Dragon Ball thread
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Reminder that the DBS manga is better than the anime.
If it didn't have to rush through the story to keep up with the anime, sure.
Exactly despite being rushed it's still better than the anime, goes to show how much Toei sucks.
They don't suck as much as you, though. How about stopping with this autistic reminder meme, my friend?
We know, you've been spamming this shit in every thread.
Nevermind the fact that the manga's pacing is complete garbage and SSG had no reason to come back into the story.
Yes the nonsensical time loop is much better.
>he doesn't think there's going to be a time loop in both versions
Why are Toyblefags so retarded?
GT is vastly superior to Super. Pic related
Stay mad faggots
guess toriyama really didn't like him or his hair
Fresh prince of Saiyans
>Trunks killed Burter
>retards still don't understand DB time travel
Toeifags everyone.
DB follows the mutiverse rules, exluding "you cannot return to the original timeline" part.
Probably just a soldier of the same race as Burter. You can see a fat guy that looks like Zarbon aswell.
fixed timeline is the best timeline except by a huge flaw, what if I tried to kill my father, would I just be magically unable to do it? And on the multiverse, how an entire new reality would come to existence just because you slipped though time? Sounds stupid, maybe I am really too retarded for time travel.
Wew lad vegeta kill stealed like a bitch
>Goku only got 2 kills in DBZ
>he didn't even kill Frieza
>what if I tried to kill my father, would I just be magically unable to do it?
Probably if that happens then he never was your father.
goku is a nice guy in z, he always tries to let his opponent live
>Son Gohan
Too far
He also teamkilled.
>counting as deaths
>also why are they bleeding
This isn't even taking into account all the genocides and massacres on planets.
Trunks needs to be updated with Dabura and Babidi.
Majin Buu killed them.
Vegeta has the highest kill count, sure.
But Goku has beaten the most people, as in win fights.
And if we're going with who gave others the hardest and most badass beatings, Gohan is #1 with how he fucked up Frieza, Cell and Super Buu.
The most horrific torturer award goes to Piccolo with how he mutilated Goku at the end of DB, followed closely by ape Vegeta crushing Goku's bones.
the future versions
He meant Future Babidi and Dabura.
No such thing.
Trunks killed the future androids and that's it, we never see or hear from him ever again.
inb4 butthurt superfags
You are fucking retarded.
Nowhere in DBZ does Trunks ever kill Babidi or Dabura you fucking retard.
0/10 for your poor trolling attempt.
>Nevermind the fact that the manga's pacing is complete garbage
Ironically, so is the anime's pacing.
He is shitposting, user.
You do realize that the reason for the time loop is because of that one time ring that was specifically said to go to FT's timeline, right? Multiverse rules don't impede on that at all because time travelling with Trunks' time machine is different from using a time ring, dumbass.
Not really. The U6 Tournament and Black arcs (e.g. the only arcs that matter in Super) have been completely fine.
>because time travelling with Trunks' time machine is different from using a time ring, dumbass.
Nice headcanon retard
For badass beatings, piccolo ranks high as well, but vegeta beats them both.
First vegeta ices nappa
Then on namek, the way he blows away kui, dodoria, zarbon, jeice
Then the total devestation he gives android 19 and then 2nd form cell.
Not to mention his kamikaze was pretty badass.
This is what happens when you're not even alive for the first 5 years of the series, then is dead for one entire year, and then fuses with god 7 years before the last major fight.
Are the namek deaths canon, i forget
anything past the saiyan saga is not canon in z
Nice trips, but was just as much of a bait post. How can a fucking plot point not be canon?
How is it headcanon? Gowasu flat-out says that specific time ring was created as a result of Future Trunks' time travelling and thus goes to that specific timeline.
>Oh no, I can't refute his argument! B-better post a meme image!
Arcs that wrap up in around 15 episodes are perfectly fine in terms of pacing, mangafag. Enjoy eating Toyotaro's shit though.
If you think the anime's pacing is fine you're delusional. Enjoy eating Toei's shit though.
Running your mouth and copypasting my words isn't going to change the fact that you still can't explain how making a full arc's length around 15 episodes is bad pacing, since you're a retard.
DBZ > DB >>>>>>>>> GT > Shituper
Because interesting questions are to be asked, which is the better force to be reckoned with, the Ginyu Force, or Cooler's Armored Squadron?
If you think the anime's pacing is fine you're delusional. Sorry retard.
>edgy Zfags jerk off to these pics
There's obviously going to be a time loop in both versions, quit blaming Toei for shit that's clearly one of Toriyama's ideas.
Even in the latest manga chapter Zamasu even starts to go edgelord the moment he learns about Goku, which hints at exactly the same thing the anime is hinting at.
Again, why are Toyblefags so stupid?
db>dbgt first 1/3>dbz minus buu>dbs 27 onward>dbz buu>dbgt shadow dragons>dbs 1-27>dbgt baby+17
>17 that low
Super 17 is probably the best part of GT though...
super> not GT fag
Most of Goku's are from Dragon Ball.
>Superfags jerk off to shitty flash animation
>calling Superfags "butthurt"
Over what, exactly? Most of these threads have been GTfags and Toonamifags getting completely assblasted over Super's existence because it doesn't fulfill their shitty fanfiction dreams and self-insertion fantasies.
Your tears are delicious, 12 year old.
Your fan-fic will never be canon, stop crying and deal with it.
nice projection, but nobody here cares.
we all laugh at the "existence" of GT and super just as we laugh at deviantart fan fictions.
DB and DBZ are core. everything else is memes
I've watched DBZ since it first aired in 96 and afterwards on Toonami as well as GT. Super has been great once it got past the movies, especially the Black Saga.
And this is coming from someone who has a very autistic set of headcanon and backstory for Xenoverse and will for XV2 as well.
beats me im enjoying super like i did with dragon ball and Z
this doesn't even exist, and even if it did they would be a massive minority. shit did I take the bait?
>samefagging this hard
samefag yourself faggot
Was #20 a Cyborg or an Android? He was just a brain in a mechanical body, how do you classify that?
#16 and #19 were obviously Androids. #17 and #18 were obviously Cyborgs.
>no DBH
#16, #17 and #20 are androids/cyborgs.
#19 and #16 are pure robots.
Technically he would be a Cyborg like 17/18. The rest of the Androids are actual Androids.
Cell on the other hand is just a bio-robot since he doesn't have the appearance of a human.
8 is a cyborg too
not this again
Shut the fuck up noob.
what in the HECK did you just say to me?
Fights that should had ended in minutes were extended for episodes. Why not give Piccolo's fight more time instead of Vegeta vs Iroman that ended because Vegeta made the washing machine cry? It sucked balls, DBS sucks. Two episodes of Trunks' new arc were about his introduction, then everyone started to do useless shit. Vegeta with his muh Bulma, muh revenge just to end being the first one to job, Trunks fooling around that added nothing substantial, the only good moment was 18 joking with him.
