getting the Mikumo one soon.
They debuted Freyja a few months back, if they didn't expect Mirage would sell there was no reason to make her in the time since.
Did we ever get a colored one or are we still waiting? Because I want that Hoina figurine so bad.
No, that's from today like Mirage's
I'm sure it'll sell. Sure it won't have sales like Freyja's or Mikumo's, but it'll sell.
You know what I want and I would drop my money so hard and fast without hesitation? A Freyja figurine in their final battle outfits that appear at the end of OP2.
>seething Freyjafags
I want a statue of this moment.
The first post I get, but what's "seething" about mentioning that Mirage has lower sales than Freyja and Mikumo? Even animage sales ranks have Mirage lower than Freyja, Mikumo AND Kaname.
>In other news, I’m about halfway done with Chapter 2 (“Fire and Wings”) of the Delta novel, so if I continue to bear down on it, I should be able to have it up by the time the final episode of the show airs. And that’s cool, right?
From a blog entry of the person who is translating the Delta novel.
Cross your fingers so that it happens!
Who knows what more HayaFre unmei lies further into the novel.
Many good things I'm sure. I'm hyped for it.
I don't care what you fags think if Delta. I'm crossing my fingers that we get a second season/movie(s)! I love the characters of Delta, the Valkyries, the songs, even the Windies are pretty cool!
There has to be more than just one more episode. Kawamori and staff have their problems, but they wouldn't make the mistake of trying to solve all these lose ends in one episode. And now with the Megaroad-1 name drop, there has to be something else coming.
I forgot where I saved his caption (he appears in a still when Arad is explaining the White Knight). He was the former White Knight of Windermere, Keith's predecessor.
It's true: Freyja had issues to learn how to dance and he taught her. But it was axed.
>the songs
I think one of the things that has disappointed me the most about Delta, is that it feels like they forgot to use a bunch of great songs more than once
If the finale doesn't have a medley I'm going to smash something
I remember Freyja stumbling in episode 4's concert. They could have planned a so called dance episode from that. I think Hayate would have taught her using battroid mode.
Macross Frontier's final episode is 26mins, so I hope writers of Delta could properly take the time to wrap whatever loose ends they had left.
>In SDF, the song DYRL is a love song
>In Frontier, the song Aimo is a love song
So, the Star Song in Delta is also a love song?
Preview is up
Bait confirmed
honestly, it would surprise me if there's no preview put up at all this time
>Freyja's first love is Wright
It is the final episode though. Maybe they don't want to spoil anything at all.
I meant to write it wouldn't surprise me. fuck
She will win in the movie, you just wait... ;_;
If they wasted all this time in the second cour because there was going to be a movie I will drop Delta.
This is exactly what people were saying with final episode of Frontier about to end. This is exactly the same
You'll drop a show after the final episode. Good job. A movie will be a retelling anyway.
Frontier was 25 episodes long.
Delta has been dragging shit like there was no tomorrow for a while already.
The song usage in the second cour is awful compared to the first one.
>the one who the plot mostly revolves around
It doesn't though. She's even less important than the Aerial Windnigger knights. All she's even been doing since Messer died is bringing out a sympathetic side for the Windniggers and complicating Hayates ability to fly.
You mean the dude calling her a haughty bitch?
No, I am just apathetic to the entire thing. I only watch for Freyja and at this point she barely exists any more. It's all fish flakes and depression. I miss Gori gori, hoina and stupid faces. Where is the cheery red head?
Music medley will not happen in Delta. It will be a whole of episode of talking. This video proves that Frontier > Delta.
>Macross series
>Macross Cannon is only fired once
>Macross spends half the series as a glorified building and the other half as a glorified battery
You have to admit it was a beautiful building.
Yes but it is a building. Ships are supposed to be ships.
Where is the preview for next episode?
>previews this late in the game
Get ready for your big twist
Happy Friday. We're almost done. Let's hope our precious Gori Gori Hoina gets her happy end after all the shit she's been put through.
