Do you forget about me Cred Forums?
Love Live! Sunshine!!
Other urls found in this thread:
Respect the Ruby, or else.
We need love between Nico and Umi, not hate.
Or else?
I want to take pictures of Dia.
>Lives in a small apartment
>Single mother
>Skinny, small, and malnourished
>Can't afford food, tries to steal it from the others
She's a poorfag, user.
Didn't they not even speak to each other in of the seasons?
I want to take pictures of Dia taking pictures of Ruby
I wanna GangbangRuby
Jesus fuck WoobyPoster. You're the best.
I'll eat Ruby first then
She's lower middle class
Love every raibu equally. Thanks.
>kotori pretends to be retard
>She has feelings for the alpaca
Nice one, user.
Ok Cred Forums, who will be your wife, mistress and sex toy?
Your favorite raibus mean nothing if they're not fast.
Explain how she has over a thousand dollars of idol merch then.
>lower middle class
That means she's a poorfag
Being a beastfag is not necessarily mental retardation.
Enjo Kosai.
No, that means she has money for her everyday needs but'd rather not waste stuff
She steals it
I can hear Yameru zura from this picture.
Umifags please fuck off with your shit tier waifu. Thanks.
Honk's butt still have more destructive power.
Ruby is truely the cutest raibu
>has money for her everyday needs but'd rather not waste stuff
That's the definition of anime poorfag. Also she's the only one with a complex in regards to Maki being rich. Even she knows she's a poorfag.
I said I was going to fucking cut you, you fucking fag!!
>Umifags always start the fighting!
>But we love Umi!
Typical lying Niconigger.
>ruby is the little red riding hood
>yoshiko is the wolf
>maru is grandma
Pic related.
I'll make Umi like that. Because, I hate her.
We love Umi
its very nice to meiat you!
>magic skirts even in fanart
This is so adorable. Why does all of the good cute art go to Ruby and the 1st years? 2nd and 3rd Years get nothing but memes and lewd.
Umi is my husband, not my wife. Thank you.
She has a complex with Maki because she wants to fuck her
Are they gonna put on a concert at Tokyo dome?
even if they don't sell well?
Now that I think about it, yeah they got the best and cute arts.
Guys guys, calm yourselves. Here, relax and remember why we are all here.
Just kidding guys, I love Umi.
always got this open
muh heart
>Perfect height
>Perfect breast size
>Perfect waist
>Perfect hips
>Perfect legs
>Perfect smile
>Perfect eyes
>Perfect hair
>Perfect voice
>Perfect personality
>Perfect seiyuu
Why is this allowed?
i love you dia-chan. you give me diabetes
Where is this from anyhow? If it was in the voice dramas I completely forgot.
Becausr Honk is a Jav
She makes my DIAck hard
This is a lie created by IM@Sfags to destroy LL.
Reminder: Youby is real.
>Thinks I meant Honk
She only has the butt going for her.
It's Dia-SAMA you fucking uneducated nigger!
Akari confirmed rubesty girl.
What does she smell like?
Why would they make a blank card though?
ugugu desu wa
It was near the end of the 1st years their AQUARIUMdrama
LL: 2nd Years > 3rd > 1st
SS: 1st Years > 3rd > 2nd
What happened?
I wanna buu buu Dia's cunt
I'm not going off of this pic because fuck Kotori.
>Wife: Honoka
>Mistress: Ericheeki Breeki
>Sex Toy: Nozomi
Every single time.
Worse Honk and Worse Umi happened for the 2nd years. Better Eli and Better Nozomi happened for the 3rd years. No RinPana happened for the 1st years.
Guilty kiss
What the fuck is that picture?
Yes, actually I did
Could you do it?
I like Dia-chan but she's impure. Doushio.
I love the second years.
What? Fuck a dog? No.
Could I doggystyle Riko while she's suspended in the air? Of course I could.
But they have Chika
Mole is shit. Posting superior fallen angel.
Chika-chan is a good girl.
LL: 2nd > 3rd > 1st
SS: 2nd = 1st > 3rd
Only her VA is "impure". Dia is pure.