Is Super still in the Goku Black arc?
DBZ encouraged me to workout and get in shape.
Push ups everyday works wonders.
this guy was a genius. the only person that could put humans on the same level as super saiyans. rip.
A butthurt genius.
Somehow his creations are stronger than Frieza which has the greatest minds and scientists of the galaxy at his disposal.
Translation user-kun?
Yeah. It appears to be drawing to a close.
You know what's weird? 18 was retconned as the more powerful sibling.
I was about to argue that it makes more sense since she's the higher number then I remembered 19/20.
Maybe she gotta a little bit more powerful after the Cell Saga and that's what they meant.I mean she did fight in a World Tournament at least (granted it was nothing at all for her) and 17 has just been getting drunk with teens and putting out forest fires.
non canon. In other words shitposting
that page was already translated
Still? The black arc hasn't even started yet.
Should I watch Super before Resurrection F?
Earth had better miniaturization technology than Freeza's empire (capsules). So, it's not like the Androids are coming from nowhere.
Goku/Vegeta Super Saiyan Blue fusion from Dragonball Fusions. You can actually fuse any character with any character in Fusions, but it's part of a freaking Streetpass feature.
Hopefully the upcoming online mode will have an alternate method for this.
Here's Broly (LSSJ) x Vegeta (SSJ)
Vegeta x Goku in SSJ4, but not actually Gogeta SSJ4. The name of the fusion is just "KF" (Katteni Fusion) + Name of character chosen by the player for the Streetpass feature. They don't get proper fused names.
>no dokkan battle general on /vg/
How will I salt about my wasted 40 stones now
But Goku didn't kill anyone according to Toriyama
Burter was a mutant, like every other Ginyu Force member, so that's just a coincidence, no way a random Frieza soldier who looks like Burter is a part of Burter's race.
For what purpose, why didn't Toriyama just make them equal in power or something
The real question is why didn't Gero make himself at least as strong as 17 and 18
>Tien's tri-beam that weak
>still damages semi-perfect Cell
wew lads
Could you explain the Streetpass thingy?
So what happens when say Super Saiyan 4 Goku fuses with Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta?
Streetpass is called "すれちがい通信" in Japanese. After activating it in Fusions, if there are still free Streetpass slots you should be able to choose one character.
Then you need to leave the 3ds in rest mode and pass by another 3ds that also has streetpass data for Fusions. If you do it right, then you'll get a fused character afterwards.
That's why I'm hoping for the online mode to add a similar function, because right now you need two 3ds in order to do this.
And you can actually use the fusions?
Yeah. Their initial skills are random though. You can't choose them manually like with the Ex Fusions.
Also, you can only keep one of these at a time.
Dragon Ball:
Dragon Ball Z:
Dragon Ball Z Kai:
Dragon Ball GT:
Dragon Ball Super:
They occupy the mysterious 001 slot that people were wondering about (the avatar is 000 - and SSJ for the avatar is just a technique, so it doesn't take a slot).
>2 consecutive endings about Goku's story
>1 ending just for three scenes of the Majin Vegeta battle
Why? Dear Zarathustra was great.
Best ending to be quite honest senpai
Best DBZ opening.
lel what the fuck is this shit
>you will never smoke a joint with Android 17 in the woods
I have no idea.
That attack pushed him back, it didn't actually hurt him. He didn't even have a scratch on him afterwards, sort of like how Chiaotzu pulled a worse Saibaman and didn't even hurt Nappa.
French opening of the Frieza and pre-androids saga. It was also used in the Spanish version by mistake because they used the french translation.
You can argue that it didn't damage him all you want, it still clearly did something to him
That image is bullshit
>He didn't even have a scratch on him afterwards
He does have a bunch of black lines on him afterwards, although people argue that it's dirty. Either way, the androids couldn't push him back by that point, so giving it such a lower power makes no sense. It's not like the 1st blast was the only one to do it. All 4 pushed him back so it's not a case of surprise attack.
I can't pick if I like Dan Dan better than Makafugishi Adventure better, even though I like Cha-La just as much, nor can I pick the ED for the Buu saga over the ED for Dragon Ball easily. They're all so damn good, and give you a sense of adventure (unfortunately, Z and GT were lacking) and excitement for the saga (and disappointment for the Buu saga, RIP Gohan).
As much as I liked Kai, the intros just don't do it for me as I would like it to, same for the endings.
When are we getting this back in Super?
Well we can agree to the image being bullshit at least. Honestly I would put the humans in the million range, mainly because there's no way Yamcha should have been able to not get killed instantly after getting impaled through his spine.
I would say the Kikoho should be significantly stronger than Tenshinhan's own power, but not to the extreme.
Forgot the song.
The Tri Beam is a technique that uses up nearly ALL of the user's ki
Power level readings are simply the user's resting ki, everybody's ki levels increase when fighting or using a technique
So yes, Tien's Tri Beam should have a FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR higher power level reading than his own resting power level reading
HERO sucks, worst FLOW song in my opinion.
This ED gave me feels
HERO sucks, deal with it fag
He killed Grandpa Gohan.
Not according to Toriyama, his Great Ape form did however :^)
>GTfags and Toonamifags
Stop falseflagging. Most of the people mad about Super are Zfags mad that Mystic Gohan isn't a thing anymore.
He's half right, though quite a few of the Toonamifags want to see Super on Toonami ASAP.
Thanks for proving my point.
Why have adult Krillin fuse with Goku and not a young Krillin?
i dunno
Because there's no young Kuririn in the game. The only playable DB characters are Kid Goku and King Piccolo. Pillaf's gang, Roshi, Grandpa Gohan and others appear, but only as NPCs.
Shit names
Disregard that I suck cocks
Not gonna lie, I expected something terrible out of this one. Looks kinda cool.
Where's Yamgeta? Or is it Vegecha?
>a fucking fish
just realized while dr gero grew his hair also lost his eyebrows when he became a cyborg
was he the first artificial ssj3?
Does no one think to wish back Planet Vegeta with the Super Dragon Balls? I'm pretty sure Vegeta would be able to rule the Saiyans just fine. Or King Vegeta, since Frieza is no longer a problem.
Who would have been more powerful? 16 or 18?
So are the human characters going to do anything remotely interesting, what about Piccolo? Surely he's getting a cool power up after being so easily defeated by one of Freeza's men?
Would be interesting seeing a civil war sort of thing happening between the Saiyans on Earth and the revived Saiyans
>Don't Let Me Down
Should've been a Gohan ED.
Why the fuck is there no Super Saiyan 2, Full Power Frieza and especially Super Saiyan 2 Teen Gohan what the actual fuck that is literally his most iconic transformation
No matter how you look at it, the Shin Kikoho is stronger that Android 16's punch
Freecell is top-tier and pure Toriyama.
