Teaser trailer will be out in an hour :^)
Teaser trailer will be out in an hour :^)
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Mr. Robot got two second previews. They were great.
one of the clips
>In a world...where people are cyborgs
>shot of generic future san francisco
>a group of unlikely heroes
>shot of section 9 who all look like shit
>another panning shot of city
>must save the city from the evil terrorist, the puppeteer
saw one of the clips on twitter, fucking awful lighting, set design, sound design, and logo design. My ghost is whispering "pass"
no they weren't.
The one in Kusanagi's room looked and sounded like shit
The one with freckle woman made no sense; why would someone be so confused as to what the major is? Cyborg's are normal in the GitS universe.
straight to the arise gestalt
Kill yourself nigger.
28 seconds late fuck o
no matter twice the amount of garbage is inconsequential at this point
Biiiiiinnnng! ...... boooooooonnnnng!
It will tank and there will never be an anime movie from Hollywood again.
Hey another nigger.
>full playlist
>1 reply
>inconvenient separate links
>4 replies
I hate you people
I'm calling it, It's gonna be shit.
The twitter account is uploading them all now
It will be super successful and followed by the Akira, Naruto, and SnK movies.
Heres a (You)
Who the fuck is that supposed to be? Aramaki?
At this rate I'm going to stay hopeful until I see the thing in theaters
Come on paramount kill me already
>that city
What is that bland crap in the background? Did they not decide to do cyberpunk but instead are going to do big brother-tier city atmosphere?
that is a lot of make up
feels good to be one of the first 300 followers of the account tho
>that fifth preview
What are they even fucking adapting?
>until I see the thing in theaters
>actually giving money to those fuckers
Just torrent it.
Oh god they're going with that approach to trailers. Show us 10 seconds of shit footage and then crash to a shitty logo. Maybe they think that if they only show 10 seconds of shit instead of a couple minutes we won't notice that the shots are shit?
>if nobody sees it anime adaptations are dead forever
>if it's popular we get more anime adaptations
Which do you choose?
Alright, the first one was cool. Still think it'll flop badly.
All these teasers are underwhelming as fuck.
that episode of cowboy bebop where faye joins a cult
ka-chhhh... ka-chhhoooo..
oh gee I dunno, there have just been so many benefits to them live action anime adaptations.
First. Live action adaptations of anime are garbage. And if we go the second route our beloved Chinese cartoons will become the new capeshit.
If these were meant to create hype, they're very bad at it. The 4th was especially lame.
The former obviously
adaptations are almost always shit, or at best not quite as good as the source material.
So are they going to go for the artsy kino first film-level quality or is this just gonna be SAC-tier action drivel?
It will and there won't, but you can bet that Uwe Boll or some other indie hack will step in fill the nonexistent void.
>Shitty low-budget Project A-Ko
>Shitty low-budget Mezzo Forte
>Shitty low-budget Cowboy Bebop
>Shitty low-budget Redline
>Shitty low-budget Kite, again
In all likelihood they're going to promote it as the first and then give us a generic action flick.
That's what I thought too. I honestly don't remember anything with that style of imagery from any GiTS series (there might've been something similar in MMI, I'd have to double-check, but I highly doubt THAT is what they decided to adapt).
They're ten seconds dude. Of course they're underwhelming.
well if they're showing previews during Mr Robot then they at least have an idea of their audience.
looks like they're going with the "indie film with no real substance" vibe, so probably much worse than both of those options
>not picking the first every fucking time
It's like you want your hobby dead or something.
What did they mean by this?
maybe the laughing man or something but with an occult twist, but other than that I wouldn't be surprised if they're just stealing shit from other franchises
>wires are all coming out of the back of their necks going up
>but there's also a huge pile of wires in the middle, connected to fucking nothing
It looks like a placeholder, the buildings are just one image copy pasted.
Instead of bi, I bet they make her a full-on lesbian for the SJW points.
>plugged in while she slept
She's gotta recharge her batteries somehow.