Post muse and Aqours' English skills from best to worst.
So what are you guys listening to tonight?
seiyuus or characters?
I love Chika
Conglomerate list:
* > Mari
>rat fetish
Master of Puppe- errgh I mean
>Perfect height
>Perfect breast size
>Perfect waist
>Perfect hips
>Perfect legs
>Perfect hair
>Perfect voice
By official data, those are objectively meant for Eli. Sasuga Umishitter, being ignorant as usual.
>Perfect personality
>Perfect seiyuu
That's not Kotori & her seiyuu.
What is this expression trying tell us?
What's this
Hey, you... Loveless World or After School Navigators? This is important.
Soramaru seems like a really nice person I'm not even joking
>Implying there is objectively when it comes to perfection
Did your parents drop you as a child? Honest question
Future Honoka
She desire to engage in forbidden love.
She is very nice, I got to meet her actually. Shame she got stuck voicing such a shit character.
Hanamaru looks so soft.
Her cheeks are cold.
They don't have drama or NTR to ruin comfyness.
after school Navigators
Which one?
I like Nico's bratty personality and her huge pride it makes her seem like a strong person against all odds
Fucking hips
>best aidorus
Y-Your welcome?
My initially favored Akua dropped to 3rd, not for any complaint but simply because the Kurosawas happened.
The cure to cancer
That's a big rice.
Kick ass solo. The best one ever
Aqours needs stuff like this
Best: Rikyako>>>Suwawa>others
I agree.
Saint Snow dindu nuffin
Strawberry Trapper solo destroys that.
Yuri and wall jokes aside. Doesn't this confirm that Riko is a perverted girl who most likely flicks her bean a lot?
Even if she doesn't, it's basically undeniable that she spends a lot of time in her room with her door locked, blushing and probably wet. It's extremely hot even at minimum
Dindu nuffin but give me a boner
Yep. And it's great, gap moe is the best.
I interpret "I've got to clean up" as her referring to herself.
Wife: Umi
Mistress: Kotori
Sex Toy: Honk
Any other answer is wrong.
For (Watanabe) You
I imagine it more as her being lost I romantic thoughts.
Nah. This one is much closer.
What is she reading?
They're romantic thoughts, but she's not just lost in them, she's taken with them. She had such a reaction just to seeing the books in Tokyo, and she was even trying to keep cool around her friends. Fun to imagine how it goes in private.
I wonder if Chika can hear wet slapping noises outside her room.
Riko's mom surely knows about her daughter's hobbies and accepts it. she probably sniffs her daughters soggy panties when she cleans them
I seriously can't tell anyone's voice apart in Guilty Kiss.
If you can't pick out Mari from any of the other Aquors girls you have brain problems.
Mari's voice is high. Yoshiko's is deep. Riko is shit.
It's AZALEA that's hard to differentiate.
I can do it in the anime but their singing voices sound very similar.
I love the part when Mari scream: that's so of her
closet homo
If we assume even semi-realistic behavior, it's a certainty.
Frater aquile mi
Which girl is most likely to take it in the butt and why is it Ruby?
Easiest to exploit
Double Anal penetration with Ruby!!
how can one girl be so cute and so deliciously hot at the same time?
Im going to marry Nozomi!!
what makes you different from the hundreds of other people that have said this
You can't because she's already taken.
wait why eli is a man in this relationship
Will she ever be de-throned as Raibu Tat Queen?
because she's a prince.
I want to racemix with eli and make a cute half japanese/half russian/half brazilian/half italian baby, Cred Forums!
Hobo Honk is pretty hot tbhfampai.
Quick, name your favorite µ member and aqours member!
Eli + Mari for me
Umi and Kanan.
I interrupt the shitposting to bring you a lovely Kanan.
Umi and Mari
Impressive numbers, user!
Eli/Rin and Kanan/You.
Umi and Ruby
Kanan is always lovely.
I want to racemix with eli and make a cute one third japanese/one third russian/one third the most powerfulful race in the world, Cred Forums!
umi and rin/ yohane and mari
Nozomi and Mari
Come at me nerds.
Kotori and Mari
Umi and You
Hello me.