The best looking fusions are Towale, SaiyamanxSaiyawoman, Wheesus, DabuMira, Gero19, 17x16, TienxChiaotzu, Fusion Dance Nappaditz, Fusion Dance Burtercoome and I'm probably missing some other fusion
Worst name by far is Fooler
You forgot the most important character
I didn't know the japanese versions for db and dbz. sound wierd.
super has the best endings
16 of course, unless 18's training shot her power up.
I feel like Yamcha killed some people when he was a bandit. He did mention that he didn't use the Wolf Fang Fist in a while.
Missed hearing this, thanks for posting.
Isn't cell already like part frieza?
This guy is basically Freiza genetically enhanced.
I like Goku vs Bardock. SSJ4 hair without the fur.
Complete the following:
Ningens are for ______.
the portuguese dub will star on saturday
>Recoome's ass
destroying before they ever experience true happiness.
I almost agree with you. I'd put dbgt first 1/3 together with dbgt shadow dragons (between buu and dbs 1-27), otherwise I agree.
TienShinChaoz would be better.
>Pan went super in the womb, which turned Videls hair blond
How strong do you think best girl will get? Hopefully she doesn't get the terrible attitude GT pan had
>posting a ningen
Android = robot in the shape of a man
Cyborg = human with robotic parts
>The real question is why didn't Gero make himself at least as strong as 17 and 18
He was probably too old for it. From what is implied in the series, the infinite energy model (#16, #17, #18) had an unspecified problem.
we'll never see her as anything but a baby, but she probably won't be strong unless goku died. everyone's fine with being weak since goku will just protect everyone.
Scan confirms:
> SSR is Black's version of SS; Rivals SSB
> Present and Future Zamasu have different Potaras
>Dragon Ball thread
No. Dragon Ball thread wouldn't include S.
What do normies hate so much about Super anyway? Just the animation?
> SSR is Black's version of SS
If SSR is Black's version of SS. Then Base Black = SS2 Goku.
They are fucked.
you can read super so no
they're lonely and want their existence acknowledged. good going user!
Remember that time Hitler was in Dragon Ball?
> bad animation
They probably only saw the movie re-tellings.
I mean, it isn't GREAT now. But it's no one near as bad as Re:RoF
> nowhere near*
The current arc is much better animation-wise, but the U6 Tourny had it's ups and downs
Magetta, Cabba, and Hit were fine. Botamo and Frost weren't.
>Base Black = SS2 Goku.
No, stronger.
Trunks said base Black was stronger than SSJ3 Goku.
>Great Ape Kid Goku killed Grandpa Gohan
So basically...Goku/Vegeta need the equilvalence of two extra SS power-ups after SSB to be on par with Black.
After reading Correction: THREE extra SS power-ups.
That, or just fuse.
what's good in your gif is only the filter effect and and the 1.5x speed
>>They are fucked.
Yeah, pretty much.
My opinion is that Future Zamasu succeeded in becoming a kaioshin because he wasn't interrupted by meeting goku because he was already dead, and mabe he somehow heard about Goku being stronger than the Gods and wanted to use his power by creating Goku black or becoming him
future zamasu succeeds in becoming kaioshin and wishes to be immortal
past zamasu creates black then dies
black somehow gets a hold of earring+ring and goes to ftrunks timeline because there's GoDs alive in u7
all that's a lie and it's revealed black is goten
case closed
I tried to find a gif of that fight scene, but found that instead.
I didn't remember exactly how it looked.
"We were angels" will always be the best Dragonball ending
"We were angels" will always be the best Dragonball ending
feels fucking nostalgic
What he said Or you are probably a bad killer.
Hi, my name is Kakarot.
As a baby I was sent to earth to conquer it. An old man found me in the woods and took me under his wings. He named me Goku.
I fell on my head one time and that made me lose all my Saiyan memories and instincts.
I grew up and eventually married. I named my son after the old man that took care of me when I was a baby. Then my brother showed up and told me about my true identity, I couldn't believe it!
I am literally brain-damaged but that's OK..
I really love food and fighting.
My name is Vegeta and I am the prince of all 3 Saiyans! I am nobility, royalty, an elite.
Frieza destroyed our race and lied to me about what caused the destruction of our planet.. I grew up under his tyranny, but no more. Once these Dragon Balls are mine I will wish for immortality and then I will get revenge on Frieza.
I will take control of the Planet Trade Organization! I will be ruler of the universe!
Keep going.
Where's Bojack and his gang at?
Uhh, is this thing on? OK well here goes.
My name is Krillin and I dedicated my life to martial arts in the Orin Temple as a young kid.
I kept getting bullied, so I decided to pack my stuff and leave for the famous Master Roshi, who apparently lives on an island.
..That's when I met Goku, and right away I knew there was something strange about this guy. I mean, he had a damn tail! He also had no manners or sense of social customs at all. At first I thought he was just an uncultured hillbilly from the countryside, until we learned years later that he actually was an alien!
But the most remarkable thing about Goku was his strength. It was out of this world. He quickly surpassed all of us, even Master Roshi!
Yeah, you could say that all our lives changed when we met Goku.
They aren't canon.
My fanfiction dream:
>Black causes a giant shitstorm with time and universal travel and gets many Gods freaked, even Zeno is annoyed
>My headcanon is that Super is a prequel to the time patrollers and time-breakers and Black/Zamasu have opened the way forward to that scenario
>Goku deduces that Beerus was working with Frieza and ordered the destruction of Planet Vegeta, and Beerus and Whis admit to it, Vegeta is angry and Goku is understanding but sad
>Goku asks Zeno for a favor: revive Planet Vegeta and its inhabitants, in order to have a race of warriors to draw from for time patrollers (in addition to humans, namekians etc.)
>Zeno agrees under the condition that they go to Planet Vegeta and spend time there to surpervise the Saiyans and make sure they don't fuck up more shit, and lead them in a proper way
>The Saiyans respect strength and after seeing SSJ Goku and Vegeta, start following them out of respect, paving the way forward for good-natured Saiyans someday
>Last arc is Goku, Vegeta, King Vegeta, Bardock and other Saiyans driving off a threat and helping Future Trunks establish the time patrol
Is Krillin an orphan?
Go on.
I miss Launch....I miss Tien being cute
>I miss Launch
It's not normies that hate Super, just neckbeards from Cred Forums, GTfags, and Gohanfags.
The influx of 16-19 year olds from Cred Forums to Cred Forums is incredibly annoying. Why do they come here? Why don't they stay on /r9k/, Cred Forums, and Cred Forums? Board time locks when? Why don't the mods do anything?
>Zfags mad that Mystic Gohan isn't a thing anymore
Good. Mystic didn't represent Gohan's true motivations at all and was nothing more than a self-insertion wet dream for his retarded fans.
Can someone translate the part that has "SSGSS" in it?
