How do you feel about brown girls?
Something to be protected,
or simply living onaholes?
How do you feel about brown girls?
It's just a color. Of course they should be protected.
the best
She's too lewd for her own good
Living onaholes, but they are both if loli.
Who's this semen demon
they are a rare and valuable resource that we must defend from other channels
Not a fan of negroes tbchwy.
I prefer brown and busty.
If they're busty and have adult hips, living onaholes.
If they're flat, they're for raising as your daughter.
Ahagon is best girl and I don't even normally like shit skins
The best.
Protect brown girls. Otherwise humanity could be wiped out with a slight decrease in ozone.
Mating call dance
>He doesn't protect his onaholes
brown girls are the best
Brown skin is a big turnoff. I have no attraction to darker skin tones.
Living onaholes to be protected.
Want to be dommed by them, unless they're small and cutesy.
What is she from I remember watching it but can't name it for the life of me. Some harem thing and I think she normally wears glasses.
Mayo Chiki!
What anime is this it looks like K-on!
Great for sex, but I wouldn't marry probably
Best girl(male)
I like brown girls.
They need more love.
>thinking shitskins are cute
I thought this site was inherently racist.
She's actually from Tamako Market
>tfw no black gf
How do you black lovers cope with that feel?
Lurk a bit more and you'll find out that brown sugar has nothing to do with 3DPD, just like everything else on Cred Forums.
theres no racism in 2D
They're all massive cumbucket sluts used for erotic abuse and semen-pumping only, as nature intended
This, completely and utterly this.
They are perfect for bukkake.
I suppose they make semen more visible.
I want to fuck her soft, brown thighs
I would suck his dick.
i like brown fairies also
I want a brown demonic girl to take care of me.
Tis but one of their appeal.
I want to shrink smaller than her and be used as her sex toy.
shes realy cute
someone post aura
you can't be serious, she's from a show that just finished airing a couple of days ago
light brown?
That she is.
>You'll never have lewd time with Zest in the bathroom, feeling the awesome power of her tits at play pleasing your every whim
>tfw live in Mexico
>tfw lots of brown qts
lots of fucking ugly people too but atleast i got a qt brown gf
They are for loving and for protecting.
fuck off
she's probably browsing this thread too atm
enjoy your hand user :^)
>lots of fucking ugly people too
Welcome to the real world faggot. It's not like on TV.
Are you gay or something?
Anime is so awesome that even something so repulsive like a brown girl can be cute in it.
>brown girls
but the boobs are too small and the muscles are weird
gross, she has clothes on
Those pink things on her cheeks make her look adorable.
I completely forgot about this. I backlogged this until BDs came out.
There is literally nothing more dangerous to the male heart than a brown girl presenting.
Caramel is king.
Caramel with tanlines is even better.
Even poo in loo looks nice in 2D
Elf chocolate
Azusa what happened to you ?
Faggot detected
Don't lie to the man it's definitely K-ON!!
Allow me to conduct a little experiment.
I'm going to post this image here, I want you to view it and then ask yourselves once again how you feel about brown girls.
See, many of you will totally despise this image, yet be all up and for having a go at brown girls and claim to have no problem with them at all.
The hypocrisy is high, sky high, and I sincerely can't figure many of you out.
I know Cred Forums isn't just one person, some of you may be brown themselves or have some ulterior motive to shill for them, others will have an strong NO for answer in public anyways but then display an anonymous liking towards them.
As crazy as it is, posting this on Cred Forums, and it probably may come off as a bait, which it's not, those who are genuinely 100% against them now and forever, ignore this post.
It's you, the hypocrites ones who I am interested in.
How can you people practice such an high level of logic and moral twisting mental gymnastics?
How do you cope with it?
Is it the "It's OK if I'm the one doing it but completely unforgivable if someone else does" mentality?
If I ask, the same question as the OP but switching [brown] for [white/pale], is it suddenly a complete different story?
Of course, this is all in the world of 2D, keeping 3D out of this.
Not that it truly makes that much of a difference after all.
Image related her serves as a means of making you challenge your own view on this since, in a way, it's related to brown girls existence.
She's not brown user, she's just asian.
nobody likes brown girls in real life. blacks go for white girls. triggers the anti cuck reaction. 2d translates that. that's all there is to it.
I'm kind of against that image because she looks way too young for a kid
Besides that, I'm all for freedom, people should be free to do whatever they want and it's not in anybody's place to complain
Now if you're gonna be annoying about your freedom to do what you want I'm gonna tell you to fuck off and leave me alone and stop being a clown
My only issue with colors mixing is rather stupid. I like the diversity, I like the snow white skin and I like the coal black one, I like the aesthetics and the visual diversity of all this planets "races". Problem I have is in the fear of these races mixing so much that everyone ends up looking the same shade more or less. Now that might or might not happen but no matter the outcome I' ll be dead way before that. But for the sake of artistic diversity I'd have no issue if humans had the control of their own appearance to the genetic level. Till then I have some sort of fear of everyone looking like
this is my first time on Cred Forums and i already got a boner. And it's pretty good!
I see.
But what about whites going for asian girls?
Some brown girls can be asian.
Is it exclusively OK in that case?
>Now if you're gonna be annoying about your freedom to do what you want I'm gonna tell you to fuck off and leave me alone and stop being a clown
No, I'm not going to do that, was just interested in the second line of your post, your views.
The woman from the image is supposedly an English Teacher from "New Horizon" called Ellen Baker. I assume she's old enough to get pregnant.