>waah my cheerful waifu is sad so she doesn't exist
Depressed Freyja is stil Freyja, faggot.
>The features of the show I derive enjoyment from have deteriorated
>one of the larger factors, a character, is being written differently
>YA Waifu is still ya WAIFU cunt
Yeah, okay boss. Doesn't mean that the writing for her and many other characters has become less engaging and in some cases irritating.
Delta was a mistake.
No, I agree with user that even though Freyja is still Freyja, it's undeniable that they really went down on her to make her miserable these past few episodes and that is a bit of a turnoff. Not because Freyja became less interesting (because I still love her and she remains the only reason why I watch Delta), it sort of starts weighing down on people to watch your favorite character get shot down continously without letting them catch a break.
You gotta admit they've really unleashed all the problems and suffering on Freyja, at least in comparison to the other characters.
First that she dies at 30
Then she's considered a traitor
Gets doubted by her fans
Walkure/Mikumo doubts her abilities
The father of the guy she likes nuked her planet
She realizes the implications of her short lifespan against Hayate
Her song almost kills Hayate in episode 19
Then she gets told her songs are weapons
When she decides to sing again, Hayate begins to lose his shit
When she gets caught in Winderemere, they automatically want to execute her
And now she's dying much earlier than expected
That's why it all comes down to the final episode. She dies, Delta goes down with her.
This is getting annoying.
Freyja is the MC, did you really expect her journey to be easy? Ranka and Sheryl in Frontier also had to face lots of hardships, this is nothing new.
Please. Freyja dying would be the payoff for this train wreck.
Oh I know. I simply said I UNDERTSTOOD why it weighs down on people that their favorite character gets angsty. Doesn't mean I don't love or appreciate Freyja. It's just a matter of being protective of a character you love and not being overjoyed that they get sad repeatedly.
I'm hopeful that Freyja will get her happy end.
Not for me. After all she has been through, I would like her to live and be happy.
>Freyja dying would be the payoff for this train wreck
Doubt it. A lot of people are only still watching for Freyja. If she gets killed, Delta goes down the gutter.
Canceled event tickets, canceled BD pre-orders, etc.
Yeah but Sheryl had sweet moments with Alto that remedied her suffering. Here, Hayate is perfectably capable of cheering her up but the writers insist they shouldn't have any intimate moments whatsoever in favor of keeping this pathetic triangle alive. Hell, I really liked the last episode we got, but he should have discovered her flakes and it should have encouraged him to confess. But like others have said, they're probably saving it all for the last episode. That better be the case.
She's already ruined. The two best outcomes would be them fixing her or her dying. It would be a MASSIVE twist given how hard they are shilling the group outside of the show. I would respect it just because they had the balls to dare.
You can smell a /m/tard miles away. They are always the edgiest mother fucker dedicating their whole life praying for something to be a train wreck.
Not just dance episode, Hayate not even dance anymore, maybe the writers even forget about this setting.
fuck you kawamori.
>feels good triangle
End up a triangle that wasting everything, main plot, characters, subplot etc.
It would be a lot better if Hayate and Freyja end up as lovers in episode 16, and Mirage go to do something else, or let her with Mikumo to also push the Mikumo development, or just Mikumo if the writers really hate Mirage.
Also the main plot, i think the main part wasting the main plot is the screentime with Winderemeres, no i'm not saying they need to die, i just want the scenes with them done better so can make the main plot better overall.
Anyway, can i expect a movie with better plot for Macross Delta comes in 2 or 3 years later?
What did Delta do right?
At least they done Freyja pretty nice, even the last few episode also went downhill about her.
Drakken and Kairos. And Elysion, though it was used once.
Music, mech designs, the few fights we've been given, Messer vs Keith rivalry, the Keith/Heinz/Roid triangle, Kaname, Mikumo, Hayate and Freyja.
Ragna, Windermere, Freyja, Hayate, Mikumo, Kaname, Roid, the music, the OTP
Now fuck off.