Stop user, you don't want to make them mad.
Cred Forums seems to like DBS from what I've seen...
At least recently?
I am Master Roshi. Excuse me for using an old picture of mine. The ladies would get too wet if I showed them how stunning I look today. Yep, still got it.
So where do I begin? I used to train with Shen under Master Mutaito, a great martial arts expert.
You know that green guy Piccolo? Well we fought his father a long time ago. Me and Shen were no match for him, but Mutaito knew the Evil Containment Wave technique. He sacrificed himself to defeat the demon Piccolo. Years later the demon would be released again, only to be beaten by Goku.
After our master's heroic death, me and Shen went our own ways. I formed the Turtle martial arts school based on Ki management, morals and real-life applications. We got style. I even trained with ol' Gohan and the Ox King, Chi-Chi's father. I eventually retired and settled on an island with my turtle. But then I met Goku, Krillin and Yamcha. I taught them all I know, including the Kamehameha wave! One thing that you should always keep in mind is that there is always someone stronger than you.
Now that dirty Shen formed the Crane martial arts school, based on less-than-honourable techniques. Shen became a bitter man and my rival. He taught his students the Dodon Ray, levitation and assassination techniques. Tien, Chiaotzu and the mercenary Tao were from this school, but thank Kami that Tien turned his heart before it was too late, I knew I could get him to his senses.
Today I'm too old, but not for lovin'.. A real man always has time for the girls. They just can't keep their hands off me. Sometimes I even surprise myself. Did I ever tell you about the time Bulma took off her clothes for me?
Zamatsu and Black/Gowasu are going to fuse at some point right
what are good subs for resurrection f ? dragon team torrent seems to be dead.
The butthurt cellfag is back.
Still salty his favorite character got rekt by Gohan.
he probably got triggered by this picture
Cred Forums seems to love Dragon Ball and there's usually at least 1 Dragon Ball Video Game thread up all the time.
Is there an Anime or Manga character cooler than Future Trunks?
And I’m not just talking about DBS Anime (Present) Kid Trunks or DBZ Super Saiyan Ascended (Ultimate) Trunks, I'm referring to (Manga) Future "Mirai" Adult Trunks with the perfected Super Saiyan 2 Transformation equipped with his Legendary Z-Sword (from when he was training in the Kaioshin Realm) that has his own unique abilities like Burning Attack and Buster Cannon while also performing old classic Ki Blasts such as Masenko and Final Flash as well as being extremely skilled in taijutsu and kenjutsu.
That's retarded.
Seriously, wtf.
Enjoy your screeching cats and grandma goku.
>retarded power inflation
>vegeta is now a bitch
>gohan still a bitch
>goku is the only one that actually matters
Whats the current theory on his identity?
I personally believe he's the Goku from the end of GT that went crazy.
He's shitposting, just ignore and don't reply.
Real DBZ fans hate Super, and underage normies love it.
Normies are the real fans though
Real Dragon Ball fans are fine with overlooking the flaws of the Super Anime because the Manga does it justice.
Nobody cares about manga.
Anybody get into the manga before the anime?
>Manga base trunks is stronger than GodKi Base Goku
>doing anything justice
yeah nah
Just be glad the artist didn't forgot about the Invisible Man.
But I'm not a Cellfag either. In fact he's probably my least favorite villain.
Why are Gohanfags like yourself so stupid?
>GodKi Base Goku
That's been retconned it barely exists, the only time God Ki in base form has been mentioned ever besides after BoG arc is in the Dragon Ball Heroes game where they mentioned it as a new card.
The only time you can use God Ki in base form now is if you activate it like how Goku did for a split moment against Trunks in the duel.
Stay mad, Cellfag.
So basically you're illiterate too?
It's going to be interesting to see how the manga will handle Black vs God Goku
it's Ultimate/Chou Gohan you murrican shit
Mystic or Ultimate are both correct.
Not a "cellfag", both Gohan and Cell are shit characters. Now please go on and defend your shit taste with actual evidence.
I don't even know where to start with you but I will try. First of all macro images are against the rules, second you're on Cred Forums, third the dub is horseshit for many reasons that you would only know of if you actually watched both the dub and the sub, and finally
>grandma goku
Here's a Cred Forums poster I see.
Claiming "bait" makes you look underage user. It shows you have nothing to refute me with and no actual contribution to the discussion.
It's literally always been like that. Hell even since Dragon Ball,
>Every villain and training arc brought a "new" level of power that was previously unknown
>Goku was ALWAYS the strongest most relevant fighter that defeated everyone, everyone was pushed aside for Goku (He's the main character it's expected)
>In Z Vegeta was even more of a jobbing stupid bitch. He was also evil and weak, and died crying.
>Gohan developed into what he wanted to be. We may joke he's a weak jobber but he's much a much more confident and powerful character than what he was as a child.
>30 years of Dragon Ball
>no halfway transformations of either the Super Saiyan formes/grades
You mean アルティメット悟飯
Here's your reply.
>still posting headcanon powerlevels
>still thinking Gotenks SSJ is weaker than Fat Buu
you didn't see that?
> I personally believe he's the Goku from the end of GT that went crazy.
GT isn't canon, and DBS is completely disregarding it...
The theories of Black's identity are:
> Zamasu wishes Goku to "be Black"
> Zamasu wishes for a Goku clone
> Future Goku met Future Zamasu in Otherworld. Somehow got possessed or corrupted
> It's Goten (unlikely)
That's why it fucking sucks along the french version.
Nice made up power levels you piece of shit.
You're not even trying anymore, cell/superfag.
There's no such thing as a "halfway transformation". If you don't complete the transformation, you just revert back to your previous form as we've seen on multiple occasions.
>missing the obvious one that zamasu wishes to be understood by gowasu and gowasu becomes black
The biggest problem with super is that it just throws transformations out left and right
Its like 3 new transformations in 60 episodes
USSJ can be considered a halfway transformation.
It's SSJ 1.5
I remember the wacky animation and loved it
No, USSJ is just an overly charged up SSJ1.
Again, we've seen what happens when people reach the "halfway state" but don't quite make it there, they just revert in a few seconds.
There going for a multiverse, so GT could have happened in some parallel universe.
Though, the first two options are the most likely.
and they're only recolors on top of inflating power levels astronomically
"godki base" isn't a thing you retarded toeishitter
It's only really 2 transformations so far, and both came from the movies. Rose is a Black specific thing. We won't see the other characters using it. It's like counting Cell's transformations in the Cell Saga.