Well it still says something about the vibe they are going for.
That's a little too easy, to yield the maximum amount of SJW points they'd bill her as a "pansexual" or something
fucking eeewwwww
How the fuck would it even effect anime? It's a totally independent industry in another country, which has zero reliance on adaptions to survive.
I don't understand all the opposition to western live action adaptions. Either it's bad, in which case you don't have to watch it and nobody in the west gives a shit, or it's good, and you get a nice adaption to watch which may be successful and lead to more good adaptions. The west has a huge pool of talent, at the moment anime is too irrelevant to get the talent involved but if it ever managed to become more mainstream we could enjoy some great cinema. Seems like everyone is more worried about how it affects the fanbase and how normies will react, in which case you're just more concerned with talking about anime than actually watching it.
I can't wait for the laughing man to be a guy who makes a bunch of image macros.
funnily enough, that was the original concept of The Matrix before the studio execs stepped in and said that the general audience wouldn't understand such a concept, so they just made humans into batteries instead.
>you're just more concerned with talking about anime than actually watching it.
First day on Cred Forums?
I wish The Kubrik would rise out of the grave and give us a visually appealing live action adaptation of this anime.
when are we gonna have a proper trailer so i can decide if this shit is worth watching
>in which case you're just more concerned with talking about anime than actually watching it.
Because talking about anime specially on Cred Forums is part of the hobby for many, fucking up Cred Forums even a little bit more is never ok, lurk more.
that's actually really funny and believable.
I'm a little less worried now.
According to OP now.
Nigger, she was lesbian in the manga.
Only because Shirow didn't want to draw naked men.
Now all he does is draw girls getting fucked by giant oily horse cocks.
It's obviously a younger Aramaki killing someone and is clearly disturbed.
That it's being shown means that it's going to be a Ghost from his past come back to haunt him in the present.
She had a section 1 boyfriend that she was explicitly fucking. Like, when she hears a knock at the door she goes "wonder if it's the neighbours complaining that we were too loud last night again" and Bato even says that it's the first time she's been in a relationship that's lasted more than six months in the entire time he's known her. This was a major plot point for a full chapter.
Well I am not sure what's the idea behind making lots of teasers shorter than Vines but oh well we get to see a bit of what it looks like so far.
But at least it's not that, sweet fucking Jesus all sci-fi movies trailers for the past 10 years looked exactly like you described.
The only one with any potential is Redline.
I can totally see modern hollywood guys getting into it, what with the success of fast and the furious.
Vin diesel as machinehead is a cinch.
Eh, it's too cartoony. It would be turned into EDGY and GRIMDARK Speed Racer.
Either that or they'd try to make it PG-13.
Or both.
People will think on podracing if that happens before anything else.
PG-13 is the worst thing to happen to movies.
I'd like to see how the movie will pull off the look for Motoko's optical camo suit.
it won't be fanservice, and will therefore be terrible.
>Aramaki killing someone
>that city
>ginger nigger
>geisha thing with fucking nippon flag for a face
What the fuck are they doing?
The only people who'll think that are the star wars shills who'll try to say THIS IS TOTES PODRACING on every fucking forum in existence.
Fast and the Furious was a mature and deep as a fart.
It will be a hardcore bloody pop sci-fi with awesome as fuck racing scenes and heavy drug use. Okay Cherry boy hunter's tits are out and the cocaine use...might stay in who knows.
Can see a lot of character actors wanting to get in on this and it being pushed as a fun mindless piece of bubble gum.
ALTHOUGH they might change the ending from WIN THE RACE to STOP THE EVIL ROBOT SPACE NAZIS you know how hollywood is.
so no full trailer then? or after r9k.
I hope it does well.
I truly hope it does well.
I liked Edge of Tomorrow.
More movies like that is good to me.
It doesn't look as bad as it could be, honestly. I'm interested to see a longer trailer.
Edge of Tomorrow was actually good. It'd be nice if they could make more of that quality.