>the fights after 1st cour
>done right
I really like the cast, the themes, the worldbuilding and the music. To be honest my main issue is that the pace could have been better and since this is a mecha the second half should have had more action but overall so far I think it's a good series.
Good argument.
Am I the only one who feels that Frontier was pretty much the same in its second half? It's a deliberate feel bad half, with drama replacing fun, and characters dying (as in killed) or dying (as being killed slowly by disease), characters being exploited to do bad things by bad guys in the back, questioning what's right etc. Granted, frontier had probably a bit more action in its second half, but it wasn't feel good action in the same way either, because you could tell quite early on that something was up with the Vajra killing
People just tend to pretend not remember this part of frontier, and then when Delta is doing the same thing, Delta is bad for doing it, because people are forgetting that Frontier did it.
He's right anyway.
There are two things I wanted for the final episode,
>Non-stop music medley like Frontier, Obviously.
>MC's salute to the main female protag (Not necessarily needed)
>Epic Macross Class Action.
No, I feel the same. Honestly, Delta's second half is not that different from Frontier's apart from having less action. But overall in tone it's pretty similar, with character drama taking the spot. Maybe the 'problem' is that in Frontier people were very invested in Sheryl and all the drama surrounding her condition and her romance with Alto, while in Delta HayaFre's romance is way more subtle and the main drama comes from the Windies this time (Cassim dying, Keith-Heinz-Roid triangle, Bogue and the crater). Which isn't that different with what happened in Frontier with Alto hating the Vajra and Ranka trying to reason with him, but hey Alto is a protagonist and viewers will always sympathize easier with the protag than with the antagonists.
The problem is giving a shit about windniggers because they aren't sympathetic.
The pacing is the main problem of the show. Does Satelight have budget constraint while producing Delta? Because the second cour consists of dialogues, dialogues and dialogues which makes me think that they are trying to conserve money for a selected few episodes which shows inconsistency in the quality of the episodes in the second cour.
Same user. What I mean is that overall the conflicts in Delta are more or less the same as in Frontier, but everything is less melodramatic and more understated. Freyja is shocked by the white marks, but she already knew since she was born that her race lives for very little so while she doesn't want to worry anyone she isn't as shocked as Sheryl. Basically, Freyja has been well aware of her mortality for a long time just like the rest of her race. She isn't having an existential crisis over this even if the thought of living less than the rest makes her sad. Her romance with Hayate is also less dramatic, more comfy, etc. Maybe if this had happened earlier there would have been more drama, but I don't know.
As for the issue of Alto and his hate for the Vajra compared to the Windies and their hate for NUNS and desire for justice/revenge, it's more or less the same, except I see Windies as what Alto would have become if Frontier hadn't had a happy end and they hadn't discovered who was behind everything. But like I said, viewers will always find it easier to sympathize with a protagonist than with an antagonist, and I say this because I remember 8 years ago almost everyone thought Alto was right when that wasn't the case.
>Non-stop music medley
I want medley to be Giritick Beginner into Neo Stream into Silent Hacker into Halation the War ~without Freyja (because she will be already dead by that time)~
I guess they really don't plan on releasing previews for the final episode.
Be assured we're not getting a medley. They did that in Frontier, we will get several songs though for sure
Here's how I want HayaFre to end.
>Hayate walks up to Freyja after the war ends and he says "Now that it's over, I'm going to visit my mom. Will you come with me?"
>And Freyja's like "Sure, I'd love to. But is it really OK for me to impose on your family time?"
>Then Hayate blushes and turns to look seriously at Freyja "Yes, I want her to meet you, the girl I love and want to marry some day."
>some funny Freyja reaction phrases
>Hayate leans in for a kiss
>Kiss happens and they both laugh
I'm allowed to dream.
I don't think a proposal is out of the question. She did run away to avoid getting married, so it'd be a nice turnabout with them deciding to get married.
