Fuck you gay little girl and adult cowtits fat dyke anime
Give me more men like Akuma
Fuck you gay little girl and adult cowtits fat dyke anime
Would a Street Fighter anime work?
Here is men like Akuma.
There iare several anime. They are pretty much the best that fighting game adaptations have to offer. Outside of that and Fatal Fury you have shit like Gowcaizer anime, Art of fighting anime, Virtura Fighter anime, and the Blazblue anime.
Hell Blazblue even had that bad omen Ranga quote during the preview of ep 2 about "ending the curse of bad fighting game anime"
>pretty much the best that fighting game adaptations have to offer
Which says fucking nothing because the adaptations are all shit.
Hajime no ippo, it's about boxing and Shieet.
Vampire Hunter OVAs are really good. Mostly the battle scenes, the plot and script is a bit shitty and afaik not canon, but it still has some interesting interactions between characters.
That guy looks like the Risotto dude from berserk
Is Demetri banging Morrigan in the OVAs?
>not watching the superior cartoon
Most anime based on games are really bad.
Pic related is one of the few good exceptions. Unfortunately Cinderella Girls went bad like the others.
They fight. But Morrigan lets Demitri bite her despite being enemies.
Best character.
Akuma a shit. Give more Chun-Li.
>tfw you will never have a harem of brainwashed girls
I want to see more animated Juri. Juri's booty fuels me.
>that ass
>that midriff
>them feet
I need you Juri
Fucking hoverhand.
at least Zodd has his looks
A bit
>Having husbandos
Fuck off homo.
You mean Gouki?
This thread is gay as fuck.
Get that ugly faggot out of here and make way for the true fighting game badass.
>tfw you will never see a Heihachi puchi
You have 10 seconds to name a single anime character who is more based than Terry Bogard.
You literally can't.