.....You have a long hard day at school figuring out your 9x1-10 times tables and you go home and lay down and , just want to watch some damn Toonami, your favorite thing ever because it has these cool cartoon like things but they seem different from regular cartoons...whatever...So you wait and its 5:30 Dragon ball z is coming on and its getting even crazier because you just remembered Kriillin just got killed by frieza...you dont like Krillin that much but its Goku's best Friend you wonder what Goku will do. All of a sudden Namek Starts to crumble and Goku is going insane and his hair is lighting up and your eye and brain is wondering wtf is happening...Then Frieza says he is going Super Sayian...Your like Super Saiyn wtf holy shit...Goku looking epic as fuck like he understands everyhting about figthing with his yellow hair begins to beat the pulp out of annoying Frieza....Lights flashing, Muscles flexing. Hair moving....You sit there like this is the craizest thing you have ever seen on TV....The Show ends with the same ol " NExt time on Dragon Ball Z...." you sit down like noooooo...You hug the TV Screen like please give me moreeeeee plsssssssssss....Your parents tell you to get ur ass to bed later on....But first you have to sit in your room trying to go super sayian like goku before you sleep.....Next Day: As soon as you go to school Everyone act school is in a uproar about Last nights episode of Dragon Ball Z...Talking about how Goku Went Super Sayian and how epic that was and how lucky there were to see it....You look to the left...You see little jimmmy crying...You as littlee timmmy why are you crying timmy DBZ was so amazing last night you should be going crazy like the rest of us.....Timmy looks up at you and says he didnt watch DBZ last night and he missed Goku Go Super Saiyan...You immeadtly back away from timmy like he has a diease and quickly give him a past on the back and walk away pitying Timmys sorry existence.
I got into the anime first but ended up becoming a manga purist when I realized how garbage most of the filler was.
Except for the driving episode and Kid Buu flashback, of course. That shit was dope.
if anything they're trying to do throwbacks to past transformations for fanservice.
>.You have a long hard day at school figuring out your 9x1-10 times tables
the 9X table is literally the easiest to remember because of it's pattern.
>implying Toei supports the "God ki base" theory
Nah, that's Toyotaro. Remember that training scene with Whis in the RoF chapter? Goku explicitly powers up to SSG's level in base.
>Previously on Dragon Ball Z
>This time on Dragon Ball Z
>Next time on Dragon Ball Z
Watch out, guys, the fusionfag is back again
I watched Z a little when I was really young and had watched a bit of Kai when that came on, but I really got into Dragon Ball when I read the manga from my schools library.
I never understood why they didn't use the dragon balls more than they did. Like, every chance they got.
>Saiyans start physically aging at 65
>Goku and Vegeta are like 50
>soon they won't be able to defend everyone
They need to wish for Immortality. Or at least to be young again.
Hilariously, that makes SSG's return in the manga even MORE nonsensical.
>Gohan: 90,000,000,000
>SSJ3 Goku: 32,000,000,000
>SSJ2 Vegeta: 8,000,000,000
Why would you want those 2 to still defend the earth? Gohan has far surpassed them.
Gohan and Uub are the new MCs, which is implied at the end of DBZ.
Actually at that point Gohan is old as well.
Uub, Trunks and Goten are the "new generation".
Would love to see an adult Gotenks.
Cool headcanon power levels, Gohanfag. I bet you fap to them every night.
>Gohan has far surpassed them
>I have never watched the Buu saga
>spamming bait images whenever you get cornered in an argument
Oh boy, what meme will Gohanplebs ruin next?
Reminder that Black is stronger than Whis
>I still think the Buu saga is relevant
Or the Cell Games, apparently.
Gohan became the strongest once he went SSJ2. Then he slacked training in the Saiyaman/25th tournament arc.
He became the strongest again when he got the Elder Kai unlock.
>DBZ is not relevant
Not even worth a (You).
>posts fan-fiction that nobody watches
>I-it's real in my mind!
Just stop replying to him.
Superfags are like 12 years old, don't lower yourself to their level.
Nope. RoF's basic plot and all the Gohan stuff comes from Toriyama.
Unfortunately for you, your headcanon power levels don't.
"Forgetting Launch" also comes from Toriyama.
I guess that means Launch never existed.
>Gohanfags are THIS desperate
>Cellfags are this salty
No, that just means Launch stopped appearing, retard.
Full Power SSJ is literally "SSJ1.5" tho
"Super Vegeta 2" included
>he thinks I'm a Cellfag
>he sincerely believes only Cellfags find Gohanfags insufferable
But he FORGOT his own characters.
You can't trust an author that forgets his own shit.
Toriyama is a senile old man. He just writes whatever pops up in his mind, don't forget that Dragon Ball started as a gag comic, literally a joke.
As far as canonity is considered, it is up to the fans because the fans know better at this point.
Just as Star Wars fans know that George Lucas messed up with the prequels and the "CGI enhancements" re-releases which every self-respecting SW fan knows is garbage.
Super is just GT #2. Another thing we laugh at and not take seriously.
There's a difference between respecting a man for what he created, and licking his ass no matter what bullshit he comes up with next. You're an ass licker.
ouch, superfags getting BTFO
you're gonna need a senzu bean to recover from all this asspain and butthurt
I haven't even posted in a while and all I see is Gohanfags being faggots.
Your tears are delicious, Cell fanboy.
Fans are not the ones to decide what's canon or not.
You can accept it or not, but what the author says is law.
they're not even real gohanfags, just people baiting for (you)s just like people pretending to be canonfags
>You'll never bury your face into the chest of your husbando.
t. shit taste beta male
>vados will never bury her face into your chest
vr cannot come sooner
>VR will fix this
You have high hopes.
Your response was so weak, I don't even feel like giving you (You)s anymore.
Enjoy this one, because you are not getting more from me.
The weird thing is that Dragon Ball follows Multiverse Rules for the most part, yet everyone treats it like a Dynamic.
See Whis and Beerus laying into Trunks for being a time traveler, claiming his actions could have horrible effects on space and time...even though evidence shows time travel in DB doesn't work like that.
>waaaaah Toriyama forgot one minor character, WE THE FANS should decide what's canon!!!!!
Black can beat SSB Vegito. Black is better.
Launch didn't even appear in Z for the most part, so by that logic we should ignore Z too.
Oh right, but we can't have that because "muh Gohan".
Black has just a power level of 8.
He can't beat shit.
>See Whis and Beerus laying into Trunks for being a time traveler, claiming his actions could have horrible effects on space and time..
That was just Toei fucking up again.
my shitty assumptions about power levels (simplified numbers)
not applicable to anime, only manga
Goku 8
Goku SS 400
Goku SS2 800
Goku SS3 3200
Goku god 40000
Goku god blue 408000
Black 8200
Black Rose 410000
Beerus 580000
Whis 870000
Yes, that is the point.
They write the time travel shite as working one way, even though it's completely inconsistent with how it's actually portrayed and used in the series.
Though really when you think about it, Trunks' "Time Machine" stopped being one after the first time he used it, given that after the first time he went back and caused the timelines to diverge, all subsequent uses deposited him in the new timeline, rather than sequential pasts of his own timeline.
Goku & Trunks have power levels of 5. Black is stronger.