>we're not getting a medley
but thats literally the point of the Walkure idol group
Noooo. I want lifespan fix end, which also means that I want Freyja to have a normal life, you know, as in living as a teen girl while she's a teen girl.
the album not having a medley seals the deal. Walkure has their own cd's so its not gonna be on the ost either. Delta's finale isn't gearing up to be a long battle montage either. Stop expecting one. There's gonna be battle's, songs and action, but its not gonna be rinse repeat of Frontier 25. Heck the frontier movies didn't do medley's either.
Why can't she have a teen life just because they're engaged?
But by the looks of it, the final episode of Delta wont be as epic as Frontier's.
I want them to take things a bit slower. Windies life fast because they die young, so I want Freyja to still enjoy life at its fullest but also at a slower pace. Like when you eat slowly to savour everything better.
But character-wise it could be more touching.
>HayaFre declaration of love
>Mirage breaking free at last
>Mikumo regaining her humanity
>Knights turning their wings white again
>Heinz following his own path
I hope all of that happens.
It would be a music battle Mikumo vs Freyja.
They don't have to get engaged/married right away. They could just discuss that they WANT to get married one day, an implication of what will happen in the future.
It'd give us HayaFre fans something sweet and promising for their future.
Who is the winner in Roid/Heinz/Keith triangle? Heika seems to like roid more now.
They aren't even in the process of the last battle yet. How many minutes do you think will be wasted before the Elysion gets there?
>Heck the frontier movies didn't do medley's either.
Then what is Nyan Nyan Final Attack Frontier GreatestHits?
Final song will be Hear the Universe
so precious
How come nobody in this show claimed this cutie to himself?
I agree. I dont like open endings anyway, but that would kill the show fot me. So far Ive enjoyed delta and despite rooting for Mirage Im enjoying HayaFrey so I dont mind the way the series is going. BUT if they have an oen ending thay resolves nothing at al it would completely kill it fot me
Well dont forget you are arguing against people who have never ever experienced a real relationship and whoes only interaction with people goes through Cred Forums
Tfw Itano circus in the past is well animated compared to now.
Purity is the biggest cancer
Because besides Hayate all the males in this series have no interest in women and Hayate only has eyes for Hoina.
I personally claimed Mirage though so no worries
What about Chuck? Wasn't he looking for a cute girl?
I claimed it
Not brown enough
Characters in Macross get married pretty young. Max was 16 and Milia was 15 when they got married.
>milia was 15
i was certain she was at least 70+ years old, since she's apparently pretty well known in the fleet
Keep your fanfics to yourself.
Also zents living a long time is a Robotech thing. Milia was the age she looked.
Stop spreading robotech ideas
but i never watched or touched robotech at all in my entire life
And yet the ideas that were created by their novels and old RPG books, that zents have long life spans, still are with you. For pure macross, there has never been stated that zents have long lives. The one exception is DYRL version of Bodolza and that's because he was part of his fortress.
Isn't it funny how the majority of us ended up shipping HayaFre even though we knew that we were shipping a Bittersweet pairing because of Freyja's lifespan?
Aren't we all true M's? But they're just so perfect together. muh OTP
Mirage will win.
My idea
>Hayate and Mirage land their valks
>Hayate suddenly runs toward Mirage
>Mirage happily runs towards him
>Hayate runs past her and hugs Freyja
>Hayate and Freyja declare their love for each other
>Quick shot of Mirage sad face
In all honesty though, if we get some understanding ending, I want Mirage to leave Delta and have Herman take her under his wing. Before she leaves she could tell Hayate she'll return when she finds herself, and one day she will defeat him and Freyja in another friendly dogfight.
Hayate and Mireya will die in the final episode, won't they?
>I want Mirage to leave Delta and have Herman take her under his wing
I doubt it will happen, but I want this too. It would be a nice way to end her arch but also show that Windies and other races can be friends and learn from each other.