Rin and Mari
Or else what?
Burd and Dark Burd.
Honk and Mari.
Who is this semen demon?
Hello, fellow demon and worshipper of honkbutt.
Honk and You.
Dia's voice actress is part of that show, Tokumei Sentai Gobusters. That's enter btw imitating hiromu/redbuster.
Is Yoshiko retarded?
She maybe retarded, a Chuuni and all. But I find her cute. Though I'm more of a Kananfag and Diafag.
Seriously though how many sentai/toku/rider actors/actresses did became voice actors? I remember Megablue or was it megablack from Megaranger, Gokaisilver and Gokaiyellow from Gokaiger becoming seiyuus too.
she just felt embarrassed because of her weird hobby.
What do people see in Kanan?
Yoshiko might not have much going on aside from chuunibyou but she doesn't repeat herself while doing it so it remains consistently entertaining.
A big pair of tits and nothing more. It's nothing new, plenty of people like other shallow characters (more than the cast already is) like You, Kotori, Hanayo, Eli, etc.
She's cute and perfect and I love her.
>praying while calling the demons
You're doing it wrong!
they're not even that big
Boobs. It may not be as big as Nozomi's or Mari's but that booty, tits and pits.
She's praying to the devil
My ultra weebs female friend who love Umi (and always cosplay as her) choose Riko as her favorite character in Sunshine as well.
I think Riko character is perfect vessel for Umifag.
Dia and Mari see her lewd body, some of us see /k/ waifu, others just because
Others see how perfect she is. Best idol.
If they can make background girls this cute how did they mess up Chika so badly?
Blame the writers.
Chika is perfectly beautiful.
Chika IS cute!!
Speaking of background characters
droopy and forehead looks like Saki characters.
OH MY GOD! Mari is so sexy!
oh my god
Oh my God!
High class lady
anyone have that pic of Aikyan holding the sign that said GILTY KYS?
I'm a raging Umifag and I absolutely hate Riko because she's a really bland pseudo-Maki rip-off. Plus she's a homewrecker.
That was Ainya. Let me guess you don't know what's the story behind that?
My daughter is so adorable!
What the fuck? I can't even make out what she's saying.
that's not honk
>AZALEA is the new lily white they said
All their songs are fucking awful.
nope, all I remember was the sign. Thought it was Aikyan, guess it was Ainya then
javfags everyone
>not liking Torikoriko pls
Why are all UTX idols such smug cunts? What do they feed them with?
>missing the You-bomb from the OP
>Wow, what an adorable bella!
what? both of AZALEA's songs are good.
well, in the case of Saint Snow, you hagfags wanted more, so you received
>not putting Rin on the right then You at the center
>comparing those two trashy rejects to goddesses like Honk and Nico
End yourself ASAP.
But lily white songs are awful as well. What's your point?
But OP is Dia and Chika and they aren't bombing anything
Nah, they are like a bad BiBi
I wish Chika was as pretty as Honk.
Delete this.
Add them, I only have these 3. Personally I wish we had a photobomb for all of them
I want all 18 idols to get drawn in Araki's style with their own personal stands.
Honk is uglier than Chika.
Do we have any of these for Aqours?
I'll give you a minute to either delete your post or say you were just joking.
>That Kotori
Honk is uglier than Chika. What are you gonna do about it, faggot?
I looked up Araki art style on google images and it showed bondage art and what looks like to be a naked underage girl in a bathtub.
I'm lazy to find the three.
Nico & Ruby
Honoka is literally the worst among the 18 girls.
Twintails sure are powerful.
Zuramaru is fat.
You've gone too far.
Keep going
Hanamaru is a good, sweet girl who doesn't deserve fatshaming and bullying.
She's still better lookin.
>they're the only ones that can photobomb
>Dengeki image
Retconned just like You's big tits
What retconned?
> fatshaming
tumblrwhale detected.
Hanamaru being a decent character.
Stop projecting.
Aaahaha we can't have scenes like this one on our american cartoons
I thought we would get head band Zura all the time
wouldn't that kill the demons?
