Are you ready for more "My loli oneechan is a giant robot and I am an Empress!?"
Are you ready for more "My loli oneechan is a giant robot and I am an Empress!?"
>robots are still 2D even after the re-air
Hell yes I am.
I am ready
I'm glad they have their shit together.
The heavy-handed sfx distortion still annoys me but damn, 2d and the cast is worth it.
They never said artstyle was going to change
>inb4 quality drop anyway because they work on lolibots and cute grill bicycles at once
Eps 1-4 are going to be reired right?
Also holy fuck it looks amazing
I just wish they would fucking fix the audio and stop compressing explosions until they sounds like shit
3rd ep re-aired already, 4th this week.
Woah fuck, where can I wtach?
At the same place you watched them last time.
Nothing on nyaa though
>English-translated [Merchant] Regalia - 03v2 [720p].mkv
Fuck you Aoba
Mechant is based and their raw is not janky as fuck like the Horriblesubs one.
any screenshots comparing the re air?
>piloting while wearing her royal garb
Cant wait. I hope they fixed the sound
>I hope they fixed the sound
They didn't watch the first vid
Could QUALITY Code have been avoided if its studio also had enough balls to do this?
How do you fuck up even the chairs?
I guess they weren't paid to draw chairs.
(Or anything else)
I may actually watch it for the QUALITY since the rest of the show felt terrible
Never watched show, what was so bad that they had to halt production of it and restart?
Nothing, it had the best sakuga of the season but apparently was not good enough for the staff.
Now it has the best sakuga of Fall 2016, sasuga ACTAS.
To me, the only thing terrible about that show is its QUALITY. The plot is decent, the multiple MCs and change of POV every few episodes are pretty neat and refreshing. If only its animation was at least of average quality, it could have been an actual great anime.
>The heavy-handed sfx distortion
This was the worst part about the show, hopefully it's better going forward.
Apparently that's just a problem with the raws. The on air version was apparently fine.
The fight scenes always looked shit to me,Like frame drops. I don't know if this was Funimations fault or Japans.
Props for the Director saying pulling it back though.
Looks like hot garbage in the making.