I know I'm in the minority here, but I hope most of the Aerial Knights and Heinz make it alive. As much Roid should die because of what he has become. But I really want an ending where the rest of the Aerial Knights and Heinz survive and the latter opens Windermere again to the rest of the galaxy and to make up for the war the Aerial Knights vow to fly and fight to protect not only Windermere but also the rest of the cluster. In my opinion it would be a good way to show how their wings turned white again.
People who watch this show and ship any couple are all M. I'm still crying for Micheal.
>Hayate only has eyes for Hoina.
We're at the literal end of the show with one episode left where Hayate has shown no initiative towards any girl and in particular had to be told to interact with her before the final battle and you guys still say this sort of shit. I have no idea how you still expect anything but friendship end.
Taken from japanese Delta wiki page. Insert songs from anime.
You can instantly see when everything went wrong. I can understand why 2nd half got less action and worse plot/pacing. But how the fuck did they manage to fail with idolshit?
>Hayate has shown no initiative towards any girl
what? Have we been watching the same anime?
>and in particular had to be told to interact with her before the final battle
He was focusing on his duties as a soldier before the final battle? And as soon as he was told he could go to her he literally ran around the whole ship desperately looking for her? Plus, Mirage telling him to go spend time with her was a necessary scene for her so we could see that she's at peace with moving on
Well, at least we saw him blushed.
To be honest insert songs in 2nd cour were great but have no impact or make me hype except god bless you and Absolute 5.
Hametsu no Junjou was also epic though
Yeah, that's one too.
Misa is a military genius. She invented a tactical combat maneuver for the sdf-01 macross namely the 'Daedalus Attack', which then became Marcoss Attack in the later series.
Btw, we actually have less involvement and interaction in actual combat sequence among the bridge bunny crew and the captain in Delta unlike Frontier, 7 and SDF.
Heinz is horrified in the end. ROID LOST.
>But I really want an ending where the rest of the Aerial Knights and Heinz survive and the latter opens Windermere again to the rest of the galaxy and to make up for the war the Aerial Knights vow to fly and fight to protect not only Windermere but also the rest of the cluster. In my opinion it would be a good way to show how their wings turned white again.
Yes, like Lord Adria did.
Press F for respects. ;_;
>what? Have we been watching the same anime?
Apparently not since i've never seen him show any interest in her as a woman or display even light possessiveness over her.
>Mirage telling him to go spend time with her was a necessary scene for her so we could see that she's at peace with moving on
No. It's because she's not an asshole and swore to protect Freyja and talking to him,her closed friend would help her out.
Loosen the fucking shipping goggles. You're just setting yourself up for intense anger when we get to the final episode that inevitably will have literally every resolution except the one you're collecting goddamn scraps for.
>25 episodes
>nothing happened with Mirage
Her character was completely wasted, what the fuck was Kawamori thinking?
>She invented a tactical combat maneuver for the sdf-01 macross namely the 'Daedalus Attack',
She and Claudia you mean.
He blushed twice and always looks at her dreamily, not to mention he's always praising her and paying attention to her reactions and stalked her practice once (that we know of). Giving him his life's passion is not an insignificant thing either.
I guess we differ in views. We'll have to wait till Sunday and see who was right and who was wrong.
>tfw your desperate last-ditch gamble becomes standard military doctrine
Well if it works, it works.
>the original Mirage in Kawamori's memos was supposed to be an ace just like Messer, but it was hard to make her distinct from Messer so they made her only slightly better than Hayate
Will she become better if she be an ace?
>She and Claudia you mean
Please rewatch that scene. Misa is the one who brought up that plan to the captain. Claudia and the bridge bunnies only followed her instructions
>Apparently not since i've never seen him show any interest in her as a woman or display even light possessiveness over her.
C'mon now. Even the novel says his heart goes doki doki when she's with him.
It would not change anything. You need to change plot (and not Mirage) to make her relevant. For example Arad is a good pilot too, but it doesn't help him at all.
Wish we would've gotten more of this.