Now put Trunks into the mix.
yes essentially there's no contradiction with stating that there indeed consequences to the Butterfly Effect in all cases of time travel.
>They write the time travel shite as working one way, even though it's completely inconsistent with how it's actually portrayed and used in the series.
No, not really.
Post more of these images please, really love them.
>monkeys are weaker than your weakest form
>ignoring anime bullshit
Goku 8
Goku SS 400
Goku SS2 800
Goku SS3 3200
Goku god 40000
Goku god blue 408000
Trunks 31?
Trunks SS 1550?
Trunks SS2 3100?
Black 8200
Black Rose 410000
Beerus 580000
Whis 870000
might as well put vegeta as well.
>Ss2 Trunks being on par with Ss3 goku
> SSG showing up rather then getting that sweet SSB Kaio Ken fight
Sure keep telling yourself that fag
just imagine trunks getting god training holy shit he is a monster.
>Goku god
Not canon.
>Goku god blue
Not canon.
>Trunks SSJ2
Not canon
>Black Rose
Not canon.
Atleast 6 things you posted are canon, so you're not completely retarded.
So trunks has the strongest base form?
SSB kaioken makes no sense while goku still being able to use SSG defintiely makes sense
Also its Toriyama approved unlike the anime
Yup. that half human and saiyan genes man.
>rather then getting that sweet SSB Kaio Ken fight
you actually thought "lmao 2 multiplier forms stacked! xD" was good?
or going so fast you can move through stopped time? whoahhh
>Ss2 Trunks being on par with Ss3 goku
See >SSG showing up rather then getting that sweet SSB Kaio Ken fight
It's funny, you attach Kaioken to a mediocre fight and people will eat that shit up.
SB Kaiokenx10 not being stronger than Beerus is bullshit.
>SSG made Beerus use 70% of his power
>SSB is stronger plus Whis said that Goku and Vegeta together can beat Beerus
>Yet SSBx10 Kaioken isn't stronger than Beerus
Stay mad Toei fag, the manga is superior.
Probably not.
>Goku base: 80,000,000
>Vegeta base: 64,000,000
>Gohan base: 57,000,000
>Gohan base after Z Sword: 90,000,000
>Trunks base: 3,400,000
The fact that a Kamehameha from SSBKKx10 didn't obliterate Hit is bullshit.
Even if he was holding back or whatever.
>SSG made Beerus use 70% of his power
To be that's the one change in Super that seems to have come directly from Toriyama. If Goku really were around 70% of Beerus' power, and that was before training with Whis, it'd make no sense to talk about having no plans for Goku surpassing him.
Fusions will never appear again because they would completely blow the shit out of even beings like Whis
The Summoning of the Dragon was one of the worst things I've ever seen.
That's Android saga Trunks though.
We can assume after the Cell Games he has a much stronger base.
He got buffed up after leaving the HTC.
>To be that's the one change in Super that seems to have come directly from Toriyama.
Nice headcanon. Toriyama had nothing to do with the movie rehashes.
Death of the author
fucking plebs
No one knows, pure speculation from those other replies.
How is it speculation?
SSJ3s multiplier is higher than SSJ2s, for trunks to be nearly at the same level as goku his base HAS to be more powerful
Trunks isn't even SSJ2, this is trolls pulling shit out of their asses.
>If Goku really were around 70% of Beerus' power, and that was before training with Whis, it'd make no sense to talk about having no plans for Goku surpassing him.
How does it make no sense? You're assuming that Goku's training with Whis improved his power to a dramatic degree when it could've only been to something like 80% at full strength.
Also, SSB was never implied to be THAT much stronger than SSG.
Why does the manga keep on implying that SSG is stronger than SSB when it flat out said SSB is stronger
see the Hit and Trunks fights
Why haven't they made trunks a god yet, its such an easily distributed power up but they already forgot about it
Same with old kais unlocking, there is no reason for him to not have done it to everyone post buu
Hit purposefully reserves Blue for the climactic final Kamehameha to trump his tokitobashi, wtf r u talking about?
>all these trunksfags
Trunks like like a homosexual. He is the weakest of the 4 main characters: Goku, Gohan, Vegeta and him.
If I havent seen or read anything outside a few episodes of Kai, is DBZ worth getting into at this point? If so where should I start
Dragon Ball Z Abridged.
Reminder that Black is Pilaf
That's like saying if it's worth getting into Star Wars at this point, of course it is and it's not too late.
Overall the source manga material is best place to start but if we're strictly talking about having an cinematic Anime experience watch Kai
Which series tho? Im not tryna read a ton of filler
Keep watching Kai up until the end of the Cell saga. After that, ignore Kai's Buu saga because it's shit and doesn't even cut all the filler that it should have removed, you might as well switch to Z at that point.
>new version (still shitty)
Whis 870.000.000
Beerus 580.000.000
Black 8.200.000
Rose Black 410.000.000
Goku 8.000
SS Goku 400.000
SS2 Goku 800.000
SS3 Goku 3.200.000
God Goku 40.000.000
God blue Goku 408.000.000
Vegeta 7980
SS Vegeta 399.000
SS2 Vegeta 798.000
God blue Vegeta 406.980.000
Trunks 31.500?
SS Trunks 1.575.000?
SS2 Trunks 3.150.000?
Hypothetical god blue Trunks 1.606.500.000
no, I can't imagine someone enjoying dbz unless they watched it as a kid or are retarded
big lol
>SSJ3s multiplier is higher than SSJ2s
Not really, Toriyama said a mastered SSJ is better than SSJ2 and SSJ3
Dragon Box torrent on nyaa, English dub.
What makes it so dumb
Ignore the mangafags, kaifags and subfags.
Watch Dragon Ball Z as we all did as kids.
Get the DBNL release from animetorrents or the better quality Box one as another user said.
I think Toriyama was referring to SSJ Blue when he said that, since that form is technically SSJ1. SSJ2 will always be superior to the vanilla golden SSJ.
the mexican dub always had translated versions of these songs, and this one too. it's so damn good. cry evry tiem :,^)
Its worth it? Ive always been turned off by how much shit people give it for the filler. Ive also never really thought about why there are so many different versions.
>Hypothetical god blue Trunks 1.606.500.000
jesus christ no one would want to fuck with that
That makes no sense power level wise.
Shouldn't it be Blacks SSB?
Hokuto no Ken > Jojo's Bizarre Adventure > Saint Seiya > Dragon Ball
I agree it's bullshit, but some reasons it could kind of work are, 1, x 10 Kaioken doesn't multiply god kind by 10 like it does normal ki, the second option is Berks counts logarithmicly because fuck nigen.
The manga is one whole thing, it just got split into DB and DBZ for the anime.
>we will never get a Dragon Ball Super Kai where it stays true to Toyotaro and Toriyama's vision
why even live?
Watch Kai if you don't like filler. Or read the manga.