It literally has no affect on anime
You fucking mongoloid
Japan has been making TERRIBLE adaptations of anime for years.
>no atmospheric Kenji soundtrack
>fucking racial diversity out of the ass
>Scarlett Johansson can't act decently for shit
>all three teasers posted in just killed the last bit of hype I had left
>I liked Edge of Tomorrow.
I thought it was good. One of my friends turned out to be an autistic fan of All You Need Is Kill and lost his shit at me when I said I liked Edge of Tomorrow, and started punching me
Well, at least they tried. It looks like they tried copying the atmosphere but it ended up a bit cheesy.
>Japan has been making TERRIBLE adaptations of anime for years.
People are talking about a Hollywood adaptation here, also I already said that talking about it with Cred Forums is part of the hobby.
You missed the two worst teasers posted to the twitter account.
A little cheesy isn't too bad by gits standards, so long as they only crawl up far enough their ass to only see their colon.
Same shit. Don't watch the Hollywood adaptation then.
It will NOT affect anime. Just like the Japanese ones don't.
You speglords are pathetic.
You're so naive. The anime industry is fucking DYING. The financial situation is verging on untenable. If, all of a sudden, an anime adaptation becomes a hit in the west, nips will try to jump on that opportunity. They have to. The only thing we've had going for us so far is that nips are really shit at business, so they're too retarded to be able to cross-market to western demographics. But if an adaptation becomes a hit, they'll take notice. It's never happened like that before. Studios are already considering western audiences more than they used to when doing shit like netflix productions and kickstarter garbage. Imagine if all of a sudden there was a possibility of getting a big budget hollywood licensing deal on an anime original? After the whole comic book movie craze? Plus the opportunity to get out from under the boot heel of nip publishing corps? They'd have to be completely retarded to not try and pander more to hollywood. If GiTS were a hit then hollywood studios would embark on a new anime gold rush, they'd be knocking down studio doors for original material.
To be honest they've only started being REALLY shit like 8 or 9 years ago
It could be like the J-Horror Remake gold rush that happened after The Ring was a hit, all over again!
>double spacing
Edge of Tomorrow wasn't bad. Pacific Rim was decent too. It's possible for these kinds of movies to be okay.
hope it's oshii inspired
sac and arise are just fucking garbage. I honestly welcome anything gits related at this point, even hollywood.
Nigga what the fuck are you smoking?
>that fifth preview
All hope is gone.
Everything seems too bright, and the sound design, and BGM is shit.
I don't think so. It could be played interesting, even if it probably won't be.
Looked fine to me?
Was Pacific Rim an adaptation? I had no idea.
the wires plug back into them so they can read their own thoughts
Still can't believe they cast some old dude as Togusa. Made me lost complete hope in the movie.
Either Scarlett Johansson is a terrible actor, or they're trying to make the major be afraid.
Then "this is just the beginning" is just complete shlock.
No, it was just very anime-y
it's not the worst thing ever, but I definitely must say I wasted my fucking time watching sac and arise. I really had to force myself to finish each season. Tried to escape it by watching psycho-pass but this show is literally big sac rip-off.
It's not the first time somebody is complaining about my taste. I prefer the original hellsing anime over ultimate. I haven't read the manga so it's probably better than both of them.
Have you ever seen her act? She's there for looks.
>the anime industry is fucking dying
Please cite your sources before you spout bullshit.
No, it just had obvious influences.
It's already dead, faggot.
Batou is a nigger? Fuck this Jew bullshit
This, she's just there to get normalfags to go see the fucking movie.
That ain't Batou.
That aint Batou
They wouldnt give a nigger a big role
batou is Euron "BIG COCK" Greyjoy
I remember when hype Cred Forums with Dragon Ball Evolution, Kite, Edge of Tomorrow and all those turn in spectacular failures.
That's Bouma, the big head tiny face guy.