Mirage doesn't have to be relevant, we just need to see more scenes of her and the other pilots kicking ass. In Macross, no character except the main trio or duo is relevant. Could you say Roy was relevant? No, he was just some pilot that died. It effected the MC, but not the plot.
What would be if Carl was MC of Delta?
You know there's something wrong with the triangle when one member had to basically tell the other "Go to her and let this shitty triangle end" and nothing came out of it.
Remember when Hayate said "If you like someone, you should tell them how you feel."?
What a a fucking hypocrite
Maybe he plans on doing so when the war ends. Would be a nice change from seeing Freyja get cockblocked again.
So the Lady M is Misa or Minmay? I mean Megaroad 1 could be considered Misa's debut as captain.
Yes she is way better as an ace and as the
Messer is popular and well liked and didn't need to be relevant plot wise.
He became popular not because of his pilot skills.
He was the best pilot in the squad starting from episode 1. But no one cared about him until it was revealed he was huge Kanamefag.
I liked because he called out Hayate's bullshit.
I hope they'll make Mirage more relevant or more competent in the movies.
Where's Koreabro? I thought Walkure Trap would've leaked by now.
Almost all of his early leaks are uploaded on Saturdays or Tuesdays.
Let's hope it will be Saturday.
just watched the end of Frontier (TV) and it was so much better than delta
How did they fuck up so badly with this series?
So he is basically your shitty self insert because you are a cynical piece of shit just like him
He is a shitty pilot and Hayate already surpassed his ass. His shitty grim reaper veritech will soon go kabloom to make room for new snazzy veritech just for Hayate.
delta is a disappointment in all aspects. FACT.
nice meme
Just like you for you parents.
How is Frontier's ending better if Delta's ending hasn't even been shown yet, retard?
No ending Delta shits out could be better than Frontier
Literally anything is better than
>you're both my wings
The final battle will be shit because the windies are shit enemies.
Frontier's songs are better than Delta's so musically Delta's ending will be worse.
Given what we've seen so far of the spess plane fights in Delta, the action will be worse, too.
It's not looking good for Delta.
It hasn't done for a long time.
Delta was a mistake.
Again, so?
Don't you get tired of always responding in memes? Like seriously are you just some stupid 16 year old that thinks not rehashing used up vomit words makes you look like a loser?
We all wasted our time watching it and there likely won't be another Macross TV series.
Actually, people liked Messer before Kaname thing. It's Kaname that has been started to be liked, because of Messer..
Hayate only surpassed Mirage.
I can recognize your shitty post style even without ebin wh40k memes. Just pick a trip, because you definitely don't understand the concept of anonymity.
I'm adding my 5th filter for Delta threads. If anyone is interested, here it is:
/^(>>[0-9]+(\( You\))?\n)?([^\n>]{1,150}\n\n){3,}/;boards:a;
>He thinks Delta is good
Nice 9gag image.
Nice taste in animated fiction
Thankfully we have archives which can easily prove you wrong
>The final battle will be shit because the windies are shit enemies.
And the Vajra aren't shit enemies? Nobody except Ranka sympathized with them until the very end. At least Hayate was able to have a conversation with Cassim. Plus everyone here wants to see Keith and Heinz be like brothers again.
>Frontier's songs are better than Delta's
We've had polls here agreeing Delta has more good songs than Frontier. Not hard to believe, Sheryl only has a handful of songs. Ranka has none, except Seikan Hikou which itself is not as good as Rune Pika.
>Given what we've seen so far of the spess plane fights in Delta, the action will be worse, too.
The action isn't as plentiful as Frontier, but I prefer the small amounts of valk on valk fights here than Frontier's montage of exploding bugs stock footage.
Actually I remember that people started to like him around episode 6, when he told Arad that he was being hard on the others because he wanted them to survive, after that and how he didn't complain about wearing a cat costume in ep. 7 he became more popular.
Yes, Kaname's popularity comes from Messer, before people found out that Messer liked Kaname she was not too popular.
And maybe Chuck I guess.
Mirage will play the waiting game, she'll win Herman's grandson.