>goku survives a bullet in the first chapter
It's because of the autistic mangafag forcing it everytime.
Most of the Z filler is great and adds character development and interaction. DB has worse filler.
>DB and DBZ (Orange Bricks)
>DBZ Blu-ray 1080p (250gb!)
>DBZ Dragon Box (best quality but 4:3)
The [DBNL] Dragon Ball from animetorrents is excellent, get that and watch it first.
For DBZ, you can get the [DBNL] release from animetorrents but it has awful Orange Bricks quality (cropped and over saturated). Get the Blu-ray or Box set.
DB has like 150 episodes, DBZ has 290 or so.
When you've watched DB and DBZ, watch the "Bardock father of Goku" and "History of Trunks" specials on YouTube.
That's it, the complete Dragon Ball experience.
After that, you can look into fan-fiction and non-canon works such as GT, Super or comics.
Enjoy user!
do not watch the Dragon Ball Z original cut UNLESS you can distinguish canon from filler.
Just watch Kai or read the manga and take it from there.
Toyotaro's vision isn't Toriyama's vision. The latter would definitely not bring SSG back, and the former flat-out changed Beerus's reason for sparing the Earth in the Super manga and just made it some random whim.
Toriyama himself reviews each and every single panel of the manga unlike the Anime which is left up to Toei.
Kai is garbage, stop recommending shit to him.
>Bulma shot a child right in the head
I would actually watch the Bardock special after the Frieza saga and the Trunks special after the Cell saga.
Damn, thanks bro. From what i understand Dragon Ball is when he is a kid, and dbz is the last 2/3's of the story?
I swear it's only one faggot doing it too. The manga has some pretty good choreography but beyond that it isn't even that great, the pacing is butchered to hell and there's a shitload of questionable things that the anime actually did better.
I’m really grateful to you. I never thought an artist like you would come along to draw the continuation of my story!
>kai is garbage
says who? You're getting a fucking Dragon Ball novice to watch 500 million episodes including filler just for the fact that you want him to appreciate the older rendition.
Sticking closer to the source material and cutting out the filler is necessary
Toriyama also reviewed and approved many things in GT, that doesn't make it his vision though.
Ignore that shit and read the manga, the anime is trash except for Kai.
Dbz seems like its taylored more to an animated medium desu.
no he did the initial character design and helped flesh out the first arc's setting.
This is completely different to Toriyama reviewing the Monthly Manga of Super which is ongoing.
I like Kai, but it completely falls apart in the Buu saga. He might as well watch Z at that point.
>more to an animated medium desu.
Too bad the anime sucks, seriously read the manga.
>manga is top-tier
>anime is okay but a compromised adaption
>everybody only watches the anime because "muh childhood ROCK THE DRAGON"
Yes, Dragon Ball is more about adventure and comedy. It does get dark and serious later on.
It's essential to watch because it gives you background information on many characters that you otherwise wouldn't care about if you started with DBZ.
The first episode of DBZ also has a huge twist that will shock you if you've watched DB before.
Also make sure you download MPC-HC and watch your videos on there.
That's because Kai became inhouse by Toei half way through the Buu Arc. Kai is good up until that point and it still worth recommending.
>the pacing is butchered to hell
How can you butcher the original? Where's there to butcher?
>DB's animes (DB, Z, GT, Super..) = shit
I think that's a bit unfair to say, don't you think?
No it isn't "completely different" and it doesn't matter how much he reviews because it STILL doesn't mean he would have written it that way himself. He downright said that Goku would never use SSG again because he absorbed its power, which Toyotaro completely neglected because he's a self-admitted SSG fan. Toyotaro also completely changed certain details vital to the BoG arc.
Another thing to keep in mind is that these torrents come with dual audio. You can watch it in Japanese or English, sometimes even with choice of Jap OST or Faulconer music.
Make sure to watch it in English unless you are from Japan and understand their language.
Ignore the subfags, they are hipsters who want muscled men to sound emasculated and gay.
have the retarded Gohanfags moved on to Trunks now?
The Super manga isn't the original. The scripts it adapts from is.
>the pacing is butchered to hell
Yet the manga some how manages to explain shit in more detail (Future Trunks Buu saga) and relay information better (God of Destruction and Kaioshin link).
>there's a shitload of questionable
Yeah no, see most questionable in both the anime and manga.
Also the art is better.
Read the manga
>implying Gohanfags will ever move on
this is stuff you'll probably never even notice
Oh, thought you meant the original.
Yeah, sure
>He is the weakest
Not anymore. Gohan doesn't fight anymore, and there isn't a reservoir of hidden strength to tap into. He hasn't been training and it's shown. Besides, his cool factor doesn't come from his strength alone, though I admit I don't really like Super's version of Trunks.
>this is stuff you'll probably never even notice
if you read the fucking manga.
It's funny how 80's DBZ looks so much better than the soulless digital flash crap of today.
good joke
Why watch it on that player?
This is all Kai.
Kai has these shitty ms paint edits, it becomes increasingly obvious in the Frieza saga.
Watch the original real DBZ, see
which looks great.
that's mainly because they were replicating the manga source material, now Toei is just randomly shitting out whatever they can think of based off the Plot Outlines.
MPC-HC is good, much better than VLC or the shitty default Microsoft Windows Media player.
I'm still bitter that Vegeta didn't kill Recoome with that blast to the face.
Nothing in the story would've changed and it would've been nice to just once see a villian pay for being stupid and trying to tank something.
>This is all Kai.
Same shit dumbass
Ight. Thanks for the info :) i think i might watch and read the manga simultaneously.
Vegeta lost a lot of muscle mass after the Cell saga. Even when he was on that majin steroids shit, he wasn't that buff.
No you retard, see
or any of Immortal's clips on YT.
Someone post the manga version.
Why are DBZfags so retarded?
>He downright said that Goku would never use SSG again because he absorbed its power
And yet Goku still used it as a power up at the end of the movie.
Really, I'll take the final work over a spur of the moment answer to an interview.
Where do you read the manga, user? Also can i start the dbs manga from the begining of dbs without reading all of the dbz manga?
Tldnr: I'm interested. Will you help me, or behave definsively?
2 options:
>Watch kai thru frieza saga, then switch to remastered Funi dub
>Watch remastered Funi dub beginning to end
Funi dub is the only correct way to watch DB and DBZ.
It's listed as Dragonball Chou in some of the online manga sites for some reason.
And, yes, if you watched the anime it's enough. The first arc is rushed and assumes the reader already watched Battle of Gods and Revival F, but after that it becomes rather standard.
this video makes superfags salty and mad as fuck
You can read the DBS manga here: kissmanga.com
Manga will never be as funny as the anime.
right order
Jaco the galactic patrolman -> DB minus -> DB (manga) chapters 001-517 -> DBS (manga, of course) -> DB (manga) chapters 518-519 -> Nekomajin Z (gag manga)
What is Dragon Ball Super
>If I'm wrong I'll suck all of your dicks or hold your hands.