I see.
I myself have had a similar thought on my mind at some point.
Not many people put so much insight on this matter, many believing in the "one drop" philosophy.
I agree with the ironic fact that race mixing, more then just colors, because this is more then that, ultimately destroys or overwrites the diversity.
But with that same thought in mind, many tend to have this, egoistical and hypocrite sense of "I'm above the negative consequences my own psyche fears, I and only I am allowed to get away with it" which clouds the overall cause and everything else for the matter.
Interesting none the less. Thanks, you three.
Asians are cool, it's just blacks and mexicans.
It's a fun watch, I mostly went in for Chisato but stayed for Zest, best girls.
>bringing up 3DPD in a brown girls thread
This is how you spot a pleb.
Ooh lala
>southeast asians
>not brown
As a brown Asian I kinda wonder how the hell you came up with that response.
As a non-white person, you guys sound completely bonkers. Especially 938 434 who have no idea that "color mixing" has nothing inherently to do with racial, national, or ethnic diversity. You guys are armchair sociologists and you don't even realize it.
Why are you lying user
Brown girl threads are always shitted up by plebs. I'm gonna start filtering them if we can't even have nice things.
To be honest I just hate niggers. They don't deserve anyone but their own kind. Everyone else can do whatever they want, though I still think that sticking to your own race is objectively correct. Saying that, I'm really into Asians and I can't shake it off.
You sound like a fat basement dweller who never had a girlfried with an inferiority complex?
The worst
>no idea that "color mixing" has nothing inherently to do with
>ethnic diversity
Really?, I'd say it has just precisely everything to do with those and more.
I wonder, what are you trying to say here, "non-white person"?
>niggers don't deserve anyone but their own kind
OK I see, but then you say...
> Everyone else can do whatever they want
>I'm really into Asians
This is what I was talking about, that "They totally can't, but it's OK (even though it doesn't feel as right as sticking with your own) when me or anyone else except them is feeling the hots for other races" hypocrisy which I just can't comprehend.
Essentially your saying, they can't, they should hold on to themselves exclusively, but me, I can do whatever I want, or anyone else as long as it's not THEM.
Which comes off as a huge moral and logical gap.
It's like having a law but only have a certain race adhere to it, while the rest happily breaks it.
There could be an asian who thinks just like you somewhere out there, but a bit different:
"To be honest I just hate whites. They don't deserve anyone but their own kind. Everyone else can do whatever they want, though I still think that sticking to your own race is objectively correct. Saying that, I'm really into brown girls and I can't shake it off."
See what I mean.
Top tier until they have old hag hair plastered on them like
So is that nigga huge or is she just really tiny?
Also, he ain't walked out on her yet. That's gotta count for something
Why are they so dumb
Brown girls are for fast, intense mating press sex without protection on a fertile day and cumming as deep inside of their vaginas as possible.
That pic doesn't bother me at all.
>not brown
>the brownest character in the blinding white sea of literally whos
I am glad you didnt try and use logic before posting this user
Good taste user
I think these pictures made me a cuckold.
Nene is fucking huge
Brown /fit/ girls are for marriage and raising a battalion of children with
Saniya may have been my gateway into brown. I only started liking her because of her braid.
>You will never be the one to turn her straight
Shadowfats are a crime.
Life is filled with cruelties but none more severe than that one.
Lala worst girl
Chan is top tier
kys white numale
I'm an average guy that sees niggers as what they are.
The miracle that is brown is what gets me out of bed each morning.
Brown elves> the other kinds.
Why is that strand of hair so sexual?
Just finished tamako love story. Great movie, but dissatisfied with the end. She could have at least jumped in his arms or something.
You sound like a buttmad nigger projecting.
All of the above, though the two nigger ones are pushing it a bit.
>How do you feel about brown girls?
Nothing special, really. I'm fine with pretty much any range of skin tones as long as they are pretty.
See them everyday from where I live. Still don't get why white people are so obsessed about tanned skin.
You don't get it, people on Cred Forums like brown skin but only without the other Latino, Arabic or Negroid morphological features they come with in real life.
White features + brown skin = ethereal and exotic
Eastern/African features + brown skin = pig disgusting
Like brown girl with pink nipples?
what a cutie
How do you feel about brown girls with gunz?
Kuro is God's gift to earth
Okinawan is the best, just the best.
Christ this thread is full of normalfaggotry that doesn't even get told to fuck off. What a shit board Cred Forums has become.
It's not complicated. Men like to diversify, but don't like it when their women do. Niggers do the same thing; love to get with a white woman, but if a black girl gets with a white man, she's an aunt jemima who should be shunned.
This guy gets it!
Is Hare and Guu the only anime where all the girls are brown girls?
Fu Fu~
Has there ever been a series where brown girl actually gets mc at the end
All girls are living onaholes.
Never actually watched it so I don't really know, but I assume that's how it would end.
So only 20 years ago
Pure and innocent brown maidens are the best!
She's wearing a skirt so it's OK
I'd swab her poop deck. If you catch my drift.
>she took the BBC
how lucky
only when its that shade
tldr. not all brown/mixed looking people come from mixing. also you forget BF/WM
Living onaholes that need to be protected.
When combined with white hair and red eyes, they are god-tier
My waifu
i like em Darker than black ;)
but should protected if it loli , onahole otherwise
Explain further.
I'm a brown girl too so I feel for them.
Here's your London.