Best ending:
Hayate kills Keith
Mirage kills Herman
Mikumo kills Roid
Reina enslaves Bogue
Arad kills chinese twins
Freyja achieves center nova and takes Hayate with herself so they can sing and pleasure each other for all eternity.
If they haven't been killed before why would they be killed now?
>why don't bad guys die in the very first episode?
Because there would be no one left to fight.
But it's final episode now so it's OK to kill them.
No this best ending:
>Keith or Hayate kills Roid
>Arad kills twins
>Herman makes Mirage his student
>Mikumo fixes Freyja
>Reina enslaves Bogue
>Heinz is imprisoned but Keith visits him regularly
>Fish pilot reunites with fish family
>Hayate and Freyja marry and have a son named Seigfried Immelmann Wion
Wrong, 6ep. - tough love that kids would survive.
>Mikumo fixes Freyja
>Hayate and Freyja marry and have a son named Seigfried Immelmann Wion
This. I agree with you, senpai.
That archive search range includes episode 6 too. He might gain few fans after episode 6, but negativity still dominated.
Also I just checked archives again and accidentally saw this post:
>Bored, just go 2ch and checked character thread replies count.
>Freyja: 1088
>Mirage: 2219
Can't stop laughing. Where are these people now, I wonder?
Ima anata no koe ga kikoeru --
Koko ni oide to
Sabishisa ni makesou na watashi ni
The fact that they already used DYRL two times already means it is not likely to be used in the finaru episodo.
The best we will get is the bonus track on album #2
They only used it once, you dummy. And it was the piano version which apparently will appear is the ost 2. DYRL is also listed on the Walkure Trap album so that means it will appear with vocals in the final episode. My bet is on Freyja singing it.
Oh wait, you meant used twice in Macross overall. Well, as far as I know it's a bit of tradition for DYRL to appear across the Macross Franchise.
It's no surprise people rooted for Mirage first. She's a Jenius. Also tradition.
>DYRL is also listed on the Walkure Trap album
No it isn't
Take your pills, dude.
They're dead. That's what happens when you choose a fave just because MUH TRADITION instead of actually focusing on character development and likeability
>DYRL is also listed on the Walkure Trap album
It's listed as BONUS song. It means it won't appear in anime.
>作詞:安井かずみ 作曲:加藤和彦
EP16 and 25
>so that means it will appear with vocals in the final episode.
It is listed as a bonus track, that might not happen
Lets see how they handle that, of course I'd like to hear DYRL
In Frontier it was used as ED and at the series end
Yes it is.
>EP19 and 25*
It was only used in episode 25. Not in episode 19.
So what if Hayate and Freyja end up together but we still get no hug or kiss scene?
I'll travel to Japan and stick my foot up Kawamori's ass.
>what if Hayate and Freyja end up
Did not happen in 25 episodes
Will not happen in the last
It was
Still, I'll repeat it again that final song is Hear the Universe.
There are only 2 hype songs in 2nd album: Absolute 5 and Hear the Universe. Absolute 5 was already used in episodes 23 ad 24. So it must be Hear the Universe, we just got a little teaser in episode 17:
In all Macross series where we've had a couple actually get together from a triangle, it never happened until the last episode. Stop being a faggot.
I'll join you. Idol purity my ass.
I thought we were talking about DYRL (the song) being used in Delta? So far it's only been used once in episode 25 and it was a piano version during Freyja's moment with Hayate.
Mirage force kisses Hayate but is declined, Freyja and Hayate are platonically smiling at each other in the end and that's it
Freyjafags and Miragefags would transform the Sahara into another sea with their tears, make it happen Kawamori
Kaname's solo in ep 21 sounds great.
I want to racemix with zentradi.
>Kaname's thighs
so do I man my.
why did these two break up?
Jenius curse.
My dudes
Does anyone have the Ranka/Freyja spliced picture?
We need to splice in Mylene
She wouldn't give him a son.
they still love each other
Who's gonna get BTFO next episode other than Miragefags?