Has that user sucked dicks yet or is the offer still available.
>start off with non-canon fan fiction
Nice bait.
Same shit in the manga dumbass and done better too.
Jaco is older than DB
I agree 100%, but sometimes you have to be willing to compromise
Still available, even if it's not gonna happen.
movies too!
A new series, supposedly taking place after Z but it is considered shit just like GT.
There is a vocal minority with shit taste in these threads that love DBS but just ignore them.
Nice bait
You dont need all that.
Just go to dbzremastered dot tv
The DBS anime is perfectly fun in its own right. Despite some of the animation hiccups I enjoyed the fight between Goku and Zamasu in U10 and ESPECIALLY that first battle between Goku and Black in the present, which I doubt the manga will ever include because Toyotaro is pressed for time. The U6 matches also had certain really fucking cool moments that the manga never even bothered to mention, such as Goku and Hit discussing their ambition to one day surpass the GoDs while even managing to surprise Champa, Frost's background being more developed, etc. Also the fights against Cabba, Magetta and arguably Hit were pretty damn stellar.
With the exception of specific differences, the manga and the anime manage to compliment each other more often than not so I'm not sure why there always has to be a pissing contest between mangafags and animefags.
>enjoyed the fight between Goku and Zamasu
Top kek
Question. If I smoked a lot of pot and got baked would DB Super be watchable? I love DBZ but I couldn't make it through 2 episodes of Super before dropping it. From what I've seen of the latest arc the animation actually got worse, which I didn't think was possible after seeing the first 2 episodes. And the plot has reached Sonic Adventure fan fiction levels of bad.
Like I said, the animation in that fight was awkward but the slow-mo effect and their choreography was pretty interesting to watch IMO.
Kaifags, Mangafags, Subfags and Superfags are cancer.
>>Cred Forums
>their choreography
Top kek most of it was still frames.
Toonamifags like you are the greatest cancer of all.
>There’s how, basically, Son Goku from Dragon Ball doesn’t fight for the sake of others, but because he wants to fight against strong guys. So once Dragon Ball got animated, at any rate, I’ve always been dissatisfied with the “righteous hero”-type portrayal they gave him. I guess I couldn’t quite get them to grasp the elements of “poison” that slip in and out of sight among the shadows.
>At any rate, I wanted him to have the sense of being that rare guy who seeks only “to become stronger than before”, so much so that it feels like “there’s no one as pure as this person”. And while he does end up saving everyone as a result of that, he himself at least has a very pure sincerity about “wanting to become stronger”. What I wanted to depict the most was the sense that he might not be a good guy at all, although he does do good things as a result.
manga > anime
Start from Dragon Ball episode one, watch in original Japanese audio. The dubs suck shit but people like them because it's what they grew up watching. They're still also bearable if you just prefer English audio but it's a very flawed version to watch.
(Most in regard to DBZ)
>High censorship
>Unnecessary edits everywhere
>Removal of dialogue and some scenes
>Addition of pointless dialogue, most so bad it's meme worthy (Google "cat loves food")
>Name revisions, some pointless (Tenshinhan to Tienshinhan)
>Dialogue changes to accommodate English language and mouth movements, this makes most scenes seem "off" and certain lines "awkward" (Dubbed poorly)
>Dialogue changes to revise character personalities and make them more "American"
>Unfitting voice actors. Goal of voice fitting was NOT to replicate the Japanese va's but instead to create entirely different voices to fit with their now misrepresented edited characters (See normies recent confusion when exposed to Goku's japanese va)
>Removal of original Japanese score/soundtrack entirely, including opening and endings
>Replaced OP's and ED's with generic 80's rock song
>Replaced original Japanese score, that was orchestrated and displayed various feelings and emotions that replicated Dragon Ball perfectly, with some rock metal soundtrack that barely fleshes out two atmospheres. They also only use about 8 pieces from said soundtrack and overplay them constantly, during the wrong moments, and at times where they're conflicting with each other.
Might be more but you get the idea.
>I love DBZ but I couldn't make it through 2 episodes of Super before dropping it
That's your problem. Super doesn't become watchable until after the movie retellings.
That being said, ignore the shitposters saying it's bad. The Universe 6 Tournament and the Goku Black arcs are damn solid.
Anime or Manga? for DBS
>Replaced original Japanese score
I love it how this copypasta saved the weakest point for last. Bruce Faulconer's score is vastly superior. This is known.
Read the 42 volumes of the manga
Underrated post
That animation tho.
Even if what you say is true and the plot gets better, the animation is so bad.
Dunno, haven't read enough of the Super manga to judge.
You put alot of effort into your bait.
>all these autistic videos on youtube with fake pictures and retarded speculations about new Super Saiyan forms and who will beat/fuse with who, now with Zen-chan appearing as well
Dragon Ball is a prime example of powerlevel discussions gone mad.
both but sometimes when you're watching the anime you need to squint your eyes and wish you're seeing Toyotaro's art.
Fixed that for ya.
Faulconer ftw.
Try the manga and see how you feel about it. If you're left wanting more, pick up the anime.
That's okay if you're a little baby.
Why does nearly every Dragonball villan from Cell onwards have regenerative abilities?
Because goku's power level is so high he can basically teleport kamehamea kill anyone if he wanted to. The villians need durability or else they'd be btfo by krillin
When the heroes are OP the villains have to be broken
when ya boys ready
>missing Krillin and Gohan
The gang is not ready.
witch moosle man iz betta?
>that somewhat Goku-like hair Yamcha has
When will he be revealed to be a Saiyan from Universe 6?
I'm watching dubbed DBZ because the Japanese sounds stupid as fuck. Also the music is vastly better. Come at me.
I'd much rather be watching dbs dubbed. I mean, the jap vas are better overall and I can ignore the change despite watching db dubbed all these years but goku/gohan/black is horrendous. if I watched a lot of subbed db I could probably stand it, but there's no excuse for not changing their vas after they reached adulthood. the characters aren't their voice actors.
It's fine. I think the main cast should have gotten new VAs when they grew up after DB
I miss the dub team
At least watch Kai if you're going to watch it in English
>mondo cool
>cat loves food, yeah yeah yeah
>don't piss off the love God
>I'm a freaking genius
>Ally to good, nightmare to you
>pop goes the weasel
All horrible.
Hmm, yes. I see. Also, Vegeta is undefeated against Goku.
I couldn't remember if vegeta killed them, i thought dodoria did.
not really how he thinks. he just got bored of frieza
When will Goku man up for his third loss to Vegeta?
What's all this now? Also, 3-0, when.
Anyone who plays Dokkan Battle JPN, are the DB Fusions exclisive to their now gone banner or are they available in normal banners like Great Apes?