The guy playing Batou looks good
phat thumbnail
Nobody was every hype about Dragonball or Kite, and EOT was good
Honestly these teasers have made me cautiously optimistic for the film
There is nothing to hate here so far
Bato still looks like shit.
What other animes need be destroyed by Hollywood and white actors?
So that's where my file went
The major looks like shit, but no one expected her to be able to act anyway. I'm more impressed that it doesn't seem extremely cheesy and weeaboo pandering yet.
you know what the worst part of all this is
GITS could have been a fucking amazing movie but the amount of high end CGI needed can't be done because 60% of a movie budge is for advertising now and 30% is to suck chink dick to get into the chinese market
the more far away from the anime it looks the better
Origa will be making the OST right?
uh isn't she dead? or is that the joke
>CGI tachikomas
She explicitly had a boyfriend in the manga and stated that she had fallen in love with Kuze when they were children in Stand-alone Complex.
This could have been good with a different lead but scarjo is literally the worst high-profile actress in hollywood right now
death note next year
alita in 2018
Beyblade in development (serious)
gooks in china are planning Black Jack films
Bleach in development. both japan live action and us live action
Naruto in development
they might finally make akira live-action because otomo wants to make tv series in the future.
monster tv show was going to be on hbo but hbo said fuck it, but del taco is pitching it to other networks. DOUBTful since del taco has 1000000 projects in development.
and that pokemon movie. It's vidya but it still counts.
>Origa will be making the OST right?
user, please.
>Beyblade in development
I am literary in tears from laughing please be joking
>Beyblade in development (serious)
What the fuck
It's real. It's shocking, but hollywood had worse ideas in the past.
Your favorite ones.
>Beyblade in development
Fuck it, I'd love to see how this will ends up.
>[bathtub rattling noises]
kek holy shit fight club with magic animal sprites fighting to the death
srsly who wouldn't watch this
Are they gonna do THAT scene?
The one where she's interrogating the guy watching porn?
Absolutely not
>gooks in china are planning Black Jack films
I admit, I'm a little curious about this one.
having the major shaking in fear makes me lose hope for this anime
Only remember how every girl in that anime have full boobs
I meant this scene.
This so much. It's already game over.
Scarjo is far too succesful to show her tits on screen.
I dunno, they sure seem to want the arthouse crowd here.
will this be kino?
the Major wears a skin tight suit in that scene
Oh god, it looks terrible.
You do realize she did it for under the skin right? I think you can see her vagoo in that too
The world has already seen her butt anyways. If they do it, they will probably just CG her boobs anyways, or maybe the whole body.
Looks kino to me
I'm hype. Haven't watched the original in almost 20 years, and I'm still pretty excited. I suppose I should watch it again before this one comes out.
Which rips revealing her naked skin.
Just watched it despite never reading or seeing anything gits
How bad was it
wut no its a transparent stealth suit
DAE think Code Geass might make a decent live action film series? It's got all the right ingredients for a blockbuster, and they could even just make the main characters white and have them speak english and it would make sense with Brittania and all. There's a lot of fat that could be trimmed from the story to make a trilogy or a duo of films. Just imagine the trailer:
>shot of a mysterious girl with a gunshot wound on the ground
>it pans up to a young man but we can't see his face
>shot of Brit. firing squad
>"any last words, scum?"
>shot of Lelouch's smirk
>epic montage of warfare and espionage
>don't forget some sweet clips of Nightmare frames using their wheel feet things to scale walls while kicking ass
>awesome chant can be heard in the background that syncs with the music
>At the very last cut it changes to "ALL HAIL LELO-" but is interupted by a BAM as we transition back to the first scene
>Lulu is walking over the bodies of the soliders. How did he do that?
>We see his face and he walks towards the camera, zooming into his eye
I'm asking how it compares to the source material
The stealth suit isn't transparent, just skin tight. When she tries to tear open the tank hatch it basically explodes off her body, she's naked after that until Batou puts his jacket over her.
not gonna happen, the eternal anglo is never going to let hollywood portray Great Britain as the evil nazis who want to conquer the world
we don't know yet but knowing kikewood nothing in common at all
how the fuck have you never seen anything GITS related yet post on Cred Forums normie be gone
It has very big shoes to fill.
1995 and SAC were great and the manga was pretty good if you are into that kind of thing.
Trailer 1 reminds me of 1995, with it's slow moving shot and creepy atmosphere.
Everything else looks uninteresting.
But 4 and 5 the characters look kind of out of character, so we will see how that goes.
the actual source material is a comedy.
every new series has had a new feeling, with the same plot points and references.
we won't know if they've crawled further up their ass than previous iterations.
the music seems relatively bad.
at least it's kino.
did you forget the first scene she wore the stealth suit its clearly transparent
Of the classics/greats I've seen a ton of gits has been on my list for a long time but keeping up with ongoing anime seasons and older stuff is an uphill battle. Also I have a job and attend college (that makes me a faggot I know)
The Alita film might be good since Rodriguez is doing it.
Will be entertaining at least
>Neon Genesis Evangelion will be made into an American Film in your lifetime and hipster faggots will eat it up
If Cameron gets off his ass and makes a Gunnm flim, you can probably look forward to a white actress there.
>They will like it more than the anime
REEE its transparent you mong
Have you not seen the posters for the new Power Rangers movie?
Power Rangers still exists?
>Dean Israelite
Thats a real name?
which is why it's a different tone from her skin
Surprisingly, not a Jew
See any fucking areolas in this picture?
It's already been cast. Rosa Salazar is Alita/Gally.
Pure Kino. Have you apologized yet Cred Forums?
So they couldn't even use a fucking Alexa to record this shit?
>white actors
so jews are white now
Decent idea, but let me polish it a bit.
>a shot of a church, with a nun bleeding to death, and a green-haired girl standing upright right next to her, with a glow on her forehead
>a shot showing a fine young man opening some kind of container (it's shown from CC's perspective)
>Britannian Police comes and tries to prevent whatever was in there from falling into other hands
>fade to black
>"Would you like to make a contract with me"
>"You'll live in a separate world, that of Kings, and you will feel lonely and isolated"
>"That's not a problem."
>the geass sigil is shown to a black background for a split second
>"Any last words, lad?"
>"I feel sorry for killing somebody so young, but I can't help it, you see; since you saw that thing"
>"I order you...kill yourselves!"
>"Sure, your majesty"
>screen fades to black, and gunshots are heard
>the logo of the Knights comes glitchily onscreen
>a sound montage from news reel reports is played in the background
>sneak peek shots of the Knightmares are shown
>buildings falling
>Charles making a speech
>Suzaku shooting somebody
>fade to black
>CODΞ GEΛSS logo shows onscreen, with a slow, instrumental version of Jibun Wo playing in the background
Why the fuck do people keep comparing this to Kino's Journey. What am I missing here?
remember user refer to them ask (((skypes))) now
They're saying "кино", the slavic word for "cinema".
Thats a pretty cringy trailer I gotta say
What did I watch?
much better trailer
Will you be okay with China making anime adaptations once they build their Hollywood?
just the right amount of uncanny valley
>succeeding in anything
They should just keep making anime inspired movies, rather than shitty adaptations that even normies seem to bitch about
>muh whitewashing
Pacific Rim was pretty good
I have watched the same kind of shit in s Michael Bay's movie.
she reminds me of that scott pilgrim movie, but in a bad way.
Fuck, it's not bad, actually. It has a slightly unsettling effect.
I welcome any and all Hollywood botched adaptations of anime material if it means I get a good Gantz live-action adaptation.
And by good I mean high budget, and with a better ending, which can't be that hard given what we got.
With a few years of decay and overgrowth, you'd have some awesome labyrinth like settings here.
I kind of want an urban dungeon manga with monsters and survivalist humans now.
As a third-worlder, I never understood how that movie became as popular as it did. It's full of things 12 year olds would love, but I don't see much value in adults watching it.
Buddy, if all hollywood adaptions fail, then gantz probably will too.
I've only watched the original movie, is this live action gonna be based on that?
Are the series good? are there any other movies?
>Are the series good? are there any other movies?
Yes and yes.
Terrible music, terrible images.Rupert Sanders,You have no talent.
The original movie should've left you wanting for more.
Not bad, not bad at all.
I said 'botched', not 'failed'. Not necessarily the same thing.
I actually enjoyed Kite.
Already did it with Under the Skin.
Her overall body is okay.
>Beyblade in development (serious)
The thing is, is impossible to screw things up, is literally impossible, and with Hollywood budget it might be fucking amazing. Anyone remember the last fight between Tyson and Kai? Shit was so hype.
Would she feel anything if i suck on her tits?
It'd be extremely pleasurable.
>Young family man
>Turn him into an old gook
>alita in 2018
Bullshit. I'll believe it when Cameron finishes those four Avatar sequels.
That's actually pretty good.
4U baka
>anime fans talking down Hollywood
my stomach hurts
i'm not sure how to feel, honestly. it looks like every other high concept SF film from the past few years but with even blander shot composition and lighting somehow. like you could call it "ex machina 2" and nobody would bat an eye
Robert Rodriguez is the director
That image looks okay. And suggests that they're wholesale stealing the pilot episode of SAC.
>google search
Oh for fuck's sake.
At least the actress they picked is cute, I guess.
Ex Machina was kinda good, though. The direction was excellent.
holy shit this looks good
I never liked the anime movie but from these trailers the art direction looks amazing
I might actually have to see this in cinemas
Anyone else fucking rage that Togusa didn't use his Mateba in the fourth clip?
All I can really say from the trailer is it doesn't look like they have ruined it yet. It looks OK overall from that but there are still so many ways to ruin it.
It's gonna be a mix of SAC and the movie. The villain's gonna be the Laughing Man, played by Michael Pitt.
Nice try, Dreamworks.
they are probably hard to come by
That's Aramaki
>no vagina
Whats even the point?
>We're going to be making a new adaption of the manga!
>It ends up being the two successful spinoffs that are most distant from the manga
They only say that in interviews to get attention, the project's been an adaptation of the movie since Spielberg first got the rights.
We've been had.
I wasn't expecting them to do anything original, I just remember laughing when they said that but their first press release was the plot of SAC and the logo was from the 1995 movie.
>is this just gonna be SAC-tier action drivel?
He's a shitposter from Cred Forums, ignore him.
They already said they're changing the original plot. Laughing man is the one-dimensional bad guy.
I wonder why someone hasn't leaked the screenplay.
>we won't know if they've crawled further up their ass than previous iterations.
I find it hard to believe that any thing could be further up its own ass than Innocence, and Hollywood has bills to pay.
That is a badly titled gif
And this isn't a Big Hero 6 film?
Is the girl on the right named Michelle and nicknamed Mike?
Enjoying a movie doesn't mean it's a good movie.
That's Aramaki, not Togusa, you dumb fuck. The revolver isn't even a Mateba
>wear tatoo of japan flag instead kitsune or japan folklore
>Not Naked in lesbo scene
>Not naked while plugged into bed thing.
God damn it scarlet, I don't find you attractive or even want to see you naked, but you had one job!
Sweet, didn't notice that, hopefully it'll be banned in china.
Might well i'll just ask here.
Is ghost in the shell : arise good ??
Didn't watch it myself, but I remember the threads.
Mixed results leaning closer to the negative rather than positive, but everyone has their own tastes, and a lot of that could've been nostalgiafags pining for the movies or SAC
It was shit.
aramaki looks fine, he could be more goblin looking but I guess its hard to find a skinny danny devito that can act.
looks like shit, only one worse is bato
>its not exactly like the originals
Mr. Laughing Man, I'm Section 9
holy shit, is that real?
>wanting anime adaptations
Fuck off normie, kill yourself if you like 3D
If go in with no expectations, its entertaining, and each episode is better than the previous. Think Star Trek revamp where the focus is more cool fights rather than science fiction
The first one can be a struggle because the pacing of the action scenes are really horrible, like 'we're being chased by robots, so let's stop and talk about our options in front of this fence while they conveniently stop their tracks to just surround us and do jack shit' levels of bad. The other eps don't have this level of retarded, but just throwing it out there now because some of the scenes in first ep can be a deal breaker
I don't understand, why does anons grandpa have so many guns?
HOLY FUCK MAN fucking a deagle mateba that legit cowboy gun
>>wear tatoo of japan flag instead kitsune or japan folklore
It's almost certainly a geisha robot. Shown in both ep1 of SAC as well as in Innocence. Geisha robots are Japanese by definition.
>Being THIS retarded
SJW have been boycotting the movie since Makoto is white
They won't even watch it (or at least pay for it)
For the way they chopped it up for a western audience, it was still good without falling into the " let me explain everything with a story for the idiots out there" trope.
Sweet fucking jesus.
Guys, it's JAPANESE! See? It even has the flag on its face!
>cast a bunch of non-japanese actors
>say you're changing it to a diverse international setting
>fill it with japanese imagery
Puppet Master > Laughing Man
I genuinely don't get why people want this to fail.
>If it's good normies will watch anime
Who fucking cares.
>They will "SOMEHOW" influence Japan
Oh please at the very worst it would a tiny blip compared to what the Olympics will do
>They'll stop making movies about anime
I mean I guess if that's what you want, but really why do you care?
It's like caring that Godzilla 2k sucked. Japans level of fucks given was killing it of in a movie.
It doesn't hurt the property.
I'm a gun retard, what is so special about the guns in the pic?
very rare, or straight up impossible to get any more new ones past '93
>We will never see him wear his black armor into combat
>We will never see him get really high and kill the high priests of major religions for the sake of an ancient spell that he learned during his travels.
GRRM's slowness is the cancer killing the show.
well for starters one of them is a fully automatic fucking sub machine gun
oh also everything there costs an arm and a leg
but I though you can't own automatic guns? or am I wrong?
You know that cel/reel of the eva episode that was supposedly lost in a fire? Image finding out that your grandpa had it in his collection all along.
Judging by how they all have shaved heads and similar clothing, this looks like some religious gathering/cult
Monster on HBO would've probably been good.
you can in a few countries shit even here in Canada some lucky fucks are able to own full giggle guns
from what I've read on /k/ in the states its just a matter of paper work monies and luck
so does he get to keep his gun? what was the significance of the serial number 0013 in the picture?
Yeah, 10~ 1 hour episodes would have done wonders to the pacing. I think del Toro would have done it justice too.
So what you're saying is that in order to save our hobby, we have to let it die and throw a tantrum over their attempts to make money?
Fucking ridiculous. If it's dying financially, then let them try. It would be dependent on the adaption being a success, and if it was success it's not going to be as god awful as they previously have been. I'm not so petty and possessive of anime that I give a fuck about other people in the west enjoying adaptions of it.
It's one of the first of the guns ever made. I mean sure technically it was made the same time as hundred others in a large batch but still a serial number that low adds considerable money.
I'll watch it.
I enjoyed Edge of Tomorrow.
Goddamn! That actually makes some amount of sense!
Dragon Ball Evolution was atrociously bad. Edge Of Tomorrow was legitimately one of the best movies I had seen in years.
>from what I've read on /k/ in the states its just a matter of paper work monies and luck
Depends on the state. Some yes, some no.
That's because it's almost impossible to fuck up something with a loop mechanic, it's instant drama.
This GiTS movie is going to dumbed down and as a result bland as fuck.
I bet you will, you contrarian fuck
death is preferable to bastardization and you know it
The tachikomas were already CGI in the anime. almost all the vehicles were.
GitS' appeal isn't its "cleverness", it's Motoko's attractiveness. Its cleverness is just the socially acceptable excuse for watching it.
Tachikomas were annoying and tone-inconsistent anyway.
Fuchikomas were better because they were less present, less obnoxious, because we didn't have to hear their screechy voice, and also because the rest of the manga wasn't deadly serious so they weren't as out-of place.
no, way too much of it
it's way too unsettling to be a realistic sexbot
also the CGI sucks
That concept was actually lifted from Dangaioh, along with the "dudes in red amniotic pods" visuals.
>guys this movie turned out to be pretty shit how are we gonna sell it
>bro don't worry just grab a arbitrarily pointless 4 second clip from the movie and label it as a 'teaser'
Masterpiece confirmed
On a scale from dragonball to edge of tomorrow how good will it be?
Appleseed would have been easier for Hollywood
Pacific Rim.
I will never not love this image
Tiger & Bunny was also announced, supposedly headed by the guy who directed A Beautiful Mind and Rush.
Jupiter Ascending
So they just try to do the exact shots and scenes with real persons? No thanks, i'm just gonna watch the anime again.
>removing the plug makes a gun sound effect
>yurifag headcanon
>this movie sucks
>my feet hurt
>i wish i could go home
What exactly is the reasoning for even wanting more adaptations? They all suck
Minority Report reference
No. Shut the fuck up
Real life doesn't feel like real life anymore.
>America ruins literally anything it involves itself with
>Hollywood ruins literally anything it involves itself with
>tries to be hip
>adapt GiTS
>talentless directors
>talentless actors
>both of the above are taught superficial, "safe" low-risk way of work that is both unoriginal and boring
I fucking hate america and what you fuckers do to the world just go already.
More adaptations. I want to watch Cred Forums-san impregnate Cred Forums's nubile boipucci with their shitposting and dank memes.
user, you're wrong on two or three uniquely different levels.
Edge of Tomorrow was one of the best sci-fi movies in years though.
I watched it, too (without reading the manga, so I didn't really have any expectations).
It was a solid film, but I wouldn't really say it was "one of the best" sci-fi movies in a while. I won't name any movies, but the plot and the writing in this movie were obviously from a manga - while I commend the hard work that was put in this movie, something was lacking.
There were a lot of holes, and I was left asking a lot of questions.
If you can't notice a red circle on a white field, you have issues mate.
Who the fuck cares. 90% of anime that come out every season are shit anyways. Would do the industry good to fucking die out and stop pandering to the otaku demo.
Where you at? Its already been greenlit and casted. They recently added another cast.
Anime adaptations being dead forever of course.
Tiger & Bunny has the potential to be legitimately good.
The fact that the Western production side immediately stated it'd focus on their relationship and psychology was a good sign, because it was indeed the core of the story. Still
>believing in Hollywood adaptations
Who are you quoting?
Because the nips adapting their own shit has worked so well
You're the naive one. As long as the audience (ie otakus) exists, there will be companies who'll make products targeted at them. Unless you provide a source that states the otaku audience is shrinking, I'm gonna call bullshit.
Also, the anime industry is largely dependant on manga, LNs, VNs and other videogames. If you think manga (which has a bigger industry than anime in terms of demographics) will suddenly change and become Capeshit you're delusional. Anime-only fags tend to look at things from a narrow perspective, you have to look at the whole picture.
I have no idea what point this picture is trying to make.
That's a bit of an unfair comparison. The japanese have movies, too, you know, and hollywood has them beat in the technological field.
In terms of animation, though, fuck that simple style everybody and their mother draws in.
Le evil muslims of course.
this is SADLY the best thing out of the teaser videos atm. I mean at least it feels a LITTLE BIT like GITS, everything else just screams like a generic hollywood sci-fi.
Do you guys think they'll use any of the original movie/series music in the movie?
I swear if there isn't a rendition of "birth of a cyborg" at least, I will beat some people up.
some guy on reddit put this bullshit together
Are you saying that Anime needs a Great Videogame Crash?