Genocidefag if he's still living
1. Amuro Ray - Gundam
2. Yamato Kira - Gundam
3. Master Asia - G Gundam
4. Kamille - Zeta Gundam
5. Setsuna F. Seiei - Gundam
6. Domon - G Gundam
7. Char - Gundam
8. Guy - Gaogaigar
9. Heero - Gundam Wing
10. Suzaku - Code Geass
11. Simon - Gurren Lagann
12. Chirico - Votoms
13. Inaho - Aldnoah.Zero
14. Shinji - Evangelion
15. Mikazuki - Gundam IBO
16. Athrun - Gundam SEED
17. Hikaru - Macross
18. Banagher - Gundam Unicorn
19. Kaworu - Evangelion
20. Lelouch - Code Geass
>Amuro above Jesus
>Kamille that low
>Setsuna in the list
>Bananaburger, Inaho, Shinji, Lelouch, Kaworu, Hikaru in the list
All viewers.
Recent episodes had extremely poor animation, lots of static shots, with scenes with very little details and lots of QUALITY. Just compare this
I thought that after Symphogear's success Satelight might hire more people or get bigger budget to outsource their shit. But no, it's still one of the poorest studios out there.
>Kira not 1st
>Hikaru is in the list, but not Max
All Macross shows suffer from quality and reused animation you double nigger.
I'm not comparing Delta with other mecha anime. I'm not even comparing Delta with other Macrosses. I'm comparing Delta's last 6 episodes with first 13. They look noticeably worse, they clearly are running out of money, time and human resources.
>there likely won't be another Macross TV series
>source: my ass
>We all wasted our time watching it
I didn't waste my time
I feel that she is going to be a during the last episode.
Would definitely fit Kawamori.
I won't get 3rd Sortie till after the final episode of Macross Delta. Unfortunate, would have loved to share the art for that.
>2nd Sortie has been sitting at the NYC ICS post office in the fucking airport since 9/14/2016
USPS pls
13 episode show became a 26 episode show when 4 aired
I love how this has gone from "when ep. 4 was scripted" to "when ep. 4 was produced" to "when ep. 4 was aired?
>Now, as I said a few posts ago, an interview came out with Vol. 2 of the DVD/BD of Delta, where a staff member mentioned that the show got changed from one-cour-plus-a-movie to two cours (still plus-a-movie…? Damn, I sure HOPE so!).
>The thing is, the guy DIDN’T say it happened during the PRODUCTION of Episode 4, he said it happened during the initial SCRIPTING of Episode 4.
>It’s an easy mistake to make, I guess (although some of the people talking about it REALLY should’ve known better), but it makes a lot of difference. The SCRIPTING of Episode 4 probably happened over a year or so ago. The PRODUCTION would’ve been (I’m guessing) February or March of this year (maybe later, if they were behind). One narrative gives the staff plenty of time to adjust. One leaves them scrambling.
The way it should be.
I felt the show started looking better after episode 21. 19 didn't look bad either because it was just a slideshow episode.
Are Windermere actions illegal? Because nobody in the show brought up the var use is breaking some law or shit like that. But they make sure to mention NUNS broke the law every time they want to employ those dimensional eaters.
Isn't Kaworu basically cheat mode?
The bd bonus make Bogue and the twins closet Walkurefags and just normal horny teens.
Can I replace their characterization with this one?
That WOOOOW WOOOOW WOOOOW gets me every time. I remember I started watching Delta precisely because of the vine of it.
No. Why would it be illegal? Gramia was the king and the one who authorized the Var use.
>came for Freyja
>stayed for Freyja
Side Materials are better than the anime, so yes, go ahead.
Give me Love! Thunder Grow, and I'm done.
Speaking of this, are there scans for Febri yet?
I will never forgive Hayate for ruining such a beautiful face
He's still the most beautiful male character.
kek deserves that much after taking out our boy Messer.
Messer was an edgelord.