That's their fault for claiming a religion and enacting blasphemy laws
I am from rural Texas, so seeing shit like this bothers the fuck out of me even though I really shouldn't give a fuck.
> Honk: Wife
> Umi: Mistress
> Kotori: Sex toy
The first years are watching you
You is watching the first years.
How come sexy Mari is fine, but if it's You the mods go on full red-alert?
Because Mari can buy and sell your life and this website and Kanan is can't because she is poor
Why is Zura playing with fire?
>no lewd scenes on LLS
Shit, you failed me...
>RinPana raised a perfect daughter like You.
What went right?
Hanamaru had most of them with her longbread in mouth thing
Why did You lose?
To keep Youshiko and Youby hopes alive
You x Chika is still a thing, Chika won't fall for that cityslut Riko
Riko slicks off when away from Chika
Riko has an exceptionally lewd body.
Which girl would you as109?
Hanayo + You
>used to fap to raibus like daily
>watched their anime because why not
>can't fap anymore because I grow fond of the characters
fuck you Cred Forums what should I do now? hatefap to characters I don't like? fap to sunshine sluts? fap to im@s?
Sunshines are NOT sluts they are good girls!! Just jerk it to IM@S sluts they're all shit.
Kurosawa Ruby is a giant Baby!
that's a really weird car
>2nd years are the most popular girls
>1st years only have Maki
>1st years are the most popular girls
>2nd years only have You
Nice change
they should give this woman a prize
she's the only one trying to repopulate japan
Would repopulate Japan with.
Hanamaru Youchien
I want to be Nico's new daddy!
Valid point.
I miss when Aqours was just six members. Shitty third years add nothing of value to the group and only serve to eat up screen time.
>used to beat off to Nozomi's tits all the time.
>Can't anymore because now it just feels weird to do so.
At least it's nice to know I'm not the only one.
Absolutely disgusting.
Aqours was shit with 6 members and it's still shit with 9. I don't see what changed.
You've friend-zoned an anime girl, congratulations.
Nozomi of all anime girls, what the fuck
>fap to raibus
>watch anime
>fap to raibus even harder
This. The anime only got me harder.
So we know who she took swimsuit advice from...
Can we stop with the shipping and discussion and just get on with posting porn already?
Hope we get a lot of Saint Snow at the next Comiket.
Hatefap is an actual thing. I despise Mio from cinderella girl but have no problem fapping to her rape doujin.
I usually fap to Maki who is the girl I felt most "lukewarm" but found it somewhat hard to fap to Eli, my favourite Raibu.
Do you realize that they're all children?
That if you posted porn of them it would be child porn??
This is a worksafe board you know.
All the muse third years are legal by the end of the series.
>thicc zura
w e w
I'd personally love to talk about Nico's tummy and all the things that can be done with it.
>delicious body
>shit character
It didn't have to be like this.
>shit character
Why negate the feat she did in episode 4?
She shits all over those positive things with each passing episode.
She's endearing for how little screen time she's gotten, fuck off.
>Look up T7s on YT
>Go to 3rd page and get this
Nico-sama is watching over us.
>She shits all over those positive things with each passing episode.
Sunrise made her that way.
Also, be thankful to her. Since she carrying that bread advertisement all by herself, after all.
Hope Sunrise change her food obsession habit in S2.
Her eating habits and verbal tic doesn't harm the group.
>hating on zura.
Why don't you go back then?
Pick one
burd strikes again.
Underwater kabedon
Why is Kanan so perfect? I can't stop thinking about her.
You want to fug her that bad
I want you to you
Kanan is for hagu not fagu.
I miss her cute laugh ;_;
get her before she getsyou
What's that face trying to convey?
She is grabbing Yoshiko teat
Which girl practice(s) deepthroating on her dildo(s)?
Do you even need to ask?
Mari do doubt. She seems to have sexual frustrations.
baby boobs
Nice file name.
the city slut
Nico knows what's up. Umi is the worst girl in the franchise.
>Yoshirikofags got btfo by the manga too
Hey this is just like my japanese animes!
>You getting cucked already
You shouldn't be allowed to be this cute.
