I can't believe Reigen is fucking dead
Mob Psycho 100
Other urls found in this thread:
You only watch the Anime, don't you?
post girls this thread
or Reigen, he's just as good if not better.
Mangafag here, he actually dies and gets replaced by his evil twin but we still call him Reigen because that's his last name
No. I've read the manga, don't worry I know what happens
Could this be how we fix Reeeeeee:Zero?
I'm working on something. I'm pretty sure I fucked up the second Reigen's suit but I can't place what. Criticism would be nice.
>lying to the secondaries
Arataka Reigen is his pseudonym, and his real name is Taro Suzuki.
He'd never despair..
>Tome will never be part of an esper fight in any way, shape, or form
feels bad
>Tome will never sit on my cock.
just end it
>mob never tells her about any of the espers he met
I'm torn between using some variation of that I love Emilia meme or just Reigen telling Rem to just "change herself" as his response
how about both?
>implying she won't die and come back as Mob's ghost pal
What are you talking about OP?
Gods can't die.
I can imagine Reigen facing the first method of death with some dignity thinking it wouldn't be that bad.
Then the pain comes and he does his utmost to prevent himself from dying the same way twice while fixing everything in the process.
you guys taking requests?
Again, how often do you think Reigen would die, exactly? He's hyper-competent.
Found another variation of Reigen doing the dubs on dumblr.
>it keeps happening
Mob (and Dimple) had to bail him out a few times.
Reigen isn't invincible meme magic. As long as he isn't angst, and more 'well, that sucked, not doing it again', it works.
I swear to god Reigen is breaking the 4th wall just to do this shit.
Animated my boys Mob and Dimple
To be fair, I don't think Mob ever actually meets the awakening lab kids, because I'm sure Mob would be open to introducing the telepath brothers to Tome
I'm seriously starting to think meme magic is real
G-geez Shishou, y-y-y-you shouldn't have splashed all that salt.
Holy broccoli!
Damn, that's good.
The meme magic is real
You've got to be shitting me at this point. Someone screencap this one and the one from the last thread
Maximum competence.
He can't keep getting away with this.
If reigen had actually died there, how would the story have progressed?
Does this confirm season 2?
Holy shit, second season confirmed.
The cuff on his right arm looks kinda off.
Dimple/Mezato Final boss? Also who dies?
Dimple x Mezato is my OTP.
How do I become confident like the Shishou?
Witnessed for a second time.
This is really good. It's perfect.
Here is fear and loathing.
I'll take a better picture during daylight hours.
I'm late to the meme party.
Dealing with grief poorly. Ritsu and Teru would become the protagonists when Mob decides to wipe out Claw. Shou would initially clap his hands and give Mob a map to every base before he figures out that he just helped depopulate a few countries.
As for the leader, he goes out like Armstrong.
Fucking dubs reigen
Mob fighting anti-psychics from outer space. Claw boss fight being way more dramaric. Tome was an alien all along.
I'm fucking dead
Really fucking cool.
Person who requested this here, this is fucking amazing, I love your art.
if my half-assed attempt works I'll draw lewd requests
If you posted half a second later
If you had got 147555555 you'd have to draw requests for the rest of your life.
>so close
Oh my god you were so close. I'm so sorry man
will you take requests anyway?
It's ok user not everyone can get dubs like me
>Just 2 away from a sex get
Would've been befitting of Reigen
I posted the meme image in the last thread. Holy shit, this turned out really well! Thank you!
No user it has to be Reigen
Yet again, so close
This is amazing
who actually got it?
>off by one from trips
>off by two from sex
This must be a sign from Lord Psycho Helmet.
Reigen dies?
Mini Satan confirms - the arc will end in flames.
Trying to get dubs is stupid anyways. Lets talk about the anime.
Like hoh boy, I really want to see the secondarys' reaction to gratitude. I bet Reigen haters will still hate him and claim he's holding Mob back.
I only hope it's not a BONES end. Last BONES end was E7:AO and just made me give up.
my bad let me try again
Trying to force it is the number one cause of meme magic depletion. Please stop and maybe it will come back
Death himself speaks the truth
is this irony?
It's going to be controversial for sure. I hope Bones don't mess it up. I hope there's a scene of Shou calling his Daddy too. That wouldn't confirm season two, but it would at least be a 'hook' for it.
Fuckin hell
Bones have messed up precisely one scene in this entire show. They have a solid record.
You know, the least meme magic could do is confirm season two.
I don't know about that. As long as they don't fuck up that scene, a lot of people will love it because of the humor.
I honestly think Bones can get away with leaving open a bunch of plot threads because they can say that the anime is an allegory for growing up or something
I need Reigen giving Mcguirk tier advice to Mob
The anime isn't an allegory for growing up, it is ABOUT growing up and solidifying yourself as an individual
Requesting Orson Welles Reigen
>all these posts about post numbers
There's nothing left to discuss, so we're shitposting about numbers.
I want an epilogue with all of them working as part of Reigen's company once Mob leaves to do this own thing.
so which (not reigen) girl is best girl?
But we were just talking about a Re:Zero AU where Reigen takes the place of Subaru and how awesome it would be.
I hate your dubs
Tome in the anime, Emi in the manga, since she wasn't in the anime.
Ah glad you like it man, I'll take a nicer photo tomorrow. Thanks for the kind words.
Redraws are really going to help me get used to digital.
This isn't Reigen but I always get a good laugh out of this image. Thought it would be perfect for Ritsu.
meme magic is not real
Ritsu you fucking degenerate
>by claiming it's not real, he guaranteed that it won't work, both proving it and disproving it at the same time
we're doing things god never intended
Alright, done. How do you like it?
If I ask nicely, will you landwhales all go back to Tumblr after next week's episode?
Is Reigen the Yugi of our generation?
Why does the anime jumble up the events of the manga?
I only got to episode 2 but I keep noticing pretty big differences.
Sounds edgy, but I'd watch it.
Pretty nice, though if you plan on going back and editing it, the arms on the right one are a bit weird. Suit is too short on the right arm, while the buttons are at the elbow/middle of lower arm, instead of at the wrist.
It's just a minor thing though, as I said, pretty good.
>that face on the second to last reigen bottom row
Because it's an adaptation, different media necessitate different approaches of storytelling
Why do you keep making these generals when you have nothing to talk about?
If they adapted the manga 1:1, the anime would have some really weird pacing in the beginning.
We had something to talk about in the beginning, but a bunch of people got sidetracked because they fell for the dubs meme.
How does it feel to know that even the Cred Forums fujoshits think these generals are worse than Osomatsu?
Yeah, I'll work on it some more. I also noticed how I fucked up his ear.
Reigen is incompatible with Re:Zero; the whole story begins with Subaru falling for Emilia, so unless Emilia is aged as well, Reigen is just going to say she is too young and move on with his life
I think people would have a lot more discussion if the manga didn't look so bad.
The latest chapter is a pretty big deal but I haven't heard a single person even mention anything about the current arc besides just saying broccoli
We discuss the chapters when spoilers come out, and again when translation happens. But there's not much to say, and there's not that many anons.
So, new chapter tomorrow right?
I'm really anxious about where this arc is going It really feels like it's going to end soon
No chapter this week because the Nips have a long weekend.
Has 96.7 come out yet?
Look, I have nothing against you guys, but please stop shitposting in the Yuri on Ice threads. There are a couple of you doing it, even though we haven't done anything to you and were just talking about ice skating. This is an urban fantasy shonen or something like that, right? So there is no reason for you to have a conflict with us.
Are you sure it's not falseflaggers?
We're busy spamming gets in this thread.
user, shitposters are gonna shitpost, it's not like mobfags collectively decided to shit on your threads
It's probably shitposter kun. He can't ruin it threads anymore so he tries to make us look bad
Well, several people in the thread said it was Mobposters, and somebody said our thread got linked here. I suppose it could have been falseflagging though.
Now that Re Zero is over they need a scapegoat.
How new are you? anons try to start shit like this all the time
What if Emilia was a guy?
>Rick and Morty / Mob Psycho 100 crossover
>Rick and Reigen's partners somehow get switched
>Rick gets incredibly frustrated knowing that Mob is really powerful but since he's so timid he doesn't use his powers for anything Rick wants
>Reigen on the other hand is trying to boost Morty's charisma but always ends up failing horribly because Morty is a massive beta
How autistic is this?
Anyone has a pic with all of the glorious dubs/trips from the few last threads?
>>Rick and Morty
Check archives bruh
Place your bets,
How many people will get pissed over episode 12?
All of them, plus several aliens and one cactus.
It has been a while since I anticipated a new episode.
Murderous intent can't come soon enough.
Can you blame him user?
Has this been done with Reigen yet?
Fucking retard.
Reigen's flashback showed that he only accepted mob once he saw his telekinesis, so unless Emile (guy Emilia i guess) slips up and reveals he might become king, Reigen is going to leave him alone (again, Emile would be below Reigen's strike range)
Reigen thought he was being pranked, that's why he only took him in once he actually saw it
I sure hope you were expecting something spooky.
It will when I get done with it...
he looks more disgusted than mocking
You are doing God's work my friend.
While what said is true, I think this is actually really close. I'd try making the eyes a bit more narrow, I think that should give the right impression.
The fact that even the original only really looks mocking in low resolution doesn't help.
enough memes for today
I can hear him yell SHISHOU! in my head. ;_;
Animefag here who's waiting for the end of the season to start reading the manga. I halfway expected the "100%" to blink twice, and then switch to "101%" before the cut to black.
Anyone got that imgur link with the Shou edits?
Got you covered, user
this needs shou in it
shou's not dead yet as mp's meme boy
Thanks, senpai
Just have him say what you think Reigen would actually say to her, rather than a variant of what Subaru would.
Tried to shop him in the new episode, but there weren't many places where he fit well
just finished this. I might be able to do one or two more before bed if anyone has a request. I have insomnia so I'll be up for a few more hours (also feel free to rename the file)
>tfw I'm getting my wisdom tooth removed tomorrow, meaning it'll hurt to laugh or even grin for the next 10 days, how the fuck am I gonna watch ep 12
Every time I read his name I think of Ronald Reagan.
listen man whatever you do, do not eat solid food okay my mom ordered pizza when I got my wisdom teeth out and I was drugged off my ass and she let me eat some and I don't remember eating it and I got dry sockets on the bottom of my mouth so big my jaw bones were exposed it's not worth it
If you don't live in a third-world country, you'll get plenty of painkillers.
Be prepared to bleed though.
I would love to draw that but I am way too fucking high right now man
How about this?
I already got one removed back in May, so I already know what's in store. The problem is that it's the upper ones, where the procedure is more complicated. Painkillers help, but they also have to remove some bone, so the swelling made my whole face hurt.
Perfect. Thanks!
There's at least three of these now.
okay can someone help a brother out. I'm reading the manga right now and it seems some pages appear to be missing. I swear it just skips huge portions of some fights like mob vs claw boss. Is that what actually happens like mob gets 77% then he wakes up from being passed out
Read it on batoto or mangahere. Most other sites have a shit ton of missing chapters.
Someone redraw this one
yeah cheers thought so
oh okay
we need a Reigen version of the gaijin 4koma template
any specifics on who's who?
Hmmm, I guess from front to back definitely Reigen, then maybe Mob, Teru, and Dimple.
The order could change based on personality compared to the image, but Reigen definitely has to be front and center.
claw boss, mogami, dimple psycho helmet, reigen
if you're not caught up on the manga, maybe don't look at these and just do reigen, dimple bodyguard mob and teru
I'm just an anime-only at the moment. I planned to pick the manga up after the season (series?) ended. I like the suspense. I'll just do those four, but I can come back and do another one at some point too.
Also sorry I'm in the process of gathering a couple reference pics I am slow
that's fine, good luck
don't spoil yourself just for a drawing
>laptop fans whirring at max speed
>computer sounds like it's on fire
>burns to the touch
>...opens photoshop
>once Mob leaves to do this own thing
I don't want this but I know that's something that can't be avoided even if ONE doesn't put it in the manga.
I know the anime is following the manga and shows Mob reached 100% but they could have fucked with non manga readers by showing the 1000% instead.
I hope they still keep in touch when that happens. ;_;
I'm more interested as in how they're gonna show the 0% 1000% contrast. My guess wouod be a still of Mob's 0% and a rapidly rising counter for Reigen.
It's episode 11 and I still see reviewers saying 100% is a power that Mob can't control.
WTF is wrong with these guys?
I hope it shows Mob's counter going down to 0 as Reigen's rises.
It's the same guys who initially got hooked by "from the creator of OPM" slogan and advertise it as such.
You could make him give a speech on true love and shit.
Then he'd demand payment for advice.
Garlic bread -> salt or takoyaki
Nice. Saved.
the ring?
>WTF is wrong with these guys?
They're stupid
Well he does lose some control due to the emotional outbreak. It is called Mob explosion after all. You can't be described as in control when you're going on pure anger/killing intent. And he still seems rather fixated when it's any other emotion.
1000% Reigen when?
Technically speaking they're kind of right, but not in the way they likely mean to be.
"100%" is Mob not bottling up his stress and emotions anymore, usually because he reached his limit and needs to burn off some stress. The reason he bottles everytging up in the first place is his stronger emotions effect his power use, meaning he's not fully in control of them while he's experiancing strong emotions.
What is Ritsu whispering in Reigen's ear?
"He's a gentleman on the streets, but a freak in the sheets."
>all this Reigen love ITT
Is Reigen the husbando of this season? It's surprising to see someone so loved and well received.
Next to our boy Juzo.
Juzo is a waifu, user.
>husbando of this season
More like husbando of the 21st century.
Is it possible that Reigen's sudden popularity will make animeonlys embrace Episode 12 even more? We've been "worrying" that they'll be disappointed. Right now, they all think he's either dead or badly injured, so having another Reigen fest with the on-going meme might actually be beneficial for the series overall.
I don't get why some people think they'll be disappointed. Wouldn't they be happy that their new favorite character is still alive and gets to basically solo the remaining Scar members?
Yup. I think killing intent would've been his most powerful state besides ???% but then reigen kinda killed it.
Just curious, but why did reigen become 1000% when he absorbed Mob's 100% energy?
Because Reigen is much weaker than Mob normally, so Mob's 100% = Reigen's 1000%.
Well, everyone's expecting Mob to go all 100% on them. Instead, we'll get more Reigen humor, and I can already see some people calling BS on the psychic-power-transmission thing.
Requesting this with Reigen.
Because he's not an autistic middle schooler and can handle an exponentially higher amount of emotion-based power without going haywire. In other words he's the strongest esper
Well, those people are clearly missing the point of Mob Psycho then.
I will not disagree. I've been holding off watching since I know what happens and would rather marathon it all at once, but all the positivity makes me feel like I'm missing out.
>Reigen is just 10 times weaker than Mob
Wouldn't that still put him well above most of the espers in the manga in terms of power?
Well, he did defeat Shimazaki.
my sides/10
this last 100 (murderous intent) he probably can't control but none of the others were like this one though
How do you even live like that?
100% Patience.
Because the pacing would be horrible. The silliness of the first story of the first episode gives the viewer an idea of the humor, the second story is a bit more serious-toned to let the viewer know that's not all there is.
The schoolgirl story of the second episode coincidences well with Mob's decision to join the body improvement club.
I think a lot of people will be actually disappointed on how everything gets resolved, the moment shou shous up.
Huh? Why? I thought Shou's moment would be one of the highlights. He's perhaps the most mysterious Claw member right now since he seems to be very powerful, yet doesn't have a scar.
Nah it's the other way around, a lot will actually be happy how the final battle trope was inverted. It's only a few shounenfags who missed the point of the show since ep 1 (who think they "get" Reigen and thus hating him) who will call the ending an asspull.
If anyone knows where I can get a mob pillow please direct me that way.
I've been looking and looking and cannot find even one listing so far.
Is there a drawfag mad enough to turn embed related into reigen themed dance off with claw branch glancing?
Only triggered chuuni shonenfag will hate it and they deserve a round of mockery for that.
I could see a lot of people wanting the MCs to deal with it and see Shou doing his thing as a cheap cop out. In the manga it wasnt a problem cause it was ongoing, but as the finale to an anime? I dont know, i do think Bones will nail it and make it as cool looking as possible, so they wont even think about it. For them Shou is still a mysterious entity so its probably my bias talking here.
at least they won't see shou go from mysterious entity to shitty window dressing nothing character
Well, maybe I don't see it like that because, as manga readers, we already know Shou and how his role in this arc actually leads to future storylines. Maybe if BONES is able to make it as cool as possible, give him some extra charisma, and hint at him becoming relevant again in the future through Ritsu/his dad, it'll look better.
How does this magic even work? You post reigen and the dubs come to you!
Yea i think its my bias, i dont even remember how i felt seeing shou the first time. I think i was intrigued too at first which in turn only fueled my total dissapointment.
I agree the talk with boss will be enough hype for most people.
Why are people talking about Shou stealing the shou? I already said I heard from one of the close guy with Tachikawa that they will do an original ending.
>Shou stealing the shou
Did redrawfag redrew baba yet? It was first on the poll but i got to bed after that.
>not Ritsu holding the knife at Reigen
Do we know what the general female opinion on Reigen is? Or is everyone focused on 14 year old boys making out with eachother?
Dude. Literally everyone wants to fuck Reigen, male and females alike.
What's "slick" about that? I always light my cigarettes like that. I think a lot of people do.
Everyone likes Reigen. Plus, females probably draw the majority of fanart.
>tfw got a friend to watch Mob with me
>marathon all 11 eps in a day, friend going on about how perfect Reigen is the whole time
>now he wants to read the manga
I drop this anime it not good with d gray man hallow.
ONLY thing good this season was berserk 2016.
Reigen seems to be the most popular character among both male and female fans, at least with people who read the manga.
It's fairly common, but I don't think everyone puts their hand in front of the lighter like that. That's the hot part imo.
This is perfect
>I don't think everyone puts their hand in front of the lighter like that
Well, I do. I think it's pretty normal and logical to shield your lighter from the wind.
I don't know, I only have one friend who smokes and she never does it like that. Maybe it's a cultural thing or something.
I read some of the manga a while and haven't been really keeping up with it, but, I decided to watch the adaptation, which is fucking great. When I read the manga, I actually agreed with Ritsu/Teru calling Mob to fight back(however cool Gratitude was) because in any other situation, they would probably die. But it took me until the anime to realize that Mob is a kid and Reigen is an adult, and Reigen just doesn't want Mob to fight back because kids shouldn't have to, and he should let adults handle their adult fights on their own(which is exactly what happened with Gratitude). Dude just wants Mob to grow up to be a good person.
Excellent anom
Someone need to make a compilation of all Reigen dub posts.
A pretty interesting piece on Reigen and Episode 11: crunchyroll.com
Did someone do the CIA one?
I was thinking since it's crunchyroll it would be just more shitty pandering but this is actually pretty interesting.
>Reigen doesn't just preach kindness—he lives it.
This is actually pretty good.
Surprisingly well made. I enjoyed that. Thanks user.
I thought it would be shit, but that was really nice.
Reigen makes me want to be a better person ;_;
Reigen is litterary Jesus
I'll be honest here, It's been a while since I've liked a character as much as I do Reigen. He's such the perfect combination of kind and entertaining.
I want to marry Reigen.
>ywn have a husband like Reigen
Fucking perfect
when is that episode 11+12 screening? is it before monday/will we get news of season 2 with it?
Saturday, I think
>slice the fuck out of concrete and metal on a large scale
>cut the concrete in a slash around your target
>it's merely a flesh wound instead of cleaving him in 2
Fucking stupid. Reigen really should be dead.
Who said he's not dead? OP even says he's dead already. LEARN2READ
Reigen already had Mob's power in him at that point though, so it makes sense that he's still alive.
this one is perfect
Reigen had Mob's Juice in him already.
Wait, what's this? It's airing early?
Monday as far as i know at 8pm in Taiwan.
what's this about?
first time hearing about this.
Anybody have the mangaone update? It looks like Dimple and Mob are about to throw down
I keep hearing that Teru is KO'd, I hope someone posts caps
Pls live Teru ;_;
Man I was hoping a Broccoli fueled Teru could fight Mob also wasn't there supposed to be no update this week? Did Reigen lie to us?
so just 4 hours ahead of airing time?
Yes, Staff is there and maybe ONE too. Watching the episode 4 hours ahead of time.
Reigen just said there was a 3 day weekend this week in Japan, I don't know why people thought that meant no chapter this week.
I can't read most of it, but it looks like Teru jobbed (he's tied down so I'm hoping for some lewd fanart) and Mob immediately recognizes Dimple.
Also, the omake features kid Reigen. C-cute.
>kid Reigen
Just in time for that tragic flashback next episode
I hope Teru's okay. I'll hope for lewd fanart when we find out that he is.
The official Mob Psycho twitter account reached 50k followers and they said they'll show us a token of their GRATITUDE in a few days.
I want it now
does anyone have the raws, or know a reliable place to find them? can't get the mangaone app
All this sudden news make me happy, and fucking hyped
>trying really hard to lower my expectations
Fuck yeah Orginal ending confirmed. To show their gratitude they will give us a different version of Mob Psycho's story.
Someone please post raws
Post Teru
I can already tell this Teru is gonna have tons of fanart
I wouldn't mind as long as they don't change the resolution of Claw arc too much and it stays close to ONE's style. Noragami had an original ending, but then got a second season.
I really want the claw boss arc animated if only for the influx of tracksuit Teru art
>Teru jobbing off screen
Goddamit ONE. Of course I didn't expect him to win but that's fucking lame.
Holy shit, that ass.
He also lost offscreen to Shimazaki then we got a flashback.
any link or screenshot? can't really search at the moment
I just checked and they do say Gratitude (same kanji as in the manga), the absolute madmen.
I don't see a confirmation of anime original ending. Am I stupid?
He's just shitposting.
It's a shitpost.
I'm dumb. Here's a Reigen instead.
as a animefag only im pretty sure he isnt dead
spoil me up family
He is dead unless the anime decides to do an original ending and diverge from the manga.
He's ___dead.
He dies but follows Mob as a ghost
Requesting this with Mobu-kun and Reigen
Fujos never disappoint.
I really hope they go with the original ending, seeing Mob breakdown animated is going to be gorgeous and just thank to this, I won't regret the death of Reigen
The only thing making me think they're not going with the original end is that they're not going to animate the ghost in the office chapter where Mob exorcise Reigen's ghost
>No scans but we have lewd fanart already.
No. I'm not complaining.
Do some fujos not have jobs or social lives and just sit in front of the computer all day, so they can draw fanart the second the chapter updates?
>Teru jobbed
Least surprising thing I've read this week desu
>someone in Japan which is in a totally different timezone saw a chapter and decided to pump out a drawing which probably took about an hour
Something like that could take someone with skill literally less than 30 minutes with coloring. git gud
We still don't know that thing's powers, though.
I would really like for Teru to die and Mob having to reconcile himself with that fact and consider killing off Brocoli, even if that meant that dimple would die too.
source of the fanarts?
i thought they're from pixiv but saucenao couldnt help out this time
/r/ raws for the love of reigen
I agree that Teru dying would take the story in an interesting direction. On the other hand, he's my favorite character, so I want him to be happy, and not dead.
Killing him off seems like it would be narratively useless and just serve as shock value
I agree, that would be teru-ble
I can't see ONE killing off a character just to raise the stakes.
All I wanted was to see him mind controlled and be saved by the power of /fa/
You did great guys. BIC is proud. 50k followers.
I don't want Teru to die, and I doubt ONE would kill him off. True, he may be a slut, and a blonde, and a jobber, but he's still pretty entertaining, and Mob doesn't need any more suffering in his life.
>saved by the power of /fa/
I'll be so pissed if that unholy monkey shirt doesn't end up being plot-relevant in the slightest.
he sees mob wearing it and is reminded of his friendship and or gay feelings
>and Mob doesn't need any more suffering in his life
Speaking of Mob and suffering, he kinda just walked past Teru when he saw him in that state.
The set up was all there and ONE didn't deliver.
Do we have a percentage? I'm sure he is fucking pissed.
It went up from 60-something in the previous chapter to 70-something I think.
Believe me, it will
>gay feelings
Where did this 'Teru is gay for Mob' meme come from?
No I read anime too.
I bet you didn't see that coming, huh? Neither did your mom.
he called mob handsome pretty shortly before the whole broccoli thing became more relevant
also it was mostly a joke
I'll do it user.
I'm at work till 7pm will draw up and post later in the evening.
He is a cute anime boy and Mob is another cute anime boy. Shippers don't need more than that.
From people feeling guilty about shipping Mob with Reigen or Ritsu and having to find some other guy to ship him with.
Goddammit Tsuchiya
I dont know what is going on but tsuchi is looking cute as fuck.
Teru wins and loses are balanced, Ritsu is pretty much the jobber of MP100, kinda funny how all he did was using a barrier in Episode 11.
How long has it been since Ritsu got his powers?
Teru's pretty cool to be honest
>that Tsuchiya
Why didn't anime moe her up like this?
they were too busy moeing Mob up
Tsuchi looked good enough in the anime. The real deal was mukai tho.
So much autism on this face, and so much cuteness
We need more cool-looking fanart for Mob,
I'd like to think he got /fit/because Mob is into /fit/ guys (or at least he knows he hangs out with them)
Not into the ship itself but more into the idea of Teru wanting to be noticed by senpai.
The only good ship is Mob/Happiness
no one is good enough for him.
Reigen's magic is real.
I want to put him on a pedestal and then push him off and watch him cry and bleed because he's so cute
That is not okay. Mob must be protected.
>Not into the ship itself but more into the idea of Teru wanting to be noticed by senpai.
That part is canon.
Would you eat Teru?
You sick fuck, that's not what Mob is for.
I wouldn't eat him, but I would "eat" him, if you know what I mean.
Is Reigen what happens when you max out your Bluff skill, but nothing else?
>i read the shittily drawn japanese web comic therefore i'm superior lol
Reigen's when you max your every skill but psychic
It takes skill to do a drop kick, so he maxed everything but PSY and STR.
Honestly, what was the point of that? It was natural for Mob to worry about Ritsu, but why should he worry about Teru too? They weren't even that close at that point (Mob even thought of the BIC instead of him for this mission). What an attention whore. Kidding. I love Teru and their friendship is precious.
Is anyone able to post the raw pages yet?
Autumnal Equinox Day, also a Japanese holiday. I don't think we're getting any chapters this week.
what was everyone talking about in this thread some posts up about teru jobbing and all that then? i'm confused
There was a new chapter today. I would post it, but I can't figure out how to take screenshots from the app.
After their fight, Mob replaced Teru as the protagonist of Teru's life, so blondie has an almost worshipful attitude towards Mob, in addition to being buddies with him.
Thanks for the confirmation anyway!
No. Cannibalism is wrong.
People who can't properly read a thread.
It's one guy though.
Reigen is a miracle
Reigen-kun a cute!
I want to hug Serizawa.
I want to fug Serizawa.
>Mobu is so beta he's bottom even with a girl
Pretty sure Mr. Suzuki has been doing that for years.
>NEET-kun is used goods
>Reigen is pure
How is this possible?
It's because NEET-kun's master was shitty, but Reigen is a good master who does not fuck subordinates.
He meant his Toichirou you fuck
People don't die in ONE stories.
What if Dimple/Tsubomi is the real final boss? Or just Tsubomi alone?
Like father, like son
Which is why Toichiro's son is making that face
It'd feel lackluster because she's an underdeveloped character and no one cares about her.
NEET-kun and Reigen's love is pure!
> best girl
> no one cares about
Did you mean Mezato? Tsubomi is barely relevant.
>tfw no psychic bf who can take you out for a walk in the sky
Toichiro worst dad, husband and master.
The real reason why Shou's mommy left.
>Is literally more of an idea than an actual character
>best girl
It's true user. Worst girl to best girl goes
To be honest I want Mob to realize he has a super idealized view of Tsubomi and move on from her at the end because people do change
When will they adopt Mob?
wrong again user
>Tsubomi falls for Mob
>Mob is no longer interested
I really want this
Very shitty phone screenshots incoming for those in a hurry
He also chains it into sneak attack. Nigga's pretty much a bard that could make more money as a masseuse but really wants to pretend he's psychic.
Haven't they already?
I just finished the Claw Boss arc, I honestly really loved it. Why do people shit on it?
much appreciated user
Mangaone app
Mob doesn't look too happy.
They can't handle all those emotions.
Also Shou thinking Ritsu showed up to save him was kinda cute
Last page
Teru, the biggest jobber after Ritsu (and Koyama, but he doesn't really count).
It's almost a meme at this point to hate it.
And there is my favourite jobber. That's indeed some lewd binding desu senpai
Broccoli/Teru doujins when?
But why?
Honestly there's nothing wrong with the claw boss arc. It's literally the same shit as monster association arc and everyone loves that arc to pieces.
The difference is that monster association arc was complete when OPM aired on tv, and claw boss arc wasn't. 99% of mob psycho fans discovered the webcomic after watching the OPM anime, so do the math.
It's just sort of mediocre and the fight is totally straightforward which is something mob readers aren't that into.
Thanks a lot user!
ONE is just baiting the fujos at this point.
2/7 I forgot to spoiler the first page haha
For a moment I got confused and I thought Shou was in this week's chapter
Only newfags hate ii, those who read it after OPM before the anime came out, dont mind them. Everyone who was a long time fan at that point just hated the way ONE updated the manga and how slow everything was. Read as a whole or even animated its quite good.
oh shit, mob's gearing up. he has his serious esper hair going on
This is what I'm saying all the time. They read the manga when OPM was airing and got bored with the slow updates. They didn't realize MA arc in OPM took like 2 years.
He was baiting the fujos all along.
>just hated the way ONE updated the manga and how slow everything was
Yeah, that was mostly the case. And also people didn't seem to like Shou very much back then.
I didn't like Shou very much back then but now I think he's a character who has/had a decent amount of potential that ONE didn't pull off very well.
>Mob in school girl uniform
>Ritsu in maid outfit
I don't think ONE is baiting, that's his fetish.
7/7 I hope these pics are slightly better in quality this time
Is ONE a homo?
it's fine, some people expected some kind of twist and ONE just played by the book.
>this user has a point, I better state my unpopular opinion and act like japanese things are bad even though i'm on Cred Forums
You're so weeb my man you hate yourself
ONE is pure, he just thinks guys in girls clothing is funny.
Is his character "journey" even over? He somehow redeemed himself, but we still don't know what he's doing now or what he plans to do next. It would be nice for him to be to Ritsu what Teru's to Mob. Sadly, the manga might not last enough for that.
Thanks, user.
Gotta give it to ONE, at first it loocked kinda lacking but now I'm loving Psycho Helmet's look.
Yes. Murata is his secret boyfriend.
Reigen-kun a cute
Man. The art this issue is something else. Thanks user.
Isn't he a homophobe? I remember there was some controversy with that gay dude from OPM.
It would look creepy as fuck animated.
that actually sounds cute user
ONE's art has improved a ton these past years. I hope he notices this and is less hard on himself.
>grassy creaking every time it moves
>what Teru's to Mob.
So, friend?
Are (You)?
Are we all?
Mob literally no reaction when he saw Teru getting bondaged.
Poor Teru can't be the main protagonist and Mob's lover.
True, the quality was basically the same, hard to tell which was the better Arc.
Saitama Garou was damn good, Mob vs Boss was very DBZlite but it was also good.
Although King outshined Reigen imo.
What would its voice sound like?
Reposting this
I still dislike him, Boss grew on me during the fight, which was bad too but more tolerable. Shou is still my only and most disliked char. Both kinda lacked purpose and character.
>Although King outshined Reigen imo.
Unfortunately for Teru, Mob is one of the few non-faggots in the series.
Teru turned good after Mob made him see the light. Shou is also changing after meeting Ritsu. But yeah, esper friend of his age.
Why the fuck is Mob not using his powers to fly?
He wants to show off his improved muscles.
King literally did nothing but imagine things.
Reigen took out one of the best esper in the series.
He doesn't like relying on his powers.
He get's dizzy
Justifiable self defense rush was very funny, but King took to a whole new level, outsmarting the whole Monster Elite Guard.
He said he doesn't like using Telekenisis on himself in Teru fight. Only time he used it is when he's at 100% hostility.
>Mob beats God Dimple using nothing but his raw strength
I doubt it but at least a final blow would be good.
Simple levitating should be enough would look cooler too. This looks almsot comical given the seriousness of the situation.
He mentioned it in some chapter, he doesn't like doing it
And Boss fight. Basically he only does it when he's at 100%
Monster Association arc is not that interesting outside of the Garou fight imo
Garou fight >>>>>>>>>>>> Boss fight obviously and they aren't that similar at all
It's similar that both MC are out of the fight because of stupid things and fodders vs fodders battles are happening which aren't important at all because Garou and Boss are completely on a different level anyway.
Teru doesn't deserve Mob if he is going to be such a fucking jobber.
Kidding. I'd say he is my 3rd favourite character in the series and I was so fucking ready for him to be mind controlled and fight Mob again but I still trust ONE and his plan for this final showdown.
yeah but basically the whole MA arc is building up Garou's character which climaxes in the fight using Saitama as a foil
The Boss arc and fight are just totally straightforward "beat the baddy" shonen, which is not ONE's forte
Nobody deserves Mob, especially not an eternally jobbing, bleached-blonde slut.
We already know Garou's character when he saved the ugly kid from bullies. Nothing changed in his character when the MA fights started besides making Garou beat fodders and get stronger.
Not even best boy?
Why is Teruki a slut again?
it's all buildup, it's not necessary to add new elements of his character just make him progress through the plot and get stronger
and when he feels like an unbeatable god by virtue of absorbing everyone's techniques and using saiyan magic, saitama ("real life") shows up and fucks his ass so we slowly get to see him crumbling down
Reminder that Shou called Mob a faggot. If CR fail to translate that properly, then this anime is a flop.
He called him a wimp. Stop trying to force this.
Do you speak Japanese?
Leave him, he has to meme to stay alive.
the word faggot doesn't even exist in japanese
He was out on a date before the bancho fight. Also, he's blonde, and blonde guys are sluts by nature.