Nah, Girly girl Yoshiko having crush on her senpai Riko is enough. People already knew that chikariko is the real end.
>Be Riko
>Hate dog
>Love rat
>Yoshiko having crush on her senpai Riko
Fucking delusional, they don't even talk to each other.
>Yoshiko having crush on her senpai Riko
Post yfw Yocchan will be used by Chika
This anime will be over in 3 days and I actually liked it.
What do?
Pretend to hate it and write angry posts.
fuck off to /h/
Who is the girl in the middle?
>D-double Kabedon?!
Chika's sister.
And people say Riko is boring. At least her kabedon addiction makes her more interesting than You.
I want to replace Riko.
Thank you, Sunrise, for fixing Riko.
more lewd != more interesting
But You is lewd has fuck.
I want to be Riko
and im sure those parts don't make her "more interesting" as well.
You'll cowards don't even crackship
>paired birthdays
That's not how it works.
Uranohoshi will close
She looks very cozy.
Zero to One when
Is 3-way lesbian marriage legal in Japan?
I'd beat in her angel if you know what I mean.
This is truly the brightest timeline.
They can be hardcore lesbian, they just can't get married.
Why did she join Muse again? What was her endgame?
>What was her endgame?
To fuck Nico.
You is still best Sunshine though
Don't "NANI SORE?" me! What's your endgame!
You doesn't have enough joke.
Fucking try me
Pic related Yoshiko and her beloved senpai
Are you lost?
Mari has too much joke, some girls need to balance it out. Being sukuuru aidoru asobi janai, user.
I want to become Chika.
You want to be ugly?
Chika-chan is hot.
Too early to fap!
How come women can lust over Chika, but no one has ever found me attractive?
it's really only the bangs that bothers with Chika's look but not enough to make me dislike her.
and that art is great
Why are you asking questions where you already know the answer?
You aren't a juicy mikan, that's why
Is it really that bad?
She's cute and flully like a hamster
Damn it, user...
Whenever I see a kabedon now the only thing is think is "would Riko like it?".
I think Riko has shit taste in girls, the assertive prince type is really shit
Who else is going to pull your chin though?
Fuck off Yoshiko, you're not even cool.
Which Aqours are for hugs and which are for fugs? Why is Kanan so perfect for both?
Do not make fun of Yoshiko she's the coolest girl
Once you ironically fap to Chika you won't be able to stop. Before you know it you'll be genuinely lusting for her.
But Chika smells.
There's no need to do it ironically.
How does one fap ironically?
Post best songs pls
You get insecure and try to justify your perversion.
wew there are tons of lewds of raibus on the internet.
Good, Yoshiko should be a dog to prettier, better girls.
Lewd Burd is lewd.
So why is she Riko's dog?
Chika used to have a dog in the family, but Riko is still afraid of them.
Canon Ships
If you're still going to ship these, as tenuous as some of them have gotten, you may as well throw Dia in with Kanan and Mari
Where's dia?
They don't even try to pander to YouShiko
The middle one is the third wheel
You keep Dia all to yourself.
Puffy vagina
They don't, but I feel like they'd be a good couple. My problem with YoshiMaru is I feel like Yoshiko could be coaxed into lewdness but Maru is too pure, so they never really do anything sexual. Ship Yoshiko with You and now she has a more playful partner, and RubyMaru are the purest of girls who wait until marriage. That's the strength of the "ED ships" in my opinion. I realize this is all crack delusion and I don't usually post about that but I'm too heavily invested now
Sure they'd be a good couple but Sunrise never acts on it, in cheer chemistry I still prefer YoshiMaru since playful banther is the ultimate shipping fuel, and you know they at least talk to each other
Sockjobs from Dia!
Does this count as being playful partners?
No, that's You choking Yoshiko with her legs, it can be either a sick fetish or attempted murder
>using fanart to counter the argrument.
>a sick fetish
Rude and prude.
I love Yoshiko and Hanamaru's interactions but I personally can't read a romantic spark into them. Even the "Youshiko!" from earlier is more romantic to me because You embarrasses her kouhai with a playful tease and then they leave to do... who knows? Probably just uneventfully go home together, but that's the kind of thing that gets my imagination going. Sadly, that's been the high water mark for Youshiko yuribait so far
It's hot, it's just a little too rough for me. Yoshiko should be turned around and forced to pleasure You until she cums before she gets let go
No thanks, I'll take Ruby instead.
I wasn't countering the argument at all but fanart is all that ship has at the moment
I need to fap to Aqours
I think that humorous relationships are better than yuribait ones. You get more material out of it and it's funnier. I kind of want to see Dia and Yoshiko working together because I get the feeling that they'll have a natural kinship.
Have some YoshikoDia.
like Dia is Yoshiko's punching bag?
Are you a mind reader user? Those two are in my top 3
Yoshiko really works with everyone, maybe except for Mari, they're like sisters 2bh.
The two best girls in Aqours that happen to be the most useless one, not hard to guess.
The really question is, who the one on top?
for what?
ruby chan sugoi
I hope you realize Yoshiko is just a kid and innocent.
There is nothing innocent about camwhoring
At least she doesn't wear slutty dresses.
Yoshiko knows how cruel the world really is
Blame her chuuniness.
I love well-drawn pantsu and skirt_removed. (Everything else is pretty great too)
I don't ship them but here.
Honoka-Tsubasa duet when?
Fuck off to your shithole containment board, asd-kun.
Me neither, here
Never. Maybe at the reunion show.
finally something canon
How come Ruby and Yoshiko never interact? Do they hate each other?
I don't even know what love live is but this girl with the big eyes, long dark hair, blunt bangs, and beauty mark is the prettiest anime character I have ever seen.
Both of you need to fuck off from these threads forever and never post again. FUCK YOU.
no OT3s allowed
I think Ruby thinks Yoshiko is cool and Yoshiko doesn't have much of an opinion on Ruby besides being her little demon
Maru and Yoshiko have the same size tits.
Why Sunrise, why?
Ruby laughs at her chuunibyou about equally to Hanamaru and she made Ruby her little demon #4. Don't take shipper headcanon memes so seriously.
They're interacting but not so much, also from the lastest episode Ruby is next to Yoshiko before Yoshiko is doing her ritual, remember?
What was the story?
that's a lot of ugugu desu wa
>Yoshiko always wear that collar
No wonder why people thinks she's a dog.
Just Dia trying to be like Umi v2
Hows this 30 years old
Any prediction for the final episode?
cute hag, i guess?
only 3D i'm into is Aiai
Isn't that corset supposed to make her breasts look bigger?
Asian genetics and photoshop.
30 isn't that old. I still get carded 100% of the time when buying beer and I'm neither cute, Asian, or a girl.
And this is 32.
Nanjo needs to marry someone.
I would marry her if I had the chance.
either she wears it or not, it would be the same.
If you don't get to it I'll do it.
Hug Only: Ruby
Hug and Fug: Chika, You, Riko, Kanan, Dia, Mari
Fug Only: Yohane and Hanamaru
You've got a lot of catching up then
Yes. Ruby made fun of Yohane's chuuni act in middle school and got a posse of girls to bully her. Ruby has apologized, but Yohane holds grudges and doesn't want to be friends.
IRL best age comes from 18-35 (unless you live in a 3rd world shithole), I bet anime makes a lot of oldfags feel old.
Is it bad I like Sunshine more than the original? It just somehow feels more organic and comfy.
You're cray
I like Sunshine better too.
It IS bad that you like offensive and racist comics, though...
I'm enjoying it more too, but I think it's somewhat because I randomly picked up the original and it grew on me, whereas I was crazy with anticipation for Sunshine as soon as it was announced.
I love how easy it is to believe that Chika would want to try this as gimmick for the group
Basically the exact same experience here. Meeting the characters a year before the anime started does add a lot.
Chika looked really braindead and vapid here... I didn't like it.
It feels more organic yet less comfy to me with all their struggles and gay drama.
My memory is foggy, but wasn't the original way more dramatic? Kotori almost leaving, Honk getting sick and wanting to quit?
At least there wasn't literal NTR.
There's only NTR in Sunshine if